Qingming Festival

[q? ng ming jie]
Chinese traditional festival
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Qingming Festival, also known as Taqing Festival, Qing Festival, March Festival, Ancestor Worship Festival, etc., between April 4 and 6 every year, is the festival of sacrifice, ancestor worship and tomb sweeping [91] . The Qingming Festival originates from the ancestral beliefs and spring rites and customs of ancient times. It has both natural and humanistic connotations. It is not only a natural solar term point, but also a traditional festival [92] . Qingming Festival and Spring Festival , Dragon Boat Festival , Mid-Autumn Festival It is also known as China's four traditional festivals [1-2] [80] .
Qingming Festival is said to have originated from the "tomb offering" ceremony of ancient emperors and generals, about the Zhou Dynasty, which has a history of more than 2,500 years, Qingming Festival is only the name of a solar term, and it has become a festival to commemorate ancestors related to the Cold Food Festival [92] . The Cold Food Festival and the Qingming Festival are two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the Cold Food Festival [106] . In the Song and Yuan dynasties, Qingming Festival gradually rose from the status of attached to Cold Food Festival to replace the status of cold Food Festival. The Ming and Qing dynasties generally followed the old system of the previous generation, and the custom of worshipping ancestors and mourning the deceased relatives was still prevalent during the Qingming Festival [107] . During the Republic of China, Qingming Festival was designated as Arbor Day in 1915, and the history of Qingming Festival as Arbor Day ended in 1928 [112 ] . Influenced by Han culture, Chinese ethnic minorities also have the custom of Tomb-sweeping Day, although the customs are not the same in different places, but the tomb sweeping ancestor worship, outing is the basic theme of Tomb-sweeping day, in addition to swing, cuju, kite flying, tree planting, tug-of-war and many other outdoor recreational activities, as well as eating Zituiyan, Li cheese, Qingtuan and other food customs [93] . In addition to China, there are some countries and regions in the world also celebrate Qingming Festival, such as Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and so on [94] .
On May 20, 2006, Ministry of Culture, People's Republic of China The declared Tomb-sweeping day shall be included with the approval of The State Council The first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list [3] . In order to carry forward and inherit traditional national culture, in 2008, Qingming Festival was added as a national statutory holiday and a day off, plus weekends, then a three-day holiday [124] .
Chinese name
Qingming Festival
Foreign name
Tomb-Sweeping Day [83]
The Pure Brightness Day [83]
The Mourning Day [83]
Qing-Ming Festival [88]
Spring Festival , carabiniana , Marchesima , Ancestor Festival
Festival time
Around April 5 in Gregorian calendar (Dou finger B, Sun longitude 15°)
Endemic area
China , East Asia , Southeast Asia And other overseas Chinese gathering place
Festival origin
Dry branch calendar, primitive belief, sacrificial culture
Festival activity
Outing, tomb sweeping ancestor worship
Holiday food
Sacrificial golden pig, fresh fruit tea and so on
Festival meaning
Respect ancestors, close to nature
Set point
Previous solar term
Vernal equinox
The latter solar term
Grain rain
Bysan process
Weed clearing, offering sacrifices, worship, firecrackers
Intangible cultural heritage protection unit
Ministry of Culture and Tourism [4]

Festival concept

Bucket refers to B, for Qingming
Qingming Festival, also known as the tomb Sweeping Festival, Taqing Festival, March Festival, etc., time in the 15th day after the lunar vernal equinox, Gregorian calendar April 5 before and after, is one of the "twenty-four solar terms", is also a traditional ancestor worship festival. "24 Solar Terms" is the product of ancient farming civilization, it is linked with the dry time and gossip, has a long historical source. The "24 Solar terms" not only played a guiding role in agricultural production, but also affected the clothing, food, housing and transportation of ancient people, and even cultural concepts. In the early time of image timing, according to the rotation of the stars to determine the age, the handle of the bucket rotated clockwise one circle, called one year (take). Day Wei Jianyuan, starting from Yin, such as "Huainan son · Astronomical training" included: "Emperor Zhang four dimensions, with a fight, a month migration, back to its place, the first month refers to Yin, December refers to ugly, one year and turn, the end and start." In traditional culture, Yin position is the "gen position" of the acquired eight trigrams, which is the orientation of the first intersection of the year and the year, representing the end and the beginning, such as the "Yi · Say hexagrams" : "Gen, the northeast hexagrams are also, the end of all things is also the beginning." Therefore, the handle of the Big Dipper starts from the "Jianyin" moon pointing to the due east to the north, and then rotates clockwise and repeats; The end of the year in December refers to the ugly square, the first month and return to the Yin position, the end and start again. Big Dipper cycle rotation, bucket handle back Yin, Qian yuan shipping, when back to the Spring Festival. When the handle points to the "B" position of due east by south, it is the Qingming Solar term [5-7] [81] .
Qingming Festival is an important traditional festival of the Chinese nation, and once became a grand festival second only to the Spring Festival in history. In traditional societies, the Qingming Festival lasts a long time (five or six days to ten days, different places and different times), on the one hand is a festival to sweep the graves and remember the departed relatives, on the other hand is a festival to outing and close to nature. Until today, Qingming Festival is still one of the important festivals of the Chinese nation, including overseas Chinese [97 ] .

Historical evolution


Origin of solar terms

In ancient times, Qingming Festival was just a solar term to remind farmers to do spring ploughing and planting. "Huainan Zi · Astronomical training" record: "15 days after the spring equinox, the big Dipper handle points to the B position, then the Qingming wind to." "Hundred questions" said: "All things grow at this time, are clean and bright, so called Qingming." When Qingming comes, the temperature rises and the rainfall increases, it is a good season for spring ploughing and planting [103] . "The month of the seventy-two Hou solution" said: "According to the" Mandarin "said, there are eight winds, calendar alone refers to the Qingming wind, for the March section. This wind belongs to Sunda. All things are in harmony with Sunda, and at this time all things are clean and clear." "Eight winds" is the wind from all directions, the ancient almanac said "Qingming wind" is from the southeast, the southeast is the "Zhouyi" said Xunfang. "Zhouyi" also has all things "Qi Hu Xun" language, "Qi" is "clean qi" meaning, the lunar month of the third month, Qingjing Ming, all things are obvious, this is the "Qingming" name [104] . Festivals are different from solar terms in that the solar terms are a sign of timing, while festivals contain certain customs and commemorative meanings. Qingming Festival as a festival, its appearance is slightly later, and there is a gradual evolution of the process [103] .

