Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China
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Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) [74] The capital of Inner Mongolia Hohhot ; Be located in China North, northeast and Amur River , Ji Lin , Liaoning (Province) , Hebei (Province) Border, south and Shanxi (Province) , Shaanxi (Province) , Ningxia Adjacent, southwest and Gansu (Province) Adjoining, north with Russia , Mongolia Border on [1] ; Terrain from northeast to southwest oblique extension, in a narrow shape, climate to Temperate continental climate Give priority to [2-3] ; By the end of 2021, it has jurisdiction over 12 Prefecture-level administrative region With a total area of 1.183 million square kilometers [4-5] ; By the end of 2023, the permanent population was 23.96 million. [68-69]
In 1206, Genghis Khan Set up Mongol Khanate . In the 1920s, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia actively engaged in the struggle against feudalism and aggression. On May 1, 1947, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government was established in Wangye Temple. People's Republic of China After its establishment, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government was renamed the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Government. [9]
In the third year of Kangxi's reign (1664), Kangxi Emperor The Gobi boundary is divided into Inner Zasak Mongolia and Outer Zasak Mongolia. The name "Inner Mongolia" originally came from the "Neizasak Mongolia" and has been followed ever since. With vast land and rich resources, Inner Mongolia is known as "mining in the east and mining in the west, farming in the south and grazing in the north". The per capita area of grassland, forest and cultivated land ranks first in China, the reserves of rare earth metals rank first in the world, and it is also the largest grassland grazing area in China. It has the best preserved grassland in China and is known as "the kingdom of grass, the sea of song and the hometown of wine". [54]
In 2023, the GDP of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region reached 2,462.7 billion yuan, an increase of 7.3 percent over the previous year [65] . Of this total, the added value of the primary industry was 273.7 billion yuan, up by 5.5%; The added value of the secondary industry was 1,170.4 billion yuan, up by 8.1%; The value added of the tertiary industry was 1,018.6 billion yuan, up by 7.0 percent . [67]
Chinese name
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region [6]
Foreign name
Nei Mongol [74]
Inner Mongolia , Saibei
Administrative division code
Administrative category
Subordinate region
People's Republic of China
Geographical position
North China, the northern frontier of China
Area product
1183000 km²
Subordinate area
9 prefecture-level cities, 3 leagues
Government premises
No. 1, Daolechuan Street, Hohhot City
Postal code
Population number
23.96 million [68] (Permanent population at the end of 2023)
License plate code
Mon A- Mon M
Gross regional product
2,462.7 billion yuan [67] (2023)
Famous university
Inner Mongolia University
Current leader
Sun Shaocheng [70] (Secretary of the Party Committee) , Wang Lixia [70] (Chairman of the Autonomous Region)

Historical evolution


Origin of name

Mongolian and Chinese characters in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
In the Qing Dynasty, the earlier attached Monan Mongolian departments were called" Nezasak Mongolia The later annexed Khalkha, Erut and other departments were called" Outer Zasak Mongolia "No Zasak Chahar , Tang Nu Wu Liang Hai The other part is called Inner Mongolia. "Nezasak Mongolia" later evolved into the term "Inner Mongolia". in Mongolian In the middle, the name of Inner Mongolia was originally the same as the Chinese (Bao Pei transliteration: Dotu gamma adumong gamma ol ; Cyril: Doh, h, H, h, h). In 1947, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government changed the Mongolian name to (Bao Pei transliteration: Obormong gamma ol ; Written in Cyril: ө dobechia ө germ. Where (Pappy transliterated: obor ; In Mongolian, it means "sunny side of mountain" or "south side of Yin mountain". While the Chinese generally still refer to the region as "Inner Mongolia", there are a few who refer to the region as a word derived from Monan Mongolia, literally translated as "Southern Mongolia".

