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Sunflower in the composite family
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Sunflower (Scientific name: Helianthus annuus L.; English name: Sunflowers) : is platycodon, Compositaceae, sunflower genus of plants. Due to the inflorescence It gets its name from the sun's rotation. It is a tall annual herb. Stem stout, 1-3 m tall, unbranched or sometimes superbranched, covered with white coarse bristles. Leaves alternate, ovate-cordate or ovate, apex acute or acuminate, basal 3-vented, margin coarsely serrated, both sides brachystrigate, long petiolate. The capitulum is very large, 10-30 cm in diameter, at the end of the stem or branch, often slanting. Involucral bracts multilayered, foliaceous, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, apical caudate acuminate, covered with stiff or marginal hairs. Receptacle flat or slightly raised, with submembranous receptacle. Lingual flowers numerous, yellow, lingual spreading, oblong-ovate or oblong, not fruiting; Tubular flowers extremely numerous, brown or purple, upper end with lanceolate lobes, bearing fruit. Achenes obovate or ovate oblong, slightly oblate, fine-costalis, white pubescent, upper end with 2 membranous crowns, caducous. [96]
Wild sunflower habitats are mainly grassland and dry, open areas. They grow along roadsides, fields, desert edges and grasslands. It grows best in sunny, humid or disturbed areas. Native to South America, the domesticated species was brought to Europe from North America by the Spanish in 1510 and was originally used for ornamental purposes. In the late 19th century, it was brought back to North America from Russia. It is cultivated in all countries and China, and many varieties are formed in different habitats through artificial cultivation, especially in the size and color of the heads and the morphology of the achenes, and it is the best raw material for comprehensive utilization. [7]
The sunflower is a plant that attracts pollinating bees to gather nectar and pollen. The species is versatile, with edible seeds that can be processed into a source of oil or fat for human consumption, as animal feed and possibly as an alternative fuel source, and as an ornamental plant. [69]
Chinese name
Sunflower [70]
Latin name
Helianthus annuus L. [94]
sunflower , sunflower , sunshade , Sun flower , Gynura japonica
International endangered rating
No risk (LC) [69]
The door
The outline
Magnoliatae [70]
Belong to
Kind of
Namers and years
L., 1753
Synonym 1
Helianthus aridus Rydb. [94]
Synonymous scientific name 2
Helianthus erythrocarpus Bartl. [94]
Synonymous scientific name 3
Helianthus indicus L. [94]
Synonymous scientific name 4
Helianthus jaegeri Heiser [94]
Synonymous scientific name 5
Helianthus lenticularis Douglas [94]
Synonymous scientific name 6
Helianthus macrocarpus DC. [94]
Synonymous scientific name 7
Helianthus macrocarpus DC. & A.DC. [94]
Synonymous scientific name 8
Helianthus multiflorus Hook. [94]
Synonymous scientific name 9
Helianthus ovatus Lehm. [94]
Synonymous scientific name 10
Helianthus platycephalus Cass. [94]
Synonymous scientific name 11
Helianthus tubaeformis Nutt. [94]
Foreign name
Sunflower [69] (English)
Tournesol [69] (in French)
Girasol [69] (in Spanish)
Sonnenblume [69] (German)
Girasole [69] (in Italian) unfold

History of botany



Sunflower is named sunflower because it is shaped like a small sun and has positivity. The English name "Sunflower" is not because of its sunny nature, but because its yellow flowers bloom like the sun. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the word "Sunflower" came from Latin " Flos Solis "Borrow and translate. The French, Italian and Spanish names for sunflowers, "Tournesol" and "Girasol", like the Chinese names, are based on this characteristic. [69]
In fact, the sunflower is one of the most aliased crops in the Chinese language, so much so that it is a classic linguistic example of the phenomenon of synonyms between dialects. The classic textbook of Peking University Outline of linguistics As mentioned in "... The same is' sunflower ', in various dialects of Chinese also have a variety of different names, Tangshan, Hebei called 'sun turn', Chengde called 'Chaoyang turn', Renqiu called 'Wang Tian turn', Jinan, Shandong called 'Chaoyang flower', Changle called 'Xiangyang flower', Juxian county called 'Sun turn sunflower', Qixia called 'sun lotus', Shaoyang, Hunan called' Pan Tou melon seed 'and so on." [1]
Although there were so many nicknames, it was "sunflower" that eventually became the common name for the crop throughout the Chinese-speaking world. The earliest mention of this name is also a book in the late Ming Dynasty Wen Zhenheng " Nagomonoshi "Since the Qing Dynasty Chen Haozi " Alice mirror Other books also use this title. Apparently, "sunflower" is a new name from the ancient plant name "sunflower". [1]


Sunflowers are one of several plants that Native Americans cultivated in prehistoric North America as part of the agricultural complex of eastern North America. Despite popular belief, sunflowers were first domesticated in what is now the southeastern United States, about 5,000 years ago. But there is evidence that the species was first domesticated in Mexico around 2600 BC. These crops are in Mexico Tabasco The San Andres excavation site was discovered. The earliest known example of a fully domesticated sunflower in the United States has been found Tennessee Found, dated to around 2300 BC. Other very early examples come from Kentucky Rock ruins in the east. Many Native Americans use sunflowers as a symbol of their sun god, including The Aztecs And Mexican Otomi And South American Inca . Sunflowers are all over North America Indian A common crop in the tribe. There is evidence that the plant was cultivated by American Indians around 3000 BC in an area that is now located in Arizona and New Mexico in the United States. Some archaeologists believe that sunflowers may have been Corn It was previously domesticated. [2]
In 1510, early Spanish explorers encountered sunflowers in the Americas and shipped their seeds back to Europe. Of the four plants known to have been domesticated in what is now the eastern continental United States and have become important agricultural commodities, the sunflower is the most economically important plant of modern times. [2]
In the 18th century, the use of sunflower oil became very popular in Russia, especially Russia Eastern Orthodox Church As a member of some fasting traditions, sunflower oil is Lent One of the few oils allowed. Sunflowers were first used in the early 19th century Voronezh Province the Alekseyevka The village of Alexeyevka was commercialized by businessman Daniil Bokaryov, who developed a technique suitable for large-scale cultivation, which quickly spread. Since then, the town's badge It contains the image of a sunflower. [2]
Wild sunflowers are native to North America, but the commercialization of the plant took place in Russia. It was not until recent times that the sunflower plant returned to North America as a cultivated crop. But it was the American Indians who first domesticated the plant into a single-headed plant with seeds in a variety of colors, including black, white, red, and black and white stripes. [2]
This exotic North American plant was brought to Europe by Spanish explorers around 1500. The plant is widespread in contemporary Western Europe, primarily as an ornamental plant, but has been developed for some medicinal purposes. By 1716, a British patent had been granted for the right to extract oil from sunflower seeds. [2]
Sunflowers became very popular as cultivated plants in the 18th century. Most of the credit goes to Russia Peter the Great . The plant was originally used as an ornamental plant, but by 1769 references were made to the production of sunflowers for growing edible oil. By 1830, sunflower oil was being produced on a commercial scale. The Russian Orthodox Church has increased the popularity of sunflower oil by banning the consumption of most oil products during Lent. Because sunflower oil was not on the banned list, it was immediately popular as a food. [2]
By the early 19th century, Russian farmers were growing more than two million acres of sunflowers. During this period, two specific types were identified: the type of oil products used for edible oil production and the two major types for direct human consumption. The government research program was carried out. "V. S. Pustovoit" carried out a very successful breeding program in Krasnodar, which resulted in a significant increase in edible oil content and production. The most prestigious in the world Sunflower Science Award Be known as The Pustvoort Award (Pustovoit Award). [2]
By the end of the 19th century, Russian sunflower seeds were coming to the United States. By 1880, seed companies were promoting "Mammoth Russian" sunflower seeds in their product leaflets. This particular seed name was still available in the U.S. market in 1970, almost 100 years after that. The source of this seed movement that spread to North America may have been brought by Russian immigrants. In the United States, the first commercial use of the sunflower crop was for poultry Of silage. In 1926, the Missouri Sunflower Growers Association was involved in the first processing of sunflower seeds into oil. [2]
Canada began its first official government sunflower breeding program in 1930. The basic plant breeding materials used are from Mennonite (Immigrant from Russia) Garden. Because of the demand for edible oil, the cultivation area spread. By 1946, Canadian farmers had built a small crushing plant. Acreage has also spread to Minnesota and North Dakota in the United States. In 1964, the Canadian government authorized the planting of the Russian variety "Peredovik", which has a high yield and a high oil content. The increase in acreage in the United States has commercial benefits for the production of sunflower oil. Sunflowers were hybridized in the mid-1970s to provide additional yield and edible oil enhancement as well as disease resistance. [2]
Due to strong demand for sunflower oil in Europe, cultivation in the United States upgraded to more than 5 million hectares in the late 1970s. Russian exports of sunflower oil over the past few decades have stimulated this European demand. During this time, animal fats such as tallow used for cooking are negatively affected by cholesterol problems. However, the Russians can't keep up with the growing demand, and European companies are also looking at emerging industries in the United States. Europeans import sunflower seeds, which are then crushed in European factories. Western Europe is still a large consumer of sunflower oil today, but depends on its own production. America exports sunflower oil to Europe. [2]


