Computer black screen death Press what key computer black screen death solution

System homeRelease time: 2021-03-08 08:33:49 Author: jiale I want to comment
Many small partners in the use of computers, have encountered the situation of black screen crash. Some small partners encounter this situation directly choose to press the computer restart button directly restart, in fact, this is not very good for the computer. In fact, in this case, we only need to press the three keys on the keyboard to solve the problem, the following is to share this method

Many small partners in the use of computers, have encountered the situation of black screen crash. Some small partners encounter this situation directly choose to press the computer restart button directly restart, in fact, this is not very good for the computer. In fact, in this case, we only need to press the three keys on the keyboard to solve the problem, the following is to share this method.

Computer crash black screen solution:

1, if the computer is in a normal sleep state, you only need to gently move the mouse or keyboard to wake up the system.

2, if the computer crashes resulting in a black screen, use the shortcut key ctrl+alt+delete key to open the task manager.

3, will lead to a black screen of the computer running program is finished.

4, if it is a driver conflict, press F8 after starting to enter the safe mode, and then uninstall the relevant driver restart can be.

5, if the above methods have no effect, then it may be a system failure, the need to reinstall the system.

  • Tag: Black screen of death

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