JetBrains PhpStorm 2019.3.3 Activation Special Edition for Mac (with activation code)

PhpStorm2019 for Mac download

  • Software size: 349MB
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Software license: Free software
  • Software Category: Development software
  • Application platform: Mac
  • Software official website: official website
  • Last updated: 2020-02-15
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

JetBrains PhpStorm 2019.3.3 Mac Activation is a PHP development software for developers (Python IDE), very powerful, with PyCharm, you can use Python to develop applications. In addition, in the Professional edition, you can develop Django, Flask and Pyramid applications, which are very powerful. At the same time, it has full support for HTML (including HTML5), CSS, JavaScript, and XML, which are bundled into the IDE via plugins and enabled for you by default. You can also add support for other languages and frameworks through plugins, use it to help users easily create open projects, and the freedom to adjust your environment to make it more personal, with software, you can easily create error-free applications, and save a lot of time, such as code completion can assist you in code generation, analyze context and make optimization suggestions. Complete monitoring of your code keeps it accurate and clean at all times, detecting code that may be faulty, allowing you to fix it early to prevent later workloads, and then you can run, debug, and test your application. To test whether it can be used normally.

Software special notes

JetBrains PhpStorm 2019.3.3 Mac Activation is available in the activation Code.txt file in the zip package

JetBrains PhpStorm 2019.1 Mac activation procedure

1. Copy the.jar file to the bin folder where the IDE is installed.

2. Open the [APP-INSTALLDIR] \ bin \ [app-launcher].exe.vmoptions file, for example for me it is in C: \ Program Files \ JetBrains \ PhpStorm 2018.3 \ bin \ phpstorm64.exe.vmoptions

3. Paste and save at the end of this file (replace the path to the.jar file with the path, make sure it doesn't have quotes) -javaagent: JetbrainsIdesCrack- version 3.4, enc.jar

If it doesn't work, use a fully qualified file name: -javaagent: C: /[path]/JetbrainsIdesCrack-3.4-release-enc.jar

4. Launch the JetBrains product using the activation code

5. Use the firewall to prevent applications from accessing the Internet

Software function

First, intelligent coding assistance

PyCharm provides intelligent code completion, code review, dynamic error highlighting and quick fixes, as well as automatic code refactoring and rich navigation capabilities.

1. Intelligent code editor

PyCharm's smart code editor provides first-class support for Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, popular templating languages, and more. Take advantage of language-aware code completion, error detection and instant code repair!

2. Intelligent code navigation

Use smart search to jump to any class, file or symbol, or even any IDE action or tool window. Switch to declarations, super methods, tests, usage, implementation and more with just one click.

3. Fast and secure reconfiguration

Intelligent refactoring of code, using secure renaming and deleting, extracting methods, introducing variables, inlining variables or methods, and other refactoring. Language - and framework-specific refactoring helps you make project-wide changes.

2. Built-in developer tools

PyCharm's numerous tools out of the box include an integrated debugger and test runner; Python profiler; Built-in terminal; Integration with major VCS and built-in database tools; Remote development capability of remote interpreters; An integrated ssh terminal; And integrate with Docker and Vagrant.

1. Debugging, testing and analysis

Use a powerful debugger and graphical UI for Python and JavaScript. Create and run tests with coding help and a GUI-based test runner. Complete control of your code with the Python Profiler integration.

2. VCS, deployment and remote development

Save time with a unified UI to work with Git, SVN, Mercurial, or other version control systems. Run and debug applications on remote computers. Easily configure automatic deployment to remote hosts or VMS and manage your infrastructure with Vagrant and Docker.

3. Database tools

Access Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and other databases directly from the IDE. Rely on PyCharm for help when editing SQL code, running queries, browsing data, and changing schemas.

Third, Web development

In addition to Python, PyCharm also provides first-class support for various Python Web development frameworks, templating specific languages, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, AngularJS, Node.js, and more.

1. Python Web Framework

PyCharm provides framework-specific support for modern Web development frameworks such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, and web2py, including the Django template debugger,, and tools. Special autocomplete and navigation, just to name a few. A few.

