
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
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Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ( Luxembourgian : Groussherzogtum Letzebuerg, German : Großherzogtum Luxemburg, French Grand- Duche de Luxembourg, or Luxembourg for short, is located in northwest Europe, bordering Germany to the east, France to the south, and Belgium to the west and north, with an area of 2586.3 square kilometers. The average temperature in January is 0.8℃, the average temperature in July is 17.5℃, the average annual temperature is 9℃, and the average annual precipitation is 782.2 mm. The country is divided into 3 regions, 12 provinces, 102 municipalities, the capital is Luxembourg City . Population of Luxembourg 672,000, [14] Of these, 52.6 per cent were Luxembourgers and 47.4 per cent were foreigners (mainly Portuguese, French, Italian, Belgian, German, British and Dutch nationals). [1] [9]
Luxembourg was united in 963 AD. 15th - 18th century experience Spain , France , Austria The reign of 1815 became Grand duchy . In 1867 it became Neutral state He renounced neutrality in 1948. [1]
In 2021, Luxembourg achieved a gross domestic product of $78,392 million. Economic growth rate: 7%. Inflation rate: 2.5%. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Luxembourg City
Major city
Dikirch, Gravenmacher
National Day
June 23rd
National song
"Our Country" (Ons Hemecht)
Country code
Official language
Luxembourgian , German , French
Euro [1]
Time zone
Political system
A parliamentary constitutional monarchy
National leader
Grand Duke Henry (Grand Duke) , Luc Frieden (Prime Minister)
Population number
672,000 [14]
Population density
241.7 persons per square kilometer [7] (2020)
Major nationality
Luxembourger [1]
Major religion
Catholicism [1]
Land area
2586.3 km² [2]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$78.392 billion (Year 2021)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the right
The national flower
Chinese rose Rosa L.
National bird
Daisy (Daitelet /ROITELET)
Human development index
0.875 (tied for 26th, extremely high, 2013)
National motto
"As always"
Largest city
Luxembourg City
Pocket kingdom
Leading institution
University of Luxembourg

Historical evolution

The ancient region of Gaul, inhabited by Belgian tribes, was conquered by the Roman Caesar's legions in the 1st century BC.
The 5th century Franks Intrude into Frankish kingdom Part of it.
After the division of the Frankish Kingdom, the Luxembourg region became the domain of Siegfried, Count of Ardennes, in 963. In 1060 his descendant Conrad became Holy Roman Empire Of the Counts of Luxembourg, the territory of Luxembourg was basically formed.
In 1308 Henry IV, Count of Luxembourg, was elected Holy Rome Emperor, said Henry VII Who started an empire House of Luxembourg (1308 ~ 1437).
In 1364, Luxembourg was raised to duchy status.
In the 15th century Luxembourg was The Duke of Burgundy Under control.
In the early 16th century The House of Habsburg The reign of Charles I.
In 1556, it came under the rule of the King of Spain.
At the end of the 16th century, Luxembourg's iron-smelting industry began to develop.
In the 17th century, Luxembourg became involved Thirty Years' War .
Signed in 1659 The Treaty of the Pyrenees Some parts of southern Luxembourg were transferred to France.
From 1684 to 1697, France occupied all of Luxembourg.
The year 1714 War of the Spanish Succession After the end, Luxembourg followed The Spanish Netherlands co-vesting Austria .
From 1795 to 1814, France occupied Luxembourg.
The year 1815 Congress of Vienna It was decided that Luxembourg would be elevated to the rank of Grand Duchy, with the King of the Netherlands as his Grand duke And at the same time join German Confederation It was garrisoned by the Prussian army, and some of the eastern part of Luxembourg was given to Prussia.
In 1830 the Netherlands split into the Netherlands and the Netherlands Belgium Two kingdoms later, 1839 Treaty of London The western half of Luxembourg was transferred to Belgium and the eastern half became an independent state with the King of the Netherlands as grand duke.
In 1848, the European Revolution spread to Luxembourg and began to formulate Constitutional monarchy The nature of the Constitution.
In 1866, Luxembourg seceded German Confederation .
1867 Treaty of London Luxembourg was determined to be independent Neutral state .
1868, enacted Constitutional monarchy The Constitution.
In 1890, he was completely freed from the rule of the King of the Netherlands and was taken over by the Nassau-Weilburg family. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Independence.
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Luxembourg's economy developed rapidly, especially the iron smelting and steelmaking industry became the main industry of the country, becoming a developed industrial country.
During World War I, the German army occupied Luxembourg, and the Grand Duke and government came under German control.
In 1921, Luxembourg and Belgium Enter into a customs economic union.
In World War II, Germany Nazi The army occupied Luxembourg from 1940 to 1944 and incorporated it into Germany. The Grand Duke and the government went into exile in England. The people of Luxembourg fought against fascism.
1945 Luxembourg joined the United Nations after the war.
In 1948, a customs economic union was established with Belgium and the Netherlands.
In 1949, he joined North Atlantic Treaty Organization To give up its neutral status.
In 1958, he joined European Community .
In 1972, Luxembourg amended its constitution for the fourth time. Luxembourg has a unicameral parliament, to which the Cabinet is accountable. The main political parties are Christian Socialist Party Socialist Workers' Party, Democratic Party.
On November 16, 1972, Luxembourg and China were established Diplomatic relations .
Since 1974, in order to adapt to the increasingly fierce competition in the international market, domestic changes Economic structure In a single situation, the Luxembourg government implemented the policy of industrial diversification, and achieved some achievements, further economic development, and steel production per capita reached 16 tons in the 1980s, ranking far in the world, and became International financial center One of them.
In 1995 it became Schengen area It became one of the first euro members in May 1998.