At the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, the Spanish or the Dutch spread sunflower seeds to Southeast Asia, and from Vietnam to Yunnan in China, and then gradually spread from the southwest to the north. It was introduced to northern China from Russia about 100 years ago. [1]
Sunflowers were introduced into China in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to the southeast coast, and possibly from the southwest border. 1993 Xin 'an, Henan Province Jingzi Mountain Found sunflower pattern glazed tile, the tile is Zhengde 14 years of the Ming Dynasty (1519) local reconstruction of the relics of the Xuan Tian God hall, but Henan local records of sunflower first seen in the 36 years of Wanli (1608) "Run an annals", and only the name of sunflower, no description of traits, indicating that it is still in the early introduction, and glazed tile time is 89 years apart. [1]
Jingzishan sunflower pattern glazed tile
In the 43th year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty (1564), Wei Zhi of Linshan in Zhejiang Province is the earliest record of sunflower in China, although only the name "sunflower" is recorded.
The earliest literature on sunflower was written by scholars in the late Ming Dynasty Cho 崡 His book Plant products The book was published in 1617 (the forty-fifth year of Wanli), which clearly states: "There are also sun chrysanthemum, Wanli Western monks brought seed into China." Dry high seven or eight feet to Zhangyu, as a large flower such as a plate, with the day. When the flower is open, the plate is heavy and cannot be turned back." This text not only clearly points out that sunflowers are exotic plants introduced by Western missionaries in China, but also very accurately describes the sunward habit of sunflowers - they rotate with the sun before opening, and they stop rotating after opening. [1]
A little later Wang Xiangjin " Group aromatic spectrum The sunflower is also recorded: "Zhangju, a Sifanju, a Yingyang flower." The stem is long and thick like bamboo. Leaf hemp, reborn straight. Though they have branches, they bear only one flower; As large as a dish, the single petal is yellow, and the heart is like a honeycomb. By autumn it had turned purple and black. If you take your own seed, it is easy to grow." This record contains three names for sunflowers, all of which are different from the names used in the Plant. [1]
The earliest description of the character of sunflower is Wanli 47 Ming Dynasty (1619). Yao Brigade 's Open book "Wanli Bingwu Year (1606) suddenly there are sunflowers from the outlands. Its trees stand straight without branches, just like the Shu brocade flowers, a tree or beside one or two small flowers, its size as a disk, dusk towards the sun, the fruit on the surface of the flower, like a honeycomb." [1]
There is no "sunflower" in the book, only "Zhangju" in the "three chrysanthemums", the original text is as follows: "Zhangju - the name of the Fanju - the name of Yingyang flower, the stem is more than Zhangju, the stalk is hard and thick like bamboo, the leaves are like hemp, many straight, although there are branches, only one flower is as large as a pan, the single petal color is yellow, the heart is like a beehive-like, to the autumn gradually purple black and firm, it is easy to take the son, the flower can be toxic to abortion." [1]
The name "to the Sun" is found in Wen Zhenheng's "Annals of Changwu" (about 1635). Written in the 27th year of Kangxi (1688), the Flower Mirror says: "Sunflower... Only suitable for the staff, no big meaning, but take it with the different ears of the day ", in fact, sunflower not only in the early Qing Dynasty, the Qing generation is also mainly used as ornamental plants, the local annals of the Qing Dynasty are also listed in the "products and flowers (genus)" can also explain this point. In 1820, Xie Fang said in "Small Records of Flowers and Trees" that sunflowers were everywhere, both ornamental and edible. [1]
Daoguang 25 (1845) (Guizhou) Li Ping Fu records For the first time, sunflowers were listed in both "Fruit genus" and "flower genus". In the late Qing Dynasty Fuxian county agricultural production survey In the "sunflower" article recorded the sunflower, "the wall side of the field, can be planted anywhere, easy to grow", indicating that until the late Qing Dynasty sunflower did not form a large-scale cultivation, did not appear in the field, only as a by-product of scattered planting, of which "sunflower seeds fried sweet taste, per jin value of 30 or 40 money, the seed can be extracted oil", is the first record of sunflower seeds can be extracted oil, it can be seen that sunflower oil is also late. The earliest record of sunflower seeds being sold is in the book Plant name real picture examination "(sunflower) son can be fried food, slightly fragrant, more food dizziness, Yunnan, Guizhou and pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds sold in the market." In the late Qing dynasty, sunflower seeds began to be used as a substitute for watermelon seeds, and gradually found a place in snack sunflower seeds. In the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930) (Heilongjiang), the Annals of Hulan County contained: "Sunflower, the seed can be eaten, and the seed of mu", which is the earliest record of a large area of sunflower. Since then, sunflower has emerged as a fruit, oil extraction and other aspects. [1]

