May Day

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synonymMay Day(a holiday shared by working people all over the world) generally refers to the May 1st International Labor Day
International Workers' Day (International Workers' Day; International Labour Day; May Day), is a national holiday in more than 80 countries in the world, and a holiday for working people around the world to unite and fight, on May 1 (some countries are other times, such as the United States, the United States, and the United States). [24] Canada [25] ). [14 ]
International Labor Day was fought for by the working class. As capitalism entered the monopoly stage, the workers were forced to perform a great deal of labor every day, and in order to defend their rights, the workers decided to fight. [6] In 1886, 350,000 workers in Chicago and other cities in the United States held a general strike and demonstrations, demanding the implementation of the eight-hour working system and improving working conditions, and the American authorities were forced by international public opinion and social pressure to announce the implementation of the eight-hour working system. In order to commemorate this struggle, in July 1889, the congress of the Second International held in Paris established May 1 as the May 1st International Labor Day. [6] [10]
Labor Day is of great significance, workers through the struggle, with the tenacious, brave and unyielding spirit of struggle, to win the legitimate rights and interests, is the historic progress of human civilization and democracy. [12] [43] To celebrate the May 1st International Labor Day, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government honored workers who have made outstanding contributions. [21] [28] Hold an assembly or cultural event. [18] [24] Internationally, some countries will hold demonstrations on May Day [26] [27 ] Some countries have unique folk activities. [24 to 25]
On December 23, 1949, the Government Administration Council of the Central People's Government set the May 1 International Labor Day as a holiday worthy of commemoration and celebration. [10] [18] Then the holiday time was adjusted continuously, and in 1999 it was adjusted to 7 days, forming the Golden Week. [56] After 2008, the May Day holiday began to shrink, and there were 3 days, 4 days, 5 days. [57] 56 -
Chinese name
May Day
Foreign name
International Workers' Day
May Day
International Labour Day
International Workers' Day , International Day of Demonstrations
Festival time
May 1 every year; Some countries for other times, such as the United States, Canada)
Festival type
International festival
Endemic area
More than 80 countries in the world
Festival origin
The general strike of 1886 in Chicago
Festival activity
Assembly and procession
Festival meaning
Worker We have won our legal rights
Set point
Second International
Set time
The year 1890

