
United States
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The United States of America is the capital of the United States Washington . locate North America Central, north and Canada Border, south Gulf of Mexico , approach the west Pacific Face the east Atlantic . Majority region Continental climate Southern genus Subtropical climate The overall terrain is high in the west and low in the east, rich in natural resources, and the total proved reserves of mineral resources rank first in the world. [9] With a total area of 9.37 million square kilometers, shoreline 22,680 kilometers long, the United States is divided into 50 states and 1 district. District of Columbia There are 3,143 counties. As of February 2023, the total population of the United States is about 333 million, of which 57.8 percent are non-Hispanic whites, and most of the residents believe in it Christianity And Catholic, universal English . [1]
The United States was originally Indian The colony. At the end of the 15th century, Spain , Netherlands , France , Britain And begin to migrate to North America. By 1773, Britain had established 13 colonies. In 1775, it broke out War of independence . Adopted on July 4, 1776 Declaration of independence The United States of America was officially proclaimed. 1787, established Federal constitution The south is Slave state The north is Free state . The year 1865 Civil War The end, the United States began to fully embrace capitalism. After the founding of the country, the territory expanded almost tenfold. [1]
The United States is a highly developed modern country, the world's largest economy, with the world's largest and most developed modern market economy. Industrial production has remained stable, and high-tech industries such as information and biology have developed rapidly. It has a sound legal system, a sound market system, a sound business environment and developed infrastructure, and has a leading position in the world in terms of market capacity, scientific and technological strength, educational innovation and labor productivity. In 2022, the US GDP will be $25.5 trillion. [1] The United States is Permanent member of the United Nations Security Council , too North Atlantic Treaty Organization , World Trade Organization , Asia-pacific Economic Cooperation Member states of other international organizations, which political , diplomacy , economy , culture And other fields have a strong influence on the world. [9]
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On June 13, local time, the White House issued a statement said that US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a bilateral security agreement after their meeting on the same day, which clarified the long-term support of the United States for Ukraine and pledged to continue cooperation in the field of defense and security. ... details
Content from CCTV News
Chinese name
United States [1]
Foreign name
The United States of America [1]
Abbreviated form
America [1]
North America
Washington, D.C. [1]
National Day
July 4th, 1776 [1] (Independence Day)
National song
" The Stars and Stripes " (The Star-Spangled Banner) The star-spangled Banner
Country code
USA [1]
Official language
English [1]
U.S. dollar [1]
Time zone
UTC-4 to UTC-12 [1]
Political system
Presidential republic
National leader
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr [1] (President) , Kamala Harris [1] (Vice President)
Population number
About 333 million [9] (as of February 2023)
Population density
35.5 persons/km2 [9] (2023)
Major religion
Protestantism [1] , Catholicism , Mormonism , Judaism [1]
Land area
9370000 km² [1]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$25.5 trillion [1] (2022)
Per capita GDP
$76,400 [1] (2022)
International telephone area code
1 [1]
International domain name abbreviation
.us [1]
Road access
Keep to the right

Historical evolution


Early civilization

Over 40,000 years ago, Indian Ancestral passage Asia reach North America , to Central America and South America ; when Christopher Columbus He was living in America when he arrived in what he thought was the New World Indian About 30 million. Those who live in the United States or Canada Indian About 1.5 million people; these Indigenous people Species of composition, whether from Inheritance In terms of language, society and so on, there are great differences; It is estimated that in the 15th century Rio Grande To the north, there are at least 400 distinct and unrelated cultural forms, with a wide variety of body types and language families.
About 10,000 years ago, another group of Asians moved into northern North America in what became known as the North American region The Eskimos . And the first to come to America White race It is probably Viking It is thought that they visited the east coast of North America 1,000 years ago. [43]

Colonial period

In 1607, a man of about 100 colonization The group was founded on the beach in Chesapeake Jamestown It was the first permanent British building in North America colony . Over the next 150 years, many more came settler Settled in coastal areas, many of which came from Britain And some of it comes from France , Germany , Netherlands , Ireland , Italy and other countries. European immigrants through mass murder Indian Plunder their belongings and occupy them on a large scale Indian The land.
In November 1620, the first batch Puritan take Mayflower Sailing in New England territorial Plymouth In order to create a self-governing civil society unlike that of Europe, they signed a very important political contract - the" The Mayflower Pact And laid the foundation of the United States.
In the mid-18th century, 13 Britain Colonies were gradually formed, each with its own government and parliament under British supreme sovereignty. These 13 colonies are affected by climate and Geographical environment The differences in economic forms, political systems and ideas have resulted in differences between different places. [43]

War of independence

In the middle of the 18th century, the British in America colony There is a rift with Britain. With the continuous expansion of the colony, they gradually realized the seriousness of the development of the situation, and thus began to dream of independence. In 1773, The Boston Tea Party Anti-british colonial dumping.
In 1774, delegates from the 13 states met Philadelphia The first Continental Congress was convened in hopes of a peaceful settlement with the British. However, the King insisted that the colonies must unconditionally submit to the king and be punished. In 1775, in Massachusetts Lexington lights the fire, American War of Independence Eruption.
On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia and formed the Continental Army George Washington As Commander-in-chief, he passed the Declaration of independence The United States of America was officially proclaimed. The Fourth of July is also celebrated as a National Day in the United States.
In February 1778, Benjamin Franklin persuade House of Bourbon So that France and the United States signed a military alliance treaty, France officially recognized the United States. France , Spain , Netherlands Go to war one after another.
In 1781, Battle of Yorktown The Americans won a decisive victory. After that, except for a few engagements at sea and sporadic fighting on land, the North American continent had largely ceased. [43]
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George Washington and the American Revolution
In 1787, in Philadelphia Hold a federal meeting. In session Washington Be promoted as chairman. The Assembly decided that the national government had taxes, minted money, regulated commerce, declared war, and conclude Treaty powers are taken at the same time Montesquieu the Separation of powers The principle is that the legislative, executive and judicial organs check and balance each other.
From 1812 to 1815, Britain again invaded the newly formed United States Second American Revolutionary War . After the war, American states became more united.

Westward movement

The United States acquired it in 1783 Mississippi River Land on the east coast, 1803 from Napoleon It acquired Louisiana from Spain in 1819 and Florida from Spain in 1845-53 Mexican-american War buy Texas , New Mexico , Oregon and California It was purchased from Russia in 1867 Alaska It was annexed in 1898 Hawaiian Islands .
Territorial expansion of the United States
Since the early 19th century, the territorial expansion of the United States has attracted foreign immigrants to migrate westward across the Appalachian Mountains to the West Coast, participate in transportation construction and the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, exploit a large number of natural resources, and promote the industrialization process of the United States. The negative effect is Westward movement The deportation and extermination of native Indians, also known as the Trail of Tears.

Civil War

The growing tension between the industrial bourgeoisie in the North and the plantation slave owners in the South led to Civil War The outbreak of... Both sides focused on the abolition of slavery. south Slave state In order to preserve slavery, it hindered the economic development of the North. And the north Free state Supported policies that hindered the interests of Southern planters.
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American Civil War
In the early 1860s, 11 southern states seceded from the Union and were formed Confederate States of America ; The north says it will do whatever it takes to unify.
On April 12, 1861, a Southern planter named Lincoln He started a civil war by becoming president of the United States, and civil war broke out. It was a bloody war in which Americans came face to face. Because the South was well prepared before the war, the North was at a disadvantage in the early stages of the war. In 1863, Lincoln issued a law The Emancipation Proclamation "And" Homestead act "And in The Gettysburg Address "of the people", "by the people" and "for the people". The North turned the tide.
On April 9, 1865, the Southern government was defeated. This victory not only restored the unity of the United States, but also ceased to be practised in all parts of the country slavery . On April 15 of the same year, President Lincoln Stabbed to death at Ford's Theater. [43]

Modern period

In the early 19th century, the United States began to industrialize and came of age after the Civil War. In less than 50 years, between the Civil War and World War I, the United States went from a rural republic to one urbanization Of the country. The nearly 30 years from 1890 to 1917 are known as the Progressive period.
In 1914, World War I Eruption; In 1917, the United States was embroiled in war and trying to play a new role in the world.
In 1929, capitalism happened Great Depression The Great Depression affected not only the United States, but all countries around the world were affected. The Great Panic left millions of workers unemployed, millions of farmers forced to abandon their fields, factories and shops closed, banks closed, and a depression.
In 1931, World War II Eruption. [11]
In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945) was elected president and fully implemented the "government intervention in the market as the main means". Roosevelt's New Deal ". He advocated government action to end the panic, and introduced a series of policies that temporarily alleviated many of the difficulties, but the U.S. economy did not recover until after World War II.
December 7, 1941, Japan Pearl Harbor attack After the United States entered the war, for Pacific Theater The main force. [43]
After World War II, with Axis powers The defeat of Britain and France, the decline of the power of the United States and The Soviet Union Have become superpower The world is divided into two camps, East and West. The United States and the Soviet Union and their respective camps were engaged in a comprehensive confrontation in military, political, economic and propaganda aspects, just like in wartime. Cold war ".
In 1950, Korean War The outbreak, the United States Army entered the war and with the newly formed People's Republic of China The volunteers fought and the war ended with an armistice at the 38th parallel. After the war, the Cold War escalated.
In 1962, Cuban missile crisis make Cold war The panic was at its peak. In 1969, Apollo 11 Having put a man on the moon for the first time, the United States gradually overtook the Soviet Union in the space race.
In the mid-1960s, Vietnam War Many Americans began to be dissatisfied with the government's foreign policy, and anti-war demonstrations were accompanied by various civil rights movements. In addition, due to the development of industry and the concentration of population, the pollution of the ecological environment was widely noticed in the late 1960s. The economic depression of the early 1970s, caused by the energy crisis, was one of the worst ever. The U.S. economy recovered in the mid-1970s, but then came the late 1970s inflation .
In 1976, the 200th anniversary of the founding of the United States was celebrated throughout the country. Due to its comprehensive advantages in global politics, military, economy, highly developed science and technology, the United States finally defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War in 1991. Collapse of the Soviet Union America won Cold war The final victory, the bipolar pattern gradually being One super, many strong The new international situation replaced the United States as the only one superpower . [43]

Geographical environment


Regional location

The position of the United States in North America
The United States is located North America Central, the territory also includes northwest North America Alaska And the central Pacific Hawaiian Islands . Kitayo Canada Border, south Gulf of Mexico , approach the west Pacific Face the east Atlantic . It covers an area of 9.37 million square kilometers. The mainland is 4,500 kilometers long from east to west, 2,700 kilometers wide from north to south, and its coastline is 22,700 kilometers long. [9]


Topographic map of the United States
The topography of the United States presents diverse characteristics, which can be divided into three parts: east, middle and west. Mountains account for one-third of the land area, and hills and plains account for two-thirds. The terrain in the territory is high on both sides of the east and west, and low in the middle.
The western United States consists mainly of tall mountain systems. These mountain systems include Rocky Mountains , Sierra Nevada and Coast range These mountains form The Cordillera Mountains It runs through the west of North and South America. Between these mountains Colorado Plateau , the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau And other topographic areas.
The central part of the United States is a vast Great plains that covers more than half of the country and is called the Central Plains, Mississippi River Flow through here.
The eastern United States is dominated by low-slung The Appalachian Mountains Composed of these mountains, which are an extension of the Atlantic coast, the average elevation is lower, but the mountains stretch. The East Coast has coastal plains, wide in the south and narrow in the north, as far north as New Jersey and south as far south Florida Peninsula . Behind the coastal plain lies a terrain of undulating foothills that extend to the North Carolina and New Hampshire The Appalachian Mountains are 1,830 meters high. [9]
The topography of the United States is not only diverse, but also has unique natural landscape and geographical characteristics. On the vast territory, plains, mountains, hills, deserts, lakes, swamps and other landforms are distributed from the warm beaches of Florida to the cold northern belt of Alaska. From the flat prairies of the Midwest to the Rocky Mountains covered with snow all year round. The highest mountain in the United States is located in Alaska Mount McKinley At 6,194 meters, it is also the highest mountain in North America. [9]


