
A plant of the family honeysuckle
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calliope Weigela florida A. DC.) is A deciduous shrub of the genus Bunge in the honeysuckle family. The bark is gray; Bud apex short pointed, often smooth; Leaves rectangular, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, apical acuminate, margin serrate, veins hairy, short or sessile; Flowers solitary or cymes in axils or tops of lateral short branches, calyx tube long cylindrical, corolla purple or rose red, anthers yellow, style slender; Fruit apex short stalked beak, sparsely pilose; [1] Flowering period from April to June; Fruit in October. [7 ] When spring and summer turn, on the long branches, a string of pink bell-shaped flowers are close to the branches, and almost no leaves can be seen, such as the ribbon of flowers, so the name brocade ribbon flowers. [8 ]  
It is native to China and is distributed in northeast and North China, Russia, Korea and Japan. [7 ] Jindai flowers like light, shade, cold, barren and afraid of waterlogging; It grows best in deep, moist soil rich in humus. [9 ] Propagation methods include seed propagation, cutting propagation and layering propagation. [10 ]  
Brocade ribbon flower branches and leaves thick, colorful, suitable for courtyard wall corner, lake group planting; It can also be used as a bird or cluster plant on the edge of the tree jungle. Dotted with rockery, slope; The young stems, leaves and flowers are edible. [11 ]
Chinese name
Latin name
Weigela florida (Bunge) A. DC. [6]
braid , Five colored begonia , Sesamae sesamae , Sea fairy
The door
The outline
Chuan Shu Shu Mu
Honeysuckle family
Belong to
Eleutheria L
Kind of
Namers and years

History of botany

When spring and summer turn, on the long branches, a string of pink bell-shaped flowers are close to the branches, and almost no leaves can be seen, such as the ribbon of flowers, so the name brocade ribbon flowers. [8 ]  

Morphological characteristics

3 meters high and 3 meters wide. Branches spread out, the tree shape is more round and simple, some branches will bend to the ground, the twigs are thin, young with 2 rows of hairs. Leaves elliptic or ovate-elliptic, apex acute, base rounded to cuneate, margin serrate, surface veins hairy, abaxially especially dense. Corolla funnel-shaped bell, rose red, lobes 5. Capsule cylindrical; The seeds have no wings. Flowering period from April to June, fruit period from August to October. [11 ] [12]
锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花

Growth habit

Born at an altitude of 800-1200 meters in moist gully, shade or semi-shade, light, shade, cold tolerance; The soil requirements are not strict, can withstand barren soil, but it is best to grow deep, moist and humus rich soil, afraid of waterlogging. Strong germination, rapid growth. [2]

Distribution range

It is native to China and is distributed in northeast and North China, Russia, Korea and Japan. [7 ]

Propagation method

Propagation methods include seed propagation, cutting propagation and layering propagation. [10 ]  


The seeds can be harvested in September to October. After harvesting, the capsule can be dried, crushed, and the pure seeds can be obtained after wind cleaning. 1000-grain weight 0.3g, germination rate 50%.
Seed treatment (germination) Live or 1 week before sowing, soak the seed in cold water for 2-3 hours, take it out and put it indoors, and then seed it with wet cloth after germination. The effect is better.
Sowing should be carried out in no wind and no recent rainstorm weather, and the bed surface should be levelled and finished. The seeding method can be used to broadcast or drill on the bed, the sowing amount is 2g/ square meter, the thickness of the soil cover should not exceed 0.3cm, the bed surface should be kept moist within 30 days after sowing, and the seedlings should emerge in about 20 days.
Seedling management When the seedlings grow 3-4 whisky roots, the first thinning can be carried out, and the soil can be trimmed in time. The seedling yield is 200 plants/square meter, and the seedling height is 30-50cm. 1-2 years of seedlings can be planted in the nursery. [3]


The variation type of the flower should be raised by cutting method, the seed propagation is difficult to maintain the character of the variation. The practice in Heilongjiang Province is to cut the 1-2 year old branches without spunning in early April, cut the cuttings growing 10-12cm long, dip the cuttings with 2000mg/kg solution of α-naphthylene acetic acid and insert them into the sandy bed covered with film and shade in the open field, and put a layer of decomposed horse manure on the bottom of the sand bed to increase the ground temperature. The ground temperature is required to be 25-28 ° C, the air temperature is required to be 20-25 ° C, the air humidity in the shed is required to be 80%-90%, and the transmittance is required to be about 30%. It takes 50 to 60 days to take root, and the survival rate is about 80%. [3]
In addition, it can also be propagated by dividing and layering methods. [3]


It is pressed into the soil during the growing season for layering propagation. Usually select the lower branches after the flower pressure, the lower branches are easy to crawl, the node is easy to take root and survive. Subdividing occurs in early spring and autumn and winter. More before and after the spring sprouting combined transplanting, the whole plant will be dug out, divided into several clusters, planted separately. It should be carried out in early and middle of April. After sowing, water should be watered by swelled irrigation method. Do not spray water to the soil surface with watering can to avoid flushing the seeds to the surface. Seedlings emerge about 15 days after sowing. However, the planting method has a longer growth period, and generally a small amount of breeding does not use this method. [4]
锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花
Kam Dai Hua