Festival change

  • Ancient times
According to ancient literature records, the traditional Chinese tomb sweeping began in the Zhou Dynasty, which has a history of more than 2,500 years [105] . In the Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Rites, Chunguan, Zuoren recorded the custom of offering sacrifices to tombs, and set up the cemetery of the imperial court and the state tomb of the common people respectively. Mencius · Qi Ren, a document of the Warring States period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, recorded a man from the State of Qi begging for food to sweep the tombs of the Eastern Guo, indicating that the ritual of sweeping the tombs was quite common at this time. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, tomb visiting had become an indispensable ritual and custom activity. The ancient literature Yan Yannian Biography recorded that the imperial Shi Yan traveled thousands of miles home to visit his ancestral graves. However, in the Zhou, Qin and even the Han Dynasties, this activity of ancestor worship was not clearly on Qingming Day, nor was there any Qingming Day [104] [106-107] .
  • Tang Dynasty
In the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival and the Qingming Festival were two different festivals. Because the rulers attached great importance to the strategy of Confucian governing the country, they carried out filial piety all over the world. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty did not incorporate the standardized tomb offerings into the five rites, and ordered the Cold food Festival tomb sweeping as one of the "five rites", and two days before the Qingming Festival, three days off, up to the court down to the folk, people will be cold food festival tomb sweeping as a return to the ritual festival. At this point, Qingming Festival as a festival began to form, and integrated the customs of cold food Festival; Kamigami exorcise The disaster relief ceremony was more entertaining in the Tang Dynasty, and a series of spring feasting forms such as Qu Shui and drinking cups flourished, and the content of the Shangsi Festival was also integrated into the Qingming Festival [106-107] [108 ] .
  • Song and Yuan Dynasties
In the Song and Yuan dynasties, Qingming Festival gradually rose from the status of attached to the Cold Food Festival to replace the status of the cold food Festival, coupled with the cold food was abandoned by the Yuan people, and the Shangsi Festival gradually faded. Qingming Festival integrated the essence of cold food Festival and Shangsi Festival cold food, swinging, outing and other custom activities, forming a traditional festival centered on ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. The Song Dynasty poet Gao Juqing wrote in "Qingming" that "there are many tombs in the north and south mountains, and the Qingming Festival is different." Fly white butterflies, tears dyed red cuckoo. Sunrise fox sleep on the tomb, night children laugh before the lamp. Life has wine must be drunk, a drop has never reached nine springs." It reflects the situation of the tomb to worship the ancestors at that time [107] .
  • Ming and Qing dynasties
The Ming and Qing dynasties generally followed the old system of the previous generation, and the custom of worshipping ancestors and mourning the deceased relatives was still prevalent during the Qingming Festival [107] . Ming and Qing dynasties also prevailed in the Qingming Festival to meet the city god and severe practice, "city god" is our folk belief in the world of city protection God, but also custody of the spirit of the dead God, "severe" is no place to rely on the ghost [110 ] .
  • Republic of China
The government of the Republic of China has set Qingming Festival as a national holiday, also known as the National Tomb Sweeping Day [107] [109] . Shortly after the establishment of the Republic of China, there was an important change in the history of the development of Qingming Festival, that is, it was stipulated in 1915 as Tree Planting Day, on this day, organs, schools to carry out tree planting activities. Human can not live without trees, Qingming Festival as Arbor Day is the advocacy of afforestation and forest protection, the national government will also closely linked this activity with agriculture. By 1928, Arbor Day was moved to the death anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (March 12), and the history of Qingming Festival as Arbor Day ended, but there are still some places to retain the practice of planting trees on Qingming Day [112 ] .
  • People's Republic of China
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the festival customs of Qingming Festival has undergone great changes, which are highlighted in two aspects. First, in terms of tomb sweeping customs, due to the promotion of the government, it has become the choice of many organizations and individuals to visit the tombs of revolutionary martyrs and cherish the memory of the martyrs. Second, the performance of the Qingming Festival in addition to tomb sweeping, outing, most of the trend of rapid decline. Before the middle of the 20th century, activities such as swinging, kite flying, and egg fighting still brought people a lot of fun on Qingming Festival, but today few people can enjoy the joy and fun [111 ] .