Historical evolution



  • Historical background
In the 19th century, with the rapid development of capitalism, capitalists generally exploited workers cruelly by increasing labor time and labor intensity in order to extract more surplus value in pursuit of profits. The workers worked more than 12 hours a day and the working conditions were very bad. [7] [8-9 ]
  • The introduction of the eight-hour working day
After the 19th century, especially after Chartist movement The scale of the struggle of the British working class continues to expand. In June 1847, the British Parliament passed the ten-hour Working Day Act. In 1856, gold miners in Melbourne, British Australia, took advantage of labor shortages and fought for an eight-hour day. After the 1870s, British workers in certain industries won the nine-hour day. In September 1866, the First International held its first congress in Geneva, where, on Marx's proposal, "the legal restriction of the work system is the first step towards the intellectual development, physical strength and final emancipation of the working class," passed the resolution "to strive for the eight hours of the working day." Since then, workers in all countries have fought the capitalists for the eight-hour day. [8-9 ]
In 1866, First International Geneva conference Put forward the slogan of the eight-hour working day. [11] 10 - In the struggle of the international proletariat for the eight-hour day, the American working class has taken the lead. At the end of the American Civil War in the 1860s, American workers clearly put forward the slogan of "fighting for the eight-hour day". The slogan spread quickly and gained great influence. [9 ]
Driven by the American labor movement, in 1867, six states passed laws mandating an eight-hour workday. In June 1868, the United States Congress enacted the first federal law on the eight-hour day in American history, making the eight-hour day applicable to government workers. In 1876, the Supreme Court struck down the federal law on the eight-hour day. [9 ]
1877 There was the first national strike in American history. The working class took to the streets to demonstrate to the government to improve working and living conditions and to demand shorter working hours and the introduction of an eight-hour day. Under intense pressure from the labor movement, the U.S. Congress was forced to enact the eight-hour day law, but the law eventually became a dead letter. [12]
After the 1880s, the struggle for the eight-hour day became a central issue in the American labor movement. In 1882, American workers proposed that the first Monday in September be designated as a day of street demonstrations, and fought tirelessly for this. In 1884, the AFL convention decided that the first Monday in September would be a National Day of rest for workers. Although this decision was not directly related to the struggle for the eight-hour day, it gave impetus to the struggle for the eight-hour day. Congress had to pass a law making the first Monday in September a Labor Day. In December 1884, in order to promote the development of the struggle for the eight-hour day, the AFL also made a historic resolution: "The Organized Trades Union and Federation of Labour of the United States and Canada have resolved that, as of May 1, 1886, the day of legal Labour shall be eight hours, and recommend to all the Labour organizations of the District that they amend their statutes to conform to this resolution on the said date." [9 ]
  • The continued rise of the labor movement
In October 1884, eight international and national workers' groups in the United States and Canada held a rally in Chicago, the United States, to fight for the realization of the "eight-hour work day", and decided to launch a broad struggle, and decided to hold a general strike on May 1, 1886, forcing capitalists to implement the eight-hour work day. The American working class across the country enthusiastically supported and responded, and thousands of workers in many cities joined the struggle. [6]
The AFL's decision received an enthusiastic response from workers across the United States. Since 1886, the American working class has held demonstrations, strikes, and boycotts to force employers to adopt an eight-hour workday by May 1. The struggle came to a head in May. [9 ] On May 1, 1886, 350,000 workers in Chicago and other cities in the United States held a general strike and demonstration, demanding the implementation of an 8-hour work day and improving working conditions. [6] [10] [12] The United Workers' strike notice read, "Rise up, workers of America! May 1st, 1886 lay down your tools, lay down your work, shut down your factories and mines for one day a year. This is a day of rebellion, not leisure! This is not a day when the system of enslaving the world's Labour is prescribed by a vaunted spokesman. This is a day when workers make their own laws and have the power to put them into effect! ... This is the day when I start to enjoy eight hours of work, eight hours of rest, and eight hours of my own control. [14 ]
Workers went on strike, paralyzing major industries in the United States. Trains stopped running, shops were closed, and all warehouses were sealed. [15 ]
But the strike was suppressed by the US authorities, many workers were killed and arrested, and the whole country was shaken. [6] With the broad support of progressive public opinion in the world and the persistent struggle of the working class around the world, the US government finally announced the implementation of the eight-hour working day a month later, and the American workers' movement won an initial victory. 12 - [13]
  • The establishment of the May 1 International Labor Day
In July 1889, the Second International, led by Engels, held a congress in Paris. To commemorate the "May Day" strike of American workers, it shows "Workers of the world, unite!" The great power to promote the struggle of workers in all countries for the eight-hour working day, the meeting passed a resolution, on May 1, 1890, international workers held a parade, and decided to set May 1 as the day of the International Labor Day, that is, now the "May 1 International Labor Day." [6] [10]
On May 1, 1890, the working class in Europe and the United States took the lead in taking to the streets to hold grand demonstrations and rallies to fight for their legitimate rights and interests. From then on, every time on this day, the working people of all countries in the world will gather and parade to celebrate. [15 ]
  • The May Day Labor Movement in Russia and the Soviet Union
After Engels died in August 1895, Second International The internal opportunists began to gain dominance, and the national workers' parties belonging to the Second International gradually deformed into bourgeois reformist parties. After the outbreak of the First World War, the leaders of these parties even more openly betrayed the cause of proletarian internationalism and socialism and became social chauvinists in favor of imperialist war. Under the slogan "defence of the fatherland," they shamelessly incite the workers of all countries to engage in a frenzied slaughter of each other for the benefit of their own bourgeoisie. Thus the organization of the Second International disintegrated and the May Day, a symbol of international proletarian solidarity, was abolished. After the end of the war, due to the upsurge of the proletarian revolutionary movement in the imperialist countries, these traitors, in order to help the bourgeoisie suppress the proletarian revolutionary movement, have once again taken up the banner of the Second International to deceive the working masses, and have used the May Day rallies and demonstrations to spread reformist influence. Since then, on the question of how to commemorate the "May Day", there has been a sharp struggle between the revolutionary Marxists and the reformists in two ways. [29 ]
Under the leadership of Lenin, the Russian proletariat first linked the "May Day" commemoration with the revolutionary tasks of various periods, and commemorated the annual "May Day" festival with revolutionary actions, making May 1 truly a festival of the international proletarian revolution. [29 ] The first commemoration of the May Day by the Russian proletariat was in 1891. On May Day 1900, workers' rallies and demonstrations were held in Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkiv, Tifris (now Tbilisi), Kiev, Rostov and many other big cities. Following Lenin's instructions, in 1901 and 1902, the Russian workers' demonstrations commemorating May Day developed significantly, turning from marches into bloody clashes between workers and the army. [29 ]
In July 1903, Russia established the first truly fighting Marxist revolutionary party of the international proletariat. At this Congress, a draft resolution on the first of May was drafted by Lenin. Since then, the commemoration of the May Day by the Russian proletariat, with the leadership of the Party, has entered a more revolutionary stage. [29 ] Since then, May Day celebrations have been held every year in Russia, and the labor movement has continued to rise, involving tens of thousands of workers, and clashes between the masses and the army have occurred. [29 ]
As a result of the victory of the October Revolution, the Soviet working class began to commemorate the May Day International Labor Day in their own territory from 1918. The proletariat all over the world also embarked on the revolutionary road of struggle for the realization of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the "May Day" festival began to become a truly revolutionary and fighting festival in these countries. [29 ]