Establishment evolution

In ancient times, Inner Mongolia has been Yangshao culture The distribution range of... Liao River epigaeous Hongshan culture . Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period Before, some northern nomads, such as Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China and A surname People live nomadic lives in the Inner Mongolia region.
" Shih Chi Record in... Xia Jie The son of Chunvi It is the ancestor of Xiongnu, and generally introduces the history of Xiongnu more than a thousand years after Chun Wei fled north. [7]
The name of "Donghu", which first appeared in the book age, may be the pre-Qin" Ruzhou book "Yi Zhou book · Wang Hui article" mentioned "Donghu yellow bear mountain Rong Rong Shu", research believes that as early as shang At the beginning, Donghu was active in the north of the Shang Dynasty. in Laoga with The West Lamuron River Donghu burials excavated in the river basin are considered to be circumstantial evidence of the above claim.
Qin Great Wall site
In the late Warring States Period, Yan , State of Zhao , Qin state Its territory has expanded to Inner Mongolia, Central Plains the Huaxia nation Begin at Yinshan mountain range To settle in the south. The King of Zhao King Wuling of Zhao Promote" A horse shot in a Hu suit ", defeat Linhu , A surname These two nomads followed in the present Hohhot Tokoto County build City in Clouds . The Chinese people from the Central Plains began to settle in Hohhot. " Zhao Chengcheng "Passing north of Hohhot Daqingshan Mountain .
After Yan defeated Qin Kai against Donghu, he built" Yanbei Great Wall "In present-day Inner Mongolia Chifeng City South build right north flat part, where to govern Yongseong . After Donghu, it migrated north.
Qin expanded its northern territory into Inner Mongolia and became the dominant state in the west.
Hetao area
Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China rash After capturing the throne of Shan Yu, he was destroyed in 206 BC A surname And a threat to the Han Dynasty. The territory of the Xiongnu Empire was very vast, reaching as far east as the Liao River valley and as far west as the Onion Mountain (now Pamir Plateau ), Nanda The Great Wall of Qin , arrive north Baikal Around. Inner Mongolia became the focus of contention between the Xiongnu and the Central Plains.
Donghu was defeated by Huns Dun Shan Yu, the rest of the settlement Wuhuan Mountain and Xianbei Mountain , formed later Wuhuan Kinand Xianbei nationality . Since then, Donghu's name has disappeared from history. Wuhuan Mountain and Xianbei Mountain are both in Inner Mongolia. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Wuhuan tribe was Cao Cao The capture of Wuhuan Mountain will disappear from historical records.
The Huns split twice during the period Northern Xiongnu and Southern Xiongnu Among them, the northern Xiongnu gradually moved north and west. The Southern Xiongnu gradually migrated inward and were later exterminated during the Wuhu Rebellion.
First Emperor of Qin build The Great Wall Connecting and strengthening the Great Wall of former countries to defend against the Huns. Yinshan Mountain range south, such as Cloud County It is a border town.
The Eastern and Western Han Dynasties When the Great Wall of Han Dynasty was built and the three hundred years of war against Xiongnu was finally won, the Han Dynasty was in its heyday Monan zoning Gowongun , Shuofan The dominion was comparable to today Bayannur City, Baotou A surname Ordos Around the city. Famous general Lv Bu Born here.
Xianbei originated in the Xianbei Mountains outside the Liaoning Province, and later mainly moved in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia Horqin Right wing Middle Banner Near the Haggul River. Inner Mongolia is The two Jin dynasties The Northern and Southern Dynasties During the period, Hu people moved into the Central Plains as one of the main initiator. The fourth century The Western Jin Dynasty (536-597) After its demise, Xianbei was gradually established in northern China preswallow , Surrogate state , A second swallow , Xiyan , The Western Qin Dynasty , Minamiryou , Namyan and The Northern Wei Dynasty (535-544) Such countries, while Mobei From the Xianbei branch meekly Dominate.
Taiyan Five years of the Northern Wei Dynasty (439) Tuoba The Northern Wei, established by the Xianbei, united the North and later clashed frequently with the Rouran. After the Northern Wei experienced the chaos of the six towns, it split into The Eastern Wei Dynasty , The Western Wei Dynasty (535-544) , The Eastern Wei Dynasty , The Western Wei Dynasty (535-544) And then they were The Northern Qi Dynasty (550-597) , The Northern Zhou Dynasty (770-476 B.C.) Usurp. Finally, the Northern Zhou unified North China sui In the first year of Emperor Kai (581), Yang Jian usurped the throne and died. So did the Rouran Khanate, which ruled the north The Southern Dynasties The first year of Liang Chengsheng (552) was The Turkic Khanate Destroyed.
The Northern Qi, Northern Zhou and Sui and Tang dynasties were dominated by Turkic forces Mongolian plateau .
In the 19th year of Emperor Kai Sui (599), Eastern Turkic Empire Tuli Khan Defeated in the Turkic Civil War, he went south to join the Sui Dynasty, and Emperor Wen granted Tuli Khan the title of Qimin Khan. Under the strong support of Sui Dynasty, the Turkic Qimin regime was established in Inner Mongolia. This power was directly under the Sui central government. The Sui Dynasty maintained a close relationship with the Qimin regime Suzerain-vassal relationship And the legates. Emperor Yang of Sui He had twice personally toured the North, setting a precedent for the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty to visit the North Fortress regime in person. The seventh year of Sui Daye (611), Western Turkic Dynasty Chu Luo Khan also fell to Sui. The Sui Dynasty briefly controlled the entire territory of inner and outer Mongolia.
Eastern Turkic Empire
Tang Taizong, the Turkic Valerihan Invade the Tang to the south and force Tang to marry The Weishui River Alliance . The tooth tent of the Khan of Tujue Jie was in Dingxiang (present-day Inner Mongolia) Qingshuihe County Ringell North Tuchengzi Ancient city ), Zhenguan four years (630) January, Tang General Li Jing He led three thousand fine horses to attack Yinshan at night and captured Jie Li Han's dental tent at night, forcing Jie Li Han to flee to Iron Mountain (present-day Inner Mongolia) Bayan Obo In March of the fourth year of Zhenguan (630) Jie Li was captured and the Eastern Turks died. The Tang army took Jie Li to Chang 'an, and Jie Li Han surrendered to Tang and died of old age in Chang 'an. The Tang Dynasty set up the four prefectures of Shun, You, Hua and Chang in the former site of Tuli Khan, and the former site of Jie Li Khan Dingxiang governor's mansion , The governor's palace in the cloud . Zhenguan twenty years (646), the Tang Dynasty united Uyghour Etc. Tiele Horde, kill it Xue Yantuo . by Yanran all protect the house The management of the former Tiele, the rule is located at the foot of Yinshan (Hangjin Hind Banner of Inner Mongolia), the jurisdiction of the east The Greater Khingan Mountains , west to Altai Mountain The entire Mongolian plateau to the Gobi in the south and Lake Baikal in the north. In the first year of Yonghui (650), the Tang army captured Chebi Khan, and all the Turkic lands were owned by Tang. Tang Gao Zongshi The sea city protects the house (Later renamed Anbukitsu Protectorate , Shan Yu City guard house ), the rule is located in the old city of Yunzhong (now Inner Mongolia and Linger northwest Tucheng Zi), leading Wolf Mountain, Yunzhong, Sanggan three Du, Sunong and other twenty-four states. In the first year of the Tang Dynasty Tianbao (742), Yunzhou was changed to Yunzhong (today Datong City, Shanxi), and the jurisdiction was about Inner Mongolia The right Banner of Tumt To the east, Daqingshan Mountain To the south, Zhuozi county To the west, The Yellow River South Bank and north of the Great Wall. In the year of Qianyuan Yuan (758), the cloud was changed again Unju . The tang dynasty The Rebellion of An Shi After, the western part of Inner Mongolia is Uighur State control, to Enlightened religion It is the state religion. From the east Khitan Sphere of influence. At the beginning of the Five Dynasties, Qidan, an ancient nationality in China Invasion, in the first year of Shenshu (916), the Khitan occupied the old city of Yunzhong and abolished the capital guard.
The Khitan, a descendant of the Rouran people in the early Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms The Jeru Abao Machine The Khitan tribal regime was established in 907 and was established in the first year of the Divine Album (916) Khitan kingdom In 947, it was renamed Liao State, during which it was located in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Balin left Banner Nearby, the first capital on the Mongolian steppe was established Shanghai . The Liao Dynasty "Fengzhou" was near Hohhot City today.
After the Liao was destroyed by the Jin, Mongwu Shiwei man The descendants of a small branch of the Mongols entered the area, to which much of present-day Inner Mongolia still belongs Jin State The scope of... The people living in the cloud are Turkic Wangu .
Chinese book province
The second year of Kaixi (1206) Genghis Khan established the Great Mongolia, 54 years later Yuan Shizu Kublai Khan The Yuan Dynasty was established in the Central Plains. Before Kublai Khan moved Dadu Shangdu (Kaiping City) is in present-day Inner Mongolia Xilin Gol League Zhenglan Banner Within the territory, Duolun County northwest Lightning River Side.
Mobei area is the early stage Mongol Empire At the beginning of the empire, the capital was in Mobei Harahorin . In the first year of Jingding (1260), Mungo Khan Left in the capital after his death Ariq By the Mongolian native aristocrats elected as great Khan, according to Mobei. After hearing the news, Kublai Khan also stood up for himself as a great Khan in Kaiping, according to Moonan. The two sides fought a bitter civil war that lasted four years. After Ariq surrendered in 1264, Kublai Khan imprisoned him and later died, or was poisoned by Kublai. Mobei and Monan were all owned by Kublai Khan.
Since the base of Kublai Khan's political, military and economic power was in the land of Monan (present-day Inner Mongolia), he no longer used Helin as his capital, but moved it to Yanjing and renamed it mostly . As the political center moved south, Mobei and Lin Xuancomforter were placed in command. Till... changed to... Lingbei and other lines in the book province He Lin, the provincial capital, had jurisdiction over present-day northern Inner Mongolia. Mongolia Throughout the territory, Siberia South. And eastern Inner Mongolia Hulunbuir City, Tongliao Municipality belongs to Liaoyang and other lines in the book province Part of the western land belongs to Gansu and other lines in the book province A small part of the central part is directly under Chinese book province .
Nine sides of Ming Dynasty
Ming Dynasty After its establishment, the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty retreated to Mobei, and the northern part of the Gobi Desert was occupied by the Mongols Northern Yuan Dynasty And Hongwu 21 years (1388) after the fall of the Northern Yuan and split Tartar and Vala and Wu Liangha The scope of activity, the south is the Ming army against the North of the frontline counterattack base. The Ming Dynasty set up successively in the area of Monan garrison More than 40 of them were under the jurisdiction of the nine great Saiking, and all the wei were not abolished after the Yongle Yuan. The change of Civil Castle After the restoration The bend of a river Ungarrised, the Tatars began to enter Hetao on a large scale during the Tianshun Period (1457-1464), and by the end of the 15th century, the chief of the Eastern Mongols Dayan Khan Unification of Monan Mongolia to achieve "rejuvenation". In the sixth year of Longqing (1572), he was the grandson of the Mongol leader Dayan Khan Altan Khan The rate of The Ministry of Tumt Herding Hohhot, and in the present Yuquan District The city of "Kuku and Tun" was built within the territory, from which the Department of Tumt transitioning from grassland nomadism to settled life. Altan Khan had previously established a vassal relationship with the Ming Dynasty, and Altan Khan was regarded as the "Shunyi King". The Ming government gave the Han name "Guihua" during the Wanli period, which meant to make the ethnic minorities submit to the shun and Huayi and submit to the rule of the Ming court.
The northeastern part of Inner Mongolia in the early and middle Qing Dynasty
The Ming Dynasty Eastern and southern parts of Liaoning Province Western, southern Mannan, Gansu (Province) North Hoa Kami More than 20 Mongolian health centers were set up in the area, and the chiefs of the health centers were served by Mongolian feudal lords.
Huang Taiji
Mannan Mongolia Sixteen departments and 49 feudal lords belonged to the Qing Dynasty around the first year of Chongde (1636). Since then, Mobei Mongolia and Qinghai (Province) the Erut The Mongol feudal lords sent envoys and tributes to the Qing Dynasty. At the same time, Tsarist Russia invaded China Xinjiang Erut Mongol region, and bought and mobilized Erut The Ministry of Dzunggar Nobleman Kardan Equal pair Qinghai Mongolia Mobei Mongols and Monnan Mongols launched attacks, the Qing Dynasty after several military attacks, and finally in Qianlong forty-one year (1776), the rebellion of the Dzunggar minority nobles was put down, and the Mongolian area was reunified. In order to strengthen the rule of the Mongols, on the basis of re-adjusting the original feudal territories of Mongolia, "Wulus" and "Otok", the Qing government referred to the Manchu The eight flags system , was established in Mongolian areas Alliance flag system . [8] In the 13th year of Yongzheng (1735) to the fourth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, a new military garrison city was built in the east of today's Hohhot, named" Suiyuan City Later, the two cities of "Guihua" and "Suiyuan" were merged into Guisui county . There was no unified administrative division in Mannan Mongolia during the Qing Dynasty, and Nezasak 49 Banner was divided into six leagues, while Hulunbuir region was subordinate Amur River . Opium Wars After Czarist Russia not only through a series Unequal treaty They occupied a large part of China's territory, seized various privileges, dumped goods, exported capital, built railways, plundered resources, controlled the economic lifeline of Mongolia, and plundered and extracted wealth. [8] In June of the ninth year of Xianfeng (1859), the invading forces of Britain and France attacked Dagu Port There are more than 2,000 Mongolian cavalry stationed there Sin Greenqin Under the command of the Qing government, despite the traitor surrender order, rose to defend themselves. After a day and night of fierce fighting, they sank four enemy ships, killed and wounded more than 400 enemy troops, and made the invading troops flee in panic. [8] Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement During the period, the Mongolian people launched a struggle against the Qing government and the Mongolian feudal ruling class. Xianfeng eight years (1858), Inner Mongolia The Ikcho League Uxin Banner An outbreak by poor herders Piraj Such as the leadership of the "lone dragon" movement (or "multiple return wheels", Mongolian "ring", "circle" meaning. Those who participated in the "Duguilong" sat on the floor in a circle during meetings, and also arranged their names in a circle when they signed documents, because of the name), and resisted the exorbitant taxes and corvee of the aristocratic officials. Since then, in the western region of Inner Mongolia, the Mongolian people have been engaged in continuous struggle with the ruling class in the form of "Dugui dragon". In the eastern part of Inner Mongolia, there were the Yizhou and Chaoyang uprisings led by the Mongolian Bai Ling A, in which the Han and Mongolian people fought together and attacked the rulers. [8]
Sin Greenqin
Xinhai Revolution During the period, Tsarist Russia took the opportunity to collude with and support a small number of feudal upper classes and lamas living Buddhas Jeb respects Damba They instigated the so-called "independence" and "autonomy" in the Mongolian region, incited ethnic scum to launch rebellions, and tried to take the opportunity to annex the Mongolian region. After the Qing Dynasty Khalkha Mongolia Towards independence, while Inner Mongolia is in Republic of China Under its rule, it is divided into several provinces. In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), the National government changed the current Hohhot to Guisui County, 1928, Suiyuan To establish the province, Guisui City was established in the urban area of Guisui County as the provincial capital. Inner Mongolia still does not have a unified administrative division, divided into Suiyuan province, Rehe Province , Chahar province , Ningxia province , Heilongjiang Province Let's wait.
After the Revolution of 1911, Japanese imperialism accelerated the pace of aggression. War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression During this period, a part of Mannan Mongolia was occupied by the Japanese army, and the group led by King De cooperated with the Japanese Empire and established" Mongolian and Xinjiang united autonomous government And other institutions that administer parts of Inner Mongolia. In the early 1930s, most of Inner Mongolia was colonized by Japanese imperialism. They snared spies, leading traitors, such as Dmuchukdonloop (i.e., King of Germany), Li Shouxin , Wang Ying Etc., put together a puppet army, build up Puppet regime And brutally ruled the Mongolian and Han peoples in the occupied areas. [8] The Japanese changed Guisui City to "Howa Special City". After the defeat of Japan, it was renamed Guisui City.
Leaders of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government review the People's Self-Defense Army after its establishment
On April 23, the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), in Wangye Temple (now City of Ulanhot The Inner Mongolia People's Representative meeting was held, and 393 representatives from Mongolia, Daur, Ewenki, Han, Manchu, Hui, Zhuang and other ethnic groups from most of the alliance banners in Inner Mongolia attended the meeting. The meeting passed a resolution to establish the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government, including Chahar Province, Hung 'an And parts of Ningxia, Rehe, Heilongjiang and Suiyuan provinces Ulanhu President of the self-government. The meeting decided that May 1 of each year is the anniversary of the establishment of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government. In November 1949, he was appointed Premier of the Central People's Government Administration Council Zhou Enlai Approved. Home Government relocation Zhangjiakou .
In November 1952, Zhangjiakou was annexed Hebei Province . In 1954, the People's Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region moved to Guisui City, which was renamed Hohhot City and made the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In the same year Ningxia Province was abolished and merged into Gansu Province.
In 1955, the province of Jehol was abolished. Chifeng, Houdin Ningcheng 3 counties and Aohan Banner , Harqin Banner , Weng Niute Banner (The former Wongniute Mongolian Autonomous Banner was changed) 3 flags were transferred to the Zhaowda League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
On July 5, 1969, the Hulunbuir League of Inner Mongolia (except Tuquan County, Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Molidavar Daur Autonomous Banner and Oroqen Autonomous Banner) was changed into Heilongjiang Hulunbuir League, and Molidavar Daur Autonomous Banner and Oroqen Autonomous Banner participated in the formation of the Greater Hinggan Mountains region, and Tuquan County, Horqin Right Wing Front Banner and Zhelimu League were transferred to Jilin Province. Zhaowuda League was assigned to Liaoning Province; The communes of Alashan Left Banner and Alashan Right Banner, such as Bayanor, Ulliji, Tamusu, Alateng Aobao and Bamboo Buer, were transferred to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region; The rest of Alashan Right Banner and Ejin Banner of Bayannaoer League were assigned to Gansu Province.