Geographical environment


Regional location

Luxembourg is located in northwest Europe, bordered by Germany to the east, France to the south, and Germany to the west and north Belgium Border on. It is a landlocked country with an area of 2586.3 square kilometers. [1]


Landforms of Luxembourg
The terrain is high in the north and low in the south Ardennes One third of the land is in the Ushland region. To the south is the Gultland Plain.

Climatic characteristics

Map of Luxembourg
The climate of Luxembourg belongs to the transitional climate of ocean and continent, and the temperature is relatively moderate throughout the year, with an average temperature of 0.8℃ in January and 17.5℃ in July. The average annual temperature is 9℃, and the average annual precipitation is 782.2 mm. The northern climate is cold, the average temperature in winter is below 0℃, the lowest temperature is about -15℃; The average temperature in summer is about 18℃. The south has a pleasant climate, with an average temperature of 2℃ in winter and 17.5℃ ~ 19.5℃ in summer. The average annual temperature is 9℃, and the average annual precipitation is 782.2 mm.

Natural resources

Luxembourg is relatively poor in natural resources. The forest area is nearly 90,000 hectares, accounting for about 1/3 of the land area. Within Luxembourg Iron ore resources Rich, mainly distributed in the southern Gutland plain "red soil area", the soil has a high iron content, the soil is brown red, so it is called "red soil country". In 2010, proven iron ore reserves of 270 million tons are the most important mineral resources in Luxembourg. [1]

Administrative division

The country is divided into 3 regions, 12 provinces and 102 municipalities. [3]
Area (km) 2 )
The capital
Gravenmacher Grevenmacher

National symbol


Country name

The country of Luxembourg (De Luxemburg) derives its name from the capital city. In the 3rd century AD, a fortress was built near Buk, which the Germanic Franks called Lutzelburg, meaning small castle in Old Gauld. Lutzel means small. In 963 AD, the brother of the Count of Ardennes, Sizhevluk, chose a steep and winding valley on the ancient Roman Avenue on the banks of the Alzette River to build a castle, and used the name of the castle of Luzelle, which was later reported as the present name.


Flag of Luxembourg
Flag of Luxembourg Rectangular in shape, the ratio of length to width is 5:3 or 2:1. The flag is composed of three parallel and equal horizontal rectangles, which are red, white and light blue from top to bottom. Red symbolizes the warm and brave national character, and also symbolizes the blood of martyrs sacrificed in the struggle for national independence and national liberation; White symbolizes the simplicity of the people and the pursuit of peace; Blue represents the blue sky, which means that people get light and happiness. The three colors together symbolize equality, democracy and freedom.

National emblem

Coat of arms of Luxembourg
Coat of arms of Luxembourg Divided into three types, the central pattern is a coat of arms, painted with white and blue ten horizontal stripes, and the middle is an angry red lion wearing a gold crown. There is a crown on it. There are two lions in the middle. The Grand coat of arms is the middle coat of arms plus a cloak, with a grand duke's crown above and a medal below. The coat of arms is of the cloak type. Under a gold, red, and white cloak topped with a golden crown, there is a coat of arms. The shield is made up of parallel stripes in white and blue, painted with an upright red lion wearing a crown, the colors of the national flag. Above the coat of arms is a duke's gold crown, with a golden lion on each side, surrounded by ribbons, and an Order of Ocon hanging from the lower end. The emblem symbolises Luxembourg as a grand Duchy.

National anthem

Our Fatherland, words by Mikael Lentz, music by Jan-Anthony Cinem.
Lyrics of the national anthem:
Heaven, You have a strong hand to rule the kingdoms below, and protect Luxembourg from foreign chains and disasters.
Please, as always, give your spirit of freedom to all countries, so that the bright sun of freedom will never set.
Let the shining free sun never set.

