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Important western festivals
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Easter is an important Western festival, on the first Sunday after the full moon of the spring equinox. It is a Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus on the third day after his crucifixion. Also known as Jesus Easter, the Lord Easter, the Catholic Church also known as the resurrection of Jesus.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Easter [1]
Festival time
The first Sunday after the spring equinox every year
Festival type
Religious festival
Festival origin
Festival activity
Make holiday Eggs
Festival meaning
In memory of Jesus Christ

Festival development

The early Church used it as a substitute for the Jewish Passover. Some churches began commemorating the 14th day of Nissa in the Jewish calendar; The Council of Nicaea in 325 decreed that the first Sunday after the full moon of the vernal equinox was Easter every year. In 1582, Western Europe switched to the Gregorian calendar. Some Eastern churches still use the Julian calendar, so Easter is usually a week or two, or even five weeks, later than Catholics and Protestants. Easter eggs are given to each other during the festival to symbolize life and prosperity. Because the vernal equinox is not fixed each year, the exact date of Easter is also uncertain. But the festival dates roughly between March 22 and April 25.

Festival symbol

The holiday symbols of Easter are Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny.

Easter egg

During the festival, people in accordance with the traditional custom of boiled eggs painted red, representing the swan crying blood, but also said the goddess of life after the birth of happiness. Adults and children gathered in groups in a place, with eggs for the game, they put eggs on the ground or on the slope, the final rupture is the winner, the winner can get all the players of the egg. The game is so popular that the White House organizes it during Easter. It is believed that rolling eggs around on the ground will make demons tremble and suffer. This custom has a long history, the egg as a symbol of Easter, because it indicates the arrival of new life, people believe that new life will be born.

Easter Bunny

Another symbol of Easter is the rabbit, because it has a strong reproductive ability, people regard it as the creator of new life. During the festival, adults vividly tell children that Easter eggs will hatch into bunnies. Many families will also put eggs in the garden lawn, let the children play egg hunt game. Easter eggs and bunnies are also popular items during the holiday season.
In addition, lilies are the main flower used during Easter.