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Holy See

[luo m Luo M jiao ting]
The central administrative body of the Catholic Church
The Holy See from Ancient Rome The Bishop's House grew, unfixation Institution.
Holy See Official language is Latin But it also uses international languages. The body of the Holy See that assists the Pope in church and state affairs and governs the universal Catholic Church, Vatican The government of the city state. The Holy See for short.
Chinese name
Holy See
Foreign name
The Roman Catholic Church; Catholic Church
jiào tíng
Historical provenance
Ancient Rome
Abbreviated form
Holy See
The year 1588

Overview of the Holy See

The Holy See from Ancient Rome The Bishop's House developed, at first unfixation Institution. The year 1588 Pope Sixtus V established the departments of the Holy See, and the Holy See began to be formed. Since then, the papacy has undergone several changes. Second time Vatican Council Major reforms were introduced to the papal system.
The head of the Roman Curia is the Pope, College of cardinals Members have the right to elect or be elected as Pope, divided cardinal Bishop, cardinal priest, cardinal deacon three, because all wear red, in China known as cardinal.
The narrow sense of the Holy See refers only to the supreme of Catholicism Administrative agency It consists mainly of the Holy Ministries, the courts, the secretariats, offices and councils of the Holy See, and a number of standing committees, all of which are authorized by the Pope to carry out their work. The Holy departments of the Holy See include the Ministry of Faith, the Ministry of Bishops, the Ministry of the Sacraments, the Ministry of the Clergy, the Ministry of the Religious and Lay churches, the Ministry of the Evangelization of Peoples, and the Ministry of the Church Quality department Catholic Monasteries and University Education Ministries, Eastern Rite Church Ministries; The courts of the Holy See do The Pontifical Court of Pardon High court The Holy See has a presence in some countries Diplomatic representative It is divided into ambassadors and ministers, as well as personal representatives of the Pope in some countries and permanent representatives in some international organizations Observer . The Holy See publishes an official newspaper, the Pontifical Gazette.