Morphological characteristics

Sunflower is an annual herb It is 1-3 meters high. The main root is cylindrical, tapered downward, with very many lateral roots and fibrous fine roots. Stem erect, stout, green, white with long stiff hairs, usually unbranched, rare upper part with few branches. Leaves alternate, leaf blade heart-ovate or broadly ovate, 10-30 cm or longer, 7-24 cm or wider, apex acuminate or thinly acute, base cordate, flatcut or trigonate, margin coarsely jagged, surface green, abaxially light green, both sides hirsute, with 3 basal veins, lateral veins in pairs, leaf veins raised on both sides, along the veins are white with long stiff hairs; Petiole long, white long stiff and short strigose. capitulum Single terminal, 15-35 cm or rarer, declinate; inflorescence Peduncle long, stout, white with elongated stiff hairs and short strigose hairs; Involucral discoid; Involucral bracts multilayer, green, ovate, long ovate to lanceolate, apex caudate acuminate and linear elongate, abaxially brachial with short strigose and scattered white articulated long stiff hairs, ventral surface rough, margin with white articulated articulated stiff hairs, densely yellow hyaline gland points; Inflorescence flat or slightly convex; Brackets submembranous, striate or needle-shaped, with several longitudinal veins. Tongue flowers 1 layer, many, tongue yellow or golden, ovate oblong, oblong, narrowly oval or narrow oblong, not fruity; Tubular flowers extremely numerous, corolla yellow, brown, or purplish, coronal eaves tubularous, apex 5-lobed, coronal tubes very short, stamens 5, anthers dark purple, even tubularous, stigma 2 branched, densely coated. achene Obovate, long obovate or obovate oblong, slightly flattened, fine costalis, often white puberulent; Corolla 2, lamellar, caducous. Fruit period from July to September. [95]
The most common sunflowers are 2.5-3.5 meters tall and reach a maximum of 9.17 meters. According to the scientific literature of 1567, it has always been thought that the single headed sunflower plant was cultivated in Italy Padova The height of the plant can reach 12 meters. The same seeds were planted in other times and places, such as Spain Madrid The height of the plant can reach nearly 8 meters. More recently, in the Netherlands and Ontario, Canada, there were more than 8 meters of plants in the early 20th century. [72]
The sunflower plant is composed of five parts: root, stem, leaf, flower and seed.
The root of sunflower consists of taproot, lateral root and fibrous root. The taproroot is deeper in the soil, generally growing about 0.3-1.2 m deep in the soil, while the United States Department of Agriculture has measured sunflower roots up to 1.5 m long at one time. The lateral root grows from the taproot and grows horizontally. There are many fibrous roots on the lateral root. There are root hairs on lateral roots and fibrous roots. The taproot grows vertically down and connects to smaller lateral roots and fibrous roots, which help the structure support the weight of the sunflower. The head root is the main root of the sunflower, receiving most of the nutrients and water obtained by the plant. Sunflower roots are well developed and widely distributed in the soil, of which about 60% are distributed in the 0-40 cm soil layer. The growth rate of the sunflower root is always faster than that of the stem, and the root grows the fastest before and after the formation of the flower disc. When the seed begins to mature, the root no longer grows, and then it gradually Withers. In addition, under suitable conditions, a large number of water roots (like air roots of corn) can grow. [3]
culm :
The sunflower stem is not like some of the others anther Instead of sticking out to support other flowers, the stem supports a flower. The stalks can grow to 3-5 meters. Sunflower has a Gemini leaf stem structure, the stalk is round and erect, the surface is rough and has bristles. The stem consists of a cortex, xylem, and spongy pith that provides nutrients and water to the plant through all stages of its growth and life cycle. The outer layer is called the epidermis, which protects the stem. At the later stage of growth, the stem becomes lignified and the pith inside the stem forms a multi-layer hollow. The embryonic stem of sunflower has green, pale purple, deep purple, etc., which is an important sign to identify varieties at seedling stage. The height of stem varied greatly among different varieties, and the height of plant of the same variety was affected by sowing date and cultivation conditions. The growth rate of the stem is the fastest from bud to flowering, and the height of growth at this time accounts for about 55% of the total height, and the growth rate slows down after that, accounting for only about 5%. The branching of sunflowers, one is determined by heredity and the other is caused by environmental conditions. [3]
The leaves of sunflower are dicotyledonous, divided into cotyledon and True leaf . Cotyledon pair. True leaves are usually opposite in the lower 1-3 segments of the stem, but alternate above. True leaves are large, with short, stiff bristles on the surface and petiole, and are covered with a waxy layer. The number of leaves varies from variety to variety, with early maturing species generally 25-32 and late maturing species 33-40. The leaves on the lower part of the stem produce nutrients before flowering, mainly supplying the roots for growth, and their function is basically over by the time they bloom. The nutrients produced by the middle and upper leaves mainly supply the flower disc and promote the formation of seeds. [3]
Sunflower for capitulum It grows at the top of the stem, commonly known as the flower disc. Its shape has raised, flat and concave three types. There are two kinds of flowers on the disc, namely the tongue flower and the tube flower. Lingual flowers in 1-3 layers, planted on the peripherals of the disc, are asexual. Pollination occurs on the floral part of the sunflower on the outer edge of the disc florets, and moves more toward the center, and takes up to 30 days after the sunflower has been pollinated to reach maturity. The color and size of the flowers vary from species to species, with orange-yellow, light yellow and purplish-red flowers, which attract insects to pollinate them. Tubular flowers, located on the medial side of the lingual flowers, are bisexual flowers. The color of the corolla is yellow, brown, dark purple, etc. [3]
The fruit is achene Commonly known as seeds, sunflower seeds, commonly known as Sunflower seed Can be eaten. The fruit consists of three parts: pericarp, seed coat and embryo. The inner part of the sunflower seed is called the nucleolus. These kernels contain dried fruit called achenes that humans eat. These achenes form below the flowering part of the plant in the lower ovary of the disc florets. In addition to being used for human consumption, sunflower seeds are also used in animal feed and oils. Scientists are now using sunflower seeds in the production of biodiesel fuel, which is an excellent choice for environmentally safe fuel. Edible seeds are longer, the black and white stripes of the peel are mostly, the peel is thick, accounting for more than 40% of the seed weight, and the 1000-grain weight is 100-200 grams. The oil seed is shorter, the peel is mostly black, the skin is thin, about 20-30% of the seed weight, and the 1000-grain weight is 40-110 grams. Sunflower seeds are 38-42% oil, contain a large amount of vitamin E and 38% protein. [3]

Growing environment

Wild sunflowers grow on river floodplains and river banks, mainly grasslands and wet to dry, open areas. They grow along roadsides, in fields, on desert edges, along grass streams, irrigation channels, and in crop weeds. It grows best in sunny, humid or disturbed areas. Wild sunflowers are resistant to high and low temperatures, but are more resistant to low temperatures, with the optimal temperature range between 21-26 ° C. Grows in well-drained, viscous soil, can tolerate pH is 5.7-8 above the soil. [69]
Sunflower soil requirements are low, can grow on all kinds of soil, from fertile soil to dry land, barren, saline-alkali land can be planted. It not only has strong salt-alkali resistance, but also has salt absorption performance. It can thrive in alkaline soil and has strong drought resistance. [60-61]

