
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the capital of the United Kingdom London . locate Europe West. Be due to Great Britain superior England , Scotland , Welsh and The island of Ireland north-eastern Northern Ireland Together to form a federal island. every Beihai , The Strait of Dover , English Channel with Continental Europe Look at each other. The land area is 244,100 square kilometers (including inland waters), and the coastline is 11,450 kilometers. It is a Marine temperate broadleaf forest climate. As of 2021, the population of the United Kingdom is 67,026 million and the official language is English Many residents believe in it Protestantism . [57]
Between the 1st and 5th centuries AD, the southeastern part of the island of Great Britain suffered Roman Empire Rule. In the 7th century, a feudal system began to take shape. In 829, England was united in what is known as the "Anglo-Saxon Era". 1066 William, Duke of Normandy, crossed the sea to conquer England and established the Normandy Dynasty. In 1536, England was united with Wales. In 1640, it broke out Bourgeois revolution On May 19, 1649, it was declared a republic. In 1660, the dynasty was restored. In 1688, occurred" Glorious revolution "Was established Constitutional monarchy . In 1707, England was united with Scotland, and in 1801, with Ireland. Between the 1760s and 1830s, it became the first in the world to be completed Industrial revolution Of the country. [57]
Britain is a highly developed capitalist country, the sixth largest economy in the world and the second largest economy in Europe. Private enterprises are the main body of the British economy, the service industry is the pillar industry of the United Kingdom, and the capital of London is one of the world's famous financial centers. Economic vitality is strong, and society is generally safe and orderly. [60] The UK is The British Commonwealth Head of state, Group of seven Member states, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Founding member and also United Nations Security Council five Permanent member One of them. In 2022, the GDP will be 2.2 trillion pounds. [57]
Chinese name
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [1]
Foreign name
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [1]
Abbreviated form
London [1]
Major city
Birmingham , Leeds , Glasgow , Sheffield , Manchester , Edinburgh , Liverpool Etc. [1]
National Day
June 11th
National song
" God save the King " [35]
Country code
Official language
English [1]
Pound sterling [1]
Time zone
National leader
Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor [32] (King) , Rishi Sunak [39] (Prime Minister)
Population number
67,026 million [57] (Year 2021)
Population density
274.5 people per square kilometer [4] [57] (Year 2021)
Major nationality
English , Welsh , Scotsman , Irishman [1]
Major religion
Protestantism (Anglican Church, Presbyterian Church)
Land area
244100 km² [1] (including inland waters)
Water area ratio
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Keep to the left
Legal system
Common law system
State structure
Unitary system
The national flower
National tree
National bird
Luscinia ruficollis
Largest city
Major institutions of higher learning
University of Cambridge , University of Oxford , Imperial College London Etc.
Gross domestic product
£2.2 trillion (2022) (Year 2021)
Gross domestic product per capita
£45,850 (2022) [60] (Year 2021)


  1. 1Historical evolution
  2. Roman period
  3. Medieval period
  4. Primary accumulation of capital
  5. Absolute kingship
  6. Renaissance
  7. Industrial revolution
  8. Colonial expansion
  9. World war
  10. Post-war period
  11. 2Geographical environment
  12. Regional location
  13. landform
  14. Climatic characteristics
  15. 3Natural resources
  16. Water resources
  17. Plant resources
  18. Animal resources
  19. Mineral resources
  20. 4Administrative division
  21. regionalization
  22. capital
  23. 5National symbol
  1. Country name
  2. flag
  3. National emblem
  4. National anthem
  5. National stone
  6. The national flower
  7. 6population
  8. 7political
  9. regime
  10. constitution
  11. government
  12. congress
  13. judiciary
  14. Political party
  15. dignitaries
  16. elect
  17. 8economy
  18. summarize
  19. industry
  20. Service industry
  21. tourism
  22. Agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery
  23. Finance and finance
  24. Join the AIIB
  1. Outward investment
  2. Attract investment
  3. foreign trade
  4. Foreign aid
  5. 9culture
  6. Language
  7. religion
  8. Physical education
  9. Film and television
  10. Festivals
  11. Gourmet
  12. 10Military affairs
  13. National defense
  14. Military strength
  15. Military expenditure
  16. Branch of the services
  17. Military action
  18. 11traffic
  19. General situation
  20. railway
  21. highroad
  22. Water transport
  23. Air freight
  24. 12society
  1. Science and technology
  2. education
  3. Medical treatment
  4. News media
  5. 13diplomacy
  6. Foreign policy
  7. External relations
  8. 14Special product
  9. Scotch whisky
  10. Teddy bear
  11. Silverware
  12. Leather goods
  13. Witwicky pottery
  14. sherry
  15. English black tea
  16. 15travel
  17. Scenic spot
  18. Historic site
  19. garden
  20. 16celebrity
  21. 17Economic sanctions

Historical evolution


Roman period

Early civilization
in British Isles There was human activity very early on, around the 13th century BC, The Iberians from Continental Europe arrive Great Britain Southeast settlement.
Inhabiting Western Europe after about 700 BC Celts Moving into the British Isles, one of which is called The Breton The name Britain may have come from this. The Celts are known to use iron, Ploughing plough Advances in technology have been made and money has been used. The development of productive forces led to the gradual fragmentation of Corte society. [3]
Roman invasion
In 55 BC, Julius Caesar Twice crossed the sea to invade Britain [54] . A.D. 43, Roman Emperor Claudius the First Led an invasion of Britain. After the conquest of Britain it became Roman Empire The province of... By 409, all Roman garrisons had been forced to leave Britain, and Roman rule over Britain was over.

Medieval period

Magna Carta
In the early 5th century, Roman After evacuating, living in Germany Near the mouth of the Elbe and Denmark south The Anglo-Saxons And from Rhine The Jutes of the lower reaches Germanic Horde, conquer Britain. The Angles (Anglo) called Britain "England" (homonym for England, England The origin of the name), that is, the land of the Angles. while Old English They inherited their language.
By the beginning of the 7th century, the invaders had established seven great powers: the history of this period is called" Seven Kingdoms ". The Anglo-Saxons were tribal clans when they invaded. During the invasion, the original clan organization disintegrated, and with the development of productive forces, land gradually became private property, and there appeared nobles, large landowners, dependent peasants, and slaves. The village community became a form of transition from clan commune land ownership to feudal land ownership, which is generally regarded as the beginning of the feudal process of British society. At the end of the 6th century, Christianity It was introduced to England. The Americans called the British and the British Anglo-Saxons.
Danish invasion
From the end of the 8th century, to Danes As the subject Scandinavia People invaded Britain again and again.
In 879, Alfred the Great Made a treaty with the Danes to give northeast England Denmark The jurisdiction is called the "Danish District". At the beginning of the 10th century, King Alfred's successors gradually recovered Denmark. In the early 11th century, the Danes returned. During the Danish occupation, the British feudalization The process is accelerated.
In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, crossed the sea to conquer England and established the Normandy Dynasty. [1]
The strong kingship established after William's conquest played an active role in consolidating the feudal order. John was forced to accept in June 1215 the" Magna Carta Compromise with the feudal lords. Magna Carta was essentially a feudal document to protect the interests of feudal lords; But there are also progressive provisions like protecting citizens' freedom of trade. But John soon repudiated the charter, and civil war continued between Kings and subjects.
British parliament The United Kingdom Parliament, also known as the Westminster Parliament, originated in the 13th century and is the highest judicial and legislative body in the United Kingdom. In 1341, congress It is divided into two houses, with a bicameral system consisting of the monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons [52] Constitute and exercise the supreme legislative power of the state.
In 1380, the King Richard II For the collection of The Hundred Years' War War expenses and an increase in the poll tax led to an uprising in May 1381, led by Walter Taylor, a mason, who is described as" The Walter Taylor uprising ". The uprising failed, but it shook the British Feudal serfdom . By the end of the 14th century, British serfdom had effectively dissolved. By the 15th century, the vast majority of serfs were freed and became owner-peasant In legal status, they are divided into freeholder farmers and copyholders. Money rent became the main form of rent, and the feudal class also changed, creating a new aristocracy from wealthy peasants, land-owning merchants, and small and medium-sized aristocrats, who adopted capitalist methods of management. The rule of the old aristocracy fell into crisis, and the feudal chivalry system gradually disintegrated, after 1455-1485 Wars of the Roses The power of the old aristocracy was greatly weakened, creating favorable conditions for the development of capitalist relations and obtaining New Noble and bourgeoisie sustentative Henry VII Take the throne. Here we go Tudor dynasty The rule of...
The war between England and France between 1337 and 1453 for territorial expansion and the throne was the longest war in the world, going on intermittently for 116 years The Plague In the era of epidemic, under the double blow of war and epidemic disease, the economy of Britain and France was greatly damaged and the people were destituted. England It lost almost all of its French possessions, but also made England's nationalism Rise. By the end of the war, Britain had embarked centralization The road was then pursued by England on the continent " Continental balance of power " Policy, turn overseas development, become the world's largest empire.

Primary accumulation of capital

The British defeated the Spanish Armada
Enclosure movement It's the UK Primary accumulation of capital One of the important means. England was united with Wales in 1536. In the 15th and 16th centuries, wool weaving became the leading industry in Britain. National industry The demand for wool multiplied. Landowners turned their farms into pastures, and by enclosure or encroachment on common land, they concentrated small estates into large ones. As a result, a large number of homesteads lost their land and went bankrupt, becoming homeless. Beginning in 1530, the king enacted a series of bloody laws that forced vagrants into the employment of the new nobility and capitalists. Overseas plunder and trade were also important ways of primitive accumulation. After the 16th century, Britain successively organized many trading companies to carry out Pirate Dock officers, customs officers, naval officers, and even high local officials collude with pirates. Pirate J. Hawkins trafficked Negroes to get rich, F. Drake while Elizabeth I He sponsored the plunder of Spain's American colonies, and in 1577-1580 made a round-the-world voyage that shocked Europe. In 1588, the English defeated the Spanish Armada , grabbing the world Maritime hegemony Take the first step.