The national flower

National bird

National language

Luxembourgian Official language is French , German , Luxembourgian .


Luxembourg City, with an area of 51.2 square kilometers and a population of 133,000. [11]



Total and composition

population 672,000, of which 52.7 per cent were Luxembourgers and 47.3 per cent were foreigners (mainly Portuguese, French, Italian, Belgian, German, British and Dutch nationals). [14]


The official languages are Luxembourgish, German and French. Luxembourgish is spoken as a folk language and is also used in local administration and justice; German is mostly used in newspapers and periodicals; French is mostly used in administration, justice and diplomacy. [2]
The multilingual phenomenon of "crossroads countries" is due to the coexistence of different nationalities, but Luxembourg is not, traditionally, the main nationality of the country is only one - Luxembourger This nation is close to France in blood, but has long been German-speaking in history." Holy Roman Empire In part, the upper echelons of the European court also widely used the traditional habit of communicating in French, which resulted in the phenomenon that both German and French became written languages, while Luxembourgish, which had not been written for a long time, was used as spoken language for a long time.
Luxembourgish is Franconian A branch of the language, the speakers are mainly distributed in the Mosel district and the bordering German and French cities. Luxembourgish belongs to the Middle and Western languages of High German, but has more than 5,000 words of French etymology. As a native language, Luxembourgers consider it the "language of the heart" and use it in everyday speech rather than writing. In the education system, the three languages of Lou, German and French are gradually and simultaneously. Classes are taught in Luxembourgish in the lower grades, in German in the upper grades, and in French in middle school. Proficiency in these three languages is a requirement for local secondary school graduation, which means that half of secondary school students do not get a diploma. The children of immigrants, especially non-European immigrants, suffer disproportionately under the system.
Luxembourg has a particularly large foreign diaspora, accounting for more than 30 percent of the country's population, and the largest immigrant group is Portuguese and Italian . They also brought their own language with them. However, Portuguese and Italian are largely confined to communication within immigrant groups and are not widely used on a large scale.




Carry out Constitutional monarchy . Luxembourg has maintained long-term political stability, the government has promoted economic and social system reform and diversification strategy, focused on ensuring people's livelihood, achieved sustainable economic development, and active diplomacy. [1-2]
Royal Family of Luxembourg: Grand Duke of Luxembourg -- Grand Duke Henry ; Grand Duchess -- Maria Teresa Mestre .


It was promulgated on October 17, 1868 and has since been amended several times. Under the Constitution, the Grand Duke is the head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces, with legislative and executive powers and the right to dissolve parliament. In practice, Parliament exercises legislative power and the government exercises executive power and is accountable to Parliament. [1]


The unicameral system is the highest legislative body. There are 60 members who serve five-year terms. On 8 October 2023, Luxembourg held a parliamentary election in which the Christian Social People's Party won 21 seats, the Democratic Party 14 seats, the Socialist Workers' Party 11 seats, the Green Party 4 seats, and other small and medium-sized parties 10 seats. Claude Weisler of the Christian Socialists was appointed speaker. [14]


The judiciary is independent. The magistrates' Court is the most basic judicial body and is responsible for hearing minor civil, commercial and public security matters. The District courts are the second level of the judiciary, hearing civil, commercial and criminal cases and hearing appeals from magistrates' courts and first instance decisions within their jurisdiction. The High Court is the highest judicial body, consisting of a Supreme Court and a Court of Appeal. In addition, there are administrative courts, which are mainly responsible for adjudicating acts of administrative bodies; The establishment of a constitutional court to examine the constitutionality of a law; The Public Prosecutor's Office is responsible for tracing and prosecuting criminal violations and supervising the enforcement of rulings. [14]


The current government was formed on 16 November 2023 by a coalition of the Christian Social People's Party (CSP) and the Democratic Party (PD), with a total of 15 cabinet members, including the CSU Prime Minister Luc Frieden and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs, Cooperation, Foreign Trade, and Regional Affairs (PD) Gezavier Bettel. [14]

