The Hague

The capital of the province of South Holland
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The Hague Dutch : Den Haag), Kingdom of the Netherlands The third largest city, South Holland The capital city is the Dutch political, business, financial and international conference center. Area about 100 Square kilometer It has a population of 533,000 (2018). Although the Dutch constitution states that its capital is Amsterdam The Hague is the de facto seat of the Dutch central government, Parliament, and Supreme Court, and is home to most government offices and foreign embassies. In addition, include International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court About 150 of them International organization Both are headquartered in The Hague, making it the second largest United Nations trusteeship city after New York.
The Hague was settled in 1248 by the then Dutch Count , Germany Kings, Holy Roman Empire Crown prince It was founded by Wilhelm II. Due to the special city positioning of The Hague, a large number of civil servants and diplomats work here, and about a quarter of the working population serves the Dutch government or international institutions, prompting the Hague to establish a service-oriented economy. Hosting international conferences is a major industry in The Hague. There is less heavy industry in the city, and local companies are mostly involved in trading, banking and insurance.
The Hague is a famous tourist resort, the city is rich in cultural facilities, there are more than 30 internationally renowned museums, there is Europe's largest camping park. Famous buildings include the Palace of Nordende, the Parliament Building, the miniature City of Madurodin and the United Nations International Court of Justice , the International Law Library and the School of International Law Peace Palace Let's wait. Nearby Scheveningen is home to one of the largest beaches in the Netherlands, offering views of the vast North Sea [6] .
On September 12, 2009, Changsha City Officially signed a friendly cooperative city relationship with The City of The Hague, Netherlands Letter of intent . [1] December 26, 2019, ranked Top 500 global Cities in 2019 Number 221 on the list. [2]
Chinese name
The Hague
Foreign name
The Hague (English)
Den Haag (Dutch)
Administrative category
The seat of the central government and the provincial capital
Subordinate region
South Holland
Area product
98.12 km²
Population number
533,000 (2018) [3]
Dutch, English
Major nationality
International organization
International tribunal
City team
Fc Hague
Longitude and latitude
52° 05’n 4° 18’e / 52.08, 4.3
Wim Dettman
Land area
82.66 km²
Water area
15.54 km²
Population density
5757 people per square kilometer
Time zone
Sea bulldog
1 m
Home country