  • Ancient "Labor Day"
In ancient times, no matter the emperor or the common people, agricultural labor is the basis of their survival. So, although there is no Labor Day, there are similar days. In order to encourage the peasants to cultivate actively, the emperor needed to leave the palace once a year to "work". In this sense, the ancient "Labor Day" was the day when spring ploughing began. In the ancient agrarian world, the importance of this date is self-evident. Every year in spring, the emperor would hold the ceremony of "persuading the people to farm and mulberry". [16] The ancient Chinese "Labor Day", whose original meaning is closer to the literal meaning, is very different from the May 1st International Labor Day in essence. [10]
  • The introduction of May Day
In August 1905, Dr. Sun Yat-sen contacted several progressive organizations in Japan, established the Tongmeng Association, and founded an organ newspaper - Min Pao The fourth and fifth volumes were the first to introduce the situation of the International Labor Organization and the uprising of the Paris Commune to the Chinese people. At that time, it was translated as "The Great Demonstration of the Workers' Organization of All Nations." However, at that time, there was no exact intention to introduce it to China, just an international dynamic introduction. [15 ]
In the early period of the Republic of China, May Day was introduced to China as a product of the western labor movement. Due to the relatively weak power of the Chinese working class at that time, the May Day commemoration was not popular in China. [17 ]
By the workers' movement in capitalist countries and Russia October Revolution Influence, China began the "May Day" commemoration activities. May Day first attracted the attention of progressive intellectuals. The newspaper that introduces the "May Day" has the Beijing" Morning paper ", Tianjin" Ta Kung Pao ", Shanghai" Republic of China Daily "" Times "And" declare "And other publications such as" New youth "" consciousness "" Week review "" The new society "" Peking University Student Weekly ", etc. [8 ] [19 ] March 1918," Labour The magazine was founded in Shanghai, the third Labor Day special issue, the first time more clearly to the Chinese people to introduce the significance of the May 1 international Labor Day. Some progressive intellectuals have recognized the power of "labor," and the Chinese working masses have gradually realized that the world has its own festivals, which should be commemorated. May 1, 1919, Li Dazhao published "MayDay" MayDay mixed feelings, causing people's attention to "MayDay". After that, there were several publications about May Day. [8 ]
  • Commemoration and the workers' movement
China's first commemoration of the May 1st International Labor Day was held in Harbin in 1907 [20] (One said in 1918 in Shanghai, Suzhou and other places to distribute leaflets to introduce the "May Day" held; [18] One said in 1919 in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and other big cities to celebrate the workers' parade [15 ] ).
In the May Fourth Movement, the Chinese working class as an independent political force on the stage of history, so that the commemoration of May Day has a class basis. With the establishment of the Communist Party of China in July 1921, in order to win the support of the working class, the Communist Party of China launched the annual commemoration of the May 1 International Labor Day activities, the Chinese workers' movement entered a new stage. [8 ] [17 ] [20] Almost every year on May Day, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will issue declarations and slogans, hold rallies and parades, and publish articles and editorials to commemorate the day. [22 ]
On May 1, 1920, a total of nearly 10 cities in the country held the "May Day" commemoration activities, the masses of workers took to the streets to hold a huge parade and assembly, and the total number of workers participating in the commemoration activities was about 560,000. This commemoration is not only more vigorous and colorful than before, but also has a more profound political connotation, and the political demands of the working class have been significantly improved. The demand of the workers was no longer limited to the eight-hour day, but to "unite, overthrow the government, the capitalists, and establish a new government." [8 ] [18] [19 ] [21] In 1921, the celebration of the workers in Changxin showed that the commemoration began to reach the masses of workers. [8 ]
  • The culmination of the labor movement
Sanctity of labor
Under the leadership of the Party, there was an upsurge of national strikes from January 1922. In order to further promote the national strike struggle, on May 1, 1922, initiated by the Secretary of the Chinese Labor Union, the first National labor Conference was held in Guangzhou. Before the opening of the conference, all representatives together with tens of thousands of workers in Guangzhou held a "May Day" demonstration and celebration. [30 ]
In 1922, the "May Day" celebrations across the country were mostly under the leadership of the Secretary Department of the Chinese Labor Union and its local branches. [30 ] In 1923, the "May Day" Festival was celebrated. The 27 massacre In the period of depression of the national labor movement after the defeat, the masses of workers in the northern provinces could not celebrate openly, but there were still large celebrations in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. In this celebration, the slogan of "down with imperialism" and "down with warlords" was clearly put forward, emphasizing that the May Day is not only a day of workers' solidarity, but also a day of commemoration for all oppressed people. [30 ]
The first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party began the Great Revolution of 1924-1927, and the "May Day" became a great festival for the working class to unite the people of all strata under the leadership of the Party to fight against imperialism and feudalism, for national independence, democracy and freedom, and for the improvement of life. Since then, the annual commemoration of the "May Day" activities have been huge. [30 ]
