Pingyao county

Shanxi Province Jinzhong city under the county
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Pingyao County, also known as Pingtao County, belongs to Shanxi Province Jinzhong City Located in central Shanxi Province, southwest of Jinzhong City, surrounded by Jiexiu City , Qixian County , Lvliang City Wenshui county , Fenyang City , Changzhi City Qinyuan county Counties and cities border, between 112°12 '-112 °31' east longitude, 37°12 '-37 °21' north latitude between the average length of about 40 kilometers north and south, east and west width of about 30 kilometers, the total area of 1253.53 square kilometers [1] [41] . As of October 2022, Pingyao County has jurisdiction over 3 subdistricts, 5 towns and 8 townships [45] . As of the end of 2023, the total resident population of Pingyao County is 442,800. [50]
Pingyao County is the largest county of cultural relics in Shanxi Province, with more than 300 historic sites. Pingyao Ancient city The traffic vein is composed of four streets, eight streets and seventy-two centipede lanes. "To unite the world" Rishengchang [44] The ticket number is known as the "originator of modern Bank of China", and Shuanglin Temple is known as the "treasure house of Oriental colored sculpture art". Zhenguo Temple The Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas is one of the earliest surviving wooden structures in China. Pingyao's main attractions also include Pingyao County Government , Pingyao Temple of Literature , View of naivety Barangay, gate top, corner tower, point and so on. Pingyao County for the second batch of Chinese historical and cultural cities, on December 3, 1997, Pingyao Ancient city was UNESCO Be listed as World cultural heritage ", and Lijiang Ancient City in Yunnan Province , Sichuan Langzhong ancient city , Anhui Ancient city of Shexian County It is also known as the most intact "four ancient cities" in China. [3] In addition, the ancient city of Pingyao is also composed of Jia Zhangke founded Pingyao International Film Exhibition The venue of the festival, and Pingyao International Photography Exhibition The venue of [52-55]
In 2022, Pingyao County achieved a regional GDP of 14.17 billion yuan, divided into industries, the primary industry added value of 1.90 billion yuan, the secondary industry added value of 4.45 billion yuan, the tertiary industry added value of 7.82 billion yuan. The proportion of the three industries in the GDP is 13.4:31.4:55.2. [46]
Chinese name
Pingyao county
Foreign name
Pingyao County
Administrative division code
Administrative category
Subordinate region
Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province
Geographical position
In central Shanxi Province, Taiyuan basin southwest
Southwest of Jinzhong City
Area product
1253.53 km²
Subordinate area
Three streets, five towns, and eight townships
Government premises
No. 13 Shuguang Road, Gutao Town
Telephone area code
Postal code
Climatic condition
Temperate monsoon climate
Population number
442,800 [51] (Permanent population at the end of 2023)
License plate code
Jin K
Gross regional product
14.17 billion yuan (2022)

Historical evolution

The qin dynasty
After the unification of the six States, the state was abolished, the county system was implemented, and the county was Pingtao, belonging to Taiyuan County.
The Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.)
Jingling, Zhongdu two counties, and Pingtao County and Taiyuan County.
Jingling transformed into the city.
The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.)
The Three Kingdoms
Wei, and state jurisdiction, is the west River county.
The Western Jin Dynasty (536-597)
Belongs to Taiyuan State.
The Northern and Southern Dynasties
In the first year of Shiguang (424) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Pingtao County was changed to Pingyao County, belonging to Taiyuan County, because of the name of Taiwudi Topba Tao. After moving to Jingling County border, at the same time disused Jingling County into Pingyao County.
Taiping Zhenjun nine years (448), the county government moved to Yuci county. Pingyao County was controlled by Eastern Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou.
Kaihuang three years (583 years), waste county set up state, is a medium state.
Kaihuang 16 years (596), disintegrated Qing Shi County.
The second year of Daye (606) was abolished into Pingyao County.
Daye three years (607) abandoned state county, Xihe County (Jiezhou change year).
In the first year of Yining (617), Jiexiu County was established in Jiexiu County, and Pingyao County was changed to Jiexiu County.
The tang dynasty
In the first year of Wude (618), Jiexiu County was changed into Jiexiu, belonging to Jiexiu.
Zhenguan first year (627 years), belongs to Fen Zhou (Jie Zhou waste year).
In the first year of Tianbao (742), it belongs to Xihe County (Fen Zhou County changed the year).
Qianyuan Yuan year (758 years), Fen Zhou (Xihe County change year).
Five dynasties and ten Kingdoms
After the first year of Tang Tongguang (923), it was ruled by the Later Tang Dynasty.
After the first year of Jin Tianfu (936), it was under the jurisdiction of later Jin.
Han Tianfu twelve years (948) after the later Han Dynasty.
After the first year of Guangshun (951), it was acquired by the Northern Han Dynasty.
The Northern Song Dynasty (960-907)
In the early years, it still belonged to the Northern Han Dynasty.
Taiping Xingguo four years (979), returned to the Northern Song Dynasty, Fen Zhou.
The Southern Song Dynasty
In the first year of Jianyan (1127), after the Jin destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, it was ruled by Jin and still belonged to Fen Zhou.
Hasn't changed.
Wanli twenty-three years (1595), Fen Zhou was promoted to the government, Pingyao Fen Prefecture, Shanxi Province Chengxuan Secretary, and set up Jinan Road in this.
Shunzhi three years (1646), cut Hebei South Road, scribe Jining Road, still belongs to Fenzhou.
Republic of China
The first year of the Republic of China (1912), after the abolition of the government, it was directly under the province.
In March of the second year of the Republic of China (1913), the road between provinces and counties was a middle road.
The third year of the Republic of China (1914) in June, belongs to Jining Road (Middle Road changes year).
In April 1927, the sixteenth year of the Republic of China, Shanxi abolished the Tao system and became directly under the province.
On February 13, 1938, the 27th year of the Republic of China, Japanese army Occupied Pingyao, the county fell. In April of the same year, Pingyao County anti-Japanese democratic government was established in Pengpotou Village in the county, under the leadership of the third Administrative office of Shanxi Province. Later it is under the jurisdiction of Taiyue District.
Thirty years of the Republic of China (1941), adaptation War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression In need, with Tongpu railway as the boundary, the implementation of north-south division, the establishment of Pingjie County anti-Japanese democratic government in the north of the railway (jurisdiction of Tongpu Railway North Pingyao and Jiexiu, Fenyang, Xiaoyi three counties, part of the years), is under the jurisdiction of the Taiyue Special Office.
In May of the thirty-first year of the Republic of China (1942), it was divided into the eighth special area of the Northwest Administration Office of Shanxi, and was actually under the unified leadership of the Southwest Working Committee of the Communist Party of China.
In September 1945, the thirty-fourth year of the Republic of China, the anti-Japanese democratic government of Pingyao County in the south of the railway was changed to the democratic government of Pingyao County, which is still a special area of Taiyue District. Pingjie County is under the jurisdiction of the seventh special district of Luliang Administration.
On July 13, 1948, the thirty-seventh year of the Republic of China, Pingyao was liberated. In August of the same year, Pingyao County belongs to Jinzhong District. In the same month, Pingyao County Customs District upgraded to Pingyao City (county-level year), and Pingyao County belongs to the third special area of Jinzhong Administrative Office. In October of the same year, Pingjie County was abolished, and the Tiebei area was restored to Pingyao County.
In February 1949, the thirty-eighth year of the Republic of China, Pingyao County and Pingyao City belong to the three special areas of Taiyuan. On August 10 of the same year, Pingyao City was revoked and Pingyao County Customs District was restored, which was the Office of the Administrative Inspector of Yuci District.
People's Republic of China
In August 1950, it belonged to the Yuci District Commissioner's Office.
In February 1955, it belonged to the Yuci Commissioner's Office.
In November 1958, it belonged to the Jinzhong Commissioner's Office.
In September 1968, he was a member of the Jinzhong Regional Revolutionary Committee.
In May 1978, it belonged to the Jinzhong District Administrative Office.
In 2000, Jinzhong was set up as a city. In October of the same year, Jinzhong District Administrative office was changed to Jinzhong City People's Government, and Pingyao County was subordinate to Jinzhong City. [4]

