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Zhou Enlai

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Great proletarian revolutionary
Zhou Enlai (March 5, 1898 - January 8, 1976) , the word Xiangyu, used the name Feifei, Wu Hao, Shaoshan, Guan Sheng and so on [1] [6] , originally from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, [9] He was born on March 5, 1898 in Jiangsu Province Huaian . [2] . [9]
He died in Beijing on January 8, 1976. His death was widely mourned. His major works are entitled Selected works of Zhou Enlai ".
Chinese name
Zhou Enlai
Wu Hao
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Place of Birth
Huai 'an City, Jiangsu Province
Date of birth
March 5th, 1898
Date of death
January 8, 1976
Representative works
Selected works of Zhou Enlai
Major achievement
One of the founders of the party and a member of the core leadership
Founder and leader of the People's Army
To explore a socialist path suitable for China
Great contribution to the united front of the Party
Founder of diplomacy with Chinese characteristics


In 1918, Zhou Enlai went to Tokyo, Japan to study
Zhou Enlai, after graduating from Nankai School in Tianjin in 1917, went to Japan to study and began to contact Marxism .
He returned to China in 1919 and entered Nankai University in September, where he became a leader of the Tianjin student community during the May Fourth Movement and co-organized the progressive group Consciousness Society with other activists in the movement.
In January 1920, he was arrested while leading the students' patriotic movement in Tianjin. Preaching Marxism in prison. Released in July. In November, he went to France for work-study.
1921年加入中国共产党八个发起组之一的巴黎共产主义小组,确立了共产主义的信仰,成为中国共产党创建人之一。 [7]
In 1922, he and Zhao Shiyan organized the Chinese Youth Communist Party in Europe (renamed the European Branch of the Chinese Socialist Youth League in the following year) and took charge of propaganda work. He was the secretary of the European Branch of the China Socialist Youth League and the leader of the European Branch of the Communist Party of China.
In 1923, he was appointed as the preparatory officer of the Paris branch of the Kuomintang, the special agent of the Kuomintang branch in Europe and the acting executive minister, and presided over the work of the Kuomintang branch in Europe.
She married Deng Yingchao in Guangzhou on August 8, 1925
In the autumn of 1924, he returned to China and served as director of the Political Department of the Huangpu Military Academy in Guangdong, director of the Political Department of the First Army of the National Revolutionary Army, deputy Party representative of the first Army, and successively served as chairman of the Guangdong District Committee of the Communist Party of China, standing Committee member and military minister, and participated in the crusade against warlords twice Chen Jiongming The eastern conquest created an effective system of military political work.
In March 1927, when the National Revolutionary Army of the Northern Expedition approached Shanghai, he led the third armed uprising of Shanghai workers and drove out the Beiyang warlord troops stationed in Shanghai. In May of the same year, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the first Plenary session of the Fifth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. On July 12, the CPC Central Committee was reorganized, and he became a member of the Temporary Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. After the total breakdown of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, He and He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De, Liu Bocheng led an armed uprising in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, on August 1, and served as secretary of the Former Enemies Committee of the Communist Party of China.
In 1928, he was elected a standing member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the sixth CPC Central Committee. He was later appointed Minister of the Central Organization and Secretary of the Central Military Commission. It played an important role in ensuring the safety of the secret work of the CPC Central Committee in Shanghai, in contacting and guiding the armed struggle under the leadership of the Communist Party in various regions, and in developing the secret work in the areas ruled by the Kuomintang. For most of this period, he was in effect the main leader of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
In December 1931, he left Shanghai for the Central Revolutionary Base and successively served as secretary of the Central Bureau of the Central Soviet Area, General Political Commissar of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and General Political commissar of the First Front Army, and vice chairman of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission.
Zhou Enlai during the Red Army
In the spring of 1933 Zhu De Together, they led and commanded the Red Army to defeat the fourth "encirclement and suppression" of the Central revolutionary base areas by the Kuomintang Army.
He joined the Long March in October 1934.
1935年1月在贵州遵义举行的中共中央政治局扩大会议上,支持毛泽东的正确主张,对实际确立以 Mao Zedong The new Central leadership, represented by the correct leadership, played a key role and went on to be selected as one of the main central military leaders.
