Tang Dynasty

Chinese historical dynasties
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synonymTang Dynasty(Tang Dynasty) generally refers to Tang Dynasty (Chinese historical dynasty)
Tang Dynasty (618-907), yes Chinese history successor Sui Dynasty After the Great unification Central Plains dynasty A total of 21 emperors, enjoying the country for 289 years. [1] [183]
At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the Emperor of Tang rose Li Yuan Take advantage of Jinyang In 618, he declared himself emperor, established the Tang Dynasty, and established the capital Chang 'an . Emperor Taizong of Tang After the throne to create The rule of Zhenguan Lay the foundation for the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Emperor Gaozong of Tang Inherit the legacy of Zhenguan and create" The rule of Eternal Emblem ". In 690, Empress Wu Zetian Change the name of the country to weeks In the year 705 Dragon Revolution After that, the Tang Dynasty was restored. [2] Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Period emergence Kaiyuan flourishing age And brought the Tang Dynasty to its full glory. Trimble At the end of the year, the population of the country reached about 80 million. [3-5] The Rebellion of An Shi Subsequent occurrence The state was divided , Eunuch dictatorship Phenomenon, the national power is declining. Go through 唐宪宗 " Yuanhe Zhongxing ", Emperor Wuzong of Tang " Huichang Zhongxing "And Emperor Xuanzong of Tang " Rule of medium and large "The national power is restored. consequent Peasant uprising at the end of Tang Dynasty It undermined the foundation of Tang rule and made Vassal state Power increased, and central control over local areas was severely weakened [204] The emperor became the object of contention among warlords. The Tang Dynasty existed in name only. Vassal General in 907 Zhu Wen Usurping the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty fell. [183]
The Tang Dynasty had an unprecedentedly vast territory and reached its peak in the east Sea of Japan A surname Annam , arrive in the west Aral Sea , Bac Yu Baikal . [6] The Tang Dynasty adopted it for the surrounding ethnic groups control Policy and pass Confer titles on , Make peace with relatives And other ways to establish close political and economic ties with all ethnic groups [165] ; The ruling class is open minded and broad-minded and compatible with foreign cultures [188] , Japan , Nanzhao, a feudal regime in ancient China , Silla , The Bohai Sea Other countries sent envoys to learn the system and culture of the Tang Dynasty, and various ethnic groups in the border and inland areas showed a great integration situation [172] .
The Tang Dynasty was one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time with strong national strength, prosperous economy, active foreign exchanges and important institutional achievements [204] [230] . After Tang Dynasty, overseas people called Chinese people" Chinese " [9] . Through exchanges with other countries, the economy, society, culture and art of the Tang Dynasty showed the characteristics of diversification and openness. Tang poetry ), calligraphy, painting, music and other aspects have achieved important results [196] .
Chinese name
Tang Dynasty
Foreign name
Tang Dynasty [129]
The tang dynasty , Li Tang , Tang Dynasty
Time frame
From 618 to 907
National leader
Li Yuan , Li Shimin , Li Zhi , Li Longji , Li Chun et al.
Chang 'an , Luoyang [192-194]
Official language
Refined words [191]
Kaiyuan Tongbao
Population number
52.91 million [4] [61 ] [63-64] [74] (Modern research also has 60 to 90 million, or even over 100 million ideas.)
Land area
About 1 760000 km² [217] (General Chapter 2, 669)
Major nationality
The Han nationality
Political system
Central government system
Three provinces and six departments
Official selection system
Imperial examination system
Li Yuan
Last monarch
Lee Chuk

Title of a kingdom

The Tang Dynasty was named "Tang", which was once the ancient place name of Jin. See entry Tang Dynasty ). Emperor Gaozu of Tang Li Yuan Grandfather of Li Hu He was posthumously named Duke of Tang, and later the title passed to Li Yuan [118] . Li Yuan to respect "Sui" as the name of the war, in the Sui Gong Emperor Yang You After the Zen concession, it took "Tang" as the title of the state and made Chang 'an its capital. Because the king's surname was Li, he was called Li Tang and honored as Datang [10] .



The founding of the state and reunification

  • Lee origin
The portrait of Li Yuan painted by Ming Dynasty is in the National Palace Museum, Taipei
Tang dynasty royal family Longxi Li Is thought to be The Sixteen States when Xiliang Founding monarch Li Hao The descendants of... " Book of Tang "And" New Book of Tang "And traced Lee's ancestors back to Spring and Autumn Period thinker Li Er (Lao Zi) [11] . In the late Southern and Northern Dynasties, the key figure of the rise of the Li family was Li Hu. Li Hu followed the Northern Wei ministers during the turmoil in the north Woo Wentai And became the one on which the Yuwen family depended." Eight pillars "One of them. After Li Hu's death, his son Li Haoyu Continue in The Western Wei Dynasty (535-544) , The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) It was reused and was used in the Northern Zhou Dynasty Guanlong Group Important members were given the surname of Ohno Hu and remained as Prime minister until the end of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Yang Jian In power, only to return to the original surname Lee [12] [100] [118] . Li Byang son Li Yuan from the father of the duke of Tang, married Yuwen Tai's granddaughter Dou Shi. See entry Empress Taimu Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, and his wife Document queen Dugu's love. [119]
  • Raise an army to build Tang
The Sui Dynasty Great undertaking (605-618) years, due to Emperor Yang of Sui Abuse of power, plus The three conquests of Goguryeo The failure led to civil unrest. In the thirteenth year of Daye (617), Emperor Yang appointed Li Yuan as the comfort ambassador of Hedong, Shanxi, and stayed in Taiyuan. Jinyang Imperial censor [211 ] To the north prepared the Turks and suppressed the peasant uprisings in the region. Li Yuan saw the world chaos, Sui dynasty collapse of the situation can not be reversed, so gave birth to the idea of replacing. Advisors around him Pei Zhen , Liu Wenjing And second son Li Shimin They also suggested raising troops to do something important. [101] [210]
In May of the thirteenth year of Daye (617), Li Yuan, who felt the time was ripe, killed his deputy Wang Wei and Gao Junya In Jinyang in the name of respect Sui army. In July, Li Yuan and his eldest son Li Jiancheng Second son Li Shimin swung south, has broken Huoyi (now Huoxian County, Shanxi), crossed the Yellow River and marched southwest. At that time, Emperor Yang was far away Jiangdu (present Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province), the Sui army in Guan was weak; Central Plains Wagang's Legion with Wang Shichong The battle was raging and no one had time to look out. So the Lees went all the way and occupied in November of the same year Chang 'an Distant respect Sui Yang Emperor as the emperor, kingmaking Yang You As emperor, change Yuan Nghia Ninh Yang You is Emperor Gong of Sui; Li Yuan became the great prime minister and sealed the king of Tang. In the second year of Yining (618) in March, Emperor Yang Changes in Jiangdu Was killed in the middle. In May, Li Yuan forced Gong Emperor Zen, Li Yuan called the emperor Jianguo, the country name "Tang", changed to Yuan Martial morality Chang 'an was the capital, and the Sui Dynasty collapsed. Li Yuan is Tang Gaozu. Since then, the eldest son Li Jiancheng was the prince, the second son Li Shimin was the king of Qin, and the fourth son Li Yuanji For the king of Qi. [12] [101] [210]
  • Unify the world
Subject article: Tang Dynasty Unification War
At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, due to the long-term war, the national economy was seriously damaged, and the population dropped from eight million in the early years of the Sui Dynasty to more than two million [13] . In addition, the northern border of the Tang Dynasty was also received from Mobei Eastern Turkic Empire The threat of... The Turks were more powerful than ever, including Qidan, an ancient nationality in China , Shiwei , Tuyu-hun , Gao Chang And other countries, even the Central Plains Dou Jiande , Xue Ju , Liang Shidu , Lie rail The local separatist forces, such as Wang Shichong, were all subservient to the Turks. [13-17]
A surname Central Guanzhong Before, send someone to praise the leader of the Wagang army Li Mi To make it a barrier to the Central Plains. By the time the Tang Dynasty was established, various political forces continued to compete. Taking Guanzhong as his base, Emperor Gaozu continued to develop his strength and embarked on a war to unify the whole country. In June 618, in the first year of Wude, Li Shimin led the Tang army to attack Longyou Xue Ju , Xue Rengao Father and son. In September, Xue Ju died. After repeated contests, by November, Xue Rengao's soldiers were defeated and surrendered, and the Tang army occupied A surname . In May of the following year (619), Tang again plotted against the powerful clan of Wuwei An Xinggui , An Suren If you capture Li Track alive, you will have it all Hexi Corridor Place. In the third year of Wude (620), Li Shimin defeated a Turkic invasion of Hedong Liu Wuzhou , Song Jingang He restored his rule over Daibei. At this point, the Tang Dynasty not only consolidated the Guanzhong base area, but also developed its strength and could concentrate on the Central Plains and Jiangnan. [102] [210]
Li Jing, a famous general in the early Tang Dynasty
By this time, the Wagang army had disintegrated, and most of the counties in Shandong had fallen to the Tang and Youzhou Luo Yi It was also subordinated to the Tang Dynasty. The Xia regime of Dou Jiande, Zheng regime of Wang Shichong and Tang regime were formed in the Yellow River basin. Gaozu sent Li Shimin to the east to fight Wang Shichong, and Zheng and Xia formed an alliance against Tang. In 621, Li Shimin defeated the Zheng and Xia allied forces, captured Dou Jiande, and Wang Shichong surrendered [97] . The rest of Dou's family was persecuted by Tang Ting, so in Liu Heishi Under the leadership of two rebellions, and allied with the Turkic army south offensive. Gaozu successively sent Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng to lead the army to the East, captured and killed Liu Hei, and Hebei was pacized. Subsequently, the division of Lunan Xu Yuanlang The North of Hebei Province Open way Fall one after another. At this point, the Tang Dynasty generally unified Henan, Hebei, Shandong area. [102] [188] [210]
In the fourth year of Wude (621), Jiangling was conquered Xiao Xian subgeneral Li Jing , Li Xiaogong Lead the army to pacify. That same year, The south of the Lingnan region Rich family of the area Feng Ang In surrender, Tang set up eight states with its territory; Qianzhou (present-day Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province) Lin Shihong Defeated by the Tang Army. All parts of Lingnan bowed. Jianghuai area Dufowe As early as the second year of Wude (619), he had surrendered to the Tang Dynasty and was awarded the title of King of Wu by the Tang Dynasty. In the fifth year of Wude (622), Duvowe entered the imperial Court, but the rest remained A surname 祏 Under the instigation of the sixth year of Wude (623) in August, the army against the Tang Dynasty, called the Song emperor, the next year (624) was captured and killed by the Tang army. Jiangnan was pacified. [102] [210]
In the seventh year of Wude (624), the separations were removed Xia Zhou With the exception of Liang Shidu (now Baicheng in Inner Mongolia), who was attached to the Turks, the Tang Dynasty had established rule throughout the country. In the second year of Zhenguan (628), the Tang Dynasty took advantage of the decline of the Turkic Empire and sent troops to attack and destroy the Liang division capital. [18] [102]
When Tang Emperor Gaozu was in power, he abolished the harsh regime of Sui, established an official system, set up schools and set up institutions The 12th Army commander A surname , issue Land equalization system and Rent transfer method , OK" Kaiyuan Tongbao Money initially improved various systems, laying the foundation for the future development of the Tang Dynasty. [188]

The rule of Zhenguan

Portrait of Tang Taizong painted by Song Dynasty, Taipei National Palace Museum [103]
In the process of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the eldest son of Gaozu Li Jianguo made a great contribution, but the second son Li Shimin's military achievements were more outstanding, so that a considerable number of historians believe that Gaozu could win the country, relying on the strength of Li Shimin [189] . As the prestige of Li Shimin increased, the conflict between him and Li Jiancheng intensified day by day. In the process, Gaozu's indecision intensified the fight between the brothers. This struggle finally ended with Li Shimin ambushed his troops at Xuanwu Gate on June 4, 626, and launched a military coup d 'etat, shooting Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, king of Qi. After the incident, Emperor Gaozu was forced to make Li Shimin crown prince. On August 9, Gaozu Zen let the throne, became the emperor. Li Shimin succeeded to the throne as Emperor Taizong. [19] [101]
Tang Taizong was an ancient Chinese emperor who was good at drawing historical experience and had enlightened thought and political foresight. After he ascended the throne, he often discussed with his ministers the lessons of the rise and fall of successive dynasties and the policies of governing the country. He follows The people's revolt at the end of Sui Dynasty Recognize the power of the masses, learn lessons from the Sui extinction, attach importance to the lives of the people; On the watch malfeasance Choose the best, know the best, Listen to others , be appointed Du Ruhui , Fang Xuanling Such virtuous ministers, Li Jing, Li Fu Such as war generals, reuse Wei Zheng Wait for the forthringer to appear in the" Ling smoke pavilion 24 meritorious "As a representative of a batch of ministers and generals [117] To ensure political stability and the implementation of policies; Taking agriculture as the base, practicing strict economy, recuperating, reviving culture and education, perfecting Imperial examination system A series of policies to govern the world have made the society a more stable situation. [188]
At the same time, Taizong made great efforts to suppress foreign aggression and defeat Eastern Turjue, Tuyuhun, Gaochang, Xue Yantuo The crackdown on Koryo (i.e Koguryo ), Tibetan regime in ancient China (hereinafter) Princess Wencheng marry Songtsen Gampo ); Respecting the customs of the border ethnic group, taking a relatively equal attitude toward ethnic minorities, once said: "Since ancient times, all precious. China , cheap A surname I love only one." The grand situation of "Hu Yue family" appeared, and the four countries respected him as "Hu Yue Family". Tekhan " [8] . [188] [212]
Through the joint efforts of the emperors and ministers of Taizong Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Taizong in Zhenguan (627-649), the Tang Dynasty emerged a situation of relatively clear politics, rapid economic development, social stability, and flourishing martial arts, which was known as the "rule of Zhenguan" in history, and was the first in the Tang Dynasty Times of peace For later Kaiyuan flourishing age Laid a solid economic foundation. [20]
However, Emperor Taizong gradually became arrogant in the later years of his reign, and more people were recruited for labor. [188] In Taizong's old age, what troubled him most was the problem of storage. Taizong Yo Queen Wende Of all the sons born to Changsun, the firstborn Li Chengqian He was made a prince and stayed behind to supervise the state many times when Taizong went on tour. Danko Li Tai Winning the title of King Wei and being favored by Emperor Taizong, Li Chenggan's position was threatened. The two men opposed each other, resulting in ministers also involved in the fight, causing turmoil in the ruling and opposition parties. In the seventeenth year of Zhenguan (643), Li Chenggan conspired with court officials to rebel, and his deeds were exposed. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Taizong deposed Li Chenggan and Li Tai at the same time, and replaced the king of Jin with a gentle character Li Zhi . [120]

The rule of Eternal Emblem

Subject article: The rule of Eternal Emblem
  • Consolidate the throne
Fresco of Famen Temple of Tang Gaozong Li Zhi
On May 26, the 23rd year of Zhenguan (649), Emperor Taizong died Cuiwei Palace The Hall of Wind. On June 1, Li Zhi ascended the throne as Emperor Gaozong [104] . Changed the following year" Yonghui ".
Yonghui four years (653), borrowed by Emperor Gaozong Real estate estate In the case of conspiring against the emperor, the opposing forces in the family and the noble were wiped out in one net, and their own imperial throne was consolidated. In the sixth year of Yonghui (655), he tried to overcome the public opinion, in Li Che Xu Jingzong With such support, the Empress Wang, who was born of the abandoned gentry, established the Zhao Yi Wu family (i.e Empress Wu Zetian ) for later, and take the opportunity to attack the minister The eldest grandson never Ji , Chu Suiliang . This struggle has the significance of breaking the superiority of the noble group in the regime and weakening its power. [188]
  • Great literary governance
At the beginning of his reign, Emperor Gaozong summoned people from all over the country Morning envoy "I have just assumed the throne," he said to them, "if there are things that are inconvenient to the people, you should report them, and write them again without saying them thoroughly." From then on, he took ten princes into the Pavilion every day to ask about the sufferings of the people and their political measures. He also issued an edict that officials from the capital and other states were not allowed to offer eagles, dogs and horses. Emperor Gaozong according to the law of Zhenguan, so Yonghui years, the border stability, the people fu 'an, there is a legacy of Zhenguan, known as "Yonghui rule." [213]
In October 665, Emperor Gaozong set out from Dongdu to visit Mount Tai's dedication . The chariot traveled for hundreds of miles, accompanied by Turks, Khotan, Persia, Tianzhu, Japan, Silla, Baekje, Korea (i.e., Goguryeo) and other envoys and chiefs. This showed the strength and power of the Tang Dynasty at that time [121] . During this period, the population of the Tang Dynasty also increased from less than 3 million in the Zhenguan period to 3.8 million. [21]
  • Tetrahedral expansion
At the same time of ruling the world, Emperor Gaozong continued to expand the war, and history says that "the power of the Tang Dynasty to the outside world was at its peak". [105]
Tang Gaozong time territory [173]
The first year of Yonghui (650), General Tang Gao Kan Capture the Turks The car nose Khan Gaozong separated in the single, Hanhai two protect house. After Gojong took the throne, he continued to rule Western Turkic Dynasty Call in troops. Xianqing two years (657), Tang general Su Dingfang After the great defeat of the Western Turks, the distant invasion of the Shi State (around Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan), captured the Western Turks alive Charbalo Khan, Western Turk is dead. Emperor Gaozong set up two capital protectors at Kunling and Mengchi in the former places of Western Turk. The following year, he moved to Anxi to guard the capital of Qiuci (present-day Kuqa, Xinjiang). [214]
Yong Hui six years (655), Koryo and Paekje Allied offensive Silla The Silla envoy begged for help from Tang, and Emperor Gojong sent troops to attack Goryeo and Baekje. Long Shuo three years (663), Tang general Liu Renju At the mouth of the Baekgang (present-day South Korea Jinjiang River In the sea) defeated the Baekje and Japanese allied forces [215] In the same year, Baekje was destroyed. In the first year of the General Chapter (668), General Tang Li Fu They led the army to capture Pyongyang and destroy Goryeo. Emperor Gaozong set it in his place Anton is the protector , divided into forty-two states [216] .
During the reign of Emperor Gaozong, the Tang Dynasty was the most extensive, stretching from the Korean Peninsula in the east to the Aral Sea (said to be the Caspian Sea) in the west, Lake Baikal in the north, and Hengshan in Vietnam in the south. This territory remained basically unchanged for more than thirty years. [159]