Administrative division

By 2021, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has jurisdiction over 12 prefecture-level administrative regions, including 9 prefecture-level cities and 3 leagues, namely Hohhot, Baotou, Wuhai, Chifeng, Tongliao, Ordos, Hulunbuir, Bayannur, Ulanqab, Xingan League, Xilingol League and Alashan League. There are 23 municipal districts, 11 county-level cities, 17 counties, 49 flags, and 3 autonomous flags (a total of 103 county-level administrative units). [10] The People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in Hohhot City Saihan District, Zhuolechuan Street No. 1.
Zoning details
Administrative region
Area (sq. km)
Municipal district, county, county-level city, flag
Ninety thousand
Nearly 60,000
270 thousand
Note: The area of the administrative division is calculated by adding the land area of the county-level administrative area. The land area of the county-level administrative area is provided by various localities for reference only. [12]

Geographical environment


Location boundary

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in People's Republic of China The northern border stretched from northeast to southwest in a narrow and long shape. From east to east longitude 126°04 ', west to east longitude 97°12 ', across the longitude 28°52 ', east-west linear distance of more than 2400 kilometers; South from 37°24 'north latitude, north to 53°23' north latitude, 15°59 'longitudinally-occupied latitude, linear distance 1700 kilometers; The region covers a total area of 1.183 million square kilometers, accounting for 12.3% of China's land area, and is the third largest province in China. East, south and west in turn Amur River , Ji Lin , Liaoning (Province) , Hebei (Province) , Shanxi (Province) , Shaanxi (Province) , Ningxia and Gansu (Province) Adjacent to 8 provinces and regions, across the three North ( northeast , North China , northwest ), near Beijing tianjin ; Kitatsu Mongolia and Russia Border, own Erenhot City and Manzhouli City Two important ports, the border length of 4,200 kilometers. [53]
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region


The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is high in terrain, with an average altitude of about 1000 meters, which is basically a plateau type geomorphic region. In the natural division of the world, it belongs to the famous central Asia Mongolian plateau The southeast and its perimeter, collectively known as Inner Mongolia Plateau It is the second largest of the four plateaus in China. There are obvious differences in internal structure, among which plateaus account for 53.4% of the total area, mountains account for 20.9%, hills account for 16.4%, plains and beaches account for 8.5%, and rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other water surface area account for 0.8%.
Inner Mongolia
The landform of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is mainly Mongolian Plateau, which has complex and diverse forms. Except for the southeast, it is basically a plateau, accounting for about 50% of the total land area, by Hulunbuir High plains, Xilin Gol High plains, Bayannur - Alxa and Ordos The average altitude is about 1000 meters above sea level, the highest point above sea level Helan Mountain The main peak is 3556 meters. Northeast approach The Outer Hinggan Mountains Let's wait. The plateau is spread all around The Greater Khingan Mountains , Yinshan Mountain (Wolf Mountain, Mount Selten , Daqingshan Mountain , Ash riser beam ), Helan Mountain Such mountains form the backbone of the topography of the Inner Mongolia Plateau. Northernmost, north-eastern distance The Shilka River , The Gerpitzi River , Onon , Haraha It's near. It is distributed in the western end of Inner Mongolia Plateau Badain Jaran Desert , The Tengger Desert , The Ulan Buhe Desert , The Kubuqi Desert , Mu Us Desert The total area is 150,000 square kilometers.
At the eastern foot of the Greater Khingan Mountains, at the foot of Yinshan Mountain and on the bank of the Yellow River, there are Nenjiang west coast plain , West Liaohe Plain , Tumechuan Plain , Hetao plain and Plain on the south bank of the Yellow River . With flat terrain, fertile soil, abundant sunlight and abundant water, it is the main producing area of grain and cash crops in Inner Mongolia. In the mountain to the high plain, plain junction, distribution Loess hill The rocky hills are intermingled with low mountains, valleys and basins, and the soil erosion is serious.


Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has a vast territory, well-developed strata, frequent magmatic activity, good metallogenic conditions and rich mineral resources. It is bounded by 42° to the north and can be divided into two grade 1 geotectonic units. To the north of the 42° line is the Tianshan-Inner Mongolia-Xing 'an geosyncline region, and to the south is the North China platform region. Under the influence of the Pacific plate subduction to the west during the middle and Cenozoic, the NE-trending tectonic volcanic rock belt, Xin, was formed in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia cathaysian The third uplift. The former is a gold and copper polymetallic class II metallogenic belt in the northern margin of the North China Platform, and the latter is a copper polymetallic class II metallogenic belt in the Greater Hinggan Mountains. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has a vast territory and many soil types, which are divided into 9 soil classes and 22 soil classes. The common characteristics of the soil are strong calcium accumulation and organic matter accumulation during soil formation.
In Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the soil distribution changes obviously between east and west, and the soil belt is basically aligned in the northeast-southwest direction, with the easternmost direction Black soil The soil zone, in order to the west Dark brown soil Zone, chernozem Zone, Chestnut soil Zone, Brown soil Land belt, Heilu soil Zone, podzol Zone, Aeolian sandy soil Zonal sum Grey brown desert soil Zone. Black soil has the highest natural fertility, good structure and moisture condition, easy cultivation and suitable for agriculture. The natural fertility of chernozem soil is second, which is suitable for the development of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry.


The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is vast, located in a high latitude, a large plateau area, far from the sea, the border is blocked by mountains, the climate is mainly temperate continental monsoon climate. The precipitation is small and uneven, the wind is strong, and the cold and summer change is drastic. The northern section of the Greater Khingan Mountains belongs to Cold temperate zone Continental monsoon climate, Bayanhot - Haibo Bay - Bayangol west of the region belongs to the temperate continental climate. The general characteristics are sudden rise in spring temperature, windy weather, short and hot summer, concentrated precipitation, autumn temperature drop, frost often early, long winter cold, cold wave weather.
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is full of sunshine, light energy resources are very rich, most of the annual sunshine hours are more than 2700 hours, the western region of Alxa Plateau up to more than 3400 hours. The average number of windy days throughout the year is 10-40 days, 70% of which occur in spring. among Xilin Gol , The Ulanqab Plateau More than 50 days; The northern mountains of the Greater Khingan Mountains, generally less than 10 days. The number of sandstorm days in most areas is 5-20 days, west of Alxa and Ordos Plateau Area up to 20 days or more, Alxa League Ejin Banner There are 108 gales per year in Khurukigut.
In 2021, the average temperature in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 6.3 ° C, 0.8 ° C higher than usual and the second highest since 1961 (FIG. 1). The temperature is between -3.2 (Tuli River) and 11.5℃ (Wustai), and the western part of Hulunbuir City, most of Ordos City, western part of Bayannur City, and most of Alashan League are 1 ~ 2.1℃ higher than the usual year (Wustai). [13]


Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has a total of more than 1,000 rivers, China's second largest river - the Yellow River, from Ningxia Shizuishan Nearby into Inner Mongolia, from south to north, around the Ordos Plateau, forming a horseshoe shape. Among them, 107 rivers have a drainage area of more than 1,000 square kilometers; There are 258 river basins larger than 300 square kilometers. There are nearly a thousand large and small lakes, mainly Hulun Lake , Belsee , Dalinor Lake , Wu Liang Suhai , The Daihai River , Juyan Sea Let's wait.
According to the different natural conditions and water systems, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is divided into: the western foot of the Greater Hinggan Mountains Amur River Drainage area ( The Kerulen River , The Erguna River ); Hulunbuir high Plain inland water system area; The eastern foothills of the Great Khingan Mountains Nenjiang River Drainage area ( Hanno , The Naturi River , The Dobkul River , Gan River Etc.); West Liaohe Plain Liaohe River system area ( Laoga and The West Lamuron River ); Inner Mongolia high plain inland water system area at the north foot of Yinshan Mountain; Yinshan Mountain The mountains, Haihe River , The Luanhe River (in Hebei Province) Water system area; The southern foot of Yinshan Mountain Hetao plain Yellow River system area ( The Yellow River , Great Heihe ); Ordos High plain water system area; Western desert inland water system area.

Natural resources


Water resources

The surface water resources of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are 40.660 billion cubic meters, and the groundwater resources that do not duplicate the surface water are 13.935 billion cubic meters. The total water resources of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are 54.595 billion cubic meters, accounting for 1.92% of the total water resources of the country. In addition, the Yellow River has a water distribution of 5.86 billion cubic meters, and the Heihe River has a water distribution of 800 million cubic meters. The annual average available water resources of the region are 25.344 billion cubic meters, of which 14.014 billion cubic meters are available for surface water, 11.393 billion cubic meters are available for groundwater, and 768 million cubic meters are available for other water sources. The annual per capita water consumption is 2,200 cubic meters, the average water consumption per hectare of cultivated land is 0.76 million cubic meters, and the average water production modulus is 46,100 cubic meters/square kilometer. The distribution of water resources in Inner Mongolia is very uneven in the region and time, and does not adapt to the distribution of population and cultivated land. In the eastern part of Heilongjiang Basin, the land area accounts for 27% of the whole region, the cultivated land area accounts for 20% of the whole region, the population accounts for 18% of the whole region, and the total water resources account for 67% of the whole region, and the per capita water resources occupy 3.6 times of the average of the whole region. In the central and western regions, the total area of the West Liaohe River, the Hailuanhe River and the Yellow River is 26 percent, the cultivated land is 30 percent, and the population is 66 percent, but the water resources are only 24 percent, and most of the regions are in short supply of water resources. [14]

Plant resources

There are 2619 species of vascular plants (seed plants and ferns) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (excluding planted units and cultivated plants), including 2551 species of seed plants and 68 species of ferns. These plants belong to 144 families and 737 genera. There are 127 families and 707 genera of seed plants. There are 2 species of plants belonging to the national level I protection, including 1 species of forestry and grass department supervisor and 1 species of agricultural department supervisor; The state level II protection 40 species, of which 21 species of forest and grass department supervisor, 19 species of agricultural department supervisor. [1]

Forest resources

Inner Mongolia is an important ecological security barrier in the north of China and one of the provinces with relatively rich forest resources in China. From east to west, there are original forests of the Greater Khingan Mountains and 11 secondary forests (southern mountains of the Greater Khingan Mountains, Baogeda Mountains, Diyan Temple, Han Mountains, Keshketen, Maojingba, Daqingshan, Manhan Mountains, Wula Mountains, Helan Mountains, Ejin secondary forests), as well as artificial forests formed by long-term construction. According to the update results of the "One map" of forest resource management in the region in 2020, the forest area of the region is 408 million mu, ranking first in the country, and the forest coverage rate is 23.0%; The area of planted forest is 99 million mu, ranking third in China; Forest reserves of 1.6 billion cubic meters, ranking fifth in China. The natural forests are mainly distributed in 11 secondary forests in Inner Mongolia, including the original forest area of the Greater Khingan Mountains and the southern mountains of the Greater Khingan Mountains, and the artificial forests are spread all over the region. The whole area is rich in tree species, including poplar, willow, elm, Mongolian pine , Chinese pine , larch , White birch Oak trees and caragana, white thorn, apricot, Caragana caragana , sallow willow, saloul, poplar wood, sea-buckthorn Such shrubs. [1]