Dutch parliament
The Hague is the seat of the Dutch government and parliament, the third largest city in the country, South Holland The capital. Located on a sandy plain 6.4 km from the North Sea on the west coast of the Netherlands. It covers an area of about 100 square kilometers and has a population of about 470,000. It is one of the largest cities in the country. The palace and the seat of government, the parliament and Foreign mission Also located here. Temperate maritime climate . The west of the city is 4.5 meters above sea level, and the east of the city is below Sea level the Reclamation land .
The Hague Dutch Den Haag is the third largest city in the Netherlands Amsterdam and Rotterdam After that, it had a population of 472,000 (as of 1 January 2005) (about 700,000 in the Greater Hague area) and an area of about 100 square kilometers. The Hague is located in the province of South Holland in the West Netherlands and is the capital of the province.
Dutch central government
Although The Hague is not the capital of the Netherlands, because the Dutch constitution states that the capital is Amsterdam, it is the Netherlands Central government The King of the Netherlands lives and works in The Hague. All government offices and foreign embassies are located here, as well as the Supreme Court and many organizations, such as VNG, the Association of Municipalities of the Netherlands. stork The coat of arms is the coat of arms of the Hague.
The Hague is located on the southwestern coast of the Netherlands and is the third largest city in the country. Since the 13th century, The Hague has been the political center of the Netherlands. Many government agencies, embassy International organizations are based in The Hague. The official residence of the King and royal family of the Netherlands is also here, so The Hague is the "royal city" of the Netherlands. It is a well-deserved palace of art, with top works by many famous painters over five centuries. The Hague's famous Peace Palace is located on the outskirts of the city. It was built between 1907 and 1913, funded by various governments as a symbol of concerted efforts to make peace. It is now the seat of the International Court of Justice of the United Nations. [3]
Satellite map of The Hague
City life is concentrated in the area around Lake Hoffiffa and the Parliament building (home of the Knights' Hall). University of the Hague It's right here. As a famous applied higher education institution, The University of The Hague has about 16,000 domestic and foreign students. The Hague is also home to many civil servants and diplomats (see below). In fact, the different kinds and number of foreign restaurants (especially foreign residents) have given rise to a large number of restaurants in the city Cultural difference It has spawned a number of foreign pubs, shops and cultural events. The Hague is the largest Dutch city on the North Sea coast, so the city also includes two very different coastal towns. These include the main waterfront resorts of The Hague Scheveningen . Scheveningen, located in the northwest of the city, is a popular attraction for local young people and tourists. Scheveningen brings 10 million visitors a year, making it the most popular seaside town in the Benelux countries. Perhaps for this reason, many people, even some Dutch people, mistakenly believe that Scheveningen is an independent city on the right side of the Hague. This is a misconception: Scheveningen belongs to The Hague Eight zones One of them. As for Kekdeian, located in the southwest of the city, is another seaside resort in The Hague. Kekdeian is much smaller than Scheveningen and mainly attracts locals.
erstwhile The Dutch East Indies The colonies (now Indonesia) left their mark in The Hague. Many street names take their names from places in the Dutch East Indies. There is also a large "Indish(e)" or "Indo" (mixed Dutch and Indonesian) community in the city. Since the Dutch lost this possession in December 1949, they have called The Hague the "Indonesian Window". The old parts of the city often have distinctive streets that are wide and long. The houses in the city are generally low-rise houses with no more than three storeys refined . The city is more spacious in layout than other Dutch cities. There are only a few canals in the Hague, as most of the canals of the Hague dried up in the 19th century. Some of the most prosperous and poorest neighbourhoods in the Netherlands can be found in The Hague. The more affluent areas (e.g., Te Fohelvek, Statenquartier, Bercis PARC and Ben Nordenhout) are usually located in the city northwest . Poorer areas (such as Transfal, Mulwick, and Te Hilderswick) usually exist in the southern or eastern parts of the city. This divide is reflected in the local accent. The wealthier residents are often called "Hagenaars" and speak in an accent known as "bekakt Haggs" (" bekakt "means to defend). This is quite different from Hagenezen, where plat Haags is the dialect (plat means "dull" or "vulgar"). There was relatively little social interaction between the two groups. The tallest building in the city is the Hoftoren (Swan).

Historical evolution

The Hague was settled in 1248 by the then Netherlands Count, Germany The King, Holy Roman Empire Crown prince Wilhelm II By the establishment. He built a castle in the trees by the Dutch coast for the coronation. Before his coronation, he was killed in a battle, and the castle was not completed, but a part of the castle remains, known as the Ridderzaal (Knight's Hall). The "Knight Hall" will still be used for political occasions. For example, the annual royal speech is delivered from the throne of the castle. Since then, the Dutch nobility has used The Hague as their administrative center. Haguean Dutch The name Des Graven Hage literally means "the Count's hedge" or "the Count's private paddock". Some influential Dutch cities of the time, such as Leighton Deft and Doldrecht, because of the small size and low influence of the Hague at the time, rejected the idea of using the Hague as an administrative center. This policy never changed, and The Hague remained the center of government without a capital.
The Hague at night
To keep the Hague small, it was not granted the rights of a city, nor was it allowed to build walls. In the 1500s, the construction of the wall was finally approved, but the residents decided to raise money to build it guildhall To replace plans to build walls. This decision came later Eighty years' War It turned out to be completely wrong - there was no wall and the defences were very low, which allowed the Spanish army to easily overrun the Hague.
It was not until 1806 that the Hague was elevated to city status by the French rulers. It would be more than a century before other Dutch cities were granted similar rights. All this proves that The Hague is not what it used to be. It created a legend in the city.
Because the Hague's development has been uneven, it has lagged behind neighboring cities (e.g Leighton Delft) has a long history. After 1850, when Central government As it took on a greater role in Dutch society, The Hague developed rapidly. Much of the old part of the Hague was built in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The developing Hague annexed part of the city of Los d 'Inen in 1903, and in 1923 the city of Los d 'Inen became part of The Hague.
The King's office is located in The Hague
World War II The Hague suffered extensive and heavy damage. Atlantic barrier After it was built, it cut across the city, causing all the buildings in the adjacent area to be located Nazi Germany Demolished. On 3 March 1945, the Royal Air Force mistakenly bombed Bezeidenhout, supposedly targeting installations in the vicinity of the area V-2 Ballistic missile The park. Due to a mistake in navigation equipment, the bomb fell on a densely populated area Historical value In the region, resulting in more than 500 deaths. The trauma of the accidental bombing on the city and its residents is still being felt.
After the war, The Hague was the site of one of the largest reconstruction projects in Europe. The city then expanded to the southwest on a massive scale. The devastated areas were quickly rebuilt.
The population of the Hague peaked around 1985 with as many as 600,000 inhabitants Residential population .
In the 1970s and 1980s, it was mostly white Middle class Most of the inhabitants of the Hague migrated to neighbouring cities such as Forburg, Redshundan, Reiswick Among them the main migration to Sutelmeyer . This phenomenon has become prosperous for the suburbs, but the city center has become increasingly poor Social problem The birth of, played a leading role.
International Court of Justice in The Hague
The government's attempt to incorporate the outskirts of the Hague into the city has been highly controversial. In the 1990s, in Dutch parliament With the consent of the Hague, The Hague succeeded in annexing a considerable area from the residential areas already built or under construction in neighboring cities.
The year 2011 South Holland The District of Langstad wants to add the proposed province - Langstad - to the rezoning plan.

