Lost in Hong Kong

2015 film directed by Xu Zheng
unfoldTwo entries with the same name
Lost in Hong Kong is a romantic comedy written by Shu Huan, Su Liang, Zhao Yingjun and Xing Aina, directed by Xu Zheng and starring Bao Beier and Du Juan. The film was released on the Chinese mainland on September 25, 2015. The film tells the story of designer Xu Lai in order to reunite with his first love goddess 20 years ago, he experienced a series of embarrassing things in Hong Kong, and finally found that his wife is the most worthy of cherish the story. As of April 5, 2024, the film has grossed $25,283,912 worldwide. >>>
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Overview brochure
Term picture
Hd poster

Basic information

Lost in Hong Kong was created by Beam huan Su Liang, Zhao Yingjun, Xing Aina Writer, Xu Zheng Directed and starred in, Bao Ber , cuckoo Starring in a romantic comedy. The film was released on the Chinese mainland on September 25, 2015 [11-12] .
The film tells the story of designer Xu Lai in order to reunite with his first love goddess 20 years ago, he experienced a series of embarrassing things in Hong Kong, and finally found that his wife is the most worthy of cherish the story [10] .
As of April 5, 2024, the film has grossed $25,283,912 worldwide [13] .
Chinese name
Lost in Hong Kong
Foreign name
Lost in Hong Kong
Generic type
Love, comedy
Producing company
Beijing Zhenledao Cultural Communication Co., LTD., Beijing Enlight Film Co., LTD., Shannan Enlight Film Co., LTD
Production area
Chinese mainland
Date of shooting
From 10 October 2014 to 8 February 2015
Shooting location
Hong Kong, Shanghai, China
Issuing company
Tianjin Maoyan Media Company
Direct performance
Xu Zheng
Liu Liu
Li Xiaoping
Main performance
Xu Zheng , Bao Ber , cuckoo , Kot Man-fai
Film length
114 minutes
Release time
September 25, 2015
Ticket office
1.613 billion yuan
Dialogue language
Mandarin, Cantonese
imdb coding
Online playback platform
iqiyi , Tencent Video , Youku , letv , Mango TV
Production time
The year 2015


creep ( Xu Zheng Play the role of) He once dreamed of becoming a painter, but now he has become ideal cannon fodder, working as a senior designer for a lingerie company. The lingerie company is owned by my father-in-law, who is my son-in-law. Therefore, Xu Lai endured the humiliation of the big family on his side, endured the fate of his wife CAI Bo who could not give birth to a child, but his heart despised the vulgar family, and the fall of the ideal was all blamed on them. Suddenly, at a college meeting, Xu Lai heard his classmates talking about their first love, Yang Yi ( cuckoo Play the role of) News, it is said that she is going to hold an exhibition in Hong Kong, suddenly, Xu Lai is perplexed. It happens that these days, he is accompanying his wife and family to Hong Kong to play, so he plans to meet secretly with Yang Yi who has not seen for many years, only to be brother-in-law CAI Lala ( Bao Ber Play the role of) Entangled, Lala is a film buff. He is making a documentary about his family in order to win an Oscar as a director. In the process of meeting the first love, two people unknowingly involved in a falling building murder, dating trip into a thrilling adventure and escape [1] .




Xu Zheng 饰  creep
Bao Ber 饰  CAI Lala
cuckoo 饰  Yang Yi
Kot Man-fai 饰  Old cop
Li Chansen 饰  New cop
Pan Hong 饰  CAI Bo's mother
Zhao Youliang 饰  CAI Bo's father
Zhu Yuanyuan 饰  Sister CAI Bo
Wang Xun 饰  Tsai Bo's brother-in-law
Feng Mianheng 饰  Waiter in the tea restaurant
Jiang Yo-sung 饰  Taxi driver
Wang Jing 饰  Wang Jing
phyllobiosis 饰  Crew - Special technician
Lin Xiaofeng 饰  Crew - Assistant director
Paul Cha 饰  Unlocking King
Yuan Qiongdan 饰  Dojiali , Cherry Maruko-chan
Lin Xue 饰  Big brother
Zheng Danrui 饰  Exhibition host
Tian Qiwen 饰  Tech geek
Wu Yaohan 饰  Elevator boss
Linrudi 饰  Sports boy
Zhan Ruiwen 饰  Doctor Chen
Zhuang Simin 饰  Assistant Yang Yi
Tao Hong 饰  presenter
Lin Dongfu 饰  Lectern teacher

