
The State of Israel
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The State of Israel, also known as Israel, is located in Asia West, east Jordan , northeast and Syria As neighbors, the south is connected The Gulf of Aqaba , southwest and Egypt Neighbors face the west Mediterranean , North and Lebanon The border is the junction of Asia, Africa and Europe. It has a Mediterranean climate, high in the east and low in the west. According to 1947 The United Nations With regard to The partition of Palestine resolution The State of Israel has an area of 15,200 square kilometers, the actual control area is about 25,000 square kilometers, the coastline is 198 kilometers long, and the country is divided into 6 districts, 30 subdivisions, and 31 municipalities. [3] At the time of the founding, the capital was Tel Aviv In 1950, he moved to Jerusalem However, it is not universally recognized by the international community. As of December 2023, the total population of Israel is 9.84 million , [46] Believe in Judaism , Islam and Christianity The three great religions. The official language is Hebrew and Arabic , general English. [4]
Jew The distant ancestor is an ancient Semitic branch, which originated about 4000 years ago The Mesopotamian plains He later moved to Egypt to escape natural disasters Nile delta East, hence the name" Hebrews ". At the end of the 13th century BC, he began to move from Egypt to Palestine. Around 1000 BC, the state of Israel was established. In 70 AD, by Roman dislodge Palestinian territory . At the end of the 19th century, The Zionist movement Jews began to emigrate to Palestine in large numbers. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to establish an Arab state and a Jewish state in Palestine. On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was formally established by this resolution. [3]
Israel is Developed country It is a mixed economy with a higher degree of industrialization Knowledge intensive industry Mainly, high value-added agriculture, biochemistry, electronics, military and other departments have a high level of technology. Israel's overall economic strength is strong, and its competitiveness ranks first in the world. [3] In 2021, Israel's gross domestic product was $416.6 billion. [4]
  • Racial discrimination
How did the three Jewish communities rise and fall over the millennia? How does this change in ethnic power affect Israeli politics and society today? ... details
The content comes from
Chinese name
The State of Israel
Foreign name
The State of Israel (English)
Blocks - jaw jaw jaw jaw jaw [16] (Hebrew)
Abbreviated form
Jerusalem (statutory), Tel Aviv-Jaffa (actual)
Major city
Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Haifa , Rishon Lezion , Ashdod , Beersheba , Netanya Etc.
National Day
On the 14th of May (This is the Gregorian calendar, using the Jewish calendar)
National song
" Song of hope "
Country code
Official language
Hebrew , Arabic
Time zone
Political system
A parliamentary republic
National leader
Isaac Herzog [2] (President) , Benjamin Netanyahu [11] (Prime Minister)
Population number
9.84 million [46] (December 2023)
Population density
432.7 persons/km2 (Year 2021)
Major nationality
Jew , Arab , The Druze
Major religion
Judaism , Christianity , Islam
Land area
About 25,000 km² (actual control area)
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$518.89 billion [46] (2023)
Per capita GDP
$53,200 [46] (2023)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Keep to the right
Largest city
Daylight saving time
The national flower
anemone , olive
Famous enterprise
Israel Aerospace Industries Etc.

Historical evolution

Israel initially referred to a single individual name and then evolved into a national name, the earliest history can be traced back to around the 12th century BC. For over 3,000 years, Jew Depending on the Canaan For the heart of their national and spiritual life, call it the "Holy Land" or the "Promised Land." Israel has a special meaning in Judaism, including the temple ruins and the associated religious rites, which are important foundations of modern Jewish tradition.
Israel means "brave warrior", from the book Bible The ancestors of the Jews Jacob Wrestled with God (the angel) and won, and God made the change of Jacob's name to Israel. Then came twelve tribes.
Israel is a major world religion Judaism , Islam and Christianity The birthplace of... The ancestors of the Jews are ancient Semite The branch, originated about 4,000 years ago The Mesopotamian plains He later moved to Egypt to escape natural disasters Nile delta East, hence the name" Hebrews (meaning "the one who came"). [3]
At the end of the 13th century BC, the Hebrews began to settle in Palestine from Egypt.
Around 1000 BC, it was established United Kingdom of Israel And has since been Assyria , Babylon , Persia , Ancient Greek and Roman Empire Conquer.
In the 10th century BC, David The son of King Solomon It was then divided into North and South, and the north was made up of ten tribes Kingdom of Israel The South was inherited by the descendants of David Kingdom of Judah .
In 722 and 586 BC, the two kingdoms were divided Assyrian Conquer and be Babylonian Perish, and most of the Jews are taken prisoner Mesopotamia Area, until Persian Empire Periods return in batches.
In 332 BC, Alexander the Great Conquered the area and later the area of Israel became The Seleucids and The Ptolemaic Dynasty A place to fight for.
From 167 to 63 BC [28 ] The region of Israel is affected The Maccabees Rule. Then Pompey the Roman occupied Palestine, incorporated Israel into the province of Syria, and installed the house of Herod as a proxy government. The end of the first century BC Herod Expand Jerusalem.
AD 66 ~70, because Roman The violence of the Jewish uprising broke out on a large scale, and was repeatedly brutally suppressed by the Roman army, Jerusalem was destroyed again, and the Jews were driven out by the Romans Palestinian territory Dispersed all over the world.
In 132 AD, a mass uprising broke out, which was again suppressed by the Roman army.
In 638 AD, Moslem from The Byzantine Empire Took control of the area, then several Islamic state Has ruled this region, Arab It has since become a major resident of the area. Later separated by The Umayyad Dynasty , The Abbasid Dynasty , Khwarizm and Mongol Empire Conquered between 1260 and 1516 by Mamluk Ruled, and then in 1517 became Ottoman Empire A province. [1]
In the 18th century, there were several small waves of Jewish returns. In 1878, Petah Tikva The first large Jewish farm settlements appeared. Jews bought land from the Ottomans and Arabs and settled there. As the number of Jewish residents increased, so did tensions between them and the Arabs.
At the end of the 19th century, with the rise of the Zionist movement, Jews began to emigrate to Palestine in large numbers. [3]
1896, Central Europe Austro-hungarian Empire Jewish journalist Theodore Herzl initiate Zionism Sports (also known as" Zionism Movement "), calling on the Jews of the world to return to their homeland and restore their national way of life.
On August 29, 1897, Theodore Herzl In Basel, Switzerland, convened the first" The Zionist Congress The General Assembly resolved to establish "a home (or state) recognized by the public and guaranteed by law." Corresponding institutions such as the Jewish National Fund and the Palestinian Land Development Corporation were established to help Jews from all over the world emigrate to Palestine.
In November 1917, he was British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour In a letter to Lionel Rothschild, chairman of the Zionist Union of Great Britain, the British government "views favourably the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine", History said. Balfour Declaration ". [3]
In 1920, League of nations British authority over Palestine.
In 1922, the British divided the Trust into two parts: the Eastern (now Jordan It is inhabited by Arabs, and the west is inhabited by Jews. The League of Nations adopted the British Mandate for Palestine, which provided for the establishment of a "Jewish national home" in Palestine. Later, Jews from all over the world moved to Palestine in large numbers.
In 1929, during a Palestinian uprising, Arabs killed 133 Jews. In 1939, the British issued a White paper limiting Jewish immigration to 75,000 people and restricting Jewish land purchases. This white paper has been adopted by many Jews and Zionism It was considered a betrayal of the Jews and a violation of the Balfour Declaration. The Arabs were not appeased, and they wanted a complete halt to Jewish immigration.
In 1933, The Nazi Party Came to power in Germany and launched the fifth wave of Jewish return.
In 1940, Jews made up 30% of the population. Then it happened in Europe Holocaust And further promoted the return of Jews.
On November 29, 1947, United Nations General Assembly A resolution was passed to establish an Arab state and a Jewish state in the Palestinian territories. Jews and Arabs own about 55 percent and 45 percent of the territory, respectively, and Jerusalem was placed under the administration of the United Nations in a bid to avoid conflict.
On 14 May 1948, at midnight the day before the end of the British mandate, the State of Israel was officially proclaimed as Israel's National Day.
On May 11, 1949, Israel took possession The United Nations To become the 59th Member State. [3]

