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National pride

A feeling of confidence and optimism in the spirit of our nation
National pride is an important factor of patriotism, which refers to the emotion of expressing high recognition, confidence and optimism for the history and culture, traditional spirit, value orientation, current situation and future development of the nation.
Its subject has always been the masses of the people in every society, and is therefore in principle different from the nationalist consciousness propagated by the exploiting classes.
Chinese name
National pride
Principal body
The masses of people in every society
Basic concept
Its content is continuously enriched and developed with the development of national history. As a common psychological tendency of a certain nation, national pride must follow the principle of equality and mutual respect among all nations. The Chinese people have always had a strong sense of national pride. It stems from China's rich and vast territory, long history, hard-working people, splendid culture, and national virtues passed down from generation to generation. This kind of national pride is the independence of the Chinese nation World peoples An important psychological guarantee for the forest. As the descendants of the Chinese and the descendants of the dragon, we should establish national pride and overcome national inferiority. [1]