Balkan Peninsula

One of the three major peninsulas of southern Europe
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The Balkan Peninsula, Three peninsulas of southern Europe One of them, [5] locate Europe The southeast corner is located The Adriatic Sea and The Black Sea Between, the detailed scope can be said in many ways depending on the definition. The word Balkan comes from Turkish Derived from the word "mountain range". [1]
There are about 550,000 in the Balkans Square kilometer And nearly 55 million people. in Ancient Greek The Balkan Peninsula of the era refers to the Haemus Peninsula. The area adopts its name to apply through Bulgaria Center to west Serbia the Balkan mountains Up.
Balkans and Spain , Portugal located The Iberian Peninsula and Italy located The Apennine Peninsula Be called together Three peninsulas of southern Europe . include Greece , Bulgaria , Albania , Montenegro , North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Throughout the territory. and Slovenia , Croatia , Serbia , Romania and Türkiye Parts of...
Chinese name
Balkan Peninsula
Foreign name
Balkan Peninsula
Geographical position
The Adriatic Sea and The Black Sea among
Area product
550000 km²
Population number
About 55 million
Subordinate region
Europe south

Historical origin

The Balkans have a long history, yes Human civilization One of the earliest places of origin. The south is Ancient Greek culture The birthplace of... After the 2nd century BC, it was successively conquered by Rome, Byzantine ( Eastern Roman Empire ), Ottoman Turkey Wait for the empire to rule. Between the 4th and 7th centuries AD, Huns, Avars, Lombards, Bulgarians, Romans and Slavs All nationalities on the peninsula dominion There was a fierce struggle. Ottoman Empire For more than 500 years, the peninsula's people fought a series of struggles against Ottoman rule.
Since the early 19th century, Tsarist Russia Eager to get through to the south Mediterranean Of the channel, Austrian Empire Trying to expand south to The Adriatic Sea Britain and France want to protect the access The Indian Ocean and The Far East The lifeblood of traffic, therefore peninsula It became an area fiercely contested by Russia, Austria, Britain and France, and there were many wars, known as the "powder magazine of Europe".
There were two major wars: 1828-1829 and 1877-1878 Russo-turkish War In 1912-1913 and twice in 1913 Balkan wars . The war intensified the confrontation between the countries on the peninsula and the contradictions between the great powers, and began in 1914 Austro-hungarian Empire Crown prince Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo Be stabbed as Blasting fuse Broke out World War I All the countries of the peninsula were involved in the war. World War I After peninsula Political pattern It's changed a lot because imperialism Once again, the fight is fierce, and the region has always been conflicted. in World War II In China, the peninsula was conquered by Germany and Italy Fascism Occupation, all countries have waged a struggle against fascism.
World War II Late in The Soviet Union The Crimean Peninsula The Yalta Conference War of opposition International relations The pattern has an important impact, i.e The Yalta system . After the war, the peninsula states built many places Military base . Naval base There is: Yugoslavia In Split, The Bay of Kotor ; Albania the Durres , hairroller ; Bulgarian Varna , Burgas ; Romanian Constanta ; Turkish Istanbul ; Hellenic Piraeus Thessaloniki. Air base Yes: Albanian Tirana ; Constanta, Romania; Bulgarian Sofia Tolbukhin; Yugoslavian Ljubljana , Nish, Skopje Let's wait.
In 1999, due to Kosovo The problem triggered by the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization right Federal Republic of Yugoslavia The savage bombing, 2007, Autonomous Province of Kosovo Declaring independence, the United States, Britain and other countries recognized it. peninsular Unsafe factor Greatly increased. [2]

Geographical environment



Southern Europe Three peninsulas One of them. locate Southern Europe To the east. It faces the Adriatic Sea to the west and the Adriatic Sea to the east The Black Sea , south shore Ionian Sea ( Mediterranean A bay) and Aegean Sea Southeast across the Black Sea from Asia Face each other to the north Danube , Sava Is the boundary, the west Trieste It covers an area of about 505,000 square kilometers. include Albania , Bosnia and Herzegovina The entire territory of Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, etc., and Serbia , Croatia , Slovenia, Romania With parts of Turkey. The peninsula is located between the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, and is connected with Europe and Asia Land bridge , south approach Mediterranean Important route, East has The Bosphorus and The Dardanelles By the throat of the Black Sea, Geographical position Extremely important.