Political party

(1) Parti Populaire Chretien Social (CSV) : the Christian Social People's Party, founded in 1914. Its original name was "Right Wing Party", but it changed to its current name in 1944. The Chairman is Luc Frieden.
(2) Parti Democratique (DP) : Founded in 1904. Formerly the Liberal Party, it was reestablished in 1945 as the Democratic Patriotic Group and adopted its current name in 1955. Chairman Lex DELLES.
(3) Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Luxembourgeois (LSAP) : Social Labour Party, founded in 1902. Originally the Social Democratic Party of Luxembourg, it adopted its current name in 1945. The two chairs are Francine Closener (female) and Dan Biancalana.
(4) Green Party (Parti Vert, Dei Greng) : Founded in 1983. It split in 1986 and was reunited in December 1994. The two chairs are Djuna Bernard (female) and Meris Sehovic.
(5) Parti reformiste d 'Alternative democratique (ADR) : Founded in 1989. Formerly known as the Action Committee for a Democratic and Equitable Pension, it changed to its current name in April 2006. Chairman Fred Keup.
(6) Left Party (La Gauche/ Dei Lenk) : Founded in 1999 by some members of the Communist Party of Luxembourg, the New Left, the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, etc. The National Coordinating Committee is the supreme governing body, and its members take turns serving as Party chairman and secretary.
(7) Piratepartei (Luxembourg Pirate Party) : Founded in 2009. The two chairmen and speakers are Starsky FLOR and Rebecca LAU. [14]


Grand Duke Henry
Grand Duke Henry: Head of state, born April 16, 1955. He studied at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1975 and received his Officer's diploma. He received his Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Geneva, Switzerland in 1978. He has received several honorary doctorates. In 1989 he became a Colonel in the Lu Army and was awarded the rank of honorary Major in the British Parachute Regiment. Member of the Council of State from 1980 to 1998. Member of the International Olympic Committee since 1998. He took the throne on 7 October 2000. He visited China three times as Grand Prince in 1988, 1994 and 1998, paid a state visit to China as Grand Duke in September 2006, and attended the opening ceremony and related activities of the Beijing Olympic Games in August 2008 as Head of State and member of the International Olympic Committee. In October 2010, he attended the Luxembourg Pavilion Day at the Shanghai World Expo. [2]
On 23 June 2024, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg announced the beginning of the abdication process, and his son William will become deputy Regent and prepare to take over government duties in October. [12]
Luc Frieden, Prime Minister, born September 1963, Master of Laws. He joined the Christian Social People's Party in 1993, and from 1994 to 1998, he was a member of the Luxembourg National Assembly, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Finance and Budget, and Chairman of the Committee on Institutional and Constitutional Changes. From 1998 to 2013, he served as Minister of Justice, Foreign affairs, defense and Finance in the Juncker government. He started his business career in 2013 and has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco Internationale de Luxembourg for a long time. He became Prime Minister in November 2023. [14]




Developed capitalist countries have a small state and rich people. Per capita GDP has been ranked among the top three in the world for many years. Lack of natural resources, small market, economic dependence on foreign countries. The steel industry, finance and satellite communications are the three pillars of Luxembourg's economy. Key economic data for the fourth quarter of 2023 are as follows: [15]
Economic data
Numerical value
Public debt ratio (% of GDP)
Quarterly GDP growth rate
Inflation rate
Unemployment rate
Reference materials: [11]


The proportion of agriculture in GDP has been declining. Agricultural land is mainly located in the north and east of Rwanda, mostly operated by large farms with more than 50 hectares of land. Animal husbandry accounts for more than 50% of agricultural production, and there are grape growing, forestry, hunting, fishing and so on. [1-2] [15]


After the oil crisis in the 1970s, the proportion of industry declined year by year, and by the beginning of 2023, only 30,000 people in the country were engaged in industrial production, and industrial output accounted for less than one-fifth of GDP. Mainly in iron and steel, chemical industry, machinery manufacturing, rubber, food industry is also more developed. [2] [12]


There are many historic sites and rich deposits. Tourists mainly come from Germany, France, the Netherlands and other neighboring European countries. In 2021, it will receive about 853,000 tourists, including 653,000 for hotel accommodation and 142,000 for wilderness camping. [1-2] [10] [12]

Finance and finance

The financial sector is well developed, accounting for 25% of GDP. By the end of 2023, more than 120 banks from more than 20 countries had registered in Rwanda. It is the second largest fund management center in the world and the largest in Europe, with more than 5 trillion euros under management, accounting for 56% of the global fund market share. [1-2] [12] [15]