Geographical environment


Regional location

Israel is located in western Asia. East to Jordan , northeast and Syria As neighbors, the south is connected The Gulf of Aqaba , southwest and Egypt Neighbors face the west Mediterranean , North and Lebanon The border is the junction of the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, according to the 1947 UN Resolution The partition of Palestine resolution The area of the State of Israel is 15,200 square kilometers. Israel occupied large swathes of Arab territory in four Middle East wars between 1948 and 1973 before partially withdrawing in the 1980s. At present, the actual control area is about 25,000 square kilometers. [3]
On October 11, 2022, local time, Israeli Prime Minister Lapid issued a statement through his social media account, saying that Israel has reached an agreement with Lebanon on the demarcation of the disputed sea between the two sides Agreement. [6]


Topographic map of Israel
Israel's Mediterranean coast is a narrow plain, with winding mountains and highlands in the north and south The Negev Desert The east is running north-south Jordan Valley And the Arawa Valley. A fertile coastal plain of varying sizes between the plateau and the Mediterranean Sea, it is the principal agricultural region of Israel. north-eastern Lake Tiberias With an area of 170 square kilometers, it is an important reservoir in Israel. East of the border with Jordan Dead Sea With an area of 1050 square kilometers, it is the lowest point in the world and is known as the "navel of the world". [4]


Israel has a mainly Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, humid winters. There are only two distinct seasons in the year: a dry summer from April to October, and a rainy winter from November to March. The distribution of rainfall is very uneven, with relatively high rainfall in the north and central areas, with an annual rainfall of 920 mm in the north, and a rare annual rainfall of only 30 mm in the southern Negev. [4]

Natural resources

Israel is relatively poor in natural resources, the main resources are Dead Sea It contains rich potassium salt, magnesium and bromine and other minerals. Israel in Mediterranean A number of large natural gas fields have been continuously discovered in the sea area and have entered the development stage. [4]

Administrative division


Zoning details

Israel is divided into 6 districts, 30 subdistricts, 31 municipalities, 115 local councils, and 49 district councils. Israel was founded as its capital Tel Aviv In 1950, he moved to Jerusalem . As the issue of Jerusalem is one of the focal points of the final status negotiations between Israel and Palestine, the vast majority of embassies in Israel are still located Tel Aviv. [4]
Subdivisions of Israel
The capital
Area (sq. km)
Jerusalem District
Northern region
Haifa Rayon
Central area
Tel Aviv District
Tel Aviv
Austral region

Major city

Views of Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv-Yafo (Tel AviV-YafO)
Tel Aviv-Jaffa Founded in 1909 and merged with the ancient city of Jaffa in 1950, it has become a modern city on the Mediterranean coast. It is Israel's financial, commercial, trade, transportation and cultural center with a population of about 420,000. Here is the largest university in the world Tel Aviv University The oldest theater is the Israel Theater, and the most famous orchestra is the Israel Symphony Orchestra. Israel's commercial institutions, banks, many political parties, the General Union of Jewish Labor, major newspapers, periodicals and publishing houses are headquartered here. Tel Aviv dominates Israel's economic life, accounting for 25% of the country's total workforce and more than half of the country's factories. Most embassies are located in the city. In July 2003, UNESCO will Tel Aviv White City Recognized as a World Cultural Heritage site. [8]
Scenery of Haifa
Haifa It is an important port city in Israel and the capital of the Haifa district, located on the Mediterranean coast, with a population of about 280,000, and is the administrative, industrial and international trade and business center of northern Israel. It handles most of Israel's imports and exports. The port area of Haifa is on the edge of the bay, and commercial and residential buildings are built on the hillside of Carmel, from the top of which there is a panoramic view of the bay. Here is built the famous Technion-israel Institute of Technology , University of Haifa The Maritime Museum and many beautiful parks. Haifa has a number of ethnic minorities living together in peace. [8]
Be 'er Sheva
Beersheba It is the capital of the southern Negev region. Located in the northern Negev, it is a new city built on the site where Jewish ancestors lived 3,500 years ago and has a population of about 200,000. It is... Negev The administrative, economic and cultural center, which is the intersection of the road leading to the Dead Sea and Eilat, has a population of about half Jews and half Arabs, and has long been a military town. The famous Ben-Gurion University (Beersheba University) was built here. [8]
Eilat Located in the southernmost part of Israel, it is the only access to Israel Red Sea The outlet to the sea. The city has a port, but it is small. The climate here is hot and dry, with average temperatures about 10 degrees above the national average. The city attracts a large number of tourists with its dramatic views of the Red Sea, beautiful beaches and perfect service facilities, and is a holiday and tourist destination for Israelis. [8]

National symbol


Country name

The State of Israel is also known as Israel. Israel ( Hebrew : shin ְ ִ shin ַ webui webui webui webui webui webui webui webui webui Arabic The name of the country comes from the Bible, the ancestors of the Jews Jacob He wrestled with God (the angel) and won, and God (the angel) changed Jacob's name to Israel.


Flag of Israel
Flag of Israel It is rectangular, the ratio of length to width is about 3:2, the flag base is white, and there is a blue broadband above and below. The blue and white colors come from the shawls that Jews use for prayer. In the middle of the white flag is a blue one hexagram This is the king of ancient Israel King David The name of the second king of Israel, David, means "the beloved," and the star of King David symbolizes the power of the state.

National emblem

Emblem of Israel
Emblem of Israel From the seven golden lampstands in the Bible, each from the Old Testament Exodus "" Zechariah "And The New Testament " Revelation ". The shape on the coat of arms is taken from the description in the Book of Zechariah (slightly different from Exodus, not one but seven, and with olive trees on either side). The golden lampstand represented Israel as God's witness on earth. Gold represents God's divine disposition, and Zechariah says that the seven lampstands are the seven eyes of God. On both sides of the lampstand are olive branches, and on the lampstand are two olive branches of gold oil, which in the Book of Zechariah is said to be the son of oil, representing Joshua, the high priest and Zerubbabel, the governor of the Temple of Israel during the reconstruction period, according to the two important offices of priest and king.

National anthem

" Song of hope The lyricist was a Jew Ravvy It was written by Naftali Herz Imbel, a Jew.
"Song of Hope" is set to traditional Jewish tunes. The song was originally a Zionist anthem and was first sung at the first World Zionist Congress in 1897. Israel adopted it as its national anthem after its founding. Lyrics: Hidden in my heart, is the Jewish soul. Toward the land of the east are the eyes that gaze upon Zion. Two thousand years of exile, hope still alive, Zion and Jerusalem, O we shall return to our land free.

National bird

A surname . [9-10]


As of September 2023, the population of Israel is 9.79 million. About 73 percent were Jews, 21 percent were Arabs, and the rest were The Druze Let's wait. [3] The population is younger, with 43 per cent of the population aged 0-20 and 18 per cent of the population aged 5-14. [4]




Israel It's parliamentary. Parliament is the highest authority in the country, and the government is formed by the party or coalition of parties that hold the majority of seats in Parliament. [3]


Israel There is no formal written constitution, only basic laws such as the Knesset Law, the National Land Law, the President's Law, the Government Law, the National Economic Law, the National Defense Forces Law, the Jerusalem Law, the Judicial System Law, the State Auditor General Law, the Human Dignity and Freedom Law, the Occupational Freedom Law, the Referendum Law, and the Jewish National State Law. [3]


The Knesset, also known as "Knesset" (original meaning "gathering, gathering"), is a unicameral system with 120 seats for a four-year term, and has the power to legislate, amend laws, vote on major political issues, approve the list of cabinet members, and supervise the administration of the government. Parliamentary elections are based on proportional representation. The current Speaker: Amir Ohana Amir Ohana, elected on 29 December 2022 from the Likud Party. [3]


It consists of a coalition of one or more political parties with a majority (at least 61 seats) in the Parliament. After the results of the parliamentary election are announced, the President nominates the leader of the party most likely to win the parliamentary vote of confidence (usually the largest party or the second largest party) to form a government. The Prime Minister is the person who successfully completes the formation of a government. All Israeli governments have been coalitions. After the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in October 2023, Israel formed an emergency government with a war cabinet. Current Prime Minister: Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu, chairman of the Likud party. Israel's governments have been coalitions because of the low threshold for parties to enter parliament. Government agencies are composed of the President's Office, the Prime Minister's Office and various ministries (bureaus), including the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Communications, the General Post Office, the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Education, etc. [4]