Staff list

producer Wang Changtian,Liu Ruifang,Wei Qiying
Production MANAGER: Liu Liu,Li Xiaoping,Yukwong Cheung (Executive Producer),Chan Chi-leung (Co-producer)
Supervise the production of Xu Zheng,Chen Zhiliang
director Xu Zheng
Assistant Director (Assistant) Suren
WRITER Xu Zheng,Beam huan,Su Liang,Zhao Yingjun,Xing Aina
shoot Song Xiaofei
Background music Peng Fei
montage Tu Yversa
property CAI Zhixi
Art design Wennianzhong
Movement instruction Qian Jiale
Modeling design Wennianzhong
Fashion design Zhong Chuting
Visual effects Zhang Dighe,Zou Linren
lamplight Ershaoping
Recorded AT An Wei
Stage management Zhou Lixian
Script clerk Ying Zhiyun,Su Liang
Credits source [2]

Role introduction

A painter with artistic dreams, working as a senior designer for a lingerie company. After his first love left, he gave up his dream, and CAI Bo who loved him together, he still loved his first love in his heart, and finally made a real choice between two women.
Xu Lai's brother-in-law, a passionate documentary filmmaker, wants his work to win world awards. In order to prevent brother-in-law Xu to derailment, he had a series of ironic stories with him. Finally, he realized his dream and stood on the podium.
ACTORS cuckoo
Xu Lai's first love, later to pursue academic studies to the Chinese University of Hong Kong to study fine arts, and then held his own exhibition around the world, gradually and Xu Lai's world farther and farther, and later met Xu Lai at the exhibition, after all, did not finish the unfinished kiss with Xu Lai many years ago.
(Reference source for role description:)

Music soundtrack

Song name
Compose a ci
Compose music
Sing (in a performance)
Zhao Yingjun
Faye Wong
Theme song/end song
Zheng Guojiang
Chen Baiqiang
Gu Jiahui
Huang Zhan
Huang Zhan
Opening song
Lu Guantin
Huang Zhan
Wang Zhengyu
Huang Zhan
Gu Jiahui
Leslie Cheung
Huang Zhan
Huang Zhan
Leslie Cheung
Leslie Cheung
" Real man "
Zheng Guojiang
" lover "
" The Great Wall never falls "
Ending song
(Music soundtrack Source of reference: [3] )

Behind the scenes

  1. 1.
    The scene in which CAI Bo is forced up an outdoor platform by Ge Minhui with a gun finger was filmed outside on the 33rd floor of an unfinished high-rise building. The glass panel on which the actor knelt was supported by only four steel bars and was completely unprotected.
  2. 2.
    In order to show the scenery of Hong Kong, Xu Zheng deliberately shot the scene in Hong Kong's new landmark Skyline 100 Hong Kong Observation deck, and took the representative scenic spots of Hong Kong into the lens.
  3. 3.
    In the last scene alone, there are about 350 special effects scenes, which is a pure special effects scene.
  4. 4.
    In order to capture action scenes on IMAX screens, such as the feeling of falling from a sky, the production team specially proposed some shots and had foreign teams create special effects [4] .
  5. 5.
    Mr. Xu said the film was shot in Hong Kong mainly because it brings back so many memories. So he invited Hong Kong director Wang Jing to guest star in the film.