Administrative division


History of zoning

In 1997, Pingyao County has jurisdiction over 5 towns and 19 townships, namely: Chengguan Town, Dongquan Town, Hongshan Town, Duan Cun Town, Ninggu Town, Yuebi Township, Dapu Township, Nanzheng Township, Yancun Township, Wangjiazhuang Township, Xiangyuan Township, Qianzhuang Township, Zhukeng Township, Xincun Township, Guozigou Township, Mengshan Township, Nanyijian Township, Buyi Township, Liangpoti Township, Pudong Township, Dujiazhuang Township, Xiangle Township, Xiwangzhi Township, Purification Township, There are 350 administrative villages (426 natural villages) and 6 resident committees (Dongcheng, Xicheng, Nancheng, North City, Central City, and Xiguan).
In 2001, the whole county was merged into the township. Chengguan Town was renamed Gutao Town, Yuebi Township Qiankeng, Xixijie, Chengnanbao, Dapu Township Yanbi, Nanzheng Township Xinnanbao, Xinzhuang and other six administrative villages under the jurisdiction of Gutao Town. Dapu Township was renamed Zhongdu Township, Liangpoti Township was merged into Yuebi Township, Wangjiazhuang Township was merged into Nanzheng Township, Xincun Township and Nanyijian Township were merged into Zhukeng Township, Yancun Township was merged into Hongshan Township, Pudong Township was merged into Duan Cun Township, Guozigou Township was merged into Dongquan Township, Qianzhuang Township was merged into Ninggu Township, and Xiwangzhi Township was merged into Xiangle Township. After the withdrawal, the county has jurisdiction over 5 towns and 9 townships, namely: Gutao Town, Yuexi Township, Nanzheng Township, Zhongdu Township, Hongshan Town, Xiangyuan Township, Zhukeng Township, Dongquan Town, Mengshan Township, Buyi Township, Duan Cun Cun town, Ninggu Town, Xiangle Township, Dujiazhuang Township.
In December 2002, 350 administrative villages (426 natural villages) were merged into 273 administrative villages (403 natural villages).
In April 2003, the six resident committees were changed into four community workstations, East City, West City, South City and North City, under the Gutao Town Community Management Committee.
In July 2005, Gutao Town community Management Committee was abolished, and four community workstations were changed into four community management committees: East City, West City, South City and North City. By the end of 2005, the county had jurisdiction over 5 towns, 9 townships, 273 administrative villages (403 natural villages) and 4 community management committees.
In September 2011, the four community management committees were merged into the three streets of the ancient city, the east of the city and the west of the city. The county has jurisdiction over 5 towns, 9 townships, 273 administrative villages (403 natural villages), 3 streets and 16 communities. [5]
In April 2021, Mengshan Township was abolished and integrated into Dongquan Town. The administrative areas of the former Mengshan Township and the former Dongquan Town are the administrative areas of Dongquan Town, and the town people's government is stationed in Dongquan Village; Yin village of Hongshan Town is under the jurisdiction of Gutao Town. [6] [42]
Map of Pingyao County

Zoning details

As of October 2022, Pingyao County has jurisdiction over 3 subdistricts, 5 towns and 8 townships [45] . Pingyao County People's Government Gutao Town 13 Shuguang Road. [6]
Zoning codes for statistical purposes
Ancient city street
Chengdong street
Chengxi street
Gutao Town
Duancun Town
East Springs
Hongshan Town
Ninggu Town
Nanchanh Township
Zhongdu township
Yuebi township
Buyi township
Zhukeng township
Xiangyuan township
Dujiazhuang Township
Xiangle village

Geographical environment


Location boundary

Pingyao County is located in the central part of Shanxi Province, southwest of Jinzhong City, Taiyuan basin Southwest, Taeaksan To the north of Taihang Mountains , Lvliang Mountain Two front center, east Qixian County , our western neighbour Fenyang City , near to the south Qinyuan county , North Company Wenshui county Southwest and Jiexiu City Bordering, southeast and Wuxiang county , Qin County Adjacent. Between 112°12 '-112 °31' east longitude and 37°12 '-37 °21' north latitude, the average length of the north and south is about 40 kilometers, the width of the east and west is about 30 kilometers, with a total area of 1253.53 square kilometers. [1] [46]
Pingyao County border area from the east end of Mengshan Township Confucius Yu Village, west to Xiangle Township Zhao Tan village, south from the south of Dongquan Town Nanlingdi village, north to Hongshan town Dongshan Lake village. Fenhe and South Tongpu railway, 108 national highway through. The county is 616 kilometers away from the capital Beijing, 758 kilometers away from the port of Tianjin, 2,390 kilometers away from the coast of Guangzhou, and the ancient capital Xi 'an 543 km from the capital of Shanxi Province Taiyuan 94 km away from Jinzhong City government headquarters Yuci District Eighty-one kilometers. From the Taiyuan Wusu International Airport Ninety kilometers. [2]
Pingyao County People's Government


Pingyao County is surrounded by mountains in the southeast, rolling hills in the middle and vast Pingchuan in the northwest. The proportion of land area is 44.2%, 14.4% and 41.4% respectively. The highest point is Monsanto, 1962 meters above sea level; The lowest in the territory of Fenhe River on both sides, 735 meters above sea level. [2]

Climatic characteristics

Pingyao County is a temperate continental semi-arid monsoon climate with four distinct seasons and mild climate. The average temperature is 10.60℃, and the average monthly temperature is 24.50℃ in July, the hottest month of the year. The average temperature in January, the coldest month, is -5 ° C. The average annual relative humidity is 58%, the average annual precipitation is 415.90 mm, mainly distributed in July to September, and the average annual evaporation is 1785.70 mm. The dominant wind direction is northwest wind in spring and autumn and winter, and southeast wind in summer, with an annual average wind speed of 2.10 m/s. [8]

