Simple search for Android v3.6.5 for Android mobile phones

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  • Size: 35MB
  • Updated: 2020-05-08
  • Type: Domestic software
  • Category: Fun Entertainment
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Environment: android
  • Official website: Official website
  • Rating:
    • Manufacturer: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., LTD
Mobile phone scan code download

    detailedInformation introduction

    Simple search app is one of the fastest and most accurate mobile phone answer search app, the recent fire of the top of the conference, millions of heroes answer activities, with a simple search app to read the answer, you can help you answer for free.

    Summit Conference (National Competition) for Android V1.0.5 Android version

    Basic introduction

    Simple search tool, small, minimal, clean page smart browser.

    With a simple search app you just need to point it at the host to read the question, you can quickly get the answer you want!

    Use a simple search app to read the answer to the question, 3 seconds done!

    Have you ever found it easier and easier to make money with simple search?

    Function introduction

    * Intelligent and efficient: Set text, voice, image search mode in one, powerful voice, image recognition kernel, quickly and accurately identify what you see, search what you say.

    * Easy to operate: a variety of operational gestures are agile and smooth, a more pure browsing experience.

    * Powerful voice output: clear and smooth voice reading, voice broadcasting, to achieve a new search experience of human-computer dialogue.

    * Versatile: A variety of search and browsing experiences with common functions and intimate gadgets.

    Idiomatic memory: Make searching a habit by remembering your usual typing patterns.

    * Common functions: The bottom menu bar supports refresh, sharing, setting and other functions that most people are used to.

    Software feature

    Simple and pure

    Simple and complex, carved everywhere

    Clean page, comfortable operation

    Audio-visual search

    Search as you go. Zoom ID

    Listen in real time, say what you want

    Light and convenient

    There's no delay. It's a touch away

    Powerful, light and slender


    The world is very complicated, Baidu knows you better

    Usage method

    When the host asks a question, synchronously open the "Simple search" APP and "hold and talk", simple search can quickly identify the content of the question and find the answer to the question! Let's show you how to rob money in a simple and rough way:

    Relevant introduction

    Part of the question bank:

    1. What causes crocodiles to cry?

    Answer: Wash your eyes of salt

    2. Didn't Lu Xun say the following?

    Answer: I went to the opposite to buy a few oranges (this sentence from Zhu Ziqing's "Back")

    3. When Emperor Qianlong died in 1799, who was the other American president to die in the same year? Answer: Washington, D.C.

    4. Which Summer Olympic Games were held in Beijing in 2008? Answer: 29

    5, Fragrant Hill Jushi is another name for ancient Chinese writers? Answer: Bai Juyi

    6. What is stored in the camel's hump? Answer: Fat

    7. Which family member has the official "added" to the Michelin tire man? Answer: Wife

    8. Who is the prototype of the Q of spades in playing cards? Answer: Athena

    9. How many legs does a crab have? Answer: Eight

    10. In which country did the eight-hour work day first appear? Answer: United Kingdom

    11, the head of Chanel "Lafayette: What is the name? Answer: Karl Lagerfeld

    12, how many women are there in the 108 heroes of the Water Margin? Answer: 3

    13. Which freestyle swimming champion won in 2017? Answer: Ning Zetao

    14. How many faces does a cube have? Answer: 6

    How many letters are there in English? Answer: 26

    16. What is the letter after the letter s? Answer: T

    17. In which country did the "eight-hour work day" first appear? Answer: A. United Kingdom

    18. Who is the director of the film "Gong Shou Dao" starring Jack Ma? Analysis: "Gong Shou Dao" is directed by the article, screenwriter, Jet Li produced, Ma Yun led the starring role, Wu Jing, Donnie Yen, Zou Shiming, Asashoryu, Tony Jia, Xiang Zuo, Liu Chengyu and so on