Absolute kingship

In 1603, Queen Elizabeth When King James VI of Scotland died without an heir, he succeeded to the British throne James I , start Stuart dynasty He ruled from 1603 to 1649 and from 1660 to 1714. In the second half of the 16th and the first half of the 17th century, Capitalist economy Rapid development, the increasingly powerful economic strength of the bourgeoisie and the new aristocracy more and more can not tolerate the tyrannical rule of the feudal monarchy. But James I and Charles I ignored these changes and insisted that" The right of Kings is divine ", causing the contradiction to intensify. In November 1641, Parliament proposed to the King the" Grand protest "; In January of the following year, the king attempted to arrest the leaders of the parliamentary opposition and fled the capital, only to die in August Nottingham Declare war on Parliament.
Cromwell Led primarily by faith Puritanism A group of homesteaders and craftsmen cavalry Team, New model army He defeated the Royalist army at the Battle of Naseby in June 1645. The following year, the king was captured, at the end of 1647, King Charles fled, in February 1648, the royal forces took the opportunity to provoke civil war, under the joint attack of the Independents and equalists, the royal forces were defeated, the second civil war ended, in December 1648, Cromwell cleared the Presbyterian faction in Parliament; On January 30, 1649, Charles I He was beheaded. In April 1653, Cromwell The rump parliament was removed, a protectorate government was established in December, and a military dictatorship was imposed.
In February 1660, Stuart dynasty The restoration. The outbreak of 1688-1689." Glorious revolution ". It announced the" Bill of rights Limiting the power of the Crown and expanding the power of Parliament laid the foundation for Britain Constitutional monarchy The foundation of... Since then, the British parliamentary monarchy has gradually formed and developed. 1707 United with Scotland. [1]


Compared to continental Europe, Britain Renaissance movement The occurrence time is relatively late. However, after Tudor dynasty The establishment of Britain as a nation-state in the Elizabethan era, the flourishing of industry and commerce, the growing cultural ties with the world, and the break with the Roman Church all contributed to the ascendancy of the English post-Renaissance. In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, the "three giants" emerged in Britain: Shakespeare , Bacon and Harvey He was one of the most prominent representatives of this period in the arts, humanities and sciences. During this period, the arts, humanities and sciences in Britain infiltrated and blended with each other, strengthening the links between different fields, but also continuously enriching and deepening their respective fields.

Industrial revolution

Britain was the first in the world industrialization The country, first completed has many scientific discoveries and inventions, such as Steam engine , penicillin , Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), Dolly the Sheep and Jet engine Let's wait. London's financial markets attract many companies from all over the world to take advantage of British business opportunities. For more than 200 years, Britain's schools and colleges have evolved in line with the country's world-renowned technological, industrial and financial revolutions. But it has a much longer history of world-beating education, dating back to the 12th century University of Oxford (1185) and University of Cambridge (1209) The founding era. [2]

Colonial expansion

British colonies expanded dramatically in the 19th century. It was incorporated in 1801 Ireland The official name of the United Kingdom became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The aggression against Asia continues to expand. The British Empire consists of and is governed by the United Kingdom dominion , colony, fief , trust territory and Protectorate state Together, the Great Empire was the largest country in history in terms of territory and the largest global colonial empire. At its peak in the early 19th century, the empire had an estimated population of 400 to 500 million, a quarter of the world's population at the time; Its territory is about 33.67 million square kilometers, accounting for a quarter of the world's total land area. After the Kingdom of Spain in the 16th century, the Empire was known as the "Empire on which the sun never sets."
In the mid-19th century, Britain launched two opium wars of aggression against China (For details, see Opium Wars , The Second Opium War ) Occupied Hong Kong Island and participated in the suppression of China Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution; Suppression 1857-1859 Indian national uprising And strengthen its rule over India. In 1876, the Conservative B. Disraeli cabinet was elected Queen Victoria Crowned, making her Empress of India. Since then Britain has been known as British Empire Or the British Empire (India became independent in 1947 and the British monarch lost the title of emperor). In addition, in Iran , Burma , S.Africa , Egypt , East Africa and NZ , Australia They also expanded their invasion and gradually penetrated into South America, becoming the largest investor there. In 1867, Canada It became the first self-governing territory of the United Kingdom.

World war

Churchill at the Yalta Conference
After the 1870s, Britain gradually lost its industrial monopoly. The rising United States gradually caught up with and surpassed Britain, leading to an unprecedented intensification of the conflict between them. At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany became a rival of Britain. Faced with the grim situation, the British government actively expanded its armaments, especially its navy.
To deal with Germany, Britain abandoned its nineteenth-century policy of" Glorious isolation "Foreign Policy, after 1907, England, France, Russia" Triple entente "Actually formed. In August 1914, World War I broke out. In 1917, the British finally defeated the Germans. Unrestricted submarine warfare "And maintained its maritime control. The war was led by Germany Allied countries And a victory for the United States.
In September 1939, Germany attacked Poland, World War II Great Britain declared war on Germany. In April 1940 Churchill Form a joint war cabinet. When Churchill came to power, he immediately organized Evacuation of Dunkirk Put the national economy on a war track and rapidly expanded its armaments. Launched in Germany from July to September 1940 Battle of Britain "In, British air force The enemy was effectively struck. On June 6, 1944, Allied forces crossed the English Channel from Britain and landed in Normandy, successfully opening up the second front on the European continent [55] Germany surrendered on 8 May 1945.

Post-war period

Margaret Thatcher
It was drafted and accepted by the British in 1947 Marshall Plan With massive aid from the United States, the economy gradually recovered. At the same time, the Labour government also implemented a number of measures to improve the situation of working people: Britain after the Second World War, by The Labour Party and Conservative Party Take turns governing. The economy is slow. Joined in January 1973 European Economic Community . When the Conservatives came to power after the 1979 general election, Margaret Thatcher She became the first female prime minister in British history. He was re-elected in 1982 and 1987. The Thatcher government adopted Privatization of state-owned enterprises The policy has made no small achievements in revitalizing the economy. Began to promote some enterprises privatization In order to revitalize the British economy. [1]
After decolonization in the 20th century, the British overseas territories gradually became independent, and most of them formed a peace organization with the United Kingdom after independence The British Commonwealth (Commonwealth of nations).
On September 18, 2014, Scotland Four million permanent residents are voting in a referendum to decide whether Scotland will become an independent sovereign nation. Now that the referendum is over, Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom, preserving the unity and integrity of the United Kingdom.
On June 24, 2016, the result of the Brexit referendum was finalized, and the United Kingdom will leave the European Union European Union . On 28 October, the United Kingdom was elected United Nations Human Rights Council Member, serving from 2017 to 2019.
On February 8, 2017, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted to formally pass the "Brexit" bill submitted by the government, authorizing the Prime Minister to start the "Brexit" process. [5] March 16th, the Queen of England Queen Elizabeth II Approve the "Withdrawal" bill, empowering the British Prime Minister Theresa May Officially start the process of leaving the European Union. [6]
On March 20, 2017, the United Kingdom will formally submit its Brexit application to the European Union on March 29, 2017 Lisbon Treaty Article 50 begins Brexit negotiations.
On December 8, 2017, the United Kingdom and the European Union reached a historic Brexit agreement. [7]
On June 26, 2018, Queen Elizabeth II gave her assent to British Prime Minister Theresa May's most important Brexit bill. [8]
On January 23, 2020, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom signed and ratified the Bill related to the "Brexit" agreement previously passed by the British Parliament. [9] On January 24th, Council of Europe , European Commission The president signed the Brexit agreement. [10] On January 30, the European Union officially approved Brexit. [11] On January 31, the United Kingdom officially "left the European Union", ending its 47 years of membership in the European Union. [12] On December 24, the European Commission announced that after several rounds of intense negotiations, the EU and the UK finally reached an agreement on a series of cooperation relations, including trade, on the same day, clearing the way for the UK to end the "Brexit" transition period in 2020 according to the original plan.
Local time on September 15, 2021, the British Prime Minister Johnson Reshuffle the cabinet. [24]
On September 8, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II died. Her eldest son, the crown prince Charles After inheriting the throne, the new king will be known as "King Charles III." . [33-34] According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Sky News and" The Guardian British media news on October 20, the British Prime Minister Truss Issued a statement announcing his resignation. [37] On October 25th, Rishi Sunak Accepted the appointment of the King of England and officially became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. [38]
On 28 June 2022, First Minister of the Scottish Regional Government Nicola Sturgeon In Scotland, the local parliament announced that her government plans to hold a second Scottish independence referendum on October 19 next year, if the British government refuses to comply with legal procedures to authorize, the Scottish local government will take legal action to ensure that the referendum goes ahead. On 23 November, the UK Supreme Court ruled that the Scottish government did not have the right to hold a second independence referendum without the approval of the UK government. [43]
March 30, 2023, Nikkei Chinese news," Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership The 11 member states of the CPTPP have set course to allow the UK to join and are expected to meet online at ministerial level on March 31 to reach an agreement. This is the first time that the CPTPP has been ratified by countries other than the 11 founding members. [45] On March 31 local time, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that the United Kingdom has been approved to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). [46]
On September 15, 2023, Japan The cabinet meeting of the government decided on the same day that the treaty between Japan and the United Kingdom Reciprocal access agreement It came into effect on 15 October. The agreement will simplify the procedures for personnel and equipment to enter each other's countries during joint military exercises and disaster relief [47] .
On December 1, 2023, International Maritime Organization The 33rd session of the General Assembly held A new election in London, England, and the United Kingdom was elected as a Category A member of the International Maritime Organization. [48]
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British landscape

Geographical environment


Regional location

England is one of the countries located in Western Europe Island country , is caused by Great Britain Up. England , Scotland , Welsh and The island of Ireland north-eastern Northern Ireland Together form an island nation.
English quilt Beihai , English Channel , Celtic sea , Irish Sea and Atlantic Surround. East of the North Sea, facing Belgium , Netherlands , Germany, Denmark and Norse Other countries; Western neighbours Ireland Across the Atlantic Ocean and the United States, Canada is far opposite; It can be reached north across the Atlantic Iceland ; France is 33 kilometers south across the English Channel. It covers an area of 244,100 square kilometers (including inland waters). England is 130,400 square kilometers, Scotland 78,800 square kilometers, Wales 20,800 square kilometers and Northern Ireland 14,100 square kilometers. [1]


Landforms of Great Britain [1]
A low mountainous plateau in the northwest of England and a plain in the southeast The Thames It's the largest river in the country. Severn It is the longest river in the United Kingdom, 338 kilometers long, rising in mid-Wales and flowing in a semicircular channel through central and western England The Bristol Channel . The Thames River is the largest river in the United Kingdom, with a watershed area of 11,400 square kilometers, an average annual discharge of 60.0 cubic meters per second, and an average annual runoff of 1.89 billion cubic meters. The geographical location of the basin is 2°08 'west longitude ~ 0°43' east longitude, and 51°00 '~ 52°3' north latitude.

