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People New Weekly

CCTV news channel talk show
People New Weekly is CCTV News channel A talk show that premiered on June 10, 2006.
Since its launch on June 10, 2006, in addition to the regular weekly programs, the program has also planned and produced a large number of holiday special programs "Best Collection", "Magic Seven Stars", "Running to the Moon", "Listen to music, Say Hong Kong", etc., which has become the silver screen signboard of CCTV News Channel's golden holiday.
The program was first broadcast on CCTV News Channel at 22:15 every Saturday from June 10, 2006. [1] It was officially discontinued on March 3, 2008.
Chinese name
People New Weekly
Foreign name
Oriental Time & Space • People Show (original name) [2]
Generic type
Big newsmaker talk shows
Qiu Menghuang (Achu) , Zhang Quanling
Chief guest
Sun Xiaomei , Xie Yingying
Production country/region
Chinese mainland
Production company
China Central Television News and commentary department
Premiere time
June 10, 2006
Broadcast channel
CCTV News channel
Network playback platform
CCTV network
Broadcast status
Duration per episode
45 minutes
Column slogan
Spread human values
Last issue
March 1, 2008
Off-air time
March 3, 2008
Broadcast mode
Recorded broadcast
Mandarin Chinese
First seeding
Every Saturday at 22:15
Replay time
Every Sunday at 13:15

Program feature


Spread human values

As a communicator, the column takes the value of people as its own responsibility, does not go to the successful road of celebrities, news figures, performing stars, but determines its own guest standards from a unique perspective, and chooses such a group of people: maybe you do not know them, but the new words, new experiences, new knowledge they bring make you feel very novel and enlightening to you. Choosing people who can give us new solutions to our current problems is the main criterion for selecting guests, and it is also a reflection of the value of the guests themselves.

Correct orientation

Political orientation and national interest orientation are the first meaning; At the same time, it should conform to the latest development of current science and technology, law, economy and other aspects, which is the background of keeping the column content fresh and cutting-edge; Third, consider the audience's starting point of knowledge, respect the audience's current knowledge and background, and strike a balance between comprehensibility and accuracy.

Process excitation

This is a process in which the host role-plays, reproduces the question scene, inspires the guest to respond to the question, and helps the audience to seek the answer. In this process, what the audience sees is the presentation of the question and the stimulated inquiry for the answer to the question. The guests respond to the question and are stimulated to participate in the question and express themselves. This process is a complete plan, each plan corresponds to a set of knowledge, only the plan is effective, can help guests to show their knowledge. At the same time, the guests happily shared the joy of solving the problem with the object in the process.

Comic character

Comedy is the character of the show, emphasizing a comedic perspective on issues. It's not comedy, it's not entertainment. So what is a comedic perspective? For example, a teacher says that there are three things he must listen to in his class and three things he must not listen to. The first is the first half hour must listen, because this is the most important framework, the second must listen is the last half hour must listen, reflecting the essence and summary. Must listen in the middle. Don't listen to those who don't want to be promoted, don't listen to those who don't want to get rich, and don't listen to those who are already in office. If he just said that my class is very important and must be listened to, he would be more technical and charming than using comic crosstalk techniques and expressions with comic character. Choosing a technology to express is the character of the program, which also responds that entertainment is not simply funny, and the personality of the program is contained in the design of the process.

Audience value

It is the basic standard to judge the topic. Life is endless. [2]



Broadcast information

Broadcast channel
Premiere time
Replay time
CCTV News channel (CCTV- News)
Every Saturday at 22:15 [1]
Every Sunday at 13:15 [1]
Note: Due to the need of CCTV News channel revision, the program has been suspended since March 3, 2008.

Quit broadcasting

On March 1, 2008, from 22:15 to 23:00, the last time slot for People New Weekly was broadcast. After the show aired, according to the overall arrangement of the news channel, the "People New Weekly" section was canceled.
We now bid you farewell.
Since June 10, 2006, People New Weekly has aired a total of 71 regular episodes. There are also 54 special programs (such as "Listen to Music, Speak Hong Kong", "Best Collection", etc.). You may not be happy with these shows, but we do it seriously.
Thank you is what we want to say right now. Because of your love, we have the motivation to work. And because of your inspiration, we continue to grow.
A guest on our show Liu Zhenyun (The novel A field of chicken feathers ", "I am Liu Yuejin" author) to our studio video, 2 hours of recording completed, after the host finished the closing remarks, Liu teacher suddenly "surprised" said: "This is over? I have so much to say yet!"
Mr. Liu that is humor, and we borrow this sentence, is to say goodbye to you, the same is the heart, but also our commitment.
goodbye. [3]