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Three advantages

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productivity Whether it is conducive to enhancing the overall national strength of socialist countries and whether it is conducive to improving the living standards of the people [2] .
Three benefits, refers to: is conducive to development Socialist society Whether the productivity is conducive to enhancement Socialist country Whether the comprehensive national strength is conducive to improving the people's living standards. In early 1992 Deng Xiaoping Delivered on inspection South Southern Talk when Put forward And be seen as people measure All work is right and wrong judgment Standard . It is the concrete application and development of the truth standard under the socialist historical conditions.
Chinese name
Three advantages
Time of presentation
Early 1992
Deng Xiaoping
Place of presentation
South China

Historical background

Deng Xiaoping
Faced with the collapse of Eastern Europe at the end of 1991, The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia 解体,世界社会主义遭遇严重挫折的历史背景下,一些人对中国是否坚持社会主义产生了怀疑,面对此种局面,1992年年初,邓小平在视察南方时(即著名的“ Southern Talk For a period of time, many people within the Communist Party of China and in the country have been unable to take a step forward on the issue of reform and opening up, and have not dared to break into the debate on the nature of reform and opening up in the theoretical circle, pointing out that: "It depends on whether the surname is' capital 'or the surname is' society'." The criterion of judgment should mainly be whether it is conducive to the development of socialist society productivity Whether it is conducive to strengthening the socialist country Comprehensive national strength Is it conducive to improving people's living standards?" Since then, the three "whether it is beneficial" have become the fundamental criteria for people to judge all work.

Give reason

First, China is here The primary stage of socialism The fundamental task is to liberate and develop the productive forces, and the three "whether it is beneficial" embody this task. China's socialism was born out of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the level of development of productive forces lagged far behind that of developed countries Capitalist country This determines that our country must experience a very long primary stage of socialism. [1] At this stage, the principal contradiction in society is the growing one of the people Material culture In the face of the contradiction between need and backward social production, the fundamental task we face is to concentrate on modernization and strive to develop the productive forces of society. A superior socialist system should have a higher rate of development of the productive forces than capitalism. Therefore, since the fundamental task of socialism is to vigorously develop productivity Then all work should obey and serve this center. It is inevitable to use whether it is conducive to the development of social productive forces as the test standard of the Party's various work.
Second, the three "whether it is beneficial" reflects China's strong desire to enhance its comprehensive national strength. Comprehensive national strength It is the total strength of a country and the overall ability to exert influence in the international community, which is the main basis for the international comparison of forces. Although China is a big socialist country, its comprehensive national strength is not strong, although New China Since its establishment, China's comprehensive national strength has been greatly improved, but there is still a big gap compared with the economically developed countries. Moreover, strengthening China's ability to resist the "peaceful evolution" of Western capitalism requires the backing of a strong comprehensive national strength. Therefore, an important aspect of the Party's leadership in the cause of socialism is to enhance China's comprehensive national strength, and the standards for enhancing China's comprehensive national strength are in line with China's current realistic tasks and goals.
Third, the three "whether it is beneficial" reflect the production purpose of Chinese socialism. The purpose of Chinese socialist production is to maximize the satisfaction of people's growing material and cultural life needs. It is achieved in the course of socialist economic development. Therefore, whether it is conducive to improving people's living standards as one of the standards, reflects the people Mob Of vital interest.
Fourth, the three "is it beneficial" is Emancipate one's mind The starting point and goal of the reform and opening up solve the relationship between understanding and practice. Although many rigid old ideas and concepts have been broken over the past 20 years, and people's minds have been greatly liberated, in the process of deepening reform, expanding opening up, and establishing a socialist market economy, we still need to further emancipate our minds and change our minds. In particular, it should be emphasized that some comrades even now use the way of thinking of the surname "society" or the surname "zi" as the standard for measuring everything; Some comrades believe that the market economy equals capitalism and the planned economy is socialism. Some are afraid of seeking stability in chaos, only to follow the principle, and miss the opportunity of reform and opening up. Therefore, it is necessary to use the three "whether it is conducive to" as a measure of the cause of socialist construction, where in line with the "three conducive", we must boldly rush, boldly try, boldly do.

