Quaternary glacial period

Glacial age
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Also known as the "Quaternary glacial period". The climate cooled at the end of the Tertiary period, quaternary Early, cold Climatic zone Migration to the middle and low latitudes led to the extensive development of ice sheets or glaciers in the high latitudes and mountains. This period began about 2 to 3 million years ago and ended about 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. It's huge. At the southern edge of the European Ice Sheet, it can reach about 50° N latitude. in North America The front of the ice sheet extends south of 40° N; Antarctica The ice sheet was much larger than it is today. Including those near the equator Mountain glacier and Piedmont glacier All once extended down to a lower position. [1]
Chinese name
Quaternary glacial period
Foreign name
Quaternary glaciation
Glacial age
World form
The Earth's surface is covered with massive glaciers
Important mark
Global temperatures are cooling dramatically

Basic introduction


Ice age

An ice age is when the Earth's surface is covered with massive glaciers Geological time , also known as Glacial age . Between the two ice ages was a relatively warm period called Interglacial period . There have been many ice ages in Earth's history, such as the most recent quaternary The ice Age.


The most important symbol of the ice age period is the global temperature cooling, the formation of large areas of ice sheets and ice sheets in the middle and high latitudes (including the polar regions) and the high mountains Mountain glacier . As water moves from the ocean to the ice sheet, Continental ice sheet Expanding and thickening, causing sea level to drop significantly. Therefore, the climate during the prevailing ice age was dry and cold. The presence of ice sheets and changes in land and sea conditions, Climatic zone Changes in atmospheric circulation and ocean currents directly affect the growth, evolution and distribution of plants and animals.

Basis of division

Cenozoic former The Great Ice Age Recognizable because of its age Glacial remains It is scattered and incomplete, and the degree of research is also poor. Nowadays, it is mostly based on the mixed moraines with glacial scratches in the strata, chert nodules in the shale and bedrock chassis with glacial scratches. The glacial remains of the Cenozoic glaciation are generally intact, especially the late Cenozoic glaciation, for example, the sedimentary continuity is good Abyssal deposit Rock core, loess, etc., can record the global climate and environmental changes more completely. Since the 1970s, researchers have used oxygen isotope analysis, radiometric dating and paleomagnetic methods to recover and reconstruct the global climate changes of the late Cenozoic era Depositional environment As an important basis for the division of ice age. In addition, organisms containing Marine organisms, mammals, and fossil plant palynes stratigraphy , Geomorphic analysis Sedimentary petrology and paleosol methods are also often used as the basis for studying the late Cenozoic environment and the division of ice ages.

