Population number

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The number of people refers to the size of the population. The quantity is used to indicate the existence and degree of change of the population. In a narrow sense, it only refers to the absolute amount of the population, that is, the number of living individuals contained in the population as a whole, such as the total number of people in a country. In a broad sense, it includes both the absolute amount of population and the relative amount of population that is proportional to certain relevant factors, such as the population density of a place. Quantitative regulation is one of the most basic characteristics of population. Any society is made up of a certain number of people. [1]
At 10:00 a.m. on May 11, 2021, The seventh national census According to the results, the country has a population of 1,41178 million. [3]
Chinese name
Population number
Latest data
1,41178 million people (as of 2020)
The quantitative nature of a population

Population data

At 10 am on May 11, 2021, the results of the seventh national census were announced, and the total population of the country was 1,41178 million. Compared with 1339.72 million in 2010, 72.06 million more, an increase of 5.38%; The annual average growth rate was 0.53 percent, down 0.04 percentage points from the average annual growth rate of 0.57 percent from 2000 to 2010. The data show that China's population has continued to grow at a low rate in the past 10 years. [3]
On February 28, 2022, the National Bureau of Statistics issued the" Statistical Bulletin of National Economic and Social Development for 2021 ". At the end of the year, China's population was 1,412.6 million, an increase of 480,000 over the previous year, of which 914.25 million were permanent urban residents. The number of births was 10.62 million, with a birth rate of 7.52 per thousand. A total of 10.14 million people died, with a mortality rate of 7.18‰. The natural growth rate is 0.34‰. There are 504 million people separated from their households, of whom 385 million are migrants. [4]

Demographic advantage

A moderate population size can promote sustainable development
Moderate population growth can promote human exploitation of natural resources and economic growth.
Because with the moderate growth of population, at the same time increased the corresponding needs of life, in the original resources can not meet these needs, objectively promote the development and utilization of new natural resources. In addition, some special natural resources, such as water and electricity resources, can only be converted into a certain degree of development ability Economic resources Moderate population growth creates the ability to transform natural resources into economic resources.
Moderate population growth provides sufficient labor force for economic and social development and the sustainable development of society needs a certain number and quality of the working-age population, our country's large population provides a large number of cheap for the development Labour force , skilled workers and Scientific and technological talents . Reform and opening up Since then, it has accelerated the flow and migration of population, and the rural surplus labor force has entered the city, which has played a positive role in accelerating the development of urban tertiary industry.
Moderate population growth is beneficial Economic structure With the development of society, Industrial structure It's always updated and changing. The emergence of new industries often requires a large number of new skilled workers, and it is much easier to recruit new workers from the newly increased unemployed youth than to adjust a "yJ" workers from the old industrial sector. A moderate population provides labor force security for such industrial restructuring. Moderate population growth is conducive to improving the scale economy benefits of social production Moderate growth of the labor force makes the total economic growth faster, because the increase in the number of labor forces will expand the scale of labor, thus Economies of scale The production provides the possibility.

Demographic disadvantage

Excessive population growth is a major obstacle to sustainable development
All development is limited by the total amount of resources, and population and economic and social development ultimately depend on natural resources.
The rapid population growth caused by the increase in consumption offset Economic growth The main problem existing in our country at present is overpopulation and overpopulation Shortage economy The contradiction of... In order to meet people's needs for food, clothing, housing, universal education and employment, the country needs to pay a "yJ" economic achievement as the price. The rapid growth of population and the large scale of population directly affect the accumulation of economic construction funds. Our country increases every year National income About a quarter was consumed by the new population. Excessive population growth even causes our country to form a situation of economic growth without economic development.
Overpopulation has an impact on the sustainable development of society. The population is growing too fast. Here Take up a job , education , lodging , Source of energy , traffic , Medical care , Social welfare And caused a lot of pressure. As from Take up a job It is estimated that the surplus labor force in rural areas is less than 100 million and more than 250 million. From the perspective of education, in the case of insufficient investment and insufficient teachers, some people have lost the opportunity to receive good education. In terms of reinvestment, excessive population growth has taken up most of the household income Living consumption Which reduces savings and thus constrains Extensive reproduction The need for capital. In order to maintain the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the government has to reduce accumulation, reduce the amount of production investment, and slow down the development of social production. [2]