How to plan the optimization construction of internal links on the website? Analysis of the website internal link optimization construction of several major points

Post time: 2018-03-29 17:45:08 Author: Yang Ziseo I want to comment
For common small and medium-sized websites, the optimization and planning of internal links is to improve the user experience as much as possible, then, how to plan the optimization and construction of internal links? In this regard, this article for everyone to analyze the website internal link optimization construction of several major points

Today I will talk with you about the optimization of the internal link of the website, for common small and medium-sized websites, the optimization and planning of the internal link is to improve the user experience as much as possible, and try to highlight the focus of the website. The methods generally used can be divided into the planning of the website navigation structure, the planning of the website map, the planning of the key words link of the main content of the website and the recommendation of related articles. Below, Yang Zi from the above mentioned several dimensions, to simply share with you, hoping to enlighten you in the construction of the website.

First, website navigation structure planning

When it comes to website navigation, it can be said that it is the most important part of the internal link planning. Under normal circumstances, the planning of website navigation can comb the important relationships of the internal pages, which has a very good role in promoting the user experience.

The optimization of the website navigation position is generally planned and designed according to the browsing habits of Internet users, because the crawling behavior of search engine spiders is crawling from left to right and from top to bottom according to the browsing habits of users, and its weight will gradually weaken in the order.

For this principle, according to related books, in 2009, the United States long-term research website usability of the famous website designer Jack Cooper. Nielsen published a report, "The Eye Track Study," in which he noted; In most cases, visitors can't help reading web pages in the shape of "F", and this basically constant reading habit determines the attention heat of the web page in the shape of "F".

Some researchers do eye tracking tests on several different pages to get heat maps, using colors to represent the heat of the viewer's eyes, which are divided into red for the hottest, yellow for the hotter, blue for the less hot and gray for the less focused. As follows:

Photo source network

According to this principle, we should deploy the navigation in the place where the user is most easily seen, and for the search engine to judge the weight of a web page like the above, is weakened according to the user's browsing habits from left to right, from top to bottom, therefore, when we do website navigation optimization, we should meet the user's F-shaped eye track habits, In the F-shaped area, appropriate navigation methods are adopted to better guide user behavior, meet user needs and improve user experience.

Under the premise of the F-shaped hot zone of the web page, the website can adopt the following navigation methods:

1, top navigation: main column, classification navigation, 2, left navigation: a specific column navigation, 3, content navigation: clear visitor's current location, provide quick content navigation.

The above navigation methods can be basically seen on a variety of large websites, of course, for small and medium-sized websites Yang Zi suggested that you can also plan navigation according to this location. The following A5 entrepreneurial network as an example to briefly introduce the top navigation location planning.

Top navigation

Specify: In the top navigation content selection, many traditional sites like to put on the top navigation (main navigation) position of "company introduction", "general manager profile" and other content, for such content as these are basically useless for marketing activities, and certainly not the focus of marketing website construction, even though these content, it is best not to be placed in the leading line position, Can be placed on the bottom navigation.

Left navigation, generally in order to make up for the top navigation and exist, because each column of the website will have a lot of detailed categories, these categories can not be all placed in the top navigation, therefore, the need to use left navigation to make up. The left-hand navigation of Suning e-commerce is as follows:

Left navigation

Content navigation is called breadcrumb navigation, and its purpose is to let users establish a sense of location and know that the page they are viewing is in the directory of the website. For example, the "current location" that exists on many websites is content navigation or breadcrumb navigation (location navigation) as shown in the following figure:

Content navigation can easily let users know the main content of the upper directory, and generate other browsing behaviors to improve the user experience.

If you want to ask which pages the navigation should be distributed on, it is not difficult to look at this question from the user's point of view, which pages after visitors visit, are likely to have the urge to learn more information, then these pages should be placed on the navigation. In short, any page on your website should have some form of navigation, except for a completely meaningless intermediate transition page. The following figure shows the top navigation of Sina home page:

Top navigation

Topic summary page navigation

For small and medium-sized websites, it is also meaningful to make the navigation exist on more pages as much as possible, but it should be noted that it is not hard to pile, and the selection and distribution of the whole site column navigation or content navigation should be planned according to the level of the current page.

As mentioned above in the article, different pages should have different forms of navigation, because different pages are located on different levels of the website, so that the corresponding navigation classification is different. Under normal circumstances, website navigation can be divided into home page navigation, channel navigation (column navigation), content page navigation, etc., according to different levels. The following figure shows the planning form of NetEase for these types of navigation:

NetEase home page guide

NetEase channel navigation is placed under the Banner picture, in the form of columns exist as follows:

Channel navigation

NetEase's content page navigation is placed above the title as shown below:

Content page navigation

Second, website map optimization

When it comes to internal link optimization, basically the first reaction will think of the production of sitemap, a well-optimized sitemap is very beneficial to the guidance of users, improve the user experience, and can also facilitate search engines to understand the structure of the entire site, and the crawling of search engine spiders is very friendly.

Under normal circumstances, the site map is often used in large websites, (because the site map plays an important role in the optimization of the entire website, so SEOer or website builders no matter what website will plan a site map, which will become the norm) it is a supplement to various page navigation, when the large website content is more, It is necessary to use the form of a website map in order to display the entire huge website structure in front of users. The following figure is part of the website map of NetEase:

3. Recommendation of relevant articles and random articles

The recommendation of related articles and random articles is also a form of optimization of the internal link structure of the website. Content page is the largest number of pages in the website, but also the site of the specific content of the media, because most visitors ultimately end up in the content page, so the content page of the internal link planning is easy to guide the user behavior of the place, but also more attention by search engines.

According to the user's access habits, the internal links in the content page are usually carried out by recommended articles, related articles, popular articles, today's headlines and random articles, etc., which is based on the results of user behavior and habits research, and is also the most common internal link optimization method in the current website. The following figure shows the recommendation of hot news in the content page of NetEase news:

Whether it is related article recommendation, random article recommendation, or headline article recommendation, etc., can be reasonably optimized according to their own needs combined with the structure of the website, here Yangzi is not listed.

Fourth, the article keyword link optimization

The optimization of keyword links in the article is also an important way of internal link optimization, about the optimization of the internal link construction of the website, that is, (logical structure) Yang Zi has also explained its importance in a number of articles, why do you say so? Because search engines pay more and more attention to the user experience, and the keyword link optimization in the article can better meet the relevant needs of users, resulting in the link form in the main body of the content becoming more and more important.

Especially today, website optimization is not the past unscrupulous release of a large number of external chains, ranking will go straight to the sky, in recent years, with the search engine algorithm on some garbage outside the chain, trading outside the chain and soft text outside the chain to crack down hard, make many seoer face website optimization at a loss, in their eyes to do optimization is like standing on the edge of a cliff, And the external chain construction also has uncontrollability.

And now, search engines pay more and more attention to user experience, do a good job of content subject keyword optimization is particularly important, here Yang Zi suggested that you can refer to Baidu encyclopedia content keyword link optimization form,

5. Write last

This article was written from 21:00 last night until now. (Of course, this time is not continuous.) The whole article not only integrates Yang Zi's own views, but also draws on relevant references. Of course, Yang Zi does think some references are outdated. After all, Internet knowledge changes with the changes of the Internet era and users' thinking, even from time to time.

By Yang Zi

Well-known domestic Internet platform columnist

  • Tag: Internal link optimization optimization construction

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