Holy Roman Empire

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Holy Roman Empire (German: Heiliges Romisches Reich; 962-1806), the official name from 962 to 1157 Roman Empire It was renamed from 1157 to 1512 Holy Roman Empire It was finally the main ethnic group of the Empire from 1512 to 1806 German Consciousness raises its head and gives it a name The Holy Roman Empire of the German nation .
The Holy Roman Empire was between 962 and 1806 Western Europe and Central Europe Of the country, territory In order to Germania As the core, including some surrounding areas, at its peak included Italy To the north, Burgundy And Frisia (now Low countries ). The empire was an ordinary one in its early days Feudal monarchy The state, the emperor had actual power. Later it gradually became made up of hundreds of smaller Vassal state A loose political alliance in the name of a state.
In 1356, Charles IV promulgate A golden bull The emperor must be confirmed by seven Elector Choose. In the middle and late Empire, Grand Duchy of Austria the The House of Habsburg Through royal marriages and financial bribes, he monopolized the throne of the Holy Roman Empire for 400 years, the capital of Austria Vienna It became the de facto capital of the empire.
In 1806, in Napoleon Bonaparte Under the orders of, Franz the Second He renounced the title of Holy Roman Emperor on 6 August and retained it only Austrian Empire Emperor, and the Holy Roman Empire was destroyed. [1 ]
Chinese name
Holy Roman Empire
Foreign name
Heiliges Römisches Reich
Holy Roman Empire
Abbreviated form
Major city
Vienna , Bragg , Munich , Dresden , Stuttgart , Cologne , Frankfurt Etc.
National song
God Save the Emperor Franz (1797-1806)
Official language
German , Latin multilingual
Political system
National leader
Otto I , Charles V
Population number
About 25 million (1618)
Major nationality
German , Czechs , Netherlander , Flemish , Walloons , Italian Etc.
Major religion
Catholicism , Protestantism
Land area
590,000 km2 (1555)
Time of existence
From 962 to 1806
Austrian Empire


962 Holy Roman Empire
It is customary to refer to 911 as the year of the German region East Frankish Kingdom The beginning of the transition to the Kingdom of Germany. In this year, the king of the East Frankish Kingdom" Louis the Child "Died without an heir. Duke of Frankish Conrad I Elected King, he was the first German king. After Otto I succeeded to the throne, in 962, King Otto I of Germany was crowned emperor by Pope John XII in Rome, called the "Roman Emperor", and the German kingdom was called the "Holy Roman Empire of the German nation", which was the ancient German Empire, or the First Empire. By the time of Frederick I in the 12th century, the Empire was the most powerful state in Europe. Frederick I blatantly added the word "holy." In 1806, the empire was overthrown by Napoleon I.
Holy Roman Empire (Latin: Sacrum Romanorum Imperium nationis Germanicae) The feudal empire of medieval Europe. In 962. Otto I of Saxony, King of Germany, was crowned emperor in Rome by Pope John XII (reigned 962-973) and became guardian of Rome and supreme ruler of the Roman Catholic world.




