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International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach said on Tuesday (local time) that double digit cities have joined the bid for the 2036 Summer Olympics, and the enthusiasm to host the Games is recovering.
International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach said in an exclusive interview with AFP: "We have never had a situation like this. The [global] interest in hosting the Olympics has never been higher." At present, the recent Summer Olympics have been set to be held in Paris in 2024, Los Angeles in 2028, Brisbane in 2032, and the 2036 venue has not been decided.
AFP predicted that the 2036 Summer Olympics will bring opportunities to Asian countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Indonesia and India, based on the principle of rotating the hosting of the games by different continents, as the Western camp hosts the games consecutively.
The Olympics, which is held every four years, is considered the biggest celebration of the global village. However, due to the heavy cost of hosting the games, many host cities suffered serious losses after the games ended. As a result, fewer and fewer cities bid for the Olympic Games. Five cities initially applied to host the 2024 Games, but three dropped out due to strong internal opposition, and only two cities, Paris and Los Angeles, entered the race.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC), fearing that the number of cities bidding for the Games would disappear, selected the two cities for the 2024 and 2028 Games, respectively.
Bach, who has been president of the International Olympic Committee since 2013, said that one of the reasons for the resurgence of competition for the right to host the Olympic Games is the series of reform policies he implemented during his term to eliminate wasteful spending.
In response to the bankruptcy of host cities after the Games and criticism that hosting the Games is too expensive, the IOC has actively encouraged bid cities to make the most of existing facilities or temporary or separable stadiums. At the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, which opens on July 26, 96% of the games are expected to be held in existing stadiums or temporary facilities. For the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, that number could reach 100 percent.
"Paris will be the first city to be fully aligned with the Olympic reform proposals," Bach said. He said that due to global warming, the future Summer Olympics may be like the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, from the traditional July to August to the cooler autumn. The World Cup, for example, was held in June and July in previous years, but the Qatar World Cup was moved to November because of Qatar's desert climate.

IP territory: Sichuan 1st floor 2024-04-29 13:48 recover
    All day long, no country is willing to host the Olympic Games, begging China to take over those rumormongers, you can rest.

    IP territory: Sichuan Second floor 2024-04-29 13:51
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      In the beginning, many countries will withdraw one by one. There are very few that really have the power to host it

      IP territory: Shanxi From the iPhone client 3F 2024-04-30 20:56
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