Zhou Enlai during the Xi 'an Incident
In December 1936, after Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched the "Xi 'an Incident" in which Chiang Kai-shek was detained by force, he served as the plenipotentiary of the Communist Party of China, Qin Bangxian and Ye Jianying, etc. went to Xi 'an to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek, and together with Zhang and Yang forced Chiang Kai-shek to accept the idea of "stopping the civil war and united anti-Japanese", which contributed to the formation of the situation of unity and anti-Japanese.
In 1937, he became deputy head of the Political Department of the Military Committee of the National Government. [10]
War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression During the period, he represented the CPC for a long time in Chongqing and other areas controlled by the Kuomintang to do united front work, and tried to unite all aspects of the forces advocating anti-Japanese national salvation, and successively led the work of the Yangtze River Bureau and the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. He insisted on cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, actively united the democratic parties, progressive intellectuals, patriots and international friendly people, stopped the anti-Communist trend, and overcame the danger of surrender to Japan.
After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he led the Chinese delegation to negotiate with the Kuomintang in order to stop the civil war, and led the party's work, military work and united front work in the Kuomintang's rule area.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai served as Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1949 to 1958. He was elected to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 8th, 9th and 10th CPC Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the 8th and 10th CPC Central Committee, and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission; The first Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, the second, third and fourth Chairman. Shoulder the heavy task of dealing with the daily work of the party and the country.
From 1949 to 1952, he successfully organized and led the recovery of the national economy, and by the end of 1952, the total output value of the country's industry and agriculture reached the highest level in history.
During the "First Five-Year Plan" period from 1953 to 1957, he led the industrial construction centered on 156 construction projects, laying the initial foundation for China's industrialization. In 1954, he put forward the four modernization goals of building modern industry, agriculture, transportation and national defense, and organized the formulation of the Scientific Development Plan from 1956 to 1967, which promoted the rapid development of national science and technology.
He stressed that the key to building a strong socialist country is to realize the modernization of science and technology, and advocated that economic construction must seek truth from facts, proceed from China's actual conditions, and be active yet prudent and comprehensively balanced. He paid special attention to the development of water conservancy construction and national defense science and technology, and made great contributions to it. He also paid special attention to the work of the united front, the work of intellectuals, the work of culture and the modernization of the people's army during the socialist period, and guided these work to achieve important achievements.
He was involved in making and personally executing major foreign policy decisions.
In 1954, the Chinese delegation participated in the Geneva Conference and negotiated an agreement that gave international recognition to the independence of Vietnam (except the South), Laos and Cambodia. On behalf of the Chinese government, he proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which govern state-to-state relations.
At the Bandung Conference in 1955, he advocated peaceful coexistence, opposed colonialism, and advocated seeking common ground while shelving differences and reaching consensus through consultation, thus actively implementing China's independent foreign policy of peace. He has visited dozens of countries in Asia, Africa and Europe and received a large number of leaders and friendly people from all over the world, making important contributions to enhancing the friendship between the Chinese people and the people of the world and expanding China's international influence.
Premier Zhou Enlai
During the period of the "Cultural Revolution", he was in a very difficult situation, in order to minimize the losses caused by the "Cultural Revolution", so that the Party and the country could carry out many necessary work and strive to maintain the construction of the national economy; We made unremitting efforts to protect a large number of leading cadres and democratic figures and to restore and implement the policies of the Party and the State. He fought with Lin Biao and Jiangqing Group in various forms, and played an important role in controlling and stabilizing the situation in thwarting Lin Biao and Jiangqing Group's conspiracy activities to split and seize power. He has made remarkable contributions to opening up a new situation in diplomacy, achieving Sino-US detente, normalizing Sino-Japanese relations and restoring China's seat in the United Nations.
He continued to work after being diagnosed with bladder cancer in 1972. At the first session of the Fourth National People's Congress in 1975, on behalf of the Communist Party of China, he re-proposed the goal of modernizing China's industry, agriculture, national defense, science and technology, inspiring the people's confidence in overcoming difficulties.