Animal resources

There are 613 species of terrestrial wild vertebrates in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, belonging to 291 genera, 93 families, 29 orders. There are 52 species of animals belonging to the national level I protection, including 50 species in charge of forestry and grass departments and 2 species in charge of fisheries departments; The state level II protection 117 species, of which 106 species of forestry and grass department supervisor, fisheries department supervisor 11 species. [1]

Mineral resources

Inner Mongolia ranks first in coal resources in China
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has vast territory, superior metallogenic geological conditions and rich mineral resources. The central and western regions are rich in copper, lead, zinc, iron, rare earth and other minerals. Rich gold deposits in central and southern areas; The eastern region is rich in silver, lead, zinc, copper, tin, rare and scattered metal element minerals; Energy and mineral resources spread throughout 12 cities of the League, but mainly concentrated in the Ordos Basin, Erlian basin (group), Hailaer basin group. Baotou Baiyun Obo Mine is the world's largest rare earth mine. There are 125 kinds of minerals (including subspecies) with confirmed reserves of resources in the region, and 119 kinds of minerals are listed in the Table of Mineral Resources Reserves of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. There are 103 kinds of mineral resources in the region ranked the top ten in the country, of which 48 kinds of mineral resources ranked the top three in the country, especially 21 kinds of coal, lead, zinc, silver, rare earth and other minerals ranked the first in the country. [1]


According to the results of the seventh national population census, the permanent population of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 2,4049,155 at midnight on November 1, 2020. [39] Compared with 24,706,321 in the sixth national census in 2010, the resident population of the district decreased by 657,166 people, a decrease of 2.66%, with an average annual growth rate of -0.27%. Among them, the Han population was 18,935,537, accounting for 78.74%; The Mongolian population is 4,247,815, accounting for 17.66%; The population of other ethnic minorities was 865,803, accounting for 3.60%. Compared with the sixth national census in 2010, the Han population decreased by 715,150 people, a decrease of 3.64%; The Mongolian population increased by 21,722, or 0.51 percent, and the population of other ethnic minorities increased by 36,262, or 4.37 percent. [33]
By the end of 2023, the permanent population of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 23.96 million. Among them, the urban population was 16.671,000 and the rural population was 7.289,000. The urbanization rate of permanent residents was 69.58%, an increase of 0.98 percentage points over the end of the previous year. The male population is 12.271 million, and the female population is 11.689 million. The annual birth rate was 5.00‰, with a population of 120 000. 202,000 people died, with a mortality rate of 8.42‰. [68]
The permanent population of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2017-2022) changed
Reference sources: [56] [58-62]



Current leader

External communication

Consular agency
Consulate General of Mongolia in Hohhot
Consulate of Mongolia in Erenhot
Consulate of Mongolia in Manchuria [55]




In 2023, the GDP of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region reached 2,462.7 billion yuan, an increase of 7.3 percent over the previous year. Of this total, the added value of the primary industry was 273.7 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5% over the previous year; The added value of the secondary industry was 1,170.4 billion yuan, up by 8.1%; The value added of the tertiary industry was 1,018.6 billion yuan, up by 7.0 percent. The ratio of the three industries is 11.1:47.5:41.4. The primary, secondary and tertiary industries contributed 8.7%, 45.7% and 45.6% respectively to the growth of regional GDP. Per capita GDP reached 102,677 yuan, an increase of 7.4 percent over the previous year. [68]
In 2023, the per capita disposable income of all residents in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 38,130 yuan, an increase of 6.1 percent over the previous year. The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 48,676 yuan, an increase of 5.1 percent over the previous year. In terms of the composition of the main income, wage income was 29,756 yuan, up by 5.9%; Net operating income was 9,276 yuan, an increase of 4.1%; Net property income was 2,637 yuan, up 1.2%; Transferred net income was 7006 yuan, an increase of 4.8%. The per capita disposable income of residents in rural and pastoral areas was 21,221 yuan, up by 8.0 percent. In terms of the composition of the main income, wage income was 4,086 yuan, an increase of 7.7%; Net operating income was 11,607 yuan, an increase of 8.3%; Net property income was 580 yuan, up 15.8%; The transferred net income was 4,948 yuan, an increase of 6.9%.
In 2023, the per capita living consumption expenditure of all residents in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will be 27,025 yuan, an average increase of 9.2 percent in two years. The per capita living consumption expenditure of urban residents was 32,249 yuan, an average increase of 8.9% over the past two years. The per capita consumption expenditure of residents in rural and pastoral areas was 18,650 yuan, an average increase of 9.0 percent over the past two years. The Engel coefficient of the whole population was 27.6%. Of these, 27.0% were in urban areas and 29.1% were in rural and pastoral areas. [68-69]
Change of the gross regional product of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2017-2022)
Reference sources: [56] [58-62]
In 2023, the consumer price of residents in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region rose 0.6 percent from the previous year. Both urban and rural areas rose by 0.6%. The producer price at the factory gate was down by 7.9 percent, and the purchase price at the factory was down by 7.0 percent.
In 2023, the fixed asset investment of the whole society in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region increased by 19.4 percent over the previous year. Investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households) grew by 19.8%. In terms of investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households), the investment in eastern region increased by 14.7 percent over the previous year, that in central region by 25.4 percent, and that in western region by 18.6 percent. In fixed asset investment (excluding rural households), the investment in the primary industry increased by 8.6% over the previous year, the investment in the secondary industry increased by 33.1%, and the investment in the tertiary industry increased by 4.4%. Infrastructure investment increased by 12.0% over the previous year. Manufacturing investment increased by 46.4 percent over the previous year. Private investment in fixed assets increased by 14.2 percent over the previous year. [68-69]
In 2023, the general public budget revenue of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will reach 308.34 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2 percent over the previous year. Of this total, tax revenue was 233.10 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2%, accounting for 75.6% of the general public budget revenue. Expenditure in the general public budget is 681.75 billion yuan, up 15.8%.
On December 11, 2023, according to the Announcement of the National Bureau of Statistics on grain Production Data in 2023, the sown area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2023 was 69,84.7 thousand hectares, with a total output of 39,578 million tons and a output per unit area of 5,666.4 kg/ha. [64]

Primary industry

In 2023, the total sown area of crops in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will be 8.809 million hectares. Among them, 6.985 million hectares were sown with grain crops, an increase of 0.5% over the previous year. Grain output was 39.578 million tons, an increase of 1.5% over the previous year. The annual output of pig, cattle, sheep and poultry meat was 2.854 million tons, an increase of 2.7 percent over the previous year. Among them, the output of pork was 757,000 tons, an increase of 2.7 percent over the previous year; Beef output was 778,000 tons, up 8.3%; Mutton output was 1.088 million tons, down 1.3%; The output of poultry meat was 230 thousand tons, an increase of 4.4%. The output of poultry eggs was 672,000 tons, an increase of 7.4%. Milk production was 7.926 million tons, up by 8.0%. At the end of the year, the stock of live pigs was 6.299 million, an increase of 5.5% over the end of the previous year; Cattle inventory was 9.477 million, up 15.5%; The sheep inventory was 61,806,000, an increase of 0.9%; The poultry inventory was 59.291 million, an increase of 7.9%. [68]

Secondary industry

In 2023, the total industrial added value of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region increased by 7.2% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.4%. Among industries above designated size, by economic type, the added value of state-owned holding enterprises increased by 8.0%, joint-stock enterprises by 7.2%, and enterprises invested by foreign investors and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan enterprises by 17.7%. By category, mining grew by 2.1 percent, manufacturing by 11.7 percent, and electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply by 16.3 percent. [68]
In 2023, among the industries above designated size in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the coal mining and washing industry increased by 1.4% over the previous year, the food manufacturing industry increased by 18.3%, the oil, coal and other fuel processing industry increased by 15.3%, the chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industry increased by 2.5%, and the non-metallic mineral products industry increased by 20.2%. The non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry grew by 11.9 percent; the special equipment manufacturing industry by 13.1 percent; the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry by 89.2 percent; the computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry by 3.5 percent; and the electricity and heat production and supply industry by 15.5 percent.
In 2023, the output of raw coal in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 123.3663 million tons, an increase of 1.7 percent over the previous year; The electricity generation was 762.99 billion KWH, up 15.3%. Among the products of industrial enterprises above designated size, the output of coke was 50.693,000 tons, up by 8.0%; The output of monocrystalline silicon was 589,000 tons, up 42.3%; Steel production 33.858 million tons, up 11.1%; Primary aluminum output of 6.338 million tons, up 3.7%; The output of dairy products was 4.73 million tons, up by 13.2%. [68]
In 2023, the operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region reached 2,846.60 billion yuan, down 0.7 percent from the previous year. The expense per 100 yuan of revenue was 6.9 yuan, an increase of 0.3 yuan over the previous year; The cost per 100 yuan of revenue was 79.5 yuan, an increase of 2.9 yuan. The asset-liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size was 56.6% at the end of the year, an increase of 0.7 percentage points over the end of the previous year. The sales rate of industrial enterprises above designated size was 98.8%.
In 2023, the added value of the construction industry in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region increased by 12.1% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 1,335 qualified general contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises in the region, an increase of 96 over the end of the previous year. The construction area of enterprise housing with workload was 66.679 million square meters, down 5.4% from the previous year; The completed housing area was 12.716 million square meters, up by 16.0%; The completion rate of housing construction was 19.1%. [68-69]