Core connotation

Three advantages
Deng Xiaoping Not only adhere to the standard of practice, but also with the deepening of the practice of reform and opening up, further concretizing the standard of practice, put forward the "productivity standard" and "three benefits" standard. After 1978, it was created by rural grassroots cadres and the masses Contract responsibility system for linked production It is the restoration and development of agricultural production relations that were suitable for the development level of agricultural productive forces in the past. Four modernizations Whether it is beneficial or harmful should be the most fundamental criterion of right and wrong in all work." Whether a socialist economic policy is right or wrong depends in the final analysis on whether the productive forces develop and whether the people's income increases. That's the overriding criterion." "All work should contribute to construction Socialism with Chinese characteristics We must measure whether what we have done is right or wrong according to whether it contributes to the prosperity and happiness of the people and the prosperity and development of the country." Economic restructuring When it comes to the success of reform of the political structure and reform and opening up, we have repeatedly proposed that the main criteria should be whether it is conducive to the development of productive forces and the improvement of people's living standards." Three preludes of "favor" have sounded, Southern Talk 就是邓小平"三个有利于"判断标准提出的载体。
From the spiritual essence, the practice standard, the productivity standard and the "three benefits" standard are unified. The test of truth by practice, in particular, is manifested through the results of practice. The connotation of social practice is extremely rich, in which production activity is the most basic practical activity of human beings, is the basis of human existence and development, productivity is Social development The ultimate deciding force is the highest standard for measuring the progress of human society. From the experience and lessons of socialist practice, we can see that the development of the productive forces and the development of the productive forces have always, implicitly or in fact, dominated and ultimately restricted the success or failure of this movement. Only by firmly grasping the law of social and historical development, the development of productive forces, can the socialist cause truly win. So whether it pushed productivity Whether the development of the development of the productive forces is conducive to the development of the practice has become the fundamental criterion for testing the success or failure of practical activities and the right or wrong theoretical understanding guiding practical activities." The three favorable "standards" are the further expansion and concretization of the "productivity standards", the core and primary standard of which is productivity.
It can be seen that practice standard, productivity standard and "three benefits" standard are unified, and practice standard is the foundation, which already contains the thought content of "three benefits" standard of productivity standard. The latter two are the embodiment of the standard of practice.

Historical significance

When drinking water, think of the source. Reform and opening up is a magnificent revolution, when we are immersed in the joy of victory, highly praised Comrade Xiaoping's courage and courage, more lamented the "three benefits" broad vitality and persuasion. "Three advantages" become the criteria for judging the surname "capital" or the surname "society", we can get the following enlightenment:
First, The judgment criteria of "three advantages" take into account the interests of the society, the country and the people, which is a universal truth. For individuals, it is conducive to improving living standards and meeting the requirements of human nature; For the society, only when the country is strong can the society be stable. Therefore, enhancing the comprehensive national strength of the country is an inevitable condition for social stability. For a country, the development of productive forces makes the country strong, therefore, the development of social productive forces is the only way for a country to become strong.
Second, The judgment criteria of "three advantages" advocate the idea of people-oriented, which accords with the requirements of human's essential attributes. In the past, it was preached that "we would rather have poor socialism than rich capitalism" detach If the actual needs of the masses go against the needs of human nature, it will inevitably fail. The judgment criterion of "three advantages" highly expresses the thought that the primacy of matter and the essential attribute of man is man's desire for survival. People must first eat, drink, shelter, and dress before they can engage in politics, science, art, religion, and so on. Therefore, the first priority should be to develop the productive forces and improve people's living standards, and not to talk abstractly about socialism, capitalism, class relations, the social system, etc., in isolation from these two.
Third, the "three favorable" judgment criteria enrich and develop the content of the knowledge system of the socialist society, and guide the direction of the continuous development of the knowledge system of the socialist society, which is a milestone in the understanding and understanding of the socialist society.
Socialism is a great cause that has never been done before. It needs practice, practice and practice. People used to think that socialism should "take the class struggle as the key link", that socialism always corresponds to poverty and capitalism to prosperity, and that when people chose socialism, they chose poverty and backwardness. Today's socialism is "centered on economic construction" and believes that "poverty is not socialism, development is the absolute truth." The judgment criteria of "three advantages" has completely broken through the shackles of traditional systems and concepts, and also shows that the exploration of the socialist road has reached a new level, which is an objective requirement for the progress and development of human society.
Fourth, the judgment criteria of the "three advantages" are adhering to the truth, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, a revolution in understanding, and the product of a leap in thought.
The "Three favorable" judgment criteria have theoretically answered many important cognition questions that have long puzzled and constrained people's thinking, pushed the reform and opening up and modernization to a new stage, and are a declaration of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts. According to the results, the judgment criteria of "three advantages" are the will of the people, the criteria for measuring the progress of any social system, and the objective requirements for the progress and development of human society. This view comes from Liu De's book on Wealth.

