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Albert II

Prince of Monaco
unfoldTwo entries with the same name
Albert II (full name: Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi; French: Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi, born 14 March 1958. He's the head of the Grimaldi royal family and Principality of Monaco He is also a member of the International Olympic Committee, President of the Monaco Olympic Committee and Honorary Life President of the International Motorboat Federation. On 12 July 2005, Albert II officially became the ruler of Monaco.
Hold the office of Prince of Monaco (in office since 6 April 2005). [13]
Chinese name
Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi
Foreign name
Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi
Date of birth
March 14, 1958
Graduate School
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Prince of Monaco
Place of Birth
Have faith in
Other occupations
President of the Monaco Olympic Committee, International Olympic Committee Committee member [4]



Early experience

Albert was born in Monaco in 1958. He's the Prince of Monaco Rainier the Third The eldest son, the mother is famous America Film actor , Academy Awards gainer Grace Kelly . He went there at an early age America and Ireland Study, and successively get the United States Massachusetts A Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Amherst and an honorary doctorate of philosophy from the Pontifical University of Maynus in Ireland. Albert has served as president of the Monaco Swimming Federation and as a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Atlanta Olympic Games. Since 1985, Albert II has been a member of the International Olympic Committee. Since 1994, Albert II has been president of the Monaco Olympic Committee. [4] He is also a consultant for Orphans International. After Rainier III was critically ill and admitted to hospital on 7 March 2005, Albert was declared regent on 31 March. On 6 April, Prince Rainier died from medical treatment, and Albert became the new monarch of the Principality of Monaco. On 12 July, Prince Albert II ascended the throne.
On June 23, 2010, the Royal Family of Monaco announced that Prince Albert II and Charlene Vistock The couple's wedding will take place in the summer of 2011. Charlene Vistock is a former South African swimming champion, known as the South African swimming "mermaid". The couple met at a sports event in 2000 2006 Turin Winter Olympics They made their first public appearance as a couple at the opening ceremony.

Grand wedding

With the Princess
At 17:00 on 2 July 2011, Albert II and Charlene Vistock The wedding took place at the Plaza Palazzo de Monaco [5] . 850 guests witnessed the religious ceremony in the palace courtyard, and another 3,500 shared the moment on a large television screen in the palace square.
Bride Charlene Vistock wore Italian designer clothes Giorgio Armani Design a wedding dress. Montblanc Germany has specially designed a signature pen for guests to sign in. The wedding was cooked by former French celebrity chef Alain Dicas, who owns several Michelin three-star restaurants around the world. Main courses are sourced locally from the Mediterranean region, with some vegetables sourced directly from Prince Albert II's private garden at the foot of the French Alps. Champagne with the famous brand Pierre. A bottle of Piedjure 2002 "Love for Life" costs around 100 euros. The wedding reception was held at the Opera House of Monte Carlo in the Principality of Monaco and was attended by 450 distinguished guests.
The wedding to carry Albert II couple's car, not a classical gorgeous carriage, but a "green" type of car driving a black Lexus LS600HL gasoline-electric hybrid. The car was retrofitted with a transparent sunroof.
French electronic music master Jean-Michel Jarre held a large-scale concert integrating high-tech, warmth and pop elements starting at 22:00 on July 1. "The laser lights, fireworks, high-definition screens, 60-meter long stage and 35-meter high pillars will make the show spectacular." That night, to Hotel California The world-famous American Eagles will also perform at Monaco's Coliseum Louis II.
All car parks in Monaco are open to the public free of charge from 12 o 'clock on 1 July 2011. French railways will run extra trains between Nice and Monaco for those who want to enjoy the wedding [6] . The wedding of Albert II was a big occasion for Monaco's royal family for many years. The last royal wedding took place in 1956, when Albert II's father married American Oscar-winning actress Grace Kelly.

Character activity

On November 19, 2019, during the National Day celebrations in Monaco, Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene and other members of the royal family attended. [7]