Tertiary industry

Service industry
In 2023, the added value of the wholesale and retail industry in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 164.76 billion yuan, an increase of 4.8% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 151.25 billion yuan, up by 10.0%; The added value of the accommodation and catering industry was 36.82 billion yuan, up by 20.8%; The added value of the financial industry was 108.10 billion yuan, up by 9.0%. The operating income of service enterprises above designated size increased by 7.7% over the previous year. [68]
In 2023, the total retail sales of consumer goods in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region reached 537.43 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1 percent over the previous year. The retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas were 473.96 billion yuan, up by 8.0 percent; Retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas reached 63.47 billion yuan, up by 9.2%. Grouped by consumption types, the retail sales of goods were 470.79 billion yuan, up by 6.8%; The revenue of catering industry reached 66.64 billion yuan, up 18.4 percent. By region, retail sales of consumer goods in the eastern region grew by 4.6 percent, in the central region by 10.4 percent, and in the western region by 5.5 percent.
In 2023, the retail sales of units above designated size in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will increase by 27.4 percent for grain, oil and food, 3.8 percent for beverages, 21.3 percent for tobacco and alcohol, 26.5 percent for clothing, shoes and hats, textiles and needles, 5.4 percent for cosmetics, and 28.5 percent for gold, silver and jewelry. Daily necessities grew by 34.1%, household appliances and audio and video equipment by 15.2%, Chinese and Western medicine by 16.0%, communication equipment by 13.1%, and automobiles by 17.2%. [68]
In 2023, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region completed 710 million postal delivery services, an increase of 15.8 percent over the previous year. The postal industry completed 4.948 million postal letters, 268,000 parcels and 365.705 million express deliveries, with a revenue of 6.34 billion yuan. The total volume of telecom business completed in the year was 31.51 billion yuan, an increase of 17.8% over the previous year. By the end of the year, there were 30.262 million mobile phone users in the region. Among them, there were 13.619 million 5G mobile phone users. The mobile phone penetration rate is 126.0 per 100 people. The number of fixed broadband Internet users reached 9.485 million, an increase of 804,000 over the end of the previous year. The number of mobile Internet users was 26.504 million, an increase of 734,000. The annual mobile Internet access traffic was 502.4064 million GB, an increase of 14.2% over the previous year. [68-69]
In 2023, the investment in real estate development in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 96.34 billion yuan, down 1.5 percent from the previous year. Of this total, residential investment was 75.03 billion yuan, down 2.3%; Office building investment was 1.07 billion yuan, up 45.2%; The investment in commercial premises was 7.49 billion yuan, down 6.4%. The sales area of commercial housing was 15.119 million square meters, up by 9.5%. The sales volume of commercial housing was 99.31 billion yuan, up by 14.4%. [68]
In 2023, the total volume of foreign trade in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region reached 196.53 billion yuan, an increase of 30.4 percent over the previous year. Among them, the export was 78.57 billion yuan, up by 28.1%; Imports reached 117.96 billion yuan, an increase of 32.0%. In terms of major modes of trade, the import and export volume of general trade was 122.20 billion yuan, up by 25.9%, accounting for 62.2% of the total import and export volume; Imports and exports of small border trade totaled 35.05 billion yuan; The import and export volume of processing trade reached 11.18 billion yuan. China's imports and exports to countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative reached 152.21 billion yuan, an increase of 40.9% over the previous year.
At the end of 2023, the RMB deposit balance of financial institutions in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 3,631.76 billion yuan, an increase of 12.4% over the end of the previous year. Of this total, the balance of household deposits was 2,29041 billion yuan, up by 13.4%; The balance of deposits of non-financial enterprises was 752.23 billion yuan, up by 11.4%; The balance of deposits in government agencies and public organizations is 443.15 billion yuan, up 10.2%. At the end of the year, the outstanding RMB loans of financial institutions reached 3,006.40 billion yuan, an increase of 11.5% over the end of the previous year. Of this total, the outstanding balance of household loans was 938.32 billion yuan, an increase of 11.8%; The outstanding loans of enterprises (public affairs) were 2,064.68 billion yuan, an increase of 11.2%. [68-69]

Social undertaking


Science and technology

In 2023, among the science and technology projects in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 26 new major science and technology projects, 855 natural science funds, and 582 key research and development and achievement transformation plans will be arranged. A total of 520 million yuan has been earmarked for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. There are 53 science and technology business incubators and 177 maker Spaces. The number of patents granted in the year was 22,249, down 9.7% from the previous year. The number of invention patents per 10,000 population is 5.2. The region registered 2,219 technical contracts throughout the year. Among them, 1,817 technical contracts were registered in the region, an increase of 39.3 percent. The turnover of technology contracts in the whole region was 6.17 billion yuan. Among them, the turnover of technical contracts in the region was 5.63 billion yuan, an increase of 19.3%. [68]

Educational cause

By the end of 2023, there were 12 graduate training units in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, enrolling 14,000 students (including part-time) and 40,000 graduate students (including part-time), an increase of 6.6% over the previous year. There are 54 colleges and universities, with an enrollment of 164,000 students, 540,000 students and 151,000 graduates. There are 170 secondary vocational education schools, enrolling 65,000 students, with 187,000 students and 58,000 graduates. There are 318 regular high schools, with an enrollment of 146,000 students, 428,000 students and 143,000 graduates. There are 715 junior middle schools, with an enrollment of 215,000 students, 663,000 students and 221,000 graduates. There are 1,635 primary schools, with an enrollment of 241,000 students, 1.408 million students and 215,000 graduates. There are 554,000 children in kindergartens. The retention rate of nine-year compulsory education was 98.8 percent, and the gross enrollment rate of senior high schools was 93.5 percent. [68]
General undergraduate school
Home city
School name
Undergraduate course
Junior college
Undergraduate course
Junior college
Undergraduate course
Junior college
Undergraduate course
Junior college
Chifeng Mountain
Undergraduate course
Junior college
Undergraduate course
Junior college
Undergraduate course
Junior college
Undergraduate course
Junior college
Xilin Gol League
Junior college
Wuhai City
Junior college
Alxa League
Junior college
Hinggan League
Junior college
As of September 2021 [42]

Cultural undertaking

By the end of 2023, there were 92 art performance groups in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Among them, Wulan shepherd rode 75. There are 118 cultural centers, 117 public libraries and 165 museums. At the end of the year, the comprehensive coverage rate of radio programs and television programs was 99.8 percent. A total of 194.94 million copies of newspapers, 9.44 million copies of periodicals, and 57.75 million copies of books were published at the autonomous region and Mengshi levels. [68]

Medical and health care

By the end of 2023, there were 25,685 medical and health institutions in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Among them, there are 851 hospitals, 1,240 township health centers, 121 disease prevention and control centers, 118 maternal and child health institutions, and 9 specialized disease prevention and control hospitals (institutes). At the end of the year, there were 173,136 beds in medical and health institutions in the region, an increase of 3.2 percent over the end of the previous year. Among them, there are 139,410 hospital beds, 21,846 township hospitals, and 4,881 beds in maternal and child health institutions. There were 234,000 health technicians in the region, an increase of 8.1 percent. Among them, 93,000 were licensed physicians and assistant physicians, and 101,000 were registered nurses. There are 13,000 village clinics in rural and pastoral areas, and 12,000 rural doctors and health workers. [68-69]

Sports cause

Chinese second Division team - Baotou South Suburb Union
In November 2018, it was included in the national youth campus football reform pilot zone. [16]
In 2022, athletes from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region won 96 MEDALS in major competitions at home and abroad. Among them, 14 MEDALS were won abroad and 82 MEDALS were won at home. [56]

Social security

By the end of 2023, the number of urban workers participating in the basic pension insurance in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 9.322 million, an increase of 4.1 percent over the previous year. The number of people participating in basic old-age insurance for non-working urban and rural residents was 8.155 million, an increase of 2.1%. The number of people covered by basic medical insurance was 21.587 million, down 0.5%. Among them, 6.066 million workers participated in basic medical insurance, an increase of 3.4 percent. The number of people participating in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents was 15.521,000, down by 2.0 percent. The number of people covered by unemployment insurance was 3.293 million, an increase of 6.8%. A total of 73,000 people received unemployment insurance benefits. [68]

People's livelihood

Since June 1, 2023, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has implemented the "cross-provincial general office" for marriage registration, which does not need to return to its place of origin transact [57] .




