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Communism is the ideological system and ideal social system of the proletariat. The word communism comes from the Latin word communis, meaning "communal." The term communism in English emerged in the 1830s. In 1848, K. Marx and F. Engels systematically expounded the basic principles of communism in the Communist Manifesto, which became the programmatic document of the Communist movement. The concept of communism includes three levels: communist thought, Communist movement and communist system. Communist thought is the ideological system of the proletariat, the communist movement is the revolutionary practice of the proletariat, and the communist system is the most ideal social system of mankind and the highest form of human social development. As an ideal social system, communism includes socialist society in the primary stage and communist society in the advanced stage. What is commonly referred to as communism is the higher stage of communism. At this stage, social products are extremely rich, people have a high degree of ideological consciousness, labor has become the first need of life, the three major differences between workers and peasants, urban and rural areas, mental and physical labor have been eliminated, and the distribution principle of "each according to his ability, distribution according to need" has been adopted. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Origin point
Initiation time
The 1840s
Major works
" Communist manifesto "
Port number
"Workers of the world, unite!"
Famous person
Marx , Friedrich Engels , Lenin , Stalin Etc.

Ideological system



Karl Marx
Marx made a thorough study of human history, economy and Science and technology The development of human society is based on material production, and the economic status of different people caused by the division of labor determined by the existing productive forces determines the social status of different people Economic relations Determines the shape of the entire society, law The superstructure, such as morality, is determined only by the economically dominant group.
To put it simply, human society is a group society, and in the management process of group society, people have a positive attitude towards Social resources The pattern of possession (or social distribution) can be roughly divided into three forms:" polarization That is, a small group of people occupy the vast majority of social resources, that is, the gap between rich and poor is very large, and a small group of people occupying the vast majority of social resources is the ruling class. " Relative equality That is, the wealth gap between the people in the whole society is not large, it is still a private ownership society, people's respective property is limited to a relatively uniform amount in the society, and the ruling class controls the distribution of social wealth. "Taking on demand" means that people jointly occupy social resources and extract them according to their own needs, that is, social resources have become shared resources, and there is no ruling class after private ownership.
Communism is a form of people's overall possession of social resources, or a form of distribution belonging to the society as a whole, that is, it is a form of public ownership in which people jointly occupy social resources, work together, and share the fruits of labor, so as to achieve the goal of the people being masters of the country.


The essential feature of communism is that the people can be masters of their own affairs, that is to say, democracy and freedom are Public ownership Social and Private ownership At the same time, the public ownership society is the advanced stage of human ideology, and the private ownership society is the lower stage of human ideology.


The realization of communist public ownership of society can be reasoned into two stages, the first of which is the implementation after the victory of the proletarian revolution Dictatorship of the proletariat (Lenin called this stage socialism), the purpose is to carry out the construction of socialist state ownership, that is, the transition from private ownership to state ownership, during this period, the dictatorship of the proletariat confiscates private property to the state and begins to implement the policy of high welfare, commodity economy and economic development Monetary economy Will gradually disappear; The second stage is the transition from state ownership to public ownership, and the victory of public ownership over the private ownership world, that is, the establishment and implementation of public ownership communities "each according to his ability and each taking what he needs" within a certain region, with the input of resources from the state. Because the superiority of "taking on demand" can greatly attract the "pay according to work" of the socialist and capitalist job responsibility system, that is, attract a large number of middle and lower class people and unemployed people, the loss of middle and lower class society leads to the disintegration and collapse of the class-based society. The public ownership community will rapidly expand and expand to the whole country and even to other private ownership countries until it defeats all the private ownership world.
As public ownership dominates the world, it merges all the previous national patterns similar to "vassal separation", and the elimination of the national pattern will naturally eliminate the functions of national governments and replace them with the functional organizations of public ownership society. Private property is a society with classes, and the government is the highest leading institution of class society, that is, the ruling class; The public ownership society is a classless society, and the function of the government is an open social organization that can penetrate into all fields of the society. Therefore, the government of public ownership is an open functional organization. Secondly, because the private ownership society is a class society, the government has the corresponding policy of fools and repress the people to continue to maintain the order of the social hierarchy of the state machine; However, there is no state in the public ownership society, so there is no state machine. In the public ownership society, people use open social resources according to needs, people have high quality and strong ability, and the ideology of the whole society is extremely high. In the private ownership society, the foolish policies and low-level social ideologies have long been eliminated.
Therefore, in the process of the revolution of communist public ownership, the first and second stages are the most acute periods of class struggle, and this sharpness is not only reflected in the war on the surface of society, Terrorist activity , revolt It is more reflected in the rulers from private society who worry about losing their ruling status and constantly buy, paralyze, cheat, fool, intimidate, threaten, and even suppress the middle and lower people, and finally make the middle and lower people submit to and obey the private ownership system.
When the public ownership society completely defeated the private ownership society, the state, government, commodity economy, money economy and so on completely disappeared. Finally, mankind began to fully enter the stage of communism. This time, society Public institution Very developed. No Urban-rural difference The difference in treatment between people and the social division of labor will completely disappear, everyone can get open education and medical care, transportation means, people no longer work 8 hours a day, five days a week like the private ownership society, in the "each according to his ability, each takes what he needs" society, with open social resources, people no longer pursue material life. Exploring the world has become people's first need. With the development of science and technology, people can meet the needs of quality life with low workload, all property belongs to all people, and the means of living are taken from each other. People enjoy the public welfare of the society equally from birth, and people can make full use of social resources to explore the universe mystery The mystery of life. People will not be limited by the division of labor, to reach the stage of "each according to his ability, each takes what he needs". in Communist society In China, anyone can have his or her own scope of activities and work in any sector according to the characteristics of his or her own development. Social public institutions regulate the whole production, and people with strong ability can voluntarily participate in more complex work. People will also participate in the function of social coordination according to the needs of society when they are mainly willing to work individually. "It makes it possible for me to do this today and that tomorrow as I please, to hunt in the morning, to fish in the afternoon, to herd in the evening, to criticize after supper, so as not to make me always a hunter, a fisherman, a herdsman or a critic." - Karl Marx