2. JavaScript and HTML

PyCharm provides first-class support for JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS, as well as their modern successors. The JavaScript debugger is included in PyCharm and is integrated with the Django server run configuration.

3. Real-time editing

Live edit Preview allows you to open the page in the editor and browser, and see the changes you've made in your code immediately in the browser. PyCharm automatically saves your changes, and the browser dynamically updates the page to show your changes.

Scientific tools

PyCharm integrates with the IPython Notebook, has an interactive Python console, and supports Anaconda as well as various scientific packages such as Matplotlib and NumPy.

1. Interactive Python console

You can run a REPL Python console in PyCharm, which offers many advantages over the standard console: dynamic syntax checking using checks, braces and quotes matching, and, of course, code completion.

2, science stack support

PyCharm has built-in support for science libraries. It supports Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, and other scientific libraries, giving you first-class code intelligence, graphics, array viewers, and more.

3. Conda integration

By using a separate Conda environment for each project to maintain your dependencies, PyCharm makes it easy to create and select the right environment.

A customizable and cross-platform IDE

PyCharm on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux using a single license key. Enjoy a finely tuned workspace with custom color schemes and key bindings, and VIM emulation.

1. Customizable UI

Are there any software developers who don't like to tweak their tools? We haven't come across one yet, so we've made PyCharm UI customization a breeze. Enjoy fine-tuned workspaces, customizable color schemes and key bindings.

2. Plug-in

More than 10 years of development of the IntelliJ platform has provided PyCharm with more than 50 IDE plug-ins of different nature, including support for other VCS, integration with different tools and frameworks, and editor enhancements such as Vim emulation.

phpstorm2019.1 New features:

1. Debug the branch and blade templates

Debugging is very effective when you encounter nasty errors or sneak into the code base. But compiling template code through machine generation is a nightmare. With PhpStorm and Xdebug, you can now do step debugging in the original uncompiled.twig and.blad.php files of these two popular template engines. All debugging benefits are available here: view context, local and global variables, add monitoring, step by step, and more!

Two, find the dead code

If you're working with a legacy codebase and want to clean things up, a good way to start is to remove the dead code. PhpStorm now detects redundant code and highlights classes, class members, and functions that may never be used. This unused declaration check takes account of the code's account dynamic use, for example via magic methods. To check the report for the entire project, select Code - > Check Code... .

3. Refactoring, intent, and quick fixes

1. String Juggling Toolbox

We added several new intents to the action string. You can now convert string concatenation into interpolation, concatenation or interpolation into sprintf calls, copy concatenated strings to the clipboard, and do many other things. Press Alt+Enter string to view available operations.

2. Delete unused variables

phpstorm 2019.1 introduces a new quick fix that helps you get rid of unused variables that appear in the use list of assignments or closures. Quick Fix is smart enough to detect situations where an assignment expression might have side effects.

3. Move to class refactoring

With the new Move to Class refactoring, you can pass functions or constants to the classes they logically belong to, and PhpStorm will find and modify all usage for you. You can move multiple functions at the same time by selecting them in the structure tool window.

4. The method may be a 'static' check

If a class has a method that doesn't use any instance references, PhpStorm will detect it and provide a convenient quick fix: press Alt+Enter for the method and make it static. All usage is automatically updated.

4. Reuse containers

For interpreters based on Docker Compose, you can now choose between Docker-Compose run or Docker-Compose exec to execute the container. If you have a heavy-duty container that you don't want to restart every time a test runs, you can reuse it by selecting the docker-compose exec option. Or you can use docker-compose to run lightweight containers or those that don't run in daemon mode (that is, stop them as soon as they start).

Five, improved automatic completion function

With the help of the special file.phpstorm.meta.php, PhpStorm can now better suggest parameters and return values. This is to cover cases, rather than simple types like integers or strings, where you want to see some suggested set of constants. Or, if you want some function to return a constant. You can also improve the suggestions in PhpStorm for your library or project by providing your own.phpstorm.meta.php file.