In 1925, the Party Central Committee in the "May Day message to the Chinese Workers and peasants class and civilians", pointed out that the "May Day" in China is not only a day for the working class to review combat effectiveness, but also a day for farmers to review combat effectiveness, and is a day for oppressed students, freelancers, small businessmen and other toiling civilians to show sympathy for workers and peasants. The Party put forward two slogans: "The May Day Movement of workers and peasants united" and "The May Day Movement of all ordinary people sympathetic to workers and peasants." On the May Day of the same year, the Second National Congress was held in Guangzhou, which passed more than 30 resolutions on political struggle, economic struggle, union of workers and peasants, etc., established the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and decided to formally join the Red Workers' International. [31 ]
On the May Day of 1926, the whole country was on the eve of the revolutionary and counter-revolutionary armed Armageddon. In this form, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions held the third National Labor Conference in Guangzhou, and passed 18 important resolutions on the general strategy of the Chinese workers' movement, strike tactics, and the connection between workers and peasants. [31 ]
On the May Day of 1927, the revolution was at a critical juncture due to the intensification of imperialist intervention and Chiang Kai-shek's counter-revolutionary mutiny. At that time, the Communist Party of China held the fifth National Congress, and in the name of the congress issued the May Day Memorial Message to the Chinese People and the May Day Memorial Message to the World proletarian Stage. "This year's May Day is the time for the Chinese revolution to advance rapidly, and for the imperialist warlords and the reactionary big bourgeoisie to besiege the Chinese revolution on all sides." "This year's May Day commemoration is intended to express the solidarity of all oppressed people, including workers, peasants, merchants, students and soldiers", to "oppose imperialist interference", "overthrow Chiang Kai-shek" and "overthrow the Fenglu warlord"; At the same time, "the working class of all countries should be more united to give full aid to the Chinese revolution," and turn this year's May Day commemoration into a worldwide "demonstration movement against imperialist interference in China." [31 ]
  • Legislate for workers' rights
On May 1, 1922, at the initiative of the Communist Party of China and the Secretary Department of the Chinese Labor Union under its leadership, the first National Labor Congress was held. The Congress passed 10 resolutions, including the Strike Assistance Bill, the Eight-hour Working Day Bill, and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions Organization Principle Bill, providing a legitimate basis for the Communist Party of China to lead the national labor movement. On August 16 of the same year, the Secretary Department of the Chinese Labor Unions issued a Circular on carrying out the Labor Legislation Movement to the whole country in accordance with the resolution of the Second Party of the Communist Party of China, emphasizing the importance of labor legislation. Then, the four principles of labor legislation and the Outline of the Labor Law were formulated, which required workers to have the rights of assembly, association, and strike, implement the "eight-hour working day", guarantee the minimum wage of workers, and enjoy labor insurance. [21]
During the period of the Central Soviet Area, the Labor Law of the Chinese Soviet Republic was born in 1931, the first labor law in the history of China that truly aimed at protecting the rights of workers and trade union organizations. This Act abolished the cruel exploitation of workers, improved their daily lives, and protected the legitimate rights and interests of workers, especially workers. [21]
  • Agrarian revolution period
During this period of the "May Day", the working class and other working people spent each year in a brutal struggle. The Kuomintang reactionary clique carried out a feudal, comprador, fascist military dictatorship against the people and an extremely brutal policy of terror. However, the masses of workers did not stop fighting on the annual May Day. In 1929, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, which had been driven underground by the enemy, issued the May Day Declaration, calling on the working masses throughout the country to fight for the overthrow of the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang. Under the leadership of the Party, and in spite of the brutal repression of the new warlords of the Kuomintang, the masses of workers in the White areas commemorated their own great festival, and took the commemoration of the May Day as a day of struggle against the reactionary rulers, they participated in strikes, took part in secret gatherings, and distributed leaflets, shouted slogans, and put up placards in the streets to publicize the policies of the Party. In the revolutionary base areas during the Civil War, the masses of workers and peasants, under their own political power, spent the annual May Day Festival in the war against the enemy's encircle and suppression and in consolidating and developing the revolutionary base areas. [31 ]
  • 抗日战争时期
抗日战争期间,中国工人阶级处在三种不同地区。在解放区,工人群众们在共产党领导下,已是政权的主人,每年“五一”节都能自由地、完全按照自己阶级的意愿庆祝自己的节日。在敌占区和国民党统治区,工人阶级在日寇、汉奸和国民党反动派的严重压迫下,每年“五一”节的庆祝活动都要遭到惨酷镇压,而不能公开大规模地进行。 [31 ]
  • 解放战争时期
抗日战争胜利后,由于蒋介石坚持内战独裁政策,中国人民进入了第三次国内革命战争时期。在这个时期,“五一”节是中国工人阶级在中国共产党的领导下,团结自己并团结全国人民,打败美蒋匪帮发动的内战,推翻美蒋匪帮的黑暗统治,实现全国解放的战斗节日。 [31 ]
  • 新中国成立后
1948年,中共中央发布“ 五一口号 ”,对中国民主政治建设和政党建设的重大影响深远至今。毛泽东将初稿第五条修改为“各民主党派、各人民团体及社会贤达,迅速召开政治协商会议,讨论并实现召集人民代表大会,成立民主联合政府。”通过这一重大修改,代表中国共产党向全国各阶级、各社会阶层的民主进步力量发出了协商共建新中国的号召。 [10] [22 ]
新中国成立后,劳动者成为最受尊敬的人,工人阶级从被压迫、被奴役的地位,变成国家政权的领导阶级。1949年12月23日,中央人民政府政务院第十二次会议通过的《统一全国年节和纪念日放假办法》,将五一国际劳动节定为值得纪念和庆祝的节日,放假1天。 [10] [18]
1950年4月22日,中华全国总工会下发《关于纪念“五一”劳动节》的通知,要求全国各工会组织,广泛深入宣传纪念五一国际劳动节的意义和任务;各城市和各工业区,应在“五一”这一天举行群众大会和游行活动,以检阅与动员群众的战斗力量;晚上,可以组织各种娱乐晚会,要特别招待在生产方面的模范工作者;各地工会组织出版的报纸要出版“五一”特刊,并多组织工人群众的稿件。4月26日,中共中央发布《庆祝五一劳动节口号》,一共38条,明确地提出有关政策和各方面的工作任务。 [11]
1950年5月1日,作为中华人民共和国成立后迎来的第一个“五一国际劳动节”,意义十分重大。全国各地纷纷以游行集会、文艺表演等形式热烈庆祝这个节日。 [10]
1999年9月18日,将五一假期调整为7天,2007年时,五一假期由7天变成3天,到2019年起,规定2020年劳动节放假5天,此后不变。 [23]