Holy Roman Empire
In 293, Roman Empire Emperor Diocletian adopted it Tetrarchy The empire was divided into eastern and western halves, after which the empire was divided again and again. By 395, Theodosius I Divided the empire between his two sons and split into Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire . The capital of the Western Roman Empire was Ravenna The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was Constantinople .
But what is interesting is that the eastern and Western Roman Empires were not hostile to each other, but worked closely together in many ways. In the following decades, Rome was repeatedly captured and bloodied by Alaric I of the Visigothic Kingdom and the Vandals, and the power and dignity of the Western Roman Empire declined.
In 476, the Western Roman Empire was completely dissolved, and the last Roman Emperor himself issued an abdication decree, declaring that the Western Roman Empire no longer existed and that all the colonies of the Empire could become independent.
The Eastern Roman Empire remained, in what became known as "the Roman Empire." The Byzantine Empire ".
  • Empire of Charlemagne
Although the Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476, its emperor was The Visigoths Depose him. however Roman in Paris The region was ruled until 486. A member of the Germanic people of that year Franks Clovis defeated the Romans and founded the Kingdom of the Franks The Merovingians .
thenceforward Frankish kingdom Growing and growing in the Carolingian dynasty Charlemagne Under his rule, the kingdom reached its peak, conquering territory that extends to present-day France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, northern Italy, Bohemia, western Austria, The Iberian Peninsula The northeast corner of the territory.
In 800, Charlemagne was consecrated by the Pope in Rome Leo III Crowned "Emperor of the Romans", the entire Frankish kingdom was also called Empire of Charlemagne . The Western Roman Empire was restored in the form of a transfer of the throne to the Frankish Kings.
The Treaty of Verdun divided Charlemagne's empire into three parts
Charlemagne's empire formed, at least in theory, the basis of the Holy Roman Empire until it was abolished in 1806. Pope Leo III believed that the coronation of Charlemagne in 800 marked the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire, although most people still believe that the empire was called Frankish Empire .
840, son of Charlemagne Louis I When he dies, his empire falls apart.
In 843, the three sons of Louis I made a pact The Treaty of Verdun The whole country is divided into three parts. The eldest grandson of Charlemagne Lothair I 795-855) inherited the title of emperor and assumed the territory of central Italy from the Lower Rhine south through the Rhone valley, called Middle Frankish kingdom . And his brother Louis (804-876), known as Louis the Germanic The area east of the Rhine was divided and called East Frankish Kingdom . The other brother Charlie the Bald The rest of the western region is called West Frankish Kingdom .
  • The Carolingians
East Frankish Kingdom, the predecessor of the Holy Roman Empire
After Charlemagne's death, the title of Emperor of the Western Roman Empire alternated between the Carolingian monarchs of the Kingdom of East Frankish and the Kingdom of West Frankish. The Carolingians The crown was initially contested between the West Franks and the East Franks, and as a trophy it fell first to Charles the Bald in the West and then to Charles the Bald in the east Fat Charlie .
After Charles the Fat was deposed in 887, the Carolingian Empire disintegrated and was never unified again. After the death of Charles the Fat in 888, according to the Regino of Prum, each part of the empire elected a "kinglet" from within itself.
Since Charles the Fat, the title of Emperor of the Roman Empire has mostly been held by Italian Kings crowned by popes. The actual rule of Italian Kings was extremely limited to the northeast of Italy, and those Kings were almost exclusively native Italian nobles, the last such emperor being Berengar I of Italy, who died in 924.
  • Otoid dynasty
Around 900, the local power of the East Frankish Kingdom rose to form four duchies based on four Germanic tribes: Saxony , Franconia , Swabian and Bavaria .
As the last king of House Carolingian Louis the Child After his death in 911, the East Frankish nobility chose not a Carolingian as Louis' successor, but Conrad of Franconia, Duke of Franconia, as their new king. On his deathbed, Conrad named his old enemy Henry I, Duke of Saxony, as his successor.