He died in Beijing on January 8, 1976. His death was widely mourned. Around the Qingming Festival in April 1976, a large number of party members, workers, students, cadres, even soldiers and peasants held a spontaneous rally in Tiananmen Square in Beijing in order to commemorate him and oppose the "Gang of Four" who were still in power at the time, which was called "revolution" and developed into a nationwide protest movement against the Jiangqing counterrevolutionary Group. It laid the mass foundation for the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to crush the Jiangqing counter-revolutionary clique in October 1976. [1] [3]

Major contribution

The new Democratic Revolution Comrade Zhou Enlai made immortal contributions to the Communist Party of China's exploration of the correct path of the Chinese revolution, the founding of the people's army, the creation of the revolutionary united front, and the founding of the New China in which the people were masters of the country. He led brilliantly in the Great Revolution National Revolutionary army The military and political work, the work of the local government in Guangdong, and the armed uprising of the Shanghai workers, which shocked the whole world, became the earliest understanding of our Party Armed struggle Importance and earliest engaged Military work One of the leaders of... After the failure of the Great Revolution, he led the launch of the world-famous August 1 Nanchang uprising The first shot of armed resistance against the Kuomintang reactionaries was fired, and the people's Army led by the Party was born. After the Sixth Congress of the Party, he, as the leader who actually presided over the work of the Party Central Committee, cleverly and bravely defended the central organs of the Party under extremely dangerous conditions, protected a large number of leading backbones of the Party, developed the Party's secret work in the white areas, and supported it Workers and peasants armed secession . He actively explored the correct path of the Chinese revolution, clearly put forward the idea of "rural center", and made outstanding contributions to the formation of the road of "rural encirclement of cities and armed seizure of power". In the central revolutionary base area of Jiangxi, he was the same Zhu De Together, comrades and others successfully commanded the fourth anti-" encirclement and suppression "struggle, creating a new experience in large corps ambush and annihilation warfare.
Deng Yingchao and Zhou Enlai
After the outbreak of the Xi 'an Incident, at the critical moment of national peril, he went to Xi 'an according to the established policy of the Party Central Committee, promoted the peaceful settlement of the Xi 'an Incident in an extremely complex and difficult environment, and contributed to a new situation of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, unity and resistance against Japan. During the War of Resistance against Japan, on behalf of our Party, he persisted for a long time in working in the areas controlled by the Kuomintang, was responsible for negotiations with the Kuomintang authorities, extensively united patriots of all strata of society, and upheld and developed the anti-Japanese national united front Kuomintang die-hards Waging a brave and resourceful struggle. Second front He made outstanding contributions to the formation of the war, moved to northern Shaanxi, commanded a series of strategic decisive battles that changed the fate of China, prepared for the New Deal Association, and presided over the drafting of the Common Program.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Zhou Enlai successively served as Premier of the Government Administration Council and Premier of The State Council for 26 years. In order to actively explore the path of socialist construction in line with China's national conditions, and to comprehensively organize and implement various socialist construction undertakings, he worked conscientiously and exhaustively. In politics, economy, diplomacy, national defense, United front, science and technology, culture, education, news, health, sports and other fields poured a lot of efforts and made a fundamental contribution. In leading the construction and development of new China, he stressed Economic construction Work is "Paramount" in the life of the nation, and a country cannot be completely independent politically unless it is completely independent economically. He stressed the need to properly handle all kinds of relations and achieve overall planning, comprehensive arrangements, comprehensive balance and coordinated development; "Our country must have not only economic construction, but also political construction and spiritual construction", and the construction of socialism must be developed in an all-round way; We must pay attention to environmental protection, we must not sacrifice the environment for economic development, and we must not do something that is wrong to future generations. He attaches great importance to the key role of science and technology and intellectuals in socialist construction, stressing that "the key to realizing modernization and building China into a strong socialist country is to realize the modernization of science and technology" and "intellectuals are an indispensable and important force for the victory of socialist construction."