Main variety

Sunflowers (87 species)
American giant
(American Giant)
Single pole sunflower, up to 4 meters. It has bright yellow flowers 25 cm wide. [6]
The flowers are bright and yellow and have always been an integral part of the European cultural landscape. Wild species in Germany and Europe have declined dramatically.
▼ Choo Mi
(Autumn Beauty)
Plant height 1.8-2 meters. A delicate mix of autumn colors, including gold, yellow, rusty red, Burgundy and two-tone. [7]
The Aztecs
(Aztec Sun)
Also known as yellow Mexican sunflower. The plant is 1-1.2 m tall and blooms until frost. Due to the exceptionally long 70-day blooming period, it is ideal for making hedges and attracting butterflies.
Folk song
Folk song
Compact, branched annual plant 75 cm tall with oval to cordate leaves, hairy, toothed, bright yellow flowers with dark brown centers, 13 cm in diameter. [73]
Black seed
(Black-Seeded, Waooh)
This sunflower is only in bloom for a few weeks, and the flowers are amazing. These dense, uniform plants form a blooming hedge covered with pollen-free 10cm flowers of a classic golden color with a dark center. [74]
Black seed
Laugh heartily
(Big Smile)
The 7-15 cm diameter flowers are bright golden yellow with a black center. Annual sunflower. Neutral during the day. Branch. There's pollen. [8]
Black oil
(Black Oil)
Black-oil sunflower seeds are the most common and popular type of bird seed, and are fleshy and have a higher oil content than striped sunflower seeds. [9]
Light yellow cream sunflower
Light yellow cream sunflower
Dense, branched annual plant to 1.2 m tall with roughly hairy, heart-shaped leaves. Pollen free, pale lemon yellow flowers with a dark brown center from mid-summer to Mid-Autumn. [75]
Chianti wine
(Chianti Hybrid)
The deepest red sunflowers, wine red velvet petals with gold accents. Plants 1.2-1.5 m tall have 8-10 cm flowers. Multiple branches and purple stems, suitable for planting in the garden. Pollen free, suitable for cut flowers.
Red wine
( Claret )
Is one of the blackest sunflowers, a deep, soft Burgundy red with an almost black center. Plants grow 1.2-1.8 m tall. No pollen. [10]
Avenue sunflower
(Dadao) [76]
Avenue sunflower
Dwarf sunspots
(Dwarf Sunspot)
Single stem, large flowers, up to 30 cm long on very short stems. Short and stout, rarely growing to 60 cm. Direct sunflower seeds in April-June for spectacular flowers from mid-summer to the end of the season. [11]
Easy to grow sunflowers that add a beautiful warm glow of oranges, coppery browns and rusty reds to any garden or bouquet. It has multiple lateral branches and is 1.8 m tall. Ideal for most soil types. Enjoy beautiful flowers throughout the summer and early fall. [12]
The setting sun
(Evening Sun)
This beautiful variety has medium large flowers in rich and showy colors of dark red, rusty, bronze, bright yellow and deep red, many of which are double colored. Many flowers in a long season.
It is a dwarfing variety of sunflowers, reaching a height of 90 cm. Its branching stems bear a large number of bicolor, orange-yellow, pollenless flowers. It is perfect for planting in a container on a patio or in front of a mixed herb border. [77]
The pole is 1 meter high. Sunflower with a stunning brown center of 15 cm, chestnut red, yellow tips with a hint of yellow in the center. It produces about 40 seeds per gram per year. It's particularly attractive to pollinators. [13]
Tall stem brown sunflower
(Gaoganhese) [78]
Tall stem brown sunflower
(Giant Primrose)
The plant is tall, with a rod length of 2.5-3.6 meters, and produces many flowers with creamy yellow flowers and a chocolate colored center. [14]
The Gulick variety
(Gullick's Variety)
It is a sturdy upright perennial, 2 meters long, with a flower head 10 centimeters wide and a bright yellow light around a deep red center. [15]
Lucky sunflowers
The "Good Luck" sunflower originated in North America and is now grown all over the world. Medium rod medium ripe type, single head double valve. This kind of sunflower has the largest flower tray, the flower shape is like chrysanthemum, looks strange, especially from the side looks very cool, is a rare variety.
The coppery brown, rose, and gold tones of the Clown Sunflower will bloom in their beautiful, fiery red colors throughout the summer months. This sunflower can produce 15 cm pollen free flower heads that can grow up to 1.5 meters tall. Hardy, easy to grow, likes full sun. Can make cut flowers. [16]
Ideal, typical cut flowers, multiple round shrubs with unbranched side buds, golden-yellow flowers with dark centers, flowers up to 15 cm in size. [79]
Helianthus annuus'Huacai' [80]
Vivacious sunflower
Helianthus annuus 'Huoli' [81]
An "incredible" big flower dwarf sunflower. The flower heads are 18-23 cm in diameter and grow on plants that are only 38-to 20-50 cm tall. Ideal for growing in containers, POTS and patio gardening, as well as hedges and borders. [17]
Indian blanket
Indian blanket
(Indian Blanket Hybrid)
This colourful hybrid sunflower has all the beauty of an Indian summer as it grows on 1.2-1.3m long branches with rich two-tone shades of red, deep gold, mellow yellow and rusty. [18]
Irish eye
(Irish Eyes)
This variety is a typical plant that matures and completes its life cycle within a year. It is famous for growing to a height of about 45 cm. [19]
Irish eye
Italian white flower
(Italian White)
It is an annual plant growing to about 1.50 m in height. It is usually a fairly low-maintenance plant that is easy to grow. [20]
Kong crossing
(Kong Hybrid)
It is a large sunflower with strong stems and dense leaves. It's covered in huge, perfect golden flowers 25 centimeters in diameter. Rapid growth from seed to maturity in mid-summer.
Kong crossing
Large gray stripe
Large gray stripe
(Large Grey Stripe)
2.5-4 m tall stem. The head, up to 50 cm in diameter, is filled with a large number of thin-shelled seeds, which are plump protein seeds. It is a delicious snack and valuable fodder for birds or chickens. [21]
Lemon queen
(Lemon Queen)
Annual, strong 2-2.5 m tall sunflower plant with bright lemon yellow flowers with dark chocolate colored centers up to 15 cm in diameter. It blooms in mid-summer. Attract butterflies. Sunflower seeds can be eaten raw or roasted. [22]
Little Beca sunflower
(Little Becka)
The diminutive sunflower, which stands just 1 meter tall and has a 15cm diameter disk, dazzles with red petals and a short golden skirt studded with bright yellow haloes. The unique two-tone edges add spark and excitement to the cut flowers. Need well-drained soil. [23]
(Loddon Gold)
The plant is 1.5 meters tall, the leaves are rough, oval, 20 cm long, completely bicolor, deep yellow, and the flower heads are 10-12 cm wide. It is a tall, upright annual herb, tuber, or rhizomatic perennial with coarse single leaves and large daisy-like flower heads. [24]
Green wave Fairy sunflower
The green Wave Fairy
Helianthus annuus 'Lvboxianzi' [82]
The Russian mammoth
(Mammoth Russian)
The plant is 3 meters tall and famous for its tall and strong. This sunflower has a huge head plate and is ideal for competing at shows. Thin shelled, striped seeds are plump, fleshy and very abundant. Best performance and adaptability. Easy to grow and attract butterflies. [25]
The Russian mammoth
Rose love sunflower
Rose love sunflower
Helianthus annuus 'Meiguiqing' [83]
Mexican torch
(Mexican Torch)
The "torch" is the backbone of the Mexican sunflower and has been growing in the garden since the 1950s. It is a dwarf variety grown in small gardens or containers and grows between 0.6 and 1 m tall. [26]
Miss Merry
Miss Merry
(Miss Mellish)
It is a robust perennial, 1.8 m tall, that blooms in late summer and early autumn with 10 cm long dark yellow half-twin flower heads.
Miss Sunshine
(Miss Sunshine)
Dwarf sunflowers, golden yellow, can bloom at short heights. It is a pollenless plant. There are 8-10 cm flower trays, suitable for mixed and single planting. [27]
Miss Sunshine
Mongolian giant sunflower
Mongolian giant sunflower
(Mongolian Giant)
A true giant sunflower, with a rod up to 4.2 meters high, has a very large flowering sunflower seed head, up to 45 cm in diameter. [28] [84]
Moulin Rouge
(Moulin Roug)
It is a pollenless, branched sunflower with 7-15 cm diameter flowers that everyone loves. Used in flower arrangements with contrasting color bouquets. The lateral branches are thinner but stronger than most other branching varieties, with an average height of 80 cm. Also known as ordinary sunflower and annual sunflower. [29]
Mars goddess
(Ms. Mars)
A very beautiful sunflower, the leaves and stem are full of deep red to purple hues. Low-growing, strongly branched, flame-like sunflowers 50-80 cm tall, with merlot ray petals changing to a pretty pink color in full sunlight.
Orange Yang
(Orange Sun)
An amazing medium height sunflower. The plant is 1.4 meters tall and has multiple large, bright orange, double-headed flowers, like giant daisies, averaging 13-15 centimeters wide. [30]
(Pacino Gold)
A very attractive, branched dwarf sunflower suitable for growing in containers. The sunflowers grow to 30-40 cm tall and are covered with 12 cm bright yellow flowers with a black center. [31]