每年五一劳动节,党和政府都会对有突出贡献的劳动者进行表彰。 [21] [28] 全国各地欢庆,人们聚集在公园、剧院、广场,参加各种庆祝集会或文体娱乐活动,如劳动竞赛、运动会、联欢晚会等。 [18] [24] 对于很多人来说,五一国际劳动节也是出游的好时机。 [24]


对于俄罗斯普通老百姓来说,劳动节已经变成放松心情的假期,俄罗斯劳动节全国放假3天,每年全国共有上千个城市举行五一国际劳动节庆祝活动,参与者达数百万人。 [24-25]


相传在很久以前的“五一"前夜,"女巫"们在布罗肯山以及欧洲各地的山丘上通宵跳舞,等待象征男性、长着犄角的神出现。德国人在这一夜载歌载舞的传统流传至今,成为一种民俗。 [25]
在德国传统里,“五月柱”不仅与爱情有关,还象征丰收和生命力,所以人们有在5月1日到“五月柱”下面围着圈跳舞吃香肠喝啤酒祈祷丰收的习俗。 [24]


国际劳动节起源于美国。然而,美国官方却并不承认这一节日,美国政府在设立劳动节时,因为五一国际劳动节体现的是无产阶级团结斗争的革命精神,而美国统治阶级对无产阶级斗争残酷镇压,因而要抹杀这一记录。 [14 ] 所以美国劳动节不是5月1日,自行规定每年9月的第一个星期一为劳动节。 [24]
有时在五一国际劳动节当天,会有工会组织呼吁停止对工人权益的漠视和侵犯,鼓励工人团结起来,为维护自身权益而斗争。 [24] 在一些州,人们游行之后举办野餐会,热闹地吃喝、唱歌、跳舞。入夜,有的地方还会放焰火。 [25]


日本没有五一劳动节假期,但是每年4月末到5月初也有一年一度的黄金周连休。因为在这个时间段,日本有连续4个法定假日,分别是: 昭和之日 (4月29日)、 宪法纪念日 (5月3日)、绿化节(5月4日),儿童节、端午节(5月5日)。很多公司会在这期间暂停营业,让员工享受足足一周的假期。 [24-25]


在法国,5月1日本身就是传统的罢工日,因此这一天法国各行各业的工人都会走上街头,要求改善自己的工作待遇。 [24] 此外,五一国际劳动节又被称为铃兰节。这一天,每个人都要买上几束铃兰花送给自己、爱人和朋友。法国人认为铃兰会让爱神眷顾、会让人走运。 [25]


意大利尽管承认五一国际劳动节,政府也表示尊重劳工,但一般人并不举行专门的庆祝活动,也没有全国性的“五一"假期。 [25]


加拿大在每年9月的第一个星期一庆祝劳动节。在大多数加拿大人的概念中,劳动节标志着夏天的结束。一般情况下,家长们会利用劳动节假期给孩子买新学期的学习用品,商家也往往借机促销文具。 [25]


在波兰,5月1日全国放假,由于3日是波兰国庆日,有的单位会从1日休到3日。在5月1日,波兰的左派团体和政党会举行庆祝“五一”群众游行活动,游行队伍会打着“8小时工作日”“劳动、和平和社会主义”“提高工资待遇”等标语,要求保护劳动者权益,消除失业现象。 [26] [27 ]


印度的马德拉斯(现在的金奈)早在1923年开始庆祝“五一”劳动节。而在马哈拉施特拉邦,这个节日被命名为“马哈拉施特拉日”,这一天会举行节日庆典。企业组织在这一天统一放假。 [26]


巴西各大工会组织在五一国际劳动节到来之际,相继提出在劳动中要加强推广环保的概念,而不仅仅是向政府争取更多权益。 [27 ]


印度尼西亚全国许多城市的劳动者,当天在工会组织下游行纪念全球劳动者的节日,同时呼吁政府提高劳工工资待遇和福利,并要求将5月1日设定为法定假日。 [27 ]




党和国家历来高度重视评选表彰 劳动模范 ,1950年至2020年,先后召开16次表彰大会,表彰全国劳动模范和先进工作者34008人次。从20世纪90年代开始,全国劳模表彰大会每5年召开一次。 [32-34]
全国五一劳动奖从1985年开始颁授,每年表彰一次,表彰对象涵盖各个行业、各个群体,其中还包括全国职工技能大赛优胜者和国家重大工程项目建设者,全国工人先锋号2008年开始颁授。 [35]


1933年“五一”节,中国共产党在瑞金组织了盛大庆祝会,主会场有4万多人。这次庆祝会的主要内容之一为红军大阅兵。 [36] [37 ]
1936年5月1日,是党中央到达陕北后度过的第一个劳动节。4月16日,《红色中华》发表毛泽东和周恩来、彭德怀签发的《西北革命军事委员会命令――举行“五一”全苏区赤少队总检阅》,决定在五一国际劳动节举行全苏区赤少队总检阅。5月1日,红军在陕甘宁边区瓦窑堡召开纪念五一国际劳动节大会并进行阅兵,经过二万五千里长征锻炼的人民军队接受党中央的检阅。 [38 ]