Parts of the United States belong to Continental climate Southern genus Subtropical climate . The North Central Plains have large temperature differences, with Chicago averaging -3 ° C in January and 24 ° C in July, and the Gulf Coast averaging 11 ° C in January and 28 ° C in July.
Map of precipitation in the United States
The average annual precipitation in the continental United States for many years is 760 mm, and the annual rainfall in the east is 800~2000 mm, and some areas reach 2500 mm. In the west, the annual rainfall is generally less than 500 mm, and only 50 to 100 mm in some areas. [9]


Most of the rivers in the United States run north-south, and the main river systems are: the Gulf of Mexico system, composed of rivers such as the Mississippi River and the Rio Grande River, accounting for two-thirds of the continental area of the United States; Pacific river system, including Colorado River, Columbia River, Sacramento River, etc.; The Atlantic River system, including the Potomac and Hudson Rivers; The Bering Sea System, which consists of the Yukon River and other rivers in Alaska; The Arctic Ocean system, including the rivers in Alaska that feed into the Arctic Ocean.
The United States can be divided into three major river systems in general: where located east of the Rocky Mountains into the Atlantic River are called the Atlantic River system, mainly the Mississippi River, Connecticut River and Hudson River, the Mississippi River is the mother river of the United States. The Mississippi River has a total length of 6,020 kilometers, ranking fourth in the world. The rivers that flow into the Pacific Ocean are called Pacific systems. There are mainly Colorado River, Columbia River, Yukon River and so on. The Great Lakes, a group of large lakes in east-central North America. Including Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, is a glacial lake, with a total area of 245,000 square kilometers, the world's largest freshwater waters, known as the "North American Mediterranean" said, of which Lake Michigan belongs to the United States, the remaining four lakes for the United States and Canada. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world. The Great Lakes drain into the St. Lawrence River and into the Atlantic Ocean. [9]

Natural resources


Land resources

Land use map of the United States
The United States is rich in land resources, and the quality and the proportion of land resources that can be developed are relatively high. The United States has more than 80 million square kilometers of productive land. The United States has become one of the most important agricultural producers in the world, which is inseparable from its abundant land resources.
The use of land resources in the United States varies with regional natural conditions. The eastern part of the United States has a humid climate, mainly woodland and cultivated land, of which the Appalachian Mountains account for more than 60% of the forest area. In the central Great Plains of the United States, arable land is dominant, accounting for more than 50% of the land area. The western United States is an arid and semi-arid climate, so in addition to the northwest Pacific coast of Anhe mountain high slope is mainly forest and California valley is mainly agricultural, pasture, accounting for more than 55% of the land area, crop area is very limited and extremely dispersed, in the lower 48 states of the United States, pasture accounted for 37% of the land resources, forest accounted for 25%, arable land accounted for 24%. The rest is for residential areas, national parks, roads, mines and other special land. [13]

Forest resources

Map of forest resource density in the United States
The forest resources of the United States are widely distributed, and the land is basically covered by forests except for the central plains, the western intermountain grasslands and deserts (mainly in the southwest). Two-thirds of the existing forest area is commercial forest. Commercial forest resources cover an area of 2 million square kilometers. The forest is mainly distributed in the northwest Pacific coast, the south and the north of the three forest areas. [13] The forest area is about 4.4 billion mu, with a coverage rate of 33%. [1]
The forest areas along the northwest Pacific coast occupy the whole country Virgin forest Forest storage capacity of 90%, is the largest commercial forest base in the United States, mainly Coniferous forest In particular Douglas fir The most important. Southern and northern forest areas, then Secondary forest And people mainly afforestation. In addition, Alaska is also a potential forest area. Due to its distance from the mainland of the United States and harsh natural conditions, Alaska has not become an important commercial forest base. [13]

Mineral resources

The United States is rich in natural resources, and its total proved reserves of mineral resources rank first in the world. Coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, potash, phosphate, sulfur and other mineral reserves are among the top in the world. Other minerals are copper, lead, molybdenum, uranium, bauxite, gold, mercury, nickel, potassium carbonate, silver, tungsten, zinc, aluminum, bismuth and so on. Strategic mineral resources such as titanium, manganese, cobalt and chromium are mainly imported. [1]

Hydraulic resources

The water resources that have been developed and utilized in the United States are mainly distributed in 12 regions, of which 4 are the most important. The four regions are the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin, the Ohio River Basin, the Colorado River Basin, and the Columbia River Basin.
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River The watershed is due to many waterfalls, rapids (e.g Niagara Falls The hydraulic resources are very rich, and the hydraulic resources have been developed by about 4 million kilowatts. Ohio River The basin has developed about 4.2 million kilowatts of hydropower resources, mainly on its tributary, the Tennessee River. Colorado River River basin, many mountains and deep valleys, there is the world famous Colorado Grand Canyon, rich in water resources. About 2 million kilowatts of hydropower have been developed, and the electricity generated is transmitted over long distances to supply cities such as Los Angeles. Columbia River The river basin, with large water volume and large drop, is the area with the greatest potential of hydraulic resources in the United States. The developed hydropower has reached more than 15 million kilowatts, accounting for about one-third of the country's hydropower resources development. In the Pacific Northwest, where fossil fuel resources are scarce, hydropower plays a dominant role in the region's power structure, providing about 80% of the electricity. [13]

Administrative division


Zoning details

The United States is divided into 50 states and 1 District (District of Columbia), with 3,143 counties. Federal territories include Puerto Rico and The Northern Mariana ; Overseas territories include Guam , American Samoa , United States Virgin Islands Wait, the capital is Washington, D.C. . [1-2]
State and capital of the United States by state (in alphabetical order)
Serial number
State name
For short
The capital
Little rock
Des Moines
Baton Rouge
Jefferson City
Carson City
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
Santa Fe
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oklahoma City
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Salt Lake City
West Virginia

Major city

Washington, DC (Washington, DC)
Washington, D.C. It is the capital and political center of the United States, located on the border of Maryland and Virginia, on the Potomac River. It has an area of 176.7 square kilometers and a population of 702,000. [14] The District of Columbia is a federal territory and does not belong to any of the 50 autonomous states. The highest legislative, executive and judicial organs of the United States are located here, and it is also the embassy of various countries in the United States World Bank , The International Monetary Fund And other international organizations. [15]
View of Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., is rich in historical and cultural resources and has the world's largest museum system, most of which are free. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is the main performance venue for the National Symphony Orchestra, the Washington National Opera and the Washington Ballet. The city of Washington is one of the centers of American and international media, and the Washington Post is one of the earliest and most influential daily newspapers in the country. Famous universities are Georgetown University, George Washington University, Trinity Washington University and so on. The population is well educated. [14]
New york
New York It is the largest city in the United States and the largest financial, commercial, trade, cultural and media center in the United States. It is located in southeast New York on the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the Hudson River on the northeast coast of the United States. With an area of 1214 square kilometers and a population of about 8.398 million, it is the most densely populated city in the United States. [16]
Views of New York
New York City is the economic center, financial center and business center of the United States, and one of the three major financial centers in the world. The main industries in New York City are finance, high technology, real estate, insurance, and medical care. Rich in educational and cultural resources, there are more than 120 institutions of higher education, such as Columbia University, Cooper Union College, Fordham University, New York University, New York Institute of Technology and so on. With more than 2,000 arts and cultural institutions and more than 500 galleries, New York City is the center of the world's television, advertising, music, newspaper and book publishing industries, and the largest media market in North America. [16] The United Nations headquarters, nearly 200 permanent diplomatic missions and more than 100 countries (or regions) consular representatives are here. There are more than 200 foreign banks. The three major national television networks in the United States are headquartered in New York. [15]
Central Park, New York
New York City's public transit system consists of subways, intercity rail, buses and ferries, and about 46% of trips are made by bus. The bus network is spread all over the administrative districts of the city and cooperates with the subway network to form a convenient transportation network. New York has three major airports, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Laguardia Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport. New York Harbor is the busiest port in North America and one of the world's natural deep water ports. [16]
Los Angeles
Los Angeles is located California South, west of the Pacific Ocean, an area of 1215 square kilometers, a population of about 4 million, the largest city in the western United States, but also the United States after New York's second largest metropolis and the second largest industrial, commercial, financial center. [15] Surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on one side, the land is gentle, dense forests, and the climate is mild and pleasant. [17]
Los Angeles scenery
Los Angeles is the industrial, financial, shipping and trade center of the western United States, and its economic status is pivotal in the United States. [15] The main industries are international trade, entertainment, aviation, petroleum, high-tech, fashion, tourism and so on. Los Angeles is an important sea and air transportation hub in the United States, the urban area is vast, dispersed, developed traffic, highways and city streets criss-cross. It is the largest port on the Pacific coast of the United States, and the main port area is in SAN Pedro Bay, consisting of the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach, which are adjacent to the east and west [17]
Los Angeles scenery
Los Angeles is also one of the cultural education and tourism centers of the western United States University of California, Los Angeles , University of Southern California and California Institute of Technology And other famous universities. There are also Griffith Park, the largest urban park in the United States, the world famous Universal Studios, California Disneyland, Hollywood Studios and so on. [17]
Chicago (Chicago)
Chicago is the largest city in the Midwest of the United States, located in the northeast corner of Illinois, the southwest shore of Lake Michigan, an area of 606.2 square kilometers, a population of more than 2.7 million, second only to New York and Los Angeles, the third largest city in the United States. Chicago and the surrounding 14 counties constitute the Greater Chicago area, the population of about 9.5 million, about 100,000 overseas Chinese. [15]
Chicago view
Chicago is one of the important industrial, financial and commercial centers of the United States, where 86 countries have established consulates general, more than 30 international chambers of commerce and more than 100 foreign trade organizations have settled here. [15] The Chicago Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in the United States after New York City. Chicago has a complete industry, the United States "mother of industry" reputation, is the largest steel and food processing industrial base in the United States. Transportation industry developed, known as the "arteries of the United States." The port of Chicago is one of the largest ports in the United States. [19]
Chicago Financial District
Chicago is the center of higher education in the Midwest. University of Chicago He has produced 79 Nobel Prize winners. Northwestern University, the University of Illinois and the Illinois Institute of Technology are also world-renowned. Two of the top business schools in the US are located in Chicago, the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. There are many scientific research institutions in Chicago, such as Argonne National Institute, Bell Laboratories, Fermilab and so on. The Art Museum of Chicago is one of the four major art museums in the United States. [19]
Houston City is located in the southeastern coast of Texas, Texas is the largest metropolis, the fourth largest city in the United States. [21] Houston is a world-renowned center of the energy and petrochemical industry, where the research and development facilities of major energy companies in the United States are concentrated. With 25 Fortune 500 companies headquartered in Houston, the city ranks third in the nation behind New York and Chicago. Houston is home to the Texas Medical Center, the world's largest medical center, and the world's largest and most important concentration of research and treatment institutions.
Houston view
Houston is one of the major financial centers in the United States. Houston has easy access to highways and two main interstate highways meet here. With 14 main rail lines radiating outward, it is one of the busiest rail freight centers in the United States. Port Houston is the largest port of import and export trade in the United States, and the total port throughput has ranked second in the United States for 20 consecutive years. Houston's three airports make up the fourth largest airport system in the United States. Houston is nicknamed "Space City", yes Johnson Space Center The United States Space Flight Mission Monitoring Center is also located here. There are more than 40 colleges and universities in the Houston area. Founded in 1912 Rice University It is a famous private institution in the United States, known as the "Harvard of the South", and the school has three Nobel Prize winners. University of Houston The Institute of Nanomaterials is world famous. [22]
Philadelphia (Philadelphia)
Philadelphia view
Philadelphia is located in the northeastern United States of Pennsylvania on the Delaware River, an area of about 336 square kilometers, is the largest city in Pennsylvania, with a population of about 1.5 million. It is the fifth largest city in the United States (after New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston). Since the 19th century, the railway, port and manufacturing industries have developed rapidly, and now the economy has transformed to the information industry, scientific research, finance and insurance industry. It is an important economic city in the eastern United States. [15] Industrial and commercial development, the east coast of the United States is the main refining center and steel, shipbuilding base, as well as chemical, pharmaceutical, motor, electrical appliances, machinery, railway locomotives, automobiles and other important industrial sectors, its port is one of the world's largest estuary port. [20]
Philadelphia is one of the oldest and historic cities in the United States, where two Continental Congresses and the Constitutional Convention were held during the Revolutionary War, and was the capital of the United States from 1790 to 1800, playing an important role in American history. There are many colleges and universities in Philadelphia, the more famous universities are University of Pennsylvania Temple University, etc. [15]
San Francisco
Views of San Francisco
San Francisco, Chinese known as San Francisco, is located on the San Francisco Peninsula on the west coast of California, with an area of 121.73 square kilometers. Surrounded by water on three sides, it has a beautiful environment and is a mountain city. The climate is warm in winter and cool in summer, full of sunshine, known as "the most popular city in the United States", Superior geographical location, water, land and air transportation developed. It was discovered by the Spanish in 1769, joined by the United States in 1848, and in 1906, San Francisco earthquake It caused great damage to the city, but was quickly rebuilt. [18] The population of the city is about 870,000, of which 250,000 are Chinese. The San Francisco Bay Area refers to the nine neighboring counties, including San Francisco, with a total population of 8.7 million, of which about 610,000 are Chinese. [15]
San Francisco Financial District
San Francisco is the financial, commercial, trade, cultural center and the largest port in the western United States, and is also the gateway for trade between the United States and the Asia-Pacific, Mexico and Latin American countries. The service industry is developed and tourism is the primary industry. In addition, "knowledge-intensive industries" such as computer software development, network technology, and biochemistry are also well developed. There are many cultural institutions and museums in San Francisco, including the Asian Art Museum, the California Veterans Memorial, the Deyoung Memorial, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the California Museum of Science. San Francisco is an important educational center in the United States, nearby Stanford University and University of California, Berkeley Are two famous universities in the United States. San Francisco has more than 80,000 college students. [18]
Seattle View
Seattle is located in the Pacific Puget Sound in the western part of Washington State, 154 kilometers north of the US-Canada border, with a land area of 218 square kilometers and a population of about 740,000. The metropolitan area has a population of 3.5 million, of which about 150,000 are Chinese. Seattle is also known as "Emerald City", near the mountains and rivers, the climate is mild, the temperature difference between day and night is large, summer is sunny and dry, autumn and winter rainy. Originally an Indian settlement, the city was founded in 1869 and named after Seattle, an Indian chief. The Alaskan "gold Rush" of 1897 led to rapid growth. After World War II, it became a developed industrial city, and is now a major city in finance, service, high-tech manufacturing, culture and education and transportation in Washington State and the northwest of the United States. It is in a leading position in aerospace, computer software, biotechnology, electronic communications and other industries. Companies such as Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks, Amazon, and Costco are headquartered in the greater Seattle area. [15]
With its convenient transportation and pleasant climate, Seattle is recognized as one of the cities with the highest quality of life in the United States. The city has a vast green area and is a traditional conference and tourism center. Seattle is also the region's theater arts hub, with 80 related companies. Seattle Symphony Orchestra It is considered one of the best orchestras in the United States. [23]
Boston (Boston)
Boston is located in the northeast of the United States, near the Atlantic Massachusetts Bay, across the mouth of the Charles River and the Misty River, is the largest port city in New England and the capital of Massachusetts. Boston has 77 cities and towns, with an urban area of 124 square kilometers. The Greater Boston area has a population of about 4 million and more than 200,000 overseas Chinese.
Views of Boston
Boston's economy is developed, mainly in finance, banking, insurance, business and investment management, with the Federal Reserve Bank of New England, is the financial insurance center in the northeast of the United States. Boston's main industries are food, clothing, printing and publishing, metal working, and electronic computers. Boston is one of the most important cultural cities in the United States, with many famous universities in the city, such as Harvard University , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Boston University , Northeastern University Boston College, etc. [15]
Atlanta is the capital of Georgia and the largest industrial and commercial city, located in the southeast of the United States, located in the Appalachian foothills of 350 meters above sea level on the platform, is one of the three major highland cities in the United States. Atlanta is a historic city, a new industrial and commercial city, and a cultural, medical and health center, [15] It is the gateway city and economic "motor" of the southern United States, and one of the most attractive cities in the United States. The vegetation coverage area ranks first among major cities in the United States and is known as the "Forest City".
Atlanta view
The Atlanta area is economically developed, is the largest economy in the South of the United States, bringing together a large number of the world's top 500 and Fortune 1000 corporate headquarters or offices. There are aircraft, automobiles, fibers, machinery, steel, food and other industries. It is also the headquarters of many Fortune 500 companies such as Coca-Cola, CNN and UPS CNN (CNN) The location of the headquarters. Atlanta has a high-quality education system. There are 28 universities in the city, of which Georgia Institute of Technology ranked 36th in the United States University Ranking in 2014 (USNEWS), and engineering, computer, science, architecture and management are the advantages of the school. Atlanta hosted the 26th Summer Olympic Games in 1996, and has rapidly developed into an entertainment and cultural center in the South of the United States. It is the hometown of American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., with developed tourism and a number of museums and parks. [24]
Atlanta and China, March 2012 Shenzhen Officially become a friendly exchange city. [24]