Festival custom



  • Visit a grave
Tomb sweeping and ancestor worship is one of the important contents of Qingming. [82] Qingming tomb sweeping, that is, "tomb offering", that is, "thinking of the time of respect" to the ancestors, ancestor sweeping is the way of remembering the ancestors, its custom has a long history. According to archaeological excavations, a tomb 10,000 years ago was found at Yingde Qingtang Site in Guangdong Province. According to accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), the age is about 13,500 years ago, which is the late Paleolithic Age, and it is the earliest tomb that can be confirmed in China, indicating that more than 10,000 years ago, Lingnan ancient people had clear conscious burial behavior and etiquette concepts. [8-9] Qingming Festival carries rich cultural connotation in the historical development, and there are differences in customs content or details in different regions throughout the country. The Qingming ritual and custom culture fully embodies the humanistic spirit of the Chinese nation, which is to respect the ancestors and be careful in pursuing the distant past. The important functions of Qingming ritual and custom culture are cultural inheritance and physical and mental adjustment. [30] 26 -
Visit a grave
  • Have an outing in spring
Spring outing, a seasonal folk activity, has a long history in China, its source is the ancient farming ritual of spring, which has a profound impact on later generations. Spring outing custom to Tang and Song Yousheng. According to... Book of Tang "Records:" Dali two February Renwu, lucky Kunming pool outing." [33] 32 - Both Qingming Festival and Qingming Festival Solar terms with Festivals Two major connotations, Qingming Solar terms In time and Meteorological phenology The characteristics of Qingming outing provides important conditions for the formation of customs. Qingming season, spring returns to the earth, nature everywhere presents a vibrant scene, it is a good time for outing. People are because of the convenience, the tomb is also a family of young and old in the mountains and countryside fun. [31]
Have an outing in spring
  • Tree planting
Before and after Qingming, spring sun, spring rain, planting saplings have a high survival rate and grow fast. Therefore, there is the habit of planting trees during the Qingming Festival, and some people also call the Qingming Festival "Arbor Day". The custom of planting trees has been passed down to this day. The custom of planting trees during the Qingming Festival is said to have originated from the custom of wearing and planting willow trees during the Qingming Festival. There are three legends about wearing willows and planting willows during the Qingming Festival. The first legend is said to commemorate the ancestral teacher who taught people to farm (Shennong), and later developed the meaning of praying for longevity. The second legend is related to Mesi push, it is said that when Jin Wen Gong led his ministers to climb the mountain to pay tribute to Mesi Push, he found that Mesi Push had died before the old willow died and resurrected, and gave the old willow as "Qingming willow". The third legend is Emperor Taizong of Tang To the minister Willow circle, as a blessing to ward off the epidemic. [34]
Tree planting
  • Fly a kite
Kite is also called" Paper kite ", "Kite", Fly a kite It is a favorite activity of people during the Qingming Festival. Kites are used Bamboo split Such as the skeleton is pasted with paper or silk, pulling a long string tied to the above, while the wind can be put into the sky, belongs to a simple use of aerodynamic aircraft. Flying kites during the Qingming Festival is a popular custom. In the ancient people, flying kites was not only a kind of entertainment, but also a kind of witchcraft: they believed that flying kites could let go of their dirty gas. So many people fly kites in the Qingming Festival, all the disaster they know are written on the kite, and when the kite is high, they cut the kite line and let the kite drift away with the wind, symbolizing their disease and foul gas are taken away by the kite. [35 and 36] [87]
Fly a kite
  • Plant willow trees
The custom of planting willow during the Qingming Festival, some experts believe, is to commemorate the "teaching people to farm" of the farming ancestor Shennong. In some places, people put willow branches under the eaves to forecast the weather, there is an old saying, "Willow green, rain; Wicker dry, sunny day "saying. Willows have great vitality." Wicker soil will live, where inserted, live to where, every year inserted willow, everywhere into the shade.
Another saying is to drive away evil spirits. Some places in northern China will Qingming Festival, Hungry Ghost Festival, cold clothes Festival, together called "three. Ghost Festival ". Because of the influence of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy holding willow branches in water, many people think that willow has the effect of exorcizing ghosts and evil spirits, and the willow branches are called "ghost fear wood". Jia Sixie's Works of Northern Wei Dynasty Harmony of the people requires skill "Wrote:" Take willow branches on the household, a hundred ghosts do not enter the home." Since Qingming is the Ghost Festival, on the occasion of the willow sprout season, people have inserted willow wear willow to ward off evil spirits. There is also a saying that this custom is to commemorate Jie Zitui. 37 - [38]
Plant willow trees
  • tug-of-war
Early tug of war called "hook", "hook strong", Tang Dynasty began to call "tug of war". It is said that it was invented in the late Spring and Autumn period and became popular in the army and later spread among the people. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty held a large-scale festival during the Qingming Festival tug-of-war Since then, tug-of-war has become part of the Qingming custom. [15] [39]
  • Play on a swing
Swing is one of the ancient Chinese Qingming Festival customs. Wang Renyu's works of the Five Dynasties The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao "Tianbao Palace to the cold food festival actually vertical swing, so that the palace children laugh that the banquet." The emperor called for the play of half immortal, and all the intellectuals called it ", the prime minister of Song Dynasty Wen Yanbo The poem "Cold food day over the Dragon Gate", the poem describes as "the bridge side of the willows weeping lines, forest swing hanging rope." Swing, which means pulling the leather rope and moving.
Play on a swing The history is very old, the earliest called "thousand autumn", after in order to avoid taboo, changed to "swing". In ancient times, a tree twig was used as a frame for a swing, and then a colored ribbon was tied to it. Later, it was gradually developed into a swing with two ropes and pedals. Swing not only can improve health, but also can cultivate brave spirit, so far for people, especially children love.
Play on a swing
  • gamecock
Ancient Qingming prevailed gamecock Game, cockfighting from Qingming, fight until the summer solstice. The earliest Chinese record of cockfighting is found in the book The Biography of Zuo ". In the Tang Dynasty, cockfighting became popular, not only civil cockfighting, but also the emperor participated in cockfighting, such as the Tang Xuanzong most like cockfighting [40] .
  • Cuju
Ju is a kind of ball, ball skin Leather Make it. Plug it in with hair. Cuju It is to play football with feet, which is a favorite game in the north during the ancient Qingming Festival. According to legend, it was invented by the Yellow Emperor and was originally used for training warrior . The early Ju was a solid ball made of leather, and the inflatable ball appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Song people like Qingming Cuju very much, "Tokyo Menghualu" recorded in the Northern Song Dynasty Kaidu people out of the city to pick spring, "lift up the eyes, swing clever smile, touch is Cuju dreariness." [120]
  • Silkworm festival
"Silkworm Flower Meeting" is a unique folk culture in silkworm Township. During the Qingming Festival in the past, Wutong, Wuzhen Chongfu, Zhouquan and other places have this folk activity. Among them, the mulberry Temple in Zhouquan and the double temple of bluestone are the most wonderful and grand silkworm flowers. Maming Temple is located in the west of Zhouquan Town, known locally as the "king of the temple". Every year, the silkworm flower will be crowded with people and frequent activities, including welcoming the silkworm god, shaking the fast boat, making the pavilion, worshiping the incense stool, boxing, dragon lantern, lifting the high pole, singing opera and other more than ten activities. Some of these activities are carried out on shore, and most of them are carried out on ships, which has the characteristics of water villages.
  • Meeting boat
Jiangyan City, Jiangsu Province, Xinghua city Qintong boat, Maoshan boat is known as the "Qingming Festival on the water", the second day of the Qingming Festival every year, the families first paddling to pay homage to the unknown dead soldiers, and then thousands of different function of the boat gathered together to participate in performances, competitive activities, attracting many tourists to watch [95-96] .

Food custom

  • Green rice ball
Qingtuan usually kneads green plant pulp into glutinous rice flour balls, and most Qingtuan on the market is colored with wheat green juice. Maiqing juice is to squeeze out the juice of winter wheat, mix it with water ground glutinous rice flour, and then knead it into a round ball, wrap it in a variety of sweet and salty fillings, and steam it in a steamer. When out of the cage, the green ball is then brushed with a layer of oil, the color is bright, with a touch of wormwood aroma, and the taste is waxy and soft. Qingtuan was originally a traditional snack eaten in the south on Qingming Festival, but in recent years, Qingtuan has gradually become popular in the north. Every Qingming, a full of filling filled with green dumplings, with the taste of spring to wake up people's taste buds [113] .
Green rice ball
  • swallow
Cold food Yan, also known as Zitui Yan, is a seasonal food in Shanxi Province during the Qingming Festival. Jujube paste is mixed with flour and knead into a swallow shape to commemorate Jie Zitui, a sage of the Jin State [114] .
  • Black rice
Southern areas will eat a special kind of black rice, Hangzhou Ming Dynasty, "monk road pick Yang Tong leaves dyed rice, called green fine rice, to feed the donor", known as "green glutinous rice". Qingming rice because of different ingredients, different flavors, can be used as a snack, can also be presented to friends and relatives, especially children love [114] .
  • chhau-a-koe
Mouse koe is a small green pastry made of glutinous rice, the reason why it is called mouse koe, because it has a herb in the production of raw materials - mouse koe (mouse koe). Rat grass this plant, in the south of China is more common, in addition to Guangdong Chaoshan area, in Jiangnan, Fujian and other places, will be used to do food. Every Qingming Festival, in addition to the green ball made of moxa turf, rat grass mixed with glutinous rice to make skin, is also the choice of many people [115] .
Small green pastry mouse koe