Situation in our country

Western China The division of ice ages in alpine areas has been well recognized for better study Himalayas Mount Everest District north slope for example, quaternary Ice ages are divided into:
a. Basis Shishapangma Peak The old moraine platform near the north slope was established early Pleistocene the Shishapangma Ice age
b. Based on the ice-water moraine deposits of Nieixiongla Plateau on the west side of Qomolangma The Middle Pleistocene The Nynyishongla Glacial period.
c. in flannel In the valley Keelung The ruins of the conglomerate group near the temple and the Rongbu Temple upstream Terminal moraine Ridge separation Late Pleistocene The early Keelung Temple stage and the later Rongbuji stage constitute the late Pleistocene Mount Everest Ice age, some scholars have divided these two stages into two independent ice ages.
With regard to Eastern China The question of Quaternary glaciation is still under debate. In 1944, Li Siguang used Lushan Mountain as a model to divide the Quaternary ice age in eastern China from old to new into Poyang, Dagu, Lushan Ice Age In addition, the last ice Age proposed by H.von Fishman in 1937 Dali glaciation The Quaternary glacial series in eastern China was established. Some Chinese and foreign scholars have been holding different opinions on this. In the early '80s, seya Etc proposed, divided Mount Taibai , Changbai Mountain There are high mountains above 3,500 meters above sea level, such as the main peak area and the Central Mountains of Taiwan Fourth glacial remains In addition, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Guilin, Guangxi , Hubei Shennongjia , West mountain of Beijing , the Northeast The Greater Khingan Mountains There is no reliable evidence of ancient glaciers. Eastern China And the west in the Quaternary glacial period of the form is not the same, the eastern region does not have the development of Mountain glacier The water, heat and terrain conditions were only in a period of relatively cold climate. The eastern ancient glacial remains confirmed by Li Siguang are not of glacial origin, such as debris flow accumulation mistaken for moraines. Except the Dali glaciation, the Quaternary glaciation series in eastern China are all lacking in basis.
Quaternary glaciers in China
China Quaternary glacier It was Li Siguang who first worked in 1922 Taihang Mountains Dongluji Shanxi Datong Found in the basin, the range of glaciers includes the northeast Changbai Mountain, Great, Lesser Khingan Mountains Laoshan Mountain in the north and northwest, Mount Taishan Huashan Mountain, Taibai Mountain, Qinling Mountains Wutai Mountain, Taihang Mountain, Luliang Mountain, Yinshan Mountain The mountains and plateaus of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Tibet in the south also spread to the eastern mountains and are often tilted towards the ice tongue Foothill plain Overflow. This glacial period can be divided into four sub-glacial periods and three sub-glacial periods Interglacial period And an ice post. During the largest ice age, 32 percent of the world's continents were covered by glaciers, and a large amount of ice remained on the continents, causing sea levels to drop by about 130 meters. Primitive humans are here quaternary During the glacial and interglacial climate changes, modern humans developed.
We say that we are now in the Quaternary glacial period, in fact, the Quaternary glacial period in the climate has also been a great change, there have been several sub-glacial and sub-interglacial periods, the change time is as short as thousands of years, as long as tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years.
In the early 20th century, geologists based Alps The data of the region determined that there were four sub-glacial periods. These are the Qunzhiya, Mindeya, Lisya and Wumuya glaciations, and in between these subglaciations are subglaciations Interglacial period . Later, corresponding subglacial periods were also found in Northern Europe, North America, Asia and other places. The corresponding sub-glaciations in China are: Poyang Sub-glaciation, Dagu Sub-glaciation, Lushan Sub-glaciation and Dali Sub-glaciation.
in quaternary During the Great Ice Age, there were still cold and warm changes. During cold periods, the snow line drops in height, Glacial advance Minde (Dagu in China) and Lishan (Lushan) had the largest glacial scale, and Qunzhi had the smallest glacial scale. During the warm period, the temperature rises, the snow line height rises, the glacier recede, and there is a subinterglacial period. Minde Yilis (Dagu - Lushan) subinterglacial period lasted for 170,000 ~ 180,000 years. During the Quaternary glacial period, the temperature at high latitudes dropped sharply, resulting in the formation of permanent ice sheets in the polar regions. During the subglacial period, the glacier stretched all the way to mid-latitude It retreated to higher latitudes during the subinterglacial period.
According to scientific research findings, from Asia Interglacial period During the transition to the subglacial period, the climate often follows a gradual pattern with no clear boundary. During the transition from subglacial period to subinterglacial period, the climate is often in abrupt form, and there is a clear correlation between the two Demarcation line . Scientists call it a termination line. A terminating line appeared around 11,000 years ago, during the interglacial period, the climate changed from cold to warm.
In the Quaternary glaciation, why is there a subglacial and subinterglacial alternation?
In accordance with Yugoslavia climatologist Milankovich The theory, proposed in the 1930s, was due to Earth orbit The three elements are caused by natural small fluctuations. The three elements of the Earth's orbit are the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, the tilt of the Earth's axis and the position of the equinox.
The earth goes round the sun The orbit is an ellipse with the sun at one of the focal points of the ellipse. In this way, the earth is in different positions of the orbit, the distance from the sun is not the same, and the solar radiation energy obtained is different, such as winter at perihelion, summer at aphelion, winter is cold and long, summer is hot and short. The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit is currently 0.017, but eccentricity can vary from 0.001 to 0.054. It fluctuates every 96,000 years. Changes in eccentricity Sun-earth distance And thus affect Solar radiation intensity Causing changes in the earth's climate.
The position of the Earth in the Earth's orbit at the vernal equinox will affect the beginning and end of the seasons, as well as the timing of perihelion and aphelion. The position of the Earth at the vernal equinox moves slowly westward along the Earth's orbit, and about every 21,000 years, the position of the vernal equinox moves once in the Earth's orbit. The Spring Equinox is delayed by one day every 70 years. Today, summer in the northern Hemisphere is far away, and it is eight days longer than winter. After about 10,000 years, it will become winter and winter will be eight days longer than summer. In other words, the winter that is not too cold and short will become a cold and long winter.
Track tilt also known as The intersection Angle of the yellow Is the reason for the four seasons on Earth. Ground track inclination The changes that will lead to Regression line and Polar circles The latitude of the Earth changes, thus changing the seasons on the Earth. The tilt of the earth orbit causes the regression line to vary between 22.1° and 24.4°, and the polar circle to vary between 67.9° and 65.76°. fluctuant Time cycle 41,000 years. When the inclination of the earth orbit increases, the latitude of the tropic line increases and the polar latitude decreases Total solar radiation Increase, winter cold and summer heat, The temperature varies from year to year The annual total solar radiation at lower latitudes decreases with the increase. When the inclination of the earth orbit decreases, the high latitude is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the annual temperature difference decreases, and the lower summer temperature is more conducive to the development of glaciers. [2]