National symbol



the flag of the United States is the Star-SpangledBanner, the upper left corner of the flag in blue area there are 9 rows of 50 white five-pointed stars, in a row of 6, a row of 5. Outside the area are 13 red and white stripes. The 50 stars represent the 50 states, and the 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies of North America. The common interpretation of the flag is that red symbolizes courage, white symbolizes freedom, and blue symbolizes loyalty and justice. [44]
In 1818, the United States Congress passed an act that fixed the red and white stripes on the flag to 13, and the number of five-pointed stars should be consistent with the number of states. For each new state, a star is added to the flag, usually on July 4, the year after the admission of a new state. The flag has been increased to 50 stars, representing the 50 states. Every year, June 14 is the "American Flag Making Day." On this day, commemorations are held throughout the United States to show respect for the flag and love for the United States. [3]
The Stars and Stripes

National emblem

Emblem of the United States
The emblem of the United States is: two concentric circles on the outside, and in the center of the inside stands an American bald eagle, with wings spread out, holding an olive branch in its right paw, 13 sharp arrows in its left paw, and a ribbon in its beak, reading "E Pluribus Unum." The chest of the bald eagle is a coat of arms, the upper part of the coat of arms is blue horizontal stripes, the lower part is red and white vertical stripes, symbolizing the American flag. Above the condor were 13 stars in a blue sky, surrounded by a pattern of clouds.
The bald eagle on the national emblem is officially called the bald eagle, is the national bird of the United States, it symbolizes the supreme right to rule; Today, the American bald eagle has become a symbol of the United States, appearing not only on the national emblem, but also on other flags and coins of the United States. The olive branch and arrow symbolize the power to decide between peace and war; The pattern of stars above the bald eagle symbolizes the sovereign new republic. [44]

National anthem

National anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner"
Oh, do you see, through the glimmer of light, what are we Shouting at? Whose broad star, after a night of gunfire, still marches in the wind on our fort? Guns glitter, bombs roar, they are all witnesses, the flag is safe. Don't you see the Stars and Stripes still flying high in this free country, home of the brave? [10]

National bird

The bald eagle (Vulture). The United States was the first in the world to determine National bird Of the country. The eagle first appeared on the American flag during the Revolutionary War. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress issued a document entitled Declaration of independence And decided that the new America must have a special National emblem .
The bald eagle
The bald eagle is a large eagle found in the United States and Canada. Beautiful appearance, fierce temperament, known as the "king of birds". In fact, the bald eagle has full feathers on its head, but it is not bald. When the vulture is young, it is covered with black feathers, and when it grows, its head and neck feathers become white, and its tail becomes white as it grows old. The bald eagle is a symbol of the United States, but it is endangered in most parts of the country. After a desperate rescue, the reproduction was restored steadily. [44]

National beast

The 44th President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama On May 9, 2016, a bill was signed and officially established American bison For America National beast . One of the bill's authors, Representative William Lacey Clay, said of the bison's status, "No other native species tells the American story more than this noble animal." There are currently about 10,000 bison on state lands managed by the Department of the Interior, in 17 herds spread across 12 states, and more than 160,000 privately held bison. Yellowstone National Park It is the only land where bison have lived since prehistoric times and has the largest purebred herd (nearly 5,000 animals). [4]
American bison

The national flower and the national stone

The national Flower is rose Symbolizing beauty, fragrance, warmth and love, it was approved by the Senate in 1985 The national flower . National monument Sapphire .


As of February 2023, the total population of the United States is approximately 333 million. According to the 2020 U.S. Census, non-Hispanic whites make up 57.8%, Hispanics 18.7%, AfricAn-Americans 12.4%, Asians 6%, Indians and Alaska Natives 1.1%, and Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders 0.2% (with overlapping percentages). General English. About 46.5% of the population believe in Christianity, 20.8% believe in Catholicism, 1.9% believe in Judaism, 0.9% believe in Islam, 0.7% believe in Buddhism, 0.5% believe in Eastern Orthodoxy, 1.2% believe in other religions, and 22.8% have no religious beliefs (a small number of people belong to multiple religious beliefs were repeated). [1]




The United States is a presidential republic in which the President is the head of state, head of government and commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Implement a political system of separation of powers, with legislative, judicial and executive power independent of each other and checks and balances. However, in the three branches of the executive, legislative and judicial organs, the president, who holds the executive and military powers, is the core. [9]


On July 4, 1776, the United States created its constitutional document Articles of Confederation . A draft constitution was drawn up in May 1787 and ratified by the First Congress in March 1789. It was the world's first written constitution as an independent, unitary state. The main content of the Constitution is to establish a federal system of states, states have greater autonomy, including legislative power; Implement a political system of separation of powers, the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the three, and check each other.
Over the course of two centuries, 27 amendments have been made to the Constitution. The first ten amendments to the Constitution, later known as the Bill of Rights (or Bill of Rights), were passed by Congress in September 1791, guaranteeing freedom of conscience, speech, press, and peaceful assembly. The 13th and 15th Amendments, passed in 1865 and 1870, abolishing slavery and recognizing the civil rights of blacks; The 25th Amendment, passed in 1951, provides for the vice president to be elevated to the presidency if the president is unable to exercise his powers. [1]


Parliament building
The United States Congress is the highest legislative body, consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives. Members of both houses are directly elected by the voters of each state. There are 100 senators, two from each state, who serve six-year terms, with 1/3 elected every two years. Members of the House of Representatives are elected according to the proportion of the population of each state, a total of 435 members, the term of office is two years, expires all re-election. Members of both houses may be re-elected for unlimited terms. Members of the Senate are full-time and cannot hold government posts concurrently.
The current Parliament (118th) opened on January 3, 2023. President of the Senate (also Vice President) Kamala Harris (KamalaHarris, Democrat, female); Interim Senate Speaker PattyMurray (D, female); House Speaker MikeJohnson (R). [1]


The White House
The executive system of the United States is the presidential system, in which the president is the head of the Cabinet and is granted the executive power of the United States federal government. The President, who is the head of state, head of government and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, has the power of legislative initiative and legislative veto, and is elected indirectly for a four-year term. The Government Cabinet consists of the President, the Vice President, ministers and other members designated by the President. In fact, the cabinet only serves as the president's aides and advisers, and has no power to make collective decisions. [1] [9]
United States Department of State
United States Department of State It is the executive department responsible for foreign affairs and part of domestic affairs, and occupies the chief position in the various ministries of government. The Treasury Department, the Department of Commerce, and the Federal Reserve are the three main economic departments of the U.S. federal government. [9] Other major governments Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of the Interior, Acting Department of Labor, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, Department of Education, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Homeland Security, EPA, CIA, FBI. [1]