When we talk about communism, we have to mention Marx and Engels. Marx and Engels believed that the working class was without any Means of production The product of their Labour is appropriated by the bourgeoisie and paid only a fixed wage which is much less than the production of this Labour, and the bourgeoisie makes a profit by this act. And this behavior was discovered by Marx, who called it Surplus value . The proletariat is concentrated in large-scale industrial production, so it is the most organised and concentrated, and so the driving force of social progress comes from the proletariat. And the proletariat is the most popular in the world exploit The most oppressed, the lowest rank in society, are the most demanding. Therefore, the satisfaction of the demands of the proletariat is tantamount to the satisfaction of the demands of the whole society, and the liberation of the proletariat is tantamount to the liberation of all mankind. So in other words, communism is really the doctrine of the liberation of all mankind.
In 1871 Paris Commune After the failure. Marx revised his theoretical system for the first time. He believed that the experience of the Paris Commune showed that the proletariat could not simply seize power, but destroyed all existing institutions by violence. And was first elaborated later by Leninism The doctrine of the dictatorship of the proletariat is regarded as the fundamental position. The theory is Marxism As before Utopian socialism The difference.
Communism is realized through socio-political movements, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Put forward Communist manifesto Marx believed that communism could only be realized in a developed socialist society and that other social forms could not enter communism.
According to the Manifesto of the Communist Party, communism must be achieved through a long period of development, and the first step to achieve communism is to seize power through revolution, violence, and establishment Socialist country . In Marxist terms, the ruling and exploiting bourgeoisie, which is a minority of the population, will be replaced by the vast proletariat, which is a majority of the population and which has long been exploited and dominated. In Marxist theoretical works, this regime is called the dictatorship of the proletariat. Marxists believe that capitalism must perish and that society must advance to socialism and eventually to communism.


1) Realizing a society in which the people are masters of the country
(2) Replace the private ownership society with the public ownership society
Primary political purpose
To achieve democracy and freedom, that is, the people are in charge. When" October Revolution After the victory, the socialist state that implemented the dictatorship of the proletariat, after the completion of the nationalization of the means of production in society, did not continue to promote the construction of public ownership, due to the continued prolonged detention in the country centralization State ownership eventually led to the corrosion of the private ownership society and the failure of the communist cause.
Because the ruling class of the private ownership society is afraid of losing their dominant position, they will do everything possible to prevent the birth of the public ownership society. Once the public ownership society of "each according to his ability, each takes what he needs" is established, the private ownership system can be broken without attack. The sharp class struggle is often not reflected in the battlefield, but more reflected in the ideological struggle.
The second is mission and goal
The cause of communism is to establish a public ownership society in which "each according to his ability and each according to his need".
In a society of private ownership, no matter it is capitalism or socialism, people are in accordance with the principle of "pay according to work" in exchange for material necessities to sustain people's livelihood. The ruling class uses various forms such as labor employment system, contract system and post responsibility system to control and restrict people's needs and freedom, and people's social status is passive when they participate in social labor subordination And a large number of unemployed people are stuck out of work waiting for opportunities. Therefore, in a society of private ownership, the people cannot be masters of their own affairs, that is, there is no democracy, and without democracy there is no freedom.
The society of "each does his best, each takes what he needs" reflects a society in which the people are masters of their own affairs, which shows the attitude of the masters according to needs, and is also the economic security of the people as masters of their own affairs, and each does his best to show the social responsibility of the masters. This shows that democracy should be the people's masters of the country, and after the people are masters of the country, they can get rid of the subordinate labor and employment system shackles To be free. People are no longer afraid of losing their jobs, people are no longer afraid of losing their jobs in collusion, even people sell their souls for money.
The third is the means of implementation
The elimination of classes requires the elimination of the ruling class, and the ruling class has the violent machinery to suppress the people. It is therefore necessary to break down the violent machine of the ruling class through the class struggle, and then to participate together in the violent revolution to overthrow the ruling class through the dismantled violent machine.
In the whole process of building public ownership, we must always maintain the vigilance of class struggle, and to sum up the experience of the failure of the communist cause in the middle of the 20th century is to give up class struggle and not run the system of people's ownership. The failure of the former Soviet Union as the leader of communist countries can be proved that the democratic system of "from each according to his ability to each take what he needs" was not operated, so that the superstructure of the socialist centralized system was soon eroded by the corrupt ideology of the private ownership society, and ultimately led to the failure of the communist cause.