In 919, Henry, Duke of Saxony, was in many East Frankish kingdom Among the Dukes, he was elected King of the Kingdom of East Frankish. After Henry's death, his son Otto I succeeded him as king of East Frankish.
Henry died in 936, but his descendants, the Ottonian Kings, continued to rule the kingdom of East Frankish for another century or so. Henry's designated successor Otto I was elected king at Aachen in 936. He put down a series of rebellions by his elder brother and some Dukes. After that, the king succeeded in appointing and removing Dukes, and often appointed bishops to administer the administration.
In 951, Otto helped Adelaide (an Italian widow queen) defeat her enemies. He went on to marry her and take control of Italy.
In 955, Otto I won a decisive victory against the Magyars at the Battle of Lichfeld.
In 962, King of the Ottonian dynasty of the East Franks Otto I In Rome by the Pope John XII Crowned Emperor until 973, he became guardian of Rome with the Emperor and Rome Catholicism The supreme ruler of the world.
Encyclopedia x Mixology: Illustrating the Holy Roman Empire
From then on, Germanic The affairs of the Kingdom are those of Italy and the Holy See
Things are tangled up. Otto's coronation made the Germanic Kings heirs to Charlemagne's empire and, through the principle of imperial succession, to ancient Rome as well.
The kingdom had no fixed capital, and the king was constantly shuttling between his various residences to conduct government affairs (known as Kaiserpfalz). However, each king had a preferred location, and for Otto I it was Magdeburg. The throne continued to be passed on in the form of elections, but before the Kings died, their sons were often chosen as the next king, making it possible for their families to retain the throne for a long time. This characteristic lasted until the end of the Salian Dynasty in the 12th century.
This also renewed conflict with the Eastern Roman emperors of Constantinople, especially after Otto I's son Otto II declared himself emperor of the Romans. Nevertheless, Otto II He still maintained his marriage relationship with the Eastern Roman Empire by marrying the Byzantine princess Theophanu. Their son, Otto III, focused his attention on Italy and the Vatican and conducted extensive diplomacy, but he died young in 1002.
Holy Roman Empire (circa 1000 AD)
He was succeeded by his cousin Henry II, who focused on internal German affairs.
  • Franconian dynasty
In 1024, Emperor Henry II of the Ottonian dynasty died without an heir, from Franconia the Conrad II He was elected King of the East Franks and crowned Emperor of the Roman Empire in 1027.
During the dynastic reign, there was a fierce struggle with the Pope over the appointment. It is notable that during this period, "Rex Romanorum" (Latin: Rex Romanorum) replaced the king of the East Franks as the title of uncrowned emperor elected for the first time. This was Henry IV's response to Pope Gregory VII, who sought to establish the papacy's superiority over the empire by calling the young king "king of the Germans" or "king of the Teutons" by denying the universality of uncrowned Kings over Rome
In 1125, the last monarch, Henry V, died without an heir, ending the dynasty.
  • The struggle for the presidency
Kings often hired bishops to run administrative affairs and decide who would enter the church. In the early days of Cluny's reforms, Holy See Such overreach is increasingly seen as inappropriate. Pope Gregory VII, who was concerned about Cluny's reforms, was determined to oppose such actions, leading to a dispute with King Henry IV over the appointment of bishops. The king objected to the Pope's interference and persuaded the bishops to depose him. The Pope, in turn, excommunicated the king, deposed him, and relieved Henry of his oath of loyalty.
The king, finding himself politically isolated, forced himself to make the famous trip to Canossa in 1077 and restored himself to the church at the cost of humiliation. Meanwhile, the German duchies had already elected another king: Rudolf of Swabia. Henry succeeded in defeating him, but was eventually met with more uprisings, re-excommunicated, and even rebellions by his own sons.
His second son, Henry V, successfully negotiated the Religious Agreement of Worms with the Pope and bishops in 1122. The political power of the empire was retained, but the conflict showed that there were limits to the power of all rulers, especially with regard to the church, and removed the sainthood that the king had previously enjoyed. The popes and the duchies were then equally important in the political system of the empire.