6. Re-import

We redesigned the checks and intents associated with namespace import and use of FQN. The main idea behind them is to avoid qualifiers whenever possible. PhpStorm will now allow you to simply remove the redundant qualifier if possible, or replace it with the corresponding "use" import statement. Also, when you paste some code into a file, PhpStorm will require you to reuse an existing alias.

7. Code cleaning

In phpstorm 2019.1, the code cleaning tool comes with a PHP-specific intent: it can optimize the appearance of full class names by adding 'use' statements or removing unnecessary parts from them. It can also automatically fix code style issues using PHP CS Fixer or PHP_CodeSniffer's phpcbf. Perform the cleanup before VCS commit, or by code - > Code Cleanup...... Trigger it manually at any time.

Eight, network technology

1. Updated documentation and browser compatibility

documentation () for F1CSS properties and HTML tags and properties now displays the latest descriptions and information about browser support for MDN, as well as links to full MDN articles. In addition, to check that the target browser version supports all of the CSS properties you are using, you can enable the new browser compatibility check in your preferences.

2. Improved TypeScript support in Vue applications

PhpStorm now leverages the TypeScript language service and TypeScript support for TypeScript code in.vue files. This means you can now get more accurate type checking and type information, be able to use the quick fixes provided by the service, and view all TypeScript errors in your current file in the TypeScript tool window.

3. New checks for Angular applications

For Angular applications, PhpStorm has added 17 new checks that help you detect Angular specific errors in your application as you type and suggest appropriate quick fixes. Working in TypeScript and template files, these checks will check your use of bindings, directives, components, and many other things.

4. New debugger console

Use the new, improved interactive debugger console in the JavaScript and Node.js debugger window! It now displays objects in a tree view, and it supports styling log messages using CSS and grouping them using () and console.groupEnd (). You can also filter out any type of log message.

5. Convert a function to async/await using Promise

You can use.then () and.catch () calls to automatically change a function that returns a Promise to an asynchronous function using async/await syntax. Just press Alt-Enter the name of the feature and select Convert to asynchronous feature. This can be done not only in TypeScript files, but also in JavaScript and Flow.

9. IDE

1, the nearest location pop-up window

In this new navigation pop-up window, you will find the most recently visited code points with context - a few lines before, a few lines after. All locations are listed in chronological order in this pop-up window, with the last accessed location at the top. To bring up the new Recent Location pop-up window, press Cmd-Shift-E/ Ctrl+Shift+E. Type any text that you want to search in the context.

2. VCS improvement

The new "Uncheck all" check box for some Git commits allows you to uncheck all blocks of code at once, and then select the block of code to commit. In addition, fixup, squash, and cherry-pick operations can now be found in Git logs.

3. Customize the UI theme

If the default white and Darcula themes are not enough for you, try dark purple or create a custom theme! The color of any element of the IDE, from ICONS, radio buttons to arrows, is now configurable. Fine-tune everything to your liking and save it as a new theme plugin!

10. Database tools

Our colleagues on the DataGrip team have made some nice improvements to the database tools in PhpStorm:

Support for new databases: Greenplum, Vertica, and Apache Hive

Code completion supports a combination of CREATE and DROP statements

Support for DEFINER attributes in MySQL and MariaDB

Support for Oracle schema in MariaDB

You can now set the default folder for your project

Xi. Other Improvements:

1. Original parameter types for visibility and new coloring options for class members. You can configure the color scheme by editing the | color scheme | PHP in Preferences.

2. You can now enable flexible wrapping for specific file types in the editor. To do this, open Preferences/Settings | edit the | general and specify the file type in the Flexible Wrap File field.

3, PHPDoc style configuration has been improved: sort the use of statements, define the order of labels, and customize the number of Spaces. To find all options, go to "Preferences" | edit | Code style | PHP and look for the PHPDoc TAB.

3. Cross-platform IDE

PyCharm is available for Windows, Mac OS or Linux. You can install and run PyCharm on as many computers as you want, and use the same environment and features on all of them.

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JetBrains PhpStorm 2019.3.3 Activation Special Edition for Mac (with activation code)

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