Class exists in a society of private ownership, and with class comes the ruling class and the ruled class. The reason why the ruled class obeys the social status of the ruling class is that the ruling class uses various culture of fools to cover the ruled class. It can also be said that the ideology of the ruling class is higher than that of the ruled class. Therefore, in a society of private ownership, people's ideology is often artificially controlled, resulting in the low-level ideology of the whole society. Its purpose is that the ruling class in order to enjoy more interests, while the vast majority of people desire the enjoyment of material life, people can only consume according to their limited private property.
In the public ownership society, there is no class, there is no ruling class and ruled class, without the existence of the ruling class, the fool culture has long been eliminated, and without the fool culture, people's understanding of things will have a relative unity (when there is not much wrong understanding, ideology is condensed into universality The ideology of human society has been unprecedentedly improved, and the open resources of society can improve the quality and ability of everyone in society. In a society without a hereditary public ownership system, people enjoy the social welfare of education, medical care, transportation and so on equally from birth, and the on-demand access provides the basis for material security for people. The rich material life enables people to get rid of the realm of material life as the first pursuit of people in the private ownership society, and the exploration of the mysteries of the universe has become the common desire of people. Therefore, the overall ideology of the society tends to be simple and clear, and the private ownership society has eliminated the complicated, fish-eyed and even black and white thinking of the ignorant people.
To put it simply and easily, the difference between public ownership society and private ownership society is social resources Open to the public The difference from control. Social resources are open to the use of the people, that is, public ownership of the society, that is, the people are masters of the country; Social resources are limited to the people's use, and there are limits Become privileged In this way, the ruling class has come into being to control and restrict the people's use of social resources, which needs to be controlled by the people, then there needs to be a control method, which also gives rise to a variety of excuses and a culture of fools, so that people have a variety of wrong ideas (that is, different opinions and ideas of popular people). When people realize that they don't know enough about things, they find that their education is not good enough, their knowledge is not broad enough, their judgment is not strong enough, and finally they complain about their private property is not enough, but they often fail to realize that they have been trapped in the circle by the ruling class, which is why the private ownership society can extend the history for thousands of years.


Humanity experienced the primal group and Blood family After the stage of development, the first social form - clan society, clan society is based on clan as a unit of life, clan is an organization composed of people with the same maternal blood, and marriage is prohibited within the clan. Two or more clans form a tribe. Clan society practices group marriage, in which all the men of each clan are the spouses of all the women of the other clan, and children "know their mother but not their father."
Primitive social village
Clan society Due to the backward production tools and extremely low social productivity, individual human beings can not survive, so they can only cooperate and obtain living materials mainly by hunting and gathering. On account of Means of subsistence Rarely, starvation of any member would bring disaster to the whole tribe, so distribution could only be made according to the minimum survival needs of each person, in the form of direct production and distribution within the clan, so there was no exchange of commodities (no archaeological evidence). Men generally engage in hunt Women are generally engaged in gathering, cooking, taking care of children and the elderly, mending clothes and other household chores, but in general there is no fixed division of labor, because the source of hunting is not stable, so gathering is the main source of food.
in Neolithic age Primitive agriculture and primitive animal husbandry appeared. All members of the clan share land and other means of production. Humans changed from a migratory life to a seasonal settlement. The form of marriage is also determined Communal marriage Become a dual family. The dual family consists of a man and a woman, but this family is a very loose cohabitation relationship, which can be broken up by either party at any time. Because agricultural technology was backward at that time, land fertility was quickly exhausted, so it did not exist Private ownership of land .)
The clan chief is periodically elected by the Clan Assembly, supervised by all clan members, and can be replaced at any time. The clan chief performs general coordination and leadership and does not have any special powers. Everyone's respect for the clan leader comes from the heart and is not maintained by any coercive force. "The authority of the whole gentile apparatus is not equal to that of a single policeman in civilized times." The governing body of the tribe is the tribal Council, which is composed of the leaders of each clan. But the most important decisions are made by all members of the tribe.
Human beings in the clan society have no hierarchical concept of high and low, no false morality of good and evil honor and disgrace, only the simple principle of equality and mutual benefit, the interests of the individual and the interests of the collective are basically the same, all disputes are resolved by the parties themselves, and all the customs have adjusted everything. There will be no poor and needy people, because the communist economy and the clans know their responsibility towards the elderly, the sick and the disabled. Everyone is equal and free, including women. Discrimination, slavery and oppression of others have never happened.
This social form, in which there is no oppression or slavery, no fixed division of labor or class differentiation, and in which all members of society share the means of production, is called "primitive communist society."
This society is not perfect, Clan system It was premised on the extreme undevelopment of productive forces, the extreme underpopulation of the vast area, and the domination of all clan members by forces of nature beyond their control. Finally this social system was broken by a powerful material force arising from within, and the prelude was opened to a new civilized class society full of predatory wars, brutal killings, unbearable servitude, and the most despicable and shameless deceit.


