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杨尚昆(1907年8月3日—1998年9月14日),男,号诚五,出生于四川省潼南县 双江镇 (今属重庆市) [1] ,1925年加入中国共产主义青年团,1926年转入中国共产党,并入上海大学学习。曾任 中华人民共和国主席
杨尚昆同志是伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家,坚定的马克思主义者,党、国家和人民军队的卓越领导人。 [6]
国    籍
民    族
四川省潼南县双江镇(今属重庆市) [6]


1926年11月年赴 苏联 ,入 莫斯科中山大学 学习。
1998年9月14日因病在北京逝世,享年92岁。 [3]


杨尚昆1907年出生于四川省潼南县双江镇(今属重庆市)。1920年考入成都高等师范学校附小,后转入附中。当时, 成都高等师范学校 校长是吴玉章,教师中有恽代英等。在校期间,他结识许多进步青年,参加社会科学读书会,阅读《 共产党宣言 》等经典著作和《 新青年 》等进步书刊,初步接受了 马克思主义 的影响。
1925年,18岁的杨尚昆从成都高师毕业回到重庆。那时,中国的大革命正进入高潮。他的四哥 杨闇公 是中共四川地方执行委员会创建人之一。在四哥的影响和帮助下,他开始参加革命工作。1925年加入共青团,1926年初转为中国共产党党员。从此,他把自己的一生献给中国人民的解放事业和壮丽的共产主义事业。
1926年春,杨尚昆进入党所领导的 上海大学 学习。他积极参加了上海工人第一次、第二次武装起义的筹备工作。同年11月,受党组织选派,他到 莫斯科中山大学 学习。在校期间,先后担任班长、支部委员、宣传部副部长等职,比较系统地学习了 马克思列宁主义 理论。1929年,他与 李伯钊 在苏联结婚。1930年,考入苏联中国问题研究院做研究生,同时兼任职工国际中国代表的翻译。
1931年初,杨尚昆回到苦难深重的祖国,先后担任 中华全国总工会 宣传部部长、上海总工会联合会党团书记等职,在国民党统治区的险恶环境下,积极恢复工会组织,发展党员。“ 九一八 ”事变后,先后担任中共江苏省委宣传部部长、中共中央宣传部部长,参与工人运动和抗日救亡运动的组织领导工作。1933年1月,进入中央革命根据地江西瑞金,担任中央苏区中央局宣传干事,并参与编辑党的机关报刊《 红色中华 》和《 斗争 》。2月,任成立不久的 红色中华通讯社 新华社 前身)总负责人。3月,任苏区中央局创办的马克思共产主义大学副校长。6月,参加 中国工农红军 的工作,担任 红一方面军 政治部主任 ,随 朱德 总司令和 周恩来 总政委转战前方。
1934年1月,杨尚昆接任中国工农红军主力之一的 红三军团 政治委员 。同月,在中共六届五中全会上当选为中央候补委员,在第二次全国工农兵代表大会上被选为中华苏维埃共和国中央执行委员会委员。此后,他和红三军团军团长 彭德怀 一起,在中央苏区第五次反“围剿”中,先后指挥所部进行攻克沙县、三溪圩反击战、太阳峰阻击战和高虎垴、万年亭、蜡烛形、保护山等防御作战。他注意协调各方面的关系,妥善处理各种矛盾,团结和带领全军团指战员为完成各项战斗任务而奋斗。
1934年10月17日,杨尚昆和彭德怀率领红三军团从江西出发,开始长征,接连突破敌军的四道封锁线,战功卓著,受到中央革命军事委员会的通令表彰。1935年1月,他参加在遵义召开的中共中央政治局扩大会议,批评 博古 李德 在军事指挥上的严重错误,坚决拥护 毛泽东 的正确主张。会后,和彭德怀一起灵活机动地执行毛泽东的战略战术,率领红三军团浴血奋战,抢占 娄山关 ,同红一军团一道再克遵义城,取得红一方面军长征中的第一个大胜利。根据战场形势的变化,他和彭德怀几次提出正确的建议,都被毛泽东和中央军委采纳,在危急关头为革命建立了不可磨灭的功勋。4月25日,红三军团军团部遭敌机轰炸,他受伤后仍然坚持指挥战斗。6月13日,他和彭德怀一起指挥部队,掩护中央红军主力翻越夹金山。6月下旬,在红一、四方面军胜利会师后,他参加两河口会议,坚决拥护中央关于北上抗日的战略方针。不久,红三军团改为第三军,他担任军政治委员。8月,他被调任红军总政治部副主任,随毛泽东率领的右路军行动,同 张国焘 分裂主义进行了坚决斗争。他在危急关头,配合叶剑英使毛泽东等领导人和大部分中央红军脱离险境。9月12日,他出席在俄界召开的中央政治局紧急扩大会议,坚决拥护会议作出的关于张国焘错误的决定。随后,他任由红三军与红一军、军委纵队改编的中国工农红军陕甘支队政治部副主任。10月19日,他协助政委毛泽东、司令员彭德怀率领陕甘支队到达陕甘革命根据地吴起镇。中央红军长征胜利结束。
全面抗日战争爆发后,1937年8月,杨尚昆任 Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China Deputy Secretary, went to the North China front to assist the secretary of the Uttar Pradesh Bureau Liu Shaoqi To create anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines in North China. In addition to leading the Party and league work of the Shanxi Working Committee and 牺盟会, he was also responsible for guiding the work of Party organizations in Shandong, Hebei, Rehe and Inner Mongolia and organized the establishment of the Party School of the Uttar Pradesh Bureau, which trained a large number of leading cadres for the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. In September 1938, he went to Yan 'an to attend the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee. He actively carried out the work of party building, army building and government building in the anti-Japanese base areas of North China, and made important contributions to promoting the upsurge of the mass anti-Japanese movement in North China. He assisted the Eighth Route Army headquarters Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, counterattack Yan Xishan The "December Incident" in Shanxi shattered the first anti-Communist upsurge of the Kuomintang die-hards, and participated in the organization of the "Hundred Regiment War" that shook the world.
In February, the Central Committee decided that he should assist Wang Jiaxiang in managing the work of the North China Committee of the Central Committee. In August, the Communist Party of China Central Committee Uttar Pradesh Bureau was reorganized, and he remained in office Northern District Bureau Secretary and principal of the Party school. Later, he joined the rectification movement. In April 1945, he attended the seventh National Congress of the Party. In August, he became the Secretary-General of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, presided over the daily work of the Central Military Commission headquarters, and served as the deputy head of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Group. Later, he served as director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee.
The Kuomintang launched an all-out civil war after its victory in the Anti-Japanese War. In April, he was appointed deputy secretary of the Central Rear Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Secretary Ye Jianying led most of the staff of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission organs to move to Linxian County in northwest Shanxi.
In March 1949, the Second Plenary Session of the seventh CPC Central Committee was held in Xibaipo. In September, he was involved in the preparations Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference And the work of the founding ceremony.