He organized and led the "two bombs and one star" large-scale scientific and technological breakthroughs, which greatly enhanced China's comprehensive national strength and international status. He attached great importance to foreign trade and the study of foreign advanced technology, emphasizing that "learning from foreign countries must be combined with the spirit of originality." He attached great importance to the role of the united front in the socialist revolution and construction, and often listened to the opinions of the democratic parties and patriots without party affiliation in order to adhere to and improve Multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China Made an important contribution. Never forgetting the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, he has done a lot of basic and pioneering work for the settlement of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan questions. He effectively led the foreign affairs of the Party and the state, put forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, followed the principle of equality of all countries, big or small, promoted China's active development of friendly and cooperative relations with all other countries, especially the developing countries, and made our friends all over the world. His extensive and profound diplomatic thought, colorful diplomatic practice, unique diplomatic art and diplomatic style have won a high reputation for the Party and the country in the international community.
In "... Cultural revolution Under extremely complex special circumstances, Comrade Zhou Enlai endured humiliation, endured the crisis, and made unimaginable efforts to fully safeguard the normal operation of the Party and the country, fully safeguard the unity and unity of the Party, and did everything possible to reduce losses. He protected a large number of Party leaders, Democrats and intellectuals; Lin Biao counterrevolutionary Group The plot to seize the supreme power, and presided over the daily work of the central Committee, criticizing and correcting the errors of the extreme left trend of thought, so that all aspects of work have turned a corner; Deng Xiaoping Ye Jianying , Li Xiannian Together with comrades, they fought resolutely against the Jiangqing counter-revolutionary clique; He is The first session of the fourth National People's Congress The reaffirmation of the grand goal of realizing the four modernizations greatly encouraged the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China.
Comrade Zhou Enlai participated in and led all the major work of the Party during the revolution and construction period, and made great efforts for every major victory of the Party. In the long-term practice, he paid attention to combining the basic principles of Marxism with the specific realities of our country, earnestly summed up the positive and negative experiences of revolution and construction, carried out in-depth theoretical thinking, deeply explained the Party's theory and line principles and policies, and made theoretical contributions in the fields of politics, economy, military, diplomacy, united front, culture and education, and party building 毛泽东思想 It made an important contribution to the formation and development of our Party in the later reform and opening up period The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics Provides important thought material [4] .
Zhou Enlai at the Bandung Conference in April 1955
Zhou Enlai meets with Yasser Arafat
Zhou Enlai returned to Yan 'an in June 1973
Meeting with Ilie Wildets at the hospital in September 1975
After his arrest, Zhou Enlai was rescued from prison by the masses
Zhou Enlai and other leaders in the Great Hall of the People
Zhou Enlai visited Tanzania
Zhou Enlai went to Japan to study
Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao meet with American journalist Snow
Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao are in Suzhou
Zhou Enlai is with famous Chinese-American physicist Li Zhengdao
周恩来和受他保护的陶铸 陈毅在一起
Zhou Enlai with Tao Zhu Chen Yi, one of his protectors
Zhou Enlai in the "Cultural Revolution"
Premier Zhou Enlai
Comrade Zhou Enlai
Zhou Enlai middle school study period
Zhou Enlai inspects the North Sea Fleet of the Navy
Zhou Enlai was a young student
Zhou Enlai talks with Wang Jinxi, the "iron man" of Daqing Oilfield
Zhou Enlai visited the people in the quake-hit areas
Zhou Enlai congratulated the famous painter Qi Baishi on his birthday
Zhou Enlai greets French President Georges Pompidou
Zhou Enlai greets Congolese President Maryan Nguwabi
Zhou Enlai greets US President Richard Nixon
Zhou Enlai talks with performing artist Mei Lanfang and others
Photo of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao on their 25th wedding anniversary
Zhou Enlai reads Lei Feng's diary
Zhou Enlai worked and studied in France
Zhou Enlai is at the Huangpu Military Academy
Meeting with Thai Prime Minister Monratchawong Keri Bhamo at the hospital

Character works

His major works are entitled Selected works of Zhou Enlai ". [1] [3]

Social evaluation

Comrade Zhou Enlai's revolutionary career of more than 50 years is closely linked with the establishment, development and growth of the Communist Party of China, the victory of China's new-democratic revolution, and the historical process of China's socialist revolution and construction. He unreservedly devoted all his energy to the Party and the people until his last breath. He embodies the high morals of the Chinese Communists and stands an immortal monument in the hearts of the Chinese people. We cherish the memory of Comrade Zhou Enlai, is to always remember and earnestly study Comrade Zhou Enlai's spirit, so that it will continue to carry forward.