Federal Supreme Court
The United States is a federal common law country. The current legal system in the United States is composed of case law and statute law, forming five sources of law: Constitution, statute law, treaties, administrative laws and regulations, and common law. [25] The United States has the Supreme Court, federal courts, state courts and some special courts. The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice and eight justices who serve for life. The Supreme Court has the power to strike down any federal or state law as unconstitutional. [1]
The Federal Constitution of the United States has the supreme force of law, and there is a censorship system in the United States that directly applies the Constitution. The Constitution provides that laws passed by the United States Congress, treaties ratified by the Senate, administrative regulations issued by the executive branch, and case law issued by the federal judiciary constitute the United States federal legal system.
The United States Congress is the legislative body for federal laws. Federal laws and international treaties may not conflict with the Constitution, and have higher legal force than the laws of states and dependent territories. New laws passed by each Congress are compiled into the Corpus of Written Laws of the United States in the year after the end of that Congress, and then into the United States Code, the official publication of the compilation and codification of the general statutes of the United States, which is published every six years as an annex to the United States Code.
The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body in the United States and the body that reviews laws for unconstitutionality. The federal court system of the United States has jurisdiction under Article 3 of the Constitution, but its decisions do not necessarily have the effect of common law case law, with the exception of the Supreme Court's own decisions concerning the application and interpretation of the Constitution and laws, and all state courts must observe that the 50 states are fully sovereign and have their own state constitutions, governments, and courts. It enacts state laws, regulations, and local ordinances under state legislative authority for application, interpretation, and judicial review, while the federal government has only those powers specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
Most of the laws applicable to American citizens are state laws, such as state contract law, tort law, property law, criminal law, and family law. Prior to the 20th century, U.S. federal law focused on areas explicitly authorized by the Constitution, such as military, currency, foreign affairs and international treaties, tariffs, and intellectual property (especially patents and Copyrights). Since the 20th century, however, with the broad interpretation of the Commerce and fee Clauses of the Constitution, the scope of federal law has expanded to include aviation, telecommunications, railroads, hospitals, antitrust, and trademarks. In areas such as aviation and rail, federal law completely excludes the application of state law; In areas such as family law, state law accounts for the majority, while federal law only provides for interstate and international marriage. In areas of law, such as insurance law, the United States Congress has enacted laws that prohibit federal legislation as long as state legislation exists in that area of law; In areas such as trademarks and labor, there is a large number of laws in force at both the federal and state levels. [25]

Political party

The main parties in the United States are the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and other parties include the Green Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Socialist Party, and the Communist Party. [9]
(1) RepublicanParty: Founded in 1854. Lincoln became president in 1861, the first time the Republican Party came to power. The Republican Party held the White House for all but 16 of the 70 years until 1933. Since 1933, Republicans Eisenhower (January 1953 - January 1961), Nixon (January 1969 - August 1974), Ford (August 1974 - January 1977), Regan (January 1981 - January 1989), George Herbert Walker Bush (January 1989 - January 1993), George Walker Bush (January 2001 - January 2009), Trump (January 2017 - January 2021) was elected president.
(2) DemocraticParty (DemocraticParty) : Founded in 1791, then called the Republican Party. It was renamed the Democratic Party in 1794 and the Democratic Party in 1828. In 1861, on the eve of the Civil War, the Democratic Party split, with Southern slaveholders of the party plotting a rebellion. After the end of the Civil War, the Democratic Party was in opposition for 24 years. The year 1885 Cleveland Elected president. The party has since spent most of its time in opposition. Since 1933, Democrats Roosevelt (March 1933 - April 1945), Truman (April 1945 - January 1953), Kennedy (January 1961 to November 1963), Johnson (November 1963 - January 1969), Carter (January 1977 - January 1981), Clinton (January 1993-January 2001), Obama (January 2009 - January 2017), Biden (January 20, 2021 - present) has been elected president. [1]


Joe Biden (JoeBiden). He is currently the 46th (59th) President of the United States, taking office on January 20, 2021. Madam Jill Biden He has a son and a daughter. [26]
Kamala Harris Kamala Harris, currently Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, is the first female vice president of the United States when she takes office on January 20, 2021. [26]
Secretary of state
Antony Blinken, currently United States Secretary of State He was confirmed as Secretary of State by a vote of the U.S. Senate on January 26, 2021. [27]




The United States is the largest and most developed economy in the world, with a highly developed modern market economy. It has developed infrastructure, a sound legal system and a sound business environment. Its market size, scientific and technological education level, R&D and innovation strength, and labor productivity are among the world's leaders. For many years, it has been the country attracting the most foreign direct investment. According to the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report, the United States is one of the most competitive, innovative and open economies in the world. [9]
The gross domestic product of the United States ranks first in the world. In 2022, the U.S. economy will be $25.46 trillion, with a real GDP growth rate of 2.1%. GDP per capita in 2022 will be $76,398, with a growth rate of 8.8%. International organizations like the World Bank expect the U.S. economy to grow 1.1 percent in 2023.
In the United States, the share of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in GDP is relatively stable. From 2018 to 2022, the primary industry accounted for 0.8-1.2%, the secondary industry accounted for about 18%, and the tertiary industry accounted for about 81%. In 2022, the primary, secondary and tertiary industries will account for 1.1%, 17.9% and 81% of GDP respectively. In the United States, consumption as a share of GDP will be about 68% in 2021 to 2022, and 68.2% in 2022; Investment as a share of GDP is around 35%, compared with 35.6% in 2022; Net exports as a share of GDP are around -3 to -4 percent, compared with -3.8 percent in 2022. [9]
State finance
According to the data of the US Treasury Department, the US fiscal revenue in the 2022 fiscal year is about 4.90 trillion US dollars, the fiscal expenditure is about 6.27 trillion US dollars, and the fiscal deficit is about 1.38 trillion US dollars. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the federal budget deficit will reach $1.5 trillion in fiscal 2023; The budget deficit is about 5.8% of GDP. [9]
State debt
According to the USA spending website and the Congressional Budget Office, by the end of 2022, the federal government debt reached $30.93 trillion, an increase of $2.5 trillion from the previous year, and the debt-to-GDP ratio was about 124%. About 48 per cent of that is held by US investors, including the Federal Reserve; U.S. government trust funds, such as Social Security and Medicare accounts, hold about 22%; Foreign investors hold the remaining 30 per cent or so [9]
In June 2023, the United States Congress approved an increase in the national debt ceiling to avoid a default on the national debt. The national debt has now surpassed $32 trillion, a record high. [1]
Inflation rate
From 2016 to 2020, the US inflation rate remained at a low level of under 2.4%. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors, inflation as measured by the consumer price Index rose to 4.7% in 2021, and further rose to a record high of about 9.1% in June 2022, and the inflation rate for the whole of 2022 was about 8%.
Consumer retail
Consumption is the most important driver of US economic growth, accounting for more than two-thirds of US GDP. According to the data of the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, due to the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, the core personal consumption expenditure (PCE) excluding energy and food in the United States rose 2.7% in 2022 compared with the same period last year. By the end of 2022, total retail sales of consumer goods in the United States were about $7.1 trillion, an increase of about $500 billion from the previous year, and an increase of about 7.6% [9]
Sovereign credit rating
As of November 2023, the international rating agency Standard & Poor's sovereign credit rating of the United States is AA+/A-1+; AAA rating from Moody's; International rating agency Fitch downgraded the long-term foreign currency issuer default rating of the United States to AA+ from AAA. [9]


The United States is the world's largest agricultural developed country, is also one of the world's largest agricultural exporters, the main agricultural products including corn, wheat, sugar and tobacco, the central and western Great Plains region is known as the "granary of the world". There are about 2.28 billion mu of arable land and 8.4 billion mu of pasture land. There are about 2.2 million farms in the United States, each averaging about 2,550 acres. Agriculture in the United States is mainly large-scale farm operation, agriculture is highly developed, a high degree of mechanization, mainly animal husbandry and farming operations in two parts. [28] American farms produce $90 billion worth of agricultural products each year. The United States produces 50 percent of the world's corn, 20 percent of oats, and 15 percent of chicken, pork, cotton, and wheat. [1]
American farm
The United States has rich agricultural resources, less land and larger farms. It is generally believed that the United States completed the transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture from around World War II to the 1970s. This transformation process can be subdivided into three periods:
I. The period of agricultural mechanization. By the 1930s, tractor farming had become commonplace in the United States. By 1959, the cultivation, sowing, harvesting, threshing and cleaning of major agricultural crops such as wheat and corn in the United States had reached 100% mechanization. Since then, to meet the market demand of diversified and large-scale development of family farms, it has continuously launched small multi-functional multi-variety agricultural machinery and high-power and highly automated large-scale agricultural machinery.
Second, the agricultural chemical period, including the extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides (herbicides, insecticides) and soil amendments. After World War II, the use of fertilizer in American agriculture soared to increase agricultural output. At the same time, in order to improve the pH of the soil and the adverse effects of long-term application of chemical fertilizers, the United States has also increased the amount of soil amendments year by year. Since 1960, the use of herbicides has increased rapidly and now exceeds that of pesticides.
Third, the period of agricultural improved varieties. Around the 1970s, in order to adapt to the climate and soil requirements of different regions, the United States cultivated many hybrid varieties, and began to use genetic bioengineering methods, nuclear radiation technology and aerospace engineering technology to transform and optimize the genetic genes of seeds, so that the yield and quality of agricultural products were greatly improved. It has also cultivated many good breeds of livestock and poultry, and implemented factory and large-scale breeding.
After going through the above three stages of agricultural modernization, American agriculture did not stop there. With the application of computer technology and biotechnology, "precision agriculture" and "gene agriculture" have emerged one after another. In particular, many large farms are moving towards "computer integrated adaptive production", that is, market information, production parameter information (climate, soil, seeds, agricultural machinery, fertilizers, pesticides, energy, etc.), capital, labor information, etc., are integrated together, and the best planting plan is selected according to the change of local microclimate in different plots during the growth process. Adaptive water spraying, fertilization, spraying, etc., agricultural production tends to be more industrial and automated, so that the modernization level of American agriculture continues to improve, and has always been in the forefront of the world. [29]
The livestock industry in the United States mainly raises chickens, cattle and pigs, and the production of chicken, beef and pork ranks first, first and third in the world respectively (after China and the 27 countries of the European Union). The United States can be divided into several important growing belts, namely, the North Central corn Belt, the Great Plains Wheat Belt, the Southern cotton Belt, and the Pacific Coast Integrated Agricultural Area. American crops are mainly corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, followed by tobacco, potatoes, oats, rice, citrus, sugar beet and so on. The total grain output accounts for about one-fifth of the world's total output, and the output of corn, soybeans and wheat ranks first, first and third in the world respectively (after China and India). [28]


The United States has made great efforts to optimize its industrial structure, implemented the strategy of "re-industrialization", revitalized the real economy, and promoted the return of manufacturing. Industrial production in the United States has remained stable, high-tech industries such as information and biology have developed rapidly, and new progress has been made in transforming traditional industries through high-tech. The main industrial products are automobiles, aviation equipment, computers, electronic and communication equipment, iron and steel, petroleum products, fertilizers, cement, plastics and newsprint, machinery and so on. [1]
The United States has a complete system of industrial sectors, covering all industrial fields from traditional to new. This includes but is not limited to traditional industries such as energy, steel, machinery and chemicals, as well as emerging and cutting-edge technology fields such as electronics, computers, aviation and aerospace. Especially in the northeastern region of the United States, a large number of traditional industries such as steel, machinery, automobiles, and chemicals are concentrated. In addition, the industrial output value of the United States in the fields of petroleum, chemical, shipbuilding and military industry also accounts for a considerable part of the national industrial output value.
The United States leads the world in technology-intensive products, such as microelectronics industry, computer technology, laser technology, aerospace technology, bioengineering technology, nuclear energy utilization and research and development of new materials. The application of these advanced technologies is not only reflected in the upgrading of traditional industries, but also in the rapid development of emerging industries. The distribution of industrial production is very uneven, mainly concentrated in the northeast, especially in the industrial northeast, while industrial development is also rapid in the western and southern regions, especially in the southern and western parts of the Sunbelt. The speed of industrial development in these areas is much faster than that in the northeast, forming a different industrial development model from the northeast. [9]