Wu Zhou Dynasty Tang Dynasty

Subject article: Wu Zhou Dynasty
During the reign of Li Zhi, Empress Wu (named Wu Pu, commonly known as Wu Zetian) gradually participated in the government. Wu Zetian was formerly Li Shimin Gifted person After his death, Li Shimin became a nun, after being called to the palace by Emperor Gaozong, won the power struggle, was set up as the empress, history called her "Sudo. intelligence It is also related to literary history." In the fifth year of Xianqing (660), Li Zhi asked Wu Zetian to assist in the administration of the state due to health reasons, so she and Li Zhi were called "two sages". [188]
In the first year of Hongdao (683), Emperor Gaozong died Purple Micro Palace Hall of chastity View , Crown Prince Li Xian He ascended the throne as Emperor Zhongzong. Wu Zetian in the name of the Empress Dowager The interim system . In the first year of Guangzhai (684), Wu Zetian dethroned Zhongzong as King of Luling and appointed four sons Li Dan For emperor, is for Tang Ruizong. [188]
Wu Zetian in "Empress Wu Walking from the Map"
In the following years, there was Yangzhou Xu Jingye Clan Yue King Li Zhen The King of Lang Evil Li Chong When the army rose, it was put down by Wu Zetian. The imperial rebellion directly led to Wu Zetian's purge of Tang's imperial ministers and paved the way for her to claim the title of emperor. It was made by Wu Zetian in 690 Auspicious sign Forced the Ruizong Zen position, claiming to be the "Holy Emperor" of Big Zhou, changed the national title to Zhou (known as "Wu Zhou"), and made Luoyang the capital, becoming the only one in Chinese history empress . [22-24]
When Wu Zetian was the empress, she put forward twelve opinions on administration, including urging farmers and mulberry, and stressing and needing money; Reduce work and labor; Withdraw the troops; To promote an officer of high rank; Let the conversation be wide open Let's wait. During her reign, she ordered a limit on the number of maidservants kept by princes, reformed the corvee service and household registration system, and allowed fugitive peasants to attach household registration under certain conditions. These measures promoted economic development, and the state-controlled population increased from 3.8 million households at the end of Zhenguan and the beginning of Yonghui to 6.5 million. [188]
Wu Zetian had the ability to control her subordinates. In order to cultivate her own power, she encouraged scholars to recommend themselves and open Final imperial examination and One who passed the national examinations for martial arts , set" Official examination ", a large number of unusual selection and promotion of officials, said" Master of the North Gate ". Although there is a problem of hiring too many people and promoting too fast, the incumbent is immediately dismissed once he or she is found to be incompetent. She has a discerning eye for people, a clear sense of judgment, reward and punishment, and cultivated a group of talented officials [25] . like Tang Xiujing , Di Renjie , Zhang Kanzhi , Zhang Renwish , as well as Kaiyuan famous ministers Yao Chong , Song Jing All of them were discovered and promoted by Wu Zetian. The wide participation of the non-intellectuals in politics expanded the political foundation of the ruling class, restrained the forces of the intellectuals, and played a certain role in the consolidation and development of the political power. [188]
During the reign of Wu Zetian, it was reorganized militarily Anxi four towns , resist post-Turkic Intruding, and in the northeast Khitan" Chaos in Yingzhou After the outbreak, they tried to quell it. These initiatives have contributed to the consolidation and development of a unified multi-ethnic state. [188]
During Empress Wu Zetian's reign as emperor, social culture and art also made progress. At that time, Buddhism flourished, and Buddhist temples were built frequently and expanded Longmen Grottoes On its behalf. Later, it was said that his rule was "above Chengzhen Guan, below Kai Yuan" or "government Kai Yuan, governing macro Zhen Guan". [24] 26 [27]

Restoration of the Tang Dynasty

Subject article: Dragon coup , Tanglong coup
The darkest part of Wu Zetian's reign was the acceptance of informers and appointments Cruel officials . She set it up in the lobby Copper standard Accept the snitch papers. Insinuations were false and innocent, which made insinuations popular inside and outside the court. reuse Suo Yuan Le , Lai Junchen , Zhou Xing Such a group of cruel officials wantonly weave charges against ministers, extract confessions by torture, and kill hundreds of Tang clan members and hundreds of civil and military ministers one after another. It was not until he declared himself emperor and the regime was relatively stable that this terrible politics came to an end [188] . She built Buddhist temples and built" Hall of enlightenment "Heaven", made" Dubhe Casting the nine tripod wasted a lot of people and material resources. Therefore, in this half century, on the one hand, social and economic development has been achieved, on the other hand, the land equalization system has begun to weaken, the peasant flight has gradually become widespread, and class contradictions have a tendency to intensify [212] .
Although Wu Zetian captured Li Tang, under pressure from inside and outside the court, she was forced to recall Li Xian from exile and make him crown prince. In the first year of Shenlong (705), he was Prime Minister Zhang Kanzhi United Prohibition Generals Jing Hui After launching the Shenlong coup d 'etat and forcing Wu Zetian to abdicate, Emperor Li Xian was restored and the Tang Dynasty title was restored. Wu Zetian died a few months later. Before his death, he gave an edict to the emperor, and then called the empress. [188]
After the restoration of Emperor Zhongzong, he continued to receive his wife Queen Wei , daughter Princess Anle And Wu's old party such as Wu Sansi Under the influence of others, Zhang Kanzhi and Jinghui were exiled or killed successively. They sell official titles, buy and sell public goods, feast and travel day and night, and indulge in indulgences. Empress Wei intended to be the second Empress Wu Zetian, and Princess Anle had asked to be Empress dowager . Keng Long In the first year (707), he was not Empress Wei's biological prince Li Chongjun Launched a coup d 'etat, killed Wu Sansi, etc., and attempted to get rid of Empress Wei, but finally failed to be killed. In the fourth year of Jinglong (710), Empress Wei and Princess Anle conspired to poison Emperor Zhongzong and establish King Wen Li Zhongmao For the emperor, is for Tang Shang emperor, and want to harm is excluded in the supreme power outside the king Li Dan. Finally, the third son of Li Dan was King Linzi Li Longji The daughter of Wu Zetian Princess Taiping Assisted in launching the Tanglong Coup d 'etat, killed Empress Wei, Princess Anle and the remnants of the Wu family, ousted Li Chongmao, and promoted Li Dan to return to the Yuan." Jing Yun ". After the restoration of Li Dan, he made Li Longji crown prince. [28] [188]

Kaiyuan flourishing age

Subject article: Kaiyuan flourishing age
After the restoration of Ruizong, the government remained corrupt. Princess Taiping became more powerful because of her power, five of the seven prime ministers were elected because of her, and most of the ministers of civil and military affairs were attached to her. This caused a sharp contradiction with Prince Li Longji. Jing Yun three years (712), Ruizong crown prince, Li Longji is the throne, is for Xuanzong. innate In the second year (713), Xuanzong took the lead and sent Princess Taiping to death, and her followers were either killed or expelled. See entry Congenital coup d 'etat ), change the yuan" The New Century ". The situation of empress and princess interfering in political affairs since Wu Zetian ended, and the chaotic political situation since Zhongzong ascended the throne eight years ago stabilized. [188]
Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty in "Zhang Guo Sees Emperor Ming" [130]
After King Hyeon ascended the throne, he devoted himself to correcting the many abuses left over from the previous years. He appointed successively Yao Chong , Song Jing , Zhang Jiazhen , Zhang Shuo , Lee Won-hong , Han Xiu , Zhang Jiuling Such a group of ministers who were familiar with official governance and rich in talent, chose good officials, established systems, and ordered the streamlining of the bureaucracy and the reduction of redundant officials [29] In addition to luxury and simplicity, pay attention to taxes even Collect and pass Household expansion isomitigation Land annexation Leading to the escape problem [30] . In the face of the new situation of social development, he carried out moderate reforms: relaxed on the escape register (customer) restrictions; Militarily, change Government military system for Mercenary system And recover Horse government [31] ; Strengthening the power of the central government while delegating power to large administrative regions; Raise the helm tribute The rank of officials; Use... in... On merit Stabilize the bureaucracy; Comprehensively revised the law and promulgated the" Datang Kaiyuan ceremony "; Set up "Chang Ping warehouse" to adjust the rich and poor; Set up "peasant society" to promote farming; Construction of water conservancy and large-scale construction on the border Station troops to open up farmland ; In the east and west of the second capital House of talent Concentrated scholars collated classics and copied about 90,000 volumes of classics and history. [188] [212]
These policies made the Tang Dynasty a powerful dynasty with prosperous national strength and splendid culture, which attracted the neighboring governments to learn from and communicate with it. By the end of Kaiyuan, the country was rich, low prices, good social order, travel thousands of miles. [188]
Externally, Xuanzong recovered western Liaoning Yingzhou And Ruizong period granted to Tubo Hexi Jiuqu land [32] And surrender again Qidan, an ancient nationality in China , xi , Shiwei , Mohe, an ancient nationality in northeast China Equivalent regime 36] [33 - ; The Western regions, annexed size bolu And attack Abrupt application The north of the Saipan regime surrendered and returned to the country post-Turkic And then support Uighur After the extinction of the Turjue. 37 - [42]
Xuanzong reformed the Yuan Trimble Later, due to a long period of peace, the country has nothing to do, and gradually lost the will to seek treatment upward, and began to pursue luxury and fatigue in government affairs. in Trimble Four years (745 years) Na Yang Yuhuan After becoming a concubine, Xuanzong became more addicted to wine and sex. At this time the chancellor Li Linfu Dictatorship. Although Li Linfu was skilled in official affairs, he spared no effort in cracking down on political enemies. [188]
Although the politics became corrupt and the social atmosphere became more and more extravagant, the economy still developed during the years of Tianbao. Tianbao twelve years (753), from Chang 'an to the west more than ten thousand miles, people are still facing each other, mulberry hemp everywhere. Tianbao fourteen years (755), the national statistical account has more than 9 million households, more than 52 million people, reaching the Tang Dynasty statistical account of the highest. [188]

The Rebellion of An Shi

Subject article: The Rebellion of An Shi
In the first year of Tianbao (742), Xuanzong set up ten places in the border area Governor of a provincial government in charge of military affairs . In the later period of his rule, the military strength of the border area expanded, and the discipline of serving as the chief of a large military region made him in charge of civil affairs in addition to military affairs. Because Xuanzong was very happy in his later period, the border generals often provoked wars against foreign ethnic groups to invite war achievements. And the implementation of the recruitment system, so that the soldiers in the military town to establish a stable relationship, forming the border will be a long term, the weight of the warlord situation. In addition, the corruption of the central elite has weakened its control over the region, and the political imbalance has emerged, which can easily encourage self-respected generals to cultivate ambitions to take over. The representative of this is in control of the army Pinlu , A surname Hedong three towns of control, Hu people An Lushan . [44] [188] [218]
After the death of Li Linfu in the eleventh year of Tianbao (752), Yang Guifei's elder brother Yang Guozhong Take the photo. Yang Guozhong was at odds with An Lushan and provoked him to rebel. Tianbao 14th year (755) in November, An Lushan and Shi Siming In the name of discussing Yang Guozhong with edict, 150,000 troops were raised against Fan Yang. It is known as the "An Shi chaos". As the world Chengping for a long time, the Central Plains Tang army was weak and could not fight. In December, the rebels captured Luoyang and the Tang army retreated Tongguan (a county in Henan Province) . At the same time, the north and the south are in control Guo Ziyi Led the army into Hebei to suppress the rebellion. During the fifteenth year of Tianbao (756), An Lushan proclaimed himself Emperor Dayan and took the year name Shengwu. In June, the Tang army defeated Tongguan and the rebels captured Chang 'an. Xuanzong left for Sichuan, in Mawei Slope The accompanying soldiers mutinied, killed Yang Guozhong, and forced Xuanzong to execute Yang Guifei. Crown prince Li Heng They then moved north to Lingwu (now Ningxia) Lingwu Take the throne and change the yuan." Shitoku "It is for Emperor Su. Emperor Xuanzong was honored by Yao as the Supreme Emperor. Li Heng's claim to the throne, although there is a suspicion of making good, but in the stability of people's hearts, unified command in counterinsurgency has played a positive role. [188]
( An Shi Rebellion Atlas reference [148] [184] )
Then, Su Zong urgent transfer Guo Ziyi back to the army Lingwu, ordered it with Li Guangbi Other generals against the Anshi rebels; Also ordered Zongzheng Li Chengcai borrow Uyghour Soldiers to enhance military strength. To De two years (757) January, Henan festival deputy Zhang Xun Sui Yang Taishou Xu Yuan They led the army and people to stick to the throat of the Grand Canal and the Jianghuai River barrier A surname (now Shangqiu, Henan Province), in Battle of Suiyang The forces held back hundreds of thousands of rebels for ten months [45] . At this time, An Shi group internal strife, the son of An Lushan An Qingxu Kill your father and stand on your own. In September, Guo Ziyi's army recaptured Chang 'an, and in October, Luoyang. Shi Siming then in Fan Yang down Tang, only An Qingxu stick Sangju (present Anyang, Henan Province). In the second year of Qianyuan (759), Shi Siming rebelled again, rushed to the aid of Anqingxu, and fought a decisive battle with the ninth section of the Tang army in Anyang. The Tang army was defeated, and Shi Siming killed An Qingxu. In the second year of the Upper Yuan Dynasty (761), Shi Siming again defeated the Tang army at Luoyang, hoping to take advantage of the victory to enter the West Pass, and was defeated by his son Shi Chaoyi Killed. [188] [218]
In the first year of Baoying (762), Li Heng was critically ill and his wife Empress Zhang Want to abolish the crown prince Li Yu Change the king of Yue Lie series , eunuch Li Fuguo , Cheng Yuanzhen Protect Li Yu, arrest Empress Zhang, Li Shi, etc. After Li Heng died, Li Yu ascended the throne as emperor of the Tang Dynasty. When he took the throne, he appointed his son Li Shi For the world marshal, commanding Be persistent and grateful Such as the defeat of Shi Chaoyi rebels. In the first year of Guangde (763), the Tang army targeted Fanyang, and the rebel generals surrendered one after another, and Shi Chaoyi committed suicide. The Anshi Rebellion is over. [188]
The eight-year rebellion of An and Shi Dynasty caused great damage to the social economy, which made the vitality of the Tang Dynasty greatly damaged and turned from prosperity to decline. Since then, the power of the central government has been greatly weakened, and the power of the government officials has been increasing. now Land equalization system Has been gradually disintegrating, land annexation is increasing, Lease modulation It can't be done. After the Rebellion of An Shi, the population decreased sharply and the land was largely deserted. The vassal power grew and the phenomenon of vassal separation gradually formed after the Daizong Dynasty [122] . [188]

Difficult revival

  • A thicket of vassals
Subject article: The state was divided
After the surrender of the rest of An Shi, the Tang court was unable to recover its military power, and still appointed them as local commanders Li Baochen Chengde Town (now Zhengding, Hebei Province), Li Huaixian Youzhou Town (ruling the southwest of today's urban area of Beijing), Tian Chengji The town of Weibo (ruling today's Hebei Daimyo) and called" Three towns in Hebei ", is the most domineering vassal, the name of the Tang Dynasty, the actual "both its land, and its people, and its armor soldiers, and its wealth", the father died, the son generation, a long separation of one side, until the death of the Tang. [188]
After the rebellion of An Shi, vassals were also generally set up in the mainland. Outside Hebei, some of the Central Plains vassal towns were more separatist, such as Ziqing (ruling today's northwest of Dongping in Shandong), Huaixi (ruling today's Runan in Henan), Chao Ngai (now Shanxi Changzhi), etc. The Southern vassal towns had a small army, which kept them basically loyal to the court. [188]
In most of the period of the middle and late Tang Dynasty, only a few vassal towns such as Heshuo were divided, but the vassal towns also implemented Tang policies and decrees to a certain extent, "the emperor must rely on the imperial government to order military security", and the separation of the vassal towns was also lifted [143] . Under the premise of superficial deference, the court began to acquiesce to the right of very individual vassals to choose their own rulers [124] . The functions of the vassals are different, and there are also contradictions, such as the central Plains and border areas of the vassals to ensure the balance of internal and external forces, and the southeast vassals to provide financial support. Therefore, some studies have pointed out that it is the mutual restriction between the vassal towns that enabled the Tang Dynasty to continue for more than a hundred years after the Anshi Rebellion [148] .
  • During the reign of Emperor and Emperor Dezong of Tang Dynasty
In the first year of Guangde (763), the Tubo captured Chang 'an, and Emperor Daizong fled to Shaanxi, then sent Guo Ziyi to defeat the Tubo. In the first year of Yongtai (765), he also used Guo Ziyi and others to put down the rebellion of Fugu Huaien. During his reign, he was quite interested in government. He suppressed the powerful and powerful ministers, making them either dead or demoted, and replacing them with worthy ministers Yang Wan , merge Liu Yan reformation Salt process And improved the country's financial position. [218]
In 779, Emperor Daizong died in the Zichen Hall of Daming Palace, and Prince Li Shi ascended the throne as Emperor Dezong. Dezong appointment Yang Yan It was implemented in the first year of Jianzhong (780) Dual law Taxes are levied on land in summer and autumn. Since the Warring States period, it changed the taxation system based on the number of people, and "only the assets as the family, not the number as the base", so that the ancient taxation system developed from "house tax people" to "house tax places", alleviating the financial difficulties in a short period of time. [123] [218]
Emperor Dezong tried to put down the vassals and did not allow the vassal towns to pass the land to their descendants, which led to the rebellion of Chengde, Weibo and Ziqing, and the Mukden disaster which lasted five years. In the process of suppressing the rebellion, Lu Long and Huaixi followed the rebellion and declared themselves king and emperor respectively. The Jingyuan army, which had gone to quell the rebellion, started again Jingyuan mutiny Occupied Chang 'an and held the Lulong preceptor Zhu Tao brother Joo 泚 As emperor, Emperor Dezong fled to Mukden (present Qian County, Shaanxi Province) and Liangzhou (present Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province). in Li Sheng After the mutiny was put down one after another, Emperor Dezong was worried about the danger caused by the rebellion, so he took a conciliatory attitude towards the vassal towns and recognized the hereditary privileges of the three towns in Hebei, so that they could cancel the royal title and maintain the status quo. This failed war basically laid the foundation for the subsequent strong and weak status of the central government and vassal, vassal and vassal, and the interwoven relationship between vassal and vassal [188] . After Emperor Dezong returned to Chang 'an, on the one hand, he accumulated his strength to prepare for the reduction of the empire, and at the same time, he handed the Shenqi Army over to the eunuchs. [183]
However, during the reign of Emperor Dezong, he used a prime minister Li Mi The solution was to unite with the Huihe people and the Nanzhao people to fight against the Tubo people. Yuanhe Zhongxing Creating a more favorable external environment.
  • Tang Shunzong, Xianzong reign period
Zhen Yuan 21 years (805), Tang Dezong died, his son Li Deng He became Emperor of Tang Shunzong. Conformist appointment Wang Shuwen Wait, not except the eunuchs." Miyaichi He tried to seize the power of the eunuchs to command the Shenqi Army, which was strongly resisted by the eunuchs. eunuch Ju Wenzhen Under the conspiracy of others, Shunzong, who reigned for less than two hundred days, was forced to meditate on his son Li Chun Wang Shuwen, Liu Zongyuan The core members of the reform were either given death or relegated to the status of distant Sima. This struggle is known as the Two King Palsma Incident or the Eternal Zhen Reformation. [188]
Ming Dynasty painted Tang Xianzong Li Chun color portrait [185]
Xianzong often read classics and records, followed the example of his ancestors, summed up historical experience, and worked diligently in government. He paid attention to the role of ministers, and dared to appoint ministers and virtuous ministers as prime ministers. Heon Jong Jae Yeonyeongdang Meeting with the chancellor, retiring late. [219]
In the military, Xian Zong Gang Ming decisive, employing no doubt, determined to use law to sanction vassal, trying to revive the rule. From the first year of Yuan and Yuan (806) to the seventh year of Yuan and Yuan (812), he was Prime minister Li Jifu , Du Huangshang , Wu Yuanheng , petu With the support of others, he successively sent troops to pacify Xichuan, Xiasui and Zhenhai, and persuaded Wei Bo to restrain himself Tian Hongzheng Submit to the court. From the 9th year of Yuan and He (814) to the 12th year of Yuan and He (817), Huaixi was put down after a hard battle Oh Wonji Rebellion. Since then, Chengdezhen Wang Chengzong They also paid tribute and invited officials. Yuan and fourteen years (819), and put down the Ziqing governor Li Shidao . The central government appoints all local envoys [183] . At this point, the three towns of Hebei Province and Huaixi and Ziqing accepted the constraints of the court, and the country was temporarily unified [188] . This short-lived achievement is known as "Yuan and ZTE".
After his death, Tang Muzong In 821, the three towns of Weibo, Chengde and Lulong rebelled, while the Yuan and the other prefectures of Henan, Hebei and Shandong, which had long been divided, remained under the control of the Tang central government. The area under the direct rule of Tang Dynasty has been expanded compared with Yuan and before, but the vassal problem has not been fundamentally solved. [183] [188]