Scientific significance

Establish the fundamental criteria of "three benefits" and meet Marxism It is also in line with China's basic national conditions and is of great significance to our ongoing socialist cause.
(1) Apply productivity standards specifically to China The primary stage of socialism As a fundamental standard for measuring the gains and losses of our reform and opening up and various work, it has pointed out the direction for various work.
(2) The "three benefits" standard is the embodiment of the productivity standard. In the "Three benefits", "productivity" is the foundation. Comprehensive national strength "Is the concentrated embodiment of productive forces, and" people's living standards "is the purpose of the development of productive forces and comprehensive national strength, the three comprehensively reflect the standards of productive forces, so that it can prevent the productivity standards from being simplified and vulgar understanding.
(3) The "Three favorable" standard combines the productivity standard, the political standard and the people's interest standard into a unified standard. It is a comprehensive and scientific conclusion and a new development of Marxist productivity standard.
邓小平提出的这个观点既是对历史 materialism The reaffirmation of productivity standards is right again Scientific socialist theory The development of... Historical materialism holds that the development of human society is governed by its own internal laws. Natural history process The productive forces are the political forces that determine the material living conditions of human society and constrain human society Spiritual life The foundation of... In the question of what is the essence of socialism, the mistake of the past was to leave the development of the productive forces to pursue a degree of public ownership of the relations of production, to leave the standards of the productive forces to adapt real life to abstract principles and utopian models. Marxism ? We were not fully aware of the problem. "Marxism pays the most attention to the development of the productive forces," "the most fundamental task in the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces," and "the superiority of socialism in the final analysis lies in the fact that its productive forces develop faster and higher than those of capitalism." That restores it Scientific socialism Of the true nature.
Three advantages for investigation
At the same time, the concept of "three benefits" contains the idea of promoting people's interests as the highest value standard. The fundamental purpose of developing the productive forces of a socialist society is to continuously meet the growing needs of the people Material culture Is needed to achieve its free and comprehensive development. Comprehensive national strength mainly includes economic strength, Science and technology education Strength, culture and national defense are not only the comprehensive embodiment of a country's economic and social development, but also the basis for improving people's living standards, standing on its own among the world's nations, solving all problems facing the country, and opposing world hegemonism. Incorporating the enhancement of overall national strength into the fundamental criterion for judging the merits and losses of all work in socialist society is a fundamental challenge to Marxism-Leninism, 毛泽东思想 An important development. To enhance the overall national strength of a socialist country is, in the final analysis, to achieve common prosperity for the people. The two have the same purpose, because the people are not only the main body of production of material and spiritual products, but also the main body of consumption of means of living and spiritual products, and the main body of value evaluation, so it is more fundamental to improve the people's living standards, that is, to enhance the people's interests, in the "three advantages".
"Three benefits" is a clear ruler, can be used to measure the reform and opening up and economic and social construction of many major merits and demerits. It has at least two meanings: First, it is meaningless to make an empty debate on the issue of family name "society" and family name "capital" conceptually, and we should see which practices can better solve the major and practical problems of China's social development; Second, what is the purpose of building socialism? It is to develop social productive forces, enhance overall national strength and improve people's living standards. The "three advantages" are Socialism with Chinese characteristics The fundamental standard.
In three sentences, it clarifies the fundamental dimension of socialism with Chinese characteristics and cuts through the theoretical entanglement knot . How profound, how direct, how dripping! It answers the question of whether to use concept to measure practice or practice to measure concept on the issue of reform and opening up, so it is a thorough implementation of practice standards, thorough seeking truth from facts and ideological liberation. Countless historical facts have proved that the debate between empty concepts is a trap that often confuses the real right and wrong, wastes energy in vain, and creates endless contradictions. Only with such a thorough spirit of seeking truth from facts can we completely get rid of it.
Deng Xiaoping
It can be said that each truly fruitful step forward is the embodiment of the "three benefits" standard. Today, the controversy over the surname "society" and the surname "zi" has become history, but our ideological liberation has not ended, the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is unprecedented, every step of exploration requires ideological liberation, and we need to thoroughly implement the "three favorable" standards. Because at any time, such a simple and empty conceptual debate as "community" and "capital" may appear, but the specific form of expression is different. For practical exploration and innovation, do not look at its actual effect, but use some established big and empty concepts to measure, to distinguish between good and bad. As long as this kind of thinking exists, it is an obstacle to the development of our career, and it must be constantly broken.
After years of reform and opening up in Chinese society and great economic development, many new and more complex economic and social problems have been put on the agenda. In this case, the Party Central Committee duly put forward the scientific outlook on development and Build a harmonious socialist society The concept, they in the new historical conditions, well reflects the "is conducive to development. Socialist society Whether the productivity is conducive to enhancement Socialist country Whether the comprehensive national strength is conducive to improving the people's living standards "requirements, enriched Theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics .
In implementing the scientific outlook on development and building socialism Harmonious society In the process, it is worth paying special attention to is that the social problems we face today are much more complex than the problems of the last century, so it is more necessary to emancipate the mind, change the concept, further implement the "three benefits" standard, have a highly pragmatic system of thinking, and avoid looking at the problem purely from theory and experience, simplifying and conceptualizing. In particular, it is necessary to guide people as far as possible not to make problems on simple qualitative concepts, not to use established models to simply set practical problems, not to simply use opposing and fighting viewpoints to distinguish people, and not to get into meaningless disputes, otherwise it will be impossible to solve the problems of China's scientific development and social harmony, and even create problems and complicate the problems. Only to solve a series of major practical problems in society is what we should really pay attention to and pursue.