Rise and fall development

In 392 AD, Roman emperor Theodosius I Declared all of them banned heathenism Christianity became the state religion of the empire.
After Christianity became the state religion, Church of Rome become Roman Empire A department or agency under the jurisdiction of the emperor.
Western Roman Empire After its demise, the Church of Rome began to break away politically from the control of the Roman Empire and gradually moved towards the pinnacle of its power.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Roman Church remained the ruler of Italy at that time Germanic The Ostrogoths kept their distance, still succumbing to the distant Constantinople the Eastern Roman Empire The Emperor. But, because Rome was in Germany barbarian The political and military influence, combined with the distance, made Constantinople to achieve against Rome Pope the Effective control In fact, it is impossible. During the Germanic invasions, or in areas where Roman administration was in retreat or out of control, the Church of Rome, as the only remaining political institution of the Roman Empire in Italy, represented the ancient Roman and Christian traditions. Standing on the ruins caused by the Germanic invasions, it seemed that the eternal city could not be destroyed by the barbarians, so at the turn of the 5th and 6th century, the Church of Rome was the only political institution left in the Roman Empire. The Church of Rome gathered around it a large number of Roman survivors. This greatly enhanced the prestige of the Church. The Roman Church thus began to emerge as an independent political force.
536, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire Justinian the First extinguish The Ostrogoth Kingdom After reruling Italy, the Church of Rome returned to the control of the Roman Emperor, and from then until the middle of the 8th century, the Church of Rome remained in power Byzantium Under the control (or nominal control) of the emperors, most of whom were Syrian or Greek, the popes of the time had to submit to the military rule of the Byzantine emperors, who were imprisoned if they did not comply. But the Roman church finally got rid of the Byzantine emperor and reconciled The Church of Constantinople The formal split came from three factors:
First, by the middle of the 6th century, the Germanic Lombards began to attack Italy continuously, encroaching on the Byzantine territory in Italy. Byzantine power in Italy was on the wane, and around 751 the Lombards captured Ravenna, the capital of Byzantine Italy.
The Byzantines were driven out of central and northern Italy. Although this exposed the Pope to a great threat from the Lombards, it also freed them from the overall threat to the Byzantine emperor membership .
Two, in 717, The Byzantine Empire Asia Minor Military district Governor Leo repulsed the Arab attack on Constantinople after forcing Theodosius III The emperor abdicated and himself ascended the throne, saying Leo III (717-741).
start The Isuriya Dynasty In order to protect the interests of the new military nobility and stabilize the life of the army, Leo needed a large amount of land and property, which was divided into various military governors, but at that time most of the Byzantine land was in the hands of the church and the monasteries, which also enjoyed the privilege of tax exemption and free corvee, which seriously affected the state's tax revenue and the strengthening of the army. In order to strike a blow against the church, Leo declared against the worship of ICONS from 726, and raised a whole society Iconoclasm . This is the famous "iconoclasm" in Byzantine history.
In January 730, Leo called a council of the King and demanded that the high nobility sign his decree against iconoclastic worship, with those who refused to sign immediately removed from office. The Roman Church at this time, firmly opposed this decree, broke with the Byzantine Empire openly.
In 731, Pope Gregory III excommunicated Leo III and all the iconoclasts. Leo stripped the Pope of his position in southern Italy Power of taxation And to Illyria's Right of jurisdiction In response, the "iconoclastic movement" in Byzantium continued intermittently until 843, when the Byzantine Emperor Theodora announced the restoration of iconoclastic worship. This 117-year "iconoclastic movement" made a complete break between the Roman Church and the Byzantine Emperor, and also caused a complete split between the Eastern and Western churches. Since then, the two camps in Europe have been sharply divided.
Third, it was the Franks who were decisive for the position of the Church in Rome. In 739, when the Lombards, under King Luteplan, attempted to conquer Rome, Pope Gregory III relied on the help of the Franks The Merovingians the Prime minister of the palace Charlie Marte He repelled a Lombard attack on Rome. The Pope in 754 AD Stephen The Third crossed over to escape the Lombards Alps To Charlie Matt's son, El Chapo. Pepin The two sides concluded a win-win agreement: Pepin would provide military protection to the Pope; And the Pope Formal recognition Pepin replaced the Merovingian puppet monarch and assumed the rightful title of king.
In 754,756, Pepin crossed twice Alps He defeated the Lombards and seized from them a large area of central Italy centered on Rome and Ravenna, and in return for the Pope's recognition of his throne, Pepin gave this land, including all the districts of the Byzantine governor in Italy, to the Pope. Pepin offered earth ", Papal states The founding of the Roman Church meant the formal political separation of the Roman Church from the Eastern Roman Empire.
In order to legitimize the establishment of the Papal State, the Franks (presumably Pepin and his men) forged some extremely important documents, such as: "Gift of Constantine", presenting it as Rome Constantine the Great A decree to the effect that when he founded the New Rome (meaning Constantinople), he had bequeathing the Old Rome and all its Western territories to the Pope. Secular as Pope Power base This gift was believed by the people of the Middle Ages until Renaissance great Florence Historical sum linguist Lorenzo Vara (1406-1457) before the document Distinguish between false and false ", dismissed as a fake (see the author's "Rambling on the European Renaissance"). Strangely enough, Lorenzo Vala was killed by the Pope of the time Nicholas V Made secretary of the Curia, because the Pope loved it so much Latin Therefore, the love of the Renaissance Latin master Lorenzo Vara, this is a digression.