Climatic characteristics

Climatological map of Great Britain
British genus Temperate maritime climate . UK receives Prevailing westerly Control, mild and humid throughout the year, little change in the four seasons. The vegetation is temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest zone. Usually the highest temperature does not exceed 32 ° C, the lowest temperature is not lower than -10 ° C, the average temperature in January 4 ~ 7 ° C, July 13 ~ 17 ° C. The average annual precipitation is about 1000 mm. Annual precipitation exceeds 2000 mm in the northern and western mountains, and less than 800 mm in the central and eastern regions. It is driest from February to March and wettest from October to January. Britain is affected by the west wind and the sea all year round, and the climate is mild and humid all year round, suitable for plant growth. Although the climate in Britain is mild, the weather is changeable. In a day, sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy. [1]

Natural resources


Water resources

The average annual runoff of rivers in the UK is about 159 billion cubic meters, and the per capita occupancy is about 2,700 cubic meters. The United Kingdom has a high degree of industrialization, and the development and utilization of water resources is mainly to improve the domestic water consumption of urban and rural people, and develop industry, inland waterway shipping, aquaculture and water tourism. The total annual water consumption in the United Kingdom is 11.511 billion cubic meters, of which public water accounts for 47.3%, irrigation water accounts for 0.3%, and other industrial water accounts for 52.4%. Urban and rural per capita daily domestic water consumption is 322 liters. Great attention has been paid to sewage treatment, which has become part of the entire water supply system since 1973, and the treatment of waste water has reached a very high level. The United Kingdom is the representative of the privatization and marketization of urban water industry in the world.
Three quarters of Britain's fresh water comes from lakes in the mountains, reservoirs and rivers. About a quarter of that is groundwater. The drinking water is of high quality. However, from the summer of 1995 to the spring of 1997, England and Welsh After two years of the driest drought on record, water is no longer a resource to be tapped at will. Leaks in the water supply pipes are another problem. Relatively speaking, Scotland and Northern Ireland It still has abundant domestic fresh water and industrial water resources. To prevent future water scarcity, the government issued a 10-point plan in May 1997, to which private water companies have agreed. [2]

Plant resources

In 2011, forests covered 3.08 million hectares, or 12.6% of the UK's land area. [1]

Animal resources

Britain is rich in animal resources, in 2007, the British government began to implement wildlife protection plan, as of 2007, the United Kingdom has 1,149 endangered species of wild animals, and hedgehogs, Harvest mouse , Atlantic salmon And sparrows were included for the first time. The British government's wildlife conservation plan is called Biodiversity Action Plan It contains a list of mammals, birds, insects, invertebrates, fish, Marine life and fungi in need of protection. In September 2006, 550 hedgehogs were sent to South Central England Buckinghamshire It is supervised by a wildlife hospital near the capital city of Eldsbury.

Mineral resources

Britain's main mineral resources are coal, iron, oil and natural gas. Total reserves of hard coal are 170 billion tons. Iron reserves are about 3.8 billion tons. southwest Cornwall There are tin mines. in Cheshire And Daram contains a great deal Stone salt . Staffordshire has good clay. Cornwall produces white clay. Pennines The eastern slope can be mined dolomite . Lancashire In the southwest, near the Shieldley Hills quartz Mines. The oil reserves in the British North Sea continental shelf are about 1 billion to 4 billion tons. The reserves of natural gas are about 860-2,585 billion cubic meters. [2]

Administrative division



The United Kingdom is divided into England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is divided into nine regions comprising London, 56 unitary authorities, 201 non-metropolitan authorities and 36 metropolitan authorities. There are 32 districts in Scotland, 22 districts in Wales, and 11 local cities and counties in Northern Ireland. The central government is responsible for foreign affairs, national security, general economic and monetary policy, employment policy and social security, while the Scottish and Welsh assemblies and their executive bodies are responsible for local affairs. [1]
Administrative level
The historical 45 counties of England were abolished in 1974 and replaced with six metropolitan counties and 39 non-metropolitan counties (Greater London being a separate administrative unit).
Cleveland County
Ebria County
Hereford, Worcester
Mid Glamorgan
South Glamorgan
West glamorgan
The 13 historic counties of Wales were abolished in 1974 and replaced with eight new counties
Central area
Galloway, Dumfries
Fife District
The Grampian District
Alpine region
The Lothian District
The district of Strathclyde
The Tayside area
The 33 counties of Scotland were abolished in 1975 and replaced with nine jurisdictions and three island districts
Insular region
Western Islands
County Armagh
Down County
Northern Ireland is divided into six counties


New City of London
The capital of England London Located on the plains of southeast England, across The Thames It is 88 km from the Thames Estuary. As early as 3,000 years ago, the London area was the place where the British people lived. In 54 BC, Roman Empire intrude Great Britain In 43 BC, London was Roman The first wooden bridge across the Thames was built. At that time London was called "Londinum". With the UK capitalism The rise of London rapidly expanded in size. In 1500 AD, the population of London was only 50,000, in 1600 the population increased to 200,000, in 1700 to 700,000, the 18th and 19th centuries, London has become the world's largest financial and trading center. By 1900, London's population had risen to two million. In the 1960s, the population of London reached more than 8 million, and in 2001, the population of London was 7.188 million. London's population was 8.2 million in 2011. The population of London in 2022 will be 8.83 million. The hottest month is July, the temperature is usually 16 ~ 24℃; The coldest month is January, with temperatures usually ranging from 5 to 9 ° C. [1]

National symbol


Country name

The Commonwealth flag
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the main body is England, so the customary name of the United Kingdom (Britain was originally short for the Kingdom of England), is from England , Scotland , Welsh and Northern Ireland Formed the United Kingdom, the British Empire (later renamed The British Commonwealth ) be known as The sun never sets on the Empire . The British Isles are England, Scotland, and Wales, as Northern Ireland is located The island of Ireland Many other islands are too small to be included.


Union jack (English: Union Jack) is a horizontal rectangle, length to width ratio of 2:1, known as the "Union flag", by a dark blue background and red, white "rice" composition. The Red Cross with a white border represents the patron saint of England St George's The white cross represents the patron saint of Scotland St Andrew's The Red Cross represents the patron saint of Ireland St. Patrick . The flag was created in 1801 and is composed of the original red Ten Flag on a white background of England, the white Cross flag on a blue background of Scotland and the Red Cross flag on a white background of Northern Ireland, which is overlapped to form a "metre". The Welsh flag is not incorporated into the Union Jack, but has a green and white base and a red dragon.

National emblem

Arms of the United Kingdom
Arms of the United Kingdom The arms of the Crown. The central design is a coat of arms, the upper left and lower right corner of the shield are three golden lions on a red background, symbolizing England; In the upper right corner is a red lion standing on a gold base, symbolizing Scotland; The lower left corner is a golden harp on a blue background, symbolizing Northern Ireland . The coat of arms is supported on each side by a lion wearing a crown, representing England, and a unicorn, representing Scotland. The coat of arms is surrounded by Order of the Garter In French, he wrote a motto that means "Shame on the one who has evil thoughts"; A sash hanging from the lower end reads "Heaven has God, I have rights." At the top of the coat of arms is a gold and silver helmet encrusted with jewels, an imperial crown, and a lion wearing a crown.

National anthem

" God Save the Queen "God Save The Queen", usually sings only the first verse. In The case of a male monarch, the national anthem is changed to "God Save The King". " God save the King "Is the national anthem and royal anthem of the Commonwealth of Nations. The lyricist is anonymous and the composer is Henry Culley.
God save the Queen, may she live forever, God save the Queen. Often victory, soak up glory; Popular, happy heart; Govern the country, Wang Yunchang; God save the Queen!

National stone

Diamond It has always been regarded as the crown of gems by the British people who emphasize grace and temperament. In all gemstones, because diamond hardness is the highest, so British men like to use diamonds to represent their firm and bold; Women are willing to use diamonds as a metaphor for their holiness and nobility. The British have long used diamonds as a bond between men and women, and this custom was soon adopted by the Western world and spread to the East. With the expansion of Britain, the colonists did not forget to take diamonds from all over the world as their own, and the British collection has the most rare and precious diamonds in the world. [13]

The national flower

Rose . in Wars of the Roses At that time, the royal family of Lancaster was represented by red roses, and the royal family of York was represented by white roses. The power of the royal family of York collapsed after the defeat of the royal family of Lancaster, but the two sides reconciled through marriage after the war, so the representatives of the two royal families, the two kinds of roses were combined into one, the red rose with white core. Thus, the white heart red rose became the symbol of England, and gradually became the symbol of Britain.


67,026 million (2021). The official language is English, also spoken in north Wales Welsh It is still used in the North West Highlands of Scotland and parts of Northern Ireland Gaelic . Most residents believe in Protestantism (51% of the population), mainly divided by the Church of England (also known as Anglicanism , Episcopal Church ) and Church of Scotland (also known as Presbytery ). besides Catholic Church and Islam , Hinduism , Sikhism , Judaism and Buddhism And other larger religious communities. [1]




The convening of the British Parliament -- the establishment of modern government
The British government is parliamentarism the Constitutional monarchy . The King is Head of state , the Chief Justice, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and Anglican Church The "Supreme Leader" formally has the power to appoint and remove the Prime Minister, ministers, senior judges, military officers, governors of the territories, diplomats, bishops and senior members of the Anglican Church, etc., and has the power to convene, suspend and dissolve Parliament, approve laws, declare war and other powers, but the real power is in cabinet . Parliament is the highest judicial and legislative body, consisting of the King, the upper House and the lower house.