  • The dynasty of Hohenstaufen
The Franconian dynasty ended in 1125 Henry V After the death of the King, the duchies did not elect the king's blood relative to be king, but chose to be king Lothair the Second An influential old man The Duke of Saxony . When he died in 1138, the duchies once again looked to more influential families to choose his successor. So instead of Lothair's preferred successor, his son-in-law Henry, proud of the Welf family, they chose Conrad III of the Hohenstaufen family, a close relative of the Salian family. This set off more than a century of conflict between the two families. Conrad stripped the Welfs of their property, but after his death in 1152, his nephew, Red Beard, died. Frederick I He took the throne, made peace with the Welfs, and returned his cousin Henry the Lion (Henry the Lion), although in smaller numbers than before.
The Hohenstaufen family More and more the rulers of the Kingdom lent land to their vassals, who Frederick hoped would be more reliable than the Dukes. This new class was at first mainly in the service of war, their posterity knighthood And the foundation of imperial power. The dynasty of Hohenstaufen Another fundamental change in the empire of the period was the establishment of a new order for the entire empire at Loncaglia. This was done in part to abolish the private fiefdoms of the many Dukes, but it was also an attempt to bring the emperor's subjects under the same legal system of justice and prosecution, a precursor to the modern idea of "the rule of law." Another new idea was the creation of a new system of cities - both by the emperor and the local Dukes. The idea was formed partly as a result of the population explosion, but also to focus economic development on key areas, where previously cities had been formed only on Roman foundations or bishoprics. Some of the cities, including Freiburg, were founded in the 12th century and served as templates for the economic development of many later cities, such as Munich .
When Frederick was crowned emperor in 1155, he emphasized the "Romanness" of the empire, in part to justify the legitimacy of imperial power independent of clerical authority. In 1158, the Imperial Assembly at Loncaglia reaffirmed the emperor's rights in accordance with the Corpus Civilis of the Eastern Roman Empire. The dispute over the right of the Crown to appoint itself has been treated as the same as the crown, but it is enumerated for the first time at Loncaglia. This broad range of powers included the construction of roads, the setting of tariffs, coinage, punitive fees, and the appointment and removal of public officials. The fact that these powers could be clearly rooted in Roman law was profound.
Frederick's policy was directed primarily at Italy, where he clashed with a number of increasingly wealthy and independent cities, especially in northern Italy Milan . He also opposed the Pope by supporting a minority candidate Alexander III And became embroiled in conflict with the Holy See. Frederick supported a series of false popes before making peace with the Pope in 1177. In Germany, the emperor repeatedly defended Henry the Lion from rivals such as duchies and cities (especially Munich and Lubeck). However, Henry's support for Frederick's policies was not strong, and when the Italian war reached a critical point, Henry refused the emperor's request for military assistance. When Frederick returned to Germany, he brought a lawsuit against Duke Henry, and Henry's lands were confiscated.
During the Hohenstaufen dynasty, the German duchies relied on the skilful farmers, merchants, and craftsmen (including Christians and Jew Successfully and peacefully promoted the process of settlement of eastern lands, previously settled or unsettled by the West Slavs, which gradually became Germanized. Thanks to the eastward expansion of settlements and the intermarriage of the native Slavic rulers with the Germanic peoples, the Empire's influence increased, eventually reaching Pomerania and Silesia. At the same time, the Teutonic Order was invited by Duke Konrad of Masovia in 1226 Prussia To Christianize the Prussians. however The Kingdom of the Teutonic Order And his Germanic successors Kingdom of Prussia It was never part of the Holy Roman Empire.
In 1190 Frederick the Red Beard took part The Third Crusade And die of Asia Minor . The Hohenstaufen dynasty reached its peak during the reign of his son and successor, Henry VI. Henry brought the Norman kingdom of Sicily under his rule, captured the English king Liza, and attempted to establish a hereditary monarchy before his death in 1197. His son Frederick II, though already elected king, was only a small child living in Sicily. The German duchies decided to choose an adult king, and there was a contest between Philip of Swabia, the younger son of Frederick the Red Beard, and Otto of Brunswick, the son of Henry the Lion.
In 1208, Philip was murdered in a quarrel, and Otto won a brief victory until he too began to claim the throne of Sicily. Pope Innocent III, fearful of the imperial and Sicilian threats, supported King Frederick II of Sicily in his march into Germany and defeated Otto. Although Frederick had passed the Sicilian throne to his son Henry before his expedition to Germany, after his victory Frederick did not fulfill his promise to keep the two countries separate and retained effective control over Sicily. This situation lasted until Frederick was crowned emperor in 1220. The Pope feared Frederick's centralised power and eventually excommunicated him. Frederick, on the other hand, had promised to launch a crusade, but had repeatedly postponed it. Despite his excommunication, Frederick led the Crusade in 1228, which ended in a series of negotiations and the brief restoration of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
imperial The Kingdom of Bohemia It is an important regional power. In 1212, the Emperor Frederick II Promulgate Sicily A golden bull It recognized the royal titles of King Przemysl Ottoka I (who had used the title of king since 1198) and his descendants, and promoted the Principality of Bohemia to a kingdom. The king of Bohemia was henceforth exempted from all obligations except participation in imperial councils.
The Holy Roman Empire of the Hohenstaufen Dynasty
Frederick's reign was a turning point in the disintegration of imperial centralization. While he focused on establishing Sicily as a modern, centralized state, he spent most of his time away from Germany and granted the German principalities and bishoprics extensive privileges: In the Confoederatio cum principibus ecclesiasticis (1220), Frederick delegated many powers to the bishops, such as customs, coinage, and fortification. in the Statutum in favorem principum of 1232, most of these privileges were granted to secular areas. Although many of these privileges already existed beforehand, they were granted on a broad and one-time basis. Frederick hoped that the German duchies would help him maintain order north of the Alps while he focused on Italian affairs. The German Dukes were for the first time referred to as domini Terræd, the masters of their lands, in the 1232 Act of the Secular Forms, which was also an extraordinary advance in political terminology.