Communication with China

应国家主席习近平邀请,摩纳哥公国元首阿尔贝二世亲王于2018年9月5日至8日来华进行国事访问。 [1] 应摩纳哥公国元首阿尔贝二世亲王邀请,习近平主席2019年3月24日对摩纳哥公国进行国事访问。 [2]
In August 2014, Prince Albert II visited China Nanjing Youth Olympic Games 开幕式,习近平主席同其会见,对他作为国际奥委会委员积极推动国际奥林匹克运动发展、支持北京奥运会和南京青奥会表示赞赏。 [8]
In August 2015, Prince Albert II came to China to attend the World Athletics Championships in Beijing.
2018年9月7日,阿尔贝二世亲王再次对中国进行国事访问,习近平主席为其举行欢迎仪式,并邀请他来华出席2022年冬奥会。 [9]
At noon on February 2, 2022, Prince Albert II of Monaco arrived in Beijing to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and related activities. This is Albert II's 11th visit to China. [13]
2022年2月6日,中国国家主席习近平在人民大会堂会见摩纳哥元首阿尔贝二世亲王。 [14]
China-moldova relations have become a good example of friendly exchanges and win-win results between countries of different sizes and different histories and cultures. It is believed that China-Moldova relations will continue to develop in a sound way.
China welcomes more Mozambican enterprises to participate in the China International Import Expo, increase investment in China, and actively participate in joint construction Belt and Road Initiative International cooperation, exploring third-party market cooperation. Welcomes the participation of the Moldova side in the second phase of the fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The two sides should enrich cultural and people-to-people exchanges, carry out cooperation in language teaching, visit performances by art groups, hold cultural and art exhibitions in each other's countries, and expand cooperation in sports and tourism.
Albert II congratulated China on successfully holding the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, saying that the world has heard China's strong message of calling for peace and unity, which is urgently needed in today's world. The Moldova side hopes to continuously promote the sound relations with China and push for more fruitful cooperation in such fields as economy and trade, communications, environmental protection, Marine and biodiversity protection. The Moldova side supports China in running Kunming well Convention on Biological Diversity Second phase of the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties. [15]

Personal life

  • Family member
Monaco's royal twins have been unveiled
On December 10, 2014, Charlene Vistock gave birth to twins at Princess Grace Medical Center in Monaco. Despite being born two minutes later, Prince Jacques Honore Rainier will become Crown Prince of Monaco, according to the male-first rule of Monaco's succession law [18] Princess Gabriella will be second in line to the throne.
On January 7, 2015, the four-week-old twins of the royal family of Monaco, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, made their first public appearance in the arms of their parents and received the sincere wishes of the royal family and the people of Monaco [10] .
  • health
On March 19, 2020, Prince Albert II tested positive for COVID-19. [3]
On April 13, 2022 local time, Prince Albert II tested positive for the novel coronavirus. [16]

Character dispute


Rumor of marriage change

Prince Albert II is known as the Prince of Gossip. As early as a few years ago, less than a year after he took the throne, he has recognized two illegitimate children. One is his son, Alexandra, with Nicole Koster, a black Air France flight attendant, and the other is his daughter, Jasmine Grace, with Tamarrotolo, an American real estate agent. The latest Revelations in the media suggest that Albert's affairs may not be all that. So, in a fit of rage, the princess-to-be bought a one-way ticket and prepared to fly home to South Africa via France.
On June 21, 2011, the police at the airport in Nice, France, immediately detained the soon-to-be Princess Charlene, who was about to board a flight to South Africa, after receiving an urgent notice from the royal family of Monaco. On the other hand, a billionaire friend of Prince Albert in France was also commissioned to act as a lobbyist to persuade Chalen to return home. Charren finally changed his mind after a heart-to-heart exhortation.
But while she agreed to go ahead with the wedding, she insisted she would "refuse to carry out any official functions in relation to the princess". It is reported that because of the remaining gas, Charon did not rush to return to Monaco, but instead went to Paris alone for sightseeing.
In the face of this increasingly intense "marriage change" rumors, Albert was forced to publicly refute rumors 48 hours before the wedding, angrily rebuking the French "Express" for "nothing." "These rumours, published just days before the wedding of Prince Albert II and Miss Charren Wittstock, clearly have only one aim - to seriously discredit the Fuhrer and Miss Wittstock and to cast a shadow over an otherwise joyful event," the palace said in an official statement. According to a Monaco royal source, Albert II is furious about the latest false rumors circulating and is preparing to take legal action against the French newspaper L 'Express [11] .

Illegitimate child

Albert II has admitted through his lawyer that he fathered a 14-year-old daughter out of wedlock with an American waitress. This is the second child he has admitted to fathering out of wedlock. The girl, Jasmine Grace, lives with her mother in Southern California. Albert has promised that his daughter can visit or settle in Monaco at any time, and French media have also published photos of Grace. In 1991, while on holiday in the south of France, Albert met Tamara Rotolo, the two fell in love at first sight, and spent two weeks together, the following year, Tamara gave birth to a baby girl, but Albert did not acknowledge the child. A month after Albert II officially took over as king of Monaco on November 19, 2005, a Togolese stewardess with a three-year-old son came to her door asking to be his father. Although reluctantly, Albert finally recognized the son and brought the couple to Monaco, where they settled in a villa and visited regularly. Under Monegasque law, a child born out of wedlock cannot inherit the throne unless the head of state is married to the child's mother. As a result, the chances of the two children inheriting the throne are very slim, and they cannot use the family name of Monaco's royal family, the Grimaldi, but they can inherit their father's $1 billion fortune [12] .

Character event

On April 13, 2022, Prince Albert II, the head of the Principality of Monaco, tested positive for COVID-19. Monaco's royal palace announced on the same day that the prince's health is good, without any symptoms, he will follow the regulations of self-isolation for seven days, during the isolation, he will work remotely.
In March 2020, Prince Albert II was diagnosed with the infection COVID-19 . [17]