Houses of Parliament
British constitution It is composed of statutory law, customary law, and custom, rather than a single, separate document. These include the Magna Carta (1215), the Act of Habeas Corpus (1679), the Bill of Rights (1689), the Act of Parliament (1911, 1949), the Electoral Act, the Municipal Act, and the County Council Act. The government is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch is the head of state, the Supreme Magistrate, the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and the "Supreme leader" of the Anglican Church, and formally has the power to appoint and remove the Prime Minister, ministers, senior judges, military officers, governors of the territories, diplomats, bishops and senior clergy of the Anglican Church, and has the power to convene, suspend and dissolve Parliament, approve laws, declare war and make peace, etc. But the real power is in the cabinet. [1]


Implement the cabinet system. The monarch appoints the leader of the party with the majority of seats in Parliament as Prime Minister and forms a government accountable to Parliament. The main members of the Cabinet are:
The Prime Minister and Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Civil Minister Rishi Sunak, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Oliver Dowden, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt, David Cameron, the Foreign Development Secretary; James Cleverly, the Home Secretary; Grant Shapps, the defence secretary; Alex Chalk, the justice secretary; Michelle Donelan, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology; Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Balanced Regional Development, Housing and Communities; Victoria Atkins, Secretary of State for Health and Social Welfare; Penny Mordaunt, Lord Privy Council and Leader of the House of Commons; Lord True, Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Lords; Kemi Badenoch, Secretary of State for Business and Trade and Minister of State for Women and Equalities; Energy Security and Net Zero Emissions Minister Claire Coutinho, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minister Steve Barclay, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride, Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, Transport Secretary Mark Harper, Culture, Media and Sport Secretary Lucy Frazer, Minister without Portfolio Richard Holden, Chris Heatonon-Harris, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Alister Jack, Secretary of State for Scotland and David Davies, Secretary of State for Wales. [57]
Local councils and governments in Scotland and Wales
The British royal Palace - Buckingham Palace
In May 1999, local councils were elected in Scotland and Wales, with 129 and 60 seats respectively. On July 1, the two parliaments and governments officially opened. The Scottish Parliament has certain legislative and executive powers over local government, justice, health, education, economic development, and some taxation powers, and can vary the basic rate of income tax by 3%. Authorized by the British central government, Scotland held a referendum on independence from the UK on 18 September 2014. The results showed that 55% voted against independence, 45% in favor, and the referendum was not passed. First Minister of Scotland Humuza Youssef (Humza Yousaf).
The Welsh Assembly has decision-making powers on issues such as employment, health, education and the environment, but does not have the power to adjust tax rates. The current First Minister of Wales, Vaughan Gething. [57]
Home Rule of Northern Ireland
On April 10, 1998, the British and Irish governments and the parties to the conflict in Northern Ireland signed a peace agreement, in which the British handed over the management of local affairs to Northern Ireland, and Ireland gave up its sovereignty claim to the territory of Northern Ireland. After the election, the Northern Ireland Local Assembly was elected, and the Northern Ireland autonomous government sharing power by the Northern Ireland multi-party was proposed to exercise the legislative and executive powers in addition to defense, diplomacy and taxation. The British government was forced to suspend the operation of the Northern Irish government four times due to disputes between the various factions in Northern Ireland over disarmament and other issues. After many twists and turns, on 28 July 2005, the Irish Republican Army issued a statement announcing that it would renounce armed struggle and no longer engage in any non-peaceful activities with immediate effect. Subsequently, the British government demolished some military installations in Northern Ireland and withdrew troops in stages. On 9 March 2007, local assembly elections were held in Northern Ireland, with the Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn Fin winning more than half of the votes. On May 8, the parties in Northern Ireland reached a compromise on the distribution of power after hard negotiations, and the local coalition government in Northern Ireland was announced to resume. In February 2010, the Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn Fein reached an agreement on the transfer of police and justice powers from the British Parliament to the Northern Ireland Regional Assembly. In September 2015, the coalition government faced a crisis over the assassination of a former member of the Irish Republican Army, and Peter Robinson, the first minister of Northern Ireland's regional government, led a number of ministers to resign. In December, Arlene Foster was elected as the DUP's new leader and First Minister of Northern Ireland's regional government, with Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness as Deputy First Minister. In January 2017, McGuinness announced his resignation in protest at Foster's push for a "renewable heat incentive program." Following the resignation of the Deputy First Minister under the 1998 peace Agreement, the First Minister was unable to fully function on his own and the government of Northern Ireland was unable to function normally. Early parliamentary elections were held in Northern Ireland in March. The two main parties in Northern Ireland, the Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn Fein, came first. Of the 90 elected MPS, the DUP has 28 and Sinn Fein 27, neither of which has a majority. In January 2020, the DUP and Sinn Fein reached a coalition agreement, with Alena Foster reappointed as First Minister, Sinn Fein Deputy Leader Michelle O 'Neil as Deputy First Minister, and local government resumed operations in Northern Ireland. Foster resigned as DUP leader in May 2021 following opposition within the party, and resigned as First Minister at the end of June, to be succeeded by Paul Givan. In February 2022, Givan resigned as First Minister because of his opposition to the Northern Ireland Protocol, and the local government of Northern Ireland was brought to a standstill. In May, Sinn Fein won 29.0% of the vote and 27 seats in the Northern Ireland Assembly election, becoming the largest party in the Northern Ireland Assembly. In the May 2023 local elections, Sinn Fein won 144 of the 462 seats in 11 local councils, maintaining its position as the largest party in Northern Ireland. In February 2024, Sinn Fin Deputy Leader Michelle O 'Neil became First Minister and Democratic Unionist Emma Little-Pengelly became Deputy First Minister, and local government resumed operations in Northern Ireland. [1] [57]


The highest legislative body consists of the monarch, the Upper House (House of Lords), and the lower house (House of Commons). Members of the House of Lords include descendants of the royal family, hereditary peers, life peers, Church bishops and bishops. In November 1999, the House of Lords Reform Act was passed, and in addition to the 92 remaining members, over 600 hereditary peers lost their membership in the House of Lords, and non-politically appointed peers were recommended by a special Royal Commission. The Speaker of the Upper House was elected for the first time in July 2006. There are 791 members of the House of Lords, and the current Speaker is Lord John McFall. Members of the House of Commons are elected by universal suffrage to 650 seats, elected by a simple majority for a five-year term, although the government may propose an early general election. The current House of Commons was elected in December 2019 and currently has 353 Conservative seats, 196 Labour seats, 44 Scottish National Party seats and 57 other parties seats. The current speaker is Lindsay Hoyle (LindsayHoyle).


There are three different legal systems: England and Wales have a common law system, Scotland has a civil law system, and Northern Ireland has a legal system similar to England. The judiciary is divided into two systems of civil courts and criminal courts. In England and Wales, the civil courts are divided into the County Courts, the High Court, the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court. The criminal trial institutions are divided into local courts, criminal courts, criminal divisions of the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the final appellate body in all civil cases in the United Kingdom and in all criminal cases in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The High Court of Scotland is the final appeal body for all criminal cases in Scotland.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was established in 1986 to handle all criminal prosecutions brought by police forces in England and Wales. The Attorney General and the Solicitor General are the principal legal advisers to the British government. The current Attorney general, Victoria Prentis. [1]

Political party

The political party system has been an important part of British constitutionalism since the 18th century. The main political parties are:
Political party
Conservative Party (Conservative Party)
The largest party in parliament
Incumbent party leader Rishi Sunak He was elected in October 2022. It was founded as the Tory Party in 1679 and changed its name in 1833. He was in power for 18 years from 1979 to 1997. He has been in power since 2010. It advocated a free market economy, strict control of the money supply, reduced public spending, low inflation, limited trade union power, and stronger rule of law. The year 2005 Cameron After becoming party leader, he proposed a compassionate conservatism, focusing on social issues such as education, health care, and poverty. He stressed the importance of safeguarding British sovereignty and leading the completion of Brexit.
The Labour Party (Labour Party)
The second largest party in parliament
It was founded in 1900 as the Committee of Labour Representatives and changed its name in 1906. He was in power for 13 consecutive years from 1997 to 2010. He has been in opposition since losing the 2010 general election. Incumbent party leader Keir Starmer Keir Starmer, elected in April 2020. We should maintain stable macroeconomic growth and attach importance to the development of the social welfare system. It advocates active participation in international cooperation and maintains relatively close relations with Europe.
Other political parties in the UK are: Scottish National Party (Scottish National Party), Liberal Democratic Party (Liberal Democrat Party), Welsh National Party (Plaid Cymru), Green Party (Green Party) Some political parties in Northern Ireland such as: The Ulster Unionist Party (Ulster Unionist Party), Democratic Unionist Party (Democratic Unionist Party), Social Democratic Labour Party (Social Democratic and Labour Party), Sinn Fein (Sinn Fein) and others. [1]


Charles III : Head of state. Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten - Windsor, born in London on November 14, 1948 Buckingham Palace The late Queen of England Queen Elizabeth II And the Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip The eldest son. On 8 September 2022, Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne after her death and became King Charles III. ex-wife Diana Spencer Diana Spencer (married in 1981, divorced in 1996, died in 1997), had two sons and the eldest son Prince William He is now the Crown Prince of Wales. His current wife, Camilla Parker-Bowles (since 2005), is Queen Conkind.
Rishi Sunak : Prime Minister. Born May 1980, graduated from University of Oxford . He was elected to the House of Commons in 2015, became Minister of State at the Treasury in 2019, and was promoted to Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2020. In October 2022, he was prime minister Truss Resigning, Sue ran for the leadership of the Conservative Party and won the election, taking over as Prime Minister on 25 October. [38]


British Prime Minister Sunak announced on May 22 local time that the United Kingdom will hold a general election on July 4. [61]
On May 30, 2024, the British Parliament was officially dissolved. [62]