During the early three dynasties of the Holy Roman Empire, the internal stability of the Empire was maintained due to the fact that the emperor was basically the duke of the five Germanic tribes, and the cooperative relationship with the Holy See. After Frederick II adopted the policy of emphasizing Italy over Germany, the emperor's power and prestige in Germany gradually declined, and he became a small Lord no different from other German princes. With the death of Frederick II, the potential dangers posed by the previous policy tilt and the bankruptcy of relations with the Papacy exploded in a single blow due to the lack of a capable emperor. After the Great Vacant era, during the 12th and 13th centuries, the emperor could only rely on the family power to obtain the throne and the throne through political means and marriage, lacking a strong royal territory as a source of tax revenue and the basis for the expansion of the royal power, the emperor could nominally collect only a fixed military tax from the members of the empire, such loose politics confederation Form in Thirty Years' War The Chinese government was completely destroyed.
  • Macrovacancy period
After the death of Frederick II in 1250, the German kingdom was divided between his sons Conrad IV And another king, William of Holland (died 1254). Conrad's death was followed by the Interregnum, a period in which no king was universally recognized, and the duchies were able to consolidate their foundations and become even more independent rulers.
After 1257, the crown was contested between Richard of Cornwall, supported by the Guelph party, and Alfonso X of Castile, who was recognized by the Hohenstaufen but never set foot on German soil.
After Richard's death in 1273, the Great Void period became the Habsburg Rudolf I It was unanimously admitted that he was a minor former collateral member of the Hohenstaufen family.
  • The House of Habsburg
The House of Habsburg
Rudolf of Habsburg was the ideal puppet for the German aristocracy at the time: he had a brilliant pedigreed (the godson of Frederick II, the maternal descendant of the Hohenstaufen family), but he was old and weak (he was 55 when he took the throne, and the Habsburgs had only scattered possessions in Upper Burgundy).
However, they underestimated the great power of this old man: in 1276, Rudolf I sued the Bohemian king who had annexed Papenburg without permission for violating minor privileges Otoka the Second He declared war, and two years later defeated his opponents at the Battle of Duenklut, successfully transforming the vast territory of Austria into The House of Habsburg It became a powerful German vassal on a par with Bohemia. Since then, the Imperial Crown has passed almost continuously in the hands of the Kings of Bohemia (mainly from the family of Luxembourg) and the Grand Dukes of Austria (from the family of Habsburg) until the family of Habsburg Bohemia with Hungary King Ferdinand I, eldest brother Emperor and Grand Duke of Austria Carl V He took over the imperial crown as Grand Duke of Austria and King of Bohemia, the Austrian House of Habsburg and its branches The Habsburg-Lorraine Dynasty He monopolized the throne until the empire was completely dissolved.
However, the centralization of the Holy Roman Empire was difficult in this period, even though the emperor had great power (relative to other princes) and extensive hereditary territory: Rudolf I The incorporation of Austria into the family domain was so disliked by the feudal nobility that after his death, Adolf of Nassau, not Albrecht of Habsburg, was elected emperor of the Roman Empire; Control of Bohemia, Upper Saxony, Brandenburg Such a vast territory of Carl IV could do no more than enact A golden bull Affirming the privileges of the princes to prevent the emergence of rival emperors and the outbreak of civil war. Maximilian the First The imperial reform went the farthest, but it was only through the reform of the Imperial parliament and the feudal military system, the establishment of the Imperial ruling Council and the imperial district, so as to produce a central government ruled by and for the nobility. This fragile central government was torn apart by the subsequent Reformation. As for the overlord of the world, Carl V, a devout Catholic who had always been unpopular with the German nobility because of his Spanish and Burgundian cultural background, eventually became Mired in religious strife and gave way to his brother Ferdinand the First .
  • Change of political pattern
The 13th century also saw a change in the way land was managed Middle Ages The holistic changes of the late transition, at the expense of aristocratic feudalism, prepared the way for the transfer of political power to the rising bourgeoisie. Money began to represent more of the economic value of agriculture in addition to paying poll taxes. Farmers increasingly began to be required to pay land taxes. The concept of "ownership" began to replace the ancient model of jurisdiction, although they were still closely linked. In imperial jurisdictions, power was more closely linked: whoever had jurisdiction over the land, other powers came into being. It is important to note, however, that jurisdiction in this period did not include judicial power, which in fact did not really emerge until the century. Court trials rely heavily on tradition and convention.
During this period, the regions under the empire began to transform into the precursors of the modern state. This process varied greatly from region to region, with the fastest growing regions largely coinciding with the regions of ancient Germanic tribes. It is worth noting that during this period the Empire began to develop an equivalent relationship with the German nation-state and the Germanic regional state: Frederick III For the first time, the modifier "Deutscher Nation/Nationis Germanic" was added to the title, and Maximilian I was the first to add "Germaniae Rex" (King of Germania) to his ceremonial title. The title traditionally given to Germania is the dubious "King of the Roman people" (Romanorum Rex).
Because of capitalism The growing and prosperous city-states of northern Italy, such as Venice, Florence, Pisa, etc., continued to attract the attention and energy of the emperor, diminishing the Empire's focus on Germania and the rest of Italy.
In addition, the empire lacked a recognized law of royal succession, so the death of the emperor often caused a breakdown Elector Disputes over the succession of emperors led to civil war and anarchy in the empire. In order to maintain the emperor's power, he had to overcome other unsupportive princes by force, or he had to find a way to win the support of the majority of princes. Under these circumstances, the Holy Roman Empire, despite its name of a core "state," gradually evolved into a loose "confederation."
  • Thirty Years' War
On June 26, 1618, the Holy Roman Empire had 390 duchies, principalities, religious nobles, free states, free cities, and knighthoods. Resentment of Habsburg Austria's policy of restoring imperial power within the Empire, and the hostility of the Protestant princes, who constituted the majority of the princes, to the Catholic emperor as a result of the Reformation, eventually arose Thirty Years' War . The Thirty Years' War made Germany The region's economy has gone back almost 200 years serfdom The feudal era; And because of" The Peace of Westphalia The princes of the Holy Roman Empire could enjoy autonomy. This led to a further weakening of imperial power, with the vassals in the empire acting as separate kingdoms.
After the Thirty Years' War, the Holy Roman Empire consisted of 314 states and 1,475 knightly estates. By the 18th century, experienced War of the Polish Succession , War of the Austrian Succession and Seven years' War During the civil war, the Empire formed more than three hundred independent states, the Holy Roman Emperor in name only, and even the German states were not called the Allies, and the world's impression of the emperor was more the ruler of the Habsburg monarchy centered in Austria, rather than the supreme monarch of the first German Empire.