The Israeli judiciary is organized through a three-tier system of the Supreme Court, district courts, and lower courts, in addition to special courts, religious courts, and labor courts.
The Supreme Court has the power of final adjudication and the power of first instance in cases brought against the Government, government ministers, all public officials or institutions, as well as the functions of the highest tribunal. Supreme Court justices are appointed by the President on the recommendation of a special committee made up of Supreme Court justices, bar association members and politicians. Judges serve for life and retire at the age of 70. The Israeli judiciary is made up of three tiers of courts. At the lowest level are the local courts, which are located in most cities. The second level is the district Court, which functions as both the appellate court and the district Court, located in five cities: Jerusalem , Tel Aviv , Haifa , Beersheba , and Nazareth .
The highest court is the Supreme Court of Israel, located in Jerusalem. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is Dorit Beinisch. The Supreme Court is the highest appellate court and also functions as the High Court of Justice (HCQJ), which is primarily responsible for resolving petitions filed by individual citizens against the courts, and the response to these petitions is usually carried out by government agencies (including the IDF). Such a petition could lead to a decision by the High Court directing the government department to correct its administrative practices.
Ordinary judges are selected by a joint committee of the Knesset, judges of the Supreme Court, and members of the Israel Bar Association. The law requires judges to retire at the age of 70. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who is approved by the Attorney General, appoints the permanent officers of all courts.
The Religious courts (Jewish, Islamic, and Christian) have exclusive jurisdiction over divorce decisions in marriage Legal right . [3]

Political party

There are many parties in Israel, and new groupings often emerge, which can be broadly divided into three camps: the centrist led by the Blue and White Party, the right-wing hardliner led by the Likud, and the religious party camp. The main political parties include: Likud, Blue and White Party, Joint List Party, Labor Party, Shas Party, United Right Party, Future Party. [4]


Benjamin Netanyahu
Current President: Isaac Herzog ISAAC HERZOG was born in Tel Aviv in 1960. He graduated in law from Tel Aviv University. He had a long career as a lawyer. From 2000 to 2003, he was Director of the Drug Enforcement Administration. He was elected in 2003. From 2005 to 2011, he served as Minister of Housing, Minister of Tourism, Minister of Diaspora, Social and Anti-Semitic Struggle, and Minister of Welfare and Social Services. He was elected chairman of the Labor Party in 2013 and became leader of the opposition. In 2015, he formed the Zionist Union and was re-elected as opposition leader. In 2018, he resigned as opposition leader and member of Parliament. In June 2021, he became the 11th President of Israel for a seven-year term.
Current Prime Minister: Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu, who served as Israel's prime minister from 1996 to 1999 and 2009 to 2021, is the country's longest-serving prime minister. On November 1, 2022, Israel held its fifth parliamentary election since April 2019, with Netanyahu's right-wing bloc winning 64 out of 120 seats. On 13 November, Israeli President Herzog authorized Netanyahu to form a new government. On December 21, Netanyahu announced his success in forming a government. On December 29, a new Israeli government was sworn in, with Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister. 12 - [13]

Emergency coalition government

On October 10, 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party announced that Israel's ruling coalition had agreed to form an emergency coalition government with opposition parties.
On October 11, 2023, local time, in the context of the continuing escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of the opposition National Unity Party Gantz after several days of negotiations, the two sides reached an agreement on the formation of an emergency coalition government, and agreed to include the National Unity Party in the coalition government.
Israel will set up a small war cabinet to command the war Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement The cabinet would consist only of Netanyahu, Gantz and Israeli Defense Minister Yad Galant. Former IDF Chief of Staff General Eizenkot and Strategic Affairs Minister Yasser Demmer will serve as observers in the war Cabinet.
According to a joint statement by Netanyahu and Gantz, Israel's emergency coalition government will not pass any laws or take any decisions unrelated to war during the war. [19]
On October 12, 2023, the Knesset approved the formation of an emergency coalition government. Parliament approved the appointment of five non-ministerial ministers, including Benny Gantz, leader of the opposition National Unity party. [21]
On January 1, 2024, the Knesset approved the swap of positions between Israel's foreign Minister and Energy Minister, with Israel Katz becoming foreign minister, Elie Cohen As Secretary of Energy. Under the power-sharing agreement reached when the current administration was sworn in, Katz and Cohen will each serve two years in the two roles, and they will switch positions again in 2026 position [33] . On January 2, 2024, local time, Israeli authorities held a ceremony in Jerusalem to transfer the post of foreign Minister, and former Israeli Energy Minister Yves Katz officially began his term as foreign minister. [34]




It is a mixed economy with a high degree of industrialization, mainly knowledge-intensive industries, and a high level of technology in high-value-added agriculture, biochemistry, electronics, military and other sectors. Israel's overall economic strength is strong, and its competitiveness ranks first in the world.
Key economic data for 2023:
Gross Domestic Product: $518.89 billion
GDP growth rate: 2%
GDP per capita: $53,200 [46]
According to the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2020, Israel ranks 26th out of 141 most competitive countries and territories in the world. According to the World Bank's Doing Business 2020 Report, Israel ranks 35th out of 190 economies in terms of ease of doing business. [4]


Israel has developed agriculture and high scientific and technological content, and its drip irrigation equipment and new varieties development are world-renowned. Agricultural organization structure to kibbutz (The earliest form is the collective farm, in which residents have no private property, no wages, food, clothing, housing, education and medical care are free, and gradually developed into a collective community, now also engaged in some industrial and high-tech industries) and Moshav (Usually a village of about 60 families, each with their own house and land, self-sufficient). The main crops are wheat, cotton, vegetables, citrus and so on. Food is close to self-sufficiency, fruit and vegetable production is more than self-sufficient and a large number of exports. [3]
Agriculture accounts for about 1.5% of Israel's total employment. The main crops are wheat, vegetables, citrus and so on. Food is close to self-sufficiency, fruit and vegetable production is more than self-sufficient, and it is also quite competitive in the international market. The main export agricultural products are dates, figs, citrus, pineapples, avocados, fresh vegetables and so on. [4]


Israel It mainly develops industries with low energy consumption, capital and technology intensive, and pays attention to investment in scientific and technological research and development. The industrial sector is concentrated in the high-tech industry and gemstone processing industry, in the field of electronic technology, computer software, medical equipment, biotechnology, information and communication technology, diamond processing and other fields in the world's leading level. [3-4]
The Israeli government encourages investment in industrial R&D and has passed laws to support industrial R&D and project development. The government's support for industrial research and development is mainly in the following aspects: arranging special budgets to support industries related to technology research and development; Creating employment opportunities for the scientific and technological workforce; By increasing the export of high-tech products to reduce imports, promote the balance of international payments. [4]
Diamond processing industry
Israel is one of the world's leading centers for processing and trading gem-grade diamonds. About 60% of the world's gem-quality diamonds by value are processed in Israel. Israel has the world's most advanced diamond processing factories, cutting-edge diamond processing technology and experienced diamond artisans. In recent years, Israel has expanded its production base to India, China, Africa and other overseas regions, processing diamonds imported into Israel, and then sold by Israeli companies to North America, Asia, Europe and other markets. [4]


Commercial bank
Israel has a well-developed banking system. The Bank of Israel is the central bank of Israel, which functions independently of the government and is primarily responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policy, managing foreign exchange reserves, supervising Israel's various banking systems, and issuing currency. The Governor of the Bank of Israel also serves as an adviser to the government on economic development. In addition, the Bank of Israel jointly develops and implements foreign exchange policy with the government.
The top five banking groups in Israel are Bank Hapoalim, BankLeumi Le-Israel, Israel Discount Bank and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank ofIsrael and The First International Bank ofIsrael, which together account for 95 percent of the Israeli banking market. [4]
Securities market
The Securities Ministry is an independent government agency responsible for the regulation and regulation of capital market activities. Certain financial sectors are regulated by the Treasury's Capital Control Division and Insurance Markets Division. Securities Law, Banking Law, Company Law and related implementing regulations constitute the main legal system of capital market.
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) is Israel's only stock exchange and an influential stock exchange in the Middle East, where most of the country's most important companies and companies choose to list. Israel's securities and Exchange Authority has adopted dual listing rules that allow for the sale of shares in New York Stock Exchange Israeli companies listed on the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Exchange are listed on the Tel Aviv Stock market. At the end of 2017, there were 457 listed companies (including 58 dual-listed companies) on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, an increase of six from the end of the previous year. Average daily trading volume reached $370 million in 2017. In terms of market value, the total market value including bonds and derivatives is $700 billion, of which the equity market value is $230 billion. [4]
Credit card use
The use of credit cards is very popular in Israel, and most restaurants, supermarkets and restaurants can use credit cards. VISA cards and Great Wall dual currency cards issued by Chinese banks can be used. [4]