The United States currency is U.S. dollar . The US dollar is one of the most important and widely used reserve and transaction currencies in the world. As the legal tender of the United States of America (referred to as the United States), it is not only widely circulated within the United States, but also widely accepted worldwide. In addition, many other countries also use it as a foreign exchange reserve or an official unit of settlement. [30]
On June 3, 2024, the central parity rate of the RMB exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market was: 1 USD to 7.246 RMB. The exchange rate for the US dollar to the euro is: 1 US dollar to 0.9217 euros. The exchange rate for US dollar to Japanese yen is 157.26 yen. The exchange rate for the US dollar to the British pound is 0.7858 pounds.
Banking institution
The American banking system is a huge system mainly composed of commercial banks, including central banks, savings institutions, investment banks and government specialized banks. The Federal Reserve Bank (Federal Reserve) is usually considered the central bank of the United States. Primary responsibilities include formulating and implementing monetary policy, supervising banking institutions, and maintaining the stability of the financial system. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States regulates both domestic and foreign banking institutions.
According to the Federal Reserve's 2022 Regulatory Report, domestic and foreign banking institutions in the United States are divided into four categories, the first category is the United States global systemically important bank 8, including Bank of America , Bank of New York Mellon Corporation , Citigroup , Goldman Sachs , Jpmorgan Chase , Morgan Stanley , State Street Bank , Wells Fargo Bank . The second category is other banks with total assets of more than 700 billion US dollars, including the local Northern Trust Bank, United Bank of the United States, Mitsubishi UFJ and other six. The third group is banks with total assets of $250 billion to $700 billion, including six local First Bank, six foreign controlled bank Deutsche Bank's U.S. branch, and eight foreign joint venture banks Royal Bank of Canada and BNP Paribas. The fourth group, with total assets of $100bn - $250bn, includes 10 domestic banks such as American Express and 11 such as HSBC North America.
Bank of China , Bank of Communications , China Merchants Bank , Agricultural Bank of China , Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , China Construction Bank Other Chinese banks have branches in the United States that provide investment, trade finance and clearing services for Chinese and American companies. [9]
Insurance company
American insurance companies can be divided into life insurance companies and property insurance companies according to the nature of their business. Based on the 2022 market share data compiled by Standard & Poor's Global Market Intelligence, the top five life insurance companies in terms of market share are Berkshire Hathaway, TIAA Life, Northwestern Mutual, MetLife and New York Life. [9]
Securities market
The US securities market is divided into two major sectors: the exchange market and the over-the-counter market. The main venues for securities trading include:
(1) New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the largest and most famous securities market in the United States, with a history of more than 200 years and more than 3,500 listed stocks. The New York Stock Exchange market is more mature, the listing conditions are more strict, Fortune 500 and other large enterprises are listed in the New York Stock Exchange.
(2) Nasdaq Stock Exchange (NASDAQ) is the largest and most traded exchange in the United States, with approximately 5,400 companies listed here, covering all high-tech industries, including software, computers, telecommunications, biotechnology, retail and wholesale trade.
(3) American stock exchange (AMEX), the third largest stock exchange in the United States, is the only exchange that can simultaneously trade stocks, options and derivatives, and its focus on small and medium-sized enterprises, making it the best exchange for small and mid-cap companies.
(4) The New York Stock Exchange High Growth Board (NYSE ARAC), which mainly trades ETFs, is an internationally recognized, fully electronic stock exchange, and companies listed on the NYSE High Growth market can seamlessly transition to the main board of the New York Stock Exchange once conditions are mature.
(5) The over-the-counter market (OTC) is a market in which stocks are traded on the counters of various securities trading institutions other than stock exchanges. Completely different from the exchange market, OTC has no fixed venue, no prescribed membership, no strictly controlled rule system, no prescribed trading products and restrictions.
(6) PINK market (PINK) is a quotation service that provides trading circulation for those stocks that choose not to be listed on the American Stock Exchange or NASDAQ, or do not meet the listing conditions. The pink order market has been incorporated into the NASDAQ's lowest level quotation system, which is the primary quotation form of the US over-the-counter market (OTC). [9]
Foreign exchange control
The U.S. Treasury Department is responsible for setting capital and foreign exchange rules. The United States has no restrictions on the repatriation of profits, dividends, interest, royalties, and expenses by non-citizens. Trade sanctions and embargoes have been imposed on some of the listed countries, including restrictions on trade payments, remittances and other types of contracts and trade transactions.
The United States Department of the Treasury also controls payments, remittances and other transactions from embargoed countries or companies associated with terrorist activities, as well as narcotics and diamonds from volatile regions. All U.S. citizens, aliens permanently residing in the United States, businesses, and overseas subsidiaries of U.S. companies are subject to these sanctions and embargoes. [9]
Credit card use
There are many kinds of credit cards in the United States Visa (Visa), Master Card (mastercard), Discover And American Express, with Visa and Master Card used the most. International cards or dual-currency cards (Visa, Master Card) issued by some Chinese commercial banks can be used in the United States. [9]

Source of energy

In terms of energy production, the total value of energy production in the United States can reach 60 billion dollars a year, of which oil accounts for almost 40% of the total value of energy production. Coal is the second most valuable energy source after oil, and natural gas ranks third. The United States produces 18 percent of the world's natural coal and oil and 45 percent of its natural gas.
In terms of energy consumption, natural gas has been the leading source of electricity generation in the United States since its consumption surpassed coal in 2016. Since 2011, more than 100 coal-fired power plants have been replaced by natural gas. In 2022, the United States used about 32.31 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, with the electric power sector accounting for about 38 percent of total U.S. natural gas consumption, which grew to 12.12 trillion cubic feet.
In terms of energy imports and exports, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the United States will remain a net importer of crude oil in 2022. Crude oil imports were about 6.28 million b/d and exports were about 3.6 million b/d, with the top five sources of U.S. oil imports (including crude oil, in dollar terms) being Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Colombia; The top five destinations for exports are Mexico, Canada, China, the Netherlands and South Korea. [9]

Service industry

The service sector of the United States is highly developed, with a wide range of industries and strong international competitiveness. Statista website data show that in 2022, the total output value of the US service industry is 17.93 trillion US dollars. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be 130 million service sector employees in the United States in 2022.
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. e-commerce sales reached $1.03 trillion in 2022, an increase of 7.7% year-over-year, a sharp decline from the double-digit e-commerce growth rates of each of the past five years, but well above the $960.44 billion in 2021. In the first quarter of 2023, U.S. e-commerce sales reached $253.1 billion, up 8% from $234.4 billion in the same period in 2022. In 2022, the financial, insurance, real estate, and leasing industries in the United States will be worth about $5.14 trillion. [9]


The United States ranks first in the world in terms of tourism scale, is the world's largest tourism service exporter and the world's second largest tourism service importer. According to the United States Travel Association, travelers will spend $1.2 trillion directly in 2022. Tourism directly employs 8 million people and supports nearly 15 million jobs. Domestic leisure travel continues to be a major contributor to industry growth, driving the overall tourism industry. Even after accounting for inflation, domestic leisure travel spending is back to 99% of pre-pandemic levels. However, domestic business travel spending has recovered only 74% and international travel spending has recovered only 55%. [9]

foreign trade

In 2022, the US trade in goods and services totaled $6.99 trillion, of which exports amounted to $3,018.455 billion and imports amounted to $3,969.643 billion, with a deficit of $951.188 billion. [9] The main export commodities are automobiles, soybeans, refined petroleum, aircraft, crude oil, integrated circuits, etc. The main imports are automobiles, crude oil, broadcasting equipment, computers, and auto parts. The top five goods trading partners of the United States in 2022 will be Canada, Mexico, China, Japan and Germany. The top five markets for U.S. goods exports are Canada, Mexico, China, Japan and the United Kingdom. The top five sources of imports of goods to the United States are China, Mexico, Canada, Japan and Germany. [1]

Two-way investment

According to UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2023, the United States will attract $285.057 billion in foreign investment and $372.996 billion in foreign investment in 2022. By the end of 2022, the stock of foreign investment in the United States will reach 10.46 trillion US dollars and the stock of outbound investment will reach 8.05 trillion US dollars.
According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, foreign investment in the United States in 2022 was $177.5 billion (preliminary), down $185.1 billion, or 51%, from $362.6 billion (revised) in 2021, and lower than the annual average of $298.8 billion from 2014 to 2021. In 2022, according to the type of investment, investment in mergers and acquisitions of US $169.4 billion, greenfield investment of US $3.8 billion, and existing foreign enterprises to expand investment of US $4.4 billion. By industry, manufacturing received the most direct investment, reaching $55.2 billion, of which chemical manufacturing absorbed $21.5 billion and machinery manufacturing absorbed $9.9 billion. In addition, the information industry attracted a considerable 28.2 billion dollars of foreign investment. By country of ultimate beneficial ownership, the largest source of investment was Canada ($37.9 billion), followed by the United Kingdom ($34.7 billion) and France ($16.5 billion). By region, Europe accounts for 57.4 percent of new investment in 2022. By state, California received the most foreign investment, totaling $29 billion, followed by Texas ($20.7 billion) and Illinois ($10.9 billion). [9]

Foreign aid

The United States is the world's largest donor of foreign aid. According to USAID's fiscal Year 2022 report, program expenditures for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, amounted to $29.35 billion. It is mainly used for economic growth projects ($10.84 billion), health projects ($7.54 billion), humanitarian assistance projects ($6.64 billion), project development and monitoring ($1.14 billion), and education and social services projects ($1.12 billion). [9]




Since there is no federal status Official language Some states of the United States have English as the official language, but English is the de facto official language, and there is no unified official language for the entire commonwealth. As a result of years of campaigning to make English the official language, 31 of the 50 states have passed legislation to make English the official language, and a few other states have introduced bills to do so, but they have faced considerable resistance. Three states recognize other languages as having parallel status with English: Louisiana In French, Hawaii the Hawaiian and New Mexico In Spanish.


54.6% of the residents of the United States believe in Protestantism, 23.9% believe in Catholicism, and a small number of people believe in Judaism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Buddhism, Islam and so on. The United States is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural gathering place, and customs vary according to different ethnic groups. [15]


In public places, politely let women, children and the elderly, consciously queue up; Keep to the right when using stairs or rolling escalators; Drink a moderate amount of alcohol, do not drink trouble; Avoid being loud; Do not walk side by side in the street or corridor; When opening and closing the door, pay attention behind you, if there is someone, you should hold the door and wait; Do not cut in line; Do not smoke in non-smoking areas while walking, and do not spit anywhere. Do not litter, take care of flowers and trees; Do not casually ask others age, marriage, family, property, salary and other personal questions; Respect the cultural habits of different races and nationalities (e.g. dress, language, behavior, etc.). Work, dinner should understand the dress code in advance, to be appropriate for the occasion. For example: attend the funeral, should wear black or plain clothes; Enter places such as churches and avoid wearing revealing clothing.
Tipping is a culture in the United States and is considered a social etiquette. Tipping is expected in restaurants, haircuts, beauty treatments, handling, cleaning, repairs, parking, hotels and travel services. When traveling, studying, working and living in the United States, do as the Romans do, respect the local culture, and pay tips according to local customs, otherwise it is not only rude, but in some extreme cases may even cause conflict. Restaurant, beauty, hair tips are generally 15%-20% of the amount of consumption, airport, hotel handling luggage tips are generally 1-2 US dollars/piece, room service tips 3 [15] - $5 / day, the taxi tip is about 15% - 20% of the fare, to join the tour group, the guide tip is more than $5-10 / day.