Famous company

(1) ArcelorMittal Group (ArcelorMittal) : the largest company in Rwanda, the world's largest steel group. It is headquartered in Luxembourg City. In 2001, the Luarbide Steel Company (founded in 1882) merged with Northern France and Asselaglia in Spain to form the Arcelor Group. In July 2006, Arcelor merged with Mittal, the world's largest steel company, to form the ArcelorMittal Group.
(2) European Satellite Company (SES GLOBAL) : Founded in 1985, headquartered in Luxembourg. The company operates the ASTRA, AMERICOM and NEW SKIES satellite systems to provide customers with TV, radio and multimedia direct-to-home messaging services. The world's leading satellite operator with a fleet of 70 satellites.
(3) Cargolux Airlines International, founded in 1970, is the largest cargo airline in Europe. It operates modern Boeing 747-8F and Boeing 747-400F freighters to 90 destinations and has more than 85 offices in more than 50 countries. In January 2014, Henan Aviation Investment acquired a 35% stake in Luxembourg Cargo Air.
(4) Radio and Television Luxembourg (RTL) : The company is the largest audio-visual media group in Europe, with 54 television stations and 36 radio stations. [1-2] [12] [15]

foreign trade

The main export products are machinery and equipment, steel products and so on. Most raw materials and consumer goods are imported. Its main trading partners are EU countries. China is Rwanda's second largest trading partner outside the EU and the third largest destination country for Chinese investment in Europe. (2022) [11]

Foreign aid

Development assistance is an important part of Rwanda's foreign policy, with 1% of national income allocated to foreign aid each year, higher than the level stipulated by the European Union, with a total of 530 million euros in foreign aid in 2022. Aid is focused on African countries. [2] [9] [12]

People's livelihood

Per capita income is among the highest in the world, and average life expectancy is 80 years. Luxembourg City is one of the safest cities in the world with the highest standard of living. [2] [4] [9]



Important festival

National Day: June 23 [2]


The Luxembourgers, though traditional, are not fuddy-duddy or stuffy like the Germans or the Swiss. Luxembourgers like to shake hands. People shake hands when they meet and when they leave. Luxembourgers have a special preference for working breakfasts, eaten while chatting; Lunch is usually a long and slow meal, so remember not to let the topic of negotiation interfere with your enjoyment of the delicious meal. And at a working dinner, the Luxembourg host is delighted if the guest rewards a Luxembourgish white wine from the Moselnet Valley. If your Luxembourg host invites you to his home for dinner, it is polite to bring the hostess a bouquet of flowers or a box of sugar. Don't send chrysanthemums. To the Luxembourgers, chrysanthemums mean death.
Luxembourg imposes duties when it sends old clothes. Used clothing cannot be returned to the original place if rejected by the recipient, so indicate the alternative recipient and his address. Gold and silver jewelry and valuables should be insured by mail. In accordance with Luxembourg regulations, pamphlets including unsigned and unmarked publishers, air guns, daggers, concealed swords and canes, canes with ammunition, secret defence weapons, saccharin and similar sweeteners are prohibited by post (except for government purchases).
Luxembourg has a five-day work week, working 40 to 45 hours a week. Usual office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Bank hours are from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Retail store 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Coffee and cake
The cuisine of Luxembourg is based on French cuisine and German cuisine Mainly, daily drinks are coffee, tea, beer, wine.
Most restaurant menus in Luxembourg feature sausages and sauerkraut, as well as pork, game and river fish. Others include liver burger with sauerkraut and potatoes. Typical Luxembourgish flavors include "tripala" : black pudding with applesauce and mashed potatoes, "juddmatgardeboenen" : Salted pork Served with sauteed potatoes and creamed beans, "FrituredelaMoselle" : fried small fish, and "Fesch" : fried whole fish. Restaurants in Luxembourg City are expensive, but Turkish, Chinese and other restaurants are relatively cheap.
Typical Luxembourg snacks include potato cake with applesauce, and the Luxembourgish tradition of "coffee and cake".


Luxembourg's specialties include Suckling pig, prosciutto, smoked pig neck, etc. The handmade salty cheese is delicious and worth a try. In addition, the Mossel Valley produces excellent wine and beer; It's made from plums Plum wine It tastes delicious and is an excellent meal drink.

Good wine

Moselle Canyon is a wine region located in Schengen Between Schengen and Wasserbillig, many sommeliers rate the wines produced here as Rhine Tributary of the best wine. celebrated Schengen Agreement Put this once quiet little village on the map. In addition to the autumn wine season, Grevenmacher, Wormeldange, Remich and Remerschen are ideal places to explore a wide variety of wine cellars and small wine museums. You can also take a boat ride in Moselle. Mondorf-les-Bains has beautiful parks, a modern spa, a fitness centre and a spa sauna . While at Thermarium, you can enjoy the Roman bath and Turkish bath (Ottoman era). In Mondolesbaan, you can even see a casino. Throughout the year, the town of Moselle offers a wide variety of wonders and recreational activities.


