Working class

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Worker Rank (also known as the working class, working class, etc.; English: working class) is usually used to indicate Social status with Social hierarchy Live on wages Industrial labor Or the manual working class. A person who is employed to perform manual or skilled labor for wages. At any time, the proportion of this class in the society is the highest, but with the development of economy, the proportion is relatively reduced, generally Industrial worker Class is dominant. There is no agreed interpretation of the term, and it is mainly understood by individual differences of position and opinion. For example, America is In accordance with Recurring revenue and Employment rate To divide the class.
Chinese name
Working class
Foreign name
Working Class
Working class , Working class
Basic interpretation
Commonly used to indicate Social status with Social hierarchy

Basic characteristics

Working class
The working class, also known as the proletariat, Marxism believes that the working class (i.e., the proletariat) is those who rely on the sale of labor force (including physical and mental), do not own the means of production, most of the fruits of labor are exploited by the bourgeoisie, and create the main wealth for the society, including most of the physical and mental workers.

Development overview

The history of the working class dates back to the 14th and 15th centuries in Europe workshop and Handicraft industry The production of, to 18th century The second half of the period to Steam engine And the invention of the cotton processing machine Industrial revolution , and triggered Civil society The comprehensive reform has provided an opportunity for its development and expansion into the political arena. In modern Capitalist society or Socialist society Whether the working class is as ruled Rank The ruling class has become an important component of the organizational structure and hierarchical structure of the society, and has great influence and appeal on the political, economic and cultural aspects of the society. Therefore, to understand the common mental mechanism, the logic of action, and the cultural practice of the working class is not merely to study the working class subject The object and content are also the basic premise for analyzing and exploring the theory of class stratum. The working class is the leading class in China, Alliance of workers and peasants It is the foundation of China's political power. The reason why the working class has become the leading class of the country is determined by the class nature of the working class and the historical mission it shoulders. The Workers' and Peasants' Alliance was a union between the working class and Peasant class The alliance is the foundation of China's political power. Both workers and peasants Rank The alliance for the foundation of the Chinese regime is made by China Basic national conditions It's decided. Representative of the workers' and Peasants' Union China The vast majority of the population, constitutes The people's democratic dictatorship It shows that the people's democratic dictatorship is fully democratic and broadly representative.
Working class

Current situation and future

Engels pointed out: workers Rank It is the true foundation and starting point of all contemporary social movements, for it is the sharpest and most blatant expression of all the disasters of our society. The Chinese proletariat bears the sharpest and most visible social disasters, and they also bear them Socialist movement The future mission.
Since the reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in the Chinese working class, increasingly in the traditional working class commercialization At the same time, rural workers continue proletarian At the same time, a large number of intellectuals are constantly falling into the ranks of the proletariat. in globalize Of The Times, capitalism The expansion of the relations of production in the cities and in the countryside simplifies class antagonisms, and the whole society is increasingly divided into two hostile camps, into two classes directly opposed to each other: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