Viking raiding slaves
At the end of primitive society, metal tools were invented, productivity took a leap, handicraft industry was separated from agriculture, and it also appeared Commodity Exchange Land and other means of production were gradually distributed to individuals for use, resulting in an individual household economy.
Tribal warfare Captives in China were initially killed or joined as equal members of the victors' tribe, and since they were able to produce significant surplus products while satisfying their own survival needs, they became the original source of slaves.
Due to settlement Agricultural society Life allows women to bear more children, and metal plough agriculture and animal husbandry require greater physical strength, so men exclude women from social production and confine women to domestic work such as child rearing and sewing and food preparation, and their labor is compared with men's direct economic income in agriculture and animal husbandry. It becomes a kind of dependent private labor. Women's social status was gradually degraded and they became slaves to men.
patriarchy In order to ensure the inheritance of property and power to their true children, parents forbade all non-marital sexual activity by women. The man is not only the master of his wife, but also often owns multiple female slaves, which is the origin of the individual family system. The biggest difference between the individual family and the dual family is that the woman has no right to divorce, and she is completely reduced to the private property of the man and the commodity to be bought and sold. The emergence of the individual family represents the beginning of a historical era of male discrimination, persecution and enslavement of women. The enslavement of women by men was created at the same time as the original slavery.
Due to the emergence of the individual family economy and the internal polarization of the rich and the poor, the clan council gradually turned from an organization representing the interests of all members of society into a tool to safeguard the interests of the rich. At the end of primitive society, some tribes conquered other tribes through predatory wars, turning their members into slaves in large numbers, in which the gentile nobility further consolidated their power and turned public offices under the supervision of the people into hereditary titles. The armed forces of the whole people, composed of all the young men and women of the clan, became detached from practical productive Labour, subordinate only to the professional armies of a few nobles.
When the vast majority of the members of society need to spend all or almost all of their time engaged in heavy manual labor, while a few privileged elements specialize in science, art, production management, etc., there are inevitably two opposing "classes" in society. The privileged class engaged in intellectual labor owns the means of production and enslaves the class that does not own the means of production through the army, the police, the courts, the prisons, and other autocratic organs; this autocratic machine is called the "state." The state is the irreconcilable product of class contradictions, indicating that society is trapped in an irresolvable self-contradiction and can only force others to submit to a slave-like division of labor by violent means.
The state apparatus is an organ of professional power ostensibly above all the members of society, exercising its power through laws representing the will of the ruling class as a whole, which has nothing to do with the direct participation of all the members of society in decision-making Written law The clan society is completely different. As long as a society is divided into different classes, there must be an unsupervised and uncontrolled "public power" that keeps the whole society relatively stable by coercive means, and does not destroy all classes together through endless class struggle.
On the one hand, the ruling class maintains its dominance through violent means, and on the other hand, it fools the ruled through the spiritual means of "morality". Make them willingly submit to their rule. The dominant class calls what is in its own interest "justice" and "honor," and what is against its own interest "evil" and "shame."
This false morality often employs the most despicable double standard, demanding the unconditional subordination of the individual interests of the governed to the illusory collective interests (that is, the interests of the ruling class), even to the point of sacrificing individual lives.
The alternative to this class society, full of class antagonism, violence and deceit, can only be a union of free men. There, the free development of everyone will be the condition for the free development of all. The free world is a communist society. Although mankind has experienced class society for thousands of years, this era is, after all, only a very brief transitional phase in the overall history of mankind for millions of years. Only when human beings completely get rid of nature's enslavement to man and man's enslavement to man, human beings finally break away from the animal kingdom in a certain sense, and truly enter the living conditions of man from the "beast".


17th century The late bourgeois revolution opened a new era in human history and broke the division of mankind into rulers and rulers ruled Predestined by God.
For the first time, the bourgeoisie declared that all men are created equal and that everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The bourgeoisie negates with human rights theocracy Oppose with humanity godhead With science to break superstition, with the personality of the "freedom" and "liberation" to replace the medieval asceticism .
Capitalist society It is the end of class society, which has the great task of creating the material basis for the new communist world.
Marx and Engels Communist manifesto The historical period from the 19th century to the present is described as follows:
"Unless the bourgeoisie makes the instruments of production, and thus makes Relations of production So that all social relations are constantly revolutionized, otherwise they cannot survive. On the other hand, the preservation of the old mode of production intact was the first condition of existence for all former industrial classes. The constant transformation of production, the constant turbulence of all social relations, the perpetual uncertainty and change, this is what distinguishes the bourgeois era from all previous eras. All fixed old relations, with their corresponding respected ideas and opinions, are eliminated, and all newly formed relations become obsolete before they can be fixed. Everything that was fixed had vanished, everything that was sacred had been desecrated. People finally have to look at their position in life, their relationship with each other, with sober eyes.
The need to expand the market for their products drives the bourgeoisie around the globe. It has to settle everywhere, start businesses everywhere, make connections everywhere.
The bourgeoisie, by opening up the world market, has made production and consumption worldwide in all countries. No matter how much the reactionaries lament, the bourgeoisie has dug up the national foundation at the foot of industry. archaic National industry They were wiped out, and they're still being wiped out every day. They have been crowded out by new industries, the establishment of which has become a matter of life for all civilized peoples; These industries are no longer processing raw materials from local sources, but from extremely distant regions; Their products are consumed not only at home, but also around the world. Old needs, satisfied by the products of the country, are replaced by new needs, satisfied by the products of extremely distant countries and regions. The old state of local and national self-sufficiency and isolation has been replaced by the intercourse and interdependence of nations in all their aspects. This is true of material production, and the same is true of spiritual production. The spiritual products of each nation became public property. National one-sidedness and limitation became increasingly impossible, so that the literature of many national and local forms a world literature.
The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all the means of production, by the great ease of communication, has drawn into civilization all nations, even the most barbarous. The low price of its commodities is the heavy artillery with which it destroys all Great Walls and subjugates the most stubborn xenophobia of the barbarians. It compels all nations, if they do not want to perish, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; It forces them to impose on themselves the so-called civilized system, that is, to become bourgeois. In a word, it creates a world for itself in its own image." At the same time, its civilization products provide a super-high-speed platform for the evolution of human social system.
Capitalism is Industrial age It has the power to transform all feudal, religious and national entities, and it will produce a global civilization dominated by market forces. When the proletariat recognizes the nature and trend of capitalism and gets rid of patriotism, nationalism After the interference, workers all over the world will spontaneously think about their own reasons for existence and choose the occupation they want to engage in.