Cultivation technique

It has strong adaptability, rich tillering and easy cultivation. The sandy loam with good drainage is selected as the seedling cultivation ground. The seedlings or cuttings of 1-2 years old can be planted in ridge to cultivate large seedlings, the plant distance is 50-60cm, and the stubble is 10-15cm above the ground after planting. When the seedling height is more than 100cm after 3 years of planting, it can be used for landscaping. [3]


Pot pot can be mixed with 3 parts garden soil and 1 part rice chaff ash, plus a small amount of manure as a base fertilizer. When planting with decomposed compost as the base fertilizer, every two to three years in winter or early spring Quiescent stage Furrow the roots and apply fertilizer once. Fertilize 1-2 times a month during the growing season. [4]


Pay attention to watering during the growing season, and gradually increase the amount of watering after spring sprouting, and often keep the soil moist. In summer, high temperature and drought are easy to make the leaves yellow and dry and dry, so it is necessary to keep sufficient water and spray water to cool down or move to semi-yin moist place for maintenance. Water should be poured 1 to 2 times a month to meet the growth needs. [4]


Because of the long growing period of the flower, the top sprigs are often not full before winter, and it is easy to dry out during winter. Therefore, every year before the spring sprout should be the top of the plant dry branches and other weak branches, disease branches cut off, and cut short long branches. If the seeds are not left, the residual flower branches should be cut off in time after the flower, so as not to consume too much nutrients and affect the growth. Branches that have been growing for 3 years should be cut off from the base to promote the robust growth of new branches. Since the new technology of its inflorescence is mostly germination on the 1-2 year old branches, it is not appropriate to prune the branches of the previous year in the spring, and generally only thin the dead branches. [4]
锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花 锦带花

Disease and insect control

Pests and diseases are rare in this flower aphid and Red spider mite Harm, can be killed by dimethoate spray. [4]

Main variety

Over the past hundred years, more than 100 horticultural types and varieties have been selected through cross-breeding. Seen in cultivation are:
Beautiful brocaded flowers : Light pink flowers, small leaves. [5]
White flowers with brocade flowers : Flower white. Flowers near white, slightly fragrant. [5]
Colored brocade with flowers : White green at first, then red. [5]
Floral brocade with flowers : Plant height 2 m to 3 m. The plant cluster is close, 1.5-2m tall, the crown is 2-2.5m, the leaf margin is milky yellow or white, the leaves are opposite, long oval, and the leaf tip is acuminate. The cyme is born at the top of the branch, the calyx tube is green, the corolla is trumpet-shaped, the flower color is gradually changed from white to pink, because the flower opening time is different, there are white and red, so that the whole plant presents two colors of flowers, under the foil of the flowers and leaves, especially colorful. [5]
Purple leaf brocade with flowers : Leaves with purple halo, flowers purple pink, etc. [5]
Trichophyllum with flowers : Similar to the flower, the important feature is that both sides of the leaves have soft hairs; Calyx lobes joined, base connate, hirsute, corolla narrow bell-shaped, suddenly tapered below middle, outer hairs rosy or pink, throat yellow; 3-5 on lateral sprigs; Flowering early (4-5) months. [5]
Variegated brocade with flowers : Leaves have white spots. [5]
Red Prince brocade with flowers
Red Prince brocade with flowers : It is a short plant with a height of 1 m to 2 m and a crown width of 1.4 m. The young branches are pale red, and the old ones are grayish brown. The leaves are oval in length and golden throughout the growing season. Flowering in early summer, flowering from April to October, the branches develop into an arch. The cymes are located in the axils or tops of branches, corolla funnel-shaped, densely packed, carmine red, showy and pleasing to the eye. [5]
Japanese brocade ribbon flower Weigela japonica Thunb.
Japonica japonica (original variety) Weigela japonica Thunb. var. japonica
Half moon (variety) Weigela japonica Thunb. var. sinica (Rehder) L. H. Bailey [2]

Primary value


Edible value

The young stems, leaves and flowers are edible. [11 ] From April to May, pick the tender stems and leaves at the top of the fresh edge of the plant, boil and weld them, and then mix, fry or make soup. [11 ]

Ornamental value

The flowering period of the brocade ribbon flower is just as the spring flower is fading, Summer flower It is one of the important flowering shrubs in northeast China and North China. It has thick branches and leaves, gorgeous colors, and the flowering period can last for more than two months. It is the main early spring flowering shrub in North China in garden application.
Suitable for courtyard wall corner, lakeside group planting; It can also be used as a fence and cluster planting on the edge of the tree jungle. Dotted with rockery, slope. It has strong resistance to hydrogen chloride and is a good pollution resistant species. The flower branches can be placed in bottles. [2]