In 1789, French Revolution Eruption. Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II His brother-in-law, the King of Dharma Louis XVI Be overthrown. His sister, Queen Marie Antoinette of France, was executed by the French Republican government, and with the spread of the idea of "justice, liberty, fraternity", Leopold II tried to unite the monarchs of Europe to defend the French monarchy by force.
The Holy Roman Empire dissolved into the Austrian Empire and the Rhine Confederation
In 1792 Leopold II was officially married Prussia Formed an alliance and prepared to intervene in France by force. But that's when he died. But his son, the Holy Roman Emperor Franz the Second He continued his policy, and the following year formed the first Coalition with Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain. However, the alliance collapsed in 1797 when the allied forces were defeated by the French and Italian Fronts led by Napoleon and forced to negotiate peace.
In 1799, the European powers took advantage of the French army Napoleon The army was trapped in Egypt and once again launched the war against France. This time the empire was formed with Britain, Turkey, and Russia The Second Coalition . But at the end of the year Napoleon returned alone and launched Brumaire coup He took over the French military and political powers and became the first ruler of France. Since then, Napoleon personally commanded the Italian front army, turned back to deal with the anti-French countries, defeated the allied forces in 1800, and the Empire had to negotiate peace with Napoleon and dissolve the anti-French alliance. Napoleon's proclamation three weeks after the end of the coup declared that "the revolution is over", which made the European powers somewhat reassured, coupled with their weakened strength, and temporarily abandoned anti-French action. But Napoleon's ambitions led Europe to fight again a few years later.
On May 18, 1804, Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor. Holy Roman Emperor Franz II saw French Revolution And the rise of Napoleon exacerbated divisions among the German city-states, fearing that France would once again expand to rival the Holy Roman Empire. Therefore, he decided to bring together Britain, Russia, Sweden and Naples to form a Third coalition against France. In 1805, the Empire invaded with the support of Russian troops France ally Bavaria . while Naples He joined the Imperial Army in attacking Napoleon's Allies in Italy. But Napoleon quickly responded by crossing the Rhine from his homeland. On December 2, the three imperial armies of France, Russia and the Holy Roman Empire fought a battle of the Three Emperors at Austerlitz. In the end, Napoleon not only held Bavaria, but also invaded the Habsburg territory of Moravia, drove the Imperial army out of Italy, and defeated Russian reinforcements in Prussia.
On December 16, France and the Empire finally signed the treaty The Peace of Presburg ". After the peace treaty was signed, Napoleon decided to establish himself as Lord Protector The Confederation of the Rhine To consolidate his Allies in Germany.
On July 12, 1806, under Napoleon's threats and inducements, 16 member states of the Holy Roman Empire signed the Treaty of the Confederation of the Rhine, leaving the Empire and joining the Confederation. This severely weakened Austria's position as a suzerainty in Germany Franz the Second Up in arms. In order to attract more countries to join the Confederation, Napoleon decided to end the Holy Roman Empire himself. He therefore issued an ultimatum to Emperor Franz II, demanding that he dissolve the Holy Roman Empire and renounce the title of Holy Roman Emperor and King of the Roman people. Finally, on 6 August 1806, Franz II abandoned the Holy Roman Emperor, keeping only the Austrian Emperor, and the Holy Roman Empire fell.