Principles of communism
Engels once specifically discussed the principles and conditions for the realization of communism, namely, the Principle of Communism, which is excerpted as follows:
The proletarian revolution will establish a democratic state system and thereby, directly or indirectly, the political rule of the proletariat. It could be established directly in England, where the proletarians were already the majority of the people. It can be established indirectly in France and Germany, because the majority of the people in these countries are not only proletarians, but also small farmers and farmers Small bourgeois The small peasants and petty bourgeoisie are in the transitional phase of their transformation into the proletariat; they are increasingly dependent on the proletariat for the realization of all their political interests, and they will soon accede to its demands. This may require a second struggle, but it can only end in the victory of the proletariat.
Democracy is of no use to the proletariat unless it is immediately used as a means of imposing further and direct encroachment on private property and measures guaranteeing its survival. The principal measures which have arisen as a necessary consequence of existing relations are as follows:
(1) Use Progressive tax , High estate tax Cancel collateral relatives (brothers, nephews, etc.) Right of inheritance , compulsory Government loan To restrict private ownership.
(2) Progressively disenfranchise landowners, factory owners, railway owners, and ship owners, partly by means of competition in state industry, partly by means of direct redemption with paper money.
(3) Confiscation of the property of all exiles and rebels who oppose the majority of the people.
(4) The organization of Labour or the employment of the proletarians in the State farms, factories, and workshops will eliminate competition among the workers and force the remaining factory owners to pay wages as high as those of the State.
(5) The same system of compulsory Labour shall be applied to all members of society until private property is completely abolished. The establishment of industrial armies, especially in agriculture.
(6) Centralization of the credit system and the financial sector in the hands of the state through national banks with state capital. Eliminate all private banks and bankers.
(7) With the increase of capital and workers owned by the State, increase the number of state factories, workshops, railways, and ships, reclaim all wasteland, and improve the soil of cultivated lands.
(8) All children, from the time they are able to leave the care of their mothers, are educated in State facilities at the expense of the State. Combine education with production.
(9) Construction of buildings on state land as public housing for civil communes. The commune would be engaged in industrial and agricultural production and would combine the advantages of the urban and rural ways of life, avoiding the one-sidedness and disadvantages of both.
(10) Demolish all unsanitary and badly built dwellings and urban areas.
(11) Opposition to the bourgeois system of marriage and inheritance (because the bourgeoisie deprived the proletarians of their marriage rights, children born out of wedlock should have equal inheritance rights under the capitalist system; When the proletarians seized power, a marriage system of equality for all had been established, and there was no problem of illegitimate children).
(12) Concentrate all transport in the hands of the state.
(13) It has a highly complete legal mechanism.
Realization condition
Naturally, all these measures cannot be carried out at once, but they will be carried out one after the other, as soon as Private ownership As soon as a violent attack is launched, the proletariat is forced to move on and concentrate more and more of all capital, all agriculture, all industry, all transport and all exchange in the hands of the State. All the above measures are for this purpose. The Labour of the proletariat will give rise to a great increase in the productive forces of the state, and with this increase the possibility of the realization of these measures and the degree of centralization which will follow will increase accordingly. Finally, when all capital, all production, and all exchange are concentrated in the hands of the State, private property will perish, money will become useless, production will increase so much, man will change so much, that even the last forms of intercourse of the old society will disappear.
The Communist revolution cannot take place in one country alone, but the fact that big industry has created a world market has bound the peoples of the globe, and especially the civilised peoples, so closely together that the people of each country are affected by what happens in the other. Moreover, mass industry has made the social development of all civilized countries so much the same that in all these countries the bourgeoisie and the proletariat have become the two decisive classes in society, and the struggle between them has become the main struggle of the day. Therefore, the Communist revolution will not be a revolution in just one country, but a revolution that will take place simultaneously in all civilized countries, at least in England, America, France and Germany, and in each of these countries the speed of the communist revolution will depend on whether the country has more developed industry, more wealth and more productive forces. Thus the communist revolution was the slowest and most difficult to achieve in Germany, and the fastest and easiest in England. The Communist revolution will also greatly affect the other countries of the world, will completely change and greatly accelerate their original course of development. It is a world revolution, so there will be world venues.
Communist society will be the return on a higher material basis of the spirit of freedom, equality and fraternity of the ancient clan society. Mankind will truly control its destiny and move from the world of necessity to the world of freedom. The essence of communism is human liberty Comprehensive development."
Historical conditions of communist society
22 century human society in science fantasy
1. Social productivity is highly developed and technology is extremely advanced flourishing Labor productivity has increased unprecedentedly, labor time has been greatly shortened, and social products have been greatly enriched.
(2) All private labor and small-scale production are replaced by socialized mass production, the means of production are shared by all members of society, and commodities and money disappear.
3. All men are created equal, eliminating differences between workers and peasants, between urban and rural areas, Mental work and Manual labor The discrimination difference.
4. Due to the change of production mode, the old Social division of labor The demise of every member of society will be free and fully developed.
5. The whole society has planned mass customized production according to the needs of different people.
6. Practice each to the best of his ability, Distribution on demand Principle. (This refers to "human needs as the sole basis for the distribution of the product of Labour" rather than the ability to satisfy any desire of all at will.) However, the principle of distribution according to need depends on people's ability to contribute.
(7) Without classes, the "enslavement of man" would be replaced by the "management of things," and the state apparatus would wither away. Although the state apparatus has disappeared by itself, the organs for punishing crime (police, prisons) still exist.
(8) With the demise of all economic oppression and slavery, all the unequal moral values and religions of class society die out.
(9) With the demise of the individual family, sexual relations will become a purely private matter without social interference, and the upbringing and education of minors will become entirely social Public service . (The family is essentially an individual economic unit Agricultural society China is both a living unit and a production unit, bearing various functions such as education and old-age care. With the development of capitalist large-scale industry, its functions are gradually replaced by various social institutions and public services, so the modern family size becomes smaller and more and more unstable, and eventually completely dies out in communist society.
10. The population should be kept within a limited number.


