DOS/BAT- Home of scripts


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dos, short for Disk Operating System, is a class of operating systems on personal computers. For 15 years, from 1981 to 1995, disk operating systems dominated the IBM PC-compatible market. Moreover, if you include the partial Dos-based versions of Microsoft Windows, such as Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me, then the commercial life can be calculated until at least 2000. In all subsequent versions of Microsoft, the disk operating system remained.

A complete DOS consists of five parts:

  1. BOOT: The formatter writes directly to the initial sector of the disk.
  2. Basic input/output manager (IBMBIO.COM for PC-DOS, IO.SYS for MS-DOS).
  3. File management and system function callers (PC-DOS for IBMDOS.COM, MS-DOS). Is MSDOS.SYS).
  4. COMMAND handler (
  5. Various external commands: executable files to complete various auxiliary functions.

bat files are batch files under dos. A batch file is an unformatted text file that contains one or more commands. Its file extension is.bat or.cmd. Type the name of the batch file at the command prompt, or double-click the batch file, and the system invokes cmd.exe to run the commands in the file one by one in the order in which they appear. Using batch files (also known as batch programs or scripts), you can simplify routine or repetitive tasks.

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Date :2024-06-07 Batch conversion disk convert command implementation
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Date :2023-10-31 Use a batch file (.bat) to launch multiple CMD Windows and execute commands
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Date :2023-10-08 Example of using bat to batch change file names in Windows
Date :2023-10-06 20 basic operating commands commonly used under DOS
Date :2023-08-31 The usage of if statement in windows batch processing is detailed
Date :2023-08-29 Detailed explanation of function parameter passing and jump of batch commands
Date :2023-08-24 Example of obtaining a process name based on the port number in windows
Date :2023-08-21 The usage of the set command in windows batch processing
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Date :2023-08-07 Summary of common Windows batch processing (cmd/bat) commands
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Date :2023-07-11 Windows Periodically deletes files earlier than N days (Latest recommendation)
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