Resources and environment

The Balkan Peninsula occupies a very important geographical position, the west is the Adriatic Sea and Aegean Sea To the east is the Black Sea, separated Turkish strait Facing Asia, the northern boundary is the Danube River and its tributary, the Sava River Continental Europe The contact is very wide, there is no mountain barrier, the traffic is very convenient. The peninsula covers a total area of 500,000 square kilometers, including Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Macedonia. Former Yugoslavia Most of Romania and a small part of Turkey. in Turkish "Balkan" means "mountainous". The mountains on the peninsula mainly belong to Alps Only in the north and east there are plains and lowlands. The south coast of the West coast has a Mediterranean climate, and the interior has Continental climate The characteristics of. The coastline twists and turns, many islands. There are forests, coal, copper, oil and other resources.
Most of the Balkans is mountainous (about seven tenths of the total area). The main mountain ranges are: west coast The Dinarik Alps From northwest to southeast, running through the peninsula, the main peak of Yeselsa (in northern Albania) is 2,693 meters above sea level; north-eastern Balkan mountains Veins, across the whole of Bulgaria, the main peak Botev, 2376 meters above sea level; south The Rhodopes Mountains Moving east-west along the Aegean coast, Musala At 2,925 meters above sea level, it is the highest peak on the peninsula. more Intermontane basin South of the Balkan Mountains Maritza basin , Denza The basin. The northeast is Plain of the lower Danube .
The surface of the peninsula is cut strongly, forming a number of valleys, and the main traffic lines pass along the valleys. from Central Europe Come along the railroad The Morava River And the Vardar Valley to Thessaloniki, along the Maritza River to Istanbul. Except for the Danube and Sava Most of the other rivers are short and fast flowing. The coastline is unusually tortuous, as long as 9300 kilometers, Dorang Port. Major cities are Belgrade , Sofia , Athens , Istanbul , Tirana Let's wait.

Climatic type

South and coastal for Mediterranean type climate The north is Continental climate . Annual precipitation The west is about 1000 ~ 1500 mm, the east is less than 1000 mm, and the south is less than 500 mm. Mean air temperature In January, 11 ° C in the south and -2 ° C in the north (lower than -5 ° C in mountainous areas); In July, 26 ° C in the south and 22 ° C in the north. There are vast forests and pastures.

Major nationality

The main ethnic groups in the Balkans include:
Romanians (about 19.4 million), Greeks (about 10.3 million), Turks (about 10 million), Serbs (about 9 million), Bulgarians (about 6.7 million), Albanians (about 5.8 million), Croats (about 4.7 million), Bosnians (about 4 million), Slovenians (about 1.8 million), and horses Chiton (about 2.1 million), Montenegrin (about 500,000), other ( Roma Jews, etc.).

Relevant country

include Greece , Bulgaria , Albania , Montenegro , North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Throughout the territory. and Slovenia , Croatia , Serbia , Romania and Türkiye Parts of...
Balkan Peninsula