延安时期,党中央经常组织延安各界群众举行盛大的五一国际劳动节纪念大会,中央领导同志也往往出席大会并发表重要讲话,与延安各界群众一同欢度劳动人民的节日。 [38 ]
1939年5月1日,延安各界举行国民精神总动员及“五一”劳动节纪念大会。毛泽东出席大会,发表题为《国民精神总动员的政治方向》的讲话。 [38 ]
1940年5月1日,陕甘宁边区1万余人在延安市青年文化沟广场集会,纪念五一国际劳动节。 [38 ]
1942年5月1日,延安各界群众3000多人在青年文化沟集会庆祝五一国际劳动节。 [38 ]
1945年5月1日,延安附近30多个工厂的职工及延安各界代表在边区政府参议会大礼堂纪念“五一节”,刘少奇、邓发、朱宝庭、崔田夫等职工运动委员会领导参加纪念大会。 [38 ]
On May 1, 1950, China celebrated International Labor Day for the first time. [40 ]

Literary and artistic activities

During the May Day International Labor Day, Yan 'an and the base areas often hold literary and artistic activities to meet the amateur cultural needs of the workers. [38 ]
In May 1938, in order to celebrate the May 1 International Labor Day, the secretariat of the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area General Trade Union Preparatory Committee specially held a gala performance of Qin opera Promotion map "" The palace of the second Emperor "" Godian Po "And other traditional songs. [38 ]
During the May Day in 1942, the Yan 'an Club Association held dances, opera parties, drama parties, Cantonese opera performances, movies, acrobatic martial arts performances in Taolin Park, Central Auditorium, South Gate Sports ground and other places to enrich the entertainment life of employees. The Propaganda Department of the General Government held a special photo exhibition, which mainly reflected the living situation in the rear area, the Taierzhuang Battle, and the working situation of foreign journalists in China, etc. Most of the video materials on display were taken by photography expert Zheng Jingkang. In addition, the Shaanxi Gansu-Ningxia Border Area Literary Association held a print exhibition, displaying the works of various artists in Yan 'an. Yan 'an acrobatic troupe led by the head to the Zhujiagou area to comfort the workers of the carboniferous mine factory. Northwest Literary Work Group rehearses and performs Cao Yu's "Cao Yu" in the auditorium of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area Parliament Peking man "To entertain comrade workers. [38 ]
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, May Day shows emerged one after another. In order to celebrate the "May Day" International Labor Day in 2023, public cultural service institutions at all levels in Beijing adopted the offline approach and the combination of online and offline, and launched 811 mass cultural activities. [39]

Physical activity

During the Revolutionary War, during the major commemorative activities, the Communist Party of China often carried out a wide range of sports competitions in accordance with local conditions, so as to strengthen the physique of the army and the people and enhance the spirit of revolutionary struggle. [38 ]
In May 1937, various organs, troops and mass organizations in Yan 'an held a three-day May Day sports conference, setting up basketball, table tennis, football, tennis, track and field, as well as political, military and other competitions. [38 ]
In May 1938, the team directly under the Central Military Commission held the "May Day" campaign. [38 ]
In 1942, the Shaanganning border area refugee textile factory, Xinghua tannery, Zhenhua paper factory and the Eighth Route Army pharmaceutical factory jointly held a sports conference on May 1 to 2 to celebrate the May 1 International Labor Day, the competition items in addition to sports, but also added drama and singing items. [38 ]
After the founding of New China, the people often held sports games to celebrate the May Day Labor Day, which has been deeply involved in township units and schools. [42] 41 -

Festival historical significance

  • summarize
The significance of the Labor Day is that workers through the struggle, with the tenacious, brave and unyielding spirit of struggle, to fight for their legitimate rights and interests, is the historic progress of human civilization and democracy. [12] [43]
  • It has promoted the historical process of multi-party cooperation
The "May Day Slogan" issued by the CPC Central Committee in 1948 was an important turning point in the relationship between the CPC and the democratic parties and Democrats without party affiliation. On January 22, 1949, 55 leaders of the democratic parties and democratic personages, including Li Jishen, Shen Junru, Ma Xulun and Guo Moruo, jointly issued "Our Opinions on the Current Situation" and clearly stated that "under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, they are willing to contribute their small and persistent efforts to the swift success of the Chinese people's democratic revolution." The early realization of an independent, free, peaceful and happy new China." This was the first time that the democratic parties and democratic personages without party affiliation explicitly proposed to accept the leadership of the Communist Party of China politically. The model of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China was initially laid. [10] [22 ]
  • Arouse the consciousness of the working class
Through the commemoration of the "May Day", workers realize that the interests of individual workers and groups are closely linked with the fate of the country, and only after participating in the class revolution and seizing the state power can the rights of the working class be finally realized. With the "May Day" commemoration, the Communist Party of China integrated the slogan represented by "labor holiness" into the workers' movement, and successfully mobilized the revolutionary sentiments of the working class against the objects of resistance. [8 ]
  • To achieve the broadest possible class union
Under the promotion of the Communist Party of China, businessmen, farmers, students, women and other groups also participated in the commemoration of the "May Day", which promoted the unity of the revolutionary front and strengthened the revolutionary forces. [8 ]
  • Strengthen the links between the Chinese workers' movement and the world workers' movement
With the help of the "May Day", the Communist Party of China called on the proletariat all over the world to unite in solidarity with the world proletarian revolution. During the commemoration, the Communist Party of China repeatedly clarified the connection between the Chinese working class and the world working class in order to win the solidarity and support of the world working class for the Chinese revolution. [8 ]
  • Preach the production mission
In 1950, the slogan of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to celebrate the "May Day" Labor Day clearly stated that "Workers in public and private enterprises across the country, the development of production is our highest interest and task." The mobilization of production combined with the task of national economic construction has become a major feature of the commemoration of "May Day". In different periods, the main construction tasks are different, and the specific tasks in a specific period have become an effective call for the production mobilization of "May Day". [44 ]
  • Set a model worker example
In the various activities held for the commemoration of the May Day Labor Day, through establishing, rewarding model workers and other measures to cultivate the concept of glorious labor of workers, is conducive to stimulating their enthusiasm for labor and mobilizing them to participate in socialist construction with a more positive attitude. [44 ]
  • Launch a production campaign
With the help of the "May Day" commemoration, the CPC and trade union departments will organize various production campaigns to stimulate the enthusiasm of workers, such as the "May Day tribute" campaign, the production increase and conservation campaign and production competitions. [44 ]
In the production movement of "gift for May Day", it is most widely used in the form of production competition, including all aspects of safety production, product quality, production output and production cost. Because the production competition has the characteristics of competition and competition, the incentive effect of hard work for workers is also relatively strong, and it is quite popular from all walks of life at that time. [44 ]