Local characteristics



  • Kwangtung
In Guangdong, tomb sweeping during Qingming is called mountain sweeping, mountain worship and Qing worship. During the Qingming Festival, the Guangdong area already presents the appearance of spring and bright scenery. Sweeping tombs and paying respects to ancestors and going for outing are the main ritual and custom themes of the Cantonese people. Because Li is convenient, worship the mountain of a young and old also in the mountain countryside outing to play some. The Cantonese people attach great importance to ancestral temples and ancestors, and the worship of ancestral temples, ancestral halls and ancestral tombs has always been regarded as a top priority. Every Qingming Festival, whether it is overseas or not far from home, they must go back to their hometown and worship ancestors together with the elders, and Qingming Festival has become a day for family reunion. [41]
Guangdong has the custom of "going Qing" and "outing". "Line Qing" and "outing" is different, outing is outing, close to nature, line Qing is a family or a clansman agreed time to sweep the mountain. Every year, when worshiped the mountain, first of all, the weeds around the tomb of the ancestors were removed, and then the paper was tied, and the offerings such as golden pigs, chicken and goose fish, fresh fruits and pastries, and drinks were placed on the ancestor for worship. After the worship ceremony is completed, the pig is cut and roasted on the spot and served with fresh fruit tea for a picnic or a feast at home. Qingming Festival in Guangdong is a grand festival of ancestor worship, some places since ancient times have held Qingming meeting, eating Qingming banquet custom, the whole family men, women and children all participate, the scene is grand and lively. [42-43]
  • Hong Kong and Macao
The customs of Qingming in Hong Kong and Macao are roughly the same as those in Guangdong. During the Qingming Festival, Hong Kong people usually worship at the tombs of their ancestors, burn incense sticks, wipe away weeds and offer fruits, incense wine, flowers, roast pigs or white cut chicken. Although most cemeteries in Hong Kong are connected by public transport, traffic is still heavy on Qingming Day. In order to avoid crowded people, people often used to worship at different peaks, but did not necessarily abide by the tradition of tomb sweeping and ancestor worship on Qingming Day.
Qingming is a legal holiday in Macau. The tomb sweeping ceremony is a custom that Macao residents attach great importance to, and Macao people call the tomb sweeping day "Zhengqing", and the tomb sweeping day is called "walking Zhengqing". Every Tomb-sweeping Day around, "Zhengqing" people in addition to their own incense, ghost paper, but also carry roast meat or a whole Suckling pig, fruit, pastries, wine and so on to worship ancestors. [44]
  • Zhejiang (Province)
In Zhejiang, Qingming Festival is commonly known as offering sacrifices to Qingming Festival, or "offering sacrifices to graves" to worship Taigong. Generally, the people of the clan worship Taigong a few days earlier, worship Taigong first, and then worship their ancestors. When offering Qingming festival, "add soil" or "add soil" to the tomb first, that is, add soil to the top of the tomb with a dustpan. The offerings are laid out, candles are lit, then incense is lit, and incense is given in order of the number of people, and the Lord offers prayers, and then everyone kneels together. After the festival, the children can share Qingming cooking. Finally gather up the offerings and leave, all the graves must be visited, all in the same process of sacrifice. [46] 45 -
  • Jiangsu (Province)
The customs of Qingming Festival in Jiangsu are not the same, and Taizhou people hold a rowing race on Qingming Festival, called "propping up the boat". Zhenjiang people make tea with seven willow leaves, it is said that drinking can improve the eyesight. Wujin County Fangmao Mountain to Qingming as the incarnation of the dragon mother day, villagers competing to pray. Xuzhou Qingming tomb, still called "Shang Ling" (mausoleum pronunciation "Lin", refers to the mausoleum), near the Qingming Festival, Xuzhou people will have families on the tomb to worship their ancestors, the latest no more than the Qingming Festival this day. [48] 47 -
  • Anhui (Province)
The customs of Qingming Festival are also different in different regions of Anhui province. Guichi County Qingming Festival, women make rice cocoon to sacrifice silkworms, pray for a good harvest of silkworms; Jing County called Qingming festival for planting willow; On the Shou Chun Tomb-sweeping Day, every household has been planting willows and hanging paper money on the tomb trees, called presenting to the wild ghosts; Hefei families are used to hanging willow branches above the door, to the cemetery to worship the deceased ancestors and to the countryside spring outing. [49]
  • Hainan (Province)
When the people of Hainan worship their ancestors during the Qingming Festival, there is a folk tradition of reciting ancestral rules. Hainan built "ancestral temple" all over the occasion of the Qingming Festival held sacrificial activities, these sacrificial activities, often accompanied by eight tones, read the sacrificial text, and praise into Qiong ancestor merit. When the people of Hainan sweep the tombs, they offer sacrifices to pigs, geese, fish, cakes and fruits, and burn incense and melt treasure. There are also residents of the same surname who catch pigs and pull sheep to the ancestral grave to offer sacrifices and pray for the prosperity of future generations.
  • Guangxi
According to Guangxi customs, it is taboo to sweep tombs at night. Tomb-sweeping should be carried out according to the generations of ancestors, sweeping the ancestral grave first, and then sweeping the family grave. In Guangxi, many people will make five-color glutinous rice in advance, as well as three animals (chicken, pork, fish), which means that children and grandchildren have plenty of food and clothing every year. [50]
  • Fujian (Province)
Overseas Chinese in southern Fujian attach great importance to the Qingming Festival. The custom of Qingming Festival in southern Fujian is the tracing of the folk tradition, and its main active force is to sweep the tombs and worship the ancestors. [51] In Quanzhou, it is customary to sweep tombs a few days before and after the Qingming Festival; in Zhangzhou, some people will choose to sweep tombs near the Shangsi Festival on the third day of March; and Hakka people usually sweep tombs after the Spring Festival [52] Fuzhou Qingming, the eastern suburbs of outing visitors very prosperous, mostly pick up wild vegetables to cook 臛, known as "cooking vegetables 臛". When Huian people sweep the tomb, they put kites and blow wheat flutes. Quanzhou Qingming eat "moisten cake", "foot eye kueh", is a kind of spherical dim sum. [55] 53 -
  • Shandong (Province)
Qingming river picture
Zhaoyuan, Jimo, Linqu, Linqing and other places in the Qingming tomb, to add new soil on the grave. It is said that this is for the ancestors to repair the house, to avoid the summer rain. In Weihai, Qixia, Huang County and other places, the whole family eats steamed buns and dishes after the ceremony together, which is called "house food" or "祊 community". The northern Lubei area also retains the custom of "cockfighting" in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Children in Bin County, on this day to boil hot eggs each other top, whose eggs break first, who is to lose. Qishan, Boshan and other places in the Qingming Festival cook a pot of millet rice to let cattle eat a meal, known as "rice cow".
  • Hunan (Province)
Changsha, Hunan Province, the tomb is called "hanging mountain", there are "first three after seven" said, that is, the first three days after the tomb sweeping Day seven days for the tomb sweeping period. Changsha Qingming inserted willow, known as "remember time". Yongzhou collects water in the early morning of Qingming Festival. The taste and color remain unchanged for several months. It is especially good for making wine. Xintian County farmers say: "clear and clear, all things become." [56]
  • Hubei (Province)
The customs of Qingming Festival vary among cities in Hubei. Wuhan Qingming Festival has the custom of "hanging paper". Some people make lanterns and flags with five-color colored paper, hang on the ancestral grave, and sound firecrackers for sacrifices. Pingba, Sanyang, Luodian, Songhe and other places have the custom of carrying incense, carrying the whole pig to the cemetery to worship ancestors. [58] 57 -
  • Sichuan, Chongqing
East Sichuan and Chongqing Wanzhou In other places, there was the custom of "Ueno grave" in the old days. Before and after the Qingming Festival, two or three women go to the countryside with wine and food for a picnic, regardless of whether they know men can join in the dinner. Sichuan Shifang County (in Sichuan Province) In other places, women put into the water after dipping in oil with shepherd's purse flowers, and look at the water pattern with luck and fierce, called "oil". Chengdu area is selling fried rice ball, above colored, with a string, known as "joy group".
  • Jiangxi (Province)
Yongfeng County Qingming tomb sweeping to Qingming Festival "first three after seven" period, Jiujiang is used to tomb sweeping three days before and four days after the Qingming Festival, known as the "first three after four". Most people in Yuanzhou district choose to sweep tombs on the third day of the third lunar month, and only a few people who go out to work will rush home to sweep tombs on the Qingming Festival. New county Qingming sweeping, example with spring cake. Yongfeng County in addition to the routine sacrifice, but also to rice flour as fruit, called cocoon fruit, or pressed glutinous rice cake, poured with sugar juice, called rice fruit. Anyi County Qingming sweeping only men do sacrifice, women do not participate. [59]
  • Guizhou (Province)
The "Qingming food" of the old Guiyang people during the tomb sweeping day is often pastries, cold flour, cold noodles with pickled vegetables and cold dishes; Pot kui with marinated dishes, cold dishes. In addition to carrying paper money and joss sticks, people will also carry a string of paper cut out of paper and hang it on the grave to summon the soul, commonly known as "hanging green". [60-61]
  • Shaanxi (Province)
Xingping County Qingming, in-laws to give paper money to each other, and worship each other's tombs. Every family in Fuping County invites the spring water of the famous mountain on Qingming to worship the one God. Preparing sacrificial offerings to pray for a good harvest is called "swimming." The same state county Qingming festival after sweeping, break willow branches inserted doors; And with paper money attached to the trunk, it is said that this can prevent insects and ants. Luochuan County Qingming steamed bread for food, steamed bread around the decoration of the shape of a bird and a snake. It is said that birds and snakes protected Jie when he pushed up Mianshan Mountain, so this is a memorial.
  • Qinghai (Province)
Qinghai Qingming Festival from the spring equinox after the beginning, commonly known as "Tian she", from the beginning of the Tian she, it is necessary to prepare to visit the grave, every day can go to the tomb, until the Qingming Festival. [62-63]
  • Shanxi (Province)
Tomb sweeping Day, most places in the south of Shanxi do not burn incense, do not melt paper, will be dead money and other things hanging cemetery, there is a "Qingming cemetery a white" saying. The reason is that fire is forbidden during the Cold Food Festival, and the Qingming Festival is during the Cold Food Festival. Most places in northern Shanxi have to burn all the things such as ghost money, on the grounds that if it is not burned, it will not be transferred to the hands of ancestors. In Datong and other places, it is customary to go to the grave during the day and burn dead money at home at night. [52]
In Hequ and other places in the northwest of Jin, the old customs go to the grave with wine and dishes, and after offering sacrifices to the ancestors, they eat in the cemetery, meaning that they drink and eat together with their ancestors. In Wenxi and other places in southern Shanxi, the grave should be rolled around with a jujube cake on the grave pile, and the legend is that it is to scratch the itch for the dead old man. In Jiexiu and other places in Jinzhong, the offerings at the grave are flatbread, shaped like a snake, which is placed in the yard after returning home and dried before eating. [52] [64]
  • Hebei (Province)
In Hebei tombs burning paper money pay attention to "early Qingming, late eleven." Burning paper starts a week before Qingming, when few people visit tombs. The south of Hebei Province Regions choose to sweep tombs on Cold Food Day, the day before Tomb-sweeping Day. Men and women out of the suburbs, see flowers, pick vegetables, hairpin willow. There is a saying: "Qingming do not wear willow, red beauty into a bright head." [65] Dongan County Qingming inserted willow, see flowers. Five or seven days before the festival, some people visited the tomb, and on the day of the Qingming Festival, they worshipped their ancestors in their own hall. Yongping Fu to the day before the cold food for maggot day, make acyl sauce. The altar of government sacrifice. Yuanshi County Qingming Festival is also known as the flower Festival, people buy flowers set wine banquet guests. [53]


