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He Zhipeng

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China National Radio broadcast Department host
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She Zhipeng, from Pingliang, Gansu Province, China National Radio Radio host. Graduated from the broadcasting Department of Beijing Broadcasting University.
Chinese name
He Zhipeng
Ethnic group
The Hui nationality
Date of birth
The year 1973
Broadcasting and hosting
Political status
CPC member



Hold the office of China National Radio Radio host. He graduated in 1995 China National Radio Working so far. At first, he specialized in news and broadcasting on various topics in the broadcasting department. In 1998, he was transferred to the Hong Kong and Macao Department as a program host, responsible for the whole process of collecting, editing and broadcasting the special program "Golden Channel" and the teaching program "Putonghua Express". In September 2002, he was transferred to the Taiwan Radio program Department as the host of "Air Friends" program.


1999 National Participation" Two sessions "Report, collected Recorded report "The return of Macao Members' Dialect" won the third prize of the CPPCC Good News Competition. Participated in the reporting work of Macao's return, and participated in the production of "Haojiang Singing to move Kyushu - Welcome Macao's Return Special Program" won the first prize of the CCTV Good Program selection. The paper "Inheriting Tradition and Daring to Innovate -- Some views on broadcasting creation" was published in the 10th issue of China Broadcasting magazine in 1999.