JavaScript code compression CSS code Formatting and encryption CSS Formatting and compression CSS code formatting HTML/JS Interconversion tools JS code obfuscation Online tools JS Formatting JS regular expressions

>> Convert code from Html to Js <<

Note: Please copy the Html source code to the following form :[Due to compatibility issues, this conversion function can only be used in IE, FIREFOX does not work]
Description of the difference between the output of document.write and writeln

Please copy the Html source code to the following form:

The following form is the corresponding Js code:

Here is the corresponding Js code (in string form) :

>> Convert code from Js format to Html format <<

Please copy the Js source code to the following form:

In the form below is the corresponding Html code:

Tool introduction

You can convert html content to js output, and vice versa

Online computer Convenience life inquiry Degree measurement conversion Health care inquiry Leisure entertainment channel
  • Common reference table

    Operator priority mapping table HTTP Content-type Mapping table HTTP Status Code Complete ASCII Code Mapping table JS Escape character Mapping table Special symbol Complete HTML/XML escape character mapping table UI Size Specification Mapping table Web Size Specification Mapping table GB2312 coding table

  • Formatting tool

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  • JS/HTML/CSS front-end tools

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