The American diet is dominated by American Western food, and generally likes high-calorie foods, such as hamburgers, fried chicken, hot dogs, pies and so on.
Breakfast is usually rich and high in calories, common foods include hamburgers, milk, cereal, fruit, etc. American breakfast focuses on nutrition, although the portion of food is small, but the variety is rich to provide enough energy to start the day.
Lunch is relatively simple, mainly fast food, Americans will not go home to eat lunch, but choose to solve near the unit or fast food restaurant. Lunch may include hamburgers, pizza, salads, etc., and sometimes they bring their own meals, such as leftover food from breakfast, which is heated and eaten.
Dinner is the most important meal in the eyes of Americans. It is usually the richest and dressiest meal of the day. Dinner may consist of a starter, a main course, and a dessert. The main course is usually a meat dish, such as steak, lamb chops, chicken chops, etc., with vegetable salad and pasta. For sweets, Americans like cakes, fruit pies, ice cream and so on. In terms of cooking methods, Americans prefer frying, baking, frying, salty and sweet taste, high heat.
The United States is rich in fruit, the salad in American cuisine is mainly made of fruit, and the salad made of apples, pears, bananas and so on is the most common. In addition, American hot dishes often eat fruit, such as pineapple baked ham, baked bananas and so on. [15]


The trend of American naturalism literature has emerged and passed on with the process of American industrialization and the formation of post-industrial society, and occupies an important position in the history of American literature. The rural literature of the United States is gradually developed in the context of industrialization, and has experienced the historical changes from romantic emotions to realistic emotions and then to despair emotions. The American democratic ideal and social framework built on the basis of agricultural civilization became the most simple beliefs and ideals of the American public in the early and middle of the 19th century under the accumulation of such cultural representations as Jefferson's "agricultural natural morality", Taylor's "pastoral Republicanism" and Emerson's "natural oversenialism", and was also a typical representative of social values at that time.
With the deepening of the industrialization process in the United States, the original calm and harmonious agricultural civilization was broken, and the memory of "remote mountain village" at the beginning was transformed into helplessness and lament for rural life later. The values of horticulture and idealized "rural gilding" were gradually replaced by the "natural evil theory" of indifference and fear, which gradually led to the determinism and pessimism of later naturalistic literature. Especially after the mid-19th century, the spiritual crisis of American society emerged, and the reform movement sweeping the country was an attempt to solve this crisis in the aspects of social production, racial discrimination, gender differences, personal living habits, poverty and urbanization. In these vigorous reform movements, various kinds of "social reform literature" emerged, recording people's difficult search in the face of various puzzles of industrialization, and the failure of most reforms led to the complete destruction of the epistemology and values of the society through reform, and ultimately led to the literary transformation of naturalistic survival and violence at the end of the 19th century.
Like social reform literature, local literature and realism literature seek the answer to the value of American industrial society from the reality diversity and cultural pluralism of the United States, and try to obtain the theoretical basis for constructing the new value concept of the United States from a certain ideological "democratic progressive reality". These literature tried to "integrate" the "divisive reality" caused by industrialization with the value ideals of traditional agricultural civilization, and the failure of this integration forced these writers to convert to naturalism in their later works, so as to fully recognize and recognize the social values held by naturalist writers. In addition, naturalism, as a kind of literary trend in the process of reshaping American culture at that time, was also influenced by foreign cultures.
Naturalistic literature writers pay attention to the physical and psychological reflection of the subject to nature and society in the process of social production, circulation and consumption, which marks the change of social cultural consciousness from idealization to instrumentalization of values. First, through the interpretation of the Octopus, the first part of Norris' Wheat Epic, the author explores the constraints of natural environment and social and cultural environment on the subject's lifestyle and social behavior, and reveals the infiltration of commercial consciousness into rural towns and the social tragedy of the subject's survival. Secondly, through reading Dreiser's Sister Carrie, this paper analyzes the basic perspective model of the public on urban space in the process of industrialization. City is a typical representative of American industrialized culture and the focus of naturalistic literature. The writer applied Emerson's concept of "superspirit" to the description of the metropolis, trying to seek the universal law and the existence of the superspirit in the city life, but did not find the transcendentalism said that the superspirit is full of goodness, but encountered an indifferent city soul. Dreiser's work can therefore be understood as a romantic saga of urban life, demonstrating the sociocultural transformation of capitalism's "desire to produce and desire to consume." Thirdly, through reading the cultural analysis of scene projection and signification in Klein's Red Medal of Courage, this paper describes war as a metaphorical model of the reality of industrialized society, demonstrates the cultural production process of containment and seduction of social subjects by industrial ideology, and demonstrates the shaping function of war or war-like society on the psychological and behavioral violence and barbarism of subjects. Finally, by reading the Call of the Wild in London, I explore the connotation of industrialized culture. Although the work does not describe specific events in an industrial society, London generally describes the commercial adventures of American gold prospectors in the form of bestial fables. This commercial adventure is actually an integral part of the capitalist industrialization process, so The Call of the Wild is not so much a description of Buck's existence as a dog as it is a metaphorical reflection of the human existence of the industrialization process in London.
The emergence of naturalism in different periods of American literary history in the 20th century shows that it has survived as an important literary movement and formed a creative tradition in 20th century American literature, reflecting the themes of various historical stages of modern American life. As the core of mass consciousness at the highest level in the cultural system, the social values contained in it are not an accidental social and cultural phenomenon at the turn of the 19th and 20th century in the United States, and with the inheritance of naturalistic literature throughout the 20th century in the American public consciousness. In this work, modernist writer DOS Passos, black humorist Vonnegut and post-modern writer Delillo respectively discuss the continuation and inheritance of this "pan-historical value" of American naturalist literature. [31]



Federal holidays in the United States
holiday Chinese name
English name
New Year's Day
January 1st of the first year
Birthday of Martin Luther King
The third Monday in January
Washington's Birthday
The third Monday in February
Memorial Day
Last Monday in May
Independence Day
July 4th, 1776
International Workers' Day
Labor Day
First Monday in September
Columbus Day
Second Monday in October
Veterans Day
November 11, 1918
Thanksgiving Day
The fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day
December 25th, first year

Military affairs

The President of the United States holds the supreme command as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The use of offensive strategic weapons and nuclear weapons is concentrated in the hands of the president. The National Military Command system consists of the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Ministry of Defense is the presidential leadership and command of the entire military office, but also to the joint command issued by the president and the Secretary of defense orders of the military command. The Joint Chiefs of Staff is the highest military advisory body to the President and Secretary of Defense and is composed of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Army and Air Force Chiefs of Staff, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Secretary of Defense LloydAustin; Gen. CharlesBrown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 2022, US defense spending amounted to $746 billion, or about 3% of US GDP.
The main fighting forces of the United States are the Army, Air Force, Space Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard. The seven regional joint operations commands are the Indo-Pacific Command, the European Command, the Central Command, the Africa Command, the Southern Command, the Northern Command and the Space Command. The four functional Joint Operations Command includes Strategic Command, Transportation Command, Special Operations Command, and Cyber Command. [15]
Public information shows that the United States has 1.351 million active duty officers and soldiers, and 800,000 reserve forces. The United States has multilateral and bilateral military treaties with more than 50 countries and regions in the world, more than 800 overseas bases and facilities, provides military assistance to 40 countries and regions, and has military training programs with more than 90 countries and regions. In 2021, the United States will spend $801 billion on defense, or 3.5% of GDP. [1]




The highway and highway system of the United States covers the whole country, with a total mileage of more than 6 million kilometers, of which the total mileage of expressways (including interstates) exceeds 120,000 kilometers. The United States has roads in all directions and is called a "country on wheels." The United States is connected by road to Canada and Mexico, which share land borders. [9]


With more than 250,000 kilometers of track in operation, the U.S. railway network is the largest in the world. Freight lines account for about 80% of the total length of the U.S. rail network, while the total length of the passenger network is about 35,000 kilometers. The freight rail network in the United States consists of 538 railroads (7 Class I, 21 regional, and 510 local). The national passenger rail network consists of more than 30 routes connecting 500 destinations in 46 states. [9]

Air freight

Civil aviation is very developed in the United States. There are nearly 20,000 airports in China, ranking first in the world. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, all U.S. airlines will carry 935 million passengers in 2022. [9] Air travel is a major mode of transportation in the United States. [15]
Major U.S. airports include: New York John Fitzgerald Kennedy International Airport (New York), Washington Dulles International Airport (Washington Dulles International) Airport, San Francisco International Airport and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Las Vegas McCarran International Airport, Portland International Airport Airport, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport Airport), Chicago's O 'Hare International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport and Houston's George Bush Intercontinental Airport Intercontinental Airport, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport).
The major Airlines in the United States are United Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines and others. [15]

Water transport

The United States has 926 ports. Geographically, the major ports on the Atlantic coast are the ports of New York, Baltimore, Boston, Norver, Philadelphia and Portland. Major ports in the Great Lakes region include the ports of Chicago, Detroit, Duluth, Superior, and Toledo. Important ports on the Gulf of Mexico include the ports of New Orleans, Houston, and Badon Rock. The major ports on the Pacific coast are the ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles and Seattle.
According to the White House, the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will transport more than 10 million import containers in 2021, accounting for 40% of all container imports in the United States. [15]



Science and technology

At the beginning of the 19th century, the United States was one of the most influential countries in scientific and technological research, as well as in technological product innovation. The U.S. government has long viewed spending on science and technology as an investment in the nation's future, and has guided science and technology policy accordingly. U.S. science and technology policy has always focused on defense research, mainly to maintain military superiority, and basic research, which is based on the consideration that basic research is the foundation of long-term national development.
Many of the most important inventions in human industrial history, including the cotton gin, general purpose parts, production lines, etc., originated in the United States, and industrial production lines were especially important, which made industrial mass production from a dream to a reality. Other important inventions include the airplane, the light bulb, and the telephone.
America planned it in the 20th century Manhattan atomic bomb Project , Apollo moon program and Human genome project . in World War II It was first developed in the United States Atomic bomb To bring human technology into the new era of the atomic age. After the beginning of the Cold War, the United States achieved success in the field of space science and technology and led the space race, which led to major advances in rocket technology, weapons research, materials science and computers, etc. The United States contributed greatly to the history of the development of computers and networks, including the invention of computers in World War II, the early militarization of applications, and the development and innovation of personal computers. United States Department of Defense ARPA Net is the forerunner of network technology.
In terms of scientific research, American scholars have won a great deal Nobel Prize Especially in the fields of biology and medicine. The National Center for Health Research is the focal point for biomedicine in the United States and has been accomplished Human genome project To make humans more sensitive to cancer, Alzheimer's disease Research into the cure of such diseases has entered an important stage. The government agency for aviation and space research is The National Aeronautics and Space Administration . Boeing Company and Lockheed Martin The private sector also plays an important role. National Academy of Sciences , National Academy of Engineering , National Academy of Medicine And the National Nature Foundation, are the four highest level academic institutions in the United States scientific community. In addition to the WWF, the other three institutes conferred academician titles respectively.