The history and present situation of Chinese traditional workers

The Chinese working class first emerged in foreign enterprises in China in the middle of the 19th century, and then appeared in state-owned enterprises of the Qing Dynasty in the 1860s and national capital enterprises in the 1970s. By the eve of the May Fourth Movement in 1919, the number of industrial workers in China had reached more than 2 million. In addition to the characteristics and advantages common to the working classes of all countries in the world, the Chinese working class also has some of its own characteristics. [6]
First, the Chinese working class suffers from three kinds of oppression (imperialist oppression, bureaucratic bourgeois oppression and feudal oppression), and the severity and cruelty of these oppressions are rarely seen among the nations of the world; They are therefore more determined and thorough in the revolutionary struggle than any other class. In semi-feudal and semi-colonial China, where there is no economic basis for social reformism as in Europe, the whole class, with the exception of a very small number of thieves, is the most revolutionary.
Second, the Chinese proletariat began to take the stage of revolution and, under the leadership of its own revolutionary party, the Communist Party of China, became the most enlightened class in Chinese society.
Third, since the majority of the Chinese working class is born of bankrupt peasants or artisans, the Chinese proletariat has a natural connection with the vast peasantry, which facilitates the formation of an intimate alliance with the peasantry.
After the founding of New China, in the socialist revolution and construction, the ranks and strength of the working class continued to grow. The growth of this working class is closely linked to the destiny of socialism, and the enterprises built by the whole people and collectively owned by them are the epitome of the development of the Republic. Workers in traditional state-owned enterprises are characterized in two ways. On the one hand, they have the distinctive characteristics of the proletariat, and the direction of the struggle is always against Socialist system Closely linked. Factories are the older generation of workers through hard work to create, they have gone through socialist education, to the factory as home, with a clear sense of ownership privatization The impeding force of; On the other hand, the traditional workers were brought up in the course of building socialism and lacked experience in fighting against the bourgeoisie. In the "Cultural Revolution", a considerable majority Industrial worker All join Old guard For example, in the early days of the Cultural Revolution, Chongqing workers set up "industrial correction" to follow the party establishment and oppose the rebels. Traditional workers are used to listening to and following the Party, The leading class in our country. [7]
Since the reform and opening up, the economic income of workers has been increasing continuously, and the growth rate is relatively fast. According to the China Statistical Yearbook Before the reform and opening up, the average annual wage increase of employees in state-owned units was 4.4%, and the actual average annual wage increase in the early stage of reform and opening up was 6.3 times that of before the reform and opening up. Taking a machinery factory in Beijing as an example, the machinery factory began to implement direct production workers in 1983 Excess piecework wage system The average monthly wage of all factory employees rose from 52 yuan in 1978 to 119 yuan in 1985, with an average annual wage increase of 13%. At this stage, workers gradually relinquish management rights from the previous Political leadership Move toward focusing on material benefits.
With the restoration of the factory director responsibility system in enterprises, while emphasizing the democratic rights of workers to manage enterprises, enterprises management The rights are also clear. Daily Worker "As the direction of reform becomes clear, Factory director , MANAGER And other operations Managerial personnel Their status and role have been clearly defined, and their rights have been clearly guaranteed. However, there is no denying that when people correctly emphasize and pay attention to the power and functions of factory directors and managers, they improperly neglect the due rights of workers and laborers. As a result, employees have not been able to share the expected results of reform, but have not been able to share the opportunity to participate in coordination." The 1982 National Survey of Workers' conditions in China showed that some leading cadres arranged better arrangements for their children through improper means Type of work In the promotion, promotion, housing distribution and other aspects involving the interests of the masses, give special care to themselves and their children and relatives. According to a 1986 survey, due to the need to revitalize enterprises, business managers have been transformed into managers and given greater corporate power. Factory directors of enterprises are appointed and appointed by leaders at higher levels and practice a system of overall responsibility. Employees must accept whether they are satisfied or not, and the people can neither praise nor criticize them for their good or bad work. They said: "Workers only perform the obligations of the master, there is no right to the master, the master bears the risk (the enterprise can not run, can not get wages), public servants have insurance (the enterprise can still become an official or transferred)." It has become an open secret that the relationship between the cadres and the masses of enterprises has become tense, and that workers use passive sabotage to deal with cadres.