The name of the Israeli currency is New shekel The New Israeli Sheqalim (NIS) is issued by the Central Bank of Israel. Israel has a floating exchange rate system, and since January 1, 2003, the new shekel has been freely convertible with international currencies such as the US dollar, the British pound, and the euro. On June 28, 2021, the exchange rate for the new Shekel was NIS 3.25 to the US dollar and NIS 3.88 to the euro.
The yuan and the new shekel are not directly convertible, and international currencies such as the US dollar or the euro are used as intermediate currencies for settlement. [4]


Tourism plays an important role in the Israeli economy. Tourism in Israel grew rapidly in 2019, with a total of 4.5 million foreign visitors, an increase of 10% over the previous year. One of the most important industries in Israel is tourism, which has the advantage of a large number of valuable historical and religious sites in Israel, from Judaism, Christianity (including Catholic, Orthodox and other independent denominations), Islam. Israel's warm climate and abundant water resources are also advantages. Israel's tourism industry includes a variety of historical and religious sites around the Holy Land, as well as modern holiday beaches, as well as a variety of archaeological Tours, heritage Tours, and ecotourism. [4]

foreign trade

Israel The domestic market is relatively small, and the economy is highly dependent on foreign countries. Israel is a member of the World Trade Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and has free trade agreements with the United States, Canada, Turkey, Mexico, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the European Union, the European Free Trade Association, and the Southern Common Market. The European Union is Israel's largest trading partner and the United States is its largest single trading partner. In 2023, Israel's foreign trade totaled $149.66 billion, down 13.4% year-on-year, with imports of $90.47 billion, down 14.9%, and exports of $59.19 billion, down 11%. [46]
Israel's main imports are fossil fuels, pharmaceuticals, machinery and computing equipment, electrical equipment, precision instruments, rough diamonds, plastic products, etc. The main export commodities are machinery and computing equipment, electrical equipment, precision instruments, cut diamonds, organic chemicals, etc. Trade in services is dominated by tourism and transportation.
Israeli-arab Free trade Agreement
On March 26, 2023, Israel and the UAE signed a tariff agreement, marking the official entry into force of the free trade Agreement signed by the two countries in 2022. [15]

Foreign investment

According to the UNCTAD World Investment Report 2021 Direct investment flows to Israel in 2020 amounted to $24.758 billion. By the end of 2020, Israel had attracted $188.952 billion in foreign investment.
Israel attracts foreign investment mainly in the high-tech sector. Microsoft , Google , Apple , Intel Other high-tech companies have invested in setting up branches or research and development centers in Israel. In 2020, software, information technology, science and engineering, data analysis, hardware, artificial intelligence, healthcare, Internet services, privacy and security, and financial services are among the top ten hot investment industries in Israel, among which the investment heat of software, information technology and data analysis industries has increased significantly.
Chinese investment
According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the flow of Chinese direct investment in Israel in 2020 is 267 million US dollars. By the end of 2020, China's stock of direct investment in Israel was $3.869 billion. In addition, according to the data of Israel's well-known investment and research institution Innovation, Chinese capital participated in 20 investment and merger projects in Israel in 2020, with a total amount of 350 million US dollars, involving biomedicine, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, smart agriculture and other scientific and technological fields. [4]

Outward investment

According to UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2021, in 2020, Israel's outbound investment flow was $5.86 billion, down 31.84% from the previous year; The stock of outbound investment was $117.095 billion.
Investment in China
Israel's investment in China started early and has been growing fast. Its investment stock in China has exceeded 400 million US dollars, among which the most influential projects include demonstration farms in Beijing and Xinjiang, Tianjin desalination plant, Suzhou Industrial Park Venture Capital and Huayi Venture Capital Fund. Israel is the first country to set up non-legal RMB joint venture capital fund in China. The scale of China-Israel venture capital fund has exceeded 300 million US dollars, mainly investing in high-tech enterprises such as modern agriculture and electronic information. In February 2020, Israeli chip giant TowerJazz signed a framework agreement with the government of Hefei, Anhui Province, to build a 12-inch analog chip foundry. [4]

Foreign aid

The United States began providing aid to Israel after its creation in 1948. Since 1976, Israel has been the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid. From 1966 to 1970, U.S. aid to Israel increased to $1.02 billion annually, of which military aid increased from less than 4% to 47%. Since 1971, U.S. aid to Israel has averaged more than $2 billion a year, of which about 65 percent is military aid. Since 1973, the United States has provided grants to Israel for the construction and resettlement of Jewish immigrants. Since 1985, the United States has provided more than $3 billion annually in military and economic aid to Israel. In addition, the United States provided a government credit guarantee for Israel, prompting international financial institutions to extend $9 billion in loans to Israel between 2004 and 2006. [4]


Israeli culture is an interwoven fabric of thousands of years of historical experience of Judaism and the Jewish people. With immigrants from hundreds of countries on six continents, Israeli society is rich, diverse and artistically creative. The Israeli government encourages and funds art activities, and cities such as Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem have well-established art museums, as do many town farms with similar museums or monuments. The Israel Museum in Jerusalem houses the ancient The Dead Sea Scrolls And other extensive collections on Judaism and Jewish art. The Great Diaspora Museum, located on the Tel Aviv University campus, is also well known. Many towns in Israel are still built Art village .


The official language of Israel is Hebrew and Arabic , and universal English . [4]


The main religious beliefs of the inhabitants of Israel are Judaism , Islam and Christianity The three great religions. [4]


Jews eat Kosher food, and the first Kosher laws concerned animals. The only mammals that can be eaten are those that ruminate and have cloves, and can eat beef, while pork and horse meat are not allowed. The consumption of most farmed birds (chickens, ducks, geese, etc.) is permitted, but some new species such as ostriches and emus are not, and the Bible specifically mentions the fasting of ostriches. Fish must have fins and scales, and mollusks and crustaceans are prohibited.
The second Kosher rule concerns the blood of animals. Jews regard blood as "the liquid of life" and forbid its consumption. Kosher meat and poultry must be slaughtered in a special way to remove the blood.
A third Kosher rule is that milk and meat (excluding fish, which is Kosher) cannot be consumed together. All Kosher products must be dairy, meat or Pareve, which includes all plant foods as well as fish, eggs and honey.
The fourth Kosher law is that during the Jewish festival of Passover, fermented foods made from barley, rye, oats, wheat, and Spelt are not to be eaten, and the staple food that can be eaten is specially made Matza. [8]


Israel is located at the junction of Asia, Europe and Africa, and has experienced many waves of immigration, is a combination of many cultures and religions, and diverse business culture. Israel is a developed country, more influenced by European and American culture, the people are generally more enthusiastic, more direct and open, like communication, pay attention to contracts. Most Israelis have religious beliefs, and according to the different religions, they have relatively strict requirements in terms of food and clothing. Israelis tend to dress more casually, similar to Western Europe and the United States, people pay attention to individuality and casual dress, especially in the summer, rarely wear a suit and tie. Living and working in Israel should respect local customs and religious beliefs, generally meet for the first time or with dignitaries, some private company personnel, senior government officials should wear formal clothes to show respect for the host, and later can be determined according to the preferences of both parties. [4]
According to Jewish customs, Jews can not light a fire to cook on the Sabbath, need to prepare meals before the Sabbath, can not drive, and can not even press the elevator, TV remote control and power switches and other all related to electricity equipment. [8]


Israel is a place where different religions and cultures meet, and people have a high degree of faith and customs. Avoid visiting Orthodox Jewish communities on Shabbat (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday), as driving into these communities on Shabbat is highly offensive and prone to conflict.
Dress neatly when visiting a religious place. When entering the Christian Church, women should wear clothes above the knee, shirts should have sleeves, men should take off their hats, do not wear shorts. Shoes should be removed when entering the mosque, women should wear above-the-knee clothing and a headscarf, and men should not wear shorts.
The dress code for entering Jewish religious sites and holy sites such as the Western Wall follows the dress code for entering mosques, with women not required to wear headscarves and men not allowed to expose their heads.
In the Al-Aqsa Mosque area (known as "Temple Mount" in Israel), flags or slogans with political or religious connotations are not allowed to be displayed.
When dining with Jews, respect their eating habits and seek their consent in advance for the food they share.
Due to the Jewish and Muslim dietary taboo, visitors are strictly prohibited to bring their own food and drinks to the hotel restaurant and other places, please be sure to observe the local religious customs.
Jews do not do basting, and generally only shake hands between people of the same sex. Many Jewish women do not have physical contact with members of the opposite sex other than their husbands, nor do they shake hands, and if they meet members of the opposite sex, they avoid shaking hands with them, let alone giving bestials.
During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed to eat between sunrise and sunset (except for children under 8 years of age), drink alcohol, smoke, and avoid engaging in these activities in public places.
In Muslim and ultra-Orthodox Jewish parishes, people should be photographed with extreme care and consent. Do not take photos of military, police and military or police facilities at customs and checkpoints at any time, and other areas can take photos with the consent of military, police or local people. [8]


