How do GoodNotes turn off page numbers? GoodNotes closed the tutorial showing page numbers

Baidu experienceRelease time: 2022-09-12 09:37:25 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
GoodNotes helps you create, import and edit documents, supports the import of PDFS and images, so how do you turn off the display of page numbers when you use it? Take a look

GoodNotes is a mobile notebook software, how to turn off GoodNotes to display page numbers when editing text creation here? Follow Xiaobian to learn together.

GoodNotes closed the tutorial showing page numbers

1. Open the "GoodNotes" App on your mobile phone, and click the "Gear" icon in the upper right corner of the GoodNotes main interface to open the system information interface

2. On the system information screen, click "Settings" to open the setting screen

3. Setting interface Click "Document Editing" to open the document editing setting interface

4. In the document editing setting interface, click the dot behind "Show page number"

5. The dot after "Display Page numbers" turns gray, indicating that GoodNotes is successfully closed to display page numbers

I hope this tutorial will help you more, and if you have any ideas, please come back to Script House often.

  • Tag: GoodNotes page number

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