The UK is the sixth largest economy in the world and the second largest in Europe. The private sector is the mainstay of the British economy, accounting for more than 90% of GDP, with services accounting for more than three-quarters of GDP and manufacturing accounting for about one-tenth. GDP in 2022 is 2.2 trillion pounds, an increase of 4% year-on-year. Due to inflation, labor shortages, the Ukraine crisis and other factors, Britain's energy supply is tight and prices are rising. November 2023 inflation rate of 3.9%. The Bank of England has been raising interest rates since December 2021, with the base rate rising to 5% in June 2023. The International Monetary Fund has raised its forecast for UK economic growth in 2023 to 0.5%. In January 2022, the National Security and Investment Act was formally implemented, empowering the government to review and intervene in foreign investment that endangers national security.
On February 15, 2024, data released by the Office for National Statistics showed that the UK economy shrank by 0.3% quarter-on-quarter in the fourth quarter of last year. With the economy falling 0.1 per cent quarter-on-quarter in the third quarter of last year, two consecutive quarters of contraction, the UK economy is already in a technical recession. [51]


Britain's main industries are: mining, metallurgy, chemical industry, machine , electronics, Electronic instrument Automobile, aviation, food, beverage, tobacco, textile, paper making, printing, publishing, construction, etc. Pharmaceutical, electronic and optical equipment, man-made fibers and chemical products and other manufacturing strength. Areas such as biomedicine, aerospace and defence are the focus of UK industrial research and development, and are the most innovative and competitive industries. [1]

Service industry

The services sector, including finance and insurance, retail, tourism and business services, is a pillar of the British economy, accounting for about three quarters of GDP. London is a world famous financial center, with a modern financial service system, engaged in cross-border bank lending, international bond issuance, fund investment and other businesses, but also the world's largest foreign exchange trading market, insurance market, gold spot trading market, derivatives trading market and the world's third largest insurance market, important ship lending market and non-precious metal trading center. And has the largest number of foreign bank branches or offices. [1]


The UK's tourism industry is the fifth largest in the world in terms of revenue and employs about 3.3 million people, accounting for 10% of the workforce. The total number of visitors to the UK in 2021 will be 6.4 million. In 2022, 31.2 million tourists from all over the world visited the UK. The main tourist areas are: London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Brighton, Oxford and Cambridge, etc. The main attractions are opera houses, museums, art galleries, ancient buildings, theme parks and shops. [1]

Agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery

British agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries mainly include animal husbandry, grain, horticulture and fishery, which can meet nearly 2/3 of the total domestic food demand. Agriculture accounts for less than 1% of gross domestic product in the United Kingdom and employs about 450,000 people, less than 2% of total employment, which is lower than in other major industrial countries. Agricultural land accounts for 70% of the land area, most of which is grassland and pasture, and only a quarter is used for cultivation. The agricultural population has 70 hectares of land per person. Britain is one of the biggest fishing nations in Europe. [1]

Finance and finance

The UK is the largest net exporter of financial services, with more than 40% of its exports going to the EU. [21] The new fiscal year begins on 6 April each year. Government budget expenditures include public expenditures (central and local government expenditures), debt interest payments, and fiscal adjustments. Budget revenue includes direct tax, indirect tax and national insurance tax revenue.
London is a world-renowned financial center with a modern financial service system, engaged in cross-border bank lending, international bond issuance, fund investment and other businesses. It is also the world's largest foreign exchange trading market, the largest gold spot trading market, the largest derivatives trading market, the world's third largest insurance market, an important ship loan market and a non-precious metal trading center. And has the largest number of foreign bank branches or offices. Nearly 400,000 people work in the City of London, and more than 550 multinational banks and more than 170 international securities companies have set up branches or offices in London. [1]
Banking enterprise
Founded in 1694, it became the central bank of the United Kingdom in 1946, the first central bank in the world.
HSBC holdings PLC
The 20th largest company in the world.
Royal Bank of Scotland
36th largest company in the world.
45th largest company in the world.
The 70th largest company in the world.

Join the AIIB

The United Kingdom (2015) submitted its accession as a prospective founding member to China on March 12 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as the AIIB) confirmation letter, formally apply to join the AIIB. The UK is expected to become a prospective founding member next month (April 2015), the finance ministry said. At a time when the United States and Japan "cold reject" AIIB, Britain's participation gives the institution more international financial institution color.
The UK will become the 28th member.

Outward investment

Big international capital exporter. In the first half of the 1980s, foreign investment was on par with that of the United States and Japan, but it fell sharply in the early 1990s due to the economic recession, and has gradually recovered since then. The UK's foreign investment in 2021 will be 61.7 billion pounds, down 21.23% from the previous year.

Attract investment

The British government encouraged the attraction of foreign investment. The UK will attract $28 billion in foreign direct investment in 2021. Foreign investment projects in the UK are mainly computer software, information technology, Internet, e-commerce, electronics and communications, medicine and biotechnology, management industries, automobiles, food and beverage, etc. The forms of investment are acquisition, merger of existing enterprises, expansion of production scale, establishment of scientific research bases or multinational companies. The US is the largest investor in the UK, and Chinese investment in the UK is also growing. Between 2011 and 2012, China jumped from seventh to third place in the list of countries investing in the UK, increasing its investment by 55%. To support this growing trend, the British government has set up a special UK Trade and Investment (UK Trade & Investment) offices across China. UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) is an agency set up by the UK Government to provide a full range of services to British companies engaged in trade and foreign companies investing in the UK, formerly known as the UK International Trade Agency (UKTI), which changed its name in October 2003. According to the latest statistics in 2013, UKTI has 235 professional services teams and experts around the world and 1,265 overseas staff. British Trade Area Investments in Beijing British Embassy in Beijing The British Consulates General in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing have offices to provide a wide range of professional and free services to Chinese companies investing in the UK. [14]

foreign trade

Pound sterling
It attaches importance to free trade, and its main trading partners are the EU, the United States, China and Japan. In 2022, the total import and export volume of goods was 1061.7 billion pounds, of which 415.9 billion pounds was exported, up 28.5% year-on-year, and 645.8 billion pounds was imported, up 31.1% year-on-year. [1] [59]

Foreign aid

In line with the UN Millennium Development Goals, the UK has gradually shifted its assistance from specific projects to direct assistance to national governments implementing poverty reduction strategies. In 2011, the UK stopped providing direct aid to 16 countries, including Russia, China, Vietnam and Serbia, and focused its aid on 27 least developed countries and regions, including Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Pakistan. In 2013, the UK became the first G7 country to reach 0.7% of gross national income in foreign aid. In 2022, the UK's official development assistance amounted to 12.975 billion pounds, an increase of 1.373 billion pounds over 2021. In 2022, UK development aid will account for 0.51% of national income. [1]




Britain does not nominally Official language In fact, English is the main language. There are other official languages outside England, for example Welsh Northern also used Welsh It is still used in the North West Highlands of Scotland and parts of Northern Ireland Gaelic . [1] People from all over the world who emigrate to the UK also speak their native languages, such as Bengali , Chinese, Hindi , The Punjabi language and It's in Urdu . The UK is home to the largest number of Hindi speakers outside India. [15]


Everyone in England enjoyed freedom of religion, and as a result, many different religious beliefs flourished in the central areas of England. There are two "official" churches in the United Kingdom: the Church of England (Anglican Church of England) and the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian Church), in addition to which a variety of different religions and countless denominations can find their representation in the United Kingdom. The residents are mostly Christian Protestantism It is mainly divided into the Church of England (also known as the Anglican Church of England, whose members account for about 60% of British adults) and the Church of Scotland (also known as the Presbyterian Church, with 590,000 adult members). besides Catholicism and Islam , Hinduism , Sikhism , Judaism And larger religious communities such as Buddhism.
According to a 2011 survey by the British Humanist Association, two-thirds of Britons do not consider themselves religious.
According to the British journal The Guardian On September 4, 2017, a survey showed that the number of young Anglican Church members is plummeting, with only 15% of British adults identifying themselves as Anglican. Fifty-three percent of adults have no religious affiliation , a record high. [20]

Physical education

In 1895, a group of league rugby clubs in the north of England decided to turn their players to the pros, resulting in the creation of combined rugby and rugby League football A situation of rivalry. English clubs do well in the Heineken Cup, also known as the European Cup. The English Rugby Classic and Celtic League matches are hotly contested, so tickets are sold out every week. The Royal Bank of Scotland Six Nations Championship is held from January to February each year. The Rugby World Cup, held every four years, is rugby's biggest event and was won by South Africa in 2007.
The UK is Modern football The birthplace of major football events have The English Premier League , Scottish Premier League football Let's wait. In 1848, the first written rules of modern football, the Cambridge Rules, were created. On December 1, 1863, a group of University of Cambridge The vote of the aristocracy of the University of Cambridge eventually led to the birth of the rules of modern football, which then began on the lawns of Cambridge University. football, known as football in British English and soccer in American English, consists of two teams of 11 players playing on a rectangular playing field and is one of the British people's favorite recreational activities. There are many football clubs in the UK with hundreds of years of history.
cricket Alternate name knur Known as "The Gentleman's game", it is a team sport in which two teams of 11 players each alternate attacking and defending. Its modern form originated in England, prevailed in England, Australia , NZ , India, Sri Lanka Wait for the country. The cricket season is mainly in the spring and summer, complementing the autumn and winter football matches. The origin of cricket can be traced back to the early 13th century, the 18th century began to have the first rules of the game, and gradually became one of the main forms of men's sport. The playing time is long, with Test cricket playing for six hours or more a day for up to five days, with breaks for lunch and tea in between. The jargon and complexity of the rules can confuse the untrained cricketer, but for fans, the game is passionate and fun.