According to the All China Federation of Trade Unions According to a 1988 survey of 210,000 employees in more than 400 enterprises in 17 cities, State enterprise The enthusiasm of the workers is not at the peak but at the bottom. Only 12 percent of the 210,000 workers said they were fully motivated to work. This is a new problem brought about by the reform of state-owned enterprises. some reformer There is a lack of understanding of the new problems arising from the reform of state-owned enterprises, and only by establishing strict factory management systems, etc., to prevent workers from "lazy". Since 1985, the state has operated large and medium-sized industrial enterprises Total wages of employees In a system linked to economic performance, for every 1% increase in the total amount of profits and taxes paid, the total amount of wages increased by 0.3% to 0.7%. During this period, workers' incomes continued to grow rapidly, but the income gap within the factory widened rapidly. On December 5, 1986, The State Council issued Several Provisions on Deepening the Reform of Enterprises and Enhancing the vitality of Enterprises, "Where the annual responsibility goal of the term of office is fully completed, the operator. Personal income It can be one to three times higher than the average worker's income. Those who have made outstanding contributions can be even higher. If the annual responsibility target is not met, the personal income of the factory director shall be deducted." In fact, managers earn more than three times more than the average worker. In accordance with the provisions of the State, it shall be adopted Open bidding The method is to determine the contractor through competition, but in practice there are few competitive methods, and basically the competent leadership makes the decision. Between the government and enterprises, the contract base and share ratio of enterprises depend on the negotiation between the government contracting department and the factory director, and there is a lack of unified and scientific standards. The investigation shows that within the enterprise, the contractor and the contractor supervisor are generally the director and secretary of the branch factory, and there is room for bargaining on the contract indicators, the contract indicators will not be set too high, and the completion of the contract task will not be difficult under normal circumstances, so "if the annual responsibility target is not completed, the personal income of the director should be deducted" has become empty talk. Contract award includes Risk mortgage The distribution of the excess award is determined by the contractor and is no longer public. In this way, the separation of ownership and management rights will create a group of cadres who "get rich first".
Modern large-scale production is closely linked to each other, it is difficult to calculate the results of labor according to the way of piecework wages, and there is no tangible labor product for auxiliary workers and non-production workers, so the wage reform of workers has become a general adjustment. At the same time, annual awards and red envelopes began to be issued, and the annual awards between workers were basically the same, and the bonus gap between workers and managers was widening. The workers are very concerned about the changes in the factory clear There is a saying among the workers: "The workers are poor, the factory director is rich, and the workshop director. 10,000-yuan household The factory director makes no money."
In the 1990s, the most important content of strategic reorganization is "reducing staff and increasing efficiency", which takes various forms, including separation of main and auxiliary, internal retirement, buyout, retirement, retirement, home, layoff, etc. Workers began to be laid off, and by the end of 1997 6.344 million workers were laid off from state-owned enterprises, of whom 3.095 million had not received basic living expenses. During this period, the vital interests of employees of state-owned enterprises were impacted unprecedentedly, forcing workers to pay attention to their own interests, and labor disputes began to appear and showed an increasing trend. In 1998, the "decisive battle" began, and a large number of state-owned enterprises went bankrupt and a large number of workers were laid off. From 1998 to 2001, a total of 22.5 million workers were laid off from state-owned enterprises across China. In 2005, 68% of the third-line laid-off workers had a monthly income of less than 300 yuan, 92% of their income was spent on food, clothing and children's education, and 88% of the laid-off workers could not support themselves and had to rely on government welfare and relatives and friends relief.
There are many different groups of traditional workers. Retired worker About 30 million people (23 million retired from state-owned enterprises and 6.3 million retired from collective enterprises) have historically been paid low wages, High welfare The way to complete the industrialization construction, in the direction Market economy system There are many historical debts formed in the process of transition. This also became an urgent problem to be solved at that time.
Among traditional workers, laid-off workers have many problems and some contradictions are sharp. According to a survey conducted in Xiamen in 2004, 48.4 percent of laid-off workers participated Collective action Of these, 46.7% called for jobs, 43.3% for income support and 8.3% for fighting corruption. Among the collective actions, collective petition is the most common one, and 57.4% of the laid-off workers who participate in collective action have participated in collective petition. Through realistic education, workers gradually realize the importance of reflecting demands, workers all over China understand that "big fight big harvest, small fight small harvest, no fight no harvest."
The government's" Three protection lines It is an effective way to alleviate the living conditions of laid-off workers, but FACTS On the other hand, even if the laid-off workers entered the reemployment center, except for the first three years to receive living expenses, they are no different from the laid-off workers who did not enter the reemployment center. Changchun tractor factory The laid-off re-employment Service center was set up in 1998. According to the chief of the labor section of the factory, the rate of laid-off workers entering the center has reached 100%. The basic living expenses are paid in full, social security expenses are paid regularly, and training is provided for laid-off workers. Many laid-off workers have been paid to terminate their relations with enterprises, but the contradictions caused by the reform have not ended. After the bankruptcy of enterprises, the economy owes a lot of debts, and the workers of state-owned enterprises aim to pay wages in arrears, compensation and social security, and express their will to the government and society in the form of defending state-owned assets and fighting corruption.
The problems brought about by reform will ultimately be solved by further deepening reform. In the period of socialist construction, workers are the owners of factories, have political status, pension and medical security, and have enthusiasm for work. The Communist Party truly relies on the working class and works for the welfare of the vast majority of workers.