  • Chinese Indonesians
In the early years, the Indonesian Chinese mostly worshipped their ancestors in the hundred family ancestral halls, and since each family name has its own ancestral hall, the relatives will gather in the club to worship their ancestors. [66] Chinese people living in Indonesia have continued the custom of offering sacrifices to their ancestors during the Qingming Festival.
  • Malaysian Chinese
In Malaysia, Chinese public cemeteries are generally called "Yi Shan", so the local people often say that the Qingming Festival "up the hill to sweep the tomb" or "worship the mountain". [67]
  • Chinese American
During the Qingming Festival, the Southern California Chinese Historical Society of the United States will hold activities every year to commemorate the Chinese ancestors, and call on the Chinese not to forget the contributions of the ancestors in California. On the Qingming Festival day, the Chinese in New York advertise the Spring Festival in the newspaper, and post a notice in the club, and organize members to pay their respects to the cemetery where their ancestors are buried [68] .
  • Vietnam
Vietnam is one of the few countries in the world that uses the lunar calendar along with China. Tomb-sweeping Day is a day for Vietnamese people to visit the graves of their ancestors and go out. The worshippers repair the graves and remove weeds from the graves, burn incense and paper, and some also offer flowers. Many places also have the custom of setting off firecrackers during tomb sweeping. In Vietnam, Qingming Festival is also known as Gnocchi Festival. Due to the close proximity of Qingming Festival and Cold Food Festival, Vietnam combines the two and eats cold food on the third day of the third lunar month, such as tangyuan or dumplings [119] .
  • Korea
Koreans have a folk custom of Qingming. In Korea, Tomb-sweeping Day falls on April 5 in the Gregorian calendar, but it is not an official holiday. Koreans like to sacrifice their ancestors with flowers, and when they sweep the grave, they will put flowers to show their memory of the deceased. For ancestors or dead relatives to rebuild the grave is an important link, family members go to the cemetery to clear weeds, and in front of the grave solemnly placed wine, fruit, rice cakes and other offerings, kneel down to worship or worship [119] .