Film and television

British film productions include 007 Series," English patient "," Four weddings and a funeral "," Harry Potter "And" Tomb Raider ", etc. More than 90 films are produced in the UK each year, with a net worth of £800 million. The continued prosperity of filmmaking projects at home and abroad depends on the excellent technology available in the UK. The financial and tax incentives have attracted many domestic and foreign filmmakers to make films in Britain. Industry experts attribute the success of the British film industry to the following: there are many talented actors; Skilled and professional technical personnel and production team; Top film studios, post-production, visual effects and sound equipment; And it's easy to get permission to shoot on multiple occasions. [16] One of the most famous British films is the Harry Potter series. The British film of 2013 was" Twelve years a slave "And" gravity "And other works. [13]


Windsor Castle Windsor Legoland
Major local holidays include New Year's Day (January 1 each year), Good Friday (Good Friday, one day from the end of March to the end of April every year) Easter (Easter, one day from the end of March to the end of April each year), Spring Bank Day (one day in early May each year) and Summer Bank Day (one day in late August each year), Christmas (mostly December 25, or the following Monday if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday), and Boxing Day (Boxing Day is the day after Christmas, but if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it is moved to the following Monday). [36]
Science Week began in 1994 and is held every year in March.
On New Year's Eve in England, people often go out to visit with cakes and wine. They don't knock on the door, they go straight to the house of relatives and friends. The New Year's Eve dance is another kind of celebration.
The work week is five days, with Saturday and Sunday being closed. [36]


British people generally prefer cooking methods: stewed, grilled, fried and deep-fried. Have a unique way to cook meat, seafood and game; beef has a special preference, such as roasted beef (roasted beef), when eaten not only with seasonal vegetables, baked potatoes, will also add a little mustard sauce on the steak; In the use of spices like cream and wine; I like spices nutmeg , cinnamon Wait for fresh spices.
British people are very particular about breakfast, British restaurants in the supply of a wide variety of meals, juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat porridge, bread, jam and coffee. What's in fashion now Afternoon tea (high tea) is also from the United Kingdom, its more well-known Victorian style, including all kinds of snacks, muffins, tartes and sandwiches. Dinner is also an important part of daily life for the British, and they often choose to eat late and talk over food and drink to promote camaraderie among the diners, while a dinner can take them several hours.
Grilled steak
Yorkshire pudding
This is a masterpiece of British cuisine, made from large slabs of raw, oily beef baked in the oven. Like a steak, the waiter will ask you whether you prefer it raw or cooked. The finished beef can be dipped in Western mustard sauce as an accompaniment Yorkshire pudding It's also famous.
Fish and chips
This is the "McDonald's" of Britain, a cheap and convenient food. Fried fish is more flounder or codfish It is eaten with French fries dipped in salt or vinegar (many British people use both) and is very popular with ordinary people.
Victoria sponge cake
Victoria sponge cake
British society has a long-standing tradition - the afternoon tea party. Victoria sponge cake It's a classic British afternoon snack because Queen Victoria His favorite way to eat sponge cake (one layer of cream and one layer of jam) got its name.
Bitter is the most representative beer in the United Kingdom, originated in the 18th century, originally as an alternative to the traditional English ale, the biggest feature is low alcohol, served at cellaring temperature, only a few days to ferment. In the 20th century, in order to enjoy greater discounts, many bars became specialized stores for specific winery products. With its fast production cycle, bitter beer has undoubtedly become a magic way for brewery operators to improve the efficiency of beer supply.
Eton Max
Eton Max A dessert made from strawberries, cream and meringue, it originated in the aristocratic school of Windsor Eton College . One theory is that it was in 1796 that Eton and its old rival Winchester first met cricket The game met, and the dessert Eton Max appeared on the table at the game. Another version is from 1920, on Eton College's Open Day A Labrador Plopped down on the master's picnic blanket, squished the master's strawberry meringue, and created Eaton Max. The dessert Eton Max has become synonymous with the English summer.

Military affairs


National defense

HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales aircraft carrier formations
The army was founded in the mid-17th century. The monarch is the nominal supreme commander of the British Army. The highest military decision-making body is the Defence and Overseas Policy Board, chaired by the Prime Minister and composed of the Secretary of State for Defence, the Foreign Secretary, the Home Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. When necessary, the Chief of Staff of the Defence Staff and the Chief of Staff of the three Armed Forces shall attend the meeting without voting rights. The Ministry of National Defense is the national defense executive agency, which is both the executive branch of the government and the highest military command. The UK is North Atlantic Treaty Organization The founding and main member of the Group, which is also one of the five nuclear powers, has independent nuclear forces.
The core of British national strategy is: to actively participate in world affairs and safeguard Britain's international status; Relying on and leveraging NATO's collective defence forces to safeguard the security of Europe and the United Kingdom at home, and to expand British influence in Europe; Actively strengthen with Commonwealth countries To protect its extensive overseas interests.
British forces operate around the world such as: Northern Ireland , Cyprus , Germany, Gibraltar , Brunei , and The Falkland Islands All have bases.
On June 25, 2018, EU9 defense ministers, including France, Germany and the United Kingdom, met in Brussels Luxembourg Sign" European intervention initiative A letter of intent promising to form a joint European military intervention force. [17]
On January 3, 2022, the leaders of the five nuclear-weapon States, including the United Kingdom, jointly issued the" Joint Statement on the Prevention of Nuclear War and the Avoidance of Arms Race ". [25]

Military strength

As a founding member and a major member of the NATO bloc, the UK has nuclear forces and regards NATO's collective security as the foundation of Britain's security. The British armed forces number 183,100, including 138,100 active regulars, 4,060 mercenaries, and 32,500 volunteer reserves, including 75,000 active servicemen in the Army, 31,900 in the Navy, and 31,000 in the Air Force (as of January 2024). Britain's military industry is developed, and some of its weapons, equipment and technology rank among the world's advanced. In July 2016, the British Parliament passed a bill to replace four Trident ballistic missile nuclear submarines at a cost of 40 billion pounds. In December 2017, the Navy's "Queen Elizabeth" aircraft carrier was officially commissioned. The UK is a major exporter of weapons in the world, mainly including military aircraft, tactical missiles, combat ships and military electronic equipment. [1] [57]
Royal Navy It is composed of surface ship forces, naval aviation, Marine Corps, submarine forces, and has four fleets. It has 121 surface ships. On 4 July 2014, HMS Queen Elizabeth, the largest active aircraft carrier in the history of the British Navy by tonnage, was officially launched. [18]
British army It is often deployed overseas with ground combat forces, multinational coalition forces, or United Nations peacekeeping forces.
Royal Air Force The air arm of the British Army was founded on 1 April 1918 and has played an important role in British military history ever since World War II and Iraq War Such conflict plays a key role. The British Air Force has more than 450 aircraft and 200,000 standing personnel.

Military expenditure

Britain has the third highest military expenditure in the world. 2010-2011. Fiscal year The defense budget is about 36.9 billion pounds ($59 billion), and the government estimates that the Ministry of Defense will face a deficit of 38 billion pounds ($60.8 billion) over the next 10 years.

Branch of the services

Army: British army With 40 battalions, the total number of personnel remained at 117,000. The armed forces are fast in deployment, flexible in action, and strong in combat effectiveness and response capacity.
Air Force: Britain to Tornado air superiority fighter as the main force, there are about 300, ground attack aircraft jaguar 50, Falcon vertical takeoff and landing fighter 60, Eagle attack fighter 150, the British Navy has 40 Falcon vertical takeoff and landing fighter, a total of more than 600, and Germany, the West joint development of the "European joint fighter" EFA Britain will introduce about 250.
Navy: With aircraft carriers as the core, destroyer escorts, nuclear submarines or submarines, known as the global presence navy (Ocean Navy) (the above data is 2004 status).

Military action

In March 2011, the United Kingdom, France and the United States joined forces Libya Launch a military strike. In September 2014, Britain began participating in US-led strikes Iraq Within the borders Islamic State "Military action. In October, English ended in Afghanistan Military action. In December 2015, the British Parliament authorized British air strikes Syria Islamic State targets inside the country.



General situation

Transport in the United Kingdom
Britain has complete transport infrastructure. Land, rail, water and air transport are well developed. London has a well-developed underground network. The Channel Tunnel was opened in 1994, connecting Britain to the continental rail system. Cameron After coming to power, the government launched the construction of high-speed rail plan, the British government intends to invest 32 billion pounds to build a connection between London and Birmingham The high-speed rail network to the North of England is expected to start in 2017 and be completed in 2026. [1] [36]


Privatization was completed in 1997. At the beginning of the 21st century, the total railway length of the UK reached 16,600 km. In 2006, the total passenger volume of railways was 46.497 billion passenger-kilometers. The total freight volume was 22.1 billion tonne-km. National Rail and London Underground carry 49 per cent and 44 per cent of the rail system's traffic respectively, with the rest being carried by light rail.
The British government approved it in 2012 High Speed 2 HS2, the new London-Birmingham high-speed rail link, Birmingham - Leeds High speed rail link , Birmingham - Manchester High Speed rail Link .
According to the 2020 data released by the British government, the total railway mileage is 15,900 kilometers, there are 2,567 stations, 6049 kilometers of electrified railway lines, and the electrification rate is 38%. Taking into account the large fluctuation of traffic flow in 2020 caused by the epidemic, the data of 2018/19 financial year is used here, and the annual railway passenger trips in the UK are about 1.8 billion, the railway freight turnover is 17.37 billion tonne-kilometers, and the daily average is 47.59 million tonne-kilometers. pass The Channel Tunnel The British railway system is interconnected with the railway systems of continental Europe.
Only 3 cities in the UK have a subway, London is the world's first subway was born in the city, underground transport network is highly developed, in addition to London, only Newcastle (Newcastle) and Glasgow Both cities have underground trains with shorter lines. Newcastle's metro system is limited to the city centre, while Glasgow's is a closed-loop line built around the city centre.
Trains running at speeds of more than 250km/h within the UK will not be able to meet this standard, with the East Midlands line running at 200km/h and the North and West below. The UK has an international high speed rail line, the British High Speed 1 (HS1), which crosses the English Channel connecting the UK with mainland Europe, and Eurostar trains running on this line can reach a top speed of 300 km/h. At present, the UK is building the High Speed rail line 2 (HS2), which will connect London to Birmingham , Manchester Other central and northern cities, operating speeds of up to 360 km/h. [36]


Highways in the United Kingdom
The total length of roads in Britain is 397,600 km. Motorways and A-roads account for 65.4 per cent of road traffic, while toll highways account for only 1 per cent of total mileage. There are no tolls except for the motorway toll for about 43 km of the M6 north of Birmingham. In addition, Class A roads account for about 12% of the total mileage. Since the late 1980s, more than 60% of UK goods have been transported by road. It is estimated that trucks picking up goods from central regional logistics centers in the UK can deliver goods to any corner of the UK within 24 hours. [36]
At the end of June 2019, the total number of registered motor vehicles was 38.7 million, and 728,000 new motor vehicles were added in the second quarter of 2019. [1]