International Court of Justice in The Hague

International Court of Justice in The Hague Also known as the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which Official name It is the International Court of Justice, located in The Hague, Netherlands. It is one of the six agencies of the United Nations and was established in 1946.

Administrative division

The city of The Hague is roughly divided into eight Administrative division .
Map of The Hague
1. The Hague City Centre
3.Haagse Hout
7. Scheveningen
8.Segbroek The Hague

The Hague




A given year
Population (people)
A given year
Population (people)
The year 1796
The year 1969
The year 1830
The year 1970
The year 1849
The year 1990
The year 1879
The year 2000
The year 1899
The year 2004
The year 1925
The year 2005


The Hague's high-speed train
The Hague is connected by rail to the Ruhr region of West Germany (via Rotterdam), Brussels And Paris. With Amsterdam and Rotterdam Airport The distance between them is less than 1 hour by car. Ferries to English coastal towns. Cultural institution Facilities include museums, art galleries (collections Rembrandt Such masters), art schools, Music school , Symphony orchestra Troupes and ballet companies. The park, greenbelt There are many sports venues. It has the largest camping park in Europe. Famous buildings include the Palace of Nordende and the Palace of Mauricius (both built in the 17th century). Nearby Schweiningen is one of the largest beach in the Netherlands, where you can enjoy the vast expanse of the North Sea, is a famous tourist resort.
The Hague has two train stations in the city centre that connect major European cities, including Paris and France Belgium Brussels, generally about an hour's drive. There is no airport in The Hague itself, and it is only possible to fly to the nearest airport, Rotterdam, which is connected by four train lines. The Hague is connected by motorways to the provinces of the Netherlands, with a network extending to neighbouring Germany and Belgium.




University of the Hague
University of the Hague
Leiden University Hague Campus [5]


