
The capital of Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine
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Luhansk ( Ukrainian In Russian: Fraxinyou, Luhansk. In Russian: Luhansk [23] , Lugansk [22] Be located in Ukraine Eastern, formerly known as Voroshilovgrad , yes Luhansk Oblast It is the capital of Russia and one of the five Grand Marshals of the founding of the Soviet Union Voroshilov My hometown. The population of 445,900 (2004) is mostly Russian-speaking. Luhansk is an important industrial center in Eastern Europe, especially famous for the manufacture of railway locomotives.
At 08:00 Moscow time on September 23, 2022 (13:00 Beijing time on September 23), Luhansk began to hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation, and the referendum lasted from September 23 to 27. Preliminary results of the referendum will be announced on September 27-28. [14]
(Note: Luhansk generally refers to the city of Luhansk, others please refer to: Luhansk Oblast )
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ukrainian: Fraxinya
Russian: Fraxinya
English: Luhansk [23]
Administrative category
The city
Subordinate region
Luhansk Oblast
Geographical position
Eastern Ukraine
Area product
257 km²
Population number
4455,900 (2004)
Famous person

Urban economy

Luhansk is an important industrial city in Ukraine, mainly for coal, steel, machinery manufacturing (transportation equipment, coal machinery, metallurgy and chemical equipment) and chemical industry. It is rich in wheat, vegetables and dairy products. The city was founded in 1795. At the end of the 19th century, the establishment of Arsenal and locomotive factories rose. Rail and road hub. It is the largest diesel locomotive manufacturing center in China. There are also steel pipes, coal mining machinery, wood processing and food industries. A large thermal power station (2.3 million kW) is built nearby. [1]
The outbreak of the war in 2014 has caused great damage to the economy of Luhansk, according to the "Ukrainian New Agency" reported that the former Ukrainian Deputy Minister of economy and Trade Roman Katyur claimed that due to Russia's invasion, the economic potential of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine has lost 80%. This has direct and indirect implications for the Ukrainian economy as a whole.
Katyur said that 19 of the 23 key enterprises in the Luhansk region have stopped production, while in the Donetsk region about 50 percent have stopped production.
The World Bank previously estimated that the Donetsk and Luhansk regions accounted for 16 percent of Ukraine's GDP. Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has said that since April 15, 2014, the anti-terrorist operation in the region has required a daily budget allocation of 80 million hryvnia. [2]

Population number

445,900 people (2004) [1]

Educational resources

Location of Luhansk
Famous universities Luhansk State Normal University Eastern University, etc. Luhansk State Normal University is one of the largest universities in Eastern Ukraine and the most popular university in eastern Ukraine. Luhansk State Normal University was founded on March 1, 1921 and officially named Luhansk Taras Shevchenko in 1939 National teachers college For the time Donbass The largest university in the region was renamed as Luhansk Taras Shevchenko State Normal University in 1998, became Luhansk Taras Shevchenko State Normal University in 2003, and changed its name to Luhansk Dallas Shevchenko State University in 2008, transforming the normal class into a comprehensive class. It has the highest level of higher education in Ukraine - Level 4.