Stream hydrology

The Fenhe River (in Henan Province)
The second largest tributary of the Yellow River, the largest river in the territory (transit river). Originating from Songjia Cliff, upstream of Leiming Temple, Guancun Mountain, Ningwu County, it flows south through Gujiaoshan Gorge, out of Lancun Estuary, diagramming through Taiyuan Basin, entering from Beishangshou Village, crossing to the southwest through Hongshan, Nanzheng, Zhongdu, Dujiazhuang and Ninggu five townships, leaving from Yingli Village and entering Jiexiu City. The total length of the river is 25 kilometers, the average width of the river is 0.50 kilometers, the drainage area is 452 square kilometers, the maximum discharge volume is 2000 cubic meters/second, and the average annual waste water is 300 million cubic meters.
Huiji River
Ancient called baby Hou water, also known as the river. The upper reaches are divided into two sources, the east source originates from the east ditch and West ditch between Baota Mountain and Fox Ye Mountain, and flows through Huangcang, Source Temple, Xin Village, Xi Village to Yin Hui Village; The west source originates from the city wall Ridge of Dongquan Town, flows through the villages of Dongquan, Yuan Temple to the village of Yin Hui and the east tributary, and enters the Fenhe River by the 24 villages of West Guo and South Politics. It is 45.20 kilometers long, 5-200 meters wide, and covers an area of 294 square kilometers. General hilly area sandstone stone mountain 202 square kilometers, basin plain area 92 square kilometers. The gradient decreased by 3%-1 ‰, with an average of 1/477. Altitudes as high as 1800 meters and as low as 800 meters. The clean water flow is 0.09 cubic meters per second, the maximum annual runoff is 32.6 million cubic meters, the minimum annual runoff is 6.19 million cubic meters, and the average annual runoff is 12.1 million cubic meters. The maximum flood flow is 146 cubic meters per second, generally 40 cubic meters per second - 50 cubic meters per second.
Liugen River
Originated from the south of the city, Buyi Township east, West temple and Mingzi village peak, flows through Buyi, Yue wall, ancient Tao, Zhongdu and other townships 38 villages, from Cao village into the Fenhe River, a total length of 36.70 kilometers. The basin covers an area of 184 square kilometers, including 115 square kilometers in the general hilly area and 69 square kilometers in the basin plain area. The longitudinal slope of the river is 11.39‰, the gradient is 6-1.20 ‰, and the average gradient is 1500. The annual average runoff is 12.02 million cubic meters, the maximum annual runoff is 22.44 million cubic meters, and the minimum annual runoff is 3.82 million cubic meters. Clean water flow is 0.10 m3 / s. The maximum flood capacity is 80 m3 / s. Liugen River has two tributaries, one is the Guangou River, originated from the Duan village Qianqiu Ridge, a total length of 17.50 kilometers, through the Duan village, the middle of the three towns into the Liugen River. The other is the Qingsha River, the east Qingsha River originated from the Hongsha rise Mountain, the west Qingsha River originated from the Shangqingsha, the control basin area of 13.50 square kilometers, the maximum flood water of 10-20 cubic meters/second, through the Junzhai, Fan village, Wu village, South Wangjiazhuang, Daohubi and other villages into the Liugen River, the annual average runoff of 12.71 million cubic meters.
瀴 Ganhe
It is a Fen river system, originating from Lutai Mountain, Sujiazhuang, Xinyao, North Yi Jian, Changze and other villages to the south of Fudi village, north of Jiguo Village, and divided into two tributaries in Xinsheng Village. One flows along the village fort into the Sha River; The other one flows through Xiangyuan, Haodong, Liangguan and other villages to become Wuwei River, flowing through 22 villages. It is 31.30 kilometers long, 40-150 meters wide, and covers an area of 181.60 square kilometers. Among them, the sandstone mountain area is 39.60 square kilometers, the sandstone soil and stone mountain area is 7.30 square kilometers, the loess hilly area is 47.01 square kilometers, and the Pingchuan District is 47.89 square kilometers. River longitudinal slope 12.30‰. The average annual runoff is 6.126 million cubic meters, and the minimum annual runoff is 1.9140 million cubic meters. The water flow rate is 0.01 cubic meters/second, and the maximum flood peak is 129 cubic meters/second. The Panshi River, a tributary, originates from Panshi Village in Zhukeng Township, through Hawen, Sangcheng and other villages, and enters the Shahe River in the south of LAN Village. The basin covers an area of 39.80 square kilometers, including 1 square kilometer sandstone mountain area, 1.50 square kilometers sandstone soil mountain area, 13.20 square kilometers loess hilly area and 24.10 square kilometers Pingchuan District. River longitudinal slope 12.40%. It is a seasonal river and only has water during flood season.
It is a cross-county river and belongs to the Fenhe river system. The main river is divided into two branches, east and west. The east branch originates from the Dongxigou of Zhukeng Township and flows through Ruan Jiazhuang, Zhangjiazhuang, Jiafeng, Kangjiazhuang, Shibao and other villages. The West branch originates from Xigou Village in Renyi Valley, flows through Weijiazhuang Village, Erlang Village, Xiashi 'an Village and other villages, 2.50 kilometers upstream of Shimen Village after the two branches converge into Qi County through Shimen. The total length of the territory is 31.50 kilometers, the watershed area is 184 square kilometers, located in the general hilly area, of which 101 square kilometers are covered by forest. The average longitudinal slope of the river bed is 6.86‰. The average annual runoff is 21 million cubic meters. [9]

Natural resources


Water resources

The total amount of water used in Pingyao County was 108.9720 million cubic meters. According to the type of water resources: surface water 51.03 million cubic meters, groundwater 57.9420 million cubic meters. According to the water demand users: industrial water 7.3 million cubic meters, agricultural irrigation water 854.336 million cubic meters, urban domestic water 3.2 million cubic meters, rural people and livestock drinking water 777.7 million cubic meters, other water 619,900 cubic meters. [10]

Land resources

In 2019, the cultivated land in Pingyao County was 740,000 mu, and the basic farmland protection area was 681,200 mu.