Israel is a multi-ethnic country, with Jews as its main body, more than one million Arabs and a large number of immigrants from Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Russia and other countries and regions, with different cultural inheritance and literary heritage, and strong multilingual and cross-cultural characteristics in literary creation. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, of course, the majority of its literature has been written in Hebrew and mainly by Jewish writers.
The second decade of the 21st century has been a traumatic one for Israeli literature. During this period, more than a dozen leading Hebrew Jewish writers of various eras died. These writers have made important contributions to the innovation and exploration of a particular theme in Hebrew literature, such as the Zionist narrative, the new Jewish narrative, the Holocaust narrative, the Eastern Jewish narrative, the female narrative, and the Hebrew poetry, with varying degrees of worldwide influence. Their departure marked a certain disintegration of the construction of contemporary Hebrew literature since the founding of Israel. [5]


Israeli music is a mixture of Western and Eastern music, and as a result, Israeli music is often eclectic and draws influences from diaspora Jews from around the world. Israeli music also absorbs elements of modern culture. From Jewish songs, Asian songs, Arab pop songs - especially Yemeni singers Hip-hop music and Heavy metal music It's all part of what makes up modern Israeli music.
Israelite Folk music It is often associated with Zionist ideals and visions, such as depictions of young Jews building and defending a good home. Similar subject matter is often referred to as the Shin Shin Shin shin (" Song of Israel ").
Classical music in Israel orchestra As well as by Zubin Mehta leading Israel Philharmonic Orchestra The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra is also well known internationally. Dudu Fisher, Itzhak Perlman , Piencas Zuckerman They are all famous classical musicians from Israel.

Physical education

In Israel, as in other countries, sport is a very important national leisure activity. Israel's sports culture is more similar to that of European countries. The development of sports in Israel can be traced back to the founding of the State of Israel. Although football and basketball are regarded as the most popular sports in Israel, there are many other sports in Israel such as handball He also has a very outstanding performance in track and field, and is also actively involved in the development and promotion of various sports.
In Israel, the culture of sports has traditionally focused on participation rather than producing elite athletes. One reason is that compulsory military service makes military training compulsory for almost all Israeli citizens over the age of 18. Another reason may be that Jewish traditions, which emphasize the importance of developing a healthy body and mind, are less supportive of competitive forms of sports. This tradition also comes from history The Maccabees (and Rededicate the Feast of the Temple The idea of boycotting the Olympics. As a result, many Israelis enjoy non-competitive sports such as swimming, hiking, and playing Matkot (an Israeli sport similar to tennis) on the beach. In the Olympic Games, Israel is in judo , canoe , Go windsurfing They all won MEDALS.


In all, ten Israelis and people of Israeli descent have won Nobel Prize . Including a joint win in 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Biologist of Aaron Ciechanover and Avram Hershko , a crystallographer who shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry Ada Yonath He won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Dan Shetman ; Jointly obtained 1978 Nobel Peace Prize The politician of Menachem Begin Politicians Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, who shared the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize; Together in 1966 Nobel Prize in Literature Writer by Samuel Joseph Agnon ; Shared 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics Israeli-american psychologist Daniel Kahneman He is an Israeli-American economist who shared the 2005 Nobel Prize in Economics Robert John Orman .

Holidays and festivals

Israel's public holidays are mainly derived from Jewish historical traditions and are calculated according to the Jewish calendar, which reflects the Gregorian calendar as the specific dates fluctuate. The festival begins when the sun sets on the previous day and ends when the sun sets on the same day. In order of the Jewish calendar, the main festivals are Rosh Hashanah , High Holy Day Let's wait.
I. Purim
The 14th and 15th of the Jewish month of Adar, usually in the third month of the Gregorian calendar. Purim means "draw lots" in Hebrew. It is said that an evil official in ancient Persia, because he hated a Jew who had offended him, determined a day to kill all Jews by drawing lots, and a Jewish woman who became a queen killed the evil official and saved the Jews. During the festival, the theatre usually puts on a play about the story. People (mainly children) also wear masks of the characters in the story to attend the party, so it is also called a costume festival. At the party, people usually eat a special triangular sweet cake (pronounced in Hebrew: Ozi Nehaman), which symbolizes the ear of the evil official.
2. Passover (Pessah)
The eight days beginning on the 14th of the month of Nissan in the Jewish calendar, usually between March and April. Passover is derived from the Bible's Book of Exodus, in which the Jews slaughtered the Egyptians to thank and celebrate God's passage over a Hebrew family whose doorframe was painted with sheep's blood, helping the Jews to free themselves from Egyptian slavery. The festival is celebrated for eight days, with two days off. Before the festival, people remove all leavened food from their homes. During the festival, the sale and consumption of leavened foods are prohibited, only unleavened foods, such as a special unleavened pancake called Matsa, are eaten, and there is little bread to buy in supermarkets during Passover.
Iii. Holocaust Day
The 27th of the month of Nissan in the Jewish calendar, late April or early May in the Gregorian calendar. To commemorate the six million Jews killed by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945, the Knesset passed a law in 1951 establishing the 27th day of the Jewish month Nisan as Holocaust Remembrance Day. During the holiday, Orthodox Jews around the world fast for a day. Every family lights candles and reads from the Jewish scriptures. In the country, a rally or procession attended by the president, prime minister and other important figures will be held to mourn the victims and celebrate the survival of the Jewish nation. At 10 a.m. on the same day, the national siren sounded for two minutes, and the people stopped all work and stood in silence to pay tribute to the victims.
4. IDF Memorial Day
The fourth day of Iyar in the Jewish calendar is late April or early May in the Gregorian calendar. All public places are closed the night before the festival. The day, which takes place one week after Holocaust Remembrance Day and one day before Independence Day, commemorates the Wehrmacht soldiers who have given their lives to protect national security since the War of Independence. At 8 p.m. on the eve of the festival, the national horn sounded for one minute, the people stood in silence, held a formal memorial ceremony, attended by the president. At 11 am the next day, the whistle sounded again for two minutes.
5. Independence Day
The day after Memorial Day, it commemorates Israel's independence in 1948. The day before the holiday, at 8 p.m., the Knesset held an official celebration ceremony at Mount Herzl, attended by lawmakers and cabinet members. The ceremony included the lighting of twelve torches and the firing of cannons. The main events of the day include the Defense Forces parade, the flypast, the presidential reception for the diplomatic Corps and outstanding soldiers, the International Bible Competition and the award ceremony of the Israel Prize. In addition, municipal governments also hold entertainment parties, fireworks and so on. The whole country has a day off, and family barbecues can be seen everywhere in Israel's parks and large.
6. Lag Ba-Omer
According to legend, Rabbi Simon Bar Johai, the best disciple of Rabbi Akiva, revealed the deepest secrets of Kabbalism on the day of his death, so he is remembered for bringing light (wisdom) to the world. On that day, people make a pilgrimage to the tomb of Rabbi Simon Bar Johai.
Day of Pentecost (Shavot)
The 49th day after the first day of Passover, around the fifth and sixth months of the Gregorian calendar. Pentecost is a day to celebrate the harvest of wheat and to commemorate Moses receiving the Ten Commandments. It is a happy festival. People decorate their homes with fresh flowers. The night before the festival, they have a big meal with milk and cheese. The Ten Commandments are recited on the day.
Day of the Destruction of the Temple (Tesha B 'Av)
Tesha B 'Av means the 9th day of Av in the Jewish calendar. Legend has it that the Jewish Temple was destroyed twice on this date. The Jews marked the sad day with a fast.
9. Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the year of the Jewish calendar (lunar calendar), about nine and October in the Gregorian calendar, is one of the most important Jewish holidays. During the festival, the whole country has two days off. In synagogues, shofar horns are blown to indicate the expectation of God's blessing to celebrate, and friends meet to say Shana Tova (Happy New Year). According to tradition, people eat apples dipped in honey during the New Year to herald a sweet New Year.
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
Yom Kippur, the 10th day after the Jewish New Year, is an important religious holiday. The Jews set up this holiday to repent to God and ask for forgiveness. According to Judaism, Yom Kippur requires a day of fasting, prayer and reflection in the synagogue. When people meet in the synagogue, they wish each other a good opinion of God. Yom Kippur ends with the melodious sound of the shofar in the evening, when all vehicles are generally off the roads except for special vehicles such as ambulances and police cars.
11. Feast of the Tabernacle (Sukkot)
7 days beginning on the 15th day of Tishri. The festival commemorates the 40-year exile of the Jewish people in Sinai after Moses led them out of Egypt. The construction of straw huts by families is the main feature of the festival. During this time, Jews in synagogues or at home will hold the branches of date palm, guava, willow and incense citron, shake in all directions and pray.
12. Simhat Torah
The day after the end of Sukkot. Jews recite the Jewish classic "Torah", usually takes a year, chanting is to celebrate the completion of the "Torah" set up, religious atmosphere. It is a happy festival, so people (mainly religious) sing, dance and eat sweets. An essential part of the celebration is to take the scroll and walk it seven times in the hand.
Hanukah (also known as "Hanukah")
8 days from the 25th of Kislev. This festival commemorates the success of the Maccabi uprising against the Greek invaders and the freedom of the Jews. The festival lasts for eight days and the main celebration is the lighting of a candle each day. The candlestick with nine candlesticks is specially made for this festival. The higher one in the middle is designed to light the other eight. At the beginning of the festival, people eat a special kind of potato cake and then exchange gifts. During this time, people also eat traditional foods such as jam doughnuts. [8]

