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Can Mom and Dad stay

Huang Zitao sings songs
"Can Mom and Dad Stay?" Yeah Huang Zitao The song, written and composed by Huang Zitao, was released on December 24, 2020, from the album of the same name, Can Mom and Dad Stay? [1]
Chinese name
Can Mom and Dad stay
Can Mom and Dad stay [3]
Song length
Three minutes and 49 seconds
Original song
Huang Zitao
Huang Zitao
Music score
Huang Zitao
Orchestrated BY
Daryl K Wang Kaiyu
Issue date
December 24, 2020
Song language
Shanghai Huang Zitao Music Studio
Production MANAGER:
Zitao Huang, Daryl K, Kaiyu Wang
Voice editing
Guo Shuwen
Zhang Leyang
Recording STUDIO
Kong Studio
Zhao Jing
Sound mixing room
SBMS Beijing
Master tape
Zhao Jing
Single visual design
Juvenile agency ART1st
Music production
Shanghai Huang Zitao Music Studio
Song lyrics
When tears wash dry eyes
Only to find that you can't go back to the past
Staring at the photos of the past
Oh, I really cherish it
It's sad when you leave
Because too much care too cherish
To think that all this can be forever
Can Mom and Dad stay with me
Can pets stay
Can you stay in the most beautiful picture
Isn't it okay for no one to leave
Why be so cruel
Let me have it and then let me lose it
Can you keep your family forever
Can we keep lovers together
So what's having it all
Not in the end
I hope I don't grow up to be you
You're the one who said I didn't grow up
I grew up with you
I was strong and it was you who wasn't there for me
Can Mom and Dad stay with me
Can pets stay
Can you stay in the most beautiful picture
Isn't it okay for no one to leave
Why be so cruel
Let me have it and then let me lose it
Can you keep your family forever
Can we keep lovers together
So what's having it all
Not in the end
I wasn't ready for any of this
I thought I might be able to face it
There's nothing I can do
I'm the one who wants to leave
I'll wait for you to come back.
Don't let me stay in memories
I don't know where the future ends, do I
Please cherish before you lose everything
When I look back at myself at that time
Hope is a good memory
I don't want to accept it.
Can't go back
No matter where you go
Always in my heart
Can you stay in the most beautiful picture
Isn't it okay for no one to leave
Why be so cruel
Let me have it and then let me lose it
Can you keep your family forever
Can we keep lovers together
So what's having it all
Not in the end
leave [1-2]