Quality of life

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Quality of Life (QOL) is also known as quality of life Quality of life . The concept of evaluating all aspects of life. Usually refer to Social policy A result of the development with the program.
Chinese name
Quality of life
Foreign name
Quality of Life
Quality of life , Quality of life
Abbreviated form
Refers to the Social policy A result of the development with the program


When the term was introduced into the field of medical research, it mainly referred to an individual's physiology, psychology, Social function three-pronged State assessment That is, quality of health. As with survival and other types of clinical outcomes, patients' quality of life is what they accept Medical care service effectiveness An important indicator of.
The concept of quality of life first appeared in the book "Quality of Life" written by American economist J.K. Galbraith. Affluent society "(1958). The book mainly reveals the higher American residents Living standard The contradiction between the relative backwardness and the satisfaction of social and spiritual needs. In 1960, he published the National Plan Report of the Presidential Commission on the United States and the R.R. Bauer edited the book Social indicator The term quality of life was formally introduced in the anthology. Since then, quality of life has gradually become a specialized field of study. In the 1960s and 1970s, American scholars measured the quality of life Index system A lot of research. Since the 1970s, there have been many researches on quality of life Canada , Western Europe and Eastern Europe and Asia and Africa Some countries unfold. In the early 1980s, China began to study the quality of life index system and related issues in combination with national conditions.

Index system

The quality of life index system is divided into two categories:
Including the birth rate and mortality rate , Resident income and Consumption level Type and quality of products, employment, living conditions, environmental conditions, education level, Sanitary equipment And conditions, types of community groups and Participation rate , Social security Or Social Security or whatever. By being objective about these Comprehensive index the Comparative analysis Can weigh Social change The extent.
② Subjective feeling index
The main measure of people by certain demographic conditions, Interpersonal relationship , Social structure Psychological status and other factors determine life satisfaction and happiness . The measurement of satisfaction is usually divided into the overall satisfaction of life and the satisfaction of specific aspects.
A harmonious society puts forward a lot of things that people want to achieve. For example, quality of life is a relatively new term. I personally think that quality of life refers to both material and spiritual aspects, and spiritual is especially important. Although the vast majority of people do not worry about material life nowadays, material life is also something that people's hearts can never satisfy. People's material needs far exceed the needs of spiritual life. Value is the material rather than the spirit, in fact, people live in the world should focus on the spirit, spiritual life is good, I think than the material life is also important. I think this proposed by Harmonious Society is also in line with everyone's expectations.

Factors of quality of life

The quality of life of a city's residents mainly includes the following elements:
① Political peace Social environment ( Political stability Crime, law enforcement, etc.)
2. Economic environment ( Foreign exchange Regulations, banking services, etc.)
④ Health and hygiene ( Medical supplies And services, infectious diseases, sewage treatment, Garbage disposal Air pollution, etc.)
⑤ Schools and education (standard and supply International school Etc.)
6. Public service And transport (electricity, water, Public transport , traffic congestion, etc.)
All landowners recreation (Restaurants, theatres, cinemas, sports and recreation, etc.)
⑧ Consumer goods (food supply/daily consumption items, cars, etc.)
⑨ Housing (houses, appliances, furniture, maintenance services, etc.)
attending Natural environment (Climate, documenting natural disasters)