Mineral resources

Pingyao County's main mineral resources are coal, iron ore, bauxite, gypsum, limestone, fireclay, building materials and other 7 categories, of which the coal reserves are relatively rich, coal quality is excellent, mostly distributed in Duan Cun town, Buyi Township, the southern mountainous area. Juqinshui coalfield and Huoxi coalfield intersect with complex geological structure and belong to the Upper Paleozoic coal-bearing formation in North China. Other ore bodies are also mostly in this area, with unstable occurrence, small reserves and low grade, which is not conducive to large-scale mining.
Coal is the most important mineral resource in the county. According to the Mineral Album of Jinzhong Area of Shanxi Province compiled by the 216 geological team of Shanxi Province in July 1986, the coal-bearing area of the county is 1246.90 square kilometers, accounting for 98.96% of the total area of the county, and the predicted total coal reserves are 11.296 billion tons, of which the geological reserves buried within 1000 meters are predicted to be 1.4 billion tons. It has an area of 154.40 square kilometers. The total amount of proven coal resources is 233 million tons, mainly distributed in the southern area of Buyi Township and Duan Cun Town. By the end of 2011, the proven coal resources of 201 million tons, the annual design production capacity of 6 million tons, Pingyao Xingsheng Coal Co., LTD., Shanxi Pingyao Fengyan Coal Coke Group, Fenxi Ruitai Coal Industry (Group) company's actual production capacity of 7 coal mines in that year was 2.22 million tons.
The coal-bearing strata are mainly Taiyuan Formation of Upper Carboniferous Series and Shanxi Formation of Lower Permian Series. There are only unstable and recoverable coal seams in Benxi Formation and Xiadihezi Formation. The thickness of coal-bearing rock series is about 224.31 meters, with 14 layers of coal, the total thickness of coal seam is about 11.39 meters, and the coal-bearing coefficient is 5.08%. Coal seams in the region are mainly No. 1, No. 2, No. 4 and No. 5 of Shanxi Formation, No. 7, No. 9 and No. 11 of Taiyuan Formation, and the types of coal are mainly coking coal, lean coal and lean coal. The coal content and occurrence characteristics of the county are as follows: many coal seams can be mined, deep burial, simple structure; The thickness of recoverable coal seam is stable, the coal quality is good, and it can be used as coking coal and coking coal blending.
Iron mine
There are Shanxi type iron ore and ferromanganese ore stored in the towns and villages, with 130,000 tons of reserves. The Shanxi-type iron ore deposit is buried in Pingdaotou village in the south, at the bottom of Benxi Formation in the middle Carboniferous system. The orebody is lens-shaped and chicken-nest shaped with little variation in thickness. According to the drilling data of Wenjiagou mine field, it is found that there are two layers of pyrite, the thickness of the lower layer is 0.34 meters, the content of TFe is 36.96%, the content of S is 37.02%, which is the first grade pyrite. The upper layer is 0.62 meters thick, and the TFe content is 12.96% and S content is 11.80%, reaching the boundary grade of pyrite. The iron manganiferous ore is distributed in the area of Shian Village, Duancun Town, and the ore body occurs in the upper part of the Lower Permian Shihezi Formation. The ore body is stratified, the thickness of the ore is about 1 meter, and the TFe of the ore is 25-27% by chemical analysis. In 1958, water mining was curbed. As of 2011, the open pit iron mine is basically mined, and there are still deep unmined.
It is mainly distributed in Pingdaotou, Xingjiazhuang, Wencishen Village, Duan Cun Town, and exists at the bottom of Benxi Formation in the middle Carboniferous series and above Shanxi type iron ore layer. The ore body is stratiform and lenticular, and the ore has dense, oolitic and massive structure. The bauxite layer in ZK10 borehole in Wenjiazhuang well field is 1.34m thick, and the ore test result is Al 2 O 3 Content 63.66%, TiO 2 Is 2.53%, Fe 2 O 3 With a content of 3.35% and an Al/Si ratio of 4.30, it is a high-quality bauxite. 1958-1997, mining. In 2000, mining ceased.
Gypsum mine
It is mainly distributed in Pingdaotou, Fodian Gou and Pudong Village of Duan Cun Town, with reserves of 10 million tons. Gypsum ore is produced in the middle marl of the Middle Fengfeng Formation of the Ordovician system. There are two ore belts from top to bottom. The thickness of the lower belt is 16.05 meters, and the thickness of the upper belt is 1.10 to 4.63 meters 2 Is 31.21-39.53%, average 37.09%, SO 3 It was 37.01 to 57.27%, with an average of 50.83%. According to rock and mineral identification, the gypsum in the area is soft gypsum with low impurity content. It was mined in 1958 and in small quantities until 2011.
Exposed in the Pudong village area of Duan Cun town, reserves 50 million tons. It mainly occurs in the middle Ordovician Fengfeng Formation. Limestone is dark gray or gray black, the ore is dense, hard, brittle, pure characteristics, containing calcite veins and pyrite. The layer thickness is more than 150 meters, the horizon is stable and the thickness is large. The results of borehole test show that the limestone has 53.29% CaO, 2.39% MgO and Fe 2 O 3 The results show that the limestone in the area can be used as a good flux limestone and limestone carbonite for making cement. It has been mined since ancient times. In 2009, due to environmental pollution, mining was stopped.
Sulfur ore
It is located in Pudong Village, Duan Cun Town, with reserves of 5 million tons, which exists under limestone. Mined in 1997. Mining ceased in 1998.
It is mainly distributed in the west area of Wencishen and Shennan, and exists in the direct roof or not far above the No.4 coal seam in the middle of Shanxi Formation. The mineral layer is relatively stable, and the ore is compact and soft with slippery feeling, belonging to soft clay, with a thickness of 1.20-1.60 meters and an average of 1.42 meters. The test results showed that it was 1-2 grade refractory ore. Reserves of 0.25 million tons. Fireclay is a traditionally mined mineral. At the end of 2000, with the ban on earth coke ovens, mining ceased.
Building material mine
In the Triassic strata in the eastern mountain area of the south of the county, there are thick-thick bedded quartz arkose sandstone and thick bedded limestone in the Taiyuan Formation of the Carboniferous system in the Pudong area, which can be used as high-quality stone materials for construction. In the territory of the fourth series of loess, wide distribution, thick mineral layer and good quality, is the production of tile high-quality raw materials. [11]

Plant resources

Pingyao County is rich in plant species. The wild plants mainly distributed in the middle and low mountains of Dongquan Town. In 2003, the survey statistics show that there are 94 families, 230 genera and more than 400 species of plants in the county. More than 30 of them can only be seen in individual locations. More than 160 species are artificially cultivated. There are more than 160 species of woody plants, and the rest are herbs and other species.
The top 10 species with high utilization value were fungi (8 families, 8 genera, 10 species), ferns (2 families, 2 genera, 2 species), selaginella, Schizonepeta, gymnaeus (3 families, 9 genera, 10 species), angiosperms and monocotyledonts (7 families, 43 genera, 57 species), angiosperms and dicotyledonts (70 families, 170 genera, 325 species).
In the whole vegetation system, the top ten families with the most species are: rose family (45 species), gramineae (24 species), Compositae (32 species), legumes (31 species), saliculaceae (24 species), Liliaceae (13 species), cucurbit family (11 species), Cruciferaceae (9 species), Buttercup family (8 species), and labiaceae (8 species). [10]

Animal resources

There are 209 species of terrestrial vertebrates in Pingyao County, including 5 species of amphibians, 14 species of reptiles, 32 species of mammals and 158 species of birds. There are 45 species of resident birds, 39 species of summer migratory birds, 14 species of winter migratory birds, and 60 species of traveling birds. Among them are 26 species of wildlife under state key protection, including leopard, black stork, golden eagle, great bustard, otter, whooper swan, bee eagle, heron and so on. The province focuses on protecting 15 species of wild animals, including hedgehogs, small crocidura, herons, yellow-footed three-toed quail, four-sound cuckoo, blue jade, star-headed woodpecker, red-winged wallfinch and so on. [10]


By the end of 2022, Pingyao County has a permanent resident population of 446,731. [46]
As of the end of 2023, the total resident population of Pingyao County is 442,800. [50]


Roll call
Secretary of the county Party Committee
Deputy secretary of the county Party Committee, county magistrate
Deputy secretary of County Party Committee
Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and deputy head of the county
County people's government deputy county, county public Security Bureau director
County Party Committee Standing Committee, secretary of the political and Legal Committee
County Party Committee Standing Committee, Minister of the Armed forces
Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Minister of the Organization Department, President of the Party School
County Party Committee Standing Committee, Minister of United Front
Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and deputy head of the county
County Party Committee Standing Committee, Minister of Publicity Department
Reference material 48 - [49]