Current situation and requirements of new workers in China

Carry out Contract responsibility system for linked production Since then, rural township enterprises have developed rapidly, and the population has rapidly shifted to non-agricultural industries, averaging 9.7 million annually. During the period of governance and rectification from 1988 to 1991, township enterprises generally stagnated. nonfarm Job growth has weakened. 1992年邓小平南方谈话 [8] After that, Urban private enterprise Entering a period of rapid development, the number of employment has increased rapidly, and the number of people leaving their homeland has increased by 10 million every year Peasant worker wave . According to relevant data, the total number of migrant workers in China is 200 to 300 million, of which 140 million migrant workers should be in cities. Migrant workers have become workers Rank The subject of...
The older generation of migrant workers are in amphibious At present, many people plan to work to earn a sum of money and then return to the countryside to do business. With the expansion of large-scale production and the rapid development of rural land circulation, the new generation of migrant workers are more and more associated with large-scale agricultural production. As for future plans, more than half of them will continue to work outside, and only 17.4 percent choose to return to their hometown. The new generation of migrant workers has basically possessed a certain degree of working class consciousness. According to the Guangdong Federation of trade unions According to the survey, 81.5% of migrant workers agree with their identity as workers, and 70% of them think that their salary is a worker under what circumstances Migrant worker Only 5.5 per cent of migrant workers chose "obtaining a non-agricultural hukou" as the top criterion for measuring their occupational status, suggesting that hukou has little to do with their professional status.
Most migrant workers Cultural quality On the low side. According to relevant information, Rural labor force In the middle school, 40.31% of students have a primary school education or below, 48.07% have a junior high school education, only 11.62% have a senior high school education or above, and only 9.1% have received professional skills training. Due to the lack of professional skills, they can only engage in the most bitter, the most tired, the dirtiest physical work, living conditions are also extremely poor, most of them live in simple civilian houses, sheds, and even waiting rooms, underground pipelines, Bridges and other harsh environments. Their work is poorly paid, their wages are often unpaid and their safety and health are not guaranteed. Development Research Center of The State Council According to one report, from 1992 to 2004, Pearl River Delta The average monthly salary of migrant workers increased by only 68 yuan. According to relevant statistics, in 2003, 136,000 people died in work-related accidents in China, 80 percent of whom were migrant workers. More than 500,000 workers in China suffer from occupational diseases, and migrant workers account for 50%. Another survey report in 2004 showed that there were at least 30,000 finger amputation accidents in the Pearl River Delta every year, and more than 40,000 fingers were cut off by machines. According to a survey in seven cities in Zhejiang Province in 2004, when migrant workers fell ill, most of them bought some medicine at random to fight the past, only 24.4% of them would go to the hospital; 14.9% of migrant workers work 8-hour hours, 38.5% work 8-10 hours a day, 29.5% work 10-12 hours, 15.5% work more than 12 hours; Only 6.7% of migrant workers have two days off, 22.3% have one day off, and 56.3% have no day off. When the minimum demands are not met, the workers have no choice but to rebel. According to one study, there were at least 100 large-scale strikes in Shenzhen alone in 1999. No one has an accurate count of the number of strikes, large and small, that occur in the Pearl River Delta each year. According to the Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions, there are more than 10,000 cases per year, while another says there are more than 20,000 cases per year. Statistics show that from January to July 2004, the labor department of Guangdong Province handled 540 prominent mass incidents, involving 57,300 people The same period of last year Increases of 15.4% and 17.7%, respectively.
Unlike traditional workers, Peasant workers They are wage-workers who grew up in the environment of reform and opening up and have a capitalist tradition Industrial relations The characteristics of. Their demands generally focus on wage increases and improvements Working conditions And so on. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Statistics show that the number of back wages recovered by labor inspection departments at all levels for workers has increased year by year, starting from 1.45 billion yuan in 2002, the "achievement" has become more and more significant, and almost doubled to 2.7 billion yuan in 2003; In 2005 and 2006, it reached 5.8 billion yuan. Behind this bullish report card, there is a lot of bitterness among workers.
from tissue Look at it, spontaneous Sex is an important characteristic of migrant workers. Shenzhen a Taiwan footwear Co., LTD manage and Public security Workers were often physically punished and wages were withheld, leading to a general strike involving more than 3,000 workers in protest. Dalian a Japanese-owned enterprise, due to workers Wage level Too low, the workers repeatedly reflected and the management ignored, so the outbreak of more than 6,000 people to participate in the strike, after two and a half days, the Japanese headquarters urgent order to comply with the demands of the workers.
With the international capitalism The development of contradictions, coastal Labor-intensive enterprise The conditions for survival are gradually lost, and production costs rise sharply. In 2008, the Labor Contract Law came into effect. The Labor Contract Law stipulates that "if a worker has worked continuously for 10 years in the employer" or "has concluded two fixed-term labor contracts in a row," the employer and the worker shall conclude the contract No fixed term labor contract . The rule has caused panic among employers, many of whom are quitting their jobs in an attempt to circumvent it by turning to labor Labor Contract Law The restriction, resulting in a substantial increase in collective disputes. Workers believe that they can terminate the labor contract, but they must repay overtime pay and labor compensation in accordance with the new law, and the average scale of each person's recovery is about tens of thousands of yuan.