Derivative work



On the eve of May 1, 1921, Li Dazhao guided the teachers of the Changxin shop labor practice School and the progressive students of Peking University to carefully create the "May Day Memorial Song". On May 1, Deng Zhongxia and others went to the labor tutoring school of Changxin Shop locomotive and rolling stock Factory to teach and sing the "May Day Memorial Song" to publicize the meaning of Labor Day and encourage workers to fight. [18] [46] 45 -

Postage stamp

On May 1, 1946, the postal agency of the liberated area of Northeast China overcame various difficulties such as poor conditions during the war, stamped "May Day" and other words on the invalided manchukuo stamps in the inventory, and issued a set of 3 stamps of different denominations, which became China's earliest "May Day" stamps. On the same day, Romania in Europe also issued a set of five "May Day International Labor Day" commemorative stamps, featuring different types of workers, farmers and intellectuals. As a result, the two sets of stamps in China and Romania became the world's first set of "May Day" stamps. [47]
In the three years before the founding of New China, the People's Post of the liberated areas issued a total of 6 sets of 34 "May Day" stamps. [47]
On May 1, 1952, the first set of "International Labor Day" commemorative stamps was published after the founding of New China. A total of 3 stamps, the patterns are: sickle, hammer made of the party emblem shape and a huge "1" and horizontal "May" words; Gears and arms that fly doves of peace; Hammers, chimneys and flying doves. [47]
On May 1, 1959, the 70th anniversary of International Workers' Day, a set of three stamps was issued. On May 1, 1964, the 75th anniversary of International Workers' Day, a set of two "Workers of the World Unite" stamps was issued. [47] On May 1, 1979, the 90th anniversary of the "International Labor Day" was issued with a set of commemorative stamps to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the "May Day" International Labor Day. [48]
On 1 May 2009, the Macao Special Administrative Region issued a set of two commemorative stamps and a souvenir sheet for the 120th Anniversary of International Workers' Day. This is the first set of "May Day" stamps of the Macao SAR, and the only set of stamps of this theme issued by the two special administrative regions so far. [47]


May Day in 1930, the International Labor Day, is" Left League After the establishment of the first anniversary of great political significance. On the eve of the festival, April 29, a general meeting of the League was held. At the same time, thirteen organ publications and peripheral publications jointly edited the May Day Special Issue, which was presented with the publication. The special featured seven articles and two cartoons.
The titles and authors of the six articles are, in turn, "The Left-wing Writers' Union" May Day Memorial Declaration ", "The meaning of this year's May Day" ( Pengkang ), This Year's May Day ( Feng Naichao "In Support of the Congress of Soviets" ( Hong Yeong-bi ), "From the May Day remembered 412" (Chen Tao), "the dance of two dogs in the May Day Memorial - Wang Duqing and Liang Shiqiu" (Spirit voice). [49 ] [51] 50 - [52 ]

Commemorative medal

  • National May 1 Labor Medal
National May 1 Labor Medal
National May 1 Labor Medal The whole to "gear", "book", "flag", "five star, Tiananmen", "auspicious cloud", "wheat" shape integration. The "gear" symbolizes the working class; "Books" symbolize workers in education and culture; The "flag" symbolizes pioneer, leadership, faith and cohesion. Each recipient is a shining flag of the industry; "Five Star, Tiananmen" from the national emblem, symbolizing China; "Auspicious cloud" symbolizes "source symbiosis, harmonious integration, hand in hand to create"; The "wheat" symbolizes the fruits created by the workers. The medal as a whole is mainly gold, symbolizing glory; Flag red as an ornament, symbolizing China. [53]

Derived culture


Five-first film

As one of the golden periods of the Chinese film market, the annual "Five First Gear" will attract many films to choose to be released in this period. [54] As of 10:35 on April 22, 2024, the pre-sale box office of a new film in 2024 May (including on-demand screenings) has exceeded 30 million yuan. Peacekeeping riot prevention Team "" Spy house code: White "" There's nothing a hot pot can't solve List the first three digits. [55]