The government and the party fight against each other

  • Eunuch dictatorship
The main secession of the Yuan and He period
Under the threat of Tubo and the serious external crisis, the internal troubles of Tang Dynasty also deepened. The bigger problem that led to the political corruption in the late Tang Dynasty was the eunuch dictatorship. The foundation and harm of the dictatorship came from the eunuch's military power. [188]
In the early Tang Dynasty, the use of eunuchs was limited to a certain extent, but the power of eunuchs expanded significantly in the reign of Emperor Xuanzong. After the outbreak of the rebellion of An Shi, Emperor Su appointed eunuchs Li Fuguo Take command of the Forbidden Army. vicente Masterstroke Force Become the Central Forbidden Army. Emperor Dezong distrusted the imperial officials and set them up Guard lieutenant He served as a eunuch and commanded the Shenqi Army. From then on, the eunuchs leading the Shenqi Army became a fixed system until the Tang Dynasty. The Shenqi Army was superior to the other Forbidden armies, well equipped and numbering 150,000 men, and controlling the Shenqi Army was tantamount to controlling the central military force. The court was again dominated by eunuchs Military commissioner Stationed in various vassals and directly in contact with the central government, it is both the eyes and ears of the central government and a means of controlling local areas. The court was also dominated by eunuchs Privy envoy He ruled on government affairs for the emperor. The two privy councillors and two lieutenants, known as the "four noble", held the military and political power and became the actual rulers of the government. From Shun Zong to Tang dynasty, except Emperor Jingzong of Tang In addition, all eight emperors were elected by eunuchs; Xianzong and Jingzong both died at the hands of eunuchs. An emperor (Zhaozong Li Ye He was imprisoned by eunuchs. [188]
The domineering eunuchs coerced the emperor, scorned the prime minister, bullied scholars, ran amok with the court and the field, and inevitably clashed with the court officials. Since the eunuchs 'offices were in the imperial city in the north and the court officials' yamen in the imperial city in the south, the struggle between the court officials and eunuchs was called "The Imperial Palace." A surname A surname The controversy ". With the support of the emperor, there were two major struggles between the court officials and the eunuchs, one of which was the "Erwangba Sima Incident" during the reign of Shunzong. See the "Hard Recovery" catalog ), and once was the "Wenzong" The change of the nectar ". At that time, Wenzong came into use Li Xun , Zheng Zhu He hatched a plan to eliminate the eunuchs. In November of the ninth year of Taihe (835), Li Xun made people falsely claim to have appeared on the pomegranate tree behind the Jinwu Hall manna Want to be a lieutenant in the Shenqi Army Qiu Shiliang When the eunuchs come to inspect them, they will be killed. Qiu Shiliang found something different on the way, kidnapped Emperor Wenzong rushed into the inner palace, and then sent God to kill Li Xun, Zheng Zhu and other chancellors, and bloody Chang 'an. After Emperor Wenzong, no emperor took the initiative to take large-scale action against eunuchs, and from then on, "everything in the world is determined by the northern Division, and the Prime minister does paperwork" until the collapse of the Tang Dynasty [188] . Then the eunuchs were united; The Southern Nga, headed by the prime minister, only resorted to vassal troops to fight the eunuch power, thus planting the seeds of the conflict between vassal and eunuch in the late Tang Dynasty. [46]
  • Party rivalry continues
Subject article: Niu Li party dispute
After the rebellion of An and Shi, how weak the monarchical power is, and the prime power is not exclusive, which leads to the internal struggle for power and profit in the court cabal Reject different people. After Heunjong, the so-called "Heonjong", which influenced the government for more than 40 years, appeared. Niu Li party dispute ". "Cow party" to Ox and monk and Ru , Li Zongmin As the leader, the "Lee Party" to Li Deokyu , Zheng Qin Such as the leader. The two parties were largely formed by a combination of like-minded officials with similar political views. Although there are different opinions and measures in the abolition of imperial examinations and vassal policies, and advantages and disadvantages can be distinguished, but in general, the main performance of the party struggle is still to draw lines, which advance and retreat, and fight each other. During the time of Mu Zong, Li Deyu was an observer in western Zhejiang, who should have been in the prime minister, but he could not be transferred for eight years, and the Niu Party took the Niu Monk and Yu as the prime minister, resulting in the deepening of the feud between Li and Niu. Emperor Wenzong of Tang Li Ang At that time, the struggle between the two parties became increasingly fierce, and they quarreled endlessly in the court. Officials in advance and retreat, only the party is responsible, so that Emperor Wenzong sighed: "To Hebei is easy to steal, to go to the court friends difficult." Until the Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, the leaders of the two parties were either demoted or died, and the "Niu Li Party struggle" came to an end. [188]

Revitalize the national power

  • Reign of Emperor Wuzong and Emperor Xuanzong
Li Deyu, known as the "ancient good phase" [186]
Kaicheng five years (840), Emperor Wenzong seriously ill, eunuch Qiu Shiliang , Hiroshi Uomi Make an affectation and establish the king Li Yan For the emperor's first brother. Soon after, Emperor Wenzong collapsed and Li Yan ascended the throne as Emperor Wuzong of Tang. Emperor Wuzong reassigned Li Deyu, the leader of the Li Party, deposed Niu Sangru and Li Zongmin, clarified official officials, developed the economy, and was interested in eliminating the old evils. [188]
First of all, Emperor Wuzong, who had a lot of dissatisfaction with the eunuchs, learned the lessons of Emperor Wenzong's failure, and used distant and cold means to deal with the eunuchs [46] . In the second year of Huichang (842), Qiu Shiliang instigated the Shenqi Army to mutiny, which was thwarted by Emperor Wuzong and Li Deyu. Qiu Shiliang apologized in fear, was stripped of his military power, and was honored as Look at the military and look at the envoy . Soon after, Qiu Shiliang voluntarily resigned and was forced to become an official [220] . Therefore, during the reign of Emperor Wuzong, the eunuch power was suppressed.
Secondly, the Wuzong Dynasty defeated the Uighurs abroad Ujie Khan With his troops, they wiped out northern Xinjiang; The internal rigid and soft, so that the vassal subjugation. He chose a strong military envoy who was obedient to the king's orders Zhang Zhongwu He succeeded Lulong, and at the same time resolutely sent troops to fight against Zhaoyi town, which did not respect the imperial purpose Liu Zhen rebellion [188] . After Emperor Wuzong, the arrogant soldiers inside the vassal town were increasingly frequent, and the central government lived peacefully for a long time [218] .
On the issue of religion, Emperor Wuzong believed in religion, and in order to combat the power of monks and landlords, he ordered the demolition of Buddhist temples in the fifth year of Huichang (845), made more than 260,000 monks and nuns return to secular life, confiscated 150,000 slaves and maidservants and a large amount of monastery land [131] . Due to the success of the destruction of the Buddha, the Tang government expanded the tax source and consolidated the centralization of power. However, in the process of demolishing the temple, the economic loss was not small [132] . The event is known as Huichang destroy Buddha . In addition, nestorianism The spread of other religions was also restricted.
In the sixth year of Huichang (846), Emperor Wuzong died due to an attack of erysipelas, and the eunuchs chose King Guang Li Chen Succession to the throne is for Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Xuanzong appeared to be an incompetent man who was easily exploited by eunuchs before he ascended the throne, but after he ascended the throne, he showed a desire to rule with great effort. He disparaged Li Deyu Yazhou Suppressing the power of eunuchs, cracking down on dignitaries, governing the country diligently and frugally, and focusing on the selection of talents. Culturally, Buddhism was again revered.
Middle and large two years (848), Dunhuang (now Dunhuang, Gansu province) Zhang Yichao He led the uprising of the people in Shazhou and other places, expelled the Tubo defenders in Hexi area, and sent messengers with the map and household registration of eleven states into the dynasty and submitted to the Tang Court. After years of fighting, make Hexi Corridor Eleven states, such as Gua and Sha, returned to the Tang Dynasty, and the Tubo forces were completely expelled from Hexi and Longyou [115] . After that, "West Igo , East to Lingwu ; Land more than four thousand miles, one million households; Rokugun Mountains and rivers, as if returned." [116]
After Hexi was cleared, the Tang Dynasty had no worries about the west, but in the reign of Emperor Wuzong and Emperor Xuanzong, the Tang Dynasty's national power improved, and the people became more and more stable, which made the already decaying government show a situation of "revival". But they cannot solve increasingly complex social conflicts. [183]

Go into decline

At the end of Xuanzong's reign, the economy and politics declined, and the domestic chaos occurred frequently [151] . In 859, Xuanzong died and his son, Li 漼, became Emperor Yi. At that time, there was a war between Tang and Nanzhao in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guangxi, and the government finance was also in serious difficulties, and taxes were often collected in advance for two or three years. Jianghuai area also encountered successive years of floods and droughts, ten rural homes and nine empty, a large number of farmers fled [165] . When Yi Zongfu took the throne, the accumulated contradictions in the country broke out, and there were large-scale riots throughout the country Civil revolt . From the thirteenth year (859) to the first year of Xiantong (860) Qiufu uprising And Xiantong nine years (868) to Xiantong ten years (869) Pang Xun Uprising It opened the prelude to the collapse of the Tang Dynasty, and history said that "the Tang Dynasty fell in Huang Chao and the disaster was based on Guilin". [150] . [183]
In the fourteenth year of Xiantong (873), Emperor Yi died of illness and his son Li Fan He succeeded Tang Xizong. During Hee-Jong's reign, he was a powerful official Tian Lingzi He controlled the government, and the political situation became increasingly chaotic. At the beginning of the second year of Ganfu (875), it appeared Wang Xianzhi uprising The rebel army started from Puzhou (now the north old city of Shandong Juancheng), repeatedly defeated the Tang army, to dry Fu five years (878), the rebel leader Wang Xianzhi Died in battle. However, at the same time, Cao Zhou Yuan sentence (now Shandong Heze) people Huang Chao The army continued to grow in strength and moved all the way south, launching a northern expedition in the first year of Guangming (880), reaching near Chang 'an in December. Hee-zong hurriedly fled to Shu. In the Middle and fourth years (884), under the attack of the provincial magistrates, Huangchao Uprising Just quieting down [165] . This uprising caused the Tang Dynasty's economic powerhouse Jiangnan area suffered a huge blow, the eunuchs managed the forbidden army also suffered heavy losses, and the prime minister and eunuchs still struggle constantly. In addition, after this uprising, super vassals began to appear, breaking the balance of power between the previous vassals, subduing the group of vassals with troops, and finally leading to the collapse of the Tang Dynasty. [188]
The first year of Wendeok (888), after the death of Hezong, his brother Shou Wang Li Ye He ascended the throne as Emperor Zhaozong. After Emperor Zhaozong succeeded the throne, he decided to move the capital to Luoyang [163] . For five years (898), he was a lieutenant of the Shenqi Army Liu Jishu They staged a coup d 'etat, put Zhaozong under house arrest, forced him to abdicate as the emperor, and set up a prince Li Yu Ascend the throne, the year name of light. Tian Fu Yuan year (901), Prime Minister Cui Yin Commander of the Joint Shenqi Army Sun Dezhao Liu Jishu was killed and Emperor Zhaozong was restored. [164]
The later Liang Taizu Zhu Wen who usurped the Tang Dynasty throne [187]
During this period, Xuanwujun was in control Zhu Wen With the east of the river Li Keyong Become the man of the hour, all tree parties in the court. With Zhu Wen's support, the Prime minister faction won. In 903, Zhu Wen entered the palace and executed all the eunuchs [112] . In the first year of Tianyou (904), Zhu Wen sent troops to capture Chang 'an, kidnapped Emperor Zhaozong and moved his capital to Luoyang, and then killed him, King Lihui Lee Chuk For the emperor, namely Tang Ai Emperor [98] . In the second year of Tianyou (905), Zhu Wen demoted officials and killed more than 30 courtiers Baima Yi (now Hua County, Henan Province), threw the body into the river, according to history The disaster of White Horse Relay [166] .
Zhu Wen originally wanted to seize the throne after unification, but because of the invasion of Huainan Yang Xingmi Failed, so decided to declare early emperor [47] . In 907, Zhu Wen forced Emperor Ai to take the throne, and the Tang Dynasty ended [48] . In the following Five dynasties and ten Kingdoms During the period, Li Keyong's son Li Cunxu established The Later Tang Dynasty and Lee 昪 established Southern Tang Dynasty They claimed to be the successors of the Tang Dynasty and used "Tang" as the state title [113-114] .



Scope of territory

Subject article: Tang Dynasty territory
  • Earlier stage
Due to its commitment to "expanding the territory for the big", the territory of the early Tang Dynasty expanded significantly, and the Tang Dynasty was widely located in the border areas control State administration. At the end of Sui Dynasty, the Eastern Turkic forces developed rapidly. In the fourth year of Zhenguan (630), the Tang Dynasty defeated the Eastern Turks and took over the vast area north of Yinshan to the desert. The Tang Dynasty also conquered Xue Yanda in Mobei and set it up in its old place Anbukitsu Protectorate (Modern Mongolia Hangai Mountain East), control Mobei Tiele The governors of the provinces; And in the south of the area Shan Yu City guard house (north of present-day Inner Mongolia and Linger), administered the capital of the Monan Turkic provinces. The first year of Takamo Nagatsu (682) post-Turkic After the rise, the Tang forces withdrew from the Mobei area. [159]
After the Tang destroyed the Eastern Turks, the seven cities of Yiwu in the Western regions conquered the Tang, and the Tang was set up in its territory Western State (now Hami, Xinjiang). Later, according to a number of areas in the Western regions, the four towns of Kuzi (today Kuqa), Khotan (today Hotan), Shule (today Kashgar), and Shieye (in today's northern Kyrgyzstan) were set up Western Region Capital Protection Office Moved to Kuzi, called Anxi four towns . After the Tang Dynasty defeated the Western Turks, it rose in the east Altai Mountain , west to Aral Sea The former territory of the Western Turks consists of dozens of Jimi prefectures. In Central Asia, Tang forces also entered Amu Darya The river basin. Tianbao ten years (751), the Tang army defeated The Battle of Talas The Tang forces retreated to the area east of the Onion Ridge. [159]
In the northeast, the Tang Dynasty conquered Goryeo (known as Goguryeo) and established it in Pyongyang Anton is the protector Under the jurisdiction of a number of prefectures, including the present Wusuli River East and lower Heilongjiang, south and north and southwest of the Korean Peninsula. Later, due to the instability of the rule, the Tang Dynasty moved the Andong Capital Protection Palace to Liaodong (today's Liaoyang, Liaoning Province). After Tianbao, the Tang Dynasty abolished the Andong Protectorate and abandoned the Liaodong region. [159]
In the southwest, the Tang Dynasty recruited all the ethnic groups in the southwest of Sichuan and the northeast of Yunnan Nanning Prefecture Capital governor's Mansion (ruling today's Qujing, Yunnan), A surname The governor's house (now Yibin, Sichuan) and Yaozhou The capital governor's mansion (ruling today's Yunnan Yao 'an), the territory once expanded to the present Burma The northeast. However, the rise of Tubo and Nanzhao successively made the Tang Dynasty's rule in the southwest unstable, and finally ended with Nanzhao's permanent occupation of Yaozhou Governor's mansion after the early year of Tianbao. [159]
The Tang Dynasty was founded in what is now northern Vietnam The Annam Palace (now Hanoi, Vietnam). [159] Later, it was placed on the basis of the capital Quiet navy Both are protected by the precepts. The last Tang generation will not be abandoned.
In short, in Tang Gaozong Longscho During the period (661-663), the Tang Dynasty reached its maximum territory: from the Korean Peninsula in the east to the Aral Sea in the west Khorasan Region (Tang has in Central Asia Jimo Beng State ), North Bao Baikal to The Yenisei River The Tang Dynasty controlled the prefecture of Jimi in the far north Xuanpass Prefecture ), south to Vietnam hue area [49] . Scholarly evidence Tan Qixiang editor-in-chief Historical Atlas of China " [99] It is estimated that the territory of the Tang Dynasty in the second year of General Zhang (669) should be about 10.76 million km² [217] .
Map of Tang Dynasty in the 29th year of Kaiyuan (741), taken from Encyclopedia of China [149]
  • anaphase
After the outbreak of An Shi Rebellion, the Jimi prefecture in the early Tang Dynasty was gradually lost, and the territory of the surrounding frontier dynasties and frontier regimes continued to expand. In order to quell the successive rebellions, the Tang Dynasty transferred the troops defending Tubo to the east, leaving the western frontier empty. Tubo took the opportunity to expand to the east and north, seizing the Tang's northwest Sichuan, southeast Gansu and other areas, and controlling the Hexi Corridor; It also occupied the Beiting and Anxi areas. Tubo posed a serious threat to Tang rule in the west and northwest [159] . Late Tang Dynasty, Shazhou people Zhang Yichao Set up troops to recapture the Helong area and re-open it Silk Road [170] .
Map of the Tang Dynasty in the fifteenth year of Yuan and He (820), from the Encyclopedia of China [149]

Administrative division

After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the capital was made Xijing Chang 'an (present Xi 'an, Shaanxi), and at the same time Luoyang (now Luoyang east of Henan Province) is the eastern capital, commonly known as" Erjing ". [210]
Before the rebellion of An Shi, the Tang Dynasty was divided into local divisions state , county two-stage [178] . In addition, the Tang Dynasty created the administrative region in the history of China tao and fu The establishment of... View of chastity In the first year (627), Emperor Taizong divided the kingdom into Ten paths . These Tao have no real power. Tang Dynasty city level is mainly Chief steward's palace , Governor's mansion , Governor of a provincial government in charge of military affairs Etc., below the government are states and counties. Zhenguan fourteen years (640), the country set up a total of 360 prefectures (prefectures), under the jurisdiction of 1,557 counties. During the Kaiyuan years, Shannan and Jiangnan were divided into different things and added The capital city and its environs , Capital city , Central Guizhou Three courses form a pattern of fifteen courses. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Household in the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740), there were 328 states and governments and 1,573 counties in the country. [51] 50 - [178] [210]
There were many ethnic minorities in the Tang Dynasty, and in order to effectively manage the Turkic, Uighur, Tiele , Shiwei , Qidan, an ancient nationality in China , Mohe, an ancient nationality in northeast China The six major ethnic groups were established, namely, Anxi, Anbei, Andong, Annan, Shanyu and Beiting Imperial palace As well as a large number of prefectures and control states belonging to the six protectors.
( Zoning atlas reference [99] )