Water transport

British water transport
There are many large and small ports in the UK, of which 100 are important commercial ports, 52 ports with an annual throughput of more than 1 million tons, and ports with an annual throughput of 10 million tons are: Grimsby - Birmingham London, Tees - Hatpool, Forth, Milford - Haven, Southampton , Loverp, Salenvo, Felix, Dover Let's wait. 95% of all foreign trade is carried by sea, from most British ports to major European seaports Amsterdam , Brussels , Paris , Hamburg Wait for the goods to arrive in a day, to Marseille , Frankfurt and Milan It takes two days to arrive. According to the "2020 Maritime Review" released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Kingdom ranks 11th in the world in terms of dead weight tons (dwt) owned by the world's countries (excluding the fleet of overseas territories such as Bermuda), with a fleet carrying capacity of 53.19 million tons, accounting for 2.6% of the world's total fleet capacity. Among European countries, Britain ranks behind Greece, Germany and Norway. Inland waterway navigation totaled 3,200 km, 620 km of which was used for freight transportation. The Thames Is the busiest inland canal, followed by Forth . In 2018, UK ports handled 483 million tonnes, 54% of which was cargo between the UK and the EU. [36]

Air freight

British air transport
All airlines and most airports in the UK are privately owned. In 2007, there were more than 50 airlines with 952 aircraft in service, carrying 24.1 million passengers, covering 314 billion kilometers and carrying 54.181 billion tons of freight. British Airways British Airways is one of the world's largest airlines, with a fleet of more than 300 aircraft serving about 220 cities in more than 90 countries and territories. There are 449 airports in the UK, 35 of which handle more than 100,000 passengers a year. The largest airport in the UK is London Heathrow Airport It is the largest airport in Europe and one of the largest and busiest in the world, with 80.9 million passengers in 2019. Gatwick Airport It is the second largest airport in the UK, with 46.6 million passengers in 2019. 11 December 2015 The UK government has delayed a decision on whether to build a new runway at Heathrow Airport, which would also connect the UK to 40 new destinations. But the review says new runways should reduce environmental and noise levels.
Major airports include: London Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester Airport , Birmingham International Airport , Glasgow Airport , Edinburgh Airport , Newcastle Airport Let's wait. Among them, Heathrow Airport is the largest airport in the UK, with 80.1 million passengers arriving and departing in 2018 and about 1.68 million tons of cargo handled annually.
Before the epidemic, Edinburgh, Manchester and London, the three cities in the north, central and south of the UK, had opened direct flights to Chinese cities, and Beijing could fly directly to Edinburgh, Manchester and London. London can fly directly to Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Changsha, Qingdao, Xi 'an and other cities. Flights from Beijing, Shanghai and other places in China to London will land at Heathrow airport, and the flight time is about 11-13 hours. [36]



Science and technology

The UK is one of the world's important research and development bases for high-tech and high value-added industries, with 1% of the world's population engaged in 5% of the world's scientific research. Strong scientific research strength, involving a wide range of fields. Published academic papers accounted for 9% of the global total, 15.2% citations. The number of international important awards accounts for about 10% of the total, and more than 130 people have won so far Nobel Prize in Science Item. It has strong competitiveness in biopharmaceutical, aviation, automotive engine and defense industries. [36]


Central and local governments are responsible for higher education and compulsory education respectively. Education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16 in England, Wales and Scotland and between the ages of 4 and 16 in Northern Ireland. The illiteracy rate is about 1%. Public primary and secondary schools are free of charge, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of students; Private schools charge fees and students account for about 7% of the total. About 40 per cent of secondary school leavers are enrolled in higher education.
There are more than 110 universities and colleges of higher education in the country. Famous colleges and universities are University of Oxford , University of Cambridge , Imperial College London , London School of Economics , University of St Andrews , University College London , University of Warwick , University of Manchester , University of Edinburgh and Cardiff University Let's wait.
Strong scientific research strength, involving a wide range of fields. Published academic papers accounted for 9% of the global total, 13.4% citations. The number of international important awards accounts for about 10% of the total, and more than 130 people have won Nobel prizes in science so far. [1]

Medical treatment

The National Health Service (NHS) NHS It was established in 1948 by the then The Labour Party The Government created, and continues to provide, free health care for all.
According to the World Health Organization Statistics show that in 2011, the total expenditure on health care in the UK accounted for 9.4% of GDP, and the per capita expenditure on health care was 3,364 US dollars according to purchasing power parity calculations. From 2006 to 2013, there were 28 doctors, 89 nurses and midwives, 6 dentists and 7 pharmacists for every 10,000 people. Between 2006 and 2012, there were 29 hospital beds per 10,000 people.
Britain's National Health Service (NHS) provides free health care to all. The NHS is run independently in the four boroughs of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but the main framework remains the same. In 2019, life expectancy in England was 79.9 years for men and 83.6 years for women. [36]

News media

The British press and publishing industry is developed, there are about 1,300 kinds of newspapers, 8,500 kinds of weekly magazines and magazines, including 11 national daily newspapers and 11 newspapers issued every Sunday. Major newspapers and magazines include The Times, Financial Times, Daily Telegraph, Guardian, Independent, Observer, Sunday Times, Economist and so on. Internet penetration is high.
There are three main news agencies: (1) Reuters: founded in 1851, a collective joint venture, one of the world's important news agencies, headquartered in London, with more than 190 branches in 130 countries, with more than 25,000 editors, reporters and photographers and all kinds of staff. (2) Press Association: Founded in 1868, PA News, PA Sport, PA Search and PA Data Design are jointly operated by four companies, specializing in providing public relations and investment information for British and Canadian companies. (3) AFX News Limited: Jointly operated by Agence France-Presse and the Financial Times, AFX News Limited provides information and services to the financial and business communities in Europe, with branches in many European countries, the United States and Japan, and its headquarters in London.
There are FIVE national television stations in the United Kingdom, namely the BBC, ITV, Channel4, Channel 5 and S4C, which is dedicated to the Welsh region and uses Welsh language. In addition, there are satellite and cable TV, such as Sky TV.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), founded in 1922, is one of the world's major media, with more than 10 traditional and online radio stations, more than 10 traditional and digital interactive television channels, in more than 40 languages broadcast to countries around the world. [1]



Foreign policy

UK as Permanent member of the United Nations Security Council Is one of the world's major nuclear powers. Yes North Atlantic Treaty Organization , The British Commonwealth , Western European Union And other important member states of 120 international organizations. He called for strengthening relations with the United States to realize common interests. We attach importance to developing relations with other major countries and strive to improve relations with China, Russia, India and other major countries. Strive to maintain and expand traditional ties with Commonwealth countries Developing country The impact of... Actively participate in global affairs, maintain a strong national defense force, emphasize Free trade . Strengthen international cooperation on environmental protection, human rights, sustainable development and other issues. Human rights issues as part of it Foreign policy The core.