The proletarianization of college students

Engels added a note to the English version of the Communist Manifesto in 1888: "Proletariat means without itself. Means of production And therefore have to sell their labor force to make a living employ The working class. That is, the proletariat refers to the laborer who does not own the means of production and relies on wage income to obtain means of living in wage-labor relations Social group . with Socialization of production With the development of cooperation with labor, the connotation of the concept of productive worker will inevitably expand. Production worker's finger Surplus value of production , serve capital The proliferation of wage labor, production workers do not necessarily create value, but must bring surplus value. Zhongguancun is the most typical person engaged in programming and software development, they directly call themselves IT migrant worker It also explains itself very vividly employ The characteristics of labor. with Brain worker The number of people keeps growing, Marx in 19th century Put forward in the second half brainpower Proletarian sum totality The concept of worker: with Labor process intrinsic collaboration The development of nature, Productive labor And the concept of its undertaker, the productive worker, is necessarily expanded. Work for Productive labor You don't have to do it yourself; Just be one of the total workers organ It is enough to complete one of its functions. Friedrich Engels States: "It is hoped that your efforts will enable College student Increasingly, they realized that it was from their ranks There arises a proletariat of intellectual Labour which has a mission to undertake with itself Manual labor 's worker Brother In one team Inside side by side in the coming revolution To play a role in. Lenin also proposed it Engineer The concept of the proletariat. These new concepts classify mental and manual workers together as "total workers" or "total workers". Production worker 's category Reflect the workers Rank The history of development.
Due to China still In the age of capital, Public capital Same as private capital Past labor , it's right Living labor It still has a dominant relationship with future labor, so the past ruling, dominating the present and the future is also a universal feature of Chinese modernity in the time dimension. In addition, the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economic system is a difficult and complex long-term systematic project, and the construction of Chinese modernity is still an unfinished undertaking High efficiency It is still the main axis of the development of the whole modern Chinese society, and the time system in particular has become the adjustment of the whole Social order The main frame of reference. Hence, the emergence of capitalist modernization modernity Crisis and conflict also have different degrees in China Time dimension superior embody . The relationship between the rhythm of social production and the rhythm of people's life is Tense state , Working pressure and Position competition Has become the social norm, tense and fast-paced modern production and lifestyle Bring about Chinese the Mental stress Large, thus creating conditions for the breeding of a variety of spiritual and psychosomatic modern diseases. In addition, with the rapid improvement of economic development level, time So does the value of being a scarce resource A rising tide lifts all boats In the individual Remuneration for labor ( Wage rate Improve at the same time, day by day Hold high the Free time cost Make people tend to tendency Volunteer to invest more time professional Go. [5] At the same time, because China's capital profits are meager, it cannot support a large number of intellectuals. Therefore, education the capitalization Produce a large number of college students, so Take up a job The pressure is increasing, so that the mental and physical workers are increasingly employed convergence . On the basis of Ministry of Education The Bulletin, 2007 enrollment of university students 5.67 million, that year Fresh graduates 4.95 million; As of 2006 Ministry of Personnel Survey data, 60% college students Finish school namely Be unemployed . Many college students rushed to go Dining room do Waiter Rob migrant workers Rice bowl . A lot of firm in Invite for a job Always have... Educational background Request, Undergraduate course And above is Standard Configure. [1] Only a few thousand dollars a month, [2] Therefore, it is accurate to say that the main body of contemporary intellectuals is workers Rank Although many intellectuals do not actively agree with this.
At the beginning of the 21st century, there were about 60 to 70 million intellectual proletariat in China. Including: 10 million office staff, the average labor compensation of 17,644 yuan; Professional technical personnel 35.33 million yuan, of which 26.13 million yuan in public institutions, with an average labor remuneration of 16,458 yuan; There are 20.8 million administrative personnel in enterprises.