Bronze civil figures of Tang Dynasty [179]
The official system of the Tang Dynasty basically inherited the Sui system and developed. Central organization Hall of government (revised) Under the Chinese book ), Taiwan province , prefect , North and South Army (see" Military affairs "Catalogue) and the East Palace official consists of several parts:
  • The government Affairs hall, established in Menxia Province in the early Tang Dynasty, was the seat of the prime minister. The prime minister of the early Tang Dynasty was composed of two types of people, one was the three provincial chiefs, and the other was his official plus. Participate in the government "" Participate in political affairs "" The same book under the three products "" In the same book under the same chapter "Equal title. The Prime Minister holds meetings in the Government Hall in the morning and returns to the Department in the afternoon. The appointment, removal, dismissal and promotion of officials of the military and five or more categories were all agreed upon by the government Hall, and then submitted to the Emperor for approval. In the time of Emperor Gaozong, government affairs were in the hall Chinese book province . A provincial governor without a title is not a prime minister. In the eleventh year of Kaiyuan (723), the government affairs Hall was changed to the Middle School, under which there were five rooms of officials, cardinals, soldiers, household, and punishment and rites, and they were assigned to handle affairs by Cao. From then on, Zhongshu Menshi officially became the prime minister's office, so that decision-making, administration integration [195] . The name of the prime minister in the late Tang Dynasty was basically "Tongping Zhangji". [177]
  • Taiwan province refers to the book, the door, the Chinese book Sansei And the Imperial Monument. The three provinces remain official institutions. Shangshu Province Is the highest government body, responsible for implementing the draft of the Ministry of Economics, Mohsia province Review and final imperial edicts approved by the emperor. Yes, Sir. Order of a minister Because Tang Taizong had held this post before taking the throne, since then the courtiers did not dare to live in this post, so around Servant fire He is the governor of Shangshu Province. Shangshu Province has a general office called metropolitan . All provinces have left and right secretaries and left and right department doctor A surname Scholars and foreigners In charge of the three departments on the left of officials, households, rites, and the three departments on the right of soldiers, punishment, and workers. About the servant shot high and not permanent, the actual person in charge is about cheng. Six divisions The governor is A surname A servant. Each department is divided into four divisions, each with a doctor, a member, Be in charge of , A surname Please wait. Zhongshu province was established by Sui Dynasty Naishi Reset. Executive order. Yes, Sir. Secretariat of the CPC . The deputy officer is The book squire . Specifically responsible for drafting Imperial edict yes The book gives up people . The governor of the province is A surname The deputy chief is A servant in the house . Specifically responsible for the consideration of the instrument are Work in progress . The relationship between the two provinces is the closest. And separate left and right The horseman always serves around Counsel doctor around Tonifying que around Find lost property , all are Imperial censors . In addition, in the book province there are People living in houses There's more to it Kijurang He was responsible for recording the emperor's words and deeds. [177]
  • The Tang Dynasty not only further improved the organization of remonstrating officials, but also had its own characteristics in the actual operation, especially in the reign of Emperor Taizong Wei Zheng The appearance of the minister as the representative makes the function of the remonstration official play more fully. Imperial historian's desk Is the highest watchdog to Imperial historian , Cheng of the Imperial history For the chief (doctor is not often set, Cheng is often the actual chief), mainly in charge of picketing officials and supervising the Treasury teller, for the "son of heaven eyes and ears". Part of the imperial platform, temple, watch Three houses of worship , set up separately Imperial historian , Serve the imperial history in the palace , Monitor the imperial history Collectively known as the Imperial History of the Three Hospitals. The three imperial histories of the court were supervised, each with its own emphasis, reflecting that the supervision system of the Tang Dynasty was more complete than that of previous generations. [177] The central judiciary is: Dali Temple (Supreme Judicial body), The Ministry of Punishment in feudal China (Judicial Administration), the Imperial Palace (responsible for overseeing the judicial activities of Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice). In every major case, Dali Temple Qing, together with the Ministry of Criminal Justice and imperial history Cheng jointly tried, saying," Three judges "That is, hereafter." Three law departments "The predecessor. [210]
  • The agencies that carry out the implementation of the six Decrees are collectively referred to as" Nine temples and five prisons ". [210] prefect Kuji Temple , Five supervisions and Palace library , Tenaka Province , chamberlain . The name of the nine temples was the same as that of the Sui Dynasty. The five supervisions refer to the state son, the little house, the general, the capital water, and the five supervisions of military equipment. Nine temple chief called Qing, vice minister called Shaoqing. Three of the five chiefs call themselves supervisors. The secretary of the province is also called the superintendent. Therefore, these institutions are collectively referred to as the Secretary of State.
  • The Eastern palace was similar to the Sui Dynasty. Apart from the prince Santa , Three Shao Besides, there are Prince's guest . reestablish jamjifu around Xuan Phuong . [177]
An important feature of the Tang Dynasty official system is that in addition to the general official system, there are other Put into service Send an official to do something on a temporary basis. This is the nature of the same ordinances in which the office of Prime minister is held by him. There are also important envoys of the central government Bachelor of the Imperial Academy And eunuchs four GUI (left and right lieutenant and two privy councillors). [177]
In the late Tang Dynasty, both the central institutions and administrative affairs had undergone changes. In the process of promoting the imperial power and pursuing the administrative efficiency, the role of "under the door of the middle book" and "making the post" is increasing day by day. The existing organization and the new actual office parallel; Separation of "official" and "official". These changes have a direct impact The Five Dynasties and The Northern Song Dynasty (960-907) The political system of... [190]

Selective system

Subject article: Imperial examination system
There were imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty system and Rhizoma paniculata . The system was to select special talents, and the emperor called for examination, and the subjects were varied and irregular. There are six common subjects: Xiucai , Ming Jing , A successful candidate in the imperial examinations , Transparent method , Ming Shu, Explicit calculation . Among them, there are few scholars who should take the exam. Ming Law, Ming book and Ming calculation recruit specialized talents such as law, calligraphy and arithmetic, which are not important in the regular subjects, while Ming classics and Jinshi are the most important subjects in the regular subjects and even the imperial examination system. The Ming Classics section takes about 100 students a year, which is more than the 30 students taken by the Jinshi Section, but the difficulty of the examination and the social status are lower than that of the Jinshi Section, so that there is a saying at that time, "Thirty old Ming classics, fifty less Jinshi". [190]
Yanta Jinshi inscriptions ink [145]
There are two kinds of people who take the exam: the "names" from various schools. A surname ", directly participate in the Shangshu province Rebe test ; unenrolled countryman ", need to participate in the state and county examination after passing, and then participate in the Shangshu provincial ritual test. Ming Classics examination is mainly" Stick to the sutra ", the test is the ability to recite classics, relatively simple. The examination subjects of the Jinshi section changed continuously from the early Tang Dynasty to Xuanzong, and were finally fixed into three sessions: Stick to the sutra , essays (mainly poems), counterplan . The change of examination subjects is related to the political situation, cultural fashion, and the likes and dislikes of rulers. [190]
If you want to get an official position, you must also participate in the "Civil Affairs Committee" organized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. selection ". There are four criteria for selection: body (physical appearance), speech (speech), book (calligraphy), judgment (calligraphy). judgment ), among which "judgment" is a necessary ability of officials to deal with things. The official election system in the complete sense includes the "election" to obtain the qualification for official service and the "election" to obtain official service. From the Ming Dynasty, many became middle - and lower-level officials; Having been a scholar, he had more opportunities to become a senior official. By the end of the Tang Dynasty, those from the Jinshi family were called" Well-heeled household "Enjoyed the privilege of exemption from corvee, was the Song Dynasty" Official household "The predecessor. [190]
Although the imperial examination system of the Tang Dynasty has been established, it is still not perfect, which is embodied as follows:
  1. 1.
    Not many people. Antecedent with Door shade Being an official, Petty official There are many ways to become official, but they do not occupy the main position in the official career. [190]
  2. 2.
    There is still" recommend "Remnants. That is, when the exam is admitted, in addition to the score, the reputation of the candidate and the recommendation of various aspects have a great impact on the examiner, so the son is recommended by celebrities, everywhere to ask for a relationship, and reach for the race; [190]
  3. 3.
    And after can not be timely and guaranteed officials. Many Ming Jing scholars have no official position in their lifetime, which causes the cost to become an official to be too high and wastes talents. [190]
Nevertheless, the establishment of the imperial examination system has acted as a brake A family of power and influence The role of selecting cold and ordinary people was the personnel guarantee for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. Its characteristics of regardless of background and fair competition have also been inherited and developed by later generations. The Imperial examination system summed up the experience and lessons of the selection of officials in the past dynasties, created a more perfect talent selection mechanism, greatly expanded the social foundation of the ruling class, and became the general implementation of the selection of officials in the middle and late feudal society of China until the late Qing Dynasty. [190]


  • Legislative form
Subject article: Form of decree
The Tang Dynasty clearly defined the formal legal forms of the state as law, order, style and style. " Six Canon of Tang Dynasty · The Ministry of Punishment points out: "The law is to convict by just punishment, to order by setting up an example, to prohibit transgressions and to stop evil, and to act by the track." The law is the criminal code (including part of the procedure); Order is the active and positive laws and regulations to guide people's behavior, and it is the system of national and social life. Case is a single law with prohibitive norm as the main body; The formula is the specific operating procedure of state administrative affairs and the format of official documents. Several large-scale legislative activities in the Tang Dynasty were revised at the same time, which shows that this is a complete legal system. [161]
In addition to the four legal systems of law, order, pattern and style, the Tang Dynasty also compiled a system called" Six Canon A compilation of the ordinances. At the end of Tang Dynasty, law, order, pattern, style and related imperial rescripts were compiled into "criminal law Series" with criminal law as the main body. [161]
  • Legislative activity
Subject article: Tang law
Fragments of Tang Lu Shuyi [144]
Tang law according to Sui Open emperor law "Was written and edited. Emperor Gaozu's season Liu Wenjing , Xiao Yu and Yin Kaishan Et al. Martial law ". After Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, he was ordained The eldest grandson never Ji and Fang Xuanling Et al. changed the "Law of Martial Virtue" into" Law of chastity ". During the reign of Emperor Gaozong Yonghui, Tang Dynasty revised the Tang law, forming the" Law of eternal glory And comprehensively annotated, written as" Lushu ". The Tang Lushuyi, divided into 12 chapters, a total of 502 articles, is generally considered to be the "Tang Lushuyi". Eternal emblem law sparse " [144] . After that, the Xuanzong Dynasty had another book Kaiyuan law ", etc. The Tang Dynasty's rule of law is that "one rules in accordance with the rites, and one thinks that one is not in accordance with the rules". [162] It is the earliest and most complete code handed down in ancient China Chinese law system The blueprint for later codex. It had a significant impact on many countries in Asia. [210]
In Tang Dynasty law, acts against the court such as conspiracy and rebellion are not pardoned or redeemed." Ten abominations The great crime played a guarantee role in the continuation of the court. There were also a series of regulations related to private ownership of land, which maintained the economic base. The aristocracy, the rich, and the bureaucrats received some unequal legal protection, and their sentences could be reduced or exempted under the same laws as those of the common people. [52]


Subject article: Economy of Tang dynasty


Population distribution map of Tembo period
Due to the chaos of the late Sui Dynasty caused by Emperor Yang Guang, the population of the whole country dropped sharply, and only more than 2 million households were registered in the Wude years of Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasty. After the unification of the whole country in Li Tang Dynasty, the household registration began to gradually recover. In the 13th year of Zhenguan (639), the number of households recovered to 3.04 million, the population reached 12.35 million, and more than 1.2 million people were annexed [57] 55 - . Gaozong Yonghui three years (652), the country has 3.8 million households [58] . In the first year of Wu Zetian Shenlong (705), there were 6.15 million households, or about 37.14 million people. [59] Xuanzong Tianbao 13 years (754), the number of households 9619254, the number of households 52880488, the peak of official household statistics [60] . After An Shi Rebellion, due to the separation of vassals and the confusion of household statistics and management, the number of household registration did not conform to the actual situation. According to the analysis of scholars, in the second year of Emperor Guangde (764) of the Tang Dynasty, the population of the country was at least 46 million to 47 million, and the peak population reached about 60 million in the late Tang Dynasty. [43] [61 ]
Tang Dynasty household registration table
A given year
Bite number
Late Sui and early Tang
Shifu Yuangui · Volume 486 [65] And "General Canon · Volume 7" [66]
Emperor Taizong Zhenguan thirteen years
According to the "Old Book of Tang · Geography" statistics of prefectural and county hukou [139-142]
Tang Gaozong Yonghui three years
Tang Hui Vol. 84 [58]
The first year of Wuzhao Shenlong
The Old Book of Tang, Volume 88 [59]
Tang Xuanzong Kaiyuan fourteen years
The Eighth Book of the Old Tang Dynasty [67] A Guide to Capital Management Volume 213 [68]
Tang Xuanzong Kaiyuan twenty years
The Eighth Book of the Old Tang Dynasty [69] A Guide to Capital Management Volume 213 [70]
Emperor Xuanzong Kaiyuan twenty-eight years
(740 years)
The Old Book of Tang, Volume 38 [71] [139]
The first year of Xuanzong Tianbao
The Ninth Book of the Old Tang Dynasty [72]
Tang Xuanzong Tianbao 13 years
(1) 9619254
(2), 9069154
(3), 9187548
(1) 52880488
(2), 52880488
(3), 52881280
Data ① According to the Ninth Book of the Old Tang Dynasty [60]
Data ② According to "Zhizhi Tongjian · Volume 217" [73]
Data ③ According to the "Old Book of Tang · Xuanzong Ji" Tianbao 13 classes and no classes account count statistics
Tang Xuanzong Tianbao fourteen years
Canon · Food VII [74]
Emperor Su of Tang Dynasty came to De Yuan Zai
Tang Hui Vol. 84 [75] Shifu Yuangui · Volume 486 [76]
Tang Su Zong Qianyuan three years
(760 years)
Canon · Food VII [77]
Tang Dynasty Emperor Guangde two years
Tang Hui Vol. 84 [78]
Tang Dezong Jianzhong first year
(780 years)
Tang Hui Vol. 84 [79]
Tang Xianzong Yuan and 15 years
(Year 820)
The 16th Book of the Old Tang Dynasty [80]
The reign of Emperor Wenzong lasted four years
Tang Hui Vol. 84 [81]
Emperor Wuzong of Tang Huichang five years
New Book of Tang, Vol. 52 [82]
Modern scholars generally agree that the peak population of the Tang Dynasty occurred between the 13th and 14th years of Tianbao (754-755), because scholars consider that Tenant farmer , Hermit's household , slaves, soldiers, sangaism People who are not included in household statistics, such as foreign ethnic groups, have different views on the peak population of the Tang Dynasty [62] . Tang dynasty historians Du You It is believed that the peak number of households in Tianbao period was 13 to 14 million; Modern scholars Zhao Wenlin and Xie Shujun put the total population of the Tang Dynasty in 754 at about 63 million [64] ; Shi Jianzhong It is believed that the total population of the Tang Dynasty during Tianbao was about 60 to 70 million people [196] ; Frozen guodong It is believed that the number of households in the Tang Dynasty during the 13th year of Tianbao (754) was about 14.30 to 15.4 million, corresponding to 74.75 to 80.5 million people [63] ; Wang puts the peak population during Tianbao's reign at about 80.5 million [4] ; Ge Jianxiong It is believed that the peak population of Tianbao around 14 years (755) is about 80 to 90 million; Chen Xulu It is suggested that the peak population of Tang Dynasty is 92.54 million. Japanese scholar Kaizaburo Hino It is also believed that the population of the Tang Dynasty peaked at about 20 million households, and the total population reached 140 million people [61 ] .


In the early Tang Dynasty, taxation was implemented Lease modulation . The renter transfer is based on the number of people, the so-called "there is rent, there is wealth, there is adjustment," no matter how much land, property, must pay the same amount of silk millet. It was established in the early Tang Dynasty owner-peasant A system of taxation that exists in large quantities and is based on the possession of a certain amount of land. After Emperor Gaozong, land annexation developed day by day, and many peasants went bankrupt and fled to become landlords Tenant peasant . And the world household registration for a long time is not more made, the ministry of household according to the old registration to collect rent transfer, the local government is the virtual household rent transfer evenly shared to the poor farmers who have not fled, resulting in more farmers to flee, rent modulation can not continue. [198]
In the first year of Jianzhong (780), Emperor Dezong adopted the Prime minister Yang Yan The proposal to reform the tax system is implemented Dual law . The tax was collected in summer and autumn of the year, and the rent adjustment method based on collecting grain, cloth and other goods was changed to collect money, and household tax and land tax were used to replace rent adjustment [134] . The two tax laws changed the taxation system based on people since the Warring States period, and "only assets as the family, not based on people", so that the ancient tax system from "land tax people" to "land tax land" direction, reflecting the feudal state in the past to different degrees of control of private land principle into the principle of non-intervention or less intervention. It is a major reform in the history of China's tax system. [135]


  • Early Tang Dynasty
In the early Tang Dynasty, the rulers paid more attention to the construction of water conservancy and the management of irrigation facilities. There were doctors in the central water department, water superintendents in the capital, and special officials in the local areas. The state has also formulated" Submerged type ", as a special water management regulation. 70% of the water conservancy projects in the Tang Dynasty were built in the early stage: during the reign of Wude statewide (present Dali, Shaanxi) opened the canal, since Longmen (Longmen of the Yellow River between Shanxi and Shaanxi) diverted the Yellow River to irrigated fields, benefiting more than 6,000 hectares. Jiangdu (now Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province) in the period of Zhenguan Lei Tang And the newly built Gou Cheng Tang, which can lead to 800 hectares of irrigation land. Wu Zetian was in power Camp hill (southeast of Changle, Shandong) in the northeast Dou Gong canal Twists and turns 30 miles, the benefit of the field is also considerable. Emperor Xuanzong ruled in the Tang Dynasty Wenshui Many canals, ponds and weirs built in Wenshui (now East of Shanxi Province), Sanhe (now east of Sanhe in Hebei Province), Pengshan (now part of Sichuan Province) and Wuling (now Changde in Hunan Province) were able to supply thousands of mu of irrigation land. [53]
Beam plough
With the development of water conservancy, irrigation technology has also improved, and farmers not only use traditional rollers and orange sticks to draw water, but also make it waterwheel , wheelbarrow It is used to irrigate cultivated land on higher ground. Shaft waterwheel irrigation is also used in the northern dry land. Improvements in agricultural tools increased labor productivity. According to the cow-farming maps found around the country, the early Tang Dynasty has transformed the straight shafts used in the past into Beam plough This new plow is easy to use for turning. [212]
Advances in farming techniques and the development of irrigation have increased yields per unit area [212] . By the time of Tianbao, the Tang Dynasty reached 8.5 million hectares. Grain production has also increased. In the eighth year of Tianbao (749), the grain stored in the official warehouse amounted to 96 million stones. The lowest rice price in Chang 'an and Luoyang was only 13 articles per bucket, and only 5 articles per bucket in Qingzhou and Qizhou. [53]
  • After the middle and late Tang Dynasty
After the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the social production in the north was destroyed and the population continued to flow south. Due to the southward migration of population, coupled with land reclamation and major water maintenance (e.g Jurong The rebuilt waste pond Jiangyan Lake, Hongzhou, Changzhou, Huzhou, Mingzhou, Yuezhou and other places have also built large-scale water conservancy projects), so the economic achievements are far more significant than those in the north ( See entry China's ancient economic center of gravity shifted south ) [133-134] . [53] [221]
Yuan · Zhao Yuan's "Lu Yu Cooking Tea" (part), in the National Palace Museum, Taipei
At this point, rice Planting in the south has been further developed and adopted Transplant rice seedlings Transplant the technology. with Double cropping of rice and wheat The beginning of the promotion of the mu yield has been significantly improved. The development of tea planting is of great significance to the economic rise of the south. There are more than 20 kinds of famous tea in the Tang Dynasty, which are produced in many states and counties in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Fujian. The Yangtze River and Huai River, Keemen There are many people in the tea industry. Private tea gardens either hire farmers to pick or rent tea. The official tea gardens recruited tea farmers to engage in production. In the late Tang Dynasty, tea was not only trafficked throughout the country, but also the main commodity exported to minority areas and abroad. [221] The development of the tea industry has promoted Tea culture The prosperity of... People of Jingling in Fuzhou (now Tianmen in Hubei Province) in the middle and late Tang Dynasty Lu Yu Proficient in tea ceremony, author of the world's first tea monograph The Book of Tea It sublimated ordinary tea into a culture, and the wind of tea drinking was widely popular. Lu Yu has made outstanding contributions to the development of China's tea industry and the world's tea industry, and is known as the "tea fairy". [145] [176]