Cultural works


Literary works

  • poetry
Full text
Full text
The tang dynasty
It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road feel like breaking their souls. Excuse me, where can I find a restaurant? the shepherd boy pointed afar and said the Apricot Bloom Vill.
Immediately every cold food, on the way is late spring. Poor Jiang Pu Wang, not see Luo Qiao people. North Pole Huaiming Lord, south Ming as a minister. The old home is broken, and the wicker is new day and night.
Cultivator recruit love building boat, spring grass green million fields; Try Wu men peep county Guo, Qingming several places have new smoke.
Cold Food
Spring city everywhere flying flowers, cold food east wind royal willow oblique. Twilight Han palace candle, light smoke scattered into the five marquis home.
Mingshi Di met Qingming, but also by visitors out of the Forbidden City. Nine different fangfei warblers from their song, thousands of cars and horses rain first sunny. The first time in the guest today, sorrow to see flowers hate this life. Spring next year who is the Lord, gaunt more nothing.
Today Qingming Festival, garden wins things. Fine wind blowing catkins, new fire kitchen smoke. Dou grass open three paths, the article recalls two sages. When can I die? Before the wine falls.
Yu Grain with Friends on Qingming Day
Several Suchun mountain by Lulang, Qingming season good smoke. Slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip slip Wind sharp ridge cloud floating wild, rain more than land water fell Fangtang. Can not bear to sing east look back, full ear frogs are setting sun.
Rain on Qingming Day in Luoyang
Dawn clear tomorrow, little rain at night. A thousand doors are still fireworks, nine roads without dust. Wine green river bridge spring, empty palace afternoon. Visitors love the grass, half of the city drum.
The song dynasty
No flowers no wine Qingming, like a wild monk. Yesterday the neighbor begged a new fire, Xiao window points and reading lamp.
Pear flower wind is Qingming, half out of the city. The sun at night and song to pick up, ten thousand willow is a wandering bird.
Grass and green fields are unbridled, spring into the mountains around; Xing disorderly red through willow alley, solid because water sitting moss rock; Mo quit a wine is very advised, only fear the wind flower a red; The situation is Qingming good weather, may wish to travel Yan Mo forget to return.
What a fine line! Can a bridge be saved? Distant maple outside light, broken house wheat edge lonely. Home grass spring breeze again, new Qian no year old. Pear flowers from cold food, into the section only worry.
The Qingming Festival peaches and Li smile, Noda desert mound only born sorrow. Thunder thunder dragon snake sting, rain foot suburban grass soft. People begging sacrifice more than arrogant concubine, Shigan burned to death is not a prince. The wise and the foolish know who is, the eyes are full of artemisia.
The north and south mountains more than the tomb field, Qingming festival sweep each varied. Fly white butterflies, tears dyed red cuckoo. Sunset fox sleep on the tomb, the night before the children laugh. Life has wine must be drunk, a drop has never been to the nine springs.
Su Shi
Ten years of life and death two boundless, do not think, since unforgettable. Thousands of miles of lonely grave, nowhere words desolate. Even if meet should not know, dust face, temples such as frost. A sudden return to my hometown, Xiaoxuan window, is dressing. Look at each other speechless, only tears thousand lines. Expect to be broken every year, moonlight night, short Matsuoka.
Full of blood and tears and dust, after the chaos can also be sad. Wind and rain pear flowers cold food, a few graves to grandchildren?
Q What is the best place to ban smoking in the West Building? Green fields and sunny skies. Horses wear willows hiss, people laugh on the swing, and warbler flowers teach spring drunk.
Spring old, hate every year, spring can be detained. Eternal day empty garden double Yan language, break the length of willow. White look at the sky, green robe like grass, the most feel when the song lazy. In the lane, the fallen flowers are blown early and full. Think of smoke at that time, Xing Xiao old city, used to spring companion. After a smile peach people go, a few leaves blue clouds shallow. Throw elm money, fine hanging Tong milk, still make the spring turn. Where do you see? That can be far away!
  • prose
Prose title
The Holiday
Ye Shengtao
Birchapple Flower Festival
Deng Yingchao
Sweeping the Tomb during the Qingming Festival
Feng Zikai
Reference source [99]

Film and television works

Broadcast time
Qingming Festival
Li Baojiu
Reference source [98]

Book works

Publishing house
Qingming Festival
Liu Xiaofeng
China Society Press [100]
The Story of Qingming Festival
Jing Qizhu
China Children's Publishing House [101]
"Picture Book Chinese Story Traditional Festival Qingming Festival"
Commercial Press International Limited [102]

Festival legend


Story and legend

Meson push "cut the stock Fengjun" story
When it comes to "Qingming" and "cold food", people often refer to Jie Zitui. In fact, in China, there are generally customs before legends. [86] Legend "Qingming", "cold food" is the Spring and Autumn period Jin Wen Gong in order to commemorate the Muon push and set, Jin Wen Gong will muon push in the fire mian Shan died this day as "cold food Festival", and put Hanshi Festival The following day is designated as "Qingming Festival". [73] In the Quwo area where Jin Wen Gong is located, the Cold Food Festival has been full of spring, while in higher latitude places, spring has not yet arrived. The most important thing in Cold Food Festival is to cut off the fire, because people can't use fire, so they can only eat cold food. [85] In the literature works, there is a record of Jie Zitui, but in the records of Zuo Zhuan, Shi Ji and other historical books, there is no plot of Jie Zitui being burned and dying. Moreover, the Cold Food Festival originated from commemorating Jie Zitui, which was not recorded until the turn of the Han Dynasty (see Huan Tan's "New Theory"). Many scholars believe that this is a later generation to explain the Cold food Festival. According to research, the origin of Qingming Festival has nothing to do with Jie Zitui. Qingming Festival as a Spring Festival, long before the Zhou Dynasty has been determined. China has a vast territory, the customs of the north and the south in the pre-Qin period are different, and the literature mainly records the customs of the north, the Tang Dynasty is the period of the integration of tomb customs, and then the tomb festival customs gradually appear in the literature. In the historical development and evolution of traditional festivals, most of them will be attached to a legend as the "origin", but the actual investigation, these claims are far later than the birth of festivals [18] [74-75] .

Farm proverb

When Qingming comes, the temperature rises and the rainfall increases Spring ploughing A good time for spring planting. Therefore, there are "before and after Qingming, planting melons and beans", "afforestation, Mo Qingming" farmer's proverb. It can be seen that this solar term has a close relationship with agricultural production.
Before the rain hits Qingming, the spring rain will be frequent ( lu ).
Rainy Qingming Festival, intermittent
For a further three months ( guangxi ). Qingming rare sunny, grain rain rare Yin (Lu).
Qingming is not afraid of sunshine, grain rain is not afraid of rain. black ).
Before the rain hits Qingming, the depression is good (black).
Clear rain stars, a sorghum hit a liter (black).
Qingming should clear, grain rain should rain ( jiangxi ).
Clear break snow, grain rain break frost ( East China , Central China , South China , Sichuan and Yunnan-guizhou Plateau ).
Clear off the snow snow, grain rain frost broken constantly cream (ji, jin ).
Qingming no rain drought Huangmei, Qingming has rainwater Huang Mei (Su, hubei ).
The frost, fog, thunder and cold and warm of Qingming solar term have a certain indication of the future weather, related proverbs are:
Wheat is afraid of Qingming frost, grain to autumn drought (cloud)
Qingming frost plum rain less (Su)
There is fog in Qingming, rain in summer and autumn (Su, E)
Qingming thick fog, a day clear ( prepare )
Qingming dust, loess buried people (Jin, Inner Mongolia )
Qingming thunder first plum zhejiang )
Qingming cold, good year ( liao , Hebei)
Qingming warm, cold dew cold ( hunan )
The wind of the Qingming solar term also has a certain indication of the future weather and the quality of the year, farmers are very concerned about it, so there are many proverbs about this in the folk. For example:
Qingming south wind, more summer water; Qingming north wind, less summer water ( fujian )
Qingming a blowing northwest wind, when the drought and yellow wind (Ning)
Qingming north wind ten days cold, spring frost end in sight ( ji )
If you scrape the earth during the Qingming Festival, you must scrape 45 sous. [71]

Holiday influence



In November 2019, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Units was announced, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism obtained the qualification of "Qingming Festival" protection units [4] .
On October 31, 2023, the List of National intangible Cultural Heritage representative Project protection units was announced, and the Qingming Festival project protection unit was assessed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism [90] .


Qingming Festival can meet the emotional needs of people to remember their departed relatives, and at the same time close interpersonal relations, conducive to the construction and promotion of humanistic spirit. The prosperity of the Qingming Festival custom, the promotion of the Chinese traditional ethics of filial piety, the emphasis on the emotional connection between relatives, from a specific Angle to promote the construction and promotion of humanistic spirit in society. Carrying forward the traditional Chinese national culture, including Qingming Festival customs, can enhance the awareness of national cultural identity and national pride of the people, so as to strengthen the national cohesion. Overseas Chinese attach great importance to ancestor worship during the Qingming Festival. Every Qingming Festival, a large number of overseas Chinese come back to worship their ancestors and the ancestors of the nation [116 ] .


