Keria japonica

[dì táng]
Any of several plants of the rose family
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Chu Tong (scientific name: Kerria japonica (L.) DC.) Yes Rose family Deciduous shrub, twigs green, ribbed, glabrous; Simple leaves alternate, leaves ovate or triangular-ovate, flowers bisexual, single flowers large, pedicels glabrous; Petals yellow, broadly oval, tip slightly concave; Stamen plurality, discoid ring; Stylus apex, erect; Achenes obovoid, laterally flattened, dark brown. Flowering period from April to June, fruit period from June to August. [5 ]
This flower is native to North and South China, [6 ] It is distributed in East China, Southwest China, Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Hunan and other places. [7 ] It is a light-loving species, more shade tolerant, warm and humid climate, not very cold-tolerant, strong budding ability. The propagation methods are divided into sowing, branching and cutting. [8 ]
Chu Tang flower taste slightly bitter, astringent, flat, with phlegm to relieve cough, detoxification, detoxification effect, used for the treatment of cough, rheumatism, arthralgia, edema, indigestion, eczema, urticaria . [9 ] Chu begonia flowers can also be used for afforestation. [10 ]
Chinese name
Keria flower
Latin name
Kerria japonica (L.) DC. [3]
Keria japonica , crabapple , Bee blossom , Yellow duberry , Jin Chu Tong Mei , Yellow elm
The door
The outline
Dicotyledonous plants
Rose family
Belong to
Nympha L
Kind of
Keria flower
Namers and years
(L.) DC., 1818
Foreign name

Morphological characteristics

Fallen leaves bush High 1-2 meters, thin up to 3 meters; Branchlets green, cylindrical, glabrous, often arched, shoots angularis alternate, triangularis ovate or ovate, apex long acuminate, base rounded, truncate or microcordate, margin sharply double serrate, both sides green, glabrous or sparsely pubescent above, glabrous along vein or axillary below; Petiole 5-10 mm long, glabrous; stipule Membranous, ribbon-lanceolate, marginal hairs, caducous.
Single flower, growing at the top of the current lateral branch, peduncle Without hair; Flowers 2.5-6 cm in diameter; sepal Ovate-elliptic, apex acute, cuspulate, entire margin, glabrous, fruit persistent; Petals yellow, broadly oval, concave tip, 1-4 times longer than sepals. achene Obovate to hemispherical, brown or dark brown, glabrous surface, wrinkled. Flowering period from April to June, fruit period from June to August. [1]
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Keria japonica

Proximate distinction

Keria japonica
Deciduous bush.
A perennial herb.
Achenes obovate to hemispherical, brown or blackish brown, glabrous, wrinkled. [1]
Achenes oblong, with persistent styles. [11]
Keria japonica

Habitat of origin

Native North China to South China, distribution Anhui (Province) , Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan Yunnan, Guizhou, Beijing, Tianjin and other provinces and cities. It is also found in Japan. [1] It is a light-loving species, more shade tolerant, warm and humid climate, not very cold-tolerant, strong budding ability. [8 ] It likes sandy soil with good fertility and permeability, and can grow normally in light clay loam, but it grows poorly in clay loam. [13]

Propagation method



In early spring, the mother plant will be dug up, and it will be split with a sharp knife. Every 3-4 branches will be a new plant, and it will be implanted in the planting hole with enclosure fertilizer. [13]


Cutting propagation can be divided into hard branch cutting and semi-hard branch cutting. [13] Hard cuttings should be cut in early spring in March, with the middle and lower sections of the annual branches that have not germinated as cuttings, cut into small sections of 10-12 cm, and cut the base into a "horseshoe" shape. In order to promote rooting and increase the propagation effect of cuttings, using ABT2 root powder can greatly increase the rooting rate. The tender cuttings should be taken in June, the coarse and strong branches that are semi-lignified in the current year should be selected, 2-3 leaves should be left, and the cuttings should be 10-12 cm long. If the open cuttings should be properly shaded. [4]


The mature seeds were collected, refrigerated at 5℃ for 2.5 months, and sown in the spring of the following year. After sowing, spray water, and cover the moisture with a straw curtain, set up a shade shed after the emergence of appropriate shade, the second spring for subplanting. [13]