Handicraft industry

Handicraft industry in Tang Dynasty made great progress compared with the previous generation, which played a beneficial role in the development of social productive forces. [43]
  • Management pattern
The distribution diagram of the main commercial capital and handicraft industry in Tang Dynasty [146]
Handicrafts in the Tang Dynasty were divided into three forms: official camp, private sector and family:
  1. 1.
    The official handicraft workshop has the largest scale, the most detailed division of labor, and the division belongs to Shaofu supervisor , Serve in prison and Weapons inspector Three departments. During the high Tang Dynasty, there were nearly 20,000 craftsmen in rotation service who were only used by Shaofu superintendents, and 15,000 craftsmen who were to serve as superintendents in rotation service. In addition, there are also many places in the country Superintendent of metallurgy Specializing in mining and metallurgy. The workers employed by the government handicraft industry include artisans, Bando Miscellaneous households, official slaves and prisoners, among which the former three main. Artisans, peasants, and miscellaneous households served in government-run workshops every year, some for 20 days, some for a month, and some for two and a half or three months in turn, with their own rations. Some craftsmen are retained for a long time, called" Master craftsman "The government will give another reward. Some government-run workshops are partially staffed with hired labor, and are paid three feet a day, and the hired person is called" adhirer Some are called "bright talents" or "bright talents". clever ". All kinds of workers have a personal attachment to the government. The products of the government handicraft industry were mainly consumed by the royal family, bureaucrats and the military. With the improvement of the level of productivity and the continuous outbreak of the resistance struggle of artisans, the ways of paying for labor and harmony gradually increased, and the personal dependence tended to ease. [212]
  2. 2.
    Private handicraft workshops were all engaged in the production of goods, and the owners or masters were skilled, called teachers, elders or Duyu, who in addition to relying on the labor of family members, also employed skilled craftsmen. The scale of individual private workshops is considerable, but the general scale of workshops is very small, and they are still engaged in individual business. Many of the craftsmen who served in official workshops were workers in private workshops. [212]
  3. 3.
    Individual farmers, men plowing and women weaving, also produce handmade goods, mainly silk and linen fabrics. Although this cottage industry is only a sideline in the peasant economy, since the majority of the country's population is farmers, the sum of such products accounts for a considerable proportion of the social economy. In addition to their own consumption, farmers' handicraft products are also used for payment Course mix Only a small portion was sold as merchandise. [212]
  • Advances in production technology
Subject article: Tang dynasty porcelain
Progress in handicraft production technology is most prominent in sectors such as textiles, ceramics and metal manufacturing. [212]
The textile industry is mainly engaged in silk and linen textile, which is spread all over the country. The most important producing region first Henan Road , Hebei Road In second place, Kennam Road and Shan Nan Road Some areas are also rich in sericulture, Huainan, Jiangnan two slightly inferior. Fine silk weighing twill , ROM. ; silk and ð It is an average level of product, but the output is larger. According to records, the silk of the Kaiyuan period is divided into eight grades, and the cloth is divided into nine grades. The best silk is mostly produced in Henan Road, and the best cloth is mostly produced in the Jianghuai River basin. Among them, in particular Songzhou (now Shangqiu south of Henan Province), Bozhou (now Anhui Province) Bozhou The silk is of the highest quality and is of the first class. Zhengzhou , Bianzhou (now Henan Kaifeng) silk list second class. Silk fabrics of the Tang Dynasty are colorful and novel in design, and they have absorbed some of them Persia Style and technique. Printing and dyeing technology has also improved, the Northern Dynasty cerovalerian Law was more widely used in the Tang Dynasty, and it appeared successively in the Tang Dynasty Quilted valerate Dharma sum crepe Law and other new technologies. [212] In the late Tang Dynasty, the further development and popularization of mulberry planting and sericulture in the south made the quality and quantity of silk products paid higher and higher. The products of Huainan, Wuyue, Xuanzhou and other places are particularly valuable.
Ceramic manufacturing technology has also improved significantly. Yue kiln the celadon Green color, praised as "like ice jade"; Xing kiln the White porcelain "Silver like snow", high quality. And Jiangxi Jingdezhen The porcelain is beautifully made, there are" Fake jade ware "Reputation. In addition, with yellow, green, blue three-color glaze pottery made into horses, camels, portraits, etc." Tri-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty The shape is vivid and lively, and the color is bright, reflecting the new improvement of glaze technology, which is the characteristic of ceramic production in this period [138] . Tang Tri-colored color not only continued to develop in the Liao, Song, Jin, Yuan and Ming dynasties, but also spread to Northeast Asia, resulting in "Silla tri-colored color" and "Nara Tri-colored color". [136] . White porcelain and tri-colored Tang appeared for future generations Coloured porcelain Has opened the way [212] . After the late Tang Dynasty, the modeling types of porcelain increased significantly compared with the earlier period, the glazing technology was improved, and the decorative techniques were also improved. Porcelain became more and more popular, gradually replacing gold and silver [221] .
( Ceramic atlas main reference materials [137] )
Metal casting technology has also made great achievements. 1970 in the southern suburbs of Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province Hejiachun The excavation of the Tang Dynasty hoard, unearthed 270 pieces of gold and silver, after identification, it can be seen that there were metal cutting tools. Has been used in Tang Dynasty Lime blowing Extract very pure silver. The manufacture of copper ware was distributed in Yangzhou, Bizhou, Yuezhou and Guizhou (now Guilin, Guangxi) and other places, especially in Yangzhou. Abbot's mirror "" Mirror of river center "The most famous. [212]
Paper industry In the late Tang Dynasty, there was considerable progress, and the famous producing areas were mostly in the south, such as Hangzhou, Wuzhou (now Jinhua in Zhejiang Province), Quzhou, Yuezhou, Xinzhou (now Shangrao in Jiangxi Province) and other places Rattan paper Shaozhou (now southwest of Shaoguan, Guangdong) with bamboo paper, opened up after Bamboo paper The path of development. The Shu people also made paper heavy dyeing, can be made into the famous" Ten-color paper ". Xiangzhou (now Xiangfan Xiangyang, Hubei) is good at making lacquer ware, called "Xiangsample", and is also an important handicrafts in the south. [221]


Commerce in the Tang Dynasty was more developed than in previous dynasties, stimulating industrial progress and strengthening economic ties between different regions. [43]
  • currency
Kaiyuan Tongbao
During the Tang Dynasty, Silk and silk Although it continued to be used as a subsidiary currency, the coins were widely used. The early Tang Dynasty introduced its own coinage policy system, and began to cast moderate weight. Kaiyuan Tongbao "Money, later widely spread. This is actually a diversified monetary system with both physical money and metal money. [54] [212]
The Tang government continued to issue laws to severely crack down on private casting and indiscriminate casting, and banned the use of evil money. However, due to the serious shortage of copper money supply and the rising and strong currency value, private casting and indiscriminate casting had huge profits, so the effect was not satisfactory. After the implementation of the two tax laws, there is a long-term contradiction in social development, which is highlighted by the continuous deterioration of the so-called "money shortage" problem. [182]
With the development of commerce, the late Tang Dynasty has generally appeared for merchants to store and wholesale goods Didian And the payment of the contractor Counter shop . Cabinet square operates money and goods to be sent, and customers who deposit money in the cabinet square can send money with a book sticker (similar to a check). In addition, there was also a credit coupon in the late Tang Dynasty, called" Convenient exchange ", also known as "flying money". Business travelers only need to pay the relevant institutions and firms located in the capital of each province to obtain the semi-coupon, and they can withdraw money with the coupon after returning to the local province. The emergence of flying money provided trade convenience for traders who traveled far to the capital to do business. These are inseparable from the development of commodity economy in the Tang Dynasty. [138] Due to the development of foreign trade, Hu merchants spread all over the metropolis and famous cities. [212] All these explain the prosperity of commerce in the middle of the Tang Dynasty.
  • City, transportation
In the middle of the Tang Dynasty, due to the increase of population, the improvement of social productivity, the economy was very prosperous, and the city also developed to a new stage. First of all, the number of cities is increasing and their distribution is widespread, especially the cities in the south are developing rapidly. Cities in the Western and northeastern regions have also developed to a certain extent. Secondly, the total urban population has increased greatly. Some researchers believe that the total urban population in the Sui and Tang Dynasties reached a peak in China's agricultural era, "far higher than the average level of world population urbanization." Third, there are a number of large cities, even megacities with a population of one million, and the number of medium-sized cities is also increasing. The most important political center cities in the Tang Dynasty were the cities where the ten prefectures and the twenty-four prefectures were located, of which the capital Chang 'an was the most important political center city where the emperor was located. Luoyang, the eastern capital, is also a prefectural city of Henan, second only to Chang 'an, the western capital [197] . Chang 'an is not only the political, economic and cultural center of the country, but also a cosmopolitan metropolis. Chang 'an has a circumference of more than 70 miles and a population of about one million. The city consists of the palace city, the imperial city and the outer Guo City. The city is neatly laid out, with wide roads and shady trees. There are two eastern and western cities in the city, which is the busiest business district in the country. pass Silk Road Merchants from all over the world also transported department stores to Central Asia and West Asia through Chang 'an [138] . In the late Tang Dynasty, Fong market The barrier system began to break through. In the big cities of Chang 'an, Bianzhou and Yangzhou, night markets appeared, with thousands of lanterns shining in the clouds and merchants and tourists rushing in [221] .
The development of traffic in Tang Dynasty provided favorable conditions for commodity circulation. For administrative and military reasons, Post system It has been further developed and improved. At that time, one stage was set up every 30 li, and there were 1,297 land stages, 260 water stages and 86 water and land stages in the country. The post road with Chang 'an and Luoyang as the center leads to most areas of the country. In terms of land transportation, west to Qizhou (Fengxiang, Shaanxi), east to Songzhou, Bianzhou, there is a wide post road, along the way there are hotels to provide accommodation for business travelers, and taxis and donkeys to provide business travelers to ride and transport. Then travel from this, south to Jingxiang, north to Taiyuan, northeast to Fanyang, southwest into Sichuan, northwest to Gan, Liang, all the way to convenient transportation, business travel thousands of miles away, do not have to bring their own luggage and food, do not worry about bandits. As for the water and land stage-houses set up by the government, there are more than 1,600 stage-houses throughout the country. The stage-houses are large and open, equipped with stage-houses, which provide free food and lodging, horses and boats for officials to ride on and carry government documents. [138] On the waterway flooded ships, thousands of boats, trade and return, very busy. [212]
In addition, water and sea transportation is also well developed. Many of the places along the canal traffic points developed into thriving market towns, including those at the point where the canal meets the Yangtze River Yangzhou (in Jiangsu Province) It is the hub of land and water transportation in the southeast, with the most prosperous commerce. It is a large commercial city with the gathering of department stores in the north and the South, and also a distribution center for international trade. The east with Japan, Korea, South and South Asia, and even the Great food, Persian merchants engaged in large trade. Chengdu is an important commercial city in the southwest, and Yangzhou is in an equal position, said" When one raises one raises two " [221] . south Guangzhou It is also a metropolis for overseas trade, and many foreign merchant ships come here every year. Around the fifth year of the calendar year (770), there were more than 4,000 import and export vessels. In order to strengthen the management of foreign trade, the Tang government set up here Bureau for foreign Shipping Merchant ships were imported with berth taxes and the acquisition of goods needed by the government before being left to trade with merchants. Due to the large number of international businessmen, some of whom live for a long time, the government has specially set up "Fan Fang" for management. [138]
Foreign trade prospered and exchanges were close in the Tang Dynasty. In addition to the traditional northern Silk Road, there are Grassland Silk Road , Qinghai Silk Road ( Tang Fan Road ), Southwest Silk Road (Southwest Yidao) and The Maritime Silk Road (mainly divided into South China Sea Silk Road and East China Sea Silk Road ). [147]


Subject article: Tang dynasty culture
Tang culture has its unique charm with its broad content, magnificent momentum, graceful demeanor, high and persistent enterprising spirit, lively and natural, inclusive and open character, rich and diverse forms of expression and bright colors. The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty's economy, the prosperity of the nation, the development of domestic transportation and the frequent exchanges between China and foreign countries not only provided a solid and rich material foundation and an open and relaxed environment for the development of Tang culture, but also greatly broadened people's horizon, enhanced people's self-confidence, and encouraged people to create a new culture worthy of The Times. [165]


Subject article: Tang poetry
Tang Dynasty literature is the new peak of ancient Chinese literature, among which poetry is the most prosperous. Only... Poetry of the Tang dynasty There are nearly 50,000 poems by more than 2,300 people, with rich content and diverse genres and numerous authors. [199]
The development stages of Tang poetry are generally divided into Early Tang Dynasty , The glorious age of Tang Dynasty , Middle Tang Dynasty , Late Tang Dynasty [83] . Early Tang Dynasty Chen Ziang And" The four heroes of the early Tang Dynasty "And others are represented; The Flourishing Tang Dynasty came with Highly suitable , Censhen County the Frontier fortress poems , Wang Wei , Meng Haoran the idyll And the greatest achievement is Li Bai , Du Fu . Li Bai's poetry is grand, bold and unrestrained, known as "poetry fairy"; Du Fu's poems are vigorous and concise, and the style is rigorous. He is known as "the sage of poetry" and his poems are praised as "the history of poetry". The Middle Tang Dynasty has" Ten talents in the calendar ", after Bai Juyi Reform poetry, adopt common language, multiple narrative components, create" Element-sum aspect ", the biggest impact. Other famous poets are Yuan Zhen , Han Yu , Meng Jiao , Liu Yuxi , Li He , Du Mu , Li Shangyin Let's wait. [199]
In the late Tang Dynasty, there were "sentences of varying length and collocation with music". word ". The word has a lyrical and colorful tendency from the beginning. [199]
  • wen
Another important achievement of Tang literature is" prose "The development of literary creation is manifested by Ancient writing movement The main initiator and participant were Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan. The "Ancient Literature Movement" objected ornateness Advocated the reform of the style and language, with scattered lines of single-sentence composition, the implementation of" Writing carries the way "Thought. Among them, Han Yu's prose is vigorous, clear, concise and vivid, which has a great influence on later generations. [199]
  • novel
Tang Dynasty is China Classical novel The formative period of the creation peak in the middle Tang Dynasty. Because it is "recorded and passed down" after the literati "characteristics of different words", this novel is also called" Legend ". There are three main types of Tang legend: supernatural stories, love stories and chivalrous stories, which are mainly developed to meet the needs of the citizens. Representative works are Yuan Zhen 's Tale of Ying Ying ", A surname 's Tale of Li Wa ", Chen Hong 's The Legend of Everlasting Regret ", Li Zhaowei 's Tale of Liu Yi ", Defense of Chiang Kai-shek 's The Biography of Huo Xiaoyu Etc. [174] . These works are of high artistic quality and have laid the foundation for the development of future generations of fiction literature. [199]
Due to the popularity of Buddhism, monasteries are popular to preach Buddhist scripture stories and even historical stories in the form of rap, whose text is called" A form of ballad poetry in ancient China "And" sermonize "Wait. This literary form is known because of the discovery of Dunhuang texts in modern times. Representative works include" Eyes even change text "" Wu Zixu changed the text "" Wang Zhaojun changed the text "" Autumn Huoyi ", etc. The variation text has an important influence on the later folk singing literature. [175] [199]
  • drama
The Tang Dynasty began to have" drama Tang Dynasty drama was mainly "all-round drama". Song and dance drama "" Army play "" Puppet show Tang Dynasty drama was influenced by the drama of the Western Regions and also absorbed ancient India Sanskrit opera The nutrition formed the Tang Dynasty drama, and spread to the Korean Peninsula, ancient Japan and so on. [224]
Western Region drama, mainly Qiuci drama, local instruments of Qiuci" Tartar pipe "Is the principal instrument, they modified the" West Asian origin" Vertical Konghou "And" Quxiang Pipa "During the Tang Dynasty, it was introduced into the Middle Earth and popular all over the country, as far as Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and the Indo-China Peninsula. Props commonly used in the Western regions drama "silk ribbons, tassels and flower ropes" were also used in Tang Dynasty drama. [223]


  • painting
Subject article: Sui and Tang paintings
The painting art of Tang Dynasty absorbed the Western Regions" smudge Fa ", has been developed in various themes: Religious painting There are still many famous painters who are known as "painting saints" Wu Tao-tzu Good at figures and landscapes, absorbed the techniques of the Western Region painting school, painted more than 300 walls of religious murals, forming" Wu Dai Dangfeng "Unique style; The paintings of people and animals have a high artistic level. Yan Liben Painting the emperor, Zhang Xuan , Zhou Fang Paintings of aristocratic women are very vivid, representative works are" Ramming diagram "" Lady of the Guo State on a spring excursion "And" Pictures of ladies wearing flowers ", etc.; Han Gan A horse can be exquisitely drawn; Landscape painting Break through the limitation of "big people in the mountain". form Li Sixun Father and son of the green landscape and Wang Wei Ink landscape painting The latter laid the foundation of traditional Chinese ink landscape painting. A large number of murals unearthed in the tombs of Sui and Tang Dynasties are valuable materials reflecting the level of painting at that time [84] [199] . In addition, Han Wang 's Drawing of five oxen "Is the oldest surviving Chinese painting on paper.
( Drawing book main reference materials [107] )
  • Murals and sculptures
The Tang Dynasty mural industry is particularly developed, existing Dunhuang frescoes All aligned up to 25 kilometers long. A pictorial illustration of the ideological content of some Buddhist scriptures. Sutra painting The composition is complex and magnificent. [199]
Tang Dynasty sculptures are more delicate and vivid than those of previous generations. The stone carving in front of the mausoleum of Tang Taizong Six horses of Zhaoling Mausoleum Is a world-famous stone carvings boutique; Longmen Grottoes Rushenavo The statue is plump and round, solemn and kind, up to 17.4 meters, the ear length is nearly 2 meters; Dunhuang grottoes Sui and Tang statues of nearly 500 bodies, soft and vivid image; Sichuan The Leshan Giant Buddha It's also amazing. All kinds of pottery figurines and stone engravings unearthed in tombs have greatly enriched people's understanding of Sui and Tang carving art. [199]