In 2023, the total amount of cargo transported in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 2.34 billion tons, an increase of 12.8 percent over the previous year. The turnover of cargo transport was 553.59 billion ton-kilometers, up by 6.7%. A total of 890.42 million passengers were transported, an increase of 117.0 percent over the previous year. Passenger transport turnover was 21.65 billion person-kilometers, an increase of 143.3%.
By the end of 2023, the number of civil vehicles in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was 7.572 million (including 79,000 three-wheeled vehicles and low-speed trucks), an increase of 6.3% over the end of the previous year. Among them, the number of private cars was 6.959 million, an increase of 6.0 percent. The number of civilian cars was 4.188 million, an increase of 4.9%. Among them, the number of private cars was 4.023 million, an increase of 4.4%. [68-69]


In 1947, when the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was founded, there were only nearly 1,000 kilometers of ancient post roads for camel teams and lerer cars to trek. Sixty-four years later, a full east-west, North-South road network connecting Russia and Mongolia took shape. In 2015, the total length of highways in Inner Mongolia reached 170,000 kilometers.


Railway lines within the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are administered by three railway bureaus under the Ministry of Railways. Italics indicate planned or under construction railways.
1. Hohhot Railway Bureau
Jurisdiction: Hohhot City, Baotou City, Wuhai City, Ordos City, Bayannur City, Ulanqab City, Alashan League, Xilin Gol League, north of Chifeng City.
Erlian Railway Station
Main Route: Beijing Baobao Line (Beijing North - Baotou), Paulan wire (Baotou West - Lanzhou East), Two-wire set ( Ulanqab - Erenhot ), Collector line (Ulanqab - North of Tongliao), The western Baozi Route (Baotou - Xi 'an), Collection Line (Ulanqab - Zhangjiakou South), Collection Line (Ulanqab - Baotou), Siu-uzbekistan railway , Call passage , Kingland passage , [17] Hur (and Hot) Zon (Geer) Erdos Railway . [18] .
2. Harbin Railway Bureau
Jurisdiction: The whole territory of Hulunbuir City.
Hohhot East Railway Station
Main Route: shoreline (Harbin - Manzhouli), Dental line (Yakeshi - Mangui), Appetizing channel .
Side lines: Boleyn line ( boktu - Thalgas ), Igar line (Ituri River - Gagdach ), Imin line ( Hailar Dong - Yi Min), Korean line (Chaozhong - Moldoga), Hauer line (Eun Min -Il 灺), Azar wire (Arong Qi-Zhalantun), Gamu Line (Jiagdaqi - Mohe), Qijia line (Qiqihar - Jiagdaqi).
Setting: Hailaer Railway Office, Harbin Railway Bureau.
A number of railway freight trains have been launched, including the "Guangzhou-Manchuria-Russia", among which the "Su-Manchuria-Europe" is the fastest and lowest freight transport corridor between Europe and Asia. [19]
3. Shenyang Railway Bureau
Jurisdiction: the whole territory of Xingan League, the whole territory of Tongliao City, the south of Chifeng City.
Main Route: Qitong, [17] Parallel lines ( All square - Qiqihar ), Kingston line (Beijing North - Tongliao West), Tunhoe line (North of Tongliao - Holingol), Dazheng Railway (Big Tiger Mountain - Zheng Jiatun )
Side lines: Line of clearance (Tongliao East - Ranghu Road), Equator of leaf (Ye Baishou - Chifeng), Chijin Line (Chifeng - Jinzhou), Chibai Line (Chifeng - Daban - Baiyinhua), Zhuzhu Line (Zushua - Hesgewula), Huo Bai line (Huo Lingguo - Bai Yinhua).
Setting: Tongliao Railway Office, Shenyang Railway Bureau.

Civil aviation


Hohhot Metro (Hohhot Metro)是服务于中国内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市的城市轨道交通系统,其第一条线路于2019年12月29日开通试运营,使呼和浩特成为中国内地第四十座开通轨道交通的城市。 [49]
As of October 2020, Hohhot Metro has opened a total of 2 lines in operation, for Hohhot Metro Line 1 , Hohhot Metro Line 2 . The total operating mileage of the city's subway is 49.019 kilometers, with 43 stations. [50]

History and culture


National customs

Grassland Pageant I Naddamut : That is, the meaning of fun, get-together, held in August in the grassland, originated from 700 years ago. On the day of Naddamu, traders gather to tell stories and perform everything, and the main traditional sports include horse racing, wrestling and archery.
Yurt The term "yurt" comes from the Manchu name for the Mongolian residence, which is the product of nomadic life. Generally seven or eight feet high, more than ten feet wide, first with wooden poles, cowhide set into a network of square frame several pieces, and then connected into a round bin type, and then with logs to form an umbrella dome, the top of the central has a circular skylight, sunny and Yin together, to circulate air, absorb the sun, is the traditional living equipment in grassland pastoral areas, but also foreign visitors interested in staying place.
Altar ao Bao : Traditional Mongolian religious activities, aobao is built on grasslands, hillsides or dune highlands with stones, clods, wicker and so on. " Ao Bao It was first established on the boundless grassland to identify the direction, road, boundary signs, and later became a place to worship the mountain God and the road God. The festival is usually held in July and August. Sacrificial Ao Bao inserted tree strips, which were hung with colorful cloth strips or paper flags. In the hearts of the Mongolian people, Aobao is a sacred and pure place. [20]

Food culture

The traditional Mongolian diet is relatively rough, with mutton, milk, wild vegetables and pasta as the main raw materials. The cooking method is relatively simple, and the most famous is roasting. Advocating full reality, pay attention to the original taste of raw materials.
Traditional food is divided into Free food and Red food Two kinds. Freefall, called Chaganid in Mongolian, is a dairy product for cows, horses, sheep and camels. Red food is called Ulanyd in Mongolian, which is the meat products of cattle, sheep and other livestock. Free food is the Mongolian guest food, according to the Mongolian custom, white means pure, auspicious, noble, so free food is the highest courtesy of the Mongolian guests.
Mongolian toast: Mongolian pour wine to honor guests, wine is the most can express the loyalty of friends of the precious food. The host will pour the wine into the silver bowl or gold cup, on the hada, singing the toast song, express their sincerity and feelings, at this time the guest should immediately take the wine, can drink, can not drink, taste a little, and then return the wine to the host, can not be pushed, declined the host's toast.