Tissue culture

  • Primary culture
Selection and surface sterilization of explants: before germination in spring, 1-year old shoots with robust growth and full buds were selected from excellent and robust strains as explants. Cut into a single bud stem segment in the laboratory, put it into a 250 ml triangular bottle, about 40 pieces per bottle, add 200 ml of Tween-80 solution of 1000 times the liquid, and violently shake l0-15 minutes, so that the surface of the explants material is fully in contact with the solution; Then put it in a sink and rinse it under running water for 2-3 hours; The cleaned explants were then put into a 150ml triangular bottle, and the newly prepared 0.1 mercury chloride solution was added on the ultra-clean work table for surface sterilization treatment, and the treatment time was 10 minutes. Finally, soak and clean with sterile water 4 times, each time for not less than 5 minutes. In spring, when the shoots of the year grow to about 10 cm, at about 10 am after 2-3 consecutive sunny days, select excellent and robust strains to collect the shoots, moisturize, and bring them back to the laboratory as soon as possible. Cut the shoots into single bud stem segments with a blade, shake and clean them in the Tween-80 solution of 1000 times the liquid for 10 minutes, and then rinse them with running water for 1 hour; Sterilize the surface of the ultra-clean work table with the newly prepared 0.1 mercury chloride solution for 3-5 minutes (the time depends on the specific situation of the material, too short sterilization is not complete, too long material will be killed), and then clean with sterile water for 5 times, each time for not less than 5 minutes. The original incisions of stem segments were cut off with sterile blades so as not to affect the culture process with residual mercury chloride solution. [12]
Inoculation of primary culture: The scales of the 1-year old overwinter buds were peeled off with binocular anatomic glasses on a super-clean work table, the stem tips were quickly cut with the size of 0.2-0.5 mm, and inoculated on the medium with 1/2MS+NAA0.1 mg/l +IBA0.1 mg/l + sucrose 15 g/l + AGAR 6 g/l, pH=5.8. After the treatment of the single bud and stem segments of the current shoots, inoculate them on the medium as soon as possible (same formula as above). When inoculation, only one stem tip or single bud stem segment is connected to each bottle to prevent cross-contamination, and small culture bottles are used to increase the number of cultures, which can improve the success rate and the best effect. [12]
Environmental conditions of the initial culture: the temperature of the culture room is controlled at (25±2) ℃, the light intensity is 2000-2500 lux, the light is lit for 16 hours a day, the dark culture is 8 hours, the relative humidity of the environment is controlled within 70%, and the new shoot will grow into 4-5 cm after 40-50 days of continuous culture. [12]
  • subculture
The new shoots grown in the primary culture were transferred to the secondary culture medium with 1/2MS+BA0.1 mg/l +IBA0.2 mg/l + sucrose 20 g/l + AGAR 6 g/l and pH5.8 under sterile conditions for secondary culture. The culture conditions were basically the same as that of the primary culture, but the illumination was good for 24 hours. In about 35 days, robust shoots 3-5 cm long will form, with a propagation coefficient of more than 3. [12]
  • Rooting culture
When the subculture of the bud has more than 80 and more than 4 cm, rooting culture can be carried out. The shoots were cut into 1.5-2 cm long single bud stem segments and transferred to 1/3 ms +IBA0.1 mg/l + sugar 10 g/l + AGAR 6 g/l, pH5.8 medium for rooting culture. Shoots less than 1.5 cm in length were transferred to the subculture medium for further expansion culture to improve material utilization. The culture conditions were the same as the primary culture. About 15-20 days, rooting culture stem segment has more than 3 l cm long roots, you can be refined. [12]
  • Transplanting seedlings
The rooted bottle seedlings are placed in a greenhouse or greenhouse, and the bottle is closed without opening the cork. The temperature is controlled at 15-25℃, and the light intensity is gradually increased by 15000 lux within 5-7 days by gradually reducing the shade. Under the conditions of environmental relative humidity of not less than 70%, uncork the bottle and continue to exercise for 3-5 days, so that the bottle seedlings gradually adapt to the greenhouse or greenhouse environment. Remove the test tube seedlings from the bottle with tweezers, rinse the root culture medium, soak in 1000 times the liquid carbazam for 5 minutes, and then plant in 8 cm ×8 cm nutrition bowl (substrate using vermiculite or perlite), 3 plants per bowl, permeate the water, and wash the substrate attached to the seedlings, and put them in a small arch shed in a greenhouse or plastic greenhouse; The humidity is kept near saturation, the temperature is controlled at 20-25℃, and the light intensity is 15000-20000 lux. After 3 days, the relative humidity of the air dropped to about 85%, and the light intensity gradually increased to 40000 lux. When there were obvious signs of growth in the planted tissue culture seedlings, the seedlings were transferred to the nutrient pot with soil: sand: decomposed organic fertilizer (1:1:0.5) as the substrate, 1 plant per pot; Gradually change the environment of the small arch shed, so that it is the same as the greenhouse or plastic greenhouse conditions, and finally remove the shed film, so that the seedlings adapt to the growing environment in the open field, when the tissue culture seedlings grow to about 10 cm in the nutrient bowl, can fully adapt to the open field environment, they can be moved to the field, cultivation and management measures are the same as the conventional field seedling. Using this method, although there are many processes, there is no obvious stoppage of tissue culture seedlings in the whole process, and the survival rate can reach more than 90, and the seedlings transplanted in spring can be released to the nursery in autumn. [12]