Subject article: Calligraphy of Tang dynasty
Tang dynasty calligraphy
Calligraphy in the early Tang Dynasty Wang Xizhi , in order to Yu Shinan The highest level, its regular script font soft round; Ouyang Xun Absorb the northern calligraphy style, regular script writing force is strict, its own body, famous works are" Ninety percent Miyari Izumi Ming ". Two and one Chu Suiliang , Xue Ji Called" Early Tang four people ". At the height of the Tang Dynasty, the writing began to gain momentum. Yan Zhenqing Sweeping away the disadvantages of "fat and vulgar", the writing is firm, square and thick, and the influence is far-reaching. His representative works include The multi-pagoda Stele "" Stele of Yan Family Temple "; A famous calligrapher in the late Tang Dynasty Liu Gongquan The font is strong, such as" Mysterious Tower Stele ". Yan and Liu's calligraphy is known as" Yan sinew willow bone Its style influenced later generations, respectively forming" Yan style "And" Liu style ". In addition Huai Su , Zhang Xu The cursive script is also famous. The tens of thousands of scriptures found in Dunhuang by later generations are mostly" menstruation Transcribe; Several lower epitaphs unearthed from the tomb were from many calligraphers. These discoveries are the best testimony of the level and popularity of calligraphy in Sui and Tang Dynasties. [199]


Before Tang, biography Official history was mostly written by private people. From the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court was established National archives Historiographers specialize in history books, and take the prime minister as director [199] . China" Twenty-four histories Eight of them were practiced by the Tang people: The Book of Jin "" Liang Shu "" Book of Chen "" Book of Northern Qi "" Zhou Shu "" The History of Sui Dynasty "And so on Official repair ; " A surname "" The history of the Northern Dynasties "Is Master Li , Li Yanshou Written by father and son. Although these historical books still preserve the form of a strong family tree, they preliminary collate the complicated and chaotic historical materials of Chinese society from the turn of the 3rd and 4th centuries to the beginning of the 7th century, so that future generations have basic clues to study this period of history [181] . The Tang Dynasty historian was also responsible for compiling the "national history" of the current history, and had successively compiled more than 100 volumes of the "national history" from Tang Gaozu to Tang Suzong for more than 140 years. This system of official historiography was followed by later dynasties. [199]
Tongdian by Du You
Tang dynasty historians Liu Zhiji He wrote the first systematic historical review work in ancient China. Stone ", to Don's former history A comprehensive summary is given. In his book, he stressed that historiography "is the urgent business of the stranger, and the essential road of the nation." Those who have a country and a family can do without it!" Claim the facts." Direct writing Against "concealing evil" and "concealing evil" False beauty ". The book discusses the gains and losses of various genres of history books, as well as the methods of writing them. In addition, he also put forward that historians must have talent, learning and knowledge "three qualities". These insights have a great influence on later historiography. Prime Minister in the late Tang Dynasty Du You He is the author of General code "200 volumes, records of the ancient code system, created Political document A new genre of body history. His purpose of compiling this book is to summarize the experience of chaos in history from the system to eliminate The Rebellion of An Shi After the social ills. Du You thinks that the fundamental of "governing Dao" is "adequate food and clothing", so he takes "Food" as the first part of "Tongdian", which is very insightful. Under the influence of "Tongdian", later generations appeared" General annals "" General literature examination "And other political style general history series works. [199]


The Tang Dynasty was the transition from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism to the "three religions". Integration of three religions "Of the period. [231]
  • Taoism
Sino Taoism serve Li Er As the leader, the Tang royal family was also named Li, so from the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the rulers stipulated that Taoism was ahead of Buddhism. Most of the emperors of the Tang Dynasty believed in Taoism, especially Xuanzong, whose influence reached its peak with a total of 1687 Taoist temples. At that time Taoism had The upper purifiers , Lou Guan school , Right faction , Lingbao school And so on, each has many precepts Rune seal style Handed down. These factions have promoted the establishment of Taoist doctrine and ritual system in the integration of each other [85] . Important Taoist figures of the time were Wang Yuanzhi , Pan Shizheng , Sima Chengzhen , Wu Jun and Zhang Guo Let's wait. Some monks are heavy. Dan Ding , good" Golden, yellow and white Many emperors in the Tang Dynasty died because of taking golden Dan, and Taoist priests who practiced golden Ding were often banished because their deception was exposed. Some monks insist Fuze , Ward off a valley , guide And thus earned the favor of the rulers. [232]
  • Buddhism
Master Xuanzang traveling west
Buddhism After five or six hundred years of development in China since the Han Dynasty, the Sui and Tang Dynasties entered a new period of the creation of Zongli school. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, Xuanzang to... India He brought back many Buddhist classics and translated them into Chinese. Due to contact with China's highly developed feudal culture, Buddhism and Buddhism Get creative development in China. tenacial Zen Buddhism Considered to be the most typical Buddhist sect in China, it has always boasted of "not writing" and "teaching other languages", and this can actually be regarded as the unique teaching doctrine of Zen. Buddhism Temperament theory It was one of the important driving forces for the change of Confucianism in the Tang Dynasty and had an important impact on the development trend of Confucianism in the Tang and Song dynasties. [85] [181]
Although the political status of Buddhism is not as good as that of Taoism, it actually exceeds Taoism in terms of its spreading influence and the economic power of monasteries. During the Wu Zhou period, Buddhism was favored by many times, even surpassing Taoism for a time. With the rise of Buddhism, Temple economy The malignant expansion touched the financial interests of the Tang Dynasty. In order to solve these problems, Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty, who worshiped Daoxin religion, launched a" Huichang destroy Buddha "Movement. After this attack, the Buddhist and monastic economy was temporarily weakened. [232]
  • Other religions
In addition, Zoroastrianism , Islam , Manichaeism , nestorianism It was also introduced into China during this period. These religious beliefs greatly influenced the spiritual life of the people of China and even East Asia in the future. [181]

Music and dance

Mural of Hu Swirling dance in Cave 220 of Mogao Grottoes [127]
The dance of the Tang Dynasty inherited the Sui Dynasty, inherited and integrated the traditional music and dance of the Han nationality in the southern Dynasty and the music and dance of various nationalities in the Northern Dynasty, and on this basis created a rich and colorful Tang dance. The mass dance activities of all social strata are common, and watching dance performances has become an important part of people's artistic life. The magnificent and large-scale palace Yan dance has also emerged in large numbers. In the flourishing Tang Dynasty, the palace set up perfect and perfect Taichang Temple , School office In charge of palace music and dance. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, a large number of the most skilled musicians and dancers were selected from the Sitbu Chi and court ladies and established The pear garden Specializes in singing and dancing rehearsals and performances.
The dance forms of the Tang Dynasty are rich and colorful, in addition to the dances created by the people of the South of the Central Plains, but also popular "Western regions". Hu Le "Hu Dance". "Tang Court" Ten ensembles Of these, six are Western music; "In dance" Hu Hu dance "Etc are also from the Western Regions. [128] [199]

Science and technology

The productivity of the Tang Dynasty increased and the economy prospered, which provided conditions for the development of science and technology, so brilliant achievements were made in the field of science and technology. These achievements were mainly in astronomy, mathematics, geography, medicine and printing. [222]


An astronomer and mathematician in the early Tang Dynasty Li Chunfeng Determined" Linde calendar Quite precise, and annotated the "Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties" Counting the ten books ". Xuanzong, monk A row Served an edict to Chang 'an to preside over the revision of the calendar. He discovers that star The phenomenon of position change has been measured for the first time in the world meridian The length of; also Liang Lingchan produce Ecliptic tour To observe the stars. One line was compiled into" Grand calendar "The draft, after the death Zhang Shuo It is an important almanac in ancient China and was once transmitted to Japan. [181] [199] [222]
Besides, it was built by Liang Lingchan Celestial globe Is regarded as the world's machinery chronometer The beginning of... [199]


In mathematics, there are Li Chunfeng and other annotations "Ten books of Calculation Classics" and the last one in the ten books Wang Xiaotong The compilation of ancient arithmetic. In the process of compiling Da Yan Calendar, the quadratic difference interpolation method with unequal spacing is used Sine function A table of properties and an approximate interpolation formula containing cubic differences. All of these results are outstanding contributions to mathematics. [222]


In the early Tang Dynasty, Xu Jingzong He compiled "Atlas of the Western Regions". In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, Li Jifu 's Yuan and county map "Is the earliest existing local general records in China; Jia Tan The first historical map drawing style, that is, "the ancient county problem with ink, the current county problem with Zhu", drew the" Haine Huayi map Nearly 10 meters square, it is a large map of the whole country. "Hainei Huayi Map" to one inch fold a hundred miles, in Reduced scale Another step forward in graphics. [181] [199]


In medicine and pharmacy, the Tang people improved the medical education and treatment system of "branch". Known as the "king of medicine" Sun Simiao The book Be ready for emergencies "" A thousand gold wings Set the previous prescription Dacheng; Wang Tao " A secret request from the outside channel A special chapter was written on women and children, and Indian ophthalmology technology was introduced. Tang Dynasty Gao Zong Xianqing fourth year (659) issued the "New revision of Materia Medica" (i.e. Tang herbal medicine It is the world's first national pharmacopoeia. In addition, the Tibetan medical classic Four medical books It also has a high medical level. [199]


Xiantong Ninth Year (868) Block printing "Diamond Sutra" (partial) [145]
Tang Dynasty Block printing It was developed and gradually applied to the printing of almanacs, calligraphy books, calligraphy books, Buddhist scriptures and mantras in the middle and late Tang Dynasty [199] . In 1953, unearthed in the tomb of the Tang Dynasty in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, there was a book printed and sold by the Bian family of Longchi Fang in Chengdu County of the Tang Dynasty. Dharani Mantra One side; In Dunhuang, Gansu Province, the engraving "Xiantong nine years (868)" was found. Diamond Sutra " [181] . Both are known earlier Printed copy Books.
The invention of printing has played a great role in promoting the spread of culture, and is an important contribution of China to the development of world culture. [199]


Subject article: Tang dynasty architecture
The architecture of the Tang Dynasty was magnificent, solemn and cheerful, which made the ancient Chinese architecture art develop into a mature period. Imperial palace of Tang Dynasty Daming Palace This is an example. The largest and most complex wooden frame building built in the Tang Dynasty was built during Wu Zetian's reign in 688 Hall of enlightenment . [226] contemporaneous Ping An Kyung It also follows the urban layout and architectural style of Chang 'an and Luoyang in the Tang Dynasty. [227-228]
The existing wooden structure buildings of the Tang Dynasty are well preserved in Shanxi Foguang Temple [225] , Tiantai nunnery , Guang Ren Wang Temple , Nanchan Temple Let's wait. [226]
唐长安图 唐长安图
Tang Chang 'an diagram
( Some reference materials in the above atlas [180] )


Aunt Yu's imaginary boat [126]
The shipbuilding industry in the Tang Dynasty was developed, and there were many shipbuilding bases, which could build ships of all sizes. At that time, it was possible to make "ships", which were turned by human treadmills to make them as navigable as hanging sails. According to historical records, Yu Aunt, a giant merchant at the time of Emperor Dai and Emperor De, had a large ship that could "open a lane as a garden" and could carry meters and stones. Aunt Yu sails a boat "The number of drivers reached hundreds of people [125] [221] . While the Tang Dynasty's sea ships (e.g South China Sea ship The volume was larger and often shuttled between the Tang Dynasty and the South China Sea countries, indicating the frequent trade and cultural exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and the South China Sea countries [125] . Chinese Li Gao In the Sui Dynasty Yu Wenkai On the basis of making a giant battleship using a wheel axle transfer, the giant battleship was modified to increase travel speed and be durable. [181]

Military science

Sun Simiao talked about the "fire" method of sulfur in the "Danjing", the first time gunpowder Write down the recipe. In the late Tang Dynasty, gunpowder began to be used in the military field, and there appeared the first weapon made of gunpowder, "rocket". Later, gunpowder was introduced into Europe through Arabia, which greatly promoted the whole world civilization. [109]

Military affairs


Government military system

The early Tang Dynasty followed the Northern Zhou Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty Government military system And in Zhenguan years to rectify, the provisions of the central government Twelve guards (left and right guard, left and right Xiao Wei, left and right Wu Wei, left and right Wei, left and right leading guard, left and right Jin Wuwei, six rates of the eastern palace that is, prince about the guard rate, about the imperial rate, about the clearance rate) is the highest military organ governing the military office, each leading 40 to 60 military offices. Military palace changed its name to" Ukchong Fu ", by Captain Fuchong Commander. There are 200 people in the house, 50 people in the team and 10 people in the fire. In principle, Fu soldiers were recruited from wealthy families, served at 21 and retired at 60. During the period of service, they are exempt from school service, but they must bring their own clothes, weapons and food supplies. [177] [200]
Fu soldiers are essentially the central Forbidden Army. In addition to the war, peacetime takes turns to the capital and the border areas to stay guard, but mainly to the capital to stay guard. When they reached the capital, they were led by the twelve guards; The imperial court ordered another general to take charge of the expedition; After the end of the war, the soldiers scattered in the house, will be returned to the court, the general can not support the soldiers. [200]
In the early Tang Dynasty, there were more than 630 prefectures, of which Guanzhong, where the capital was located, had 261 prefectures and 200,000 troops, accounting for more than 40% of the national military, forming the layout of "the Guanzhong people to the four sides". Strengthen the trunk and weaken the branch It is conducive to the control of the whole country. In the early Tang dynasty, the status of the Fu soldiers was higher, the children of the rich house actively joined the army, and Taizong paid attention to the training of the Fu soldiers, so that the Fu soldiers had a strong combat effectiveness [200] . On this basis, it effectively guaranteed the victory of the war between the Central Plains dynasty and the surrounding nations and countries in the early Tang Dynasty, and laid the foundation for the vast territory. [201]

Mercenary system

Three-color warrior figurines of Tang Dynasty
From the later period of Emperor Gaozong to the reign of Empress Wu Zetian, land annexation became more and more serious, and ordinary farmers suffered from lack of land or lost land, and their own provision of grain became a heavy burden for farmers who equalized land. Coupled with the decline in the status of the government soldiers, rich room large households to escape recruitment, or hire people to serve, resulting in serious evasion, evasion, military personnel shortage, and even "no soldiers to pay." At the same time, the frontier situation also changed: the Turks rose again, the Khitan continued to move south, and the Tubo began to confront the Tang. In this situation, only relying on soldiers and farmers, regular service, temporary conscription of the government troops can no longer play an effective role, it is necessary to set up long-term stationed in the border army. As a result, the enlisted government soldiers had to be transformed into recruited professional soldiers. [200]
In the Kaiyuan decade (722), Emperor Xuanzong adopted it Zhang Shuo It is suggested that 130,000 strong men be recruited to serve as the central garrison. The following year, the by-election of the government soldiers, white Ding 120,000 people, collectively referred to as "long from Suwei" (later called "Long from Suwei"). 彍 Ride "). In the 25th year of Kaiyuan (737), Ding Zhuang was recruited as a "Long March warrior" (later also known as "Long March Warrior") from various families who had moved to the frontier on official business and local customers. A surname "), the state provided clothing and food to enrich the military towns across the border. Tianbao eight years (749), ordered the government to stop sending troops, the government abolished the military system. Mercenary system It made the border army strong and played a certain role in maintaining the stability of the border area, but it also caused the disadvantage of holding the division and troops too big, forming a pattern of "external heavy and internal light". [200-201]
After the rebellion of An Shi, the vassal armies were mostly composed of "official Jian". These officials take the army as their occupation, and their father and son have been soldiers for generations, which is the main force for vassal separation and reliance. The Central army is guarded by "long men" ( 彍 Ride Instead of taking turns guarding the capital of the Fu soldiers, followed by The Northern government banned the army Main. The north government banned the army around Masterstroke Force The most powerful. The Shenqi army was under the control of the central government, and had long been under the control of eunuchs since Emperor Dezong. The local (frontier) army was replaced by "Long March warriors" (Guan Jian). These changes meant that professional conscripts replaced conscripted conscripts, which had a major impact on the military system of future generations [177] [200] . In addition, vassal soldiers among Dental soldier It also had a great influence on the society and politics of the Tang Dynasty.


The Tang Dynasty played an important role in the history of the development of China's unified multi-ethnic country. Tang adopted the surrounding ethnic groups control Policy and pass Confer titles on , Make peace with relatives And so many ways, with Tujue, a nationality in ancient China , Uighur , Tiele , Qidan, an ancient nationality in China , Mohe, an ancient nationality in northeast China , Shiwei And other ethnic groups to establish close political and economic ties [165] . Emperor Taizong was also Four plantings Respected by all ethnic groups Tekhan [8] . Nanzhao, a feudal regime in ancient China , The Bohai Sea By sending envoys and children into the Tang Dynasty to learn the system and culture of the Tang Dynasty, the border and inland nationalities in this period presented a great mixing situation [172] .