Proclamation of statehood

On April 21, 2014, Luhansk Oblast The coordinator of the People's Organization, Oleg Djereko, said that a referendum will be held in Luhansk Oblast on May 11, asking the following questions: Luhansk Oblast will become an autonomous republic with expanded powers as part of Ukraine, and Luhansk Oblast will not change its legal status as part of Ukraine. [3]
One of the participants read out a document that said, "The Congress of associations, political parties and social institutions of the Luhansk Region declares the creation of a sovereign state." The Luhansk People's Republic '." [3] In addition, during the rally, it was announced that the people planned to take place on May 11 referendum Question: "Do you support the declaration of the independent State of the Luhansk People's Republic?" The rally declared "if subjected Kyiv The "Luhansk People's Republic" intends to ask Russia to send peacekeepers. Documents are read during a rally to declare the "Luhansk People's Republic" in Luhansk, Ukraine, April 28, 2014. [3]
Ukrainian riot police evacuate the government building in Luhansk, Ukraine, April 29, 2014, after Pro-Russian demonstrators occupied the building to demand greater autonomy. The operation has raised tensions in eastern Ukraine, where militants have taken control of police stations and government buildings in at least 10 cities. [4]
On 30 April 2014, Ukraine's interim President Oleksandr Turchynov admitted that the central government in Kiev was no longer able to pacify eastern Ukraine Donetsk Oblast with Luhansk Oblast The immediate priority is to prevent the unrest from spreading to the neighbouring Kharkiv region Odessa Oblast . Turchynov said at a meeting with the governors of the Ukrainian states that he was sent to Donetsk The security forces in Luhansk are "helpless" and some have even switched sides to cooperate with local Pro-Russian armed groups. So far, the Pro-Russian rebels have occupied the city offices in the two regions of Dunn and Rwanda, and Russia has deployed heavy troops in the eastern border area of Ukraine. The Russian side has repeatedly reiterated that the Interim Central Government and Parliament of Ukraine should amend the constitution to transform the federation, grant greater autonomy to the eastern states with the majority ethnic Russian population, and fully protect the rights and interests of ethnic Russians. [5]
Turchynov hinted at "abandoning" Donetsk and Luhansk, but also stressed once again that the possibility of Russian troops invading the border must not be ignored, and the Ukrainian army has been fully prepared for war. [5]
On May 12, 2014," The Luhansk People's Republic "The People's Governor" Valery Bolotov In a message to the people issued during the rally, it was declared that, in accordance with the results of the referendum on 11 May, the "Republic" was declared independent from Ukraine and became a "sovereign state".
Ukraine , European Union and America Doubted the legitimacy of the referendum and refused to recognize its results. The Ukrainian prosecutor General's office says the so-called "people's republics" of Donetsk and Luhansk are essentially "terrorist organizations." [6]
On September 27, 2022 local time, according to a video released by the Luhansk Election Commission, the regional election commission has signed a report on the results of the referendum. According to the report, the region received 1,662,607 votes in the referendum, of which 1,636,302 were "yes", with a "yes" rate of 98.42 percent. [15]

Other information

On 19 February 2022, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine recorded 870 ceasefire violations in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine during the previous day and night, including 222 in Donetsk and 648 in Luhansk. [7]
On February 19, 2022, Russia's TASS news agency quoted the authorities of the city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine as saying that a second explosion occurred in the city on February 18, 2022 local time.
There was an initial explosion in a gas pipeline near Luhansk, followed by a second explosion about 40 minutes later. [8]
According to CCTV news, on February 26, 2022 local time, the Luhansk armed forces said that in the past nine days, the Ukrainian army launched 595 attacks on the Luhansk region, of which more than 80% used heavy weapons A surname [9]
On March 27, 2022 local time, the leader of Luhansk Pashechnik said that a referendum on joining the Russian Federation may be held in the near future. [10]
On June 3, 2022, Luhansk and Moscow officially became sister cities. [11]
On June 29, 2022, the Syrian Foreign Ministry announced that it recognized the sovereignty and independence of the "Donetsk People's Republic" and the "Luhansk People's Republic". [12]
On the morning of July 13, 2022 local time, North Korean Ambassador to Russia Shin Hong Chol held talks with the representative of Donetsk in Russia at the North Korean Embassy and handed her a document announcing the recognition of Donetsk's independence. [13]
On October 19, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared a state of war in the Luhansk region. [21]

Referendum on joining Russia

At 08:00 Moscow time on September 23, 2022 (13:00 Beijing time on September 23), Luhansk began to hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation, and the referendum lasted from September 23 to 27. [14]
On the evening of September 27, 2022, according to the results of the vote released by the local election Commission, the percentage of voters in Luhansk in favor of joining the Russian Federation was 98.42%. [16]
September 30, 2022 news: Luhansk signed the treaty of accession to Russia at the ceremony The Kremlin After the signing of the treaty, it will be submitted to the Russian Constitutional Court for review, and after the approval of the Russian State Duma and the Federation Council, a constitutional bill will be proposed for the entry of new regions into Russia, and will be accepted by the Russian State Duma and the Federation Council according to the legislative procedure. [16]
On October 3, 2022, the Committee on State Construction and Law of the Russian State Duma (lower house of Parliament) adopted a draft constitutional law on the accession of four regions, including Luhansk, to the Russian Federation. The draft will soon be considered by the plenary session of the State Duma. [17]
On October 4, 2022, the Russian Federation Council held a plenary session and unanimously approved the four items of the four regions including Luhansk to join Russia as federal subjects A treaty. [18]
On October 5, 2022, the Russian legal portal published an order signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the 4th, ratifying four treaties on the accession of four regions including Donetsk to Russia as federal subjects. At this point, all the legal procedures for the ratification of the four regions' treaties into Russia have been completed, and the treaties come into force from the date of publication. [19]
On October 12, 2022 local time, the United Nations General Assembly held a meeting and adopted a non-legally binding resolution not to recognize the results of the four regional referendums in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporozha and Khersun. [20]