The Communist League was the first proletarian party and for the first time uttered the slogan: "Workers of the world, unite!"
Friedrich Engels
Marx and Engels devoted themselves to Scientific socialism Combine theory with practice of the labor movement. At the beginning of 1846, the Communist Communication Committee, established in Brussels, prepared both ideologically and organizationally for the establishment of a proletarian revolutionary party. The Communist League, founded in London in June 1847 by the League of the Just, with the German workers as the main body and the participation of workers from Britain, France, Belgium and other countries, was the first proletarian revolutionary party in the world with scientific socialism as its guiding ideology. Its establishment marked the birth of the international Communist movement. Published in February 1848 Manifesto of the Communist Party "Workers of the world, unite!" The revolutionary party of the proletariat has a clear theoretical and practical programme which guides the victorious advance of the international communist movement.
In 1848, bourgeois democratic revolutions took place in many European countries. In France, where the class struggle was particularly acute, the proletariat acted as the main force of the July Dynasty, which overthrew the dictatorship of the financial aristocracy, armed against the bourgeoisie and sought its own liberation. The Paris Workers' June Uprising of 1848 was the first great battle between the two antagonistic classes of modern society. Members of the Communist League took an active part in the revolutions of 1848 in Europe. in Prussia Planned by the reactionary government in October-November 1852 The Cologne Communists trial And then, according to Marx, Communist league It was dissolved in November 1852.
First International
The 1860s saw a resurgence of the European Labour movement. The first international association of the proletariat, the International Workers' Association (i.e First International It was incorporated in London on 28 September 1864. Marx was one of the founders of the First International and its de facto leader. The proletariat of various countries united on a wider scale, and the influence of the communist movement extended from Western Europe to more than a dozen countries in Eastern Europe and the Americas. The First International laid the foundation of the international proletarian struggle for socialism. Marx and Engels criticized various erroneous thoughts and factions. In the same place Proudonism And Bakuninism opportunism In the struggle of factions, and in the course of criticizing the erroneous views and tendencies of the British Trade Unions, the French Blanquists, and the German Lassalalites, Marxism won the support of more and more working masses and socialists, and gradually established its dominant position in the international workers' movement. The revolution of the Paris Commune in 1871 (1792-1794) was the first heroic attempt by the proletariat to overthrow the rule of the bourgeoisie, establish a new type of democratic state and implement the dictatorship of the proletariat in human history. 1865 First International headquarters moved to New York, USA. The First International has held five congresses and two congresses. After the failure of the Paris Commune Revolution, the international workers' movement is being persecuted by reactionary forces in various countries and is being subjected to manas. Bakunin The destruction of the molecule is in a very difficult situation, and the organizational form of the First International is no longer adapted to the new situation and tasks. On the advice of Marx, it was disbanded in July 1876 during the American Congress in Philadelphia.
The proletarian regime established by the Parisian workers and other working people after the revolution of March 18, 1871. The first attempt in world history to overthrow the rule of the bourgeoisie and introduce the dictatorship of the proletariat. He was eventually hanged by the bourgeois government. After the defeat, the government forces carried out a bloody massacre against the people of Paris, according to statistics, a total of 29,804 people were killed, 72,941 people were killed in the battle, 60,971 people were sent to prison or exile.
The Paris Commune expressed the proposition that "freedom consists in transforming the state from an organ exalted over society into an organ wholly subordinate to it" (Marx, p. Critique of the Gotha Program "). It shows the basic principles of the dictatorship of the proletariat: separation of powers, autonomy, people's supervision and freedom of thought.
The commune shall implement universal suffrage and the committee system, set up the commune assembly, reform the organs of the dictatorship, and abolish the bureaucracy; The commune implemented certain reforms of a socialist character in the areas of ownership, distribution, management, and labor legislation. Establish and implement workers' cooperatives Labor security Debt relief; announce Separation of church and state To carry out educational reform and launch Feminist movement ; Build up Non-governmental organization Exercise civic autonomy.
Second International
After the 1870s, the world situation and the international workers' movement changed dramatically. Capitalism evolved peacefully over a period of time from a stage of free competition to Monopoly capitalism That is, the transition of the imperialist phase. The task of the proletariat in all countries in the new historical period is to build independent proletarian parties, to accumulate and train the forces of the class, and to prepare for the socialist revolution in the future.
On July 14, 1889, under the initiative of Engels, the International Socialist Congress attended by 393 delegates from 22 countries was held in Paris, creating a new international organization of the proletariat, the Second International. The Second International, especially its early period (1889-1900), played an important role in organizing, accumulate Revolutionary forces, unite and educate the working class; To accumulate experience in parliamentary struggles and fight against capitalism and militarism; Spread Marxism, purge anarchism Influence; strengthen internationalism A lot of work has been done in the areas of solidarity, promoting the international workers' movement and Socialist movement The development of...
The third International
The third International namely Comintern It was established in March 1919 under the leadership of Lenin, and its headquarters were located in Moscow .
The Third International was founded in 1919, in Moscow, after the Russian proletariat had successfully revolutionized and established the Soviet government. The original name of the Third International is the Communist International, which is different from the original name of the Second International, the Workers' International. When the Third International was founded, almost all the branches of the countries were from Second International When the original sections split off, that is to say, the revolutionaries in the Second International developed into the Third International, formally abandoning reformism and calling for it World revolution .
In July 1922, the Second Communist Party of China decided to join the Communist International and become a branch of it, and for a long time the Third International became the de facto leader of the CCP, and the CCP received assistance from the Third International.
In 1925 and 1926, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) twice applied to join the Communist International and was rejected.
On May 15, 1943, the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, in order to adapt to the development of the anti-fascist war and to take into account the complexity of the struggle situation in each country and the need for the Communist Parties of each country to deal with the problems they face independently, made a decision on the proposal to dissolve the Communist International. On May 22 of the same year, the decision was announced to the world. On June 10 of the same year, given that the Comintern had been created in part to oppose the Allies, and that the United States had become a very important target for the Soviet Union to woo against Fascist Germany, the Executive Committee of the Comintern decided to formally disband the Comintern.