中华人民共和国成立后,杨尚昆继续担任中共中央副秘书长、 General Office of the CPC Central Committee He also holds the posts of Secretary-General of the Central Military Commission and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central and direct organs. In order to adapt the work of the General Office of the Central Committee to the needs of the new tasks faced in the early days of the founding of the country, he led the adjustment and improvement of the working organs of the General Office of the Central Committee, established an effective working mechanism to serve the Party Central Committee, and made significant contributions to improving the efficiency of the organs, ensuring the implementation of the Party's line, principles and policies, and ensuring the successful completion of various tasks.
In 1954, he joined the opposition Gao Gang Rao Shu-seki plotted to split the Party and usurp the supreme power of the Party and the state. In the more than ten years that he served as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Central and direct organs, he insisted on seeking truth from facts, protected the cadres as much as possible in many political campaigns, and avoided the excessive struggle to bring more negative effects on the work of the organs.
At the First Plenary Session of the eighth CPC Central Committee, he was elected as Secretariat of the Central Committee The alternate secretary.
1962年2月,在国民经济处于严重困难的紧要关头,杨尚昆临危受命,担任中央精简小组组长,协助刘少奇、周恩来、 Chen Yun and Deng Xiaoping We will comprehensively implement the "eight-figure policy" of adjusting the national economy, and in particular, we will devote ourselves to reducing the urban population by 20 million. By June 1963, the Streamlining Team successfully completed its task, creating important conditions for the fundamental improvement of the financial and economic situation of the country.
1964年冬到1965年夏,杨尚昆带领 General Office of the CPC Central Committee The cadres went to the Niu Jiao brigade of Doumen Commune in Chang 'an County, Shaanxi Province to engage in the "Four Qing". They paid attention to starting from the investigation, and dealt with the problems existing in the cadres in a more realistic manner, which was commendable under the circumstances of the serious development of the "left" deviation.
During his work in Guangdong, he adhered to the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts established at the Third Plenary Session of the eleventh Central Committee of the Party, was keen in thinking, had the courage to forge ahead, resolutely implemented the policy of reform and opening up, got rid of the spiritual shackles of "two anything" in all aspects, earnestly implemented the policy of cadres, and solved a large number of complex problems left over from history. Try to create a sociopolitical environment in which everyone is comfortable and on the same page. He made it clear that Guangdong should "take the first step" and do a good job of reform and opening up, adhere to the hard work of special economic zones, and make Guangdong an outpost and demonstration area of reform and opening up in the country, providing valuable experience for the implementation of the opening up policy. After the establishment of several special economic zones in Guangdong and Fujian increasingly showed strong vitality, he actively participated in the development and opening up of the coastal economic open areas and made efforts to promote the formation of a multi-level and focused all-round pattern of opening up from the coastal areas to the mainland.
In September, he was by-elected as a member of the CPC Central Committee at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee. In September 1980, he was by-elected as Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress.
In September of the following year, he was appointed executive Vice chairman and Secretary-General of the Central Military Commission. A series of major issues of military modernization under the new historical conditions are deeply discussed and studied, emphasizing that the Chinese People's Liberation Army should reduce the number, improve the quality, and take the road of elite troops with Chinese characteristics. He resolutely carried out a series of major measures, such as strategic changes in the guiding ideology of army building, reforming the military structure, streamlining and reorganizing the army, establishing a new rank system and various regulations and regulations, improving political and ideological work, strengthening grassroots construction, establishing armed police forces, strengthening logistics, adjusting the system of the defense industry, and accelerating the modernization of weapons and equipment. We will ensure that the People's Liberation Army stays on the track of building a modernized and regularized revolutionary army in peacetime.
In the new historical period when the focus of the work of the Party and the state has shifted to economic construction as the center, the army must resolutely support the state in concentrating its efforts on economic construction, and at the same time, it must vigorously strengthen national defense construction and maintain a standing and unremitting people's army with strong combat effectiveness to provide security guarantee for the country's economic construction and reform and opening up. He pointed out that the construction of the armed forces should focus on modernization, take combat effectiveness as the standard, and strengthen military training; We should attach importance to maritime management, safeguard maritime rights and interests, and strengthen actual control over islands and coastlines to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Together with other leaders of the Central Military Commission, he organized and merged major military regions, set up group armies, adjusted military academies, founded national defense universities, strengthened the navy and air force, the strategic missile force, the militia and reserve forces, highlighted key points, and established strong "fist" forces, making major achievements in the construction of the army and national defense.