It is an annual branching plant with solitary heads of flowers, deep in the center, 8-15 cm in diameter. The color of the tray is graded in light yellow, dark yellow, orange-red and mahogany. [32]
Peach love
(Peach Passion)
The yellow petals of peach love are similar to the base color of peaches and will fill homes and gardens with bright and lush bouquets. The flowers, 7-10 cm in diameter, are uniform in size and are covered with compact plant branches from summer to autumn. Cut flowers stay fresh and bright for a week. [33]
This sunflower is a tall oil crop that is a favorite of birds. It can grow up to 2 meters tall and mature in about 80-100 days. Compared to other sunflower varieties, sunflower seeds are known for their higher oil content and meaty seeds, which provide greater nutritional benefits. [34]
Red moon
Red moon
(Prado Red)
Also known as "Prado Red". It's a variant of the sunflower. It is an annual plant and also a flower. It tends to grow to its best over the course of a year. It is famous for its height of about 1.50 meters. [35]
White moonflower
ProCut White Lite [85]
White moonflower
Plano sunflower
Pulainuo [86]
Red sun
(Red Sun)
Its height is about 1.50 meters. The color of the flowers is usually very similar to the color of Boston University Red. The leaves are usually a grade 1 green. The variety is a typical annual plant and is known for its upright habit. [36]
Ring of fire
(Ring of Fire)
The plant reaches a height of 1-1.3 m and the flower disc is 13 cm in diameter. Two-colored sunflower with golden edges, chocolate brown center and red ring. Flowering 120 days, high, spread 2 to 3 feet. The long stems are perfect for cut flowers. If not cut, flowers may produce seeds for wildlife, which is another benefit of growing fire rings. [37]
Classic Russian sunflower. On a sturdy 1.8m stem, the head can be up to 30cm in diameter. It is a very good variety for edible seed production, with a growing season of 70 days per year. [38]
Three Yang Kai Tai sunflower
Three Yang Kai Tai sunflower
Sanyangkaitai [87]
The sunflower is one of the rarest species in the United States and was named after Lewis David von Schweintz, the botanist who discovered the species in the early 19th century. Its average height is about 2 meters, but its maximum length is 5 meters. [39]
True to its name, the skyscraper Sunflower can reach a height of 5 meters. These plants are supported by strong stems and can produce 40 cm of petals. [39]
Solar eclipse
(Solar Eclipse)
There is a unique flower tray center. A double layer of deep gold petals surrounds a caramel orange wreath with a black center. The plant reaches 1.2-1.5 m in height and flowers within 75-80 days. [40]
Sonja [88]
This large sunflower has larger flowers and a thicker, stronger stem. Branches 88-115 cm long, disc diameter 10-13 cm. Up to 20-25 stems can be produced on each plant. [41]
Blonde strawberry
(Strawberry Blonde)
Annual sunflower. The flowers have Burgundy red, sometimes pink petals with lemon tips and dark flower centers. The branched stems are 45-60 cm long. [42]
Summer mixed sunflower
Summertime Mixture [89]
Summer mixed sunflower
Fuyang sunflower
Sun Rich
The 'Fuyang' series plants are straight and not easy to bend, with a height of 90 to 150 cm and a flower diameter of 12 to 15 cm. 'Fuyang' series is rich in color, orange, golden yellow, lemon yellow. [90]
Glorious Days is a small perennial flower type variety with strong growth, small flower plate. A seed can bloom a thousand flowers, and a pot can rival a boundless sea of flowers.
Glory days sunflower
Sundance Little Sunflower
Sundance Little Sunflower
(Sundance Kid)
Plant height 30-60 cm, 1000-grain weight 40 grams. It is a plant that begins to branch and dwarf very early. The petals are bicolor, from yellow to brown. Ideal for hedgerows or small gardens, it can also be planted in POTS and placed in POTS to adorn the bed. [43]
Mixed sunflower
(Sunforest Mix)
This is a fast growing sunflower, their flowers are large, at least 30 cm in diameter, and their stems are tall, between 3-4.5 m.
A beam of sunshine
(Sunny Bunch)
It is a kind of sunflower 1 meter high with a top disk of 18 centimeters in diameter. Densely branched, can be used as a low hedge. It has a very distinctive flower shape with double rows of bright yellow glowing petals around a dark central disc. Perfect sunny edges and fresh bouquets. Can be used as cut flowers for a long time throughout the summer.
Sunshine smile
(Sunny Smile)
It's an annual sunflower. Golden yellow petals surround a black disc, opening 5-12 cm flowers. The habits of plants depend on the size of the container. It will flower all year round, and in small POTS, under conditions of short time, the plant will grow to about 15 cm. In large containers, under prolonged conditions, branching can be induced and the plant will grow to about 38-50 cm. [44]
Summer lemon
(Sunrich Limoncello)
Annual sunflower. The flowers are 10-15 cm in diameter. Lemon-yellow petals with a bright streak of yellow in the center. Two-tone petals give the flowers an enhanced three-dimensional appearance. Color contrast is most evident in conditions of low light and heat intensity, and the best colors are shown in early summer, late summer, and greenhouse tests. [45]
Golden sunshine
(Suntastic Yellow)
Is a new type of dwarf sunflower, ideal for potted or garden plants. Each plant can produce up to 25 flowers 15 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs less than 65 days after sowing. [46]
The trip to Teyo
Old Japanese plant 1.8-2 m tall. Unbranched, used for cut flowers. Equally attractive arrangements or large-scale planting in gardens. These tall, branchless plants produce a large flower in yellow-orange, chocolate, and mink colors. [47]
An excellent traditional sunflower, originally thought to have been introduced to the United States through Canadian or Russian Mennonite farmers. This breed was adopted by the Tarahumala tribe of northern Mexico. With a stunning 60cm wide head, it is filled with white seeds that both bees and birds love. These plants can grow up to 3.5 meters tall and form beautiful flower walls. [48]
Teddy bear
(Teddy Bear)
Also known as the Golden Bear, the golden flower is 15 cm in diameter. Tie into a bouquet, perfect for inserting into containers. The plant is shrubby and opens in mid-summer. Mature flower heads are attractive to birds. Plant or mulch to control weeds.
Red pottery
It is a special sunflower color, the same color as the old bricks on the wall or the terracotta POTS placed in the garden. The stems are strong, the flowers stand upright, and the trays are long-lived. Petals rusty red, disc dark, branched. Height 120-150 cm. A thousand grains weigh 45 grams. [49]
Lobus gracilis
The seeds of thin leaf sunflowers are eaten by songbirds. Muskrats eat leaves and stems and use the stems to build their homes. The flower head has a tubular disc in the center, surrounded by radial flowers, which are usually banded. The ray flowers are yellow in color, this plant has no thorns, and the number of disc flowers is 21-50. [50]
▼ Titan
It is one of the 20 highest varieties of sunflowers. It's the tallest sunflower and the biggest sunflower. The plant grows to 3.6 meters and reaches a height of 7 meters, with a head diameter easily reaching 50-60 centimeters. [51]
The flowers are brilliant red-orange and 5.8-7.6 cm in diameter. The flower is a beautiful butterfly plant. They bloom during a very long season and the plant produces a large number of flowers. The large plants, 1.5 meters tall, are very beautiful. [52]
Valentine's Day
The sturdy stem is 63-115 cm in length, with flowers of 7.6-10 cm. Petals short round, lemon yellow color. Neutral. Pollen is suitable for bee feed. Branch out. [53]
Vanilla iced sunflower
▼ Vanilla Ice Sunflower
(Vanilla Ice) [91]
Velvet Queen
(Velvet Queen)
An annual plant. This beautiful crimson sunflower can be up to 1.8 meters tall and produce 10-15 cm of flower discs. Growing birds like small seeds. [54]
Miss Sunshine Sunflower
Dwarf type sunflower variety, plant height 25-40 cm, full sunshine, no pollen, annual plant, temperature 18-25℃, imported from the United States. [92]
Yellow disc
(Yellow Disk)
The flower heads average 4 to 5 inches in diameter and reach up to 1.5 meters in height. The seeds are edible and feed birds.
The color is golden yellow, the bloom size is 15-30 cm, the flowering period is late summer to early autumn. [56]
Rain lotus sunflower
Rain lotus sunflower
Yuhe [93]
Music box
(Music box Sunflower)
Dwarf sunflower, plant branching, plant height 70-85 cm, flower diameter 10-12 cm. Blooming with brilliant yellow and cream colors, even red and yellow, the tongue flowers transition from beige to maroon, and the heart disc is black. Very cute; It was introduced in 1992. [55]
Black Swan
(Black Swan)
Black swan sunflower An annual herb with erect, round, angular stems and stiff white coarse bristles. Leaf blade broadly ovate usually alternate, apex acute or acuminate, basal 3-veined, margin coarsely serrated, both sides rough, hairy, long petiolate. Inflorescence capitulate, solitary at apex of stem or branch. Rectangular ovoid achenes, pericarp lignified, gray or black. Flowering period from July to September, fruit period from August to September [57]