Commemorating revolutionary martyrs has good political significance; Offering sacrifices to the deceased relatives and the Huangdi, the first ancestor of China, can carry forward traditional culture and enhance national consciousness and national cohesion; Planting trees and spring outing can enhance Chinese people's awareness of loving nature and protecting the environment, which are important contents of spiritual civilization construction. Qingming Festival is the main part of the traditional festival culture of the Chinese nation, with profound historical and cultural accumulation and rich festival customs, which can make the people's holiday more interesting and more cultural, so as to carry forward the excellent national culture, greatly promote the construction of spiritual civilization, more suitable for a long holiday [117 ] .


Qingming spring outing is the activity of people into the embrace of nature, as a festival custom to advocate, can make people more love close to nature, more love the natural environment, and then strengthen the ideological consciousness of caring for the natural environment. In terms of time, the climate and natural environment during the Qingming Festival are more suitable for spring outing, especially outing. Choosing Qingming Festival as a spring outing festival is a natural choice made by our ancestors according to long-term experience in life, which is obviously more in line with the law of change in nature. Adding tree Planting Day in the Qingming Festival holiday can make its environmental protection theme more clear and environmental protection behavior more positive [117 ] .


It can effectively solve the problem of traffic congestion during the tomb sweeping Day. With the Qingming Festival holiday, people do not have to concentrate on the weekend as in the past to sweep the tomb and will not cause traffic jams [117 ] .

Holiday arrangement

The year 2020
April 4 (Saturday) to 6 (Monday) holiday, a total of 3 days [121] .
The year 2021
According to the notice of The General Office of the State Council on the arrangement of some holidays in 2021 (State Office of Invention (2020) No. 27) Qingming Festival 2021: April 3 to 5 holiday, a total of 3 days. [76]
25 October 2021," Notice of The General Office of the State Council on some holiday arrangements in 2022 Released, 2022 Qingming Festival: April 3 to 5 holiday, a total of 3 days. April 2 (Saturday) work. [79]
On December 8, 2022, the Notice of The General Office of the State Council on the arrangement of some holidays in 2023 was released, and the Qingming Festival in 2023 will be closed on April 5, a total of 1 day. [84]
April 4 to 6 holiday, a total of 3 days. April 7 (Sunday) work. [89]

Cultural extension


Meaning of solar terms

Qingming solar point: bucket finger B; The sun's longitude is 15°; It is celebrated on April 04-06 in the Gregorian calendar. " Twenty-four solar terms "The beginning is to The Big Dipper To determine the direction of the top of the bucket handle, the bucket handle starts from the "Yin position" and then rotates clockwise, when the bucket handle points to the "B position", the sky enters the Qingming Solar term [85] . From the Han Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty, the "average time method" was used to divide the solar terms into 24 periods (15 days each) between the winter solstice and the next winter solstice, with the winter solstice as the starting point of the "24 solar terms". The Qingming Solar term starts from the winter solstice, that is, the 105th day after the winter solstice. The current "24 solar terms" come from the "fixing Qi method" (in use since 1645) made more than 300 years ago, according to the position of the sun in the return to the ecliptic to determine, when the sun reaches 15° longitude, Qingming intersection node.
" Huainan Zi · Astronomical training "15 days after the vernal equinox, bucket refers to B, then Qingming wind to"; The "Qingming wind" in the text, that is, the wind of refreshing and bright. "Hundred questions" : "All things grow at this time, are clean and bright, so called Qingming." " ephemeris ":" Vernal equinox After 15 days, the bucket refers to Ding, for Qingming, when all things are clean and clear, cover when Qi Qing Jingming, all things are visible, hence the name."
The Big Dipper appeared in different directions in the sky in different seasons and at different times of the night, so the ancients determined the seasons according to the direction indicated by the handle of the bucket at the beginning of dusk. Beidou has become the maker of the order of heaven and earth, and spring, summer, autumn harvest and winter storage are all coming with the handle of Beidou. [85] Qingming is a solar term that reflects the change of natural phenology. This time, the sun shines brightly, the plants sprout, the air is clear, everything is clear, and the natural world is full of vitality. During the Qingming Festival, the climate in southern China is cool and warm, and the earth presents a picture of spring and bright scenery. In the northern regions, the snow is beginning to break, gradually entering the sunny spring [69-70] .

Festival fusion

Fusion of cold food Festival customs
Qingming Festival in the historical development of the integration of popular in the north of the cold food Festival Fire prohibition , Cold food Custom. According to legend, the Cold Food Festival was set up in the Spring and Autumn Period to commemorate Jie Zitui, a loyal minister of the State of Jin. In folklore, although the Cold Food Festival is related to Jie Zitui, the origin of cold food is not to commemorate Jie Zitui, but to follow the old custom of changing fire in ancient times, that is, as said in "Zhou Li", "in the middle of spring, wood is used to repair fire and ban it in the country". Cold Food Festival is spread in the northern China Central Plains in the ancient early festival, the cold food Festival for the beginning of the festival, the ban on fireworks, only eat cold food, in the development of later generations gradually increased the tomb sweeping, swing, cuju, hook, cockfighting and other customs. Due to the cold in the north, the temperature rise in spring and March is the season to change the fire, and people should forbid the fire before the new fire arrives. The Han Dynasty called the Cold Food Festival as the smoke-free Festival, because the people were not allowed to light fires on this day, and only at night did they light candles in the palace and pass the kindling to the families of nobles and important officials. According to the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, the original Cold Food Festival lasted for a long time, the longest being 105 days and the shortest being nearly 1 month. During the Cold Food Festival, no fire can be lit and only raw food can be eaten, which is bad for people's health. [10-12]
It can be seen from the literature that in the pre-Qin period, some places in northern China had a relatively strict fire prohibition system, and there were customs of changing fire from official to folk. Written between the Han and Han dynasties The rites of Zhou It is clearly recorded that at that time there was a "torch" officer, whenever the mid-spring season, the climate is dry, not only the fire of human preservation is easy to cause fire, but also spring thunder is easy to cause fire. The ancients often carried out grand sacrificial activities in this season to extinguish all the fires handed down from the previous year, that is, "fire prohibition". Then re-drill and take out the new fire, as the starting point of the New Year's production and life, called" Flame modification ". During the period of fire ban and fire change, people must prepare enough cooked food to survive with cold food. Because the ancient fire ban system was too cruel and strict, regardless of the specific conditions of different places, and even affected the production and life of the people. And so the Han Dynasty came into being Zhou Ju The event of abolishing the bad customs of banning fire in Taiyuan area. During the Cold Food Festival of the Han Dynasty, fire was banned in many places for a month, and in the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival became three days, respectively called the big Cold Food, the official cold food, and the small cold food. After the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival gradually declined. In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the status of Qingming Festival rose to replace the status of Cold Food Festival. [13-15]
Integration of Shangsi Festival customs
Kami custom - elimination bath and spring excursion in the countryside
In the historical development of Qingming Festival, it also integrates the custom content of another earlier festival - Shangsi Festival. Shangsi Festival, commonly known as March 3rd, is the most important festival in ancient times when people go to the water to bathe together called "excelsior", which has since been supplemented with sacrificial meals, drinking water and outdoor spring trips. In ancient times" Stem branch The date, the first third day of early March, is called "the third day." The word "Shangsi" first appeared in Han Dynasty literature, The rites of Zhou Jeong Hyun notes: "After elimination at the age of 12, the sea is like water in March." After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the festival of Shangsi Festival was changed to the third day of the third lunar month, so it was also called "double three" or "double three". March 3rd ". [16-17]