In June 1982, he presided over a symposium of the Central Military Commission and proposed specific principles and measures for reforming the military establishment, streamlining the command organs, cutting and overlapping organs, and streamlining the leadership. Through the implementation of the Plan for Restructuring, Streamlining and Reorganizing the Armed Forces formulated by the Conference, the bloated and complex military organization has been preliminarily changed.
He stressed that it is necessary to proceed from the actual situation of the army, implement the decision of the CPC Central Committee on Party consolidation, lead the army's party consolidation work, and enhance the cohesion of the Party. Under his presidency, the Central Military Commission's Decision on the Political Work of the Army in the New Era clearly stipulated the guiding ideology and main tasks of the political work of the army in the new era, pointing out that "political work is the lifeline of the army, and the real meaning of the lifeline is to play the role of 'guarantee' and 'service' in building a modern army and completing various tasks."
Yang was elected a member of the CPC Central Committee at the 12th and 13th National Congresses in 1982 and 1987, and a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the 12th and the First Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committees, and continued to serve as Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Central Military Commission. At the first session of the sixth National People's Congress held in 1983 and the first session of the Seventh National People's Congress held in 1988, he was appointed vice chairman of the National Military Commission. He earnestly implemented the spirit of the instructions of the Party Central Committee and the intention of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, conscientiously organized and implemented all aspects of the work of the army, and maintained the continuity and stability of the army building.
He made many friends, rallied and won over a large number of patriotic celebrities in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas. In his meeting with these people, he pointed out that although the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have been separated for decades due to historical reasons, the reunification of the motherland is the general trend of The Times and the aspiration of the people, the way out for Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland, and "one country, two systems" is the best way to achieve national reunification. How to realize "one country, two systems" should be discussed by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party on an equal footing. He called on the Taiwan authorities to conform to the people's will, take concrete actions to dissolve hostility, remove obstacles, and promote personnel exchanges and economic cooperation across the Taiwan Straits, so as to usher in a new development of cross-strait relations. His speech has had a wide impact at home and abroad.
1988年4月,在第七届全国人大第一次会议上,杨尚昆当选为 President of the People's Republic of China . He took the trouble to conduct in-depth investigation and research, and insisted on inspecting factories, villages, troops, construction sites and economic development zones, concerned about the sufferings of the people, widely listened to the opinions of cadres, the masses and people from all walks of life, understood the process of economic development and reform and opening up, guided work and solved problems. He paid close attention to the development and changes of the international situation, participated in the formulation and adjustment of the national foreign policy in the new era, and undertook heavy foreign affairs activities, met with many visiting foreign leaders and important people of the people, and visited many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, explaining to the world China's independent foreign policy of peace. It has further enhanced the understanding and friendship between the Chinese government and the governments of other countries and between the Chinese people and the people of the rest of the world. It has done a great deal to improve China's international standing and safeguard world peace and human progress, and won the respect and trust of the international community.
We have high hopes for the prosperity, prosperity and complete unification of our motherland. [4]