Distribution range

Sunflower origin is believed to be North America . The wild species is mainly distributed in southern and western North America between latitudes 30° and 52° N, and in northern Peru and Mexico. Including: Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan); Mexico (Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Baja California, Zacatecas, Veracruz, Sinaloa, SAN Luis Potosi, Nayarit, Mexico State, Federal District of Mexico and Baja California do Sul); United States (Wyoming, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Washington, Virginia, Vermont, Utah, Texas, Tennessee, South Dakota, South Carolina, Illinois, Idaho, Georgia, Florida, District of Columbia, Delaware, Connecticut, Colorado, California, Arkansas Florida, Arizona, Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island). [69] [94]
Columbus When the New World was discovered, the Spaniards who sailed to America brought sunflowers to Europe. Start planting at the Botanical Garden in Madrid, Spain. It is cultivated all over the world. The European Union, Russia, Ukraine, Argentina, the United States, China, India and Turkey are the main producers of sunflowers on the world market. [62]
China's main sunflower production areas are mainly distributed in the provinces north of the Yellow River, and in northeast, northwest and North China, such as Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shanxi and other provinces and autonomous regions. The main producing area is between 35° and 55° north latitude. The difference in mean latitude is 1° and temperature is 1.5 °. The production potential of sunflower is great, and it can be expanded to southwest, Central and eastern China. [63]
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Growth habit


Growth cycle

The growing period of sunflowers refers to the number of days experienced from emergence to seed maturity, generally more than 85-120 days. The length of growing period varies with different varieties, sowing dates and cultivation conditions. The whole growth period of sunflower can be divided into four growth stages: seedling stage, bud stage, flowering stage and maturity stage. [58]
  • Seedling stage: from emergence to bud, called seedling stage. It usually takes 35-50 days and 28-35 days in summer. This period is the stage of leaf and flower primordium formation and floret differentiation. At this stage, the growth of the above-ground part is slow, and the root system of the underground part grows faster, and a strong root system is formed quickly, which is the stage with the strongest drought resistance of sunflower. [58]
  • Budding stage: The star body with a diameter of 1 cm appears on the top of the sunflower, commonly known as budding. From bud to bloom, it generally takes about 20 days, and it is a period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, and it is also the most vigorous stage in life. In this period, sunflower needs the most fertilizer and water, accounting for about 40-50% of the total fertilizer water. If the demand for water and fertilizer cannot be met in time, the production will be seriously affected. [58]
  • Flowering period: 75% of the plants in the field have tongue flowers open, that is, enter the flowering period. It usually takes 6-9 days for a disc to open from the tongue flower to the tube flower. From the second day to the fifth day is the full flowering period of the inflorescence. The number of blooms in these four days accounts for about 75% of the number of blooms. Flowers mostly open at 4-6 in the morning and pollinate and fertilize the next morning. Unfertilized branches can remain unwilted for 7-10 days. Sunflower self-pollination seed setting rate is very low, only about 3%, while cross-pollination seed setting rate is high. High temperature, more rain, high humidity, insufficient light, soil drought and so on will reduce the seed setting rate. Therefore, the setting rate can be improved by adjusting sowing time, timely fertilizing and watering, controlling pests and diseases, and taking measures such as releasing bees or artificial pollination. [58]
  • Maturity: from flowering to maturity, spring sowing 25-55 days, summer sowing 25-40 days. Different varieties have differences. About 15 days of flowering and pollination shield is the stage of seed formation. This period requires clear weather, large temperature difference between day and night and suitable soil moisture. [58]