97% of the population believes in it Catholicism . [4]

Military affairs

The Grand Duke is the supreme commander of the armed forces and is actually under the direct command of the Minister of Defense. The Army and the Air Force numbered 1,128 men, 12% of whom were women.
Luxembourg is a member of NATO and pursues a policy of collective security based on NATO. NATO has no troops in Rwanda and has an AWACS base in Germany, of which 17 AWACS E-3 aircraft are registered as Rwandan. Lew has a mutual defense pact with the United States and an agreement with Germany to jointly defend territory in border areas. [14]


By 2023, the total length of national highways will be 3,017 km and railways 630 km. In 2023, air traffic will reach 4.79 million passengers and 1.088 million tons of cargo. [14]


In 2019, the total length of Luxembourg's roads is 2,908 kilometers, including 837 kilometers of national roads, 161 kilometers of expressways, and 1,891 kilometers of secondary roads, which are connected with the surrounding Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium. The density of highways is 5.88 kilometers per 100 square kilometers of land. Expressways account for 5% of total highway mileage. [8]


Luxembourg operates 275 km of railway and is connected to all the major railway networks in Europe. Since 2006, a high-speed rail link (TGV) has been opened between Luxembourg and Paris, and there are also passenger and freight links with neighboring Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.
Luxembourg National Railways (Luxembourgish: Societe Nationale des Chemins de FerLuxembourgeois) (CFL) is the national railway operator of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, with over 3,000 employees and the seventh largest corporate employer in the country. It mainly operates passenger rail services in Luxembourg and bus services on nearly 30 routes, while cross-border connections are mostly operated jointly with the neighbouring French National Railways, Deutsche Bahn and Belgian National railways.
Public transport in Luxembourg City is mainly by rail and bus, there is no metro line. [8]

Air freight

Due to its limited land area, Luxembourg has only one airport - Luxembourg Airport, which has two Airlines, Luxair for passenger transport and Cargolux Airlines International for cargo transport.
Luxembourg has direct flights to Paris in France, Frankfurt and Munich in Germany, Barcelona and Madrid in Spain, London in England, Turin, Milan and Rome in Italy and Stockholm in Sweden.
In 2014, the "Zhengzhou-Luxembourg" international cargo route was officially launched, and the "Air Silk Road" of cargo across China and Europe was successfully launched. Chongqing, Shanghai, Zhengzhou and Luxembourg have opened direct cargo routes, including two weekly direct flights to Chongqing, six direct flights to Shanghai and one to Beijing and Xiamen. [8]

Water transport

Luxembourg has only one navigable river - the Moselle, the second largest tributary of the Rhine, with a total length of 42 km in Luxembourg. Luxembourg's only cargo port, Mertert, shipped 209,600 tons in 2018, of which 105,400 tons of steel products and 537,900 tons of discharges, including about 355,200 tons of fuel. It can be connected with Germany and France by water transport. [8]




Lu implements 11 years of compulsory education, including 2 years of preschool education, 6 years of primary education and 3 years of early secondary education. In 2003, the University of Luxembourg was established as the only public university in Luxembourg. [14]

Scientific research

Attach importance to scientific research. In addition to the University of Luxembourg, there are more than 10 public research centers and many private research centers (Goodyear, Husky, IEE, etc.). [14]


Luxembourg Local None Avian influenza , Foot-and-mouth disease , Mad cow disease And other highly contagious diseases. For short-term travel or family visits to Luxembourg, it is recommended to purchase travel personal accident insurance (including medical insurance) from a local registered insurance company. If you study, work or live in Lu for more than three months, you must participate in medical insurance.

Physical education

Luxembourg first participated in the Olympics in 1900, winning one gold and one silver medal in 1924. In 1952 Helsinki Olympic Games Luxembourg's Bassel stunned the sporting world by winning the men's 1500m gold medal in a surprise victory that led organizers to misplace Luxembourg's national anthem during the award ceremony. Since 2008, Luxembourg has not won a license.

Press and publication

There are six daily newspapers: five in German and one in French, with a total daily circulation of about 130,000. Among them, the "Luxembourg Speech" (German) daily circulation of more than 75,000 copies; Daily (German) daily circulation of more than 25,000 copies; "News" (German) daily circulation of more than 20,000 copies; The Republic of Lorraine (French) has a daily circulation of more than 20,000 copies. Luxemburg TV broadcasts in French, German, Dutch and French, with an Italian program on Sundays. Radio Luxembourg broadcasts in French, German, English, French, Dutch and other languages.
With 40 television stations and 33 radio stations, RTL is the largest audiovisual media group in Europe and the largest independent distributor outside the United States. [2]

Public transport

In 2018, the Luxembourg government provided free transport for children and young people under the age of 20. Middle school students can use free shuttles to travel between school and their homes. In addition, the average person can make a two-hour trip for just 2 euros, which covers almost all journeys in the country. According to the Guardian, train, tram and bus fees will be abolished from the summer of 2019. Luxembourg will thus become the first country in the world to make all public transport free. [5]