Wine-making culture

2500 BC Ancient Egypt , in order to winemaking Frescoes with the theme are not uncommon. Nowadays wine The most concentrated production in Europe, its wine culture can be traced back to Ancient Greek During the period, wine not only satisfied the taste buds of Europeans, but also accompanied by huge business opportunities and wealth. And France is the first wine producing country in Europe, EU statistics Data display The French Wine Year 2000-2005 Average yield About 550 million litres, with a production value of $3.2 billion.
The Balkan Peninsula in Europe, which is also a wine country, does not have such a bright report card. Go by Former Yugoslavia Under long communist rule, wine production became sclerotic, while the technology was too old to allow this Total output There are 450 million litre regions with an annual output of only $220 million, only 6.87% of the annual output of France.
In terms of natural conditions, from the west Bosnia Hessegovina, to the west east North Macedonia The Balkan summers are hot and dry, with plenty of sunshine, and the rocky sloping terrain that pervades is cultivated Grapes And ideal conditions for opening a winery. North Macedonia is one of the main wine-producing countries in the Balkans. Just 90 minutes south of the capital, Skopje, is Kavardaci, the heart of the country's wine industry and home to TIKVES, Macedonia's largest winery. However, under the government, Kavardaci's Wine production Suppressed by the government, it has instead become an important base for steel mills, surrounded by vast empty fields of empty smoke and grass, and the city streets are filled with low-wage laborers.
The Balkan Peninsula, a territory of the former Yugoslavia, became independent in the early 1990s, and TIKVES and other Balkan vintners are actively seeking ways to revive the wine industry, hoping to establish a reputation for Balkan wines through quality efforts, certification and competition awards. However, the problems of civil war and ethnic conflict that have occurred frequently in the past 15 years have become new problems that wineries must face.
BrunoSaric, director of the HepokLjubuski winery in Sarajevo, says that for nearly half a century, Balkan region Not only had to face the damage caused by the war, but also experienced the pains of social transformation, which caused the winemaking to go back. After privatization, the large vineyards were divided into hundreds of blocks, and these small winemakers were accustomed to making cheap wine Liquor in bulk It is difficult to satisfy consumers' increasingly sophisticated taste buds, and the profit pressure brought about by paying short-term accounts will not be conducive to the long-term Marketing plan .
The effects of the Balkan wars are still being felt, and many producers were lost in the civil wars of the 1990s Grapes For example, Bosnia lost nearly 40% of its vineyard area between 1992 and 1995, Croatia The wine-growing fields are also heavily mined, losing their agricultural value.
M6 Investment plan Since 2004, he has directed the operation of wineries in the Balkans, Planned budget $14 million, funded by Martin's famous beer Offered by the brand Skopje, an attempt to elevate the wines of the region International market Competitiveness, for these wineries, the M6 team is the embodiment of the fairy tale white Knight, bringing a ray of light to the road to revival. Tikves is also a beneficiary of the M6 scheme, Export Department manager MilanIvanovski proudly points to several tanks, each built at a cost of $260,000 to produce fine wine gallop Class of specifications.
SasoVelkov, general manager of Tikves, said that for many years, Tikves has produced mid-priced wines, most of which have been sold to Germany as base wines, and after the M6 project takes over, Tikves will Sales target In the high-end market, the production ratio was 65 percent of cheap bulk wine and 35 percent of premium bottled wine, and the production of only two grades of fine wine was reduced from 55 million liters to 35 million liters, and the total sales volume increased by 10 percent in 2006. Two years ago Hepok was Australia The purchase of HypoGroupAlpeAdria has been followed by an equally aggressive move towards higher end wineries, with a total of $5 million invested in improvements, and Saric expects another $1 million to be invested in new varieties in 2007 vine To fully replace the old vines and expand the planting area to 150 hectares, although at least one year's production capacity will be lost, it will be very helpful to improve long-term production capacity.
Small wineries cannot afford the huge retrofit costs, so they take smaller scale changes while seeking assistance from international organizations such as United States Agency for International Development , European Bank for Reconstruction and Development With the Directorate-General for European Reconstruction, etc. BrittKarlsson, a wine writer and tourist, says small wineries in Croatia have started to offer Tours with a nice bonus. At the same time, the winery does not need to rush to expand the plant output, should focus on improving the quality of wine, increasing production may be able to make money, but it is definitely not an excellent winery Necessary condition . The biggest challenge for Balkan wineries is the lack of international trade and influence, says Karlsson. Wineries need to improve their understanding of foreign markets and introduce modern winemaking techniques.
After years of efforts by Balkan wineries to finally bear some sweet fruit, Tikves has struck a fine blow, receiving a large order of 300,000 bottles from the Russian government, among others Vintage wine Juxtaposed in the Kremlin cellars, big Pull up The rank and popularity of Tikves wines. Balkan wineries' policy of quality over quantity is worth learning, and the days of mass production of low-margin agricultural products are over.