Holiday transition

Upon the Tomb Sweeping Festival the rain drizzled down in spray [19]
Although the Qingming Festival has a long historical source, it was popular throughout the country and set up a tomb-sweeping holiday after the Tang and Song Dynasties. According to records, in the Tang Dynasty, as officials returned to their hometowns to sweep tombs, there were sometimes delays in their duties, and Emperor Xuanzong issued a decree to solve the problem of holidays. Began to stipulate a four-day holiday for the Cold Food Festival: "(Kaiyuan) twenty-four years (736) February 21 rescript: ' Food eaten in cold weather Qingming is a four-day holiday. '" (" Tang Hui "Volume 82), according to the imperial decree of the twelfth year of the calendar (777), the Tang Dynasty yamen had a five-day holiday according to the rule:" From now on, cold food Tong Qingming, five days off." In the sixth year of Zhenyuan (790), holidays were increased to seven days. So officials can take their time to visit graves [20] .
In the Song Dynasty, cold food and Qingming were also holidays for seven days. Northern Song Dynasty Pang Yuanying "Wenchang Miscellaneous record" volume one record: "The temple department holiday year of seventy days, Yuan day, cold food, winter solstice seven days each." Chen Yuanliang's "Southern Song Dynasty" At the age of a wide record Volume 15 quoted Song Lu Yuanming "at the age of Miscella" said: "Two days before the Qingming Festival for cold food, before and after three days, where seven days off. And the people banned fire for one hundred days, called private cold food, and called the great cold food. northerner This is the day of worship foregrave After months, there is a common cold food in January." According to the Song Dynasty somniloquy "Records: Every Tomb-sweeping Day," officials and ordinary people are out of the suburbs of the tomb, in order to think of the time of respect." Tomb sweeping activities before and after the Qingming Festival often become a matter of personal participation of the whole society, and the crowds in the countryside in a few days are constantly traveling, and the scale is extremely prosperous.
In 1935, the government of the Republic of China designated April 5 as the national holiday Qingming Festival. On December 7, 2007, the 198th executive meeting of The State Council passed the decision to amend the "National Annual Festival and Memorial Day holiday measures", which stipulates that "Qingming Festival, holiday 1 day (lunar Qingming Day); In 2008, Qingming Festival officially became a legal holiday, a day off; In 2009, the Tomb-sweeping Day holiday was changed to three days, including holidays. [21-25]

Social commentary

The deep feeling of caring for one's relatives and remembering the past has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of every Chinese. Sweeping the tomb is not only an important ceremony for Qingming Festival, but also a traditional way for us to cherish the memory of our ancestors. From the traditional customs of "burning paper money, sending ingots, and setting off firecrackers" in the past, to the new fashion of "flowers, ribbons, Internet remembrance, and time and space book transmission", people's awareness of civilization is constantly improving, and the civilized atmosphere of the whole society is also increasingly strong. Sweeping the Qingming Festival, the change is the form, the same is the connotation, are to express the feelings and respect for their loved ones. Therefore, the choice of which way to sweep, is not only a simple act of individuals, but should be viewed with a broader vision and broad mind. If everyone sticks to the old customs, that "burning paper money, firecrackers" is only a personal matter, and has nothing to do with others and society, then environmental pollution, fire hazards, extravagance and other problems will follow, and will not benefit individuals and society [122] . (Yueyang Daily Review)
Let the Qingming Festival return to "clean and bright", promote civilization, health, environmental protection, and return to nature, reflecting the determination and courage of the Chinese people to follow modern civilization. Based on this, the majority of the public should give priority to the choice of flowers, planting trees and greening, outing and remote sacrifices, Internet sacrifices and other low-carbon and environmentally friendly ways. At the same time, we should consciously resist the burning of paper money, ghost money, setting off firecrackers and other uncivilized behavior, and avoid the use of plastic flowers and other sacrificial products that are not easy to degrade. In particular, it advocates that the majority of Party members and cadres give full play to the exemplary role of leading, leading by example, leading the masses to consciously participate in civilized and low-carbon sweeping with practical actions, deeply advocating the new fashion of funeral civilization such as "simple funeral handling, ecological burial, home remembrance, Internet sweeping, flower sweeping", and consciously eliminating bad funeral habits, which is conducive to protecting the ecological environment. It is also an important content to change customs and correct social atmosphere [123] . (Red net review)

Related dispute

  • Qingming Festival can wish each other happy
Qingming Festival can wish each other happy? The argument goes: No. The main activities of Tomb-sweeping Day ancestor worship, grave solemn, solemn. At the same time, these two are related to death, ghosts and gods, and this attitude of "happiness" is not advisable. Gao Wei, secretary-general of the Beijing Folklore Society, said frankly that Qingming Festival can be said to be "happy Qingming Festival", which has been extended for a long time; In contrast, "can not say happy Qingming Festival" is a statement that emerged in the past two years. The reason for the controversy is that the connotation of Qingming Festival is not well understood. Gao Wei analysis, Qingming Festival is the most important festival in spring, the theme content is very rich. The theme of Qingming Festival is not only tomb sweeping, but more importantly, the combination of tomb sweeping and outing. When we go to bless happiness, it also represents that we have the courage to overcome sadness and difficulties, which is also a positive attitude. [72]
  • The sale of ghost money is prohibited
On March 9, 2021, the official wechat message of Harbin Urban Administration Bureau said that the Office of the Leading Group of Harbin's Production and Operation of incinerating ghost paper in accordance with the Law held a special video conference, requiring cutting off the source as the top priority of legal governance work, strictly cracking down on the source of production, strictly checking transportation channels, strictly punishing sales links, and strictly controlling the end of incineration. Let the ghost paper ghost money nowhere to buy, no paper to burn. Then, on the 12th, the public number issued a document again, "The governance of ghost paper and ghost money" will be held accountable for inaction." On the one hand is the conventional traditional way of sweeping, on the other hand is the environmental protection, the change of customs and urban governance needs, in recent years, every Qingming Festival, the topic of the way of sweeping has become the focus of public opinion.
Qingming is approaching, "prohibit the sale of ghost money paper money", "ghost money paper money is not feudal superstitious supplies" and other topics continue to trigger hot discussion. On March 26, 2024, Nantong, Jiangsu Province issued the "Notice Prohibiting the manufacture and sale of feudal superstitious funeral supplies", requiring that all units and individuals are prohibited from manufacturing and selling feudal superstitious funeral supplies such as ghost money paper money and paper solid objects within the city. The news has sparked heated discussion online, with many netizens questioning the ban. Nantong Civil Affairs Bureau later responded that the local is from the perspective of spiritual civilization construction and environmental protection, according to relevant laws and regulations to promote this matter, banning the manufacture and sale of feudal superstition funeral supplies is not to prohibit people from using these items during the Qingming season [118] .