Cultivation technique



The plant should be planted in mid-March before no germination, plants can be bare roots, but also with soil balls, relatively speaking, plants with soil balls have a high survival rate, slow seedling fast, early flowering. Before planting, mature and fermented fertilizer should be applied as the base fertilizer, the amount is 4-5 spades, and the fertilizer should be fully mixed with the subsoil. After the seedlings are put straight, the soil should be backfilled three times, and the soil should be stepped down each time, and the seedlings should be gently lifted after the hole is filled, so that the roots of the plants can be dispersed. After planting, it is necessary to pour the head water of the cofferdam immediately, pour two water after two days, and pour three water after three days. [13]

Water fertilizer

After survival, the planted land should always be kept moist and watered according to soil moisture. In general, the planting year can be about 20 days to water once, summer rainy days do not water, timely drainage after heavy rain, control watering after the middle of October, to prevent the fall of the plant, affecting the safety of winter, early winter should be poured foot poured through the antifreeze water. In the early spring of the second year, the thawed water should be poured, and then the water can be poured once a month under normal weather conditions. After the third year, water can be carried out according to the principle that the soil remains moist and does not accumulate water. The spring monsoon wind is strong, the duration is longer, the transpiration is larger, and the plants are facing germination and flowering, and the water demand is larger, so it should be watered properly. Summer is relatively abundant in rain, but in the case of continuous drought must be watered to combat drought; From late summer to early autumn, the precipitation decreases, but the temperature is still high, and the appropriate amount of water should be added. After the middle autumn, the temperature decreases and the transpiration decreases, so the amount of watering should be controlled to prevent autumn hair. [13]
Chu tang like fertilizer and not tolerant of barren, in addition to the need for proper application of base fertilizer, after each year should be fertilized. Fat foot, lush plant branches and leaves, green stems, flowers, and strong resistance to pests and diseases; Lack of fertilizer, the plant growth is not prosperous, thin branches, branches dim color, winter ornamental effect is not good, small and few flowers. Generally, it is necessary to apply fertilizer 3 times: (1) Before the germination of plants in spring, apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer to make the plants have large flowers and long flowering period; After the flower fertilizer, the fertilizer can be applied to dry chickens, so that the plants luxuriant foliage; ③ In the late autumn before the application of a fermented cattle and horse industry, the fertilizer should be more should not be less, can be covered with trees, 3-4 cm thick, the fertilizer also has a certain thermal insulation effect, conducive to plant safety over winter. Generally do not fertilize in early autumn, the main reason is to fear that the plant will affect the safety of winter. [13]


It has strong tillering ability and is resistant to pruning. Pruning should master the following principles: ① Chu Tang flowers mostly open at the top of new branches, so pruning should be loosened, not short, so as not to reduce the number of flowers; Do not truncate or core-pluck new shoots after birth, otherwise the buds will be cut off. ② Every 4-5 years, the plant is renewed once, and all the ground parts are cut off, so that the budding new branches are bright in color and the number of flowers is also more. ③ Timely remove dry branches, pests and diseases, so as not to affect the viewing. ④ Pay attention to the ventilation and light of the plant, and remove the dense branches. [13]

Disease and insect control



Yellow leaf disease, also known as chlorosis, is a common and frequency-occurring disease in the area of alkaline soil in northern China. [13]
Symptoms: At the onset of the disease, the first manifestations are yellow leaves on the top of the plant, the leaf surface tissue becomes yellow or light yellow, but the vein is still green, with the aggravation of the disease, the whole leaf becomes yellow or yellowish white, the leaf edge becomes grayish brown and rod death. [13]
Prevention and control methods: ① Choose the appropriate planting land, and the soil is light acidic or neutral loam. ② At the early stage of the disease, 200 times the liquid of ferrous sulfate solution can be used for root irrigation, and 0.5% ferrous sulfate solution is sprayed, once every 10 days, continuous watering and spraying 3-4 times, which can significantly change the symptoms. ③ Apply more organic fertilizers such as leaf rot fertilizer and cow and horse manure to improve soil permeability. [13]
Symptoms: At the beginning of the disease, there were grayish-brown lesions on the edge of the leaves, the lesions were irregularly expanded, the inner grayish-brown lesions, and the edges were reddish-brown; at the later stage of the disease, the lesions were dry, brown, and black granular matter. [13]
Pathogenesis: The pathogenic bacteria are half-known fungal fungi, which overwinter on the diseased remains of the host plant and spread by wind, rain and watering. The onset of disease began from late April to early May, and the peak of disease occurred in July, 8 and 9 March. [13]
Prevention and treatment methods: ① If it occurs, use 75% chlorothalonil wettable particles 800 times liquid or 70% mancozeb wettable particles 400 times liquid or 50% dimethicillin wettable particles 500 times liquid spray, once every 11 days, continuous spray 3-4 times can effectively control the disease. ② Strengthen pruning, so that the plants are always kept in a state of ventilation and light. ③ Sprinkler irrigation is prohibited during the onset period to reduce the speed of disease development. [13]