Comrade Zhou Enlai always had firm faith and lofty ideals, which were concentrated in his spirit of infinite loyalty to the Party and the people. This is the source of strength for his life. Comrade Zhou Enlai said: "People should have ideals, without which life will become blind." He's establishing Communist belief At that time, he said: "My doctrine must remain unchanged, and I am very determined to run for his propaganda." He was always full of confidence in the Party's cause, the bright future of socialist China, and the great cause of revitalizing the Chinese nation, and never wavered in whatever difficulties and hardships he encountered. He said, "Communists exist to constantly overcome difficulties and move on. It is not a quality of a communist to be afraid of trouble." In the process of establishing revolutionary ideals and beliefs, he had both a strong desire to pursue truth and a thoughtful and rational thinking. Not only the study and research of scientific theories, but also the application and development of scientific theories in practice; He paid attention to both the study of the advanced theory of Marxism and the absorption of the cultural essence of the Chinese nation, and his revolutionary ideals and beliefs were based on rational consciousness, so they were rock-solid. With his actual actions, he fulfilled his oath of "in any difficult and difficult situation, we must fight for communism to the end with the spirit of unchanging death."
Comrade Zhou Enlai has always loved the people and worked diligently for the people, which is mainly reflected in his spirit of being a public servant of the people. Comrade Zhou Enlai always insisted that the interests of the people were above everything else, regarded himself as the people's "chief waiter", repeatedly stressed that "all our work is for the people", "our cadres are public servants of the people, should share the joys and sorrows with the masses, and should" always be loyal servants of the people." He is concerned about the people, anxious for their needs and worried about their concerns. As long as it is related to the safety of the masses, he is always considerate and considerate. On holidays, he is always concerned about whether the workers in the production line can eat dumplings. He went to the flood front many times, the scene of the earthquake, where there is a disaster, where the masses have difficulties, he will appear in time. [4]
The life course of Comrade Zhou Enlai's struggle for more than half a century is a vivid epitome of the Communist Party of China not forgetting its original aspiration and remembering its mission. It is a vivid epitome of the history of New China's conception, birth, growth and lofty international prestige. It is a vivid epitome of the history of the Chinese people's painstaking exploration, constant pioneering and triumph on the path of revolution and construction chosen by themselves. Comrade Zhou Enlai is a shining star of the Chinese nation in modern times and an immortal banner of the Chinese Communists. Comrade Zhou Enlai's noble spirit, noble moral character and great style have inspired and nurtured generations of Chinese Communists. The lofty spirit of Chinese Communists demonstrated by Comrade Zhou Enlai is historical and contemporary, and will encourage us to forge ahead on the journey of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding example of not forgetting the original intention and sticking to the faith. When Comrade Zhou Enlai established his belief in communism, he said, "My belief in communism must remain unchanged, and I am very determined to advocate for it." He also said: "In any difficult and difficult situation, we must fight for communism to the end with the spirit of death." Comrade Zhou Enlai kept his oath all his life. No matter how weak the revolutionary forces were, how cruel the white terror was, how fierce the struggle against the enemy, how complicated the political situation was, how severe the challenges facing the cause of the Party and state were, how arduous the responsibilities were, and how difficult the personal situation was, he always maintained firm ideals and convictions and a strong revolutionary spirit. As he said during his self-dissection, "I never lose heart when I do my work." Comrade Zhou Enlai was always confident in the development of the cause of the Party and the people, in the bright future of socialist China, and in the great cause of reviving the Chinese nation. In his heart, the original aspiration of Chinese Communists and the belief in communism are as solid as a rock.