Hold a post

Alternate member of the sixth CPC Central Committee, member of the eighth and 11th CPC Central Committee, Deputy of the 14th CPC National Congress and specially invited Deputy of the 15th CPC National Congress, member of the Third NPC Standing Committee, Deputy of the Seventh NPC, Standing Committee of the first, second, third and Fifth CPPCC National Committee. [3]

Character relation

Great-grandfather: Yang Shisui
Father: Yang Huaiqing
Mother: Mr. Qiu
Big Brother: Yang Shangquan
Second Brother: Yang Shanglin
Brother 4: Yang Hiangong (Name Yang Shangshu) [1]
Sixth Brother: Yang Shanglun
Seventh Brother: Yang Shangzhi
Nine brother: Yang Shangming
Eleventh brother: Yang Baibing (Original name Yang Shangzheng)
Sixth Sister: Yang Shangpeng [8 ]
7 Girls: Yang Shangyou
8 Sister: Yang Shangzhi [5]
9 Girls: White forest (original name Yang Shangpu), brother-in-law: Liao Hansheng [7] [8 ]


The whole film includes a total of 8 episodes, including "Wind and rain Journey", "North China Resistance", "East into Peiping", "Construction era", "Chunyong Nanyu", "concerted army", "State responsibility", "Sangyu Love", etc., each episode is 50 minutes. [2]

Character evaluation

He devoted himself to the revolution for more than 70 years, devoted his whole life to the cause of liberation and construction of the Chinese people, and made significant contributions to the cause of reform and opening up and socialist modernization in the new era. [4]
During his revolutionary career of more than 70 years, he always adhered to his ideals and beliefs and was loyal to the Party and the people. Always pursue the truth, constantly forge ahead; Always be strict with yourself and remain Communists. He devoted his life to the Party and the people and set a shining example of Communists. Strive to realize the "two centenary goals" and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! [6]