Due to the influence of various ideological trends in history, people have no idea Communist theory There are many errors and distortions, and many points need to be clarified and clarified.
(1) The theory of communism is not moral, still less religious, and it is not carried out by any spiritual means Ideal society Only it would fantasize about substituting "moral and spiritual" for real material interests. On the contrary, a communist society will destroy all the slave moral and religious opium of class society and aspire to establish "heaven on earth."
(2) Communist society, by abolishing the old social division of Labour and thereby abolishing divisions and antagonisms within the same society, makes it neither necessary nor possible to maintain a social system in which the minority enslaves the majority.
3. There is only conflict of interests between people without cooperation and mutual benefit metaphysics Communist society will never deny individual interests under the pretext of collective interests, much less extinguish human desires. Only a class society can build the wealth and freedom of one part on the suffering, repression and unconditional sacrifice of another.
4. The essence of communism is the free and comprehensive development of the human person; it is by no means intended to destroy the human personality, but to enable the full development of the freedom and capacity of every individual.
5. Communism does not attempt to explain the nature of human beings, but to study people in each social form and interpret the attributes given to people by society. Communist society completely changes the social attributes of people in society by changing the mode of production.
6. Communist theory is one Practical materialism The realization of economic theory has nothing to do with people's beliefs. The realization of communist society is only the inevitable result of the progress of the productive forces and the corresponding mode of production.
(7) Scientific communism does not attempt to paint a rosy picture of future society, but only to show, from the point of view of political economy, that the antagonistic movement of the basic contradictions in modern society must lead to a new social formation.
(8) Communist "communism" does not deprive the small peasant or producer of the wealth created by his own labor; with the development of capitalist large-scale industry, this individual production has long been replaced by socialized production, and the means of production have become concentrated in the hands of a very small number of monopoly capitalists. Capitalism is the plunder of the many by the few, while communism is the plunder of the few by the vast majority of the proletarians. The destruction of private property depends only on the development of the productive forces, and only on the premise that the mode of production itself has been highly socialized can it be eliminated and the communist system of real ownership by the whole people be realized.
9. Distribution according to need refers to the actual needs and needs of people as the basis for distribution, not to satisfy any desire of people at will. (See the encyclopedia entry" Distribution on demand Needs can be met and must be met in an ideal society.


