United States government

Government of the United States of America
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Abraham Lincoln In the Gettysburg Address, the government of the United States was described as a civilian, Government by the people For the people. Elected officials are considered to be public servants of the people. They represent their constituents.
The ownership of the United States government comes from every American citizen, the government is the nanny of the national, Americans can vote to their representatives, and even organize peaceful demonstrations to express their voices and participate in politics. Every citizen of the United States has a right and a duty to protect their own interests in determining how their government should be governed. Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, deeply expressed the American view of government: the government is us.
Chinese name
United States government
North America
Political system
Democratic republic
Founding idea
"Of the people, by the people, for the people"
Administrative category
Legislative, executive and judicial branches
Official website

Government profile

At first glance, the president of the United States, the "leader of the free world," seems to be the "ruler" of the United States. On Inauguration Day, dignitaries from around the world attend, making the swearing-in ceremony of the President of the United States as magnificent and grand as the coronation ceremony of a king. Even as far back as George Washington The president, who once rejected the suggestion of becoming "King of the United States," is still wanted to give the president unrivalled power. however United States Constitution It ensures that the president does not become a totalitarian ruler.

Brief introduction of system

Constitution of the United States The government is roughly divided into three parts: Legislative branch , Administrative department and Judicial department . The legislative branch passes laws: the executive branch enforces the laws and the judicial branch interprets them. The legislative branch consists of the Senate of Congress and House of Representatives Is composed of. Be indebted (for a favour) CNN Thanks to C/SPAN and the nightly news, these lawmakers have become celebrities for their tone and demeanor. The executive branch is represented by the President, who is called supreme Chief executive Or the head of state. In addition, as commander of the armed forces, the president of the United States has no small influence on world affairs. The judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court and about 100 other federal courts. Nine Supreme Court justices serve for life.

Institutional characteristics

Statue of Liberty
To prevent any one branch from becoming more powerful than the other two, the Constitution establishes a system of "checks and balances." For example, when Congress passes a bill, it must be signed by the president before it becomes law. But even if the president vetoes the bill, Congress can override his veto with a two-thirds vote in both houses. If the Supreme Court, the final arbiter of the Constitution, finds that the statute or Executive order It is unconstitutional and can be overturned. In this way, the power of government can be checked and balanced.
In many countries, power is concentrated Central government . In contrast, under the US federal system, the national government shares power with the states. Federal government Only those powers that are expressly stated in the Constitution are vested; all other powers are reserved to the states.
The British political theorist Thomas Penny wrote in 1776: "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable evil." The U.S. government, like every government, has tough problems. The increasing number of government agencies and civil servants creates a bureaucratic problem, with mountains of paper work stifling efficiency. Lobbyists are specific Interest group Appeal to Congress. As a result, the group with the most officials, the most money, has the loudest voice in Washington.

Sign a bill

According to US media reports, the United States senate Local time on September 30 voted to pass a short-term spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. The short-term spending bill would keep the U.S. government open until early December. Later that day, United States House of Representatives The 254-175 vote passed the short-term spending bill passed by the Senate on the same day, avoiding a shutdown of the U.S. government due to lack of funds at midnight on the 30th. The bill will next go to President Joe Biden for his signature.