Military affairs

The IDF was formally established on May 26, 1948, as the Jewish militia known as the Haganah. The supreme decision-making power of national defense and the supreme commander of the National Defense Forces belong to the government. The Minister of National Defense is the highest leader of the national defense system, and the General Staff Headquarters is the highest command organ of the armed forces, specifically responsible for the operational command and military training of the entire army. Compulsory military service is universal, with 180,000 active troops and 450,000 reservists. The defense budget has remained at 7 percent of GDP for many years. [3]




There are more than 40 highways throughout the country, and the road network runs in all directions, including several national, intercity, regional and other roads. In 2020, the total road network in Israel will be 18,096 km, of which 449 km will be highways. [4]
Israeli roads are in better condition, with traffic signs in English, Hebrew and Arabic. The highway network extends in all directions, including a number of national highways, intercity highways, regional highways and other highways. Private car ownership per capita is high in Israel. Israel speed is fast, driving in Israel should pay attention to avoid.
According to Israeli law, Israel implements the "left rudder right", the driver and all passengers should wear seat belts during the driving period, it is strictly prohibited to talk on the phone while driving, it is strictly prohibited to drink and drive, the alcohol test concentration cannot exceed 0.05%, and the high-speed speed limit is 90~110 km/h. According to the law, driving lights should be turned on when driving in the city and on intercity highways between November and April. Children aged 9 and under need to ride in a child seat, children under 14 cannot ride in the passenger seat. [8]


The Israeli Railways are owned by the state and have a total length of about 1,000 km. There are 8 lines that reach major cities. The railway connects major cities in Israel from the coastal city of Nahariya in the north to the Negev desert city of Dimona in the south. The Israeli government has made the development of an advanced rail system one of its top priorities, and a high-speed rail link between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv opened at the end of 2018, a drive between the two cities of about 30 minutes. [4]

Air freight

There are three international airports in Israel, the main one being Ben Gurion International Airport, 40 km from Jerusalem and 20 km from Tel Aviv. In 2017, El Al carried 7.065 million passengers and 912.9 million tons/km of cargo. [4]
International Airport: Ben Gurion Airport (English name: Ben Gurion International Airport; Code: TLV). Founded in 1936, it is located 20 kilometers east of Tel Aviv, Israel and is the largest international airport in Israel. It receives about 20.8 million international passengers annually, and more than 100,000 international flights take off and land annually. The airport information counter is located in the main concourse and departure hall and provides flight information services in English. The ground conditions of the day can be obtained through the terminal building and the airport information counter.
There are also international airports: Ramon Airport in Eilat (which can fly to several neighboring countries such as Egypt), and Haifa airport (which can fly to Turkey), both of which are small aircraft.
Domestic airports: There are more than 10 small domestic airports in Israel, located in the towns of Arad, Haifa, Beersheba, and Herzliya, with a small number of daily flights to and from various cities in the country. Due to Israel's small land area, land transportation such as buses and trains can be reached on the same day, and the trouble of transferring by plane can be avoided. [8]

Water transport

Israel has three seaports: Haifa, Ashdod and Eilat. Container port throughput reached 2.917 million international TEUs in 2019, down from 2.946 million TEUs in 2018. [4]




Israel has always attached importance to education and implemented the basic national policy of giving priority to science and technology education. The government's investment in education has been maintained at about 10% of the national budget for a long time, and the proportion of education investment in GDP is the highest in the world. Education in Israel is compulsory for 12 years. The high school education coverage rate is over 90 percent, and 60 percent of high school graduates can receive higher education. There are 66 institutions of higher education in Israel, including the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. In addition to their education, Israeli youth must perform compulsory military service. [4]


Israel has an advanced medical system, medical conditions are comparable to North America and Western Europe, medical facilities and medical standards are among the top in the world. There are more than 350 hospitals, clinics, maternal and infant health centers, and rehabilitation centers in all communities. [4]

Science and technology

Israel's scientific workforce accounts for 6% of the country's population, with 135 scientists and engineers per 10,000 people, the highest ratio in the world. Israel also has more lawyers and CPAs per capita than any other country in the world. In 2018, Israel's national civilian R&D expenditure totaled NIS 42.313 billion, accounting for 4.3% of GDP, ranking first in the world.
Israel has a strong research foundation in many disciplines such as life sciences, medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, microelectronics, opto-mechatronics, mathematics and astrophysics, and researchers have developed many important scientific and technological achievements in the fields of biotechnology, supercomputing, nanotechnology, electronic chips, robotics, satellite technology, data communication and network security, and national defense science and technology. Including Intel, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Yahoo, Google, Sun Microsystems, have research and development centers in Israel. The number of Israeli companies listed on Nasdaq is second only to that of the United States, with more than 75, including the world's largest pharmaceutical company Teva CheckPoint Software Technologies, Israel's largest company and a global Internet security giant, and Elbit Systems, a well-known defense contractor.
In 2020, the World Intellectual Property Organization released the 2020 Global Innovation Index, which ranked Israel 13th overall. [4]


The press and publishing industry is relatively developed. The main newspapers are: HA'ARETZ, a daily Hebrew-language newspaper founded in 1918; THE JERUSALEM POST, an English-language daily newspaper founded in 1932; YEDIOTHAHRONOTH, a Hebrew-language daily newspaper founded in 1939; MA 'ariv, a daily Hebrew-language newspaper founded in 1948; Israel Hayom, founded in 2007, is a Hebrew-language daily newspaper.
The Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA), established in 1948, directly manages the state-owned television station Television One and the "Voice of Israel" station.
Israel Television: Television One, a state-owned television station, launched in 1968, broadcasts daily television programs in Hebrew and Arabic. Other mainstream television stations include TV-2, TV-10, TV-11, TV-12, TV-13, etc., which are all private television stations.
Israel Radio: In addition to the "Voice of Israel", the "Voice of the Israel Defense Forces" is one of the most mainstream radio stations, established in 1951, the military radio station, broadcasting in Hebrew. [4]


The Israeli telecommunications market has long been dominated by the Bezeq Group. In recent years, the Israeli government has worked to promote competition in the telecommunications industry, with major telecom operators including the Bezeq Group, the Hot Group, the IDB Group and the Partner Group. Israel has three large Internet service providers and more than 70 smaller providers. 99% of residential users use fixed bandwidth Internet services, with an average speed of 10Mb/ H [4]


According to the latest data from Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, the average monthly wage in Israel in March 2021 was 12,740 shekels (about $3,913). The high-tech sector continues to thrive, with average salaries rising 18 percent year-on-year to NIS 31,525 (about $9,682) in 2021. Skilled information technology or electrical engineers are generally paid $50 / hour. The salary level of senior executives is roughly comparable to that of European and American countries, and some senior executives can earn tens of millions of NIS per year. [4]

