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Weather forecast for major cities across the country

Roll weather service programs
The National Weather Forecast for major cities is CCTV News channel A rolling weather service program that began airing on March 24, 2008, and was formerly known as "Weather Service." Weather & Information ".
The show began airing daily on March 24, 2008 CCTV News channel Roll it out.
Chinese name
Weather forecast for major cities across the country
Weather & Information (original name)
Production country/region
Chinese mainland
Generic type
Meteorological service
Production company
Huafeng weather film and television Center
Premiere time
24 March 2008
Broadcast channel
CCTV News channel
Duration per episode
1 to 2 minutes
Broadcast status
On air
Network playback platform
CCTV network , Central video , CCTV video and audio , CCTV News
First seeding
24/7 rolling
Broadcast time
National weather forecast broadcast schedule for major cities
Time frame
Premiere time
Air date
First period
10:58 (before the 11:00 news room)
Monday to Sunday
One minute and 30 seconds
Second period
11:58 (before news 30)
Monday to Sunday
One minute and 30 seconds
Third period
12:58 (before the 13 o 'clock news room)
Monday to Friday and Sunday
One minute and 30 seconds
Fourth period
14:58 (before the news room at 15:00)
Monday to Sunday
One minute and 30 seconds
Fifth period
16:58 (before the news room at 17:00)
Monday to Sunday
One minute and 30 seconds
Sixth period
17:58 (Before Common concern)
Saturday and Sunday
One minute and 30 seconds
Seventh period
21:58 (before International Time)
Monday to Friday
One minute and 30 seconds
Eighth period
22:58 (24 hours ago)
Monday to Friday
One minute and 30 seconds
Ninth period
23:58 (before midnight news)
Saturday and Sunday
One minute and 30 seconds
Tenth period
0:57 (before the news room at 1:00)
Tuesday to Saturday
Two minutes and 30 seconds