Leonid Makarovich Kravchuk

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First President of Ukraine
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synonymKravchuk(Kravchuk) generally refers to Leonid Makarovich Kravchuk
Leonid marca petrovic, kravchuk (Ukrainian: Л е о н yongjiang д М а seem а р о kind guide и discusses some related problems К р а kind guide discusses some related problems seem, on January 14, 1934 - May 10, 2022), was born in Ukraine Rovno Oblast . Elected on 1 December 1991 Ukraine The first president. [2]
On May 10, 2022, Kravchuk died at the age of 88. [2]
Chinese name
Leonid Makarovich Kravchuk
Foreign name
Black and white daremen. black and white daremen. black and white daremen. black and white daremen. black and white daremen. white [4]
Place of Birth
Rovno Oblast, Ukraine
Date of birth
January 14, 1934 [4]
Date of death
May 10, 2022


Leonid Kravchuk (right of photo)
Kravchuk was born in Ukraine on January 14, 1934 Rovno Oblast . The Ukrainians. He graduated in 1958 Kiev State University He received an associate Doctor degree in economics. After graduation, he taught political economy at the Cernowitz School of Finance and Economics. In 1960, he began to work in the Communist Party of Ukraine and became a secretary in the Central Committee. He was elected member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine in 1970. Since 1980, he has served as the propaganda Minister of the Party Central Committee and the secretary of the State Party Committee. In 1988, he was promoted to Second Secretary of the Party Central Committee of Ukraine, responsible for ideological work. He was elected in July 1990 Supreme Soviet of Ukraine Chairman and became a member of the Council of Soviet Federation. He was elected a member of the Central Committee at the 28th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He became a member of The State Council of the Soviet Union in September 1991.
Elected on 1 December 1991 Ukraine The first president. He took office on 12 December 1991 Armed forces of Ukraine The Commander-in-Chief. He advocated the introduction of a market economy, the issuance of a national currency, and the expansion of foreign trade, but production continued to decline. Inflation rate High and difficult life for the people, Ukrainian politics and peace in the second half of 1993 Economic crisis In order to avoid unrest, the Parliament, on the advice of the President, decided to shorten the terms of the parliament and the president, and general elections were held in June 1994, in which Kravchuk lost.
On February 25, 2019, according to the Moscow Komsomolskaya Newspaper, Kravchuk publicly complained about the lack of pension. [1]
On May 10, 2022, Kravchuk died at the age of 88. [2]

Friendship with China

Kravchuk was friendly to China Uzbekistan-china Friendship Association He is also the founder of China-Uzbekistan friendship. The Ukraine-China Association in Ukraine is a non-governmental organization engaged in friendly exchanges with China and a major cooperative partner of the Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries in Ukraine.
Leonid Makarovich Kravchuk

Nuclear renouncement

Leonid Kravchuk, Ukraine's first president, said in an interview with Ukrainian media that "if we have nuclear weapons without a system to control, test and reproduce them, then this is like a monkey with a grenade."
According to him, any nuclear weapon has a "useful life" and it is dangerous if there is no maintenance system.


On May 17, 2022 local time, Ukraine held a funeral for the first president of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, the current president Vladimir Zelensky And the first lady Yelena Zelenskaya Participate together. [3]