Labour force

Israel's labor force is highly qualified, with 135 engineers and technicians per 10,000 people, ranking first among developed countries. Twenty percent of residents have a college degree and 12 percent have a master's degree or above, second only to the United States and the Netherlands. By the end of 2020, the number of foreign workers holding legal visas is about 100,000, mainly from more than 100 countries and regions such as Turkey, China, Thailand, Nepal and the Philippines, among which about 56% are engaged in domestic care work, 22% in agriculture, 15% in construction work, and 7% are experts in various fields. [4]



Foreign policy

Israel pursues a US-centered foreign policy, maintains close ties with European countries and actively develops relations with China, India and other emerging markets. It has long held a strong position on the Middle East issue, and its territorial disputes with Palestine, Syria and Lebanon have not been resolved. Affected by this, relations with Arab and Islamic countries have been strained for a long time, but recently relations with Gulf Arab countries have improved. From August to December 2020, Israel normalized relations with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. It does not have good relations with Iran and opposes the resumption of negotiations on the implementation of the Iranian nuclear agreement. [3]

External relations

Relations with China
On January 24, 1992, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Levey visited China and signed a communique with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries at ambassadorial level. Bilateral relations have been developing smoothly since the establishment of diplomatic ties. In 1994, 1997, 2009 and 2014, China set up consulates General in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Chengdu respectively. In March 2017, China and Israel announced the establishment of an innovative Comprehensive partnership.
In 1992, the two countries established the Joint Economic and Trade Commission, which has held five meetings since then. In 2014, China and Israel established the Joint Committee on Innovation Cooperation, which has held five meetings so far. In 2023, bilateral trade will reach 23.4 billion U.S. dollars.
In 1993, the two countries signed an agreement on cultural cooperation and have signed seven annual implementation plans so far, promoting bilateral exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, art, cultural relics, film, television, literature and education. In 2007, the "Chinese Culture Festival" was held in Israel and the Confucius Institute at Tel Aviv University was established. In 2009, the large-scale cultural exchange activity "Perception China - Israel Trip" was held in Israel. Israel for the first time participated in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo in the form of a self-built pavilion. In recent years, China has held cultural exchange activities with the theme of "Happy Spring Festival". A series of celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Israel will be held in 2017. On November 26, 2017, the Chinese Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, Israel, was inaugurated.
In 1993, the two countries signed a civil air transport agreement. At present, El Al operates Tel Aviv-Beijing and Tel Aviv-Hong Kong round-trip passenger routes. Air China has codeshare cooperation with Israel Airlines. On April 28, 2016, Hainan Airlines launched the Beijing-Tel Aviv route. On 26 March 2017, Cathay Pacific Airways launched the Hong Kong-Tel Aviv route. On September 12, Hainan Airlines launched the Shanghai-Tel Aviv route. On September 26, 2018, Sichuan Airlines launched the Chengdu-Tel Aviv route. On February 22, 2019, Hainan Airlines launched the Shenzhen-Tel Aviv route.
In 1994, the two countries signed a tourism cooperation agreement. In June 2005, China announced that Israel would be listed as a destination country for Chinese tourists. In March 2016, the two countries signed the Agreement on the Mutual Issuance of Multiple Visas between the Chinese and Israeli Governments for each other's business, tourist and family Visitors, which came into effect on November 11, 2016. [14]
Relations with the United States
The United States established diplomatic relations on May 14, 1948. The two countries have a special strategic alliance, and the United States provides about $3 billion in military aid to Israel every year. In October 2002, George W. Bush Signed the U.S. Congressional Diplomatic Authorization Act recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In July 2007, the United States announced that it would provide Israel with $30 billion in military aid over the next 10 years.
The Israeli Defense Forces said in a statement on June 4, 2024 that the Israeli Defense Ministry has signed an agreement with the U.S. government to purchase the third batch of Adil F-35 fighter jets, which will be integrated into the Israeli Air Force. [56]
Relations with Turkey
On August 17, 2022, the Israeli Prime Minister's office issued a statement saying that after the communication between Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Lapid and Turkish President Erdogan and Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, the two countries decided to formally restore diplomatic relations, and the two sides will re-exchange ambassadors and consul-general.
On July 20, 2023, Israel and Turkey simultaneously announced that the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu He is scheduled to pay a state visit to Turkey on the 28th and meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. [17]
On May 2, 2024, the Turkish Trade Ministry issued a statement announcing the suspension of all import and export trade with Israel. [42]
Relations with Lebanon
On October 11, 2022, local time, the leaders of Israel and Lebanon publicly said that the two sides have reached a "historic agreement" on the maritime demarcation issue, involving the settlement of the Mediterranean's major oil and gas fields for several years, and the two sides expressed satisfaction with the agreement. [7]
On June 9, 2024, the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora issued a statement condemning Israel's attack on the Nusaywright refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. [58]
Relations with Bolivia
On October 31, 2023, the Bolivian government announced its decision to sever diplomatic relations with the State of Israel in view of the "crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip." [22]
Relations with Chile
November 1, 2023 According to the Guardian, Chile has announced the recall of its ambassador to Israel. According to the report, Chilean President Boric announced on October 31 local time that the Chilean government decided to recall the Chilean ambassador to Israel in light of "the unacceptable violations of international humanitarian law committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip." [23]
Relations with Jordan
On November 1, 2023, the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it was recalling its ambassador to Israel to express Jordan's rejection and condemnation of Israel's actions. In addition, the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora has informed the Israeli side that the Israeli ambassador to Jordan, who had previously left Jordan, will not be returned to Jordan. [24]
Relations with Bahrain
On November 2, 2023, Bahrain announced the recall of its ambassador to Israel and the suspension of economic cooperation with Israel. [25]
Relations with Honduras
On November 3, 2023, Honduran Foreign Minister Alvaro Reina announced that the Honduran government had decided to recall its ambassador to Israel due to the "serious humanitarian situation facing Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip." [26]
Relations with Spain
On November 30, 2023, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said he doubted Israel's compliance with international humanitarian law given the number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. To this end, Israel summoned the Spanish ambassador to Israel on the same day, and announced the recall of Israel's ambassador to Spain. [29]
On January 4, 2024, according to Al Jazeera news, the Israeli government said that the Israeli ambassador to Spain will return to Madrid, Spain, after being recalled. [35]
On May 22, 2024, Israel recalled its ambassador to Spain. [48]
Relations with Malaysia
On December 20, 2023 local time, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar announced that Israel-based ZIM ships would be blocked and not allowed to dock at any Malaysian port, and ordered the country's transport Ministry to implement the permanent ban immediately. The Malaysian government has also decided to ban Israeli-flagged vessels from docking and to prohibit any ship en route to Israel from loading cargo at Malaysian ports, both of which are also effective immediately. [31]
Relations with Brazil
On February 19, 2024, the Brazilian government announced the recall of Brazilian Ambassador to Israel Frederico Mayer, who will return to Brazil on the 20th. On the same day, Brazilian Foreign Minister Joao Vieira summoned Israel's ambassador to Brazil in Rio. [38]
On May 29, 2024 local time, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva announced in the Official Journal of the Federation published on the same day that he permanently withdrew his ambassador to Israel Frederico Meyer. [50]
Relations with Colombia
On May 1, 2024, Colombian President Pedro Pedro Petro announced in Bogota that Colombia will sever all diplomatic relations with Israel from May 2. On May 3, local time, the Colombian Foreign Ministry said that the Colombian Foreign Ministry had officially handed over the explanation of the severing of diplomatic relations to the Israeli ambassador to Colombia on the 2nd. The Protocol Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia will coordinate the procedures and timing of the departure of diplomatic personnel. The consular offices of both parties in Tel Aviv and Bogota will continue to operate. [41] [44] 43 -
On June 3, 2024, Colombia's Foreign Ministry said that the Israeli ambassador to the country must leave the country by June 30, and the Colombian ambassador to Israel must also leave Israel by June 30. [54]
Relations with Norway
On May 22, 2024, Israel recalled its diplomats from Norway to Israel. [47]
Relations with Ireland
On May 22, 2024, Israel recalled its diplomat from Ireland to Israel. [47]
Relations with France
According to the European edition of the American "Political News Network" reported on May 31, 2024, in the context of Israel's continued military operations in the southern city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, the French side banned Israeli companies from participating in the defense exhibition. [51]