From 1157, the empire was known as the Holy Roman Empire, and at its height it encompencompded modern-day Germany, Austria, northern and central Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, eastern France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
The imperial rulers of the Roman Empire and Charlemagne The successor of the United States has set himself up for expansion. In the 11th and 12th centuries, the Holy Roman emperors Pope of Rome There was a fierce struggle for the succession of bishops, a struggle not only for control of the church, but also between the central crown and the local feudal separatist forces. Nevertheless, throughout the Middle Ages, the empire and the church worked closely together to preserve feudalism.


The territory of the Holy Roman Empire Germany The region was the core, roughly equivalent to all of present-day Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein; most of Denmark, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary; eastern France; western Poland; and northern Italy. Straddling the Alps to the north and south, it was a great country with an imperial title in medieval Europe. The empire reached its maximum extent during the reign of Emperor Henry VI of Hohenstaufen (1191-1197), exceeding one million square kilometers. During the Great Void, the empire became smaller and smaller until the Habsburgs Frederick III (1452-1493) changed its name to the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation", indicating that the Empire was limited to a small part of Germany. Charles V (1519-1556) the empire expanded again, but it was unable to reverse the decline of the empire.
In 1806, Napoleon The army overthrew the empire. At this time, the empire consisted roughly of Austria As the center of 600,000 square kilometers The House of Habsburg Territory.