In 2022, Pingyao County achieved a regional GDP of 14.17 billion yuan, calculated at comparable prices, an increase of 4.4% year-on-year, by industry, the primary industry added value of 1.90 billion yuan, an increase of 7.0%; The added value of the secondary industry was 4.45 billion yuan, up by 3.2%, of which the industrial added value was 3.95 billion yuan, up by 2.8%; The value added of the tertiary industry was 7.82 billion yuan, up by 4.4%. The proportion of the three industries in the GDP was 13.4:31.4:55.2, compared with the previous year, the proportion of the primary industry decreased by 0.2 percentage points, the proportion of the secondary industry increased by 2.0 percentage points, and the proportion of the tertiary industry decreased by 1.8 percentage points. The comparable price contribution rates of the three industries were 21.0, 20.2, and 58.8, respectively, driving GDP growth by 0.9, 0.9, and 2.6 percentage points. [46]
Investment in fixed assets
In 2022, the investment of fixed assets in Pingyao County was 5.85 billion yuan, an increase of 9.8%. The primary industry was 390 million yuan, up by 13.4 percent; The secondary industry was 1.53 billion yuan, down 17.9%; The tertiary industry reached 3.94 billion yuan, up by 26.0%. [46]
Fiscal revenue and expenditure
In 2022, Pingyao County completed the general public budget revenue of 660 million yuan, an increase of 7.3%, of which, tax revenue of 410 million yuan, a decrease of 16.5%, value-added tax, resource tax, corporate income tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, individual income tax and real estate tax, a total of 310 million yuan. Expenditure in the general public budget is 3.84 billion yuan, up 34.9%. [46]
People's livelihood
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Pingyao County reached 37,911 yuan, an increase of 4.7%. The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 16,482 yuan, an increase of 5.7%. [46]
Source of energy
In 2022, Pingyao County's total electricity consumption is 1.75 billion kilowatt-hours. Among them, the primary industry electricity consumption of 50 million kilowatt-hours; The secondary industry uses 1.08 billion KWH of electricity, and the secondary industry uses 1.04 billion KWH of electricity. The tertiary sector uses 280 million kilowatt-hours of electricity; Urban and rural households use 340 million kilowatt-hours of electricity.
In 2022, the actual water consumption of Pingyao County will be 83.5 million cubic meters, of which 59.41 million cubic meters will be used for agriculture; The secondary industry uses 5.317 million cubic meters of water; Domestic water 941.0 million cubic meters. [46]

Primary industry

In 2022, 547,000 mu of grain crops will be sown in Pingyao County, including 522,000 mu of cereals, 13,000 mu of beans and 13,000 mu of tubers. Among the grains, the area of corn is 487,000 mu and the area of wheat is 0.4 mu. The total grain output reached 198,000 tons, of which 193,000 tons of cereals, 2,000 tons of beans and 18,000 tons of tubers (unbroken grain). [46]
In 2022, Pingyao County qualified afforestation area of 16,000 mu, the actual forest area rate of 19.1%. The built-up area of the city is 19.0 square kilometers, the urban green area is 6.280 million square meters, and the green coverage rate is 38.2%. [46]
Animal husbandry
By the end of 2022, Pingyao County had 93,000 live pigs, 14,000 cattle, 145,000 sheep and 8,235,000 poultry. In 2022, Pingyao County produced 99.615 million tons of pork, 1,437.9 tons of beef, 1,077.8 tons of mutton, 21,000 tons of poultry meat, 28,000 tons of eggs, and 14,000 tons of milk. [46]
Production conditions
By the end of 2022, the total power of agricultural machinery in Pingyao County was 21.2 million watts. The area of mechanical arable land is 38,000 hectares, the area of mechanical sowing is 32,000 hectares, and the area of mechanical harvesting is 26,000 hectares. [46]

Secondary industry

In 2022, Pingyao County's 91 industrial enterprises above designated size completed the total industrial output value of 21.02 billion yuan, an increase of 12.2%, the industrial added value of 3.89 billion yuan, an increase of 3.9%, from the three categories, the mining industry completed 1.57 billion yuan, an increase of 11.4%, the manufacturing industry completed 2.25 billion yuan, an increase of 0.7%. The production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water was 80 million yuan, down 16.1%. Among the leading industries in Pingyao County, the added value of coal mining and washing industry was 1.57 billion yuan, an increase of 11.4%; The added value of petroleum, coal and other fuel processing industry was 300 million yuan, down 8.7%; The added value of food manufacturing industry was 270 million yuan, up by 23.6%; The added value of agricultural and sideline food processing industry was 420 million yuan, down 4.6%; The added value of metal products industry was 540 million yuan, down 5.4%; The added value of rubber and plastic products industry was 60 million yuan, down 4.2%; The added value of the electricity and heat production and supply industry was 80 million yuan, down 16.1%. By product, industrial enterprises above designated size produced 3.189 million tons of raw coal, up 35.7% year on year; Coal washing output was 3.985 million tons, down 0.4%; Coke production was 525,000 tons, down 25.5%; The output of thermal power generation was 1.45 billion KWH, down 24.0%; 364,000 tons of cast iron, down 10.2%; 90,000 tons of beef, an increase of 20.4 percent; 87,000 tons of carbon, down 14.7 percent. The operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 20.34 billion yuan, up by 1.3% year-on-year; Tax paid amounted to 620 million yuan, down 10.0%; The total profit was negative 330 million yuan, an increase of 7.5 times. [46]
Building industry
In 2022, Pingyao County has 33 construction enterprises above qualification and 32 enterprises with workload, achieving a total output value of 1.04 billion yuan, an increase of 1.3%, of which the output value of construction projects is 1.04 billion yuan. A total of 2.73 billion yuan was signed, an increase of 0.1%. The area of housing construction under construction was 1.676 million square meters, down 0.7%, and the area of housing construction completed was 117,000 square meters, up 17.5%. [46]

Tertiary industry

Service industry
In 2022, the added value of wholesale and retail industry in Pingyao County was 1.55 billion yuan, an increase of 9.8% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 1.46 billion yuan, down 1.6%; The added value of the accommodation and catering industry was 180 million yuan, up by 2.0%; The added value of the financial sector was 580 million yuan, up by 6.2%. The added value of the real estate industry was 1.20 billion yuan, up by 1.3%; The added value of for-profit service industry was 710 million yuan, up by 2.0%; The non-profit service sector reached 2.05 billion yuan, up 7.4%. In 2022, the operating income of service enterprises above designated size in Pingyao County was 730 million yuan, down by 12.0%. [46]
Domestic trade
In 2022, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in Pingyao County were 7.08 billion yuan, down 4.1% year-on-year, of which the retail sales of consumer goods above quota in the county were 1.0 billion yuan, up 0.3%, and the online retail sales were 845.512 million yuan, up 19.9%. The retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas reached 760 million yuan, up by 18.8%. Retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas were 230 million yuan, down 35.7%. By consumption pattern, retail sales of commodities were 860 million yuan, down 2.8%; The revenue of catering was 140 million yuan, up 28.5%. [46]
Foreign economy
In 2022, Pingyao County's foreign trade imports and exports totaled 690 million yuan, an increase of 51.8%, of which, exports totaled 530 million yuan, an increase of 52.7%, and imports totaled 160 million yuan, an increase of 48.9%. [46]
Real estate industry
In 2022, there were 23 real estate development enterprises in Pingyao County, with investment in real estate development of 1.69 billion yuan, an increase of 18.5%, housing construction area of 1.776 million square meters, an increase of 9%, newly started area of 385,000 square meters, a decrease of 20.6%, and commercial housing sales area of 246,000 square meters, an increase of 11.1%. [46]
Post and telecommunications
In 2022, Pingyao County completed the total postal business of 37.456 million yuan, an increase of 3.7%. [46]
In 2022, Pingyao County received a total of 631,000 tourists, down 13.0% year-on-year, and the county's tourism ticket income was 15.055 million yuan, down 65.6% year-on-year. [46]
Banking industry
By the end of 2022, the RMB deposit balance of financial institutions in Pingyao County was 32.01 billion yuan, an increase of 3.31 billion yuan compared with the beginning of the year, an increase of 11.5%. The balance of all loans was 15.62 billion yuan, an increase of 3.09 billion yuan from the beginning of the year, an increase of 20.5%. [46]