The solution to the contradiction between labor and capital in China

In October 2006, The Communist Party of China (CPC) The Sixth Plenary Session of the sixteenth Central Committee [9] Adopted the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Building Socialism Harmonious society The Decision on a number of Major Issues clearly states that "the development of harmonious labor relations". In view of the low rate of labor contract signing, poor working conditions, serious arrears and underpayment of workers' wages, and frequent group incidents, the Decision proposes to improve the coordination mechanism of labor relations and further strengthen the coordination of labor relations between the government, trade unions and enterprises Tripartite mechanism Construction; Full implementation Labor contract system And a collective bargaining system to ensure that wages are paid on time and in full; Starting with the establishment and improvement of the national labor standards system, we will focus on production safety, Occupational health We should urge all kinds of enterprises to strictly implement national labor standards and strengthen labor protection. To be sound Labor security supervision Through supervision and law enforcement, we urge enterprises to sign labor contracts with workers in accordance with the law, rectify and standardize the order of the labor market, help workers, especially migrant workers, recover their unpaid wages, and actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China continued to put forward the goal of building a harmonious society, which is "education for students, employment for workers, medical care for the sick, care for the elderly, and housing."
To develop harmonious labor relations, there are three main principles: first, no arrears in wages; Second, establish Social security system ; Third, if the first two clauses cannot be fulfilled, the dispute should be settled through the tripartite consultation mechanism. In the official understanding, the basis for harmonious social development is that government finances and entrepreneurs can come up with money to ensure that workers can get a little "decent" wages. This puts a clear demand on the international and domestic environment, that is, the United States as the core Capitalist mode of production Long-term prosperity to ensure the continued growth of the Chinese economy on both sides.
First, there is a conflict between enterprises and traditional workers. Even without mentioning the old workers' memories of socialism, there is still a long way to go from the perspective of connecting social security to official requirements. A survey conducted between 2003 and 2004 showed that 41.6 percent of laid-off workers in state-owned enterprises had bought out their labor ties with their original employers, while only 18.5 percent of laid-off workers in collective enterprises had bought out their labor ties. Of those who have bought out, 55.6 percent have paid Basic endowment insurance Among those who did not buy out, only 24.4 percent paid for basic pension insurance. In 2004, the average monthly salary in Shenyang was 969 yuan, the laid-off workers paid 1766 yuan, the medical insurance paid 10%, the annual payment was 1163 yuan, the two items totaled nearly 3,000 yuan, in the case of double laid-off couples, this figure will be doubled. However, the income of laid-off workers is far below the average level in Shenyang Laid-off and unemployed people 50% of the people have a monthly income of less than 400 yuan after re-employment, and it is difficult to afford the cost of pension and medical insurance, 80.8% of laid-off and unemployed people under 30 years old have not paid pension insurance, 72% of those between 30 and 40 years old have not paid, and 62.7% of those between 40 and 50 years old have not paid. According to the survey of small and difficult enterprises in 6 counties and districts under the jurisdiction of Datong Federation of Trade Unions in Shanxi at the end of 2006, participated Basic medical insurance Employees accounted for 36% of the number of registered, participate Major medical expenses The number of employees receiving (serious illness) subsidies accounts for only 12% of the number of registered employees. In general, the proportion of laid-off and unemployed people paying pension insurance and medical insurance is 35.5% and 5.4%, respectively. Most people worry about not being able to get insurance.
Harmonious labor-capital relations require the establishment of a tripartite consultation mechanism, but the contradictions caused by round after round of "hard work" are not within the scope of consultation. Article 3 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues relating to the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases related to Enterprise Restructuring provides that: "The competent government departments are in charge of the trial State-owned assets of enterprises In case of disputes arising in the course of administrative adjustment or transfer, the parties shall People's court If a civil suit is instituted, the people's court shall not accept it." In other words, as long as the central or local government departments approved the "buyout" or other restructuring disputes, in fact, there is no door to complain.
Second, there are conflicts between new workers and business operators. With a new generation Industrial worker With the growth of the world, a question has become more and more urgent: Where is the future? New workers cannot return to the countryside, Chengyu Land circulation The experience spread rapidly in the central and western regions, and even blocked the dream of a large number of older migrant workers to return home for the elderly. from Rank Consciously speaking, new workers hope to integrate into the city, and are most likely to sincerely pursue the goal of "education, employment, medical care, elderly care, and housing." But migrant workers rarely pay social security, and every time they quit their jobs, they have to go to the labor department to surrender their insurance. Take pension insurance as an example, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security stipulates enjoyment Basic pension The first condition is to reach the retirement age, and the second is to accumulate Payment period 15 years. Various cities have formulated more discriminatory provisions for new workers, taking Shenzhen as an example, "the first 5 years of retirement age, continuous payment in the city", non-Shenzhen registered employees before the flow of continuous service is not regarded as the payment period, that is to say 56-60 years old migrant male workers must be stable in a factory until retirement, for new workers with unusually frequent mobility. It's impossible to imagine. Therefore, in the view of workers, "this money is equivalent to waste", "it is better to return the money to the hand." How can new workers achieve the five goals of a harmonious society when they have no pension or medical security?
Third, the living environment of the intellectual proletariat is getting worse and worse. According to the official definition, apply to Foreign company , Foreign-funded enterprise All levels and types of" White-collar worker "And the professional technicians should have been Middle class It is an important pillar of the "olive-type" society and the backbone of the effective buffer between the rich class and the poor class. But mental proletarian The requirement to settle in the city is the same as" New three Mountains The contradiction between them is more prominent. The real estate developers alone can rob the wages of most intellectual workers. Moreover, more and more college students will fall into the ranks of proletarians, as the Communist Manifesto points out: "Industrial progress will rule. Rank Whole groups of members of the proletariat are thrown into the ranks, or at least their living conditions are threatened. They also bring a great deal of educational elements to the proletariat."
In addition, under the condition that various factors of productivity such as land and resources increase, they rely on deprivation Cheap labor The small and medium-sized capital that makes a living is increasingly difficult to survive and has moved to the interior. The reason why older workers are losing the battle for the factory is the difference and opposition between migrant workers and state-owned workers. The growth of the power of capital must also reverse the means by which the traditional workers were defeated; the old workers have no more than the new; "the machine has reduced the differences in Labour, reduced wages almost everywhere to the same low level, and thus the interests and conditions of life within the proletariat have become more and more uniform." New workers and old workers will gradually move from division to integration, just as The Declaration "With the development of industry, the proletariat not only increases in number, but it combines into a larger collective, its strength grows day by day, it feels its strength more and more." In this process, "the workers sometimes win victories, but these victories are only temporary." The real fruit of their struggle is not the immediate success, but the ever-widening union of the workers." capitalism Production is "its own gravedigger," and "the demise of the bourgeoisie is as inevitable as the victory of the proletariat."