Insect attack

Common insect pests are: Red margined moth , American moth , Macrobag moth . [13]
If there is a red edge moth, it can be sprayed with Bt emulsion 500 times liquid or 20% urea 8000 times liquid in the larval stage, and killed with light in the adult stage. If there is an occurrence of American white moth, the eggs and larvae before the 4th instar should be sprayed with 8000-fold liquid, or biological control methods such as releasing Gnathodes choui can be used to trap and kill the adult insects. If there is a large bag moth, in the early larva blooming period, can be 50% of the cream of the moth 800 times the liquid spray, with black light to kill the adult. It should be reminded that Chu Tong is allergic to dichlorvos and Dimethoate oxide, and the use of these two pesticides should be avoided when the insect infestation occurs to avoid drug damage. [13]

Subordinate classification

Double Chu blossom
The most common is the single - petal Chu begonia flower. There are two other varieties of the flower, one is Double Chu blossom One is the white Chu begonia flower.
Variant: Double Chu Blossom ( K. japonica (L.) DC.f. pleniflora (Witte) Rehd.), double flowering, wild in Hunan, Sichuan and Yunnan, widely cultivated in north and south China for ornamental use. In addition, there is a phnom penh ( K. japonica f. aureo-variegata Rehd.) and Silver edge ( K. japonica f. picta (Sieb.) Rehd.) and other variants, yellow or white edges, garden cultivation. [1]

Primary value



Chu Tang flower taste slightly bitter, astringent, flat, with phlegm to relieve cough, detoxification, detoxification effect, used to treat cough, rheumatism, arthralgia, edema, dyspepsia, eczema, urticaria. [9 ]
Property and taste: Bitter, astringent, flat. [2]
Main functions:
Flower: relieve phlegm and cough. For coughing with tuberculosis. [2]
Stems, leaves: dispel wind and damp, detoxification. For rheumatic joint pain, indigestion in children; Topical treatment of carbuncle, urticaria, eczema. [2]


Chu begonia flowers can also be used for afforestation. [10 ] Chu begoniana branches densely clustered, flowers, with leaves, flowers and leaves dazzling, is a rare good material in modern landscaping, suitable for planting into hedges, flower hedges and configuration in the forest, or clumps planted in the lawn, corner, roadside, forest edge, rockery, etc., can produce a good beautify the environment effect. Flowers can be cut flowers and vase viewing. [12]


The surface of the leaves has sparse pubescence, and the leaves have obvious concave and convex surface, which is easy to attach atmospheric particles. [14] Therefore, it has a certain degree of dust retention effect and is widely used in urban gardens and road greening. In recent years, the introduction and cultivation of this plant have been studied deeply, which plays a vital role in the restoration of urban ecological environment. [15]

Plant culture



In Japan, the mountain blow is a kind of flower, called Chu Tang, Edo period poet Matsuo Basho has a poem, the translated version, the most favorite sentence "turbulent, but Chu tang fall fast?" In her essay "The Heian Period Japanese female writer Seishonaka" Pillow grass seed "In the record of such a thing: Qing Shaoyan was Empress Rattan originally scheduled son of the female officer, after she left the court received the stator queen's letter, only a Chu tang flower, postscript" do not say, but love ", Qing Shaoyan reply "heart is underground water." Since then, the mountain has become an unspoken friendship, dense and beautiful! Due to this friendship, the mountain became a popular girl's headwear at that time, carrying a good meaning. The brilliant point of this work is that it does not directly use the elements of Chu Tang, and only the word mountain blow creates the beauty of Chu Tang falling flowers and an unspoken meaning. [17]


During the Tang Dynasty, Kim Kyo Kyo, the close cousin of the king of Silla (now southern Korea), came to China as a monk when he was young and lived on the Shinguang Ridge in Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province. In the 10th year of Tang Zhenyuan (794), Jin Qiaojue died at the age of 99, but his body was soft and his face was as alive as life. Buddhist disciples believed that he was the incarnation of Tizang Bodhisattva, and they built a memorial tower, commonly known as the Tower of the flesh. The Ming Dynasty Wanli emperor gave the name of "protecting the state body pagoda", in the body treasure hall around the plant there are many Chu Tang flowers, later people called Chu Tang flowers for the king of the land, perhaps based on the place name, perhaps because the king's name is gold and the color of Chu Tang flowers is also golden, perhaps the people in the area to commemorate the king of the land, and called Chu Tang flowers for the king of the land. [16]