    19. What is another name for cucumber? Answer: Cucumber

    20, What is the camel's hump stored? Answer: Water

    Who is the prototype of the Q of spades in playing cards? Answer: Athena

    22. How many legs does a crab have? Answer: Six

    Who is guilty of heinous crimes, make the people complain? Answer: SONY

    What is the annual sales hegemony of TV in 24 and 12? Answer: False Story

    25. Which of the following is not a work by Gen Fubuchi? Answer: Fate Stay Night

    26. What is the full name of Lao Xu? Answer: Yubuchi Gen

    27, Which cartoon hero does not know his full name? Answer: Suzumiya Haruhi blues

    28, who is the script writer of the Key society known as the great demon king? Answer: Hemp branch

    29. Which of the following works is by the same author as The Legend of the Legendary Warrior? Answer: Once upon a time, the black rabbit of the sky demon

    30, "Lying in the night listening to the wind blowing rain, iron horse glacier dream" is whose poem? Answer: Lu You

    Who is the director of magic girl small circle? Answer: New house

    32, Where is the only province with five kinds of terrain in our country? Answer: Sichuan

    33. What bombers did the US carrier cluster carry after Pearl Harbor? Answer: B-25 Mitchell

    34, animation k-on! What is its Chinese name? Answer: Light tone

    35. Which of these is a Microsoft product? Answer: XBOX ONE

    36, Hayao Miyazaki's only animated film to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature? Answer: Spirited Away

    37, Which of the following is not a graphics card manufacturer? Answer: kfc

    38. The world's largest island by area? Answer: Greenland

    39, tape, hard disk and credit card use what characteristics of the material to store data? Answer: ferromagnetic material with low hysteresis loss

    40. In what year was SONY's first game console, the playstation, released? Answer: 1994

    41. Which of the following video container formats can encapsulate the most tracks? Answer: mkv

    42. What was the first battle in World War I in which gas bombs were used? Answer: Battle of Verdun

    43. What was the development version number in the 1993 beta of Windows 95? Answer: Chicago

    44. Who is the OP writer in Fate Zero's second season? Answer: Yuki Kajiura

    45. Where was the first shot of American freedom and independence fired? Answer: Lexington

    46, What is the frequency of the international standard tone? Answer: 440Hz

    47. Which of the following is not the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Answer: God of War

    48. What is the technique of redrawing parts of a page without reloading the page? Answer: AJAX

    49. Which of the following adobe software is used for video editing? Answer: premiere

    Who proved that the earth is round? Answer: Magellan

    In this movie, what did the protagonists do? Answer: Rob banks in a Sherman

    52. What is the name of the green team member of the US version of Power Rangers? Answer: Tommy

    53. What magic does Lisja use in "New Bengal Magical Girl Lisja"? Answer: Time

    54, "Jesus' dinner Party" this trick from which animation? Answer: Steel warrior

    55. How did Dinisha, the strongest warrior in the history of the Great Sword, die? Answer: Killed by Priscilla's ambush

    56. What is the theme song for the first season of Digimon? Answer: Butterfly

    57. What was Japan renamed by the British Empire in "Code Geass Rebellious Lu Lu Repair"? Answer: District 11

    58. What is the sm number of Soka Gakkai Ohonzo (4 generations)? Answer: sm6999999

    59. What is the bull height model in Mobile Suit Gundam? Answer: RX-93

    60. Which of the following works was first produced? Answer: Over the top

    61, which of the following is not the three goddesses in the "Heaven and Earth useless" series? Answer: Demons (Note: Vulture Yu visited Xishenjin famous charm are all)

    62, known as "the"; LOL" What's the game? Answer: League of Legends

    Hancicada dragon Palace Li Nai used weapon is? Answer: Firewood knife

    64, "Oriental Demon Dream" Phantasm surface BOSS name? Answer: Eight clouds purple

    Update log

    - Added "Download" function

    - Optimize "Favorites", "Voice wake up", "image search" and other functions

    - Optimize some functional interactions

    - Fix online bugs

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    Simple search for Android v3.6.5 for Android mobile phones

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