By the end of 2022, the highway mileage in Pingyao County was 1,488.8 kilometers, an increase of 5.4% over the same period last year, and the highway density was 118.8 kilometers per 100 square kilometers. Among them, 68.0 kilometers of transit expressways and 1488.8 kilometers of grade highways account for 100% of the total mileage. County and rural roads reached 1,316.0 kilometers, accounting for 88.4% of the total mileage of roads. All 13 townships in the county are connected to oil roads, and 211 administrative villages are connected to cement roads (oil roads), with a smooth rate of 100%; It has 1 railway station, 1 high speed railway station and 1 bus station. [46]
G National Highway 108 (Beijing-Kunming Line), G National Route 241 S222 provincial road (Fentun Line) and so on converge here, the national high-speed G5 Beijing-kunming Expressway National high-speed link G25 16 ( Donglu Expressway Also in Pingyao County intersection, is communication Lv Liang The throat of southeast Jin.
South Tongpu Railway , The Great Western high-speed Railway Throughout the county, Pingyao Station In the northwest of the county, the high-speed rail station Pingyao Ancient City Station It is located in Hou Ji village of Zhongdu Township.

Social undertaking


Scientific and technological undertaking

In 2022, Pingyao County granted 169 patents, including 40 effective invention patents and 145 effective utility model patents. In accordance with the national measures for the identification of high-tech enterprises, a total of 9 high-tech enterprises were identified by the end of the year. [46]

Educational cause

By the end of 2022, Pingyao County has a total of 116 schools with 70,747 students, including 30 ordinary middle schools with 30,306 students; There are 84 primary schools with 33,986 students. The number of kindergartens is 80, with 13,853 children in the kindergarten. The county preschool three-year gross enrollment rate of 100%, primary school six years retention rate of 100%; Junior high school three-year retention rate of 100%; The gross enrollment rate of senior middle school is 98.3%. [46]

Cultural undertaking

By the end of 2022, Pingyao County had one county-level library, with a total collection of 562,000 books in public libraries. There are 16 village and township cultural stations, 212 rural cultural activity rooms and 211 rural libraries, covering all rural cultural activity rooms and rural libraries. There are 24 professional art performance groups, 6 museums and 143 cultural relics protection units. It hosted 145 TV programs, opened 195 administrative villages with cable digital television, and had 30,900 cable TV subscribers by the end of the year, with 60 new subscribers, accounting for 76.5% of cable TV subscribers. [46]

Sports cause

By the end of 2022, Pingyao County has 1,914 stadiums, 1 gymnasium, per capita public sports venues area of 2.9 square meters, in 2022, successfully held 30 county-level sports activities and competitions. [46]

Health service

By the end of 2022, Pingyao County has a total of 468 health institutions, including 1 Center for Disease Control and Prevention and 1 health supervision institute. The county health facilities have 2,272 beds. There are 3,707 health professionals, including 1,046 practicing physicians, 367 practicing assistant physicians and 1,431 nurses. [46]

Social security

In 2022, 4,827 new urban jobs will be created in Pingyao County, including 351 people who have difficulty finding employment. 5,565 rural workers were transferred.
By the end of 2022, Pingyao County had 91,000 urban workers insured by basic pension insurance, 43,000 by basic medical insurance, 38,000 by unemployment insurance and 36,000 by work-related injury insurance. There were 273,000 participants in basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, 422,000 participants in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, and 604,000 participants in medical insurance for urban and rural residents, with a compensation amount of 280 million yuan.
By the end of 2022, Pingyao County has eight social service agencies providing accommodation. By the end of the year, 597 people were covered by the minimum living allowance in urban areas, 13,814 people were covered by the minimum living allowance in rural areas, and 2,952 people were covered by the five guarantees in rural areas. [46]


By the end of 2022, Pingyao County's urban sewage treatment rate has reached 100%, the urban central heating penetration rate has reached 100%, and the urban gas penetration rate has reached 97%. [46]

Safe production

In 2022, there were 0 major production safety accidents in Pingyao County, of which 0 people died in coal production safety accidents. There were 0 deaths in all kinds of production safety accidents, 0 deaths in production safety accidents of 100 million yuan GDP, and 0 deaths in coal production of 1 million tons. [46]

History and culture


Origin of geographical names

Emperor Yao was sealed in Si at the beginning, where Emperor Shun made pottery and ploughed. First Emperor of Qin Named "Pingtao", later changed its name to Pingyao to avoid the name of Taiwu Emperor of Northern Wei.

Cultural relics and historic sites

By 2021, more than 300 above-ground and underground sites, relics and ancient buildings have been discovered in Pingyao County. There are 99 key cultural relics under state, provincial and county protection, including three at the national level, six at the provincial level and 90 at the county level.
National key cultural relics protection units, built in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the expansion and reconstruction of the Ming Hongwu three years (1370) Pingyao ancient city wall, built 3000 buttresses, 72 enemy towers, the symbol of Confucius 3000 disciples, 72 men, magnificent, majestic, listed in the country so far the most complete four ancient cities, one of the top ten tourist attractions in Shanxi Province. Some were rebuilt during the Northern Qi Dynasty Double Wood Temple (formerly known as Zhongdu Temple), there are more than 2000 types of painted clay sculptures, mostly Ming Dynasty relics, the large Zhangyu, the small foot Xu, beautiful image, vivid charm, renowned for its exquisite color sculpture art "treasure house of Oriental color sculpture art", by the United Nations human habitation center experts called "world treasure" and "real, unique treasure". There are precious Northern Han architecture in the country Zhenguo Temple (formerly known as the Capital Temple), the ancient buildings in the temple to ten thousand Buddha Hall is surprising, is one of the oldest existing wooden buildings in the country. The painted sculptures in the temple are rare works of the five dynasties in the temples and temples of the country, quite in the style of the late Tang Dynasty, and are extremely precious. They provide extremely valuable information for the study of the development history of Chinese sculpture and the evolution process of sculpture in the Tang and Song dynasties. Provincial-level key cultural relics protection units, there is the only Jin Dynasty architecture temple of literature temple Dacheng Hall; There are reconstructed in the Jin Dynasty Jiguo village Cixiang Temple and towering clouds Piedmont tower ; There are Taoist buildings reconstructed from the Yuan and Ming dynasties View of naivety There is a dragon and tiger hall with "hanging beam hanging column" and strange structure; There are the ancient city buildings rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty and occupying the center of the city; There is the Jinzhuang Literary Temple built in the Yuan Dynasty, the temple has Confucius and his Confucian disciples "four matches", "ten philosophers" color sculpture treasures; There is a "living fossil" in China's financial history, the country's first and "Huitong the world" Risheng Chang ticket number site (today China Ticket Number Museum ). Among the key cultural relic protection units at the county level, such as the thousand Buddha Cliff in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the cliff statues in the Western Valley in the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Northern Qi Dynasty, the stone inscriptions, towers, Bridges and fortresses, temples and halls, residential shops, cultural relics and revolutionary celebration sites throughout the urban and rural areas are countless. Jay Moore, an expert of the United Nations Habitat Center, and Stopanov said when they visited Pingyao that "Pingyao is one of the few treasures of human civilization in the world" and "the ancient city of Pingyao is not only China's cultural heritage, but also the wealth of all mankind, which should be fully protected." [47]
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Pingyao Ancient city