Folk music

Mongolian Sihu music
Popular in Mongolian areas four-hu The shape is the same as the Sihu in the Han region, often made of mahogany and rosewood, the cylinder is mostly eight-square, covered with python skin or cow skin as the surface, the string shaft and shaft hole have no taper, the use of string tension to press the shaft hole to fix, and some are also decorated with a mother-pearl pattern on the rod and the cylinder, the fine bamboo is decorated with a horsetail as the bow, and the middle of the bow rod is wrapped with a length of 10 cm copper or steel, ivory, etc. Bone or wooden knobs at the root, silk or wire strings. There are three kinds of bass Sihu, alto Sihu and treble Sihu.
Mongolian music of Matouqin
Swan Lake Park
Horse head qin It is a Chinese Mongolian folk string instrument. It is called "Choor" in Mongolian. It has a wooden body, about one meter long, and two strings. The sound box is trapezoidal. The voice is round, low, low volume. Legend has it that a herdsman missed a dead pony, took its leg bone as a column, skull as a cylinder, tail hair as a bow string, made a two-stringed harp, and carved a horse's head in the shape of a pony on the top of the harp handle, because of the name.
Mongolian chieftain folk songs
Long tune It is a free translation of the Mongolian word "Uzhidindo". "Uridin" means "long" and "eternal", and "Do" means "song". In related works and papers, it is also translated literally as "long song", "long tune song" or "prairie madrigal". It is called "Wuri Tu Dao" in Mongolian, which means long song. It is characterized by few words and long words, high and distant, soothing and free. It is suitable for narration and long for lyricism. The lyrics are generally two sentences each, and the content is mostly describing grassland, horses, camels, cattle and sheep, blue sky, white clouds, rivers, lakes and so on.
Pai Zi song for duet
Pai Zi song for duet Early appearing in Xianfeng period of Qing Dynasty, it evolved from the playing forms of mainland folk songs, opera Qupai, Buddhism, Taoism and sacrificial music, and integrated into the musical instrument playing style of Mongolian folk songs. The Pai Zi song of Duet is an integral part of the opera form of Duet and an instrumental music independent of the singing style of Duet. The Pai Zi song of Duet is an indispensable part of duet music. In addition to being used to cooperate with actors' performances and set off the atmosphere of stage performances, it can also be played separately as folk instrumental music. As a folk music form co-created by the working people of Mongolian and Han dynasties, Pai Zi Song has played a positive role in singing the life of the working people for more than 100 years, and its music creation is the embodiment of the working people's love for life.
Chaoerdao-mongolian ensemble singing
Soardau It is a name in many classical books, if you use Mongolian, the more accurate pronunciation is "Chaoer Lindo". Daojilindo means "singing" in Mongolian, and Chaoerdao means "singing in harmony". The so-called harmonic singing of the Tide is the singing of two voice parts together, in which the high part is the long key, and the low part is the tide. [21]

Language dialect

Mongolian art - Khumai
It is mainly used by the Mongolian people Mongolian ( Inner Mongolia dialect ), including: 1. Chahar, Balin, Erdos, Horqin, Kharaqin Tumt and other native languages used by the Mongols in the central part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. 2, Balhu - Buryatia dialect, including Hulunbuir Chen Balhu, new Balhu, Buryatia and other native languages. 3. Oirat Dialects, including those used by the Mongols in Alxa and other places Tuloute , Frontal root , Chahar native language.
The Han and other ethnic groups mainly use Chinese, which is not consistent everywhere, and is used in the eastern region (eastern Four Leagues and eastern Xilin Gol League) Northeast mandarin Be in the majority; It is used in central and western China (Bayannur to western Xilin Gol League) Jin dialect A lot; Alxa League is greatly influenced by Gansu and Ningxia Lanyin Mandarin Main.

National script

Subject article: Mongolian script
The traditional Mongolian script is used in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, mainly in common use Uighur Mongolian ; Mainly used with Mongolia Cyrillic Mongolian The sounds are the same but the words are different. Mongolian writing has changed a lot since the Mongols began to record their language. In the past, before the Mongolian language was written, it was necessary to use the languages of other friendly neighbors to record Mongolian. The traditional Mongolian script was formed on the basis of the Uighur script. The early Mongolian alphabet was similar to the Uighur alphabet in pronunciations, spelling rules, and lines, and was called Uighur Mongolian.

Scenic spot



The tourism resources of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are mainly composed of six wonders, grassland, historic sites, deserts, lakes, forests and folk customs. The forest landscape is mainly distributed in the Greater Hinggan Mountains. Folk tour mainly includes Mongolian song and dance, Mongolian "three arts" - horse racing, wrestling, archery, Naadam, etc.; Places of interest include Hohhot Five pagoda Temple , Great calling , Zhaojun Tomb , Xi Tuzhao , Usu Tu Zhao , White pagoda From Baotou City Wudangzhao , Meidaizhao Ejin Horo flag Mausoleum of Genghis Khan , Erenhot City the Erlian Basin Cretaceous dinosaur national Geopark Alxa Left Banner Yeonboksa The upper capital of the Liao Dynasty in Chifeng City Middle capital of Liao , Daming Pagoda The Oroqen Autonomous Banner Gaxian Cave Let's wait. [22]

Natural scenery

Natural scenery
Natural landscape
Landscape introduction
Reference picture
China's best-preserved grassland, with a total area of 149 million mu, is known as the "kingdom of pasture". June-september is the best season to visit Hulunbuir Grassland, especially in July and August when the grassland grass is lush, suitable for horseback riding, fishing in the hinterland of the grassland, or in the west Hulun Lake Go rafting.
Located in Dalat Banner, Ordos, with the desert landscape and sand wonders as the main features, in addition, there are sand lake, sand oasis, Mongolian customs and other landscapes. Xiangshawan is a curved sand slope, backing away from the vast desert and facing the big river, with a height of nearly 100 meters, a slope of 45 degrees and a width of more than 400 meters.
Located in Ningcheng County Haili River National Nature Reserve, known as "Xishuangbanna".
The fourth largest desert in China, the Mongolian word is Tian, meaning the vast shifting sand like the boundless sky. Within the desert, dunes, lake basins, salt marshes, grassy flats, mountains and plains are interleaved. The Tengger Desert is also home to hundreds of pristine lakes that have existed for tens of millions of years, including Moon Lake and Swan Lake (Juyanhai).
As early as the Qing Dynasty, it was listed as one of the eight sights of Hulunbuir and was famous for the ancient pine in Shabu. It is a national forest park in China with camphor pine as the main body.
Erenhot city Gate
"Sai Wai West Lake", located 70 kilometers west of Hohhot Tumt left Banner. The water surface area is 32 square kilometers, the water depth is about 2 meters, the bottom of the lake is overgrown with weeds, the water quality is fertile, rich in grass, silver carp, carp, carassius carp, megalobrama, Wuchang fish and other fish and river shrimp crabs.
Other natural tourist attractions in Inner Mongolia

Cultural landscape

Cultural landscape
Cultural landscape
Landscape introduction
Reference drawing
It is the tomb of Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongolian Empire, China's AAAA tourist attraction, and the historical and cultural holy land of the grassland. Composed of three connected yurts, the main body displays objects related to Genghis Khan's life.
Located in Ningcheng County, is in liao In the twenty-five years of unification and (1007), the grand secondary capital of Zhongjing Da Dingfu City was built.
Gate of a country , Boundary monument , Erlianhot Museum of Paleontology of China, Dinosaur Plaza , Swan Lake, Ealing Station Museum , Zhenmeng International Landscape Art Park, City Gate, Olympic Park.
Located in Albasumu, Otuo Banner, it is the largest cave temple complex in Inner Mongolia and the largest cave temple from the Western Xia to the Mongolian Yuan period in China.
Located in Zhenglan flag May Day ranch territory, originally built Yuan Xianzong Six years (1256), the name Kaiping Fu, later changed to Shangdu. The layout of the city has the traditional style of the Central plains, with three aspects of the palace city, the imperial city and the outer city, and the planning is orderly and symmetrical, forming a central axis.
On account of Erguna City The black mountain is named after the inner city and the outer city, and the walls are made of earth. Adjacent to the Montenegrin port.
Located in Xilin Hot City, it was built in the eighth year of Qing Emperor Qianlong (1743), and the 33rd year of Emperor Qianlong gave the Han name of Shuishan Temple. After the Qianlong period to the Republic of China successively expanded, became Xilingol grassland The largest on the scale lamasery .
Also known as "Qingzhong", located in Hohhot City, was built in the Western Han Dynasty, for the imperial Concubine Wang Zhaojun The cemetery.
33 kilometers in the eastern suburbs of Hohhot City, south of Baohe little Dayao Village, discovered in 1973. The age was identified as 700,000 to 10,000 years ago, and a large number of various stone tools were unearthed.
Located in the territory of the new Balhu Left Banner, it was the Japanese Soviet Union during World War II Battle of Nomenham Relic, is now a key cultural relic protection unit. [25]
The city's earliest and largest mosque, built in Qing Dynasty During the Kangxi years, Yongzheng and Qianlong years, it was rebuilt and expanded many times, forming a daily scale. The temple has important buildings such as a temple, a lecture hall and a Muslim bath.
Other cultural landscapes in Inner Mongolia

Famous person


Honorary title

On December 25, 2020, it was awarded the "Advanced Province (city) Award of Unpaid Blood Donation" by the National Health Commission. [31]
In September 2021, National intelligent social governance experimental base The list was announced, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was selected as a special base (environmental governance). [36]
In 2022, Inner Mongolia was included in the national forest resource value accounting pilot list. [44]