External relations

Relations with Europe
January 1960, for the confrontation European Economic Community , UK and Austria , Denmark , Norse , Portugal , Switzerland , Sweden The six countries formally signed the European Free Trade Association Treaty. With its member countries of varying economic levels and lax inter-governmental cooperation, the Union struggled to compete with the European Community. In 1961 and 1967, Britain applied to join the European Community, but was not approved. At the end of 1972, Britain left the Union. In 1973, Britain joined the European Community. However, the differences and differences between the United Kingdom and the European countries have not been really solved, and the attitude of the United Kingdom towards the European Community is still full of uncertainty, which has laid hidden dangers for the outbreak of contradictions between the two sides. It broke out in 2009 European debt crisis It rewrote the external environment and internal pattern of UK-EU relations, not only made Britain's Eurosceptic heart quickly ferment, but also accelerated the pace of Britain's Brexit. [22] On June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom held a referendum, with 52% of voters choosing to "leave" the European Union. On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom officially leaves the European Union. [23]
Relations with the United States
America It was a British colony before the country was founded American Revolution Britain and America are at war.
During World War II, Britain and the United States formed an alliance, and after World War II, they were both members of NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization The alliance. [19]
Relations with Ireland
Ireland On 6 October 2014, the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom signed a landmark agreement on mutual short-term visa exemption between the two countries, allowing people from both countries to travel China , India , Russia Tourists and business people from other non-EU countries can travel freely between the two islands using a single visa.
Relations with France
In November 2010, the British and French governments signed a military cooperation agreement, agreeing to create a joint force to be shared Aircraft carrier And jointly develop new nuclear test facilities.
In November 2022, Britain and France sign agreement to expand cooperation to contain English Channel The smuggling problem. [42] 41 -
Relations with China
In January 1950, the British government announced its recognition People's Republic of China .
On June 17, 1954, China and Britain reached an agreement to send charge d 'affaires to each other.
On March 13, 1972, the two countries signed a joint communique on upgrading diplomatic relations to ambassadorial level.
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, September 1982 Margaret Thatcher As the first serving British Prime minister to visit China.
In December 1984, Thatcher visited China again and the two countries signed an agreement on the Hong Kong issue 中英联合声明 .
In October 1986, Queen Elizabeth II Pay a state visit to China. This is the first time in history that a British head of state has visited China.
On July 1, 1997, the Sino-British project was successfully completed The return of Hong Kong The transition of power.
In 1998, two countries Head of government We have successfully exchanged visits and established a comprehensive partnership.
In October 1999, Jiang Zemin The president is on a state visit to Britain, which is President of China First visit to the UK.
On the morning of November 09, 2010, the British Prime Minister Cameron Arrived in Beijing for an official visit to China.
From June 16 to 19, 2014, Li Keqiang Carry on to the UK Official visit . [19]
October 19-23, 2015, Xi Jinping The chairman carried on to Britain State visit This is the first state visit by a Chinese president to the UK in 10 years. [40]
The UK is China's third largest trading partner, second largest investment destination and third largest source of foreign investment in Europe, and China is the UK's largest trading partner in Asia. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and the UK will reach 103.3 billion US dollars, of which China's exports to the UK will reach 81.5 billion US dollars and imports from the UK will reach 21.8 billion US dollars. By the end of 2022, two-way investment stock stood at US $51.02 billion, of which US $29.17 billion was invested by British companies in China and US $21.85 billion by Chinese companies in the UK. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and the UK will reach US $97.9 billion, of which US $77.9 billion will be exported to the UK and US $20 billion will be imported from the UK. [58]
The Chinese have been immigrating to Britain for more than 200 years. At present, there are more than 700,000 Chinese in the UK, 70% of which are from China Hong Kong Most are concentrated in major cities such as London, with Greater London accounting for about a third of the total.
Since the establishment of the high-level People-To-People Exchange mechanism in 2012, China and the UK have held five meetings so far, the most recent of which was held in London in December 2017. The two countries have signed an intergovernmental agreement on scientific and technological cooperation and more than 20 agreements or memoranda of understanding on scientific and technological cooperation. In November 2018, the 9th meeting of the China-UK Joint Commission on Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation was held in the UK.
The two countries have active cultural exchanges. During the 2015 China-UK Year of Cultural Exchange, the two sides have held the "UK Culture Season" with the theme of "New Generation" and the "China Culture Season" with the theme of "Creative China" in each other's country. In 2016, the two sides held a series of commemorative activities to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the death of Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare. In February 2018, the exhibition "The First Emperor of Qin and the Terracotta Warriors" was held at the National Museum of Liverpool, England. In 2019, the National Peking Opera Theatre of China and others held themed performances in the UK to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China.
The UK is one of the first European countries to conduct educational cooperation and exchanges with China and to receive the largest number of Chinese students. In 2020, the UK became the largest overseas destination for Chinese students. There are now 30 Confucius Institutes and 164 Confucius classrooms in the UK, more than any other European country.
In 2019, 771,200 Chinese tourists visited the UK on their first stop, a record high. The number of British tourists to China was 608,000. The UK has introduced a number of visa facilitation measures in China. In January 2016, the two sides announced the issuance of two-year, multiple-entry visas for eligible citizens of each other's countries engaged in business, tourism and other activities.
The two countries have established 69 pairs of sister city (province, county and district) relations. China has three consulates General in the UK (Manchester, Edinburgh and Belfast), and the UK has five consulates General in China (Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Wuhan). [57]
China and the UK have maintained sound cooperation in such areas as health, climate change and sustainable development. During Prime Minister Gordon Brown's visit to China in January 2008, the two sides decided to launch the China-UK Health Innovation Partnership Action Plan and formulate a cooperation plan for the 2012 Olympic Games, and signed the Joint Statement on Climate Change and the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Governments of China and the UK on Sustainable Cities. In September 2010 and December 2013, the Chinese and British health authorities signed two memorandums of understanding on health cooperation. In November 2010, the two sides renewed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the UK and China on Cooperation in Sustainable Cities. In June 2014, the two countries issued the" China-uk Joint Statement on climate change ". [44]
Relations with Belarus
In April 2022, Belarus "A list of countries that have taken unfriendly actions against Belarusian legal entities and individuals has been identified," said the document published on the National Law Internet portal. The list includes Britain. [27]
Relations with India
April 2022, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Johnson The United Kingdom and India have agreed to a new defence and security partnership. [28]
Relations with Japan
On June 28, 2022, in Germany Group of seven British Prime Minister Boris Johnson talks with his Japanese counterpart during the G7 summit Fumio Kishida During the talks, it was confirmed that Britain would withdraw its target on Wednesday Fukushima Remaining restrictions on food. Mr Johnson told Mr Kishida that the relationship between Britain and Japan was "going from strength to strength". [31]
Relations with South Korea
Local time on November 22, 2023, the President of South Korea Yin Xiyue And the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Signed at 10 Downing Street Downing Street agreement The Downing Street Accord elevated the bilateral relationship to a "global strategic partnership." [49]
Relations with Canada
On January 25, 2024, a spokesperson for Canada's trade minister said that at the initiative of the British government, Canada and the United Kingdom have suspended negotiations on a free trade agreement. [50]
Relations with Australia
On 20 March 2024, Australia and the United Kingdom signed a new defence and security cooperation agreement in Canberra. [53]
Relations with Kazakhstan
On April 24, 2024, Kazakhstan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Bolat Nurtreu and British Secretary of State for Foreign Development David Cameron signed a strategic partnership agreement in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan. [56]

Special product


Scotch whisky

Britain Scotch whisky With a long history, Scottish Highlands The special water quality and extremely strict brewing process make it produced there whiskey Known as "liquid gold".

Teddy bear

Teddy bear
Teddy Bear has a rounded body and limbs, fluffy and warm Angola Wool, simple materials and thread, honest expression, and 100% hand sewing and stuffing work.


British silverware is very gorgeous, well-made and complex, widely welcomed by tourists from all over the world, especially the silver Christmas tableware, in addition to a very beautiful variety there are many, from candle holders to knives and forks to dishes everything, the production of this kind of silverware is also a traditional British handicraft.

Leather goods

British leather goods have been around since Germination of capitalism From the small hand workshop in the period to the mechanized large-scale production in the early 21st century, the contemporary style has been refined and improved through the generations. British leather goods have always wanted to be stable and refined gentleman Temperament.

Witwicky pottery

Strong demand for fine art ceramics Britain is an earlier country in Europe to produce ceramics, and ceramics are more commonly used in the UK. In addition to exporting a large number of ceramics, Britain also imports a large number of ceramics. Bone China The most famous in the UK, the world's top ten famous China (bone China) are all in the UK, focusing on the durability of the product. Witge porcelain has undergone various endurance tests, including a world record set in September 1988, when four Witge bone China coffee cups were carried on a 50-ton earth truck, demonstrating its robustness.


Shirley It is the translation of Sherry in English, and has also been translated into harmonic Li, Shelly and so on. This wine is called in Spain and Reitz wine, because the British especially love it, so it is called by its approximate English translation Sherry (prince). Sherry has been imitated in many countries around the world.

English black tea

English black tea It has become an important drink for the British people. In the past, the aristocratic style of afternoon tea is always quite exquisite, in a large courtyard, to gather the family to drink black tea on time is always a difficult thing, so they ring beautiful bells, with the bell to tell the family is to use the afternoon tea time.



Scenic spot

Historic site

The numerous castles and country houses are a testament to the long history of British land properties owned by aristocratic families. A large number of valuable ancient buildings have been well preserved, including those that are still used by people The Duke of Marlborough the Blenheim Palace , Duke of Devonshire The palace of Czatsworth, Longleat House of the Marquess of Bath, these princes and nobles in Tudor dynasty , The Hanoverian Dynasty , House of Windsor Private estates and mansions built in other historical periods are British history A typical example of architecture. Many private estates and mansions scattered throughout towns and villages, as well as ancient walls, towers, unique buildings and other monuments, are actively protected as part of Britain's historic heritage, including old quarry towers, Industrial revolution The mills and factories of the period, the iron bridge and other Bridges built by Thomas Telford, the Forth Bridge, a masterpiece of steel architecture, and the beautiful Clifton Suspension Bridge, among others. Painter Gao Heqi Apply Chinese ink painting The Stowe old man stone in Scotland embodies the fusion of Chinese landscape painting brush and ink language in the face of exotic scenery.


In English, traditional gardens are called garden or Park . From the 14th and 15th centuries to the middle of the 19th century, the content and scope of western gardens were greatly expanded, and the garden design expanded from the main private courtyard design in history to the park and private garden. The function of the garden is no longer just an extension of family life, but a place to improve the urban environment for the public to rest, communicate and enjoy.
The National Trust and the National Trust for Scotland look after around 240 gardens in the UK and develop them for the public. English Heritage is also the custodian of some of the UK's most important scenic spots, including gardens under its care Kent County The Charles Darwin Garden at Downhouse, The county of Essex The 18th century landscape gardens at Audley Manor, designed by the versatile Brown, as well as Walmell Castle in Kent, the Queen Mother's Gardens by Benelop Hobhorth, and more. In addition, Isabel von Gronenigen's South Moat garden for Eltham Palace in south London, Osborne House A walled floral garden designed by Rupert Golby Isle of Wight Queen Victoria Family garden and so on.
Great British cities, especially London, are famous for their beautiful and well-protected parks. include Hyde Park , St James's Park and Green Park The Royal Gardens in London represent the highest level of European garden art, not only that, in Greater London Everywhere you look, you can find beautifully shaped and well maintained gardens for public entertainment and leisure. The Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, south-west London, has a vast collection of living and protected trees, seeds and plants, and is itself an encyclopedia of the plant kingdom, as well as a scientific centre for botanical research worldwide. in Cornwall The Millennium Commission provided £40 million in funding to transform an abandoned clay pit into a brand new garden, the only one of its kind in the world, known as the Eden Project.
England There are 7 National park , Welsh There are 3 national parks, each of which contains large areas of natural beauty, most of which are privately owned. It's from 1688 Glorious revolution Have established Constitutional monarchy It became the first in the world to be completed between the 1760s and 1830s Industrial revolution The state of [2] National strength grew rapidly. From the 18th to the early 20th centuries, British rule spanned the globe Seven continents At that time, it was the most powerful country in the world and the first major colonial empire colony It's 111 times the size of the mainland [3] , known as The sun never sets on the Empire . On twice World war China and China won the victory, but their national strength was severely damaged. By the second half of the 20th century British Empire Disintegrated, the position of capitalist world hegemony was America Replace. For now, however, Britain remains a great power with enormous influence in the world. [2]



Economic sanctions

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) February 22, 2022, Johnson Announced on the same day, Sanctions will be imposed on five Russian banks and three high net worth individuals. [26]
synthesis Agence Presse and Reuters London - The United Kingdom announced on May 8, 2022 local time that it will deal with Russia and Russia Belarus New sanctions were imposed, including import duties and export bans on precious metals.
The UK's Department for International Trade issued a statement saying the UK would raise its contribution Russia and Belarus inward platinum and palladium Import duties on a range of products will increase by 35 percentage points, while exports to Russia of chemicals, plastics, rubber and machinery worth a total of 250 million pounds will also be banned.
Britain said the government would legislate for new sanctions in due course.
The new UK sanctions bring the total value of Russian products subject to full or partial import and export sanctions to more than £4 billion. [30]