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Carry the revolution to the end

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This entry is provided by the Communist Party History Publishing House and the Party Building Reading Book Publishing House.
In 2011, the 25th volume of Selected Important Documents Since the Founding of the Party was published by the Central Literary Publishing House. The New Year message began by pointing out that the Chinese people would win the final victory in the great War of liberation. The tortuous road and victories of the war of liberation were expounded. Pointing out that the enemy is unwilling to withdraw from the stage of history; He proposed to carry the revolution to the end, pointing out that only by completely eliminating the reactionaries and driving out the imperialist forces from China can China become independent and have democracy and peace. The New Year message also further pointed out to the Chinese people the problems worthy of attention, the problems of the expansion of the people's revolutionary camp, the problems of crushing the enemy's various attacks, and looked forward to the coming year of 1949. The angry tide of the Chinese revolution is forcing all social classes to decide their attitudes. The balance of class power in China is undergoing new changes. The Chinese people and their General Staff, the Communist Party of China, who have gained sufficient experience, will crush the enemy's political plots just as they crushed the enemy's military attacks and carry on the great People's War of liberation to the end. [1]