May Day Golden Week

On September 18, 1999, The State Council announced the new "National Annual Festival and Memorial Day holiday Measures", decided that the rest time of the "May Day" and the weekend before and after splicing, thus forming three 7-day holidays, the May Day Golden Week was born. [56]
In 2006, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "2005: Macroeconomic Trend under the Double steady policy" report officially proposed: cancel the May 1, 11 Golden Week. Tsinghua University's holiday system reform research group, led by CAI Jiming, believes that the Golden week system should be retired with success. However, whether to cancel the May Day Golden Week has aroused strong controversy on the Internet. [56]
In order to fully absorb public opinion, in November 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission conducted an online questionnaire survey on the adjustment plan (draft) of legal holidays, and more than 80% of Internet users supported the adjustment of national legal holidays. Even when it comes to the issue of adjusting the two days of the "May Day" and adding a new day to add three traditional holidays as national holidays, more than 60 percent of Internet users support it. [56]
Finally, in 2008, the "May Day" golden Week was canceled and replaced with a small holiday, a total of three days. Since then, the "May Day" golden Week began to slim down: put 3 days, 4 days, 5 days have been. [57] 56 -

Holiday influence



The May Day holiday is an important point of consumption throughout the year. [58] As an important lever of consumption, tourism effectively drives the growth of transportation, catering, accommodation, retail and other industries. [59]
According to the data released by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the number of domestic tourism trips during the "May Day" holiday in 2023 increased by 70.83% year-on-year, and domestic tourism revenue increased by 128.90% year-on-year. Sales of key retail and catering enterprises increased by 18.9% year-on-year. [58]
The data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism estimated that in the "May Day" holiday in 2023, the total number of domestic tourism trips in the country was 274 million, which recovered to 119.09% of the same period in 2019 according to the comparable standard; Domestic tourism revenue reached 148.056 billion yuan, recovering to 100.66% of the same period in 2019 on a comparable basis. [58] [60]
According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce, the national sales of petroleum products and automobiles increased by 24.4% and 20.9% respectively during the May Day holiday. Sales of clothing and cosmetics increased by 18.4% and 16.5%, respectively. Sales of communications equipment increased by 20.1% year-on-year; Home appliance sales rose 13.9 per cent year on year. The passenger flow and turnover of national demonstration pedestrian streets increased by 121.4% and 87.6% respectively. Catering and leisure consumption continued to be hot, and sales of key catering enterprises increased by 57.9% year-on-year. [58]


During the May Day, the demand for travel and visiting relatives during the holiday was strong, the transportation activities of energy and people's livelihood materials were intensive, and the business passenger volume and the traffic flow of the highway network were running at a high level. [61] From the traffic situation, the distribution range of congested and slow sections of the national highway is relatively wide, mostly concentrated in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu-Chongqing area and so on. In terms of civil aviation, the inbound and outbound flights in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Haikou and Sanya are relatively high. [62]
According to data from the Ministry of Transport, more than 270 million trips are expected to be made by railways, roads, waterways and civil aviation across the country during the May Day holiday in 2023, with an average of more than 54 million trips per day, an increase of 162.9% over the same period last year. [63-64]
Specifically, the railway is expected to transport 90.881 million passengers, with an average of 18.176 million passengers per day, an increase of 464.4% over the same period in 2022; Highways are expected to transport 163.09 million passengers, or 32.618 million per day, an increase of 99.1% over the same period in 2022. Waterway is expected to transport 6.804 million passengers, with an average daily transport of 1.361 million, an increase of 114.2% over the same period in 2022; Civil aviation is expected to transport 9.415 million passengers, with an average of 1.883 million per day, an increase of 507.4% over the same period in 2022. [64]
It is estimated that the total flow of expressways in China will reach 310.4594 million vehicles, with an average daily flow of 62.0919 million vehicles, an increase of 101.83% over the same period in 2022. Among them, the traffic of small buses totaled 281,382,100 vehicles, or 56.2764 million vehicles per day, an increase of 124.7% over the same period in 2022. [64]
On May 1, 2024, China's railways sent 20.693 million passengers, a record high for a single day. On May 2, the country's railways are expected to carry 17 million passengers, with 1,094 additional passenger trains planned. [65]

Holiday arrangement

November 21, 2019," Notice of The General Office of the State Council on the arrangement of some holidays in 2020 "Release, May 1 to 5, 2020 holiday leave, a total of 5 days. [1]
November 25, 2020," Notice of The General Office of the State Council on the arrangement of some holidays in 2021 "Release, May 1 to 5, 2021 holiday leave, a total of 5 days. April 25 (Sunday), May 8 (Saturday) work. [2]
25 October 2021," Notice of The General Office of the State Council on some holiday arrangements in 2022 Released, 2022 from April 30 to May 4 holiday, a total of 5 days. April 24 (Sunday), May 7 (Saturday) work. [3]
December 8, 2022," Notice of The General Office of the State Council on some holiday arrangements in 2022 Released, 2023 from April 29 to May 3 holiday, a total of 5 days. April 23 (Sunday), May 6 (Saturday) work. [5]
October 25, 2023," Notice of The General Office of the State Council on some holiday arrangements in 2024 "Release, May 1 to 5, 2024 holiday, a total of 5 days. April 28 (Sunday), May 11 (Saturday) work. [4]