Turkic and northwest ethnic groups

  • Turkic and Western countries
Subject article: Tang's war with the Turks
Battle between Tang and Eastern Turk [184]
When the Sui and Tang Dynasties changed, Eastern Turkic Empire In the early Tang Dynasty, the northern separatist forces allied with the Turks against the Tang Dynasty, making the Eastern Turks a major enemy of the early Tang Dynasty. Zhenguan three years (629), Emperor Taizong sent Li Jing , Li Fu The second general divided the expedition, the next year to surrender the Eastern Turks, the little Khan Sharp interest Surrender, the Great Khan Jie Li Captured, the Eastern Turkic Khanate fell. A large number of Turks moved into the Tang Dynasty, and Emperor Taizong sent them to settle in Lingwu To the area of Youzhou, set up Jimi prefecture to exercise jurisdiction. The collapse and submission of Eastern Turjue was a shock Western Turkic Dynasty with The western regions In many countries, some small countries in the Western regions changed their allegiance to the Tang Dynasty and honored Taizong as the "Heavenly Khan". The Western Turks reached Persia in the west and merged in the north Shule Took control of the Silk Road. In the fourteenth year of Zhenguan (640), the Tang army conquered Gaochang City (Xinjiang) Turpan ), set Ansidu Protectorate . Zhenguan 21 years (647), Tang Ping Yanqi The following year (648) Qiuci (a county in ancient China) The Ansidu protectorate was moved to Kuzi and administered Khotan Gaochang, Yanqi, Qiuci four towns. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong, the Western Turkic Empire was defeated by the Tang Army several times. The Western Regions thus became the Tang Dynasty's sphere of influence. [87]
Emperor Gaozong of Tang Nagatsun In the second year (682), Asna Gu Duolu was declared Khan in Mobei, and the Eastern Turkic Empire was restored post-Turkic ). Later, the Turks invaded the northern frontier for years. Wu Zetian tried to improve the relationship between the Turkic people and the Khitan people by means of conferment and marriage, but she failed. Tianbao Three years (744), Tang and Uyghour After the demise of the Allied forces. After the Turks attached Tang no less than ten thousand accounts. [171]
  • Xue Yantuo
In the early period of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty fought with the North in order to contain the Eastern Turks Xue Yantuo Form an alliance. After the fall of the Eastern Turks, Xue Yantuo The Pearl Khan Yinan took over the Eastern Turkic homeland. Xue Yantuo submitted to Tang, but secretly expanded his power. In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan (639), Emperor Taizong attempted to restore Eastern Tujue, and installed the heavy Khan Oh, Ashnasmo To contend with Xue Yantuo Xue Yantuo engaged in several battles with the newly restored Eastern Turks. In order to avoid the influence of Xue Yantuo, the Tai-sect Li Che Ÿ defeated Xue in 641, the fifteenth year of Zhenguan In the eighteenth year of Zhenguan (644), during Emperor Taizong's campaign against Gaoli, Xue Yantuo defeated the Eastern Turks and forced Ashnasmo to flee the Central Plains. Subsequently, Goryeo sought the assistance of Seoyantuo, but Yi Nan wanted to avoid a direct battle with the Tang. Zhenguan nineteen years (645), Yi Nan died after his son Domi Khan Baichao began to fight the Tang army. In the twentieth year of Zhenguan (646), after the Tang army counterattacked and defeated Bazhuo, Huihe, a vassal of Xue Yantuo, sent troops to kill him. Bazhuo's cousin, Yitbeshu Khan Dumozhi, surrendered to the Tang army, and Xue Yanda was destroyed.
  • Uyghour
Subject article: The Huihe Khanate
Uighur [99]
Trimble Three years (744), Uyghour Allied with Tang to destroy post-Turkic "There are all the old places of the Turks", and most of their troops were brought down [171] . Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty named the Huihe chief A surname For Huairen Khan. In the Fourth year of Tianbao (745), the Huihe people defeated the later Turks and became a powerful Khanate in Mobei. The Ouigour people had always had a good relationship with the Tang Dynasty. Because of their contributions in suppressing the Anshi Rebellion and recovering Chang 'an and Luoyang, the Tang Dynasty treated the Ouigour people with three courtesies and married three princesses to the Ouigour Khan successively. In the fifth year of Zhenyuan (789), Uyghour rename Uighur . The Uighurs also engaged in large-scale silk horse trade with the Tang Dynasty, and the Uighur economy and culture had great development. From the sixth year of Taihe (832), the Uighurs were attacked by natural disasters, internal unrest, and their power declined greatly. In the middle of the 9th century, the Uighurs revolted galgus Under the attack of the Khanate collapsed, the remaining Uighurs were divided into four parts: one part moved south and clashed with the Tang [88-89] After the defeat, he was settled by the Tang Dynasty. The rest moved west respectively, and one entered the Hexi Corridor, known in history as" The Uighur River West "; The second branch moved to eastern Xinjiang, known as" Gaochang Uighur "; The third branch moved to western Xinjiang and Central Asia and was later established The Qarakhanate (i.e. Black Khan Dynasty). [90] [159] [165]

Tubo, Nanzhao and western ethnic groups

Tibetan regime in ancient China [99]
Tibetan regime in ancient China It started in the early 7th century, in Zampu Songtsen Gampo Under the rule of the national strength gradually strengthened, unified the Tibetan Plateau [159] . In the 15th year of Zhenguan (641), Taizong sent the king of Jiangxia Li Daozong escort Princess Wencheng He married into Tibet and Songtsen Gampo [94] . At this time, the relations between Tang and Tibet were harmonious, which promoted ethnic exchanges. Subsequently, the rise of Tubo brought about a great change in the frontier situation of Tang. Since the Gao Zong Dynasty, Tubo fought with Tang and replaced the Western Tujue as an important force affecting the situation in the Western regions [165] . During the reign of Emperor Zhongzong, Princess of the Golden City Marry Zap Chidzuzan It brought the advanced culture of the Tang Dynasty to Tibet. During the reign of Emperor Dezong, it was held in the Tang Dynasty Omizu , The alliance of Pingliang However, the contradictions could not be completely resolved until the first year of Changqing (821) of Emperor Muzong of the Tang Dynasty reached a conclusion. Changqing Alliance The two sides demarcated the border, did not invade each other, and since then there has been no large-scale fighting. Tang Dynasty Union monument Still preserved in Lhasa Jokhang Temple [94] . After the middle of the 9th century, the Tubo dynasty began to collapse [159] . The contact between Tang and Tibet was basically over.
Chronology of the Tubo Wars in Tang Dynasty
Location of a campaign
Tang army
Tubo troops
Tubo attack Qinghai Tuyuhun, Dangxiang, Bailan Qiang and so on
Fifty thousand
The Tang army won the surprise attack, and the Tubo emissaries apologized and withdrew from Qinghai Tuyuhun, Dangxiang, Bailan and so on. Tang Fan and Qin
Tubo invaded and conquered Anxi four towns
Fifty thousand
Tubo won, and the two sides fought over and over again
Anxi four towns
Fighting for the four towns of ANSI
The Tang won and the four towns of Anxi were controlled by the Tang
Qinghai Lake
The Tang Dynasty attacked Tibet
The Tang army withdrew after the defeat at Qinghai Lake
Tubo on Zam Po led the army tuen Liang non Chuan
Tang Heizhao Changzhi defeated the Tubo army, which was deeply feared by the Tubo
Cold springs and mountains
Tubo and Turkic companies
Sixty thousand
The Tang army defeated the Tubo army on Zhanzhuo and the allied forces of the Turkic Khan son
Mount Surakhan
Tubo Attack Lintao Retreat, lead the Tang army to the plateau Surohan Mountain
The Tang army was defeated by Lun Qin Mausoleum
seven hundred
Hongwon Valley
A surname Ambassadors of Zhu Jun Tang Xiujing Battle with Hongyuan Valley
The Tang army won all six battles. In 702, the Tibetan empire sued for peace
The invasion of Tuben Dayan Lintao
The Tang army won a great victory, and tens of thousands of Tubo soldiers were killed and captured
Nine pieces of music
Longyou made Guo Zhiyun attack Tubo
The Tang army defeated Tubo. In 718, the Tibetan empire sued for peace
Tubo attacked Little Bolu
Zhang Sili of the Tang Dynasty defeated tens of thousands of Tubo troops
Thirsty Trough, Great Mormon City
Zhang Shougui, Xiao Song and Zhang Zhongliang fought against Tibet several times
Several big break the Tubo army, killed many, the defeated Tubo soldiers scattered into the mountains, crying all around.
Qinghai (Province)
Zhang Shougui attacked Tubo
Zhang Shougui attacked the Tubo Datong Army and destroyed it.
Qinghai (Province)
Li Yi attacked Tibet
Li Yi captured Shibao City, Tang River, long army to play chess freely, spread thousands of miles. In 730, the Tibetan empire sued for peace
Qinghai (Province)
Xiao Jiong , Du Hope, Wang Zhongsi Attack the Tubo
The Great Victory of Tang Dynasty
Long right to make Huangfu Weiming attack Tubo
Thirty thousand
The Tang army won a great victory and defeated the Tubo Daling Army, capturing more than 5,000 ranks
Qinghai (Province)
Hexi ordered Wang 倕 and others to attack Tubo
Great victory, defeated Tubo fishing sea and game Yi and other armies. Wang Nande slew Luang Zhidu, the son of Tubo Zampu.
Qinghai, stone accumulation
Wang Zhongji led the army to fight against Tubo many times
He won several battles, pacified Tuyuhun, and captured all of them
Bitter sea, stone army
Goshuhan of the Tang Dynasty fought against Tibet
Bitter war of the sea, even broke the three roads of the Tubo army, invincible. In the Battle of Jishi Army, 5,000 Tibetan cavalry were wiped out.
Qinghai (Province)
Goshuhan attacked Tibet
Building should be dragon city, Tubo did not dare to near Qinghai
The western regions
Tang Dynasty Gao Xianzhi led the army to defeat Sapi, 朅 division, Tuqishi and so on
Gao Xianzhi entered the court offering captured the Tubo Qishi Khan, chieftain, 朅 division king and so on
Qinghai Hongji, big Momen and other cities
Goshuhan attacked Tibet
He won a great victory and occupied the land of Jiuqu (southeast of present-day Qinghai Province).
The Big Bollywood of the Western Regions
Feng Changqing rate army attack big Bolu
The Tang army destroyed the Great Bolu, which had been annexed to the Tubo
A surname Various states
The Tang Dynasty broke out in civil strife, the chaos of An Shi
Tubo took advantage of the internal turmoil in Tang to attack the Longyou states
Chang 'an
Tang Dynasty internal strife, Tang Shuo Fang army will be due to conflict with the Tang court and let the Tubo eastward
After Guo Ziyi's devotion to the king, Tubo withdrew from Chang 'an for 15 days
Lingtai Nishihara
Tubo attacked Tang
The Tang army allied with the Ouigour, defeated Tubo, beheaded 50,000 people and captured 10,000 alive.
Pan Yuan
Tubo attacked Tang
The Tang army decimated the Tubo army, capturing and killing tens of thousands
Jiannan made Cui Ning lead the army against Tubo Hun Di man Qiang Dangxiang and other allied forces
More than 200,000
The Tang army won, decapitated more than 10,000 levels
Cui Ning led the army to engage the Tubo army
More than 100,000
The Tang army won, beheading more than 8,000 levels
Tubo and Nanzhao combined 100,000 troops to attack Shu
The Tang army Li Sheng and others won a great victory, and the Tubo Nanzhao lost nearly 100,000 troops
The Tubo emperor Shang Jiezan attacked Jingzhou , Longzhou , Binzhou (a state in Henan Province)
Tang Li Sheng defeated the Tubo army and conquered the sand
State Terrace Valley
Wei Gao of Tang Dynasty was at war with Tubo
The Tang army defeated the Tubo army, killed its soldiers and horses to make Qizang Chacha, and the Tubo army plunged into the cliff and drowned countless people.
Wei Gao attacked Victoria
Capture the Tubo general On Zan Re
Western Hill
Wei Gao attacked Tubo
Destroy the Tubo crowd. Many tribes formerly belonging to Tubo joined the Tang Dynasty [95]
The Tang Dynasty recovered Yanzhou, Xia Zhou and other counties
Ah Chau
Wei Gao sent troops to destroy the Tubo in Yazhou. Wei Gao repeatedly defeated Tubo and fought for thousands of miles
The Tang army won, Baicheng seven, Junzhen five, burned the fort hundred and fifty, decapitated more than ten thousand, captured six thousand, and brought down three thousand households
Tang Dynasty Wei Gao attacked Victoria, the Tubo army sent to rescue
The Tang army won a great victory, and two thirds of the Tubo army were killed, and the Tubo grand minister and the five measures of Dongbi led to the capture of Lun Mang Re
Tubo attacked Yanzhou
The Tang army won, and Shi Jingfeng led his army to attack behind the Tubo army, destroying the Tubo army and killing Ji
Tubo was in civil strife
The Tang Dynasty conquered the Qin Dynasty. Peace and happiness The original 3 states.
The Han Chinese Zhang Yichao sent troops to conquer the states of Kua, Yi, Xi, Gan, Su, LAN, Shan, He, Min and Kuo and annexed them to the Tang Dynasty. Tubo Shang Yanxin led his troops and the Hezhou, Wei and Hunmu divisions to surrender to the Tang Dynasty.
( Table main reference materials [167-168] )
  • Nanzhao, a feudal regime in ancient China
At the end of Sui Dynasty and the beginning of Tang Dynasty, there were many nationalities in Yunnan Bai Man and Uman In which the black is constantly moving Erhai Lake Regional migration, conquered the local white man, has established six strong tribes, known as Six imperial edicts . In the middle of the Tang Dynasty, under the threat of Tubo, the Five imperial orders were often attached to Tubo. In order to weaken the influence of Tubo in this area, the Tang Dynasty vigorously assisted those who were inclined to the Tang Dynasty Munsche edict (i.e. Nanzhao, a feudal regime in ancient China It was roughly located in present-day Yunnan Weishan Mountain ) in order to contain Tibet. In the 26th year of Kaiyuan (738), he was the chief of Nanzhao Pilougo With the support of the Tang Dynasty, he unified the six imperial orders and established the Nanzhao Kingdom, which was named the King of Yunnan by the Tang Dynasty. [150] [152]
A statue of Zheng Hui in Dali, Yunnan province
Nanzhao was founded with the support of Tang Dynasty and had a close relationship with Tang Dynasty. The king succeeded to the throne and was conferred by the Tang Dynasty. Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty once married the daughter of the patriarch to the grandson Fengjiayi of Piluo Pavilion. Its political, economic, and military systems were also heavily influenced by the Tang Dynasty. During the Ten years of Tianbao (751) and the thirteen years of Tianbao (754), Nanzhao, dissatisfied with the brutality of the Tang border generals, rebelled against them, defeated the Tang army twice, and began to rely on Tubo. In the Rebellion of An Shi, Nanzhao and Tubo seized land and captured Tang Xilu county magistrate Zheng Hui . Cabinet Logos Feng let Zheng Mohammedan royal children study, worship him as a minister, and later let Zheng back to set up in Taihe City The Dehua tablet of Nanzhao drafted inscriptions, explaining the friendly relations between Nanzhao and Tang, and also recounting the oppression of Nanzhao by the corrupt Tang Dynasty, indicating that the opposition to Tang was out of necessity. During the reign of Emperor Dezong, he was king of Nanzhao isomexin Unable to bear the oppression of Tubo, he returned to the Tang Dynasty and joined the Tang Dynasty in the 10th year of Zhenyuan (794) Diancang Mountain Meetings or alliances held in ancient China [94] . Since then, the economic and cultural exchanges between Nanzhao and Tang Dynasty have become closer. In the late Tang Dynasty, Nanzhao continued to send their children to study in Chengdu. Zheng Hui, who had long worshipped the prime minister, introduced Han culture into Nanzhao. In the third year of Taihe (829), Nanzhao once invaded Chengdu and captured tens of thousands of craftsmen. These craftsmen had a great influence on the development of handicraft industry in Nanzhao. Nanzhao people learned to weave silk and silk, exquisite weaving, comparable to Shu land. Most of the buildings in the Nanzhao cities were modeled after the Tang Dynasty, such as the existing Dali in Yunnan Province Chongsheng Temple the Chihiro Tower It was designed and built by Han artisans Gong Tao and Wei Yi, and its form and structure were similar to Chang 'an Big Wild Goose Pagoda . [150] [152]
In the thirteenth year (859), he was king of Nanzhao Silon Declaring himself emperor, he launched a large-scale war against the Tang Dynasty. However, this war depleted the Tang Dynasty and weakened the Nanzhao Dynasty. After the war, the two countries restored good relations until the end of Nanzhao in 902. [152]
  • Northwest, southwest ethnic groups
northwest Tuyu-hun It was occupied by the Sui Army in the fifth year of Sui Daye (609), and the Sui Dynasty was restored at the end of the Sui Dynasty. Tuyuhun was sandwiched between Tubo and Tang, and was located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with Tubo in its early years Murong Fuyun Adopt a pro-Tibet foreign policy. Emperor Taizong did not succeed, in Zhenguan eight years (634), sent troops to the west expedition, the next year Li Jing defeated Tuyuhun, pro-Tang Murong Shun He took the throne and proclaimed himself to the Tang Dynasty. After death, Murong Nuo Horbo Take the throne, Don send Princess Honghua Make peace. In the third year of Longshuo (663), Tubo destroyed Tuyuhun, and Nuo Horbo led his people to Tang An Lok Chau (Present-day Ningxia Chung Ninh ). [91]
At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty also recruited the southwest Gannan Western Sichuan and other places Tangut Tribes, dozens of Jimi county, west up to today's Sichuan Aba Qinghaian The Anima Mountains . After the Dangxiang people to the Tang Dynasty, Tubo between, rebellion is not often. [159]

Goryeo and Northeast ethnic groups

  • Goryeo (Goguryeo)
Since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Korea (Koguryo, known as Goryeo after the Northern and Southern Dynasties) gradually gained power across what is now China northeast Area and Korean peninsula North. After defeating the Sui Dynasty, Goryeo attacked ( See entry The three conquests of Goguryeo Later, he had a deferential attitude toward the Tang Dynasty, the successor of the Central Plains dynasty. Goryeo Yongyu King Gao Jianwu In the second year of the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, that is, the second year of Wude (619), he sent an envoy to the dynasty. In the fifth year of Wude (622), Tang Li returned the exiles to each other. In the seventh year of Wude (624), Tang granted Gao Jianwu the title of King of Liaodong County and King of Goryeo. In the ninth year of Wudeok (626), south of the Korean Peninsula Silla , Paekje The two countries complained to the Tang Dynasty that the Goryeo blocked their entry into the court, and Emperor Gaozu sent officers outside to ride the squire Zhu Zishe Go to mediation [153] . In short, the national strength is not yet strong Gaozu era, Tang Li maintained a peaceful situation. [157]
Tang's attack on Goryeo and Baekje [184]
In the fifth year of Zhenguan (631), Emperor Taizong sent an envoy to Gaoli to collect and bury the bones of the Sui war dead and destroy the Jing Guan established by Gaoli. Fearing a Tang attack, Goryeo began to build a thousand-mile Great Wall in Liaodong. Jeongkwan sixteen years (642), chief of western Goryeo Yungai Suven Kill Gao Jianwu and stand Takanzo As king, stand alone for the Moo, united Baekje to attack Silla. Taizong envoy advised Gaoli to strike, Yuangai Suwen did not listen. Taizong believed that Suwen killed the king and abused the people, invaded neighboring countries, and Goryeo owned "Liaodong" (that is, the present-day Northeast region) Liao River East to the north of the Korean Peninsula) is "old China", and now "nine Ying, only this corner", determined to make the invasion of Goryeo as the last part of the Chinese unification war [154] . In the 14th year of Zhenguan (644), the Tang army advanced by land and water, and attacked Goryeo. The following year, Taizong himself led six armies to the front to supervise the war, although they achieved great results, but because they could not destroy their country for a while, they withdrew. Later, Emperor Taizong tried to send troops to attack Goryeo again, but failed. In the first year of Qianfeng (666), Yungai Suwen died, and his sons fought among themselves. Emperor Gaozong of Tang came to the rescue of Suwenzi Spring Boy In the name of a large-scale attack against Goryeo, in the first year of the General chapter (668), the capture of Pyongyang, the destruction of Goryeo. To set up nine prefectures, 42 states, more than 100 counties, Lizhi Anton is the protector . This construction was later abandoned, and finally abolished in the second year of the Upper Yuan Dynasty (761). [153]
  • Other ethnic groups in Northeast China
The Bohai Sea [99]
From the beginning of Taizong Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty showed a positive trend in foreign relations, showing that it would actively mediate disputes between vassal states. Therefore, Xi, Xiao, Khitan and other Donghu ethnic groups in the northeast repatriated their envoys in the second year of Zhenguan (628). This greatly strengthened Tang's position in East Asia [157] . After the rebellion of An and Shi, the Khitan, which was active in the Xilamulun River and Lao Ha River basin, got rid of the control of the Tang Dynasty. After the end of the Tang Dynasty, the strength gradually became stronger and became the later Liao Dynasty . [159]
He was the chief of Northeast Mohe in the first year of Saint Li (698) Dae Zuorong In the Khukhan River (today Mudanjiang River Upstream to build a "shock country". After Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Dazuorong was named King of Bohai County, and the governor of Khuhan Prefecture was given the title" Bohai State ". During the struggle between the Tang and Goryeo, the kingdom of Balhae took the opportunity to expand in all directions, and at its peak was bordered by Silla in the south, Khitan in the west, and Tang in Liaodong in the southwest [159] . Bohai established political and economic systems according to the Tang system, and had jurisdiction over five capitals, fifteen prefectures and sixty-two prefectures in its heyday. Its culture was deeply influenced by the culture of the Tang Dynasty, and it enjoyed the reputation of "Haidong Shengguo". [158]