Basic state policy

On November 16, 1972, China established diplomatic relations with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Luxembourg stands for the following norms in international relations: equality, non-use or threat of force, opposition to the arms race, respect for international law, respect for human rights and respect for the interests of small States. Its foreign policy is focused on Europe, with an economic union with Belgium and the Netherlands, and is a member of the European Union and NATO. We advocate the establishment of a European collective security system within the framework of NATO, the EU and the CSCE, and actively promote the process of European integration. To develop and expand economic and trade cooperation with countries in the Asia-Pacific region. [14]

Relations with China

Bilateral political relations
China and Rwanda established diplomatic relations on November 16, 1972. In June 1978, China established its embassy in Rwanda. In 1989, Lew followed the European Community in imposing sanctions on China and gradually restored normal relations with China after 1991. [6]
In March 2024, China decided to implement a visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from Luxembourg on a trial basis. From March 14 to November 30, 2024, Luxembourg passport holders can enter China visa-free for business, tourism, visiting friends and relatives and transit for no more than 15 days. Those who do not meet the visa exemption requirements from the above countries still need to obtain a visa to China before entering the country. [10]
Bilateral economic and trade relations
According to the General Administration of Customs of China, the trade volume between China and Rwanda in 2023 was 717 million US dollars, down 15.5% year on year, of which China's exports were 450 million US dollars, down 14.2% year on year, and China's imports were 267 million US dollars, down 17.6% year on year. From January to June 2024, the trade volume between China and Rwanda was US $369 million, an increase of 4.2% year on year, of which China's exports were US $209 million, a decrease of 4.7% year on year, and Rwanda's exports were US $160 million, an increase of 18.6% year on year.
China and Rwanda have achieved fruitful results in the three traditional areas of cooperation: finance, steel and cargo aviation. In March 2019, China and Luxembourg signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on Jointly Advancing the Construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
In December 2023, the 22nd meeting of the China-Belgium-Luxembourg Economic and Trade Mixed Committee was held in Beijing. [15]
Cultural and educational exchanges
In 1979, the two countries signed an agreement on cultural cooperation, which came into force on May 8, 1981. Since 1983, the two sides have signed seven implementation plans for cultural exchanges under the framework of the Agreement. China has held folk art exhibitions, Zhou Dynasty art exhibitions in Hubei Province, and chime bell performances in Lu. The Chinese acrobatic troupe, Chinese orchestra and gymnastics team have visited Lu. In 2010, Luxembourg successfully participated in the Shanghai World Expo, and the Luxembourg Pavilion with the theme of "Small and beautiful" was selected as one of the six permanent pavilions. In October 2011, Lu hosted the 4th China-Eu Cultural Dialogue, during which a Chinese delegation composed of experts from the Chinese National Academy of Arts and various fields conducted in-depth discussions with the European side on various topics. In February 2018, the Ministry of Culture's "Happy Spring Festival" campaign entered Luxembourg for the first time. In December 2019, the Chinese Cultural Center in Luxembourg was established. On November 18, 2022, the China Cultural Center in Luxembourg was officially put into operation, and the opening ceremony of the photo exhibition on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Luxembourg and the photo exhibition on the theme of "Extraordinary Decade of China in the New Era" was held. Since 2023, the Chinese Cultural Center in Luxembourg has organized many colorful activities such as art exhibitions, concerts and cultural festivals. From March to August 2024, the Luxembourg National Museum of History and Art will hold "Small and Beautiful - Luxembourg Cultural Relics Exhibition" at the Henan Provincial Museum, with exhibits including stone tools, ceramics, oil paintings and so on.
In 2000, Chinese Minister of Education Chen Zhili visited Rwanda and the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on education cooperation. In 2001, Minister of Education of Roh Brasser visited China with Deputy Prime Minister Bolff and discussed with China the educational cooperation between the two countries. During Grand Duke Henri's visit to China in 2006, the two countries signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between Renmin University of China and the University of Luxembourg. In 2007, the University of Luxembourg officially launched the graduate exchange program with Shandong University, Renmin University and other universities in China, and the first group of Chinese students have returned home. In July 2011, the "Luxembourg Chinese Language and Culture Center" was established, adding adult classes and calligraphy, painting and martial arts courses on the basis of the "Luxembourg Chinese School" run by the Lulu Chinese Community. In April 2018, Fudan University and the University of Luxembourg jointly established the first Confucius Institute in Luxembourg. [14]
Claim condition
Luxembourg has consulates General in Shanghai and Hong Kong. China has no consular mission in Luxembourg. [14]

Relations with Jordan

On August 1, 2024 local time, Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Overseas Affairs Safadi met with visiting Luxembourg Deputy Prime Minister Bettel, exchanging views on the recent situation in the Middle East region and promoting the ceasefire and cessation of fighting in Gaza. [13]



Main town

At the gateway to the Ardennes, outside the towns of Ettelbruck or Diekirch, there are numerous castles and military forts, The famous American photographer Edward Steichen, who was born in Luxembourg, photographed Clervaux Castle as part of his wonderful exhibition "The Family of Man." In addition, the Ardennes region also brings together wildlife parks, Lake Abersuri (Upper-S? re) and our Valley (Ourvalley).

