WPS body title does not correspond to directory navigation? wps directory and content do not match the solution

Posted: 2024-05-13 11:12:38 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
In WPS, the directory displayed in the navigation pane may not be the same as the actual directory, because WPS uses the "auto numbering" function by default to generate the directory, and the auto numbering sometimes differs from the actual directory, as detailed in the following workaround

Now we write papers are basically using WPS, and the general process of writing papers is to first write the content of the article and then deal with the contents of the article, but in the actual situation, many users do not know how to use the automatic generation of WPS directory function, but their own manual preparation in the home page, if the paper is not modified after that is better, If the content and format of the paper are adjusted, then the table of contents and the text will not match. Here's a simple way to automatically generate directories.

Method 1: Right-click and select the title. Right-click and set the directory level.

Method 2:

1, open the "WPS text" and then click "Format" → "Style and Format".

2, we are going to modify the style of "body", "Title 1", "title 2" and "title 3", if your article has something like "" Then you have to style the "title 4" property, and so on. Because the default style in the WPS does not necessarily fit the required paper format for your school.

① We click the right mouse button in the "body", the word "modify" appears, right click it.

② In the "Modify style" inside I select this font "Song typeface", size select "small four", in the middle of the box select "align both ends" and "1.5 times space". After we have selected it, we click on "Format" in the red box at the bottom.

③ After clicking "Format", there appears a dialog box, in which I select "first line indent, 2 characters" in "Special Format". Select 0 for Before/After segment. Set the line space to 1.5 times. After all are set, click the "OK" in the lower right corner, and then return to the "Modify style" dialog box, in which we also click "OK".

④ The same method is used for headings 1, 2 and 3. However, it is worth noting that there will be some different Settings, please see the following two figures.

After each of the above Settings, remember to check before "Save to template at the same time".

3, after setting, use "Title 1", "Title 2", "title 3" to define each chapter in the paper. For example, we point the cursor to "1 introduction", and then use the left mouse button to click on the right title 1, the definition is finished; Similarly, headings 2 and 3 are used to define 1.1 and 1.1.1; And so on until the end of the section.

4. When everything is defined, we can generate the directory. Move your cursor to the blank space where you want to insert the directory at the beginning of the article and select Insert → Reference → Directory. A small window will appear, and we can click "OK".

5. The picture after processing is as follows:

6, when you re-modify the content of the article, you need to update the directory, the method is: select the entire directory, and so on, after turning blue, in the directory area, right-click, select "update domain", in the dialog box that appears after selecting "update the entire directory" click "OK".

How do WPS documents automatically generate directories?

There are usually 2 steps to create a directory:

1, set the title first: Click to enter the outline view → Set the first-level title, second-level title, just point the cursor to the title line (click each title separately), and then promote the title, downgrade the title, set it one by one. Regenerate into a directory. All right, let's go to page view. If the font, size and line spacing of some titles do not meet the requirements, it is best to switch to the outline view to select the display level to the lowest title level, and then directly see the title modification, which is the fastest.

2, then insert Reference → Index and Directory → Directory, select a format. The rest will be fine.

If the paper has four levels of titles, but there are only three levels of titles in the wps, you can click to enter the outline view → Settings, and then promote the title, downgrade the title, one by one, it is said that it can be set to 8 level titles.

Or you can:

1, with the style and format function to set the title style;

2, choose the level of the title you want to set in the directory, define the number of each title;

3, then insert the directory (Insert --> Reference --> Index and directory)

How does WPS insert in an edited directory?

1, set the title in the text to different levels of the title style, such as the first level of the title set to title 1, the second level of the title set to title 2.

2, reference - insert directory; Or chapter -- contents page. When modifying an edited directory, right-click any location in the directory and choose Update Domain.

The above is the wps directory with the content of the solution, I hope you like, please continue to pay attention to the script home.

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  • Tag: wps directory body title

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