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding example of loyalty to the Party and safeguarding the overall situation. Comrade Zhou Enlai has made great contributions to the Party and the people, but he never cares about his personal status, gains and losses, can handle the relationship between individuals and organizations correctly at any time, and has always been absolutely loyal to the Party, and takes maintaining and consolidating the unity of the Party and maintaining and consolidating the overall political situation of the Party as his code of conduct. Comrade Zhou Enlai always insisted on the absolute leadership of the Party over all work. In order to be vigilant and "against treating the regions and departments under one's leadership as independent kingdoms and against placing individuals above organizations," Comrade Zhou Enlai, when serving as the main leader of the Red Army during the war years, stressed that "the leading role of the Party must be absolutely improved." There can only be Party leadership in the Red Army, and the Party must apply the principle of centralized guidance to establish its authority." When he was in charge of government work during the socialist construction period, Comrade Zhou Enlai proposed that we must strengthen "the work of the Party groups in all departments" and "the system of requesting instructions and reporting to the Party Central Committee" must be strengthened. Comrade Zhou Enlai opposes any factionalism, small-group habits, localism, mountain-topism, and departmentalism, never engaging in small circles or cliques, and requires party members and leading cadres to pass the political pass first and foremost under any conditions.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding example of loving the people and serving the people diligently. Comrade Zhou Enlai said a very vivid words: "Do not forget the mountain when going down the mountain, do not forget the town when going into the city", "if you forget, it is forgetting the original." What Comrade Zhou Enlai is talking about is the people. "We come from the people," he said. "Our past victories were won with the support of the people. We must not forget our roots." "If we are divorced from our basic class masses, we will lose the foundation of the Party." Comrade Zhou Enlai regarded himself as the "general waiter" of the people, insisting that the interests of the people are above all else, caring about the people, maintaining a high degree of love for the people, worrying about the people's worries and worrying about the people's worries. As long as it is related to the safety of the masses, he is always considerate and considerate, so that he can share the joys and sorrows with the people, share the fate, share the joys and sorrows, and forge ahead together. Comrade Zhou Enlai attaches great importance to investigation and research, and often goes deep into the masses and the front line of investigation and research, he said: "Investigation and research should be realistic and not disorderly." "To understand the real situation, we need to treat people as equals." With his practical actions, Comrade Zhou Enlai set a glorious example for the whole Party of serving the people wholeheartedly. "The people's premier loves the people, the people's premier loves the people", the people expressed the most sincere feelings for Comrade Zhou Enlai in plain language.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of self-revolution and eternal struggle. Comrade Zhou Enlai has long held important leading positions in the Party and the country, but he has always been humble, modest and prudent, not arrogant and impetious, and his motto for himself is "never too old to live, never too old to learn, and transform to the old." Comrade Zhou Enlai regarded ideological reform as a necessity, just like air. He often said, "Every party member should have this understanding from the moment he joined the Communist Party: be prepared to transform their thinking until they are old." "If a Communist thinks that he has reformed himself and does not need to be reformed again, he is not a good Communist." "The prestige of a leader is not raised by covering up mistakes, but by correcting them; Not by bragging, but by hard work." In the face of different tasks and requirements of The Times, Comrade Zhou Enlai always met new challenges with a self-revolutionary spirit, participated in leading and promoting the great social revolution carried out by the Communist Party of China, and made himself always advance together with the cause of the Party and the people. In his life, Comrade Zhou Enlai fulfilled these vows of self-revolution and eternal struggle with his own practical actions.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding example of responsibility and dedication. Comrade Zhou Enlai bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities and shouldered heavy burdens throughout his life, making painstaking efforts and never complaining. He said: "For the sake of the happiness of our children and grandchildren, we have to bear many difficulties temporarily." "It is not the quality of a Communist to be afraid of trouble." After the founding of New China, he usually worked more than 12 hours a day, sometimes more than 16 hours. During the "Cultural Revolution," it was even harder, working day and night, sometimes only resting for two or three hours a day, even after a serious illness. Comrade Zhou Enlai said: "Since I have been put on the stage of history, I must complete the historical task." For decades, even at the end of his life, he was still sick and concerned about the state and the people. He said, I am not afraid of death. The ancients said that people live for 70 years, but I am already more than 77 years old, which can be considered as a long life. But in these twenty years or so, we should build the country better and improve the lives of the people. Only when we report to Marx can we feel at ease. I feel guilty and ashamed when I report to work in this state. Comrade Zhou Enlai truly did his utmost and died.