Correct use

(1) The "Three advantages" standard and Socialist essence There is an inherent and inseparable connection, and it is the standard by which all work is measured by the essence of socialism. We should grasp the integrity and unity of the "three benefits" standard. The "three advantages" are a unified whole with internal links, and the three are completely consistent, and they cannot be divided and opposed.
(2) The "Three favorable" criteria require us to jump out of the abstract debate about whether the family name is "zi" or "society", measure our work with a new concept and a new standard, and experiment boldly in the reform and opening up.
Deng Xiaoping
(3) The "Three advantages" criterion is not only the criterion for measuring economic work, but also the criterion for measuring all work. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly grasp the relationship between the "three favorable" standards and the specific standards of each work. The "three favorable" standard is a common standard to measure the work, the fundamental standard, is universally applicable, but it can not replace the specific standards of each work, each work has its own special specific requirements, otherwise it will not be able to specifically evaluate the good or bad of the work. On the other hand, the specific standards of each work cannot contradict the "three favorable" standards, they must conform to and obey the "three favorable" standards, and should be the embodiment of the "three favorable" standards in each work. This is very important.
The "three favorable" standard can not directly judge the "surname social surname capital". Because whether a country has a socialist system or Capitalist system Mainly look at their production relations as well superstructure . This is a matter of fact judgment. The main significance of the "three favorable" criteria in measuring the "family name, community name and capital name" is to judge the systems they implement (e.g Public ownership Or whether private ownership and its concrete form of realization have historical rationality and progress, that is, to judge their "good or bad". This is primarily a question of value judgment. The "three benefits" standard can build a scientific and reasonable one for us Socialist system Provide the fundamental value guide and point out the right general direction.
Similarly, the view that the "three advantages" criterion can only judge the reform and various work also has certain defects: on the one hand, it excludes the "three advantages" criterion to test the quality of the social system, and artificially weakens its guiding significance. On the other hand, each of our work has its own direct and specific criteria for judging right and wrong, and the "three favorable" criteria cannot replace them. The significance of the "three favorable" criteria for each work is to test whether they are beneficial or harmful to the progress of the whole society, so as to give the people engaged in various work with a macro and global, historical outlook, values guidance. The "three favorable" criteria mentioned in the important documents of our Party judge the right and wrong of "various work", and the "various work" should be broadly understood.