The Tang Dynasty was in the leading position in society, science and technology and culture, and had frequent cultural exchanges with many countries in the world. Its opening situation has effectively strengthened the connection between the mainland and the border, and "there are many people in Siyi and China". Jia Tan "Siyi Road" records that from Chang 'an "the road to Siyi and the passage of the most important seven"; One is Yingzhou (today's Jinzhou, Liaoning Province) to Andong Road; the other is Dengzhou (today's Shandong Province) to the sea to the Gaoli and Bohai Road; the third is Xiazhou Saixia to Datong and Yunzhong Road; the fourth is Zhongshou City to the Uighu Road; the fifth is Anxi to the West Region Road; the sixth is Annan to Tianzhu Road; and the seventh is Guangzhou to the Haiyi Road. "There are many people who have knowledge of the four Barbarians and China", so "all the states for Jimo are outside the barricades, or they have their names in barbarians". [86] [160]
Written in the 26th year of Kaiyuan (738), Six Canon of Tang Dynasty According to records, there were about 300 states that had paid tribute to the Tang Empire at that time, and more than 70 vassals still existed during the Tang Xuanzong period. [203]
Traffic between China and foreign countries during the Tang Dynasty [106]


Japan ( Wu Zhou Dynasty Japan) had close relations with the Tang Dynasty. In Zhenguan's nineteenth year (645), Emperor Kotoku Carry out" Great transformation and new transformation To emulate the Tang system and establish a centralized system. Bring in Land equalization system and Lease modulation , established Ban Tian system ; Implement the household registration and accounting system, and write the "Tang Order" with reference to the" Dabao Token The Code of Law; Follow the Luoyang layout plan Without mishap , Pingcheng Erjing. Nara Zhengkurin Many relics of the Tang Dynasty are still preserved. Except Dragon Shuo three years (663) Battle of Hakusunjiang Besides, the relations between the two countries have been peaceful for a long time. Japan sent one after another Envoy to the Tang Dynasty 19 times, actually made 15 trips, the size of the delegation up to hundreds of people, in addition to envoys, sailors, there are students, scholars, doctors, sound students, jade students, forging students, casting students, fine workers and so on [92] . On behalf of the Japanese who came to Tang, there were overseas students The best is the best , Abidizhong Malu With the Monk Kukai and Round kernel . Konghai is the author of On the secret house of Literary mirror "And Japan's first kanji dictionary" Write in the name of all kinds of people ". In search of Buddhism, Yuanren traveled through many counties in the Tang Dynasty and brought back a large number of Buddhist scriptures to Japan. Baekji monk taste Mozhi will learn in Tang Jingchu Nuo dance spread to Japan, called Wu Chi music. The Japanese also used cursive characters to represent sounds, creating Hiragana ; The use of italic Chinese character side, created Katakana . [169]
The seated statue of Jianzhen is worshipped at Todaiji Temple in Nara, Japan [229]
In the middle of Kaiyuan period, Jianzhen At the invitation of the Japanese monks, the monk crossed to Japan five times, but all failed, and the sixth voyage arrived in Japan in the 12th year of Tianbao (753). The Emperor of Japan awarded the "Lantern Master", and then created Tang Zhaoti Temple Jianzhen presided over the teaching, the number of "Master over the sea" "Tang monk", for the Japanese commandment of the originator. His disciples such as Entuo, Rubao, and Mana were also skilled in shaping Buddha statues and building temple towers, so they had a great influence on Japanese medicine, sculpture, and architecture. Jianzhen crossed east It promoted the spread of Chinese culture to Japan and the prosperity of Buddhism in Japan. [229]
After the end of the 9th century, although the repatriation of Tang envoys stopped, there was a wave of Chinese businessmen floating to Japan, and economic exchanges remained prosperous. [169]

Baekje and Silla

  • Paekje
On the southwest of the Korean Peninsula Paekje King Wu Fu Yuzhang In the fourth year of Wudde (621), he sent an envoy to sacrifice horses, and was later awarded the title of King of Dafang County and King of Baiji by the Tang Dynasty. At that time, Baekje and Goryeo Hyeon made good friends and jointly dealt with each other Silla Obstructing Silla and Tang Dynasty traffic and tribute matters. After Emperor Taizong took the throne, he sent a letter to King Wu of Baekje, clearly pointing out that Silla was a vassal of the Tang Dynasty and demanding that Baekje and Goryeo immediately stop invading the kingdom. Taejong's firm attitude stopped Baekje's large-scale crusade against Silla [157] . However, during the Gojong period, Baekje continued to invade Silla. In response to repeated threats and repeated requests from Silla, Emperor Gojong sent General Zuowei in the fifth year of Xianqing (660) Su Dingfang The rate of water and land army hundred thousand against Baekje, Silla also sent troops to help. In the same year, Su Dingfang entered the encirclement bibi Seong, King of Baekje Support the righteous and be kind After the surrender, Baekje was destroyed [93] . Subsequently, the Tang Dynasty divided its territory into Xiong Jin, Mahan, Dongming, Jinlian, De An five capital governor, the local leaders as the governor, Shi, county magistrate. Life right Wei Lang will Wang Wendu Xiong Jin governor, leading the army defense. But after the main Tang army retreated, Baekje Restoration Movement In the third year of Longshuo (663), the Tang army defeated Japan and the Baekje revival forces it supported in the battle of Baicunjiang, and the whole territory of Baekje became the control area of the Tang Dynasty. [153]
  • Silla
Pottery figurines unearthed from ancient tombs in Yonggang-dong, Gyeongju, South Korea, show that the official dress system of the Tang Dynasty had been implemented in Silla at that time
Silla Mahei Jin Baijing sent tributes to the Tang Dynasty in the fourth year of Wude (621). Tang Gaozu sent Tong Zhisan riding squire Yu Wensu to pay a return visit, and since then he has continued to pay tribute. In 624, in the seventh year of Wudeok, King Gojo appointed Kim Baekjeong King of Nerang County and King of Silla. After Jin Baijing died, Emperor Taizong sent an emissary to attend his funeral. The subsequent Silla Kings were conferred by Tang, such as the daughter of Jin Baekjing in the ninth year of Zhenguan (635) Kindermann royally [155] . When Emperor Taizong attacked Goryeo, he ordered Silla to take over, and Silla sent 50,000 troops to attack the southern border of Goryeo. The twenty-second year of Jeongkwan (648), Silla Queen of Gende Kim Seung-man sent his brother and minister Jin Chunqiu When he entered the Tang Dynasty, Taizong gave him a newly written" The Book of Jin "Etc., special privileges. In the fifth year of Hyun-gyeong (660), Kim Chun-chu, who became King of Silla, led a joint army with the Tang army to defeat Baekje. In the third year of Longshuo (663), the Tang Dynasty was ruled by Silla Jilin state governor's office Appoint the king of civil and military affairs Kim Famin For the governor. [153]
After the fall of Koryo, The Three Kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula came to an end. With the withdrawal of the Tang army and the pro-Tang Baekje nobles, Silla gradually took Baekje and Goryeo from Tang control. Emperor Gojong sent troops to defeat Silla and force him to confess, but he tacitly accepted Silla's control over Baekje and moved the Andong Capital garrison to Liaodong. Tang restored friendly relations with Silla. The second year (686), King Moon of Silla god Kim Jung-myung The emissary came to Tang, seeking a Tang ceremony, and miscellaneous articles. Silla adopted the system of Tang Dynasty and developed its own ritual system. Late 7th century, overseas students Xue Cong Use Chinese characters to create" Official reading "Is used to indicate Korean The auxiliary words and auxiliary verbs have played a role in promoting the cultural development of North Korea. In the 21st year of Kaiyuan (733), Bohai State Crossing the sea to attack Dengzhou, Xuanzong sent Jin Silan, the Silla royal family who had stayed in Chang 'an, to return home and attack the Bohai Sea to help Tang. In the twenty-fourth year of Kaiyuan (736), Tang made it clear that he would be a general 浿 water The land south of the Taedong River was handed over to Silla, which unified most of the Korean Peninsula. Silla had the closest contact with Tang, and even when Emperor Xuanzong fled to Shu during the Anshi Rebellion, Silla still sent envoys to attend court. The two sides continued to communicate with each other until the Silla's own social unrest during Hoechang (841-846), when they broke off communication [153] . At the end of the Tang Dynasty, there were 58 Silla candidates in China's imperial examinations in 80 years. There are many Silla people in the Tang Dynasty, and many coastal cities in the Tang Dynasty have" Sinnabang ". In the course of exchanges between the two countries, many natural products, medicinal materials, handicrafts and books have also been exchanged [165] . At the end of the Tang Dynasty in the Tang Huainan order to make Gao Grand shogunate service, after the "state messenger" identity of the Silla king Jing people Cui Zhiyuan It is considered to be the founder of Chinese literature on the Korean Peninsula. A collection of his poems Guiyuan pen cultivation set "Is not only the earliest Chinese classics on the ancient Korean Peninsula, but also a precious literary collection in the literature Treasury of the Tang Dynasty, representing the highest level of poetry creation of the Korean Peninsula literati in the Tang Dynasty. [156]

Arab Empire

The Battle of Talas [184]
During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, due to the strength of the Tang Dynasty, the expansion of Tubo in the Western regions was continuously defeated, and even with Arab Empire (the Chinese call it "big food") the alliance can not take the slightest advantage. First, in the third year of Kaiyuan (715), Tubo and Arabia jointly installed Adada as king and sent troops to attack the Tang vassal states The kingdom of Bahana . Monitor the imperial history Zhang Xiaosong Anxi capital to protect Lu Xiujing rate army long distance attack, defeat Tubo, Arab allied forces, won the Bahanna, the Western regions [206] . In the fifth year of Kaiyuan (717), Abrupt application Allied with the Tubo and Arab Empires, the four towns were attacked, and Emperor Xuanzong adopted three surnames Qarluc Soldiers with ten Turkic names Khan Ashna Offering Attack back [207-208] . Due to the huge geographical advantage, but also because the Tang army in Qinghai and Tubo large-scale war during this period, but had no time to pay attention to the western regions, the Arab influence continued to expand, the original submission to the Tang Dynasty of the Litian states have to fall to the Arab. In order to counter Arab expansion in the Western regions, the Tang Dynasty enlisted Tuqisi to fight against the Arabs. In 723, when the Arab Khorasan general Musleng bin Said al-Girabishen attacked Dongbakhana, Sulu led his army and defeated his army. The following year, the Arab caliph Yezid II died, and the successor Caliph Hisham once again sent troops to attack East Bahana, besieging its capital, Kesai City, and breaking out. Thirsty Water Day War The Arab Army was defeated, and the Kang and Shi states returned to Tang. After the 22th year of Kaiyuan (734), due to the conflict between the border generals, Tuqishi and the Tang Dynasty broke off relations and gradually declined, and the Arab power was able to expand eastward. Ten years of Tianbao (751), General Tang Ganoderma lucidum With the threat of destroying the stone state, the Arab army began The Battle of Talas . The Tang Army was defeated. But by this time Khorasan was in chaos, and the Arabs were too busy to expand further. After that, the Tang Dynasty had to abandon Central Asia because of the great loss of national strength. [209]
The sea traffic from Arabia to China in the Tang Dynasty expanded greatly compared with the past, and its direct navigation route was from Baghdad From there, east through the Persian Gulf The Strait of Hormuz Across the Indian Ocean, through Sri Lanka, Nicobar Islands around the Malay Peninsula, from the South China Sea to Guangzhou in Guangdong, or Jiaozhou in Lingnan, Fuzhou and Quanzhou in Fujian, or north to Yangzhou in Jiangsu [202] . These trade activities brought Chinese silk and porcelain to West Asia [205] , Emerald , Pepper , Islam Such artifacts and religions were introduced into China.




Tang society Rank The remarkable feature of the structure is old intelligentsia The decline, and the statutory" People of a lower social status "The gradual decline of institutions, and the emerging." Well-heeled household "The appearance of. [233]
After the peasant war at the end of Sui Dynasty, the power of Shandong and Jiangnan intellectuals declined, and only Guanlong intellectuals still had a certain strength. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Taizong rescript edited Clan records It is clearly stated that the current official should be superior to the level of the elite and suppress the power of the old elite; During the reign of Emperor Gaozong and Empress Wu Zetian, he re-established the genealogy of the monks and changed the Annals of the Clans to the Annals of the Clans. Surname directory Based entirely on the current level of official quality, more than five officials can enter the spectrum, and the situation of the old aristocratic monopoly regime has changed rapidly; In the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, in principle, there was no longer a genealogy of official monks, the old nobles no longer enjoyed legal privileges, and the system of aristocratic nobles basically declined. The imperial examination system, which was the main system of selecting officials at that time, was not based on family rank, so that the promotion of the old intellectuals was reduced, which also accelerated its decline. But at the same time, the old intellectuals still have a high reputation in the society, many new rich, rich room also keen to marry with the old intellectuals, especially the high men Cui, Lu, Li, Zheng. In the late Tang Dynasty, with their cultural advantages, the children of intellectuals were easy to win in the imperial examinations, and there were several generations of scholars. The social unrest at the end of the Tang Dynasty dealt a heavy blow to the old intellectuals, who were no longer a special social class after the Song Dynasty. [233]
The law of the Tang Dynasty stipulates that there are good people and untouchables. Common people Also known as "common people", "ordinary people" and "white Ding", they are ordinary civilians. Untouchability index Official household , Mixed household , subflexure They are also divided into official untouchables and private untouchables. Official untouchables include official households, mixed households, and official slaves. They were subordinate to the government, engaged in various production and miscellaneous services, with the lowest status of official slaves, followed by official households, and the highest being miscellaneous households. Private untouchables, including Bu Qu and private slaves and maidservants, are subordinate to their masters, and Bu Qu has a higher status than slaves and maidservants. Untouchables have low social status and can only marry within their own class. The law stipulates: if the official household, miscellaneous household beat good people. The punishment is greater than the punishment. As for slaves and maidservants is "law than Animal products The owner is free to buy and sell or give to others, and life is very miserable. As the source of official households, miscellaneous households, and ministry gradually decreased, the original untouchables continued to" Draw up ". After the end of the Tang Dynasty, the stratum of untouchables gradually disappeared, except for slaves and maidservants, the law no longer clearly distinguished between good people and untouchables. The decline of the old gentry and the legal "untouchable" system is an important phenomenon of the change of class structure in this period. [233]
In the late Tang Dynasty, there appeared a "dress household" formed by the Jinshi and their families. This is a privileged class arising from the imperial examination system. In addition, although the government restricted businessmen to become officials, the rich businessmen became officials because they bought officials, and their social status was not low in the Tang Dynasty, especially in the late Tang Dynasty. [233]


After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the spoken language and the written language gradually diverged, and the difference became more and more great. The accent used by the Tang people is the accent of Chang 'an City, the capital city of the Tang Dynasty (today's Xi 'an in Shaanxi Province), which belongs to Refined words A kind of. Some words in Japanese were also influenced by Chinese in the Tang Dynasty, and their pronunciation has a clear northern accent. [191]

Imperial lineage

Tang Dynasty emperor lineage table
Temple title
Posthumous title
Time in place
Year number and time of use
He honors the emperor without actually ruling
Too on the Xuanyuan emperor
Offer sacrifices to ancestors
Xuan Emperor
Light Emperor
The first founder of a dynasty
King Jing
A surname
Yuan Emperor
Early Tang Dynasty (renamed Zhou Zhou, 618-690)
God Yao, Great Saint, great light, filial emperor
Martial morality (618-626)
A surname
Civil and military sage, great wide filial piety emperor
View of chastity (627-649)
Emperor Grand Saint Grand Hirotaka
Yonghui (650-655)
Hien Khanh (656-661)
Longscho (661-663)
Linde (664-665)
Dry seal (666-668)
General chapter (668-670)
Xianheng (670-674)
Upper unit (674-676)
Yi Feng (676-679)
Regulating dew (679-680)
Vinh Long (680-681)
Kaiyao (681-682)
Nagatsun (682-683)
promote (683)
Zhongzong (abolished)
Yamato Grand Saint and Emperor Taisaka
Heir saint (684)
Ruizong (Zen position)
Xuanzhen Grand Sage Daxing Xiao Emperor
civilized (684)
Mitsutaku (684)
Drop arch (685-688)
Yongchang (689)
Wu Zhou (690 -705)
The Heavenly Queen [96]
Qianling Mausoleum
Ordained by heaven (690-692)
longevity (692-694)
stowage (694)
sainthood (695)
Long live Heaven (695-696)
Live forever (696-697)
almanac (698-700)
Long look (700)
Dazu (701)
Chang 'an (701-705)
Li Tang Come back to power Later (705-907)
A surname
Yamato Grand Saint and Emperor Taisaka
Li Xian
Dingling Tomb
Dragon (705-707)
Keng Long (707-710)
Mourning Emperor
Donlong (710)
Xuanzhen Grand Sage Daxing Xiao Emperor
Li Dan
Qiaoling Mausoleum
Jing Yun (710-711)
Tai Chi (712)
Great Sage, Great Ming, filial Emperor
innate (712-713)
The New Century (713-741)
Trimble (742-756)
Emperor Suzong
The Great Sage of civilized martial virtues proclaimed filial piety to the emperor
Shitoku (756-758)
Qian Yuan (758-760)
Upper unit (760-761)
Baoying County (762-763)
Guangde (763-764)
Yongtai (765-766)
Grand calendar (766-779)
Shen Wu Xiao Wen emperor
Jianzhong (780-783)
Hung Yuen (784)
Zhenyuan (785-805)
The Great Sage, the Great An, the Emperor
Jeongwon (805)
Vinh Trinh (805)
Heon Tsung
Holy Spirit chapter Emperor Wu Xiao
Motowa (806-820)
Sanctify the emperor
Changkhanh (821-824)
Rui Wu Zhao Min Xiao Emperor
Baoli (824-826)
Style of writing
Yuan Sheng show filial piety to the emperor
Baoli (826)
Supreme harmony (827-835)
Kaito (836-840)
To the way Zhao Su Xiao emperor
Huichang (841-846)
The holy warrior presented a tribute to the emperor
Emperor Yizong
Show respect and filial piety to the emperor
Large and Medium (859)
Hamthong (860-873)
Honor and honor the emperor
Hamthong (873-874)
Dry rune (874-879)
Hiroaki (880-881)
neutralize (881-885)
Optical opening (885-888)
Saint Mu Jingwen Xiao Emperor
Wende (888)
Great Shun (890-891)
Keng Phuoc (892-893)
canning (894-898)
actinic (898-901)
Tianfu (901-904)
Tianyou (904)
Jing Zong
(not adopted)
Zhaoxuangulijie Xiao emperor
Tenyou (904-907)
Above sources [108] [110-111]