Primary and secondary education is mainly administered by state boards of education and local governments. Schools are public and private. Most states have 12 years of compulsory education. The school system varies from state to state, with most having six years of primary school, three years of middle school, and three years of high school. Higher education has two-year junior colleges and technical colleges, four-year undergraduate universities and two to four years of graduate school. The United States has one of the most educated citizens in the world. Annual spending on education is about $1.1 trillion, or about 5% of GDP. According to the 2020 US Census data, of the 252 million adult population in the United States, only 3.25% of adults (8.21 million people) have not received a high school education, and 34.79% of adults have a bachelor's degree or above. [9]


The overall level of medical conditions in the United States is relatively high, and the facilities are perfect. The institutions providing medical care mainly include hospitals, doctors' clinics, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, independent diagnosis and treatment centers and pharmacies. Large hospitals are equipped with advanced medical testing equipment and operating rooms, mainly for emergency patients and major difficult patients to provide medical services. The average patient usually goes to a doctor's office in the community. Community doctors' clinics have the characteristics of small scale, large number, wide distribution and convenient medical treatment. They usually provide basic medical services such as general physical examination, disease follow-up, family health care, general internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopaedic surgery and ophthalmology.
drugs in the United States are divided into prescription drugs and non-prescription drugs. The purchase of "prescription drugs" must be based on a "prescription" written by a doctor, and the "prescription drugs" must be sold by a licensed pharmacist working in the "pharmacy". Some supermarkets and discount stores also have pharmacies where you can buy non-prescription drugs without a doctor's prescription, such as aspirin or common cold medicine. In general, commonly used medicines are available locally.
The health insurance system in the United States consists of social health insurance and private health insurance. Due to the high cost of seeing a doctor in the United States, if you do not buy insurance, individuals will be difficult to bear the huge medical costs, so many people participate in social medical insurance and private medical insurance.
In the United States, wildlife, including bats, may transmit plague, rabies, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, hare disease, encephalitis from arthropods, seasonal influenza, hepatitis A, and other infectious diseases. There are also cases of valley fever in the United States, mostly in the southern Western United States (Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah), most of them in Arizona and California. In recent years, the incidence of foodborne diseases such as enterohemorrhagic E. coli and salmonellosis has increased in some areas. Other diseases include bites from venomous snakes and poison ivy. In northern regions, cold temperatures can cause frostbite in winter. [15]

Physical education

Sports in the United States is an important part of national culture. Americans enjoy some sports that are particularly popular in the United States, such as playing with American football , baseball , basketball and Ice hockey Soccer is a relatively unknown sport in the United States, but it is also considered the most promising sport in the United States as more and more teenagers take up the world's most popular sport. Virtues such as community spirit, fairness, discipline, and durability embodied in sports are highly prized in American society.
美国的NBA 美国的NBA 美国的NBA 美国的NBA 美国的NBA 美国的NBA 美国的NBA
NBA in the United States
On June 13, 2018, FIFA (International Football Association) It was officially announced at the congress that the United States, Canada and Mexico (a joint bid) had beaten Morocco to host the 2026 World Cup. [5-7] The 2026 FIFA World Cup It will be jointly hosted by the United States, Mexico and Canada, with 11 host cities in the United States [8] .


The American newspaper system is huge. As of March 2023, the top 10 daily newspapers are: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New York Post, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Star Tribune, Newsday, the Chicago Tribune, and the Tampa Bay Times.
Associated Press It was founded in Chicago in 1846, became an associate in 1893, and moved its headquarters to New York in 1990. Partners include more than 1,700 newspapers and more than 5,000 television and radio stations; There are 263 news bureaus worldwide with offices in 121 countries. United Press International It is the second largest news agency in the United States, formed in 1958 by the merger of the former United Press and the International Press Service, and is headquartered in Washington, D.C. There are more than 80 branches abroad and a worldwide picture network.
The United States has a well-developed broadcast and cable television system. The two largest external broadcasters are Voice of America And ABC, both official. The largest national radio networks in the United States are National broadcasting Corporation (NBC), CBS (CBS), American broadcasting company (ABC), CNN (CNN) And Focus (FOX) et al. [1]


According to Statista, the US is one of the largest smartphone markets in the world, with more than 310 million smartphone users as of 2022. In line with the overall growth of the global smartphone market, US smartphone penetration has continued to rise over the past few years and will reach around 92% in 2023. Smartphone sales are expected to reach around $102 billion in 2023. [9]


The United States has 511 coal plants, 1,740 natural gas plants, 99 nuclear reactors and 63 nuclear power plants, 1,436 hydroelectric plants, 843 wind power plants, 772 solar power plants, and 1,098 oil power plants.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in 2022, utility-scale generation facilities in the United States generated about 4.24 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. Natural gas remained the main source of power generation, with its share rising to 40 percent from 37 percent the previous year. The share of renewables in total electricity generation increased to 22% from 19% in 2021. Wind and solar power accounted for 14% of electricity generation, and other renewable energy sources accounted for 8%; The share of coal generation was reduced from 23 percent to 20 percent and nuclear from 20 percent to 18 percent.
The US Energy Agency disclosed in the report that the development of renewable energy is largely due to the reduction of the cost of wind and solar power generation. In 2022, the United States added 58 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity from small solar photovoltaic systems. The U.S. Energy Information Administration predicts that from 2022 to 2023, wind's share of the U.S. power generation mix will increase from 11 percent to 12 percent, and solar will increase from 4 percent to 5 percent. The share of wind and solar power in total power generation will increase from 15% to 17% in 2022. The share of natural gas is expected to remain at around 39-40 percent, while coal is expected to decline from 20 percent in 2022 to 17 percent in 2023. [9]

Public security

The overall public security situation in the United States has deteriorated, and mass shooting violence has occurred frequently, causing a large number of casualties. According to CNN's calculations based on national police department data, more than two-thirds of the top 40 large cities in the United States by population in 2021 have increased the number of homicides from the previous year, and 10 of them have reached a record number of homicides. According to the latest data, violent crime in Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Seattle, Washington and other cities increased by 40 percent as of May 22 compared to the same period in 2021. It found that the highest number of people killed in shootings were African Americans, nearly twice as many as the next highest number of people of Native American descent. [32] Public opinion was torn, demonstrations took place in many places, and there were many cases of smashing and looting and confrontation between the police and the people. Many cities in the United States have high crime rates, and crime is concentrated in specific urban neighborhoods. [15] Anti-china sentiment is on the rise, and unfriendly words and deeds against the Chinese people in American society have increased. Because Chinese citizens are accustomed to carrying cash with them, they are easy targets for criminals to pay attention to, and property theft cases occur from time to time. Telecom fraud cases occur frequently, and the routines are mostly impersonating "public security law", "killing pig plates", virtual kidnapping, etc., and the amount of Chinese personnel is huge. [15]
The Department of Homeland Security uses the National Counterterrorism Alert System and publishes periodic bulletins on its official website to inform the United States of terrorist threats and trends over a period of time. When sufficient evidence of a terrorist attack is found, an official alert is issued. [15]


Hurricanes and tornadoes typically occur from June to November, often with strong winds and heavy rain throughout the southern United States. Tornadoes and heavy rain are most common in the Midwest of the United States, with a peak period from April to June. Large parts of California are prone to earthquakes, especially San Francisco, which lies on the "SAN Andreas Fault zone." Many dry areas in the United States, especially in the west, are prone to wildfires due to high temperatures each summer and fall. Brush fires spread quickly when the weather is dry and the wind is strong. Pay attention to local media reports on such fire incidents, and follow the suggestions of relevant local government departments. [15]

People's livelihood

In 2022, the median household income in the United States will be $74,580, down 2.3 percent from 2021. In 2022, personal savings as a percentage of disposable income in the United States fell sharply to 3.31 percent. There is a large gap between the rich and the poor in the United States, and the Gini coefficient, which reflects the gap in household income distribution, is 0.47 in 2022, exceeding the alarm level.
Social welfare in the United States is divided into social insurance and non-social insurance. Social insurance benefits include: old age insurance, unemployment insurance and other employment insurance; Non-social Security benefits include: Assistance to families with child care difficulties, Social Security income, food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance, and energy assistance. The health care system in the United States is mainly made up of two parts: Medicare and Medicaid. In recent years, the United States medical expenses have been rising, and the government's finances have been unable to meet its expenses. During the Obama administration, the United States will pass a health care reform bill in March 2010 with "universal coverage" and "low cost" as the core. In his first week in office, Biden signed an executive order restoring the Affordable Care Act and expanding health insurance coverage. [1]
After 100 years of evolution, the United States has formed a health care system based on health insurance, which has three main pillars: First, employed employees buy health insurance through their employers; MEDICARE, also known as Medicare, is the federal government's health insurance program for people over 65 and the disabled. The third is MEDICAID, a joint venture between the federal and state governments that provides the poorest Americans with health insurance for the poor. [9]


According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the median weekly wage for employed Americans in the second quarter of 2023 was $1,100, up 5.7 percent from the same period in 2022, with the median weekly wage for Asians at $1,449, the highest among all ethnic groups.
The federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour has been in place for 11 years, the longest period in U.S. history without an increase in the minimum wage. The Biden administration has planned to raise the minimum wage level, starting from 2022, many states in the United States have raised the minimum wage standard, as of July 2023, the minimum wage in Washington, D.C., rose to $17 per hour, the highest hourly wage in the United States, Massachusetts and other states are $15 per hour. [9]

Labour force

According to the non-farm employment report released by the US Department of Labor, the United States added 209,000 non-farm jobs in June 2023, the number of new jobs hit the lowest record since December 2020, the unemployment rate fell slightly to 3.6%, and the labor force participation rate rose slightly to 62.6%. The U.S. labor market continues to recover and is nearing full employment. Unemployment remains at historically low levels, wage growth is firm, and overall, the U.S. job market is strong. [9]



Foreign policy

The Biden administration will adjust foreign policy after taking office in January 2021. The Interim National Security Strategy Guidelines were issued to revitalize the U.S. system of global Allies and partners, lead and maintain a stable and open international system, and put the American people, especially working families, at the center of the national security strategy. President Biden attended the special video conference of the Munich Security Conference, the EU Summit, went to Europe to attend the G7 summit, the NATO Summit, the US-EU summit, the US-Russia Summit, and held the Leaders' Democracy Summit. We will establish a trilateral security partnership between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, and host the first offline summit of the leaders of the Trilateral Mechanism between the United States, Japan, India and Australia and the first meeting of the US-EU Trade and Technology Council. Unilaterally decided to withdraw unconditional and complete troops from Afghanistan by September 11, with the withdrawal of NATO forces at the same time. Completion of the DPRK policy review. Return to the Paris Agreement on climate change and host the Leaders' Climate Summit and Major Economies' Forum on Energy and Climate. Ending his withdrawal from the World Health Organization and returning to the UN Human Rights Council as an observer. Join the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) and the COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation Initiative (COVAX) to host a global video summit on COVID-19. We will step up efforts to promote the Indo-Pacific Strategy and launch the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework. A five-year extension of the New START treaty between the United States and Russia. Since the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has strongly condemned Russia's actions, imposed multiple rounds of sanctions on Russia together with its Allies and partners, and provided military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. [1]