Award record

Award time
Win awards
Prize winner
November 3, 2015
Best Actor of the Year at the 11th Sino-American Film Festival
Xu Zheng [5]

Production and distribution



On March 26, 2015, a teaser trailer was released [6] . On March 30, 2015, the film company held a global release conference. Director Xu Zheng attended the press conference, and Xu announced that the film "will be released anytime." On June 9, 2015, it was announced that the film would be released on September 25, 2015. On July 12, 2015, the film released the "Trailer of the trailer" and Xu Zheng's "clearance version" poster. On July 14, 2015, the film released the trailer for the "Pull Director version", the "ship version", the "clearance version" poster of Bao Beier and the "combined version" clearance poster of the two. On July 23, 2015, the film released an "airplane version" poster. On July 27, 2015, the film held a "press conference on further promoting the Lost Can not Stop and the expected box office reputation of the character lineup, ask what you want to ask what I can answer but not necessarily answer all", and released the first official trailer of the film. On August 30, 2015, a trailer, an IMAX poster, and stills for "Lost on the Road" were released. On September 8, 2015, the film released the theme song of "Lost in Hong Kong". On September 11, 2015, the studio released six "Ultimate Edition" posters.

Production company

Country and region
Beijing, China
Beijing Zhenle Dao Cultural communication Co., LTD
Beijing Enlight Film Co., LTD
Beijing Princes Culture Communication Co., LTD

Issuing company

Country and region
Beijing, China
Beijing Enlight Film Co., LTD
Tianjin, China
Cat Eye Culture media Co., LTD
Above reference materials [7]

Box office receipts


Film evaluation


Positive comment

Lost in Hong Kong
As far as the film is concerned, Xu Zheng has gradually understood and mastered the essence of comedy after summing up the experience and lessons in the performance and directing of Lost in Journey and Lost in Thailand, etc. Instead of playing a joke and playing clever funny ways, he is more willing to use plot conflict and characterization to create advanced jokes, creating a comedy effect that hides sadness in joy and tears in laughter. The pursuit is to touch the heart rather than laugh and forget. "Lost in Hong Kong" is also a breakthrough for Chinese film creation, that is, its breaking and restructuring of the film genre and upgrading across the board. The beauty of it is that love, youth, nostalgia, suspense, police, action and other elements are mixed together, which can do not fight with each other, not dry and not chaotic, but collide with each other, inspiring different interests, and youth line, family line, dream line and killer line are parallel at the same time, forming an interesting pattern of multi-line cross narrative. "Lost in Hong Kong" cannot be classified as a certain film genre, its existence itself is a type of innovation and breakthrough, and as the helm of Xu Zheng on the whole control and can be relaxed, it is also worth the film creators to carefully study and learn from [8] . (NetEase Entertainment Review)
"Lost in Hong Kong" is no longer a simple comedy, the type and content have been comprehensively upgraded, not only Xu Zheng Bao Bao's laugh lost on the road, and Xu Zheng's heart-wrenching emotional drama, the film of middle-aged men's nostalgia for youth and reflection on life is more meaningful, not only laugh, but also moved and thinking. Ge Minhui, Li Canchen, Wang Jing, Lin Xue, Yuan Qiongdan and other golden supporting characters are outstanding, and Cantonese old songs and classic Hong Kong film scenes are also well integrated with the plot. Wong Kar-wai's love metaphor, Leslie Cheung's singing, and Stephen Chow's lines ignited the audience's enthusiasm for "Egg hunt together". (Xinmin Evening News "Review)
The film doesn't have as many laughs, but it's not crunchy, trying to create a comedic situation with controlled pacing rather than over-the-top comedy and vulgar verbal jokes [9] . (Beijing Times "Review)

Negative evaluation

Lost in Hong Kong is not balanced between the two clues of emotion and action, which becomes the shortcomings of the film, especially the emotional line as the internal driving force is not so strong. The film wants to show people's feelings of life to middle age, but there is insufficient space for emotional development, whether it is Xu Lai and his wife or his first love, the development of their relationship and the solution of the final problem, always feel that there is something missing, so the final climax can not be completed between the protagonists, need to add an external force, that is, Li Canchen played by the police brought about by the right and wrong [9] . (Beijing Times "Review)