Fundamental guide

The "three benefits" criteria indicate development productivity The decisive status and significance of improving the people's living standards and enhancing the overall national strength in a socialist society, thus making us clear the fundamental purpose and central task of socialism.
In accordance with Historical materialism In theory, the socialist system as a specific economic basis ( Relations of production Unity with the corresponding superstructure is determined by and serves the development of the productive forces. Since in socialist society the main economic, political, cultural and social power is in the hands of the working class and the broad masses of the people, the main task of the socialist state is no longer a fundamental change in the relations of production and the superstructure, not the class struggle, but a concentrated effort to develop the productive forces. A socialist country must adapt itself to the requirements of the productive forces and unswervingly place the emancipation and development of the productive forces as its fundamental task and central task.
Three advantages
The "Three benefits" standard points out the fundamental stand and principle of correctly dealing with the contradictions between productive forces, production relations and superstructure, thus providing us with the fundamental guide for reforming and perfecting the specific socialist system (including the economic system and other systems).
Compared with the ideal socialism envisaged by Marx, we still have Non-public economy Collective ownership of the economy, distribution not according to work, commodity money relations, etc., these can be said to be immature; Compared with the actual productive forces of our country, the ownership structure is too unitary, the public ownership, especially the proportion of the state-owned economy is too large, the distribution according to work is not fully reflected, the basic distribution according to the factors of production, the commodity economy is underdeveloped, and so on, which can also be said to be imperfect. It should be said that the former immaturity and imperfection is inevitable at this stage in our country and if we forcibly change it, it will hinder the development of our productive forces. The latter immaturity and imperfection must be overcome, without which the productive forces cannot be liberated. Obviously, to measure whether our country's production relations and superstructure are mature and perfect, we should not take subjective ideals and aspirations as the standard, but should take realistic productive forces as the standard. Whether it is the ownership structure, the distribution method, or the realization form of public ownership itself, there is only one fundamental criterion to judge whether they are good or bad, that is, whether they adapt to the productive forces and the people Mob The requirements of. Especially in the present stage of our country, productivity Underdeveloped, multi-tiered and unbalanced, we must firmly grasp this fundamental standard. This is not only a question of whether to adhere to the fundamental views and methods of Marxism and historical materialism, but also a fundamental question of whether the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics can maintain the correct direction and thus develop healthily.
The "Three advantages" criterion indicates the comparison between the productive forces and the people's interests in all social and historical issues Class relation The more fundamental Angle of social system, thus providing us with a fundamental and, in a certain sense, new perspective for scientific understanding of all social and historical issues, including the relations between China and foreign countries.
For a long time, to Class struggle The ideological concept of the main line has formed a set of thinking, which has repeatedly and stubbornly manifested itself. In the process of reform and opening up, in the face of many new things and new measures to promote the benefits and eliminate the disadvantages, many people still focus first or even mainly on issues such as "public and private" and "public and private", without considering whether it is conducive to the development of productive forces and the realization of people's interests. It is in response to problems such as "the surname of the community and the surname of the capital", Deng Xiaoping Clearly put forward the "three favorable" criteria. At first glance, it seems to be somewhat irrelevant, because the "three benefits" can not directly judge the "family name, community name, capital", but carefully taste, but you can understand the profound meaning: looking at social history, there are two basic scales: one is the scale of the social system (" family name, community name, capital ", etc.), and the other is the "three benefits" that is, the scale of productive forces and people's interests. Since the social system is ultimately determined by the productive forces and the masses, the merits of different social systems must ultimately be judged by the "three advantages", so the "three advantages" is the more fundamental and important yardstick. Scientific socialism can only be based on and serve the three advantages. Without the "three advantages," there can be no scientific socialism.
Moreover, when it comes to state-to-state relations, I am afraid we cannot say that the influence of these distorted ideas has been completely eradicated. To this day, for China and Western countries We usually use the relationship between socialism and capitalism to summarize the relationship. This is certainly true, for they do differ in the nature of the social system. We should not ignore the differences, contradictions and struggles between China and Western countries in social systems. The hostile forces of Western countries have never stopped their attempts to "westernize" and "divide" our country, and we must resolutely resist and struggle. But this is not the whole story of the relationship between China and the West. There are many other relations between them, for example, between the productive forces of China and those of the Western countries, between the Chinese people and the broad masses of the Western countries, and so on. The "Three benefits" criterion tells us that there is a more fundamental Angle from which to view China's relations with other countries, that is, to view other countries in the world as contributing to our development and enhancement of productive forces Comprehensive national strength And the environment that improves people's living standards, and we decide our attitude toward them according to whether they are conducive to China's development or not, which breaks through the narrow horizon we used to view China's relations with Western countries and greatly broadens our horizon. It has laid a solid theoretical foundation for us to boldly carry out the policy of reform and opening up, consciously learn from and absorb foreign experience, and vigorously develop foreign relations of mutual assistance and cooperation. It has also set up basic coordinates for us to scientifically understand the degree of development of China itself.
In short, the "three benefits" standard inspires us to pay attention to productivity To understand and grasp social history from the perspective of the interests of the people, and to treat China's relations with foreign countries scientifically, and this perspective is the fundamental position and fundamental point of view of Marxism and historical materialism, so that our understanding will return to the scientific track of Marxism and historical materialism. This is of fundamental significance in how to understand the problem of socialism to correct the chaos, the world outlook, View of history Level of the original source.