Royal Museum of Art Moritz
There are more than 30 museums in The Hague, some of which are internationally renowned and some of which are ordinary and unusual.
Royal Museum of Art Moritz (Mauritshuis Royal Pictures Gallery)
The Hague Municipal Museum (Gemeentemuseum)
The Museum of Photography in The Hague changes its exhibition at least four times a year, featuring works from renowned photographers or budding photographic talents. The Hague Museum of Photography has always collaborated with Leiden University, which has one of the most important and extensive collections of historical images in modern Europe, and often chooses to exhibit parts of its collection.
GEM Contemporary Art Museum
Belden Museum
GEM is one of the largest contemporary art galleries in the world. It has a 2000m² exhibition hall, and the exhibition hall is displayed Modern art There are many vivid and vivid features in the development representativeness The works of... It was collected by the museum Art form A wide range of video installations, art and sculpture, multimedia, performance, film, photography, design, Electronic art And drawing. Many works also come from The Hague or other cities in the Netherlands.
Belden Museum
The Belden Museum is a sculpture exhibition hall by the sea in Schifeningen, The Hague, which is mainly built around an old pavilion dating from 1826. Sculptures with human themes, statues of large and small, some made of copper and some made of stone, many of the sculptures show different human emotions. There is also a group of bronze statues of the Dutch royal family, which often attract many visitors to stop and enjoy.
Hague Historical Museum (Historical Museum)
Hague Historical Museum
The Hague History museum Located in a magnificent 17th century mansion, adjacent to Parliament Building in The Hague Binnenhof is the historic center of The Hague. The collections of many historical museums witness and annotate the history of the Hague for more than seven centuries. The museum holds various exhibitions.
A five-meters-wide landscape of The Hague by Jan vanGoyen is on display, as are works by other masters such as Janten Compe and La Fargue.
The museum also houses the Church from the late Middle Ages Silver badge Furniture and scale models. Among the exhibits in the basement are archaeological digs from The Hague.
The Hague The Escher Museum (Escher Museum)
Escher Museum in The Hague
The Escher Museum (Escher is there Ra Kong Escher is a museum in The Hague, Netherlands, dedicated to the works of the Dutch graphic artist M. C. Escher. The museum was officially opened on 16 November 2002.
The museum is located in the former palace (Langerfurhout Palace) from the 18th century, where Queen Emma lived until 1891. The museum has a large collection of prints and drawings, as well as a multimedia biographical documentary on Escher's life (The Escher Experience).
Humanity House Museum
The Museum of Humanity is located in Prinsegracht, The Hague. The Humanitarian Building is a national museum, and the Humanitarian Building Museum tells us a lot about humanitarian emergency aid and humanitarianism Cordon off The story of... Visitors can hear, see and experience all over the world Natural disaster Conflict with... Victim The true story.