Sunrise cause

Sunflower, because of the early growth of the top of the young plant and the middle of the young flower disc will follow the sun rotation very clearly. From the biological science analysis of sunflower sunward reason: sunflower from germination to flowering before this period of time, is sunward, its leaves and flower disc follow the sun from east to west during the day, but not immediately follow, botanists have measured that the direction of the flower disc behind the sun about 12 degrees, that is, 48 minutes. After the sun goes down, the sunflower tray slowly swings back, and at about 3 a.m., it faces east again to wait for the sun to rise. [59]
Plants are known to synchronize with the light around them. This is called Circadian rhythm . They are produced by the plant itself and are self-sustaining. There are different ways of how plants implement them and how they display them. Sunflowers have their own way, and that way they use certain hormones. Sunflower plants contain a hormone called auxin. these hormone Be sensitive to sunlight and look for shadows whenever possible. As a result, they migrate from sun-bathed parts of the plant to shaded areas in the stem. Once there, auxin stimulates cell growth. This causes the stems to become bulky in shaded areas, so the flowers curve in the opposite direction towards the sun. As the sun moves across the sky, auxin also continues to migrate to the shaded part of the stem, constantly making the shaded part more bulky by stimulating cell growth. This is how the sunflower continues to face the sun - constantly bending from the larger part of the stem. Mainly young flower heads, with this delay. This is because the young flowers have green "bracts" that basically look like bristles, and the leaves of the plant face towards the sun. The obvious reason for flowers to follow the sun at this stage is to maximize photosynthesis. [59]
The somatostatin of sunflower is backlit, so the stem on the backlit side grows faster, and the stem bends toward the light source. When exposed to sunlight, the content of auxin in the backlit side of the sunflower increases, stimulating the cells on the backlit side to lengthen and rotate toward the sun. After the sun goes down, auxin Redistribute the sunflowers back to the east. When the flower tray is in full bloom, it no longer turns toward the sun, but is fixed toward it The East . The pollen of sunflower is afraid of high temperature, if the temperature is higher than 30 ° C, it will be burned, so it is fixed to the east, which can avoid direct sunlight at noon and reduce the amount of radiation. However, exposure to sunlight in the morning helps dry the dew that accumulates at night, reducing the possibility of mold infestation; In addition, the morning temperature is low, and the sunlight makes the sunflower flower tray into a warm nest, which can attract insects to help pollinate. [59]

Planting technique

  • Selected Location: Sunflower root and stem aeration tissue developed, very waterlogging resistance. Cultivation should choose the land level, medium fertility, convenient irrigation and drainage, soil viscosity is relatively small plots, should not repeat cropping. The offspring are propagated by seed, and peat soil is suitable for sowing. Sowing seeds with new lipid film before sowing can repel underground pests, isolate virus infection and increase seed germination rate.
  • Plant: The sowing time of sunflowers is generally from March to April, the appropriate temperature for sowing is 18-25℃, and the germination is usually about 5-7 days after sowing. The basic principle of sowing date selection is to properly sow early or late according to the law of saline-alkali occurrence, so as to avoid the harm of saline-alkali seedlings. Spring sowing or summer sowing according to the growth period of varieties.
  • Chhaten: Sunflower is dicotyledonous crop, the top soil seedling more difficult, coupled with soil preparation, sowing quality is not high or after sowing rain surface soil, or disease, insects, mice, birds and other harm, are easy to cause the lack of seedlings and ridge. In order to ensure that the whole seedling is sown, it must be checked field by field and row by row at the seedling stage, and the missing seedlings must be replanted in time.
  • Final seedling: Sunflower cultivation should be thinned early to prevent seedlings from crowding, affecting the cultivation of strong seedlings, and even the future yield, as for saline-alkali land and insect-heavy plots, the seedling time can be appropriately delayed. At the same time, sunflower seedlings should be set early, which is conducive to the cultivation of strong seedlings and also conducive to the development of flower discs, and seedlings should be set at 2 true leaves.
  • Cultivation: Generally, two to three times of cultivation of sunflower can eliminate weeds and loosen soil, break down plat, conserve water, reduce evaporation, reduce salt and alkali damage, etc. The first tillage is combined with thinning and fixing seedling when the true leaves are set 1-2 times, the second tillage is carried out 1 week after seedling setting, and the third tillage is combined with ditching, soil cultivation and fertilization before ridging.
  • Topdressing: Sunflower prefers fertilizer, trenching topdressing is usually carried out in the third ploughing, mainly nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer, diammonium phosphate 5 kg per mu, urea 10 kg, mixed evenly into the soil. Soiling can effectively ensure the growth of secondary roots, prevent lodging, and reduce the base branches below the cotyledon nodes.
  • Watering: Sunflower is a crop that consumes more water, with tall plants, dense leaves and 1.74 times the water absorption of corn. However, because its growth and development are synchronized with local rain and heat, the contradiction between water supply and demand is not prominent, and the water requirements of different growth stages vary greatly. From sowing to budding water demand is not much, budding to flowering is the peak water demand, flowering to mature water demand is also more. Sunflower irrigation adopts trench irrigation, the general plant height of 1.5 meters varieties, the first water should be carried out in the bud stage, the second water in the first flowering stage, the third water in the grouting stage. For varieties with plant height of about 2 meters, the first water is carried out 4-5 days before flowering (severe drought, early irrigation), the second water is carried out 6-7 days after the first water, and the third water is carried out at the grouting stage.
  • Temperature: Sunflower is a temperature-loving and cold-resistant crop with strong adaptability to temperature and strong seed resistance to low temperature. The seeds with stable local temperature begin to sprout above 2 ° C, can germinate and take root at 4-5 ° C, and can meet the needs of seed germination and emergence when the ground temperature reaches 8-10 ° C. Sunflower in the whole growth process, as long as the temperature is not less than 10℃ can grow normally.
  • Illumination: Sunflower is a short-day crop, and its young leaves, leaves and flower discs have strong phototropism. There is plenty of sunshine. Seedling growth is robust, the middle growth stage can promote the growth of stems and leaves, normal flowering and pollination, improve the seed setting rate; The later stage of growth can promote the seed to be full and full. However, due to climate factors, the light intensity is affected, resulting in poor flowering and pollination, and the empty chaff rate increases. [61]

Primary value



Sunflower seeds contain protein, fat and a variety of vitamins, folate, iron, potassium, zinc and other essential nutrients. Sunflower seeds are rich in nutrition, delicious taste, is very popular leisurely snack. The shelled sunflower seeds can be cooked or used to make sweet foods such as cakes, ice cream and mooncakes.


Sunflower seeds, flower plates, stem pith, leaves, flowers, roots and so on can be used as medicine. Sunflower seeds taste sweet and flat, can be insect repellent and dysentery, while the seeds contain rich linoleic acid, so it has a certain lipid lowering effect. Seed oil can also be used as a base medicine for ointment. [95]
The whole plant medicinal, the root cure chest and hypochondriac gastric duct pain, urine and bowel obstruction, beating injury; Stem pulp can treat blood, urinary tract firming, chyluria, urination adverse; Leaves for bitter stomachic, treatment of hypertension; Inflorescence supports nourishing liver and kidney, reducing pressure, relieving pain, treating headache, dizziness, toothache, stomach and abdominal pain, women's menstrual pain, sores; Flowers can dispel wind and bright eyes, treat dizziness, facial swelling, can oxytocin; Fruit shell for tinnitus. [95]


The use of sunflower for oil extraction has important economic value, which can not only solve the problem of edible oil in some parts of China, but also promote the development of aquaculture and processing industry. Sunflower oil contains 70% linoleic acid, rich in vitamin E and carotene, and the melting point is low, can be melted at 17-27 ° C, does not contain harmful substances (cancer-making substances) erucic acid, is a high value of health oil, is also the first choice of international popular health oil. The oil cake from sunflower oil is an animal feed with high nutritional value and has been widely used in livestock and poultry breeding.


Sunflowers shaped like the sun, bright colors, simple and natural, full of vitality. Generally, it is planted in pieces, golden and dazzling when flowering, extremely spectacular and loved by everyone.