Three representatives

The relationship with the three representatives
"Three favors" and "Three favors" Three representatives "The ideas are all right Marxism The inheritance and development of theory have great significance Theoretical capacity And theoretical innovation, flashing the brilliance of Marxist theory, have very important historical status and significance. Today, on the occasion of commemorating the 10th anniversary of Comrade Xiaoping's South Talk, we should not only fully understand the relationship between the South Talk and the inheritance and development of the thought of "Three Represents", but also carefully study and grasp the spiritual essence of Marxism contained in it to guide our thoughts and words and deeds.
First, they all embody the position, viewpoints and methods of Marxism. The "Three advantages" point out that the criteria for judging right and wrong should be mainly based on whether it is conducive to the development of the productive forces of socialist society, whether it is conducive to the enhancement of the comprehensive national strength of socialist countries, and whether it is conducive to the improvement of the people's living standards. This not only reflects the unity of the interests of the state, the Party and the people, but also reflects the Marxist view and method that the people are the creators of history and the productive forces are the ultimate source of social development.
The thought of "Three Represents" requires our Party's theory, programme The lines, guidelines, policies and various work must "always represent the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces", "always represent the direction of China's advanced culture", and "always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people". This is the result of observing, analyzing and studying the major theoretical and practical problems of China's reform and opening up and modernization construction with Marxist standpoint and viewpoint in the new historical background Marxism The conclusion.
Second, both have Keep pace with The Times The characteristics of theoretical innovation. The "Three favorable" standard, adapted to the requirements of reform and opening up development at that time, aimed at the barriers of bipolar thinking of "zi" and "society" that hindered the people's hands and feet, and scientifically proposed and solved many major theoretical problems according to the objective laws of socialist development. As the nature of socialism is revealed, both plan and market are Economic means The idea that both hands should be hard and development is the hard truth is a huge theoretical innovation.
The thought of "Three Represents" ADAPTS to the new development situation of China's reform, opening up and modernization drive, in view of the new situations and problems that have emerged since the Communist Party of China has been in power, in light of the basic national conditions and changes in the primary stage of socialism in China, and the transformation of new strata and the working class themselves under new conditions. The Party's advanced nature and how to maintain the party's purity, combat effectiveness, cohesion, and how to withstand the "three tests" have made incightful rational analysis and answers, which is also a huge theoretical innovation.
Third, both played a huge role in liberating the mind and pushing forward history. The thought of "Three advantages" has played a great role in promoting the deepening of reform, the expansion of opening up and the take-off of economy. Far from saying, from what we have seen and heard, from rural areas to cities, from organs to schools, the face of the real fundamental change is still after 92. Why is the Southern Talk so powerful? Fundamentally speaking, the South Talk accords with the wishes of the Chinese people and conforms to the general trend of China's social development after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. In terms of specific content, it is that the Southern talk has a great ideological liberating effect and makes people unload bundle "And let go of his hands and feet.