Intangible cultural heritage

In 2010, "Pingyao County, Shanxi Province" Pingyao gauze pavilion play people ", selected The third batch of national intangible cultural heritage list , Traditional art item category, No. 5. [12]

Scenic spot

Pingyao ancient city Wall
Pingyao ancient city Wall
One of the most complete county-level cities in China, it was expanded and rebuilt in the third year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1370), and gradually improved into a brick wall. Later to the end of the Qing Dynasty, a total of 26 repairs and repairs were carried out. The existing Pingyao city wall, slightly square in plan, has a circumference of 6.2 kilometers. The whole city wall is composed of the body, the horse face, the horse wall, the crenel, the gate and the gate. The average height of the wall is 10 meters, the base width is 8-12 meters, and the top width is 2.5-6 meters. Gate six, north and south each, east and west each two, a total of 72 towers around the city, the crenel 3000. The city wall of Pingyao is large in scale, well preserved, and has high research value and cultural relics value in ancient military defense and construction technology. On December 3, 1997, the ancient city of Pingyao was officially designated as a "World Cultural Heritage" by the United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization. [13]
View of naivety
View of naivety
Now Pingyao Museum, located in Pingyao ancient city East Street. The Taoist relics on the central axis show Chinese Taoist culture in three dimensions; The cultural treasures displayed in the east and west wing rooms are colorful, showing the long history and splendid civilization of Pingyao since the ancient flood and primitive times. It contains a large number of Taoist historical sites and calligraphy art treasures, with a unique artistic charm; Tang and Song iron Buddha and Yuan Dynasty painted dragon tiger two will be rare treasures in China. It is one of the earliest Taoist temples in Pingyao. National key cultural relics protection units. [14]
Town God's Temple
Town God's Temple
Located in Pingyao City God Temple Street, originally built in the Northern Song Dynasty, and later repeatedly repaired, is in accordance with the "heaven and man" ritual system, the south Street in the city as the axis, with Pingyao County Government east and west relative, City God Temple in the first, from the mountain gate into the front yard, kitchen Temple and temple of wealth placed on both sides of the east and west, the left and right interflow, temples connected, combined into "gods live together in a temple, The strange scene of sharing incense and fire. National key cultural relics protection units. The glass art of the roof of the temple is mainly blue and green, and the green and cold color composed of yellow, rendering the mysterious artistic conception. Its immortal beasts and dragon kiss ridge temples are exquisite in shape and color, which is an outstanding example of Qing Dynasty glass technology. [15]
Pingyao Huiji Bridge
Pingyao Huiji Bridge
Located 300 meters northeast of the lower east gate of the county, it crosses the north and south sides of the lower reaches of the Huiji River. The stone bridge was built in March, the tenth year of Kangxi (1671)." It can be seen that the Zhongdu River Bridge was originally a wooden bridge, and the stone bridge was built in the tenth year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1671). In the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi (1697), after two terms of governor presided over, the stone bridge was repaired and repaired, from the original five holes to nine holes, beginning to get the common name of "nine eyes bridge". This joint arch stone bridge in the Qing dynasty Kangxi, Qianlong, Tongzhi, Guangxu years after several repair and decay, then became Kangzhuang Yi Road, has been through the north and south. [16]
Double Wood Temple
Double Wood Temple
Located in the north of Qiaotou Village, six kilometers southwest of Pingyao County, it is a typical Sinicized Buddhist monastery and is now a national key cultural relic protection unit. On December 3, 1997, together with Pingyao Ancient City and Zhenguo Temple, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee voted to include Pingyao Ancient City in the World Heritage List. Shuanglin Temple enjoys the reputation of "treasure house of Oriental color sculpture art" for its exquisite color sculpture. Shuanglin Temple courtyard, Shuanglin Temple facing south, covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, the whole temple group is built on a three-meter-high soil platform, surrounded by jujube trees, Ming Dynasty built a tall rammed earth wall outside the temple, the appearance is like a small castle, very spectacular; The temple is divided into two parts, the west for the temple, the east for the house. [17]
Pingyao Nine Dragon Wall
Pingyao Nine Dragon Wall
Located in Pingyao ancient city God Temple Street Pingyao Temple east, built in the early Ming Dynasty, is the former prince Temple. It was destroyed in a flood in 1977 and later repaired. The Pingyao Nine Dragon wall is a relic of the early Ming Dynasty, and was originally the mountain gate of the Prince Temple, which (has been destroyed) held the statue of Prince Jingfan of Kapilavastu before Buddha Shakyamuni became a Buddha. The wall is 4 meters high and about 20 meters wide. It is covered with black brick and covered with gray tile at the top and decorated with five ridges and six beasts. The architectural structure of the Nine Dragon walls in Pingyao is quite artistic. It is made of clay clay and wrapped in multi-colored glass components such as yellow, green, blue, purple and black and white. The whole wall body is made of bluish green surging waves, blue clouds and yellow clouds. The best of ancient wall sculptures. [18]
China's earliest first ticket number, founded in the Qing Daoguang three years (1823) or so, the original pigment, at the beginning of the use of their own semicolon to help other people in exchange, after finding that the profit is very lucrative, then invested 300,000 liang silver to change the pigment house for the ticket number, named "sunrise Chang", that is, to take its "rising sun, prosperity" meaning. After Risheng Chang, a total of 51 ticket numbers have been set up across the country, 43 in Shanxi, of which 22 in Pingyao. Sunrise Chang a hospital, in the hospital, there are two offices, a letter room, a accounting room. Some of the books and letters containing the ticket numbers of that year were removed from the indoor ceiling when the house was opened in 1995, and after cleaning and sorting, a total of 20 books and 40 letters were sorted out. [19]
Celebrate the ticket number together
Celebrate the ticket number together
It is the Chinese Bank (Ticket number) Museum, located in the South Street of Pingyao Ancient City, the former site of the joint Qing Ticket number, which was founded in the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856), from small to large, rapid rise, the epitome of the rise and fall of ticket number. China Bank (Ticket Number) Museum has the largest coin exhibition hall in China, and is an important base for studying the development history of modern Chinese finance and currency. The company was founded by Pingyao Mi and Yuci Wang, who invested 36,000 liang silver, was founded in the Qing Xianfeng six years (1856), closed in the Republic of China two years (1913), a total of 58 years, 58 years a total of 33 semicolons, as far away as Japan and Russia have his semicolon, is the fastest development rate of the Jin Shang ticket number industry. The most economically powerful one, covering an area of 2880 square meters, is divided into seven yards, mainly in the back there is an oversized underground vault. [20]
Zhenguo Temple
Zhenguo Temple
Formerly known as the Capital Temple, it is located in Haodong Village, 12 kilometers northeast of Pingyao Ancient City. Founded in the seventh year of Tianhui in the Northern Han Dynasty of the Five Dynasties (963), it is a national key cultural relic protection unit and an important part of the world cultural heritage "One city and two temples". The main hall "Ten Thousand Buddha Hall" has preserved the architectural style of the five dynasties, which is rare in the country. The five Dynasties were short, the relics of the buildings were very few, and the color sculptures of the five dynasties in the temple were especially scarce. The architecture of Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall and the colored sculptures in the hall provide valuable evidence for the study of the history of Chinese architecture and fine arts. [21]
Erlang Temple
Erlang Temple
Located at 79 North Street, Pingyao Ancient City, it is the only existing temple dedicated to the god of Erlang in China. It is at the foot of the North Gate in the north and 200 meters away from the ticket number Rishengchang in the south. Taoism is a local religion in China, dating back to the "first ancestor" Huangdi more than 5,000 years ago, and originated from the "Tao Te Ching" written by Lao Tzu more than 2,500 years ago. Erlang Temple in Pingyao Ancient City was founded in the Qing Dynasty. It is an ambitious and well-structured temple consisting of 11 buildings of more than 3,000 square meters. The whole temple sits in the west to the east, a total of three courtyards, by the main hall, jade Emperor hall, row hall, Yuan Chen hall, Dongyue Hall and other more than ten halls, in China's temple architecture can be called treasures. [22]
Baiyun Temple
Baiyun Temple
Located in the southern foot of Xibaofeng Mountain, Liangjiatan Village, 19 kilometers south of Pingyao County, the full name is "Baiyun Zen Yuan", once known as "Xiyu Temple". The whole temple is built in accordance with the south of the mountain, and the layers are stacked on top of each other. A total of four, thoroughfares can be up and down, corridors can be rotated. According to the existing stone tablets in November of the 20th year of Ming Jiajing (1541), it is inferred that Baiyun Temple was originally built in the Chenghua period of Ming Dynasty. There is a gentleman Hou Bowei, Fenzhou Pingyao County, Nanliangzhuang people, in the local reputation is quite good, "head livestock is strong, real estate has thousands of millet." Hou Bowei in the zhuang south west Valley has Chengliang villa a place, in order to seek the blessing of the gods, Hou sole in this to build a "white cloud nunnery", after the expansion of the white cloud Temple, and the area of the farm for the temple production monk industry, for self-maintenance. [23]
Qingliang Temple
Qingliang Temple
In the north of Yongcheng village, Buyi Township, Pingyao County, because Manjusri Bodhisattva set up a dojo in the cool treasure Mountain (Wutai Mountain) named. According to the Annals of Pingyao County in the eighth year of Guangxu (1882) of the Qing Dynasty, Qingliang Temple was initially built in the second year of Yuan to Zheng (1342), rebuilt or renovated in the 11th year of Chenghua (1475), the 16th year of Jiajing (1537), the fifth year of Longqing (1571), and the 13th year of Yongzheng (1735) of the Qing Dynasty. Qingliang Temple gate for brick arch cave five, and then on both sides of the bell and drum tower remains, the top of the gate of the original Guan Gong Pavilion, "Cultural Revolution" destroyed. Through the nave is the main courtyard of Qingliang Temple, the main hall is called the "seven Buddha hall", the east and west hall is the Guanyin Hall and the earth collection hall, the early years for the "18 Arhat Dynasty Guanyin" and "ten hall of Death worship the earth collection", which can be inferred that the nave was originally the "four heavenly Kings worship Maitreya", obviously is the Buddhist worship pattern of the Ming and Qing dynasties. [24]
Cixiang Temple
Cixiang Temple
Jiguo Village, located 8 kilometers east of Pingyao City, was originally built in the Tang Kaiyuan years, formerly known as "Shengju Temple", after the temple has been abbot by Buddhist monks, so in the Northern Song Dynasty Emperor you three years (1051), renamed "Cixiang Temple". The Tzu 'en Sect is one of the sects of Chinese Buddhism, which originated from the yoga sect of ancient Indian Buddhism, and was founded by the Tang Dynasty eminent monk Xuanzang and his disciple Yeogi. Stay after returning to China Chang 'an Great Ci 'en Temple For eight years, he devoted himself to translating and studying Buddhist sutras, gained new and unique insights into Buddhist philosophy and practice, and founded a Buddhist sect, which later generations called "Ci 'en Zong" for its residence. In the 4th year (653) of Emperor Gaozong Yonghui of Tang Dynasty, the Japanese monk Daozhao came to China and received instruction from his teacher Xuanzang, which brought the Tzu Enzong to Japan. [25]
Jinzhuang Literary Temple
Jinzhuang Literary Temple
Located in the east ten miles of Pingyao County Jinzhuang Village, although the scale is small, but the regulation is complete. Originally built in the Yuan Dynasty, only the central axis of the building, now in addition to Lingxingmen destroyed, Dacheng Hall, east and west sides of the hip, Minglun Hall, panchi, Zhuangyuan bridge, etc., are basically intact. Small village, also built their own temple, in the history of the country is also relatively rare, can be called one of the characteristics of Pingyao history and culture. [26]

