As punishment for his trespass, SKaRD was ordered to give a lecture tour to all 47 prefectures in the country
Post it: UltramanAuthor: Black chicken and white cat 2023-12-02 08:45
[Discussion] 47 Prefectures Tour Act 3 Kagoshima first playlist
Post it: Ayumi HamasakiAuthor: quyuguan 2024-01-07 19:49
The signs of prefectures are silvered
Change the filter and it looks weird
Post it: bilibiliAuthor: Coming to the junction 2021-02-22 07:47
[Photo] 47 prefectures tour Chiba's first playlist
Post it: Ayumi HamasakiAuthor: quyuguan 2023-07-08 20:33
[National Accounts] Average salary of employees in Japan's 47 prefectures in 2020
In 2020, Japan's total labor compensation is 278 trillion yen, the total wage is 233 trillion yen, the number of employees is 58,694,252, the average salary of employees is 4,749,260 yen, and the average salary of employees is 3,975,692 yen. Among them, the highest is Tokyo, with 6,858,308 employees, average salary of 5,773,220 yen, average salary of 4,615,236 yen, the lowest is Tottori Prefecture, with 255,239 employees, average salary of 3,594,376 yen, average salary of 2,969,609 yen. The locations in Japan are as follows:
Post it: Urban gdpAuthor: sulzberg 2023-11-13 13:59
[Irrigation] Why do you say that the Qing Dynasty has zero real control territory
From day to day, the Qing Dynasty controlled a large territory. In fact, the actual control of the Qing Dynasty was zero. Where is there real control territory in the late Qing Dynasty? Clearly it is Great Britain, Great France, Great Germany, Great Russia, Great Japan, Great America, the Main Idea, Great Austria, Great Belgium, Great West, Great Netherlands... A jimo province of the states. People have garrison, relevant tax rights, mining rights, railway rights, one-sided most-favourid-nation treatment, even the Qing financial revenue (customs duties, salt taxes as collateral for compensation) are held on behalf of foreign banks, national debt currency is issued by people (HSBC), the commercial tax collected from the circulation of commodities within the Qing country can not be levied on foreign goods, even if these foreign goods are foreign enterprises in the Qing country
Post it: Qing DynastyAuthor: The way is always not the name 2024-05-05 06:52
Forecast of GDP per capita in 2016 by prefecture (first-level administrative region) of Japan
Unit: Dollar figures are for reference only and certainly do not guarantee 100% accuracy, But generally the difference is not too big Tokyo -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 71200 aichi prefecture -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 45673 shizuoka prefecture -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 41419 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 41321 Osaka prefecture toyama county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40603 zi, county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40375 Yamaguchi -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40069 triple county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 39900 ibaraki prefecture -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 39524 Japanese national -- -- -- -- -- 39000 fukui prefecture -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 38762 栃 wood county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 38729 xiang river county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 38023 Hiroshima 37968 ishikawa prefecture -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37943 gunma -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37934 Kyoto -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37388 niigata county - 37219 yamanashi -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 36977 isle county -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 36826 Wakayama Prefecture -----36466 Okayama Prefecture --------3639
Post it: Urban gdpAuthor: Latin 2017-03-10 20:55
A brief introduction to the prefectures of Japan
Post it: GeographyAuthor: 513546d 2014-03-24 21:41
Heisei 27 years, Japan prefectural income
1 Tokyo 6.235 million yen 2 Kanagawa Prefecture 5.442 million yen 3 Aichi Prefecture 5.406 million yen 4 Osaka Prefecture 5.280 million yen weighted average of 4.882 million days
Post it: JapanAuthor: great Dream 00 2017-02-10 12:47

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