Famous scenic spot

Grand duke's palace
Grand duke's palace The Palais Grand-Ducal is the office of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Founded in 1244, Luxembourg's successive rulers used it as their official residence when they visited. It was not until 1890 that Luxembourg officially became the Grand Duchy with its own Grand Duke, Adolf. Part of the Grand Duchy is also home to the Chamber of Deputies.
Church of Our Lady
Church of Our Lady Built between 1613 and 1621, the former Renaissance-style building was not used as a church, but as a church school. After an extension in 1935, three pointed caps were added to become the Church of Our Lady. This church is also known as the Church of the Holy Mother of the Son, which is dedicated to Virgin Mary . The structure of the north department of the church is Renaissance period The combination of artistic style and Baroque style. The interior of the church is resplendent in gold, the inner altar is decorated with precious alabaster statues, and the wall pillars are carved with images of Allah. [3]
Grand duke's palace
Grand duke's palace The residence of the Grand Duke, the supreme ruler of Luxembourg at the time, the building has been restored many times throughout its history, once connecting the original city Hall, which was destroyed in a fire in 1554, as a whole, and was subsequently rebuilt by its Spanish rulers. Be now located in Church of Our Lady In the north, the style of the building is influenced by the Italian Renaissance, and the interior decoration is very exquisite and exquisite, especially the main hall, the king's room and the banquet hall.
Syntagma Square
Syntagma Square
Syntagma Square (Place de la Constitution), the Place de la Constitution on the side of the canyon is for viewing Grand Canyon of Luxembourg A good place. Standing on the highest point of Syntagma Square, you can see not far from the two largest Bridges, Pont Adolphe and Pont Grande Duchesse Charlotte, which hang over the valley and climb over the cliffs, connecting the old and new town. The monument to Heroes on Syntagma Square was completed in 1923. It was a memorial to 3,000 Luxembourgian soldiers killed in the First World War, and was rebuilt after the destruction of the second World War, so it has a double significance. The monument is 12 meters high and features a statue of Victory by local artist Klaus. At the two corners of Syntagma Square are the underground entrances to the Bertelius and Beck forts, and opposite them are Church of Our Lady .
Adamf drawbridge
The Adamf Suspension Bridge is one of Luxembourg's city landmarks. It spans a spectacular canyon and is just a 10-minute walk from the train station across the road along AUENUELIBERTE.
Luxembourg Castle
Luxembourg Castle
Luxembourg Castle Having endured the baptism of war for a long time, it is a place for soldiers to strive for and has very important strategic significance. It was first built in 1644, expanded 40 years later by French engineers, and finally completed by Austrians. There are more than 20 kilometers of tunnels under the castle, all of which are cut out of the solid rock. Among them, the defense channel is built on different levels, extending down 40 meters, and the project is very huge. The defense system, known as the "Gibraltar of the North," was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.
Adolphe Bridge
The old Bridge of Adolf
Adolphe Bridge As one of the outstanding buildings in Europe and one of the city symbols of Luxembourg, the "Adolphe Bridge" was built from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. It is a viaduct built of stone across the Grand Canyon of Luxembourg. The bridge is 46 meters high and 84 meters long, and the arches supporting the bridge are symmetrical and spectacular. The bridge connects Luxembourg's old and new urban areas and offers visitors a beautiful view over the distance.
Benedictine Abbey
The city of Etmacher is situated on the banks of the river Sure, next to the famous Benedictine monastery, built in the 7th century by the priest St Willibrord, making it an ideal starting point for exploring the Mulltal region. The fascinating sand rock form, the little-known clear spring stream, the vast and magnificent forest sea, form a charming scenery. The monastic and cavalier culture of Etemacher, with its pristine natural beauty, It is enough to attract mountain hikers to experience what is known as Luxembourg's Little Switzerland - walking through Beaufort, Berdorf, Consdorf, Larochette, Haller, Christnac h) and Waldbillig, as well as the equally charming Surie Trough - via Rosport, Born and Moersdorf. [2-4] [6]