Sarajevo incident

The Balkans have always been International relations Complex and eventful areas, known as "powder magazine" said. Here, for various historical reasons, National contradiction , religious conflicts, Cultural difference Thorny issues such as border disputes, political differences and other issues affect each other, are intertwined, and have the potential to be incompatible with fire and water. In the midst of this, Yugoslavia Regional contradictions and conflicts are the most concentrated and intense region.
Moreover, because the Balkan region is located in the important traffic routes and has always been a battleground for military forces, the European powers, out of their own self-interest, have always paid attention to the dynamics and changes here and actively intervened in various contradictions and conflicts. For example, the "accident" that occurred on June 28, 1914 Sarajevo incident It was a common assassination in Europe, and at first people thought nothing unusual about it, but more than a week later, European powers It was hyped up as a "July diplomatic crisis", and thus triggered World War I .
Yugoslavia Be located in Southeast Europe The northwest Balkans. Xiannan Slavs The first inhabitants of the territory were the Illyrians, Thrace Harmony with the people Celts . In the 6th century, a group of Slavs began to break through The Byzantine Empire The Danube line, invading the Balkans. In the 7th century, they settled in the Balkans and gradually became acquainted with the local area Indigenous people As one, collectively known as Yugoslavs. The Slavic tribes in Yugoslavia fought successive wars with the Byzantines, Avars, Franks, Hungarians and Venetians in order to survive and settle down, and established the medieval state organization. But they did not last long because they were unable to fend off the expansionist encroachments of their neighbours.
Bulgaria Located in the central and eastern Balkans, Medieval period The first inhabitants were Thracians. The Greeks and Romans established slave societies in this region. In the second half of the 7th century, a group of ancient Bulgarians entered what is now northeastern Bulgaria. In a common struggle against the Byzantine Empire, the ancient Bulgarians allied themselves with the Slavs who settled in the Balkans and established the Slavic Empire in 681 AD Kingdom of Bulgaria . Later, the ancient Bulgarians were gradually assimilated by the Slavs and became a Slavic country, but they still used the name Bulgaria. Albania is located in the western Balkans in Southeast Europe, and the Albanians are one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Balkans. [3]
From the 14th century to the 16th century, the former span Eurasian Feudalism in three continents of Africa theocracy The Muslim Empire -- Ottoman Empire From western Asia, it conquered the Balkan Peninsula, destroyed the Slavic states in Yugoslavia, and established military feudal rule in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Albania for more than five centuries. The Balkans were under Ottoman rule for a long time. here Ethnic relations Complex, most of which Slavic settlements. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Albania Other countries gained independence from the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922). Before long, it grew up in central Europe Austro-hungarian Empire absorbed Bosnia and Herzegovina Two places. The local people wanted to unite with Serbia to form a large southern Slavic state.
At this time, Russia In order to Southern Slavs As a liberator of the United States, the United States intervened in Balkan affairs, exacerbating the contradictions there; In the 1870s and 1880s, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy Set up a campaign against Russia and France Triple Alliance . In 1879, he was Chancellor of Germany Bismarck Driven by," Treaty of the German-Austrian Alliance "First concluded. The treaty has a distinctly anti-Russian character. Later, because Italy was competing with France Tunisia Bismarck took the opportunity to draw Italy together against France. In 1882, the Treaty of the Tripartite Alliance between Germany, Austria and Italy was signed, and the Tripartite Alliance was formally established, and Germany became the core of the Tripartite Alliance.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, German economy It grew rapidly, catching up with and surpassing Britain. Germany's plan to build the "triple B Railway" also indicated an intention to expand into the Balkans, from its capital Berlin First, through Istanbul, the capital of Turkey, to Asia Baghdad . In response to the Triple Alliance, France and Russia formed an alliance in 1892 Military agreement , Franco-russian alliance Thus formed. Britain also adjusted its relations with France and Russia, signing separate treaties in the early 20th century Anglo-french Entente The treaty with Britain and Russia. The signing of the Anglo-French and Anglo-Russian Entente means that Britain, France and Russia Triple entente The establishment of. So, Europe two big Military clique It finally formed. The Balkans became the powder keg of the European war. The Balkan countries have been dragged in twice World war .
After the war, the Balkan countries were established successively The Soviet Union Q.-q. Socialist system But, on the one hand, Soviet politics was highly centralized Economic system Affecting the Balkan countries Political system and Economic restructuring On the other hand, the ethnic contradictions in some countries, especially Yugoslavia, are very complicated, and there are eight ethnic groups with a number of more than 500,000, the largest Serbian nationality Only 36 percent of the population. These eight ethnic groups share their historical traditions, Religious belief There are great differences in cultural customs and economic development.
World War I Later, the eight nations were united into one kingdom, but due to the implementation of this kingdom Greater Serbianism Ethnic tensions are high. Tito During the administration, it was implemented in Yugoslavia National equality Policies in which the existence of various nationalities is recognized and implemented by the State federalism . When President Tito died in 1980, Yugoslavia lost a leader, many of whom had previously been covered up National problem Begin to surface.