That is, the morality of the proletariat, which reflects the interests and demands of the proletariat and the working people, which is the noblest morality in human history. In opposition to all exploiting classes. Its essential feature is the revolutionary spirit of collectivism wholeheartedly serving the people, requiring people to have a firm proletarian revolutionary will, to subordinate individual interests to the interests of the communist cause, to build their own happiness on the basis of sharing the happiness of others, to devote themselves to the struggle for the liberation of all mankind, and to save themselves in the struggle, and to eliminate all systems of exploitation and private ownership. It requires people, in the process of realizing the cause of communism, to have the noble quality of selflessness, self-sacrifice and love of labor and working people, with a thorough revolutionary spirit and a strict scientific attitude. The cultivation and improvement of the communist moral character of the whole people is an important condition for the development of the socialist cause and the transition to communist society.


Conscientiously work for the society under the guidance of communist ideology. Characterized by no pay, no conditions, etc. In a socialist society, the working people become the masters of society. Under the education of the Party of the proletariat, the political and ideological consciousness of the working people has been continuously raised, their enthusiasm and creativity have been brought into play in collective Labour, and a communist attitude towards Labour has begun to appear in some of the pioneers. With the great enrichment of social products and the great improvement of the communist ideological consciousness and moral character of the entire people, when they have reached the advanced stage of communism, labor will become the first need of life, and this attitude toward labor will become universal.

Communist outlook on life

The communist outlook on life is Proletarian outlook on life It is the proletarian's fundamental view of the purpose and meaning of life Proletarian worldview The philosophy of life of the proletariat is fundamentally different from that of all the exploiting classes in history. It is determined by the economic status and social conditions of the proletariat, it is formed and developed in the long practice of revolution and construction on the basis of the social conditions created by modern large-scale industry, under the guidance of Marxist theory and its world outlook. It scientifically answers questions such as why people live, what is the meaning of life, how people should spend their life, and what kind of person they should be. The Communist outlook on life is the most progressive, the most scientific, the most noble and the greatest outlook on life in human history. Its basic characteristics are: (1) To liberate all mankind and finally realize communism as the goal and the highest ideal, and strive to achieve this lofty goal. (2) To collectivism as the core, to wholeheartedly serve the people as the purpose of life, its essence is selfless. (3) Take revolutionary optimism as an attitude towards life. To be optimistic and heroic in dealing with all kinds of problems in life. The Communist outlook on life is a great spiritual force. Once it is formed, it must transform reality in its own way, benefit mankind and make its due contribution to the realization of the great goal of communism.
What is called Communist outlook on life That is, the Communist world view is used to observe, analyze and deal with life problems, it is Marxist world outlook Understanding the embodiment of life problems.


The first to Scientific socialism For the guiding ideology of the international proletarian party. Right against League of the Just On the basis of fundamental transformation. The League of the Just was a secret revolutionary organization of German workers and artisans founded in the 1830s. Moore invited K. Marx and F. Engels to join him and decided to reorganize the league according to their ideas. The first congress was held in London in June 1847 to establish the Communist League, draw up a constitution, and adopt a "Communist League". Workers of the world unite The internationalist slogan of "All men are brothers" replaced the old slogan. The second Congress was held in London from November 29 to December 8 of the same year to examine and approve the Constitution, which clearly stated that the purpose of the League was to overthrow the bourgeoisie, establish the rule of the proletariat, abolish the old bourgeois society based on class antagonism and establish a new society without classes and private ownership. The Congress entrusted Marx, Friedrich Engels Drafting the alliance platform, there it is The International Communist Movement The first programmatic document was the Communist Manifesto.
" Communist manifesto In 1848, a revolutionary storm swept Europe. In order to meet the needs of the struggle, a new Central Committee headed by Marx was established in Paris in early March 1848 and formulated German revolution "The Demands of the Communist Party in Germany" and organized Allies to return to Germany to participate in the revolution. Marx and Engels returned to Germany in April. In June the Neue Rheinische Zeitung was founded in Kolen, which became the guiding centre of revolutionary activity under the prevailing conditions. In the autumn of 1849, League leaders reassembled in London and gradually resumed their activities. In March 1850, Marx and Engels drafted the Letter of the Central Committee to the Communist League, proposing the task of establishing an independent workers' party. In the summer of the same year, Marx and Engels re-analyzed the situation and advocated the long-term accumulation of forces to prepare for a new revolutionary upsurge. In A.v Villy A minority, led by Hiss and K. Schaper, advocated an immediate revolution. In September, the alliance finally split. At Marx's suggestion, the central authority of the League was transferred to the Corun District Committee. After May 1851 The Cologne Communists trial It happened. The alliance was destroyed. The League was dissolved on 17 November 1852.

Social system

The most ideal social system of mankind develops in two stages, socialism in the primary stage and communism in the advanced stage. Commonly referred to as communism, it refers to the higher stage of communism. At this stage, productive forces are highly developed, social products are extremely rich, people have a high degree of ideological awareness, labor has become the first need of life, the three major differences have been abolished, communist public ownership has been implemented, and the principle of distribution is "from each according to his ability, according to his needs."