Main attraction

White City and Museums in Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv White City
Tel Aviv is famous for two architectural styles. One of the most internationally known, the White City of Tel Aviv, with some 4,000 Bauhaus and international-style buildings forming a landscape of large white facades, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003. Built mainly between the 1930s and 1950s, these buildings were the furthest reaches of the European modernist art movement and were designed by many Jewish architects educated at the pre-Nazi Bahaus School in Dessau, Germany, with Tel Aviv having the highest concentration of such buildings in the world. At the same time, the city adopted the urban plan of the Garden City, with many wide boulevards designed to be quite harmonious with this architectural style.
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Israel has more museums per capita than any other country in the world, many of which are located in Tel Aviv. The most famous is the Museum of the Land of Israel, known for its rich archaeological and historical exhibits about Canaan; The Tel Aviv Museum of Art is one of the major art museums in Israel; The Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, located on the campus of Tel Aviv University, is a museum of the international Jewish Diaspora, with a collection of historical documents and artworks about the history of Jewish prosperity and the persecution of the Jews during the Diaspora. The Palmach Museum, near Tel Aviv University, uses multimedia to showcase Israel's pre-state military activities. The Tel Aviv Exhibition Center is located in the north of the city and hosts more than 60 major events each year. Many museums and galleries are dotted around the city's artsy southern district, including the Tel Aviv Museum of Original and Contemporary Art. [8]
Jaffa Old City
Old Jaffa City
Jaffa is a port city with a history of more than 4,000 years, making it one of the oldest cities in the world and now part of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality. Tel Aviv means "spring hill" in Hebrew, from the Hebrew translation of Zionist patriarch Herzl's book The New Land. The origin of Jaffa's name is open to interpretation. Jewish tradition holds that the city was founded by Noah's son Japheth, who survived the devastating flood, after which it was named "Japheth", which later became "Jaffa". It is also believed that "Jaffa" is a homonym for the Hebrew word for "beautiful", because the scenery here is excellent and picturesque. Jaffa has become a gathering place for artists from all over the world, whose sunset sketches facing the Mediterranean have become a sight to behold. [8]
Caesarea Roman Theatre
Caesarea was the site of the city of Stratonospyrgos, built by King Stratton I of Saida. In 90 BC, it was captured by King Alexander Giannas of Judah and became a Jewish city. In 63 BC, the Roman Empire conquered the city and made it self-governing. During the reign of Herod the Great, the city was vigorously built and changed its name to Caesarea, meaning "city of the Roman Emperor", in order to show goodwill to Rome. In 22 BC, a deep-water artificial harbor was built here, with municipal facilities such as temples, markets, and large lighthouses, in an effort to build the city into a major trading town in the Mediterranean. After several wars and earthquakes, most of the buildings collapsed or sank to the sea, and they were never heard of. After the establishment of the State of Israel, the Rothschilds funded the development of the site as a settlement focused on tourism.
Caesarea National Park is built on the Mediterranean Sea and still contains the ruins of an ancient Roman theater, a sports ground and a Crusader wall. [8]
Dead Sea
Dead Sea
The Dead Sea between Israel and Jordan is one of the most special places in the world, both scenic and human. The Dead Sea is called the Dead Sea because the salt content of the sea water is much higher than that of the ocean water, most of the creatures can not survive, but also caused several times the buoyancy of the ocean, so people in the Dead Sea will not sink, but can experience the feeling of floating in other oceans can not feel. The Dead Sea is the lowest place on the Earth, 400 meters below sea level. The Dead Sea is about 60 kilometers long from north to south and 17 kilometers wide from east to west. The mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea and the black mud extracted from it are said to have magical effects on skin diseases, so there are hot springs and accommodation facilities along the Dead Sea to treat skin diseases, and bathing equipment and towels are also available for rent. Visitors can enjoy floating in the Dead Sea. [8]
The ruins of Masada
Masada is an important Jewish war site in the ancient Roman period and was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001.
During the Second Temple period (536 BC-70 AD), the last battle of the Jews against the Roman invaders took place in Masada. Nearly a thousand Jewish men and women retreated to King Masada Herod's hilltop palace near the Dead Sea and fortified it. They held out for three years before committing suicide and burning down the palace and houses. Today, the "never-failing Masada spirit" has become a treasure of which the Jewish people are proud. [8]
Sea of Galilee
Lake of Galilee
Lake Galilee is the largest freshwater lake in Israel, with a circumference of 53 km, a length of 21 km and a width of 13 km. With a total area of 166 square kilometers and a maximum depth of 48 meters, 208-213 meters below sea level, it is the lowest freshwater lake on Earth. Tourism is the most important economic pillar of the Lake Galilee region, and the entire region has become a popular holiday destination. There are many historic sites around the lake that are visited by millions of local and out-of-town tourists each year. Tiberias, the main city along the lake, has a rich cultural heritage. Tiberia is a mountain city, the old city and the Lake of Galilee is the same height, 210 meters below the sea level, the new city is much higher, the drop is larger, people standing in different places in the city, you can capture the different scenery of the Lake of Galilee. [8]

Cultural site

As of 2014, there are 9 World Heritage sites in Israel.
The Old City of Jerusalem and its walls
World Cultural Heritage (1981) The site was added to the World Heritage List by Jordan and is effectively controlled by Israel, although its status has not been determined internationally.
World Cultural Heritage (2001)
Tel Aviv White City
World Cultural Heritage (2002)
The holy places of Hazor, Megiddo and Gezer
World Cultural Heritage (2005)
Incense Trunk - a city in the Negev Desert
World Cultural Heritage (2005)
Site of human evolution at Mount Carmel: Merwat River/Wadi Amahar Cave Complex
World Cultural Heritage (2012)
The Masha-Bata Gufrin cave in the Lowlands of Judah is the epitome of cave country
World Cultural Heritage (2014)

Social situation

On October 7, 2023 local time, Gaza Strip Palestinian armed groups launched a large-scale rocket attack into Israel, according to the latest news of the Israeli emergency organization, rocket attacks have killed one person in Israel, 16 people were injured, two of them seriously. At the moment, Israel Defense Forces Declare a state of war. [18]
On October 10, 2023, Prime Ministers of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Israel's ruling coalition has agreed to form an emergency coalition government with opposition parties, the leading right-wing Likud party has announced. [20]
At 7am local time (13:00 Beijing time) on November 24, 2023, the ceasefire agreement between the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israel in the Gaza Strip officially came into effect. [27]
On the morning of December 1, 2023, local time, the Israel Defense Forces issued a statement saying that the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) had violated the temporary ceasefire agreement and fired into Israel. Israel Defense Forces have resumed military operations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. [30]
According to CCTV news, on December 29, 2023 local time, South Africa filed a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice of the United Nations, accusing Israel of committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. [32]
On January 9, 2024, it was reported that Israel and S.Africa Will face off at the UN's highest court from Wednesday after Pretoria accused Israel of committing "genocide" in Gaza, a charge Israel dismissed as a "blood libel". [36]
On February 13, 2024, South Africa announced that it had filed a new complaint with the International Court of Justice, asking the court to urgently review Israel's declared impending military offensive on Rafah and, if necessary, to oppose "new violations". [37]
According to Israeli media reports on March 22, 2024, Israel announced the confiscation of 8 square kilometers of Palestinian land in the West Bank and its ownership. [39]
Local time on April 5, 2024, according to Israeli media reports, because of the threat of Iran and its proxies, 28 Israeli embassies around the world temporarily closed on the 5th. There has been no official word from Israel on the matter. [40]
On May 3, 2024, the Israeli Foreign Ministry announced that it would take a number of countermeasures against Turkey's decision to suspend all import and export trade activities with Israel. [45]
On May 24, 2024, Israeli Foreign Minister Yves Katz issued a statement saying that in response to Spain's decision to recognize the State of Palestine, Israel decided to cut off the Spanish embassy in Israel and the Palestinian people, and banned the Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem to provide consular services to Palestinians from the West Bank. [49]
On June 1, 2024, Chilean President Gabriel Boric Fonte said his country would join South Africa in suing Israel for "genocide" in the Palestinian Gaza Strip at the United Nations International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. [52]
On June 2, 2024, Ali Ihusan, Minister of Homeland Security of the Maldives, said that the government of the Maldives has decided to ban Israeli citizens from entering the country. [53]
On June 3, 2024, the Associated Press reported that Palestinian officials, on behalf of the State of Palestine, filed an application with the International Court of Justice to join a case brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. [55]
On June 8, 2024, Colombian President Pedro Pedro Petro announced on social media that Colombia will suspend coal exports to Israel until it stops its "genocide." [57]