The Balkan Peninsula became a powder keg at the end of the 19th century because of its important geographical position. First of all, Turkish strait Located in the Balkans with Asia Minor Peninsula For Russia, the Turkish Strait is an important lifeline for southern Russia, and if the Turkish Strait is closed by a hostile country, Russia's southern foreign contact will be cut off. Black Sea Fleet Will be a sitting duck. Control of the Balkans was crucial for Russia. The Austro-Hungarian Empire in the northern Balkans was in decline, unable to confront Germany to the north, France to the west, and Russia to the east.
Its development could only go south, taking the Balkans as its own Sphere of influence In order to make a final struggle; The invasion of the Russian forces would make the already weak Austro-Hungarian Empire besieged on three sides (Russia in the east, Russia in the south, and France in the west), and the control of the Balkan Peninsula was also vital for the empire. The Balkan Peninsula has a complex ethnic composition, plus its original rulers Ottoman Empire Further decline facilitated the rivalry between the two blocs in the Balkans. The two countries achieved their control of the Balkans by supporting and annexing various small countries in the Balkans, and the Balkans became one of the conflicts in Europe Balkan question The war is on.
Sofia Church
In October 1989, the 28th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Union of Southern Communists adopted the" Political restructuring Issue "resolution, declaring the renunciation of the" one-party monopoly." In 1990, the 70-year-old Southern Communist Union broke up. At the same time, some 300 political parties have sprung up across the country, almost invariably on the defensive National interest The flag to fight for ballot , nationalism Thoughts are rampant. Slovenia and Croatia are in referendum Independence was declared simultaneously on 25 June 1991, marking the beginning of the dissolution of the Yugoslav Federation. The Federal Parliament and the government of the South held an emergency meeting overnight to declare the unilateral independence decision of the two republics of SK illegal. Yugoslavia was at war.
In April 1992 Serbia and Montenegro The two republics agreed in principle to form a "common state for the continuity of Yugoslavia". On April 27th, Federal Assembly of Yugoslavia Held a meeting and adopted the joint composition of the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Federal Republic of Yugoslavia The new Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was formally established. But just as the fighting in Croatia was ending, Bosnia and Herzegovina The Republic was at war again. This is a bigger, more intense and brutal dogfight.
Bosnia and Herzegovina It is a republic of different nationalities with different religions, practised within its borders Orthodox Church About 1.5 million Serbs, 31.3% of the population, are Catholic Croat About 800,000 people, accounting for 17.7%, the largest ethnic group is Muslims, about 2 million people, accounting for 43.7% of the population, Muslims were originally Serbs, but in the Ottoman Empire forced to convert to Islam, their customs and Serbs have been very different, there are many political contradictions. In the conflict, because of the support of the Southern People's Army, the Serbs have a great advantage in weapons and equipment, combat experience and troops, and have always held the initiative in the war. Former Yugoslavia The continuous wars have forced a large number of people to be displaced and become refugees.
By October 1992, it was estimated that more than 1.8 million refugees remained in the former Yugoslavia, of whom Croatia Refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina have accounted for a quarter of the total population of the two countries. In addition, more than 400,000 refugees from the former Yugoslavia have poured into neighbouring European countries, causing serious problems for these European countries Social problem . As the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina intensifies, International community The focus of mediation turns again Conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina Up. In 1992, European Economic Community and The United Nations A series of resolutions of principle have been adopted, and the parties to the South Korean conflict have held many talks, but no results have been achieved.
At the end of the 20th century, although peace and development are the trend and trend of world development, there is no sign of easing and easing in the Balkans. The original contradictions still exist and even get worse, and new conflicts are occurring again. Factors that are not conducive to the stability of peace and development make the situation here still in a vicious circle. In 1912-1913 and twice in 1913 Balkan wars . Between March and August 1912, independent Bulgaria, Serbia , Greece and Montenegro The four countries formed an alliance against Turkey, that is Balkan League . therewith imperialism Countries have intervened for their own aggressive purposes. Russia, Britain, and France sided with the Balkan alliance, while Germany and Austria supported Turkey. This further complicates the situation in the Balkans. In October, the Allies declared war on Turkey, The First Balkan War Eruption.
End of war The Ottoman Empire was defeated and sued for peace. In December of the same year, the four Balkan Allies and Turkey met London Negotiations between the two imperialist blocs dragged on and off for several months until, on May 30, 1913, a treaty was signed. Peace of London Turkey's European territory, with the exception of Istanbul and a small area near it, was divided among the Balkan Allies. Recognition of Albanian independence. For the Balkan countries The First Balkan War It's a righteous one War of national liberation . [4]