Papal mechanism

I. The Pope
Chart of the institutions of the Holy See
Pope According to the Catholic Church, yes Peter the Apostle The heir of... He's the Rome of the world Catholic The head of the Church, who governs the church on behalf of Jesus Christ and proclaims the Gospel. Elected by the cardinals, Life tenure .
The full title of the Pope is: Bishop of Rome, Representative of Christ on Earth, Heir to the Chief Apostle Peter, West patriarchate , Romanism province metropolitan Vatican monarch, Pope.
Current Pope Francis is Roman Catholic Church The 266th Pope.
On the basis of Paul VI Governing the Church, 1967 charter The term of office in the Holy See is five years, renewable. Cardinals may retire at the age of 75 and must retire at the age of 80.
Upon the death of the Pope, the heads of the departments resigned, pending their reappointment by the new Pope. The heads of departments are delegated decision-making and executive authority by the Pope, but the Pope retains final authority Decision-making power .
Ii. The State Council
Headed by the Secretary of State of the Holy See, he is responsible for leading the work of the various departments of the Holy See and assisting the Pope in managing the affairs of the Church worldwide.
Secretary of State with "The Church Public affairs Council "cooperation, deal Foreign affairs .
The Secretary of State has two teams, one responsible for preparing and writing documents for the Pope and the other for keeping the seal of the Pope.
3. Church Public Affairs Council
Equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is responsible for establishing relations with governments and managing the Holy See's diplomatic missions abroad.
Iv. The Council of Cardinals
By the Cardinal (also known as cardinal The number was originally 70, but was expanded to 137 in 1976. In 1994, Pope John Paul II appointed 30 more cardinals, for a total of 167 members. It is represented on every continent.
The Council of Cardinals consists of a president, a vice president, a general and a secretary, plus senior members of the Holy See and local churches clergy Several names. Under the direct leadership of the Pope, he assists in the administration of the church, or acts as the Pope's representative and legate, dealing with church affairs.
Five or three courts
Supreme Court - The court that oversees all churches to maintain fair trials. All over Ecclesiastical court Report to the Supreme Court once a year. The persons concerned in the case may appeal to the Supreme Court if they consider the court's decision inappropriate. The Supreme Court has the power to order a new trial by the parish Court, or by the Supreme Court Direct trial . If to the church Administrative system You can also appeal to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court of the Holy See is also the Supreme Court of the Vatican State. The Court of the Holy Wheel - like the Supreme Court, is also a Court of appeal . It is responsible for hearing violations Canon law the Administrative punishment The appeals made are also dealt with each Congregation Between the dispute. Members of the congregation may also appeal to the Court of the Holy Wheel if they believe that the judgment of the diocesan court is unjust. But this court usually deals with Marital dispute The case of... When the diocesan courts encounter difficulties, they may consult the Holy Wheel Court.
St. Pardoner's House - Not a public court. It mainly deals with issues related to conscience, such as granting concessions and grants to applicants.
Six, two meetings
Ecumenical council And the world Bishop's representative The Council was directly led and presided over by the Pope. The former has been formed since the beginning of the AD and has been held 21 times so far. The latter, established in 1965, meets in plenary session every three years and can convene AD hoc sessions to discuss issues of the Catholic faith.
Seven or nine holy ministries
Department of Faith Theory ( Credit ministry ) - Its predecessor was the famous Inquisition It was renamed by Paul VI in 1967. Responsible for the preservation of faith and doctrine, and the suppression and sanction of any speech and publication contrary to the principles of faith and doctrine and canons.
episcopate - Responsible for the establishment of local dioceses. Receive and study the reports of the dioceses. local synod And is also responsible for overseeing" Latin America Committee "and" Immigration and Tourism Committee ".
Eastern church The Ministry - which deals with personnel and disciplinary matters within the Eastern Church and, together with the "Secretariat for Christian Unity" and the "Secretariat for Non-Christians", seeks to improve relations with the Eastern Church and other religions, especially Islam. Sacramental Liturgy - Responsible for the implementation of sacramental regulations, dealing with the liturgy of the Eastern and Western churches.
Ministry of the Clergy (Ministry of the Priesthood) - studies and deals with issues such as the training and life of clergy in the dioceses.
Religious order And the Ministry of Secular seminaries - these are the two departments, the former is responsible for the formation or dissolution of the order, the supervision of the order rules, discipline, etc.; The latter is responsible for supervising the non-ordained community of lay clergy Rules and regulations .
Ministry of Evangelism - formerly known as Ministry of Evangelism. Specialized in training and sending missionaries. To arrange and carry out the missionary work of churches around the world, to support them financially and spiritually.
Department of Canonization - Responsible for the canonization process and procedures, as well as the preservation of the remains, relics, etc.
Catholic Ministry of Education - oversees Catholic universities and cloister Organization, including administration, policy, regulations, etc.
Holy See interior
Viii. Three secretariats
Christ Unity Secretariat - Established in 1960, responsible for coordinating the various Christian church The relationship between the Christian sects promotes unity.
Non-christian Secretariat - To develop contacts and dialogue between Christians and non-Christians.
Secretariat for Non-Believers - Research atheism To find common ground and engage in dialogue with non-believers.
Ix. Office
Office of Economic Accounting of the Holy See.
Administration of the Holy See.
Administration of the Holy See - Responsible for managing the properties of the Holy See.
The Holy See Secretariat - arranges for the Pope to receive visitors and travel abroad.
Central Statistics Department - Responsible for collecting and collating information on the work of churches and clergy.
Holy See charity Management office.
Archival Administration of the Second Vatican Council.
The Office of Personnel Management - responsible for personnel matters in the offices and other institutions within the Vatican.
X. Committees
The numerous committees change from time to time as society develops or needs them. Some are enhanced, others become liaison or data centers. According to their nature, they are subordinate to the corresponding parent body.