The global impact of the ice age was significant.
① The presence of large ice sheets has changed Surface water body The distribution of... On the evening of Cenozoic During the Great Ice Age, the water in the hydrosphere concentrated on the land and caused the global sea level to drop by about 100 meters. If all of today's surface ice were to melt, global sea levels would rise by 80 to 90 meters, flooding many of the world's largest cities and lowlands.
The thickness of the large ice sheet during the ice age was thousands of meters, so that the local crust was under great pressure and slowly fell, and some were pressured by 100 to 200 meters. Antarctic continent Its base was lowered below sea level. Nordic quaternary As the ice caps disappear, the Earth's crust slowly rises. This isostasy is still going on today.
(3) The ice age changed the distribution of the global climate zone, and a large number of warm-loving plant and animal species became extinct.


Scholars have put forward various explanations, but no satisfactory answer has been obtained so far. In summary, there are mainly astronomy and geophysics Cause theory. [3]

Astronomical origin

It mainly considers the relationship between the sun, other planets and the Earth.
The periodic variation of the sun's luminosity affects the Earth's climate. When the sun's luminosity is in a weak change, the amount of radiation decreases, the earth becomes cold, and even an ice age climate occurs. Milan Kovic believes that the decrease in the amount of solar radiation during the summer half of the year is a possible factor in causing the ice age to occur.
(2) The periodic change of the earth's equatorial Angle leads to the change of temperature. The declination Angle refers to the Angle between the ecliptic and the celestial equator, and its variation is mainly affected by planetary perturbation. When the declination Angle is large, the difference between winter and summer increases and the annual average solar radiation rate is minimal, which makes the low latitude area in the cold period, which is conducive to the formation of glaciers.

Physical origin

There are many influencing factors, including atmospheric physics and geology.
① The effect of atmospheric transparency. Frequent volcanic activity has filled the atmosphere with volcanic ash and reduced the amount of solar radiation, causing the earth to cool.
2. Tectonic movement The impact of... The tectonic movement caused the land rise and fall, land mass displacement and apparent pole movement, changed the distribution and circulation pattern of sea and land, and made the earth cool. The feedback effects of cloud cover, evaporation, and reflection from snow and ice further cooled the Earth and contributed to the ice age.
③ The shielding effect of CO2 in the atmosphere CO2 can prevent or reduce the loss of surface heat. If the CO2 content in the atmosphere increases to 2 to 3 times that of today, the polar temperature will rise by 8 to 9 ° C. If the CO2 content in the atmosphere is reduced by 55 to 60% today, the temperature in the middle latitudes will drop by 4 to 5 ° C. in Geological time Volcanic and biological activities cause great changes in CO2 content in the atmosphere. When CO2 shielding is reduced to a certain extent, ice age may occur.