Famous scenic spot

Parliament Building (Het Binnenhof)
Parliament of the Netherlands
The Parliament building is a magnificent "cabinet", it is 13th century Netherlands The count's residence is also Dutch Political center And the seat of government. The mansion is located in the oldest part of the city. The center of the Capitol building is beautiful Knight's Hall . Since 1904, the elaborate interior has been decorated with provincial flags and depictions of the Dutch city Stained glass The window, where the King's annual address (the third Tuesday in September), the opening of Parliament, official receptions, and internal parliamentary meetings take place.
The Parliament building has three entrances and four gates. The buildings to the left and right of the Knights' Hall were once the residence of the Governor General and the Parliament The House of Lords and Lower house . This building is extremely attractive because History of the Netherlands The most important events in the world are set against this backdrop.
The reception hall under the Knights Hall hosts exhibitions throughout the year. These include models and displays of the Capitol Building Low countries The political history of the past 12 centuries represents the years, as well as the tombstones of many knights. These gravestones are in front of the Capitol chapel Found it during demolition.
The tour starts with a video introduction to the Houses of Parliament, then takes you through the Knights' Hall and the House of Lords and House of Commons. Some buildings may be closed to the public when Congress is in session.
Panorama Mesdag
The largest circular painting in Europe allows you to see the sea, the vast beaches, the dunes of the Netherlands, and more Scheveningen Picturesque fishing village (Scheveningen). Visit Mesdag Panoramic view The museum will be an unforgettable time and space experience; The spectacle seemed to come true.
A painting by Mesdag
It was done by Hendrik Willem Mesdag, his wife Sientje Mesdag-van Houten, G.H. Breitner, Bock and B.J. Blommers. It is the most elaborate and largest panorama in existence in the world. This image from the last century creates an immersive feeling. The visitor's platform is a sand dune that creates the illusion of going back to 1880.
Oil painting
Through the narrow, dark passageway, climb up Spiral staircase You will arrive at Scheveningen in 1880. Suddenly, huge paintings surround you. The circular oil painting is 395 feet in circumference and 46 feet high and covers an area of more than 18,000 Square foot .
The Panorama Museum of Mesdag is a magnificent work in the style of the Hague School and an important artistic treasure. In addition to the Mesdag couple's paintings and watercolors, the exhibition hall at the entrance also displays a variety of works for a short time.
Miniature city of Madurodin
The world famous Madurodam, distance Amsterdam And the beautiful Keukenhof Tulip Park is just an arm's length away. It is an excellent place to learn about the Dutch character and is a high concentration of Dutch history and culture. The city brings together more than 120 famous buildings and monuments in the Netherlands, including a castle destroyed around 1000 AD; Some were built between 1330 and 1550 St. John's Cathedral ; Akma the cheese The Market, the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Royal Palace on Amsterdam's Dam Square, Utrecht the Domed cathedral , Canals of Amsterdam Ancient buildings along the coast as well Delta engineering Some of the famous Dutch landscapes are reproduced in detail in a scale of 1:25 and displayed in beautiful gardens.
aerodrome jet Preparing to take off; Rotterdam The port's tons of ships are unloading; expressway All kinds of cars rushed up; In front of the church, couples and guests moved slowly to the music; There's a tense game going on in the stadium... "Madurodam" is a dynamic and vibrant city, walking around here is like walking through more than 40,000 people in the Netherlands Square kilometer The land, although it took only 1 hour, seems to have experienced nearly a thousand years of Dutch history.
Miniature city of Madurodin
Although the "micro city" is a miniature of the Netherlands, but according to a city planning, the layout of each building is very reasonable. Palaces, churches, cultural monuments, squares, zoos, factories and wharves are laid out in an orderly and appropriate manner. The "micro city" has its own city emblem, and the mayor is today King of the Netherlands The City Council is made up of 30 pupils from the Hague. In 1972, Madurodam was accepted by the Dutch League of Cities Full member And became the smallest city in the world. The miniature city of Madurodin is particularly spectacular and good-looking at night. Night falls When the 50,000 bulbs on all the buildings are lit together, the stars twinkle in the park, the earth is brilliant, the miniature city is busy, and visitors are like being in a fantasy wonderland.
The coast of Scheveningen
Scheveningen Beach
Schifannigen is the most famous seaside resort in the Netherlands, and because it is close to The Hague, it is only a short time from the center of the Hague to the seaside to enjoy the sun, water and sand. A 10-minute tram ride from the Hague city takes you to the leisure area on the coast of Scheveningen. A palatial hotel built by the sea, it has been since ancient times Upper class The social place. Surrounded by casinos and theaters, shopping streets with brand-name goods, you can fully enjoy the comfort Leisure life .
Peace Palace (Peace Palace)
International tribunal
The Peace Palace is a famous building in the Netherlands, located on the outskirts of The Hague The United Nations International law Home to the Court, the Library of International Law and the School of International Law. The Peace Palace was built between 1907 and 1913, mainly by the American "steel king". Andrew Carnegie ( Andrew Carnegie ) Donated funds for construction. The palace was named Peace Palace to express its importance to resolving disputes and maintaining world peace. Various countries donated gifts as a symbol of their shared commitment to the cause of peace. Our country presents 4 rosewood pedestal cloisonne Large vase In the hallway especially dazzling. In 1946, International tribunal The first court session. The tribunal also serves as the UN Judicial body To settle disputes between its member states. It is also a venue for war crimes trials. All members of the United Nations are International Court of Justice A member of... The court consists of 15 judges, each composed of United Nations General Assembly and The Security Council Elected by vote. Judges, who do not represent any country, serve nine-year terms and are re-elected. The current Chinese judges are Xue Hanqin . The School of International Law was founded in 1923. Students of international law from various countries since 1950 can come here every year to take an examination and be awarded a degree after passing. The International Law Library in the Peace Palace has one of the largest collections of law books in the world.

Neighbouring town

Delft (Delft), Leighton (Leiden), (Rijswijk), (Voorschoten), (Wassenaar), (Wateringen), Sutelmeyer (Zoetermeer), Leidschendam-Voorburg, Rotterdam (Rotterdam)