Famous person

Pingyao famous people
Zhang Shulin
Zhang Fengwen
Liu Ji (J. Berwin)
Zhang Baori
Zhang Zhaosen
Zhang Fazhong
Duan Ziming
Zhang Guangxing
Diaphragm condensation
Zhang Guangshou

Honorary title

In March 2019, it was listed as the first batch of counties for the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics [27]
On May 18, 2019, it was selected into the "2019 China's Most Beautiful County List". [28]
In September 2019, it was selected as the first batch of national tourism demonstration zones. [29]
In January 2020, it was selected as the Top 100 Leisure Counties in China Spring 2020; In June, it was selected as China's Top 100 most scholarly Counties in 2020. 30 - [31]
On June 30, 2020, it was selected into the "List of the second batch of Revolutionary cultural Relics Protection and Utilization plots." [32]
In July 2020, it was selected as one of China's Top 100 Traffic Safety Counties in 2020. [33]
In July 2020, the National Association of Care and Health decided to name Pingyao County as the National Health County for the 2017-2019 cycle. [34]
In August 2020, it was selected as "2020 Top 100 Counties with comprehensive Strength of County Tourism". [35] Selected as one of the "Top 100 Vocational Education Counties in China 2020". [36]
On November 25, 2020, it was selected into the list of the third batch of water-saving social construction standard counties (districts). [37]
In July 2021, it was listed on the list of "Top 100 Counties with comprehensive Strength of National County Tourism in 2021". [38]
In March 2022, it was selected into the list of demonstration counties (cities and districts) of centralized continuous protection and utilization of traditional villages in 2022. [39]
In May 2022, the Youth Volunteer League Branch of Pingyao County, Jinzhong City won the title of "Shanxi May Fourth Red Flag League Branch". [40]
In June 2022, Pingyao County plans to be identified as a pilot city and county of agricultural, forestry, cultural, tourism and health industry integration in Shanxi Province in 2022. [43]