Japan Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant After the nuclear leakage accident, the Japanese government announced that a 20-kilometer area around the nuclear power plant was set as a no-enter "warning zone." Within the "warning zone", the intensity of radioactive radiation exceeds the normal standard by more than 1,000 times, iodine-131 and Cesium 137 Are the two most important radioactive substances. Iodine-131 has a half-life of 8.3 days, while cesium-137, a radioactive heavy metal, has a half-life of 30 years. The concentration of iodine-131 is likely to be gradually metabolized in the natural environment, and cesium-137 will be deposited in the soil for many years, causing lasting harm to people.
Faced with the difficult to metabolize cesium 137, the Japanese government has come up with a new countermeasure. In order to clean the soil of radioactive nuclear materials in the "alert area", sunflowers were planted. From germination to harvest, the use of green plants to remove pollution in the environment, or convert it into non-toxic substances, sunflower this function of soil repair, almost throughout its entire growth process. When it takes root in the soil and uses its roots to absorb nutrients, it is also a process of extracting, degrading, filtering, fixing or volatilizing harmful pollutants. The Japanese plan to grow sunflowers uses this technique.
In addition to strong resistance to metal pollutants, the enrichment of roots is the main reason why sunflower can absorb harmful pollutants. Under the huge flower tray and golden petals, the roots deep in the soil can absorb pollutants into the interior of the sunflower branches and store heavy metals inside, realizing the transfer of heavy metals "from bottom to top" and reducing the content of heavy metals in the soil. [64]

Protection level

Be included in Iucn Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) July 15, 2016 - No Danger (LC). [69]

Plant culture


Flower language

The words of the sunflower are faith, glory, pride, loyalty, love, which means silent love, representing the courage to pursue the happiness you want. Although the flowers of the sunflower are not so romantic as roses, not so pure as lilies, but the sunshine, bright, love is frank and open, love is never abandoned, with its own unique charm, and bloom not only love, but also the love of dreams and life. [65]


Van Gogh Sunflower :
The sunflower painting was by a Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh One of the most famous paintings. They were painted in Arles, southern France, in 1888 and 1889. This is a series of oil paintings with sunflowers in a vase as the main content. The works paint 3, 5, 12 and 15 sunflowers in a vase respectively, and a total of seven paintings are painted. And collected separately at:
Three Sunflowers in a Vase, August 1888 Now in private collection (USA)
Five Sunflowers in a Vase was destroyed in Japan during World War II in August 1888
Twelve Sunflowers in a Vase, August 1888, is now in the collection of the Neues Museum in Munich, Germany
Fifteen Sunflowers in a Vase, August 1888, is now in the National Gallery, London, England
Fourteen Sunflowers in a Vase (December 1888 - January 1889) is now in a museum in Japan
Fifteen Sunflowers in a Vase, January 1989, is now in the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands
Twelve Sunflowers in a Vase, January 1989, is now in the Philadelphia Museum [66]
Chang Xiufeng Sunflower
Chang Xiufeng, known to the world as "Van Gogh's grandmother", began painting in her 70s, but she is known as "the Van Gogh of rural China". One solo exhibition in Hong Kong, twice invited" A date with Lu Yu ". Famous French photographer Ruth Ben, Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou He has separate collections of her paintings. Chang Xiufeng said in the Phoenix TV program "Date with Lu Yu" on June 23, 2006: "If you ask me, the painting of Van Gogh (" The painting") Astral I can't understand it, but Van Gogh's sunflowers are not as good as mine. A sunflower cannot be put in a vase. Without water and soil, it will die." She was probably the first person in China to say no to Van Gogh, and she was a farmer. [67]


Thailand Middle part Waburi House Large tracts of sunflowers were in full bloom in the sun. The local is Thailand's largest sunflower growers, every year from November 1 to December 31, when the sunflower flowers are in full bloom, the "Sunflower Festival" is one of the famous attractions in Thailand. Since December 5 is Thailand's Father's Day, and the flower meaning of sunflower usually carries the meaning of "father love" and "respect", so sunflower is the main ornamental flower and gift flower for Father's Day. In the provinces of central Thailand, the golden sunflower fields stretch as far as the eye can see, and people can walk into any field without any admission fee or other fees. At this time of the year, the sunflower field is full of visitors, and everyone uses their free time to enjoy the flowers in the suburbs. The golden flower tray against the emerald green flower stems, coupled with the Thai blue satin sky, really gives people a beautiful enjoyment. Tourists can be seen everywhere in the field, and outside the field, villagers are selling goods related to sunflower: potted plants, pins, headdresses, wind chimes, flower arrangements... Unique workmanship, attracted a lot of visitors to buy. [98]
There are also sunflower festivals in many places in China:


  • Legend I : Cleutieux She's a sea goddess. She was Helios Helios But later Helios fell in love with the Persian princess Lucotohe. In a rage, Claudius denounced Leucotoeus's relationship with Helios to King Olkamus of Persia. Orkamus ordered his unfaithful daughter to be buried alive. When Helios learned of this, he broke off all relations with Clutieus. For days on end, the infatuated Clitius did not eat or drink, and watched Helios drive up and down in the sun chariot, wasting away until he turned into a sunflower (sunflower).
  • Myth number two: Critay It was a water fairy. One day she met the sun God who was hunting in the woods Apollo She was deeply fascinated by this beautiful God and fell madly in love with him. But Apollo went away without even looking at her. Kryta eagerly hoped that one day Apollo could talk to her, but she never met him again. So she could only look at the sky every day, watching Apollo driving the brilliant sun car across the sky. She kept her eyes on Apollo's journey until he came down the mountain. Every day, she just sat there, her hair disheveled and her face gaunt. At sunrise, she looked towards the sun. Then the gods took pity on her and turned her into a great golden sunflower. Her face became a disk of flowers, always turning toward the sun, following him daily, Apollo, and telling him of her unchanging love and affection. So the word of the sunflower is silent love.
  • Legend number three: In ancient China, there was a farmer's daughter named Minggu. She was simple, honest and pretty, but she was regarded as a thorn in the side of her stepmother, the female overlord, and was abused in every way. Once, because of a small matter, a word against the stepmother, angered the stepmother, use the whip to beat her, but a miss hit to come to persuade her own daughter, then the stepmother angry and hate, at night while the Ming aunt sleeping dug out her eyes. Minggu was in pain, broke the door and fled, and died soon after, after her death, a plate of bright yellow flowers opened on her grave, facing the sun all day long, it is sunflower. This legend inspires people to hate violence and darkness and to pursue light. The sunflower has flourished to this day. [65]

The national flower

before The Soviet Union People love sunflowers, and it is designated as The national flower . After the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Ukraine Still makes the sunflower the national flower of his country. Sunflower, the flower of longing for light, the flower of bringing good hope to people, its whole body is a treasure, and it selflessly dedicates itself to mankind. [68]

Related report

On October 17, 2020, Sunflower Sea, Bagua Zhou, Nanjing, China, emerged two black and purple parallel sunflower flowers, two flower plates grow together, sharing a stalk, rare to see, attracting many tourists to take photos. It is understood that the sunflower species found by tourists is black swan, which is originally from North America and is a short-day crop with low soil requirements and can grow on all kinds of soil. [97]
Black swan sunflower