The Holy Roman Empire did not have an explicit capital because the throne of the Holy Roman Empire was successively held by the King of Germany, the Count of Luxembourg, Austria The Grand Duke also serves as the residence of only the king (count, grand duke) and emperor. For example: Magdeburg (Otto Dynasty), Speyer (Salian Dynasty), Bragg (House of Luxembourg) and Vienna (Habsburg Dynasty); In addition there are some important cities such as Aachen (where the emperor was crowned), Regensburg (seat of the Imperial Council) and Nuremberg A place where royal treasures are kept.



National emblem

The coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire is a crown Two-headed Hawk Pattern.
The double headed eagle pattern is followed Roman Empire Totem, meaning the empire is the rightful successor to ancient Rome. The crucifixion in the middle shows the holiness of the Empire, whose emperor is Rome Catholicism Protectors of the Church and the entire Western Christian world. The wings of the two-headed eagle are painted with seven Elector The flags of the great princes of the Reich and Germany represented the universality and vastness of the Empire.

National anthem

《天佑吾皇弗朗茨》(德语:Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser),又称帝皇颂(Österreichische Kaiserhymne)是神圣罗马帝国(1797~1806年)、 Austrian Empire (1804 ~ 1867) and Austro-hungarian Empire (1867-1918).
composer Joseph Haydn , lyricist Lorenz Leopold Haschka. It was first performed on February 12, 1797, the day of the last Holy Roman Emperor Franz the Second Birthday. The tune of the song is still used by the German national anthem" Deutschland Song Follow.

Military affairs

Imperial rulers seek hegemony Europe Several invasions of Italy and protracted wars depleted the strength of the Empire. The Hohenstaufen Dynasty During the reign of the Emperor, the central power declined, there was a lack of economic ties between the various parts of the country, and the Empire became an unstable alliance of feudal principalities and free cities that recognized the supreme power of the emperor.
The period from 1254 to 1273 is the vacant period in German history. This was a period of constant strife and infighting among princes, knights, and cities. By the end of the 13th century, there were many independent feudal lords in the empire, and the emperor had no jurisdiction over feudal lords outside his direct territory.
In 1356, Charles IV promulgate A golden bull The emperor must be confirmed by seven Elector Choose.
After the second half of the 13th century, due to Burgundy and Italy The north seceded from the Empire and its territory was largely limited to German Area.
From the beginning of the 15th century, the empire began to be divided, and the throne was divided The Austrian Habsburg Dynasty Occupy.
From 1474 the empire, known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, had become a political grouping in name only.
In the late 15th and early 16th centuries, Emperor Maximilian I tried to revive the empire, but failed. Roman Catholicism And the German feudal rulers increasingly exploited and oppressed the peasants and citizens.
It broke out in the early 16th century reformation Sum of motion German peasant War The peasant War was the culmination of the Reformation. After the Reformation, the empire was effectively divided into Lutheran east, North, and center; The Calvinist west and part of the southwest and the Catholic south.
In 1806, in Napoleon Sixteen states of the Holy Roman Empire signed the Treaty of the Confederation of the Rhine, seceding from the Empire and joining The Confederation of the Rhine . At the same time, in order to attract more countries to join the Confederation, Napoleon decided to end the Holy Roman Empire himself. So he spoke to the emperor Franz the Second An ultimatum was issued, demanding that he dissolve the Holy Roman Empire and renounce his title of Holy Roman Emperor and King of the Roman people.


In 962, the Holy Roman Empire ruled over 4.7 million people; By the year 1000, the population had increased to 7 million. By 1100, it had grown to 8.2 million; By 1200, there were 10.2 million. By 1600 the population had reached 23 million.