How to treat mouse hand? Mouse hand improvement or treatment

Published: 2016-10-10 16:50:19 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
"Mouse hand" is not only a problem that can occur only if you often use the computer mouse, some other people who are engaged in repeating the wrist to maintain the same movement, but also have this disease, then how to treat the mouse hand? The following Xiaobian will introduce the mouse hand improvement or treatment methods, let's take a look

As the frequency and time of casual computer use increased, many people began to find themselves with painful wrists and inflexible finger joints, which is related to the incorrect way we use the mouse. So how to treat mouse hand? The following Xiaobian will introduce the mouse hand improvement or treatment methods, let's take a look!

1. Sitting posture. Keep a comfortable sitting position, the arm naturally droop, do not concentrate the weight of the entire arm on the palm of the hand, the height of the elbow joint is the height of the keyboard and mouse.

2, the mouse should not be placed on the front of the body, but should be placed more near the outside of the body. When using the mouse, the arm should not hang in the air, and the arm should not use the wrist force when moving. Don't hit the keyboard and mouse too hard.

3, you can choose a mouse pad with elastic, or the kind of mouse pad with a wrist strap. Choose a soft one. It's comfortable. Whichever is comfortable, anyway.

4, if you feel that the mouse pad with the wrist pad is not suitable, you can use the mouse glove, it is very comfortable to wear, without affecting the operation, effectively relieve the oppression of the wrist root, and beautiful and simple.

5. A good mouse is also key. You can choose an ergonomic mouse, and the mechanics principles studied by experts are still reasonable. The point of attention is to try to choose a large mouse, a large mouse arc, wide contact surface, and a decentralized power.

6. This is also very important. Get plenty of rest and exercise. After continuous use of the mouse for an hour, it should be appropriate to rest and do some simple exercises, such as wrist rotation and finger movement like playing the piano.

The above is the introduction of mouse hand improvement or treatment methods, I hope you have good hands and good health!

  • Tag: Mouse hand

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