Social movement

The emancipation of the working class, need Medic , engineer, [3] Scientist , [4] agronomist Et cetera Specialized personnel Because the problem is to be in charge Political machine And to Take charge of All Social production What is needed here is not Words and phrases For sure, but solid The knowledge of... [3] Say the labor movement is Marxism The basic things of thought, this statement is a great underestimate. Marxists have been among the workers Rank Many insights have been published on the chronology and typology of the movement. But, as far as the working class movement is concerned, more significant than these opinions is the realization that Marxist thought Is itself formed out of this movement and even determined by it.
This realization should not work Historical materialism People are surprised. Historical materialism is distinguished from other systems of thought by its subordination to movements that actually exist (or are changing) in history and can be understood and changed by class. The class movement predates any science of its development, and this science has historical significance only when it is expressed through the class movement. One of the fundamental findings of historical materialism, reflected in Volume 1, Chapter 24 of Capital, is that the working class movement is capitalism Part of the movement pattern:
"As the magnates of capital who plunder and monopolize all the profits of this process of transformation continue to diminish, poverty, oppression, enslave The increasing degree of degradation and exploitation, and the growing number of workers trained, united and organized by the institutions of the capitalist production process itself Rank Resistance is also growing. The monopoly of capital becomes a shackle on the mode of production which flourishes with and under this monopoly. The concentration of the means of production and the socialization of Labour have reached a point where they are incompatible with their capitalist shell. This shell is about to blow up. Capitalist private ownership The death knell is about to ring. The deprived shall be deprived."
It was out of the workers' movement that theories suitable for changing the world emerged. In the course of the future, i.e Silesia The weavers' revolt, Chartist movement , the Revolution of 1848 and its aftermath, The Finian movement The development of the British Trade Union, the emergence of "cooperative factories organized by the workers themselves", Paris Commune And the first workers' parties in particular German Social Democratic Party Each event provides a severe test for the formation of ideas which are gradually known to men, first of all to their enemies Marxism Thought.
Working person Rank There are four stages in the relationship between the movement and Marxist thought that are particularly important for the development of Marxist thought. The first was in the mid-1840s, the period in which Marxist thought began with historical materialism. At this stage, Engels's experience of the working class and political community in Manchester, which he had studied in 1842 and 1844 and subsequently transmitted to Marx, was of vital importance. Emphasizing production over competition and modern industry capitalism Characteristic, emphasizing the country is Private ownership An instrument of oppression, Communism was emphasized as a reality Rank Movement is not simply a philosophical idea, all of which is entered through "social movements. Socialist thought , not the other way around. Since the 1840s, class has become a latent, expressive potential Mass movement At this time, pregnant in Marxism The contradictions in thought became a kind of rooted capitalism Labor process Is a material phenomenon, rather than a phenomenon derived from the abstract or natural. For the development of capitalism, external things (relations) are also internal things. For a quarter of a century after the publication of the Communist Manifesto, the main political questions for historical materialist analysis of the working class movement were: (1) To what extent the working class movement could be exploited The bourgeois democratic revolution And go beyond its scope for the benefit of the majority? (2) Where is the "economics of Labour" which replaces the political economy of capital and which advocates "the predictable supervision of social production by society"? And how to achieve it? To what extent can workers' associations, be they trade unions, co-operatives, or political associations, form "the organizing center of the working class, as the towns and communes of the Middle Ages were for the Burgertum"? . (4) Capable of acting as capitalism Where are the contradictions, both positive and negative, that arise in the new mode of production "(Capital, Vol. 3, p. 498, People's Publishing House, 1975)? (5) How can the real possibility of sectoral struggles becoming universal struggles be expressed without being inhibited?
The second important stage was the Paris Commune of 1871. This "proletariat first came to power for two months... "(Selected Works of Marx and Engels, vol. 1, p. 229) Marxism The influence of thought can be passed The Civil War in France Draft and original text to trace back. This led some analysts to detect "a revolution in Marx's thinking". The commune in practice criticized the bourgeois separation of politics and economy, and proposed that the aim of the working class movement was not so much to seize state power as to replace it with a new one; It is also regarded as inevitable due to the existing Natural division of labor And the "whole package of deceit" which prevented the workers from managing the affairs of the state was swept away. It makes Marx and Friedrich Engels A number of points emphasized during the period of the Communist Manifesto were revised.
Worker Rank The third new phase of the interrelation between the movement and Marxist thought is a longer one. This phase began in various countries, especially in Germany Party of the working class The establishment of. During the 1880s and 1890s, Marxism For the first time, it made an impact in a major labor movement. The opportunities or limitations of the large-scale political organization of the working class that arose during the Second International (see international articles) became fodder for Marxist thought. At that time, the main concern of the Second International was the workers of the countries participating in it Rank Sports often debate things like: How to celebrate May Day ; The Labor Union, Go on strike And the role of the general strike in Labour liberation; The question of participation in bourgeois parliaments and governments; The role of reform - whether it is a step of revolution or a stumbling block; capitalism To what extent the contradictions can be solved through reformism; The nature of nationalism and imperialism, Civil war The timing of international war and the factors that contain it; To what extent conscious workers' organizations can overcome the limited effects of spontaneity along the new lines necessary for the workers' movement; The economic and political division of capitalism and the iron law of rigid organization (see "Bibliography", and also the article on elites). All these arguments were as indispensable to the working-class movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as three meals a day. From these arguments, however, divisive lines were proposed, and along these lines the workers' movement split into "revolutionaries" and "revisionists," "scientific" socialists and "ethical" socialists, "and" ethical "socialists. Social Democrat "And" syndicalist ".
These debates continue through to the next stage, which is the workers Rank The fourth stage of the interrelationship between the movement and Marxism - 1917 The Bolsheviks The revolution and its impact on all parts of Europe in the turbulent years up to 1921. At this time, however, the debate took place under conditions altered by these events, and led to permanent organisational divisions, namely the formation of the Communist, Social Democratic or Labour parties of various countries, as well as mainly apolitical trade union movements. In the post-revolutionary "socialist" system, Marxism Ideas about the working class movement have developed into dogma. It's in the West Capitalist society The interior developed into an attempt to explain why the mind had become disconnected from the movement, and the answers were imperialism, annexation, the success of reformism, repression, cultural leadership, and so on. During the period from the early 2020s to the late 1960s, Marxist thought and workers Rank The main, tragic relationship between movements, at least from a political point of view, is their estrangement and even their conflict. History has not developed as the Marxists of the Second International thought before 1914, and one of the unfinished tasks of Marxist thought is to explain why.
Marxism The orthodoxy of ideas about the development of the working class movement was established as early as the 1840s through Engels's experience of England, which would last throughout his life, and has remained fairly stable. It is the view that individual protests are replaced by local or sectoral struggles which, at the outset, are either of a narrow economic or political character and thus cannot be clearly associated with what has arisen capitalism The relevant categories are engaged in confrontation. At the same time, these struggles are unorganized at the beginning, but only gradually are they transformed into formal organizations with rules and regulations, reasonable procedures of work, and internal divisions of labor. When this is done, it is easy to deviate from the whole Rank The objective tends to be the interests of particular social classes, the interests of professional groups, and the interests of national or quasi-national entities. Nevertheless, the development of capitalist contradictions requires a stage in which local and sectoral struggles are replaced by "class struggles within a country." This requires the adoption of a cooperative political form for the struggle for state power. In spite of all the obstacles and setbacks, the different sections of the workers' movement, both political and industrial, have unremittingly united to form a truly class movement. Although this development has been uneven both domestically and internationally, Marxism The mind likewise estimates this and thinks that the situation will be overcome. Manifesto of the Communist Party There are words like this: "Instead of that exists Rank The old bourgeois society, in opposition to class, will be an association in which the free development of each is a condition for the free development of all "(Marx Friedrich Engels Anthology, vol. 1, p. 273). The advanced sectors will take the lead, and all other sectors will eventually follow. Development will be uneven, but they will converge as well.
These orthodoxies are familiar, but they have not always been helpful to the achievement of the unfinished tasks mentioned above, and they have been challenged within Marxist thought, where three aspects of the work are worth mentioning: first, some historians of the Labour Party have tried to sidestep communism and communism, which dominated the workers' movement in the twentieth century Social democracy To look for so-called "primitive" and "utopian" forms of movement (cf Utopian socialism The rationality, validity, and inventiveness of these movements, which they regarded as more than the pioneers had ever had; Second, feminists try to get around the male-dominated structure of the labor movement and the male-dominated view of the history of these movements, to find out how half of the human sky has been hidden from history (even their most active and creative past) (see the feminist movement article), and the gender issue is now regarded as an independent issue Rank But with regard to class issues; Finally, those dedicated to the new discipline of "cultural studies" try to circumvent the dominant view of the structure of "production" to make Marxism about Labor process The idea of "economic" production is pushed back not only into the sphere of "economic" production, but also into the sphere of cultural and political production. In all these three complementary approaches, the idea of the vanguard component in the development of the working class movement is criticized and, to a lesser extent, an evolutionary view of the development of the working class movement is presented, and a creative idea of the role of the class from its point of view is being re-formed. But the thought in this regard has been somewhat dulled by the mid-nineteenth century view of the movement of the working class as confused with the movement of history.

