Alibaba engineers talk about the optimization of experience and the continuation of user habits (graphic)

Post time: 2012-05-16 11:10:55 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
Let's ask Alibaba designers to talk about the design optimization and experience of the website
As the operation background of Alibaba users, in the past two years, from Ali assistant, to work platform, and then to my Ali, after several times of information architecture and overall adjustment, the current basic framework has been built. There is always a certain risk of change, and even cause user resistance and loss, especially in the functional set of user operations like my Ali, the process of change is tangled and painful, and how to minimize such risks, and unknowingly, let users get used to every point of optimization.
Based on my Ali framework prototype, I summarized several key points from the process of framework optimization and upgrading series of projects to share with you:
First, understand the business background
Before making a comprehensive revision, it is necessary to be familiar with the business logic and positioning of the current product, including:
Past development: The historical evolution of a product in the past is like the past accumulation of a person or a country, and there will be points worth learning from and inheriting.
Current status: including business scope, core values, and user usage (including user groups, user numbers and mainstream user behavior).
Future specification: foreseeable development direction, clear product core value to users, is not only the same direction positioning.
Second, familiar with user behavior
Ali has a relatively fixed and stable user group, and all functions are based on interactive operation, especially the need to pay attention to user feedback and data changes. There are many qualitative user research methods, such as interviews, questionnaires, etc. The most convenient method is to browse users' feedback and suggestions directly in the user suggestion center and community. If possible, directly select several typical users and communicate with them. You can get a lot of users' real feelings and use scenarios. Direct feedback from users can help us quickly find the feeling of real users, but it is difficult to directly analyze as a universal phenomenon, and it needs to be guided by data analysis. Based on the collected user feedback and data analysis, the core user behavior and user goals are obtained, and these are used as the direction and goals of the revision.
Third, overall planning
My Ali is very closely related to various businesses, and involves a wide range of types, in the revision of the framework, it can be said that the whole body, many related function applications must stand in a higher and broader perspective planning revision program. It can be said that my Ali business is platform-type content, and our work is mainly in the framework of the product, the formulation of rules and design specifications.
For example, the application accessing My Ali is directly connected with the third-party application customization function of the application market, and synchronizes with the custom application of the client Ali Want Want desktop version. When it comes to the adjustment of relevant content, it is necessary to consider the use of multiple platforms. In addition, as a global unified Toolbar, the header frame is also the symbolic symbol of my Ali, which must have universal applicability in various scenes, so that there is unity among all pages in my Ali, and each channel, application and sub-page have a sense of belonging. Provide the operation entrance of the overall function page, provide users with quick skip switching, avoid getting lost in the website, and maintain the unity of function and style, always displayed at the top of each page.
Fourth, product continuity
The development of products is like the life of human beings, from birth, growth to maturity, and eventually decline and fall, followed by a new life cycle. The process of growth is spiraling upward, in the whole process of every point of accumulation and precipitation need to be respected, especially when the content of value to the user is changed or adjusted, there should be a suitable alternative to the user account. There is no perfect product forever, but whether there is the best solution at the right time to win user appreciation and recognition, and continue to develop with the improvement of resources and environment.
From the user's point of view, the experience is continuous, and as a designer, we should do a continuous design, and on the basis of familiar with the business logic and user behavior, through inheritance optimization, to achieve the continuation of the product
Five, step by step iterative implementation
The iteration that we are more familiar with is used in the process of development, testing and project implementation, and the process of design and implementation is the same. The final scheme is disassembled and implemented step by step to reduce the cognitive cost of users, thus minimizing the risk of optimization and achieving the continuity of experience.
When I upgraded my Ali framework, I adopted a distributed iterative approach to transform the Toolbar. Toolbar, as the unified head of the whole world, is the orientation guide of the platform, and the core operation function guide of gathered users. Once a lot of adjustments are made, many users will get lost. So we split the entire adjustment process into three steps, interspersed in several project revisions:
Realize the personalized customization needs of the home application, while retaining the original information content, only adjusting the visual style, and achieving the lightweight effect through the fresh color.
Application bar and channel uncouple, and at the same time the head of the three information sorted into two.
Put away the custom app bar and change the app center to a separate channel. At the same time, in order to emphasize this revision, in addition to making revision guidance and help tips, the default state of my application has been strengthened.
The background and process of my Ali framework upgrade project can be seen in the following PPT content:
By heyuchan
  • Tag: Experience optimization

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