External relations

Sino-american relations
On December 16, 1978, China and the United States issued the Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and the United States of America, in which the United States "recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China" and the United States government "recognizes the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China." On January 1, 1979, China and the United States officially established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level.
In February 1972, US President Richard Nixon visited China at the invitation of Premier Zhou Enlai of The State Council, and the door of Sino-US exchanges was reopened. During Nixon's visit to China, the two sides issued the Sino-US Joint Communique (the "Shanghai Communique") in Shanghai on February 28, 1972. "The United States recognizes that all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait believe that there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China." The United States Government does not dispute this position." In December 1975, US President Gerald Ford was invited to visit China. On January 1, 1979, China and the United States formally established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level, and the United States announced the severance of the so-called "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan, and withdrew its troops from Taiwan within the year, terminating the mutual defense Treaty between the United States and Taiwan (that is, "severing diplomatic relations, abolishing treaties, and withdrawing troops"). On August 17, 1982, the governments of China and the United States issued the August 17 Communique. It is prepared to gradually reduce its arms sales to Taiwan, leading over a period of time to a final settlement." The three joint communiques between China and the United States, namely the Shanghai Communique, the Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and the United States, and the August 17 Communique, have become guiding documents for the development of China-Us relations.
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China and the United States have conducted exchanges and cooperation in a wide range of political, economic and other fields. [45]
Relations with Japan
From September 1945 to September 1951, Japan was directly occupied by the United States. On September 8, 1951, more than 40 countries including the United States and Japan signed the Peace Treaty with Japan (known as the San Francisco Peace Treaty), ending the occupation of Japan. On the same day, Japan and the United States signed the Japan-US Security Guarantee Treaty, forming a military alliance. In April 1996, Japan and the United States issued the Joint Declaration on Security. In June 1997, Japan and the United States issued a new interim report on defense cooperation guidelines, putting forward a new concept of "surrounding affairs". In September of the same year, the two sides approved the final report and issued a joint statement. After the September 11, 2011, terrorist attacks in the United States, Japan fully supported the anti-terrorism actions of the United States, and successively passed the Anti-terrorism Special Measures Law and the Special Measures to Support the Recovery of Iraq. From February 2005 to May 2006, Japan and the United States held three meetings of the Security Consultative Committee (" 2+2 "meeting), and successively issued documents on" Common Strategic Objectives "and" The Japan-US Alliance: "Transformation and Reorganization for the Future" (October 2005), "Roadmap for the Implementation of the Realignment of U.S. Forces in Japan" (May 2006), "Toward a Deeper and Broader Japan-U.S. Alliance - Building on a 50-Year Partnership" and "Progress in the Reorganization of U.S. Forces in Japan" (June 2011). In April 2012, Prime Minister Noda visited the United States and met with President Obama, during which Japan and the United States issued a joint statement entitled "A Common Blueprint for the Future." In February 2013, Prime Minister Abe visited the United States and announced the Joint Statement on Japan's accession to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). [46] On April 10, 2024, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met with U.S. President Joe Biden in Washington, D.C. The two sides will significantly upgrade the Japan-US Security Treaty, deepen the Japan-US alliance in military, economic and other fields, and seek the so-called "global partnership" between the two countries. [47]
Relations with South Korea
The United States and South Korea established diplomatic relations in January 1949 and signed the Korea-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty in October 1953, establishing a military alliance. At present, the United States has 28,500 troops in South Korea, and holds the wartime command of the South Korean army, and has security and defense obligations for South Korea. [48]
Relations with Niger
On March 16, 2024, Niger's National Committee for the Defense of the Fatherland announced that it had formally abolished the country's military cooperation agreement with the United States. [12]
Relations with Mexico
On June 4, 2024, U.S. President Joe Biden announced an executive action that will close the asylum applications of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border and expedite the deportation of foreign citizens who cross the border at ports of entry once the average daily number of people crossing the border at the U.S.-Mexico border reaches 2,500 in seven days. Illegal immigrants deported under the order would be barred from re-entering the United States for at least five years and could be subject to criminal prosecution. [40]
Relations with Ukraine
On June 4, 2024, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine announced that certain citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 who hold dual U.S. and Ukrainian citizenship will no longer be able to freely leave Ukraine. The U.S. government strongly advises such men between the ages of 18 and 60 not to travel to Ukraine, even if they hold a U.S. passport. [41]
On June 13, 2024 local time, the White House issued a statement saying that US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a bilateral security agreement after their meeting, which clarified the long-term support of the United States for Ukraine and pledged to continue cooperation in the field of defense and security. [49]
Relations with Palestine
On June 6, 2024 local time, the White House issued a joint statement on the Gaza issue by the leaders of the United States, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada and other countries, calling on the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to accept the Gaza ceasefire and the release of detainees proposed by US President Joe Biden on May 31. On May 31 local time, US President Joe Biden said in a speech that Israel has proposed a three-stage ceasefire plan to provide a road map for achieving a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and securing the release of detainees. The programme was presented to the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) through Qatar. Senior Hamas members criticized on June 4 that the text of the draft cease-fire agreement submitted to them by the United States was not consistent with previous public remarks by U.S. President Joe Biden. Hamas agreed to sign a cease-fire with Israel only if Israel promised a permanent cease-fire and a complete withdrawal. [42]


The United States is rich in tourism resources. The United States has a sound management and maintenance system for national parks and forest parks, which provide tourists with vast open space and convenient facilities. Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon of Colorado, Niagara Falls and so on are widely known to tourists from all over the world. According to the National Park Service (National Park Service), the United States National Park system includes a total of 419 parks, memorials, historic sites and rivers and other management and conservation units, receiving more than 330 million visitors per year; According to the information released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (U.S. Forest Service), there are 154 national forest parks and 20 national grasslands in the United States. The forest, wetland, grassland and other protected areas under its management cover an area of 780,000 square kilometers, accounting for 8% of the entire land area, of which 122 are snowfields. It receives 27 million visitors a year. In addition, the United States has the most museums in the world, more than 35,000, of which the Metropolitan Museum of Art is world-famous, receiving tens of millions of visitors every year. The United States is also the originator of theme parks, the world famous Disneyland and Universal Studios in many countries. [33]

Main attraction

National Mall and Monuments
National Mall
The National Mall and Monuments are located within the scenic belt of Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, with more than 80 historic buildings and more than 150 parks. The 169-meter-high marble obelisk, known as the Washington Monument, towers above the square. From the ground floor, you can take a 70-second elevator ride to the top of the 149-meter monument to view the museum's exhibits and enjoy the surrounding city scenery. You can also admire the Reflecting Pool, which connects the iconic Lincoln Memorial with the World War II Memorial. The reflecting pool is about 618 meters long and 51 meters wide. [34] Free admission to dozens of America's most classic museums, They include the National Gallery of Art, the National Air & Space Museum and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). [35]
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty Liberty Island, located at the mouth of the Hudson River in New York City, is a landmark building in New York, and its full name is "Statue of Liberty International Monument", the official name is "Goddess of Liberty Shining the world". It was a gift from France to the United States in 1876 for the 100th anniversary of independence. The statue was completed by the famous French sculptor Bartholdi after 10 years of hard work. The appearance design of the goddess comes from the sculptor's mother, and the right hand of the goddess holding the torch is from the arm of the sculptor's wife. The statue of Liberty is dressed in ancient Greek style and wears a crown with seven pointed awn symbolizing the seven continents and five oceans of the world. In 1984, it was inscribed on the United Nations World Heritage List as a World cultural Heritage.
The Statue of Liberty is 46 meters high, 93 meters with a base, weighs 225 tons, and is cast of metal. In her right hand she held a torch, a symbol of freedom, and in her left hand she held the Declaration of Independence inscribed on July 4, 1776. At her feet were broken handcuffs, shackles and chains. She is a symbol of freedom and freedom from tyranny. [36]
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is the world's first national park, established in 1872, across the central United States of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho three states. The natural forest covers an area of about 9,000 square kilometers, which includes lakes, canyons, rivers and mountains. It has half of the Earth's known geothermal resources, and the world's largest concentration of geysers, with more than 300 geysers, accounting for about two-thirds of the Earth's total. It is known for its rich wildlife species and geothermal resources.
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is rich in landforms, climate change, the whole national park is divided into five areas: the northwest of the Mamus hot spring area is mainly limestone steps, so it is also known as the hot step area; The northeast is Roosevelt District, which still retains the old West landscape; In the middle is the canyon area, you can see Yellowstone canyon and waterfalls; The southeast is Huangshi Lake area, which is mainly lake and mountain; The west and southwest are geysers, geysers, hot springs, steam, hot pools, mud and fumaroles. The largest lake in the park is Yellowstone Lake, located in the heart of the Yellowstone Volcano and one of the largest high-altitude lakes in all of North America. As the largest wildlife reserve in the United States, Yellowstone Park is inhabited by a large number of wild animals, the most seen in Yellowstone Park is herds of American bison, and often elk and antelope can be seen. Grizzly or black bears are sometimes found deep in the park or on roads. [37]
In 1978, Yellowstone National Park was inscribed on the United Nations World Heritage List as a natural heritage site. [37]
Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park is located in eastern California Sierra Nevada The word "Yosemite" means grizzly bear in the Indian language, which is a totem of the local Indian natives. Yosemite covers an area of 2,848 square kilometers, the height of the park is very different, glaciers have transformed Yosemite's winding rivers and rolling hills into the current spectacular terrain. Yosemite Valley was covered by glaciers during the last ice Age. The valley is U-shaped, and the cliffs on both sides are marked by glacier-cut marks, most notably Half Dome. The valley is full of waterfalls, the most famous being Yosemite Falls. After the glacier retreated, Yosemite Valley experienced many floods, creating a flood plain at the valley floor.
Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park is centered on the Yosemite Creek Valley, which contains the Merced River and several waterfalls, including the famous Yosemite Falls. There are also many beautiful peaks in the landscape, the most famous of which is Captain's Peak, a granite wall that rises 1,099 meters straight up from the valley floor and is one of the highest uninterrupted cliffs in the world. The terrain in the park is very different, and the mountains, canyons, rivers and waterfalls constantly come into view, forming the majestic scenery of the valley. There are more than 1,000 kinds of flowers and plants in the park, growing black oak, cedar, yellow pine, and trees such as giant sequoias. Among them is a giant cedar called the Giant Grizzly Bear, estimated to be 2,700 years old. [38]
In 1984, Yosemite was added to the United Nations World Heritage List as a natural heritage site. [38]
Grand Canyon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park is located in the northwest of Arizona Colorado plateau, covering an area of 4931 square kilometers, was founded in 1919, the canyon due to the Colorado River strong cut and formed, so also known as the Grand Canyon of Colorado. It runs in an east-west direction for 350 kilometers, with an average valley depth of 1,600 meters, and the Colorado River flows through the valley floor. In 1979, the Grand Canyon National Park was listed as one of the World Natural Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
Grand Canyon National Park
The Grand Canyon runs from where the Colorado River meets in the east to near Grand Wash Cliff near the Nevada border in the west. The shape is extremely irregular, winding, winding and circling, and the top width of the canyon is between 6 and 30 kilometers, shrinking down into a V-shape. The two sides are high in the north and low in the south, the largest valley is more than 1500 meters deep, the width of the valley floor is less than a kilometer, and the narrowest point is only 120 meters, forming a strange canyon scenery. Due to the different rock properties of the two walls of the canyon and the different minerals contained in the sun, they show different colors, such as iron ore will show colorful, other oxides will show a variety of dim tones, and quartz will show white. The color of the valley wall also changes with the weather.
Grand Canyon National Park
The Grand Canyon National Park is rich in wildlife. In the canyon, from the bottom up, there are various plants from subtropical to cold zone, such as juniper, cactus, poppy, spruce, fir and so on. It is also home to 230 bird species, 70 mammals, 10 fish, and 40 amphibians and reptiles. Rare animals are bald eagles, American falcons, lizards and so on. There are the only Kaibab squirrels and rose-colored rattlesnakes in the world. [39]

World heritage site

World Heritage List of the United States
Estate name
Heritage type
Selection time
Local area
Mesa Verde National Park
World cultural heritage
The year 1978
Everglades National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1979
American Independence Museum
World cultural heritage
The year 1979
Grand Canyon National Park
World cultural heritage
The year 1979
Cluane and Wrangle-San Elias Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1979
The United States and Canada share
Redwood National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1980
Mammoth Cave National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1981
United States Olympic National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1981
Washington State
Kaokia Mounds historic site
World cultural heritage
The year 1982
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1983
Tennessee shares it with North Carolina
SAN Juan historical Site of the Old fort
World cultural heritage
The year 1983
Puerto Rico
Yosemite National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1984
Statue of Liberty
World cultural heritage
The year 1984
New York City
Yellowstone National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1987
It's shared by Wyoming, Montana and Idaho
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1987
Monticello in Charlottesville and the University of Virginia
World cultural heritage
The year 1987
Chaco Culture National Historical Park
World cultural heritage
The year 1987
New Mexico
Taos Indian Village
World cultural heritage
The year 1992
Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1995
New Mexico
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park
World natural Heritage
The year 1995
Shared by the United States and Canada
Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Sanctuary, United States
World cultural and natural heritage
The year 2010
Pofferty Point Memorial Mound
World cultural heritage
The year 2014
SAN Antonio Mission Area National Historical Park
World cultural heritage
The year 2015
Twentieth-century architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright
World cultural heritage
They're shared by Pennsylvania and Wisconsin