The representative of advanced social productive forces

Reform, opening up and development Socialist market economy Since then, China's social and economic life has undergone extensive and profound changes, with increasing diversification of social and economic components, organizational forms, material interests and employment modes. In this new situation, is the working class still the most advanced class in contemporary China? Or is it a representative of advanced social productive forces? This is a major theoretical issue concerning the fundamental nature of the Communist Party of China.
1. The working class is the representative of the advanced productive forces of society Marxist political party Important points that must be upheld
As the representative of advanced social productive forces, the working class is determined by its historical status and mission. Marx and Engels in 1848 Manifesto of the Communist Party Of all the classes currently opposed to the bourgeoisie, only the proletariat is truly revolutionary. The rest of the classes are declining and dying with the development of big industry, but the proletariat is the product of big industry itself. An Analysis of the Classes of Chinese Society According to one article, industry The proletariat, though small in number, represents the new productive forces of China, is the most progressive class in modern China and the leading force in the revolutionary movement. socialization Therefore, it has the highest consciousness, the strongest discipline, and can play a leading role in the economic progress and social and political progress of the present era." On January 25, 1990, he pointed out in a letter to all the staff of the Second printing and Dyeing factory in Shijiazhuang that wholehearted reliance on the working class and the broad masses of the people is the strength of the Party. The working class is the leading class of the country and the representative of advanced productive forces. During his inspections in Shanghai and Changchun in May and June 1995, he said again that the working class is the leading class of the state, the representative of advanced productive forces and relations of production, and the most basic force for construction and reform and the maintenance of social stability.
The working class is the representative of advanced social productive forces, which has been proved by the practice of China's revolution, construction, reform and opening up. During the first great historical transformation in which the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, transformed the semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China into a new socialist China, the working class, as the leading class in the new-democratic and socialist revolutions, took part in the revolution Marxism-Leninism 和毛泽东思想的指引下,为推翻帝国主义、封建主义和 Bureaucratic capitalism The rule of the three mountains made great sacrifices and efforts for the construction of socialism, showing the revolutionary spirit of "special ability to fight". Socialism with characteristics The great cause has written a new chapter in history. All this fully demonstrates that the Chinese working class is the main creator of social material wealth and spiritual civilization Socialist modernization It is the backbone of promoting historical development and social progress.
On the question of who is the representative of the advanced productive forces in China today, it is necessary to clarify some vague understandings
In the process of reform and opening up and the development of the socialist market economy, new changes have taken place in economic relations, labor relations and interest relations, and some people in society have a lot of vague understanding about who is the representative of the advanced social productive forces in China today. Some people say that workers are labourer, manual laborers, and cannot represent the advanced social productive forces, but only mental workers are the representatives of the advanced social productive forces. It is also said that workers are managed in enterprises, that only managers are the representatives of advanced social productive forces, and so on. These views are one-sided and wrong and must be clarified.
The Chinese working class is a group that includes workers, intellectual , Public enterprise A unified whole, including the management, management and government officials. Intellectuals are part of the working class. With the development of science and technology and the progress of society, the process of knowledge of the Chinese working class has accelerated significantly, and the proportion of brain workers in the working class is increasing. The labor force combining brain and body will increasingly become the main force of the working class More knowledgeable It is also an important symbol of economic development and social progress. In the whole process of promoting the development of the productive forces, people must not only recognize the important role played by intellectuals and scientific and technological personnel in the development of social productive forces, but also realize that any creation and invention must rely on the creative labor of the broad masses of workers if it is to be transformed into real productive forces. Therefore, one cannot separate and oppose relying on and exerting the role of intellectuals from relying on and exerting the role of the broad masses of workers.
People should attach importance to the important role of business managers and entrepreneurs in business management and economic and social development. However, in public enterprises, the managers are also members of the working class, and the management work they engage in is only different from the social division of labor of the broad masses of workers, and there is no difference between advanced and backward. Nor can we separate the importance attached to the role of managers from the importance attached to the role of the broad masses of workers. Those views and propositions that unilaterally emphasize the role of enterprise managers while ignoring the role of the broad masses of workers, or that the working class is limited to the working masses and does not include enterprise managers, are in line with the nature of the Chinese state and the reality of public ownership enterprises contradict Yes. Of course, to develop the socialist market economy, we also need to mobilize all kinds of people Non-public economy The initiative of all aspects of society, including the organization, operation and management, is different from who is the representative of the advanced productive forces in Chinese society, and it is also different from the class foundation and class force on which our Party relies. People must have a clear understanding of this.
In short, whether a class represents the direction of advanced productive forces and social development depends on its role in promoting the development of productive forces and whether it reflects the requirements of the development of advanced productive forces. Although the reform and opening up and the development of the socialist market economy have brought about great changes in China's economic relations, labor relations and interest relations, and many new characteristics have emerged in the ranks of the working class, its working methods and internal structure, but the class essence and historical mission of the working class have not changed. As the representative of advanced social productive forces, the working class cannot be replaced by any class or stratum.