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of self-discipline and integrity. "A sea that embraces hundreds of rivers is large; A wall is worthy of being made." Comrade Zhou Enlai was such a person. Comrade Zhou Enlai was strict with himself all his life, hard and simple, only seeking dedication, not thinking of return. He warned leading cadres to pass the ideological, political, social, relatives, and life passes, and to maintain the political ethics and fine work style of Communists. Comrade Zhou Enlai held a high position, but he never pursued any special interests, and he himself did first what was required of Party members and the masses. At the end of June 1935, the Red Army reached the Lianghekou area, and the Party organization conducted re-election, and guard Wei Guolu was elected as the leader of the party group of Comrade Zhou Enlai. Once, Comrade Zhou Enlai asked Wei Guolu why the Party group meeting had not been held for a long time, Wei Guolu replied that the party group meeting had been held, and when he saw that the leader was busy, he had not notified him. Comrade Zhou Enlai criticized with a serious attitude rarely seen in normal times, saying, How can that be done? I am a party member and should lead an organizational life. In our Party, everyone is an ordinary member, and everyone has to live an organizational life. This is a question of party spirit. In January 1958, Comrade Zhou Enlai visited Hangzhou, bringing with him his own pillow towel, cotton mattress, bed sheet and quilt. The quilt is the same bed used in Meiyuan New Village during the liberation War, and has been washed white. After being used again and again, the middle of the pillow cloth was already broken, so Comrade Zhou Enlai cut off the broken place, re-sewed the two ends and continued to use it. The comrades of the Zhejiang Provincial Security Department could not bear to watch, so they took the opportunity to take a new pillow towel from the logistics department to change it. After Comrade Zhou Enlai came back from the meeting to find a new pillow, he said to the comrades of the Zhejiang Provincial Security Department, our country is not rich, we must maintain the tradition of hard struggle, even if later rich, we can not lose this glorious tradition. Comrade Zhou Enlai frankly said that China, with a population of 600 to 700 million, has only one prime minister, and no matter how poor it is, there is no shortage of new clothes, but the problem is not a lack of clothes, and I do this not only for one person, but also to advocate frugality, do not pursue enjoyment, and advocate everyone to maintain the true character of Communists who work hard. In the 1950s, in response to the call of the Party, Comrade Zhou Enlai took the lead in leveling the graves of several generations of relatives in his hometown of Huai 'an and handing over the land to the public for use. Comrade Zhou Enlai strictly demanded of his relatives, made "Ten family rules" for them, and never used his power to seek personal gains for himself or his relatives and friends. Comrade Zhou Enlai earnestly taught the younger generation to deny the feudal kinship, to have confidence and self-confidence, to rise up from the relationship, to be a pioneer on the road of life. He especially told the younger generation, on any occasion do not say his relationship with him, do not carry the brand of the prime minister's relatives, do not show off their own interests. Comrade Zhou Enlai did not leave any personal property behind him, and even his ashes were not allowed to be kept and scattered across the land of the motherland. "A good man is a good man, a good man is a good man." Comrade Zhou Enlai's noble personality of selflessness in the bottom of his heart and the pursuit of the common good is a concentrated portrayal of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and the excellent moral character of Chinese Communists, and he will always be admired by later generations. [5]

Character memorial

Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall It was built in March 1988 in Huai 'an City, Jiangsu Province, Zhou Enlai's hometown, and opened to the public on January 6, 1992. In 1998, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Zhou Enlai's birth, a replica of Beijing Zhongnanhai was built West Flowers Hall And Zhou Enlai bronze statue square. Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall name by Deng Xiaoping Inscribe it. [8]
Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall
The bronze statue of Zhou Enlai is 7.6 meters high with its base. Created by Li Shouren, a famous sculptor and professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, it is based on Premier Zhou Enlai's habitual standing posture when he talked with the masses in the 1950s and 1960s. [8]
Bronze statue: Comrade Zhou Enlai [8]