Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus

Fifth emperor of the Roman Empire
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synonymNeroRoman emperor Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus ( Latin Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, 15 December 37 AD - 9 June 68 AD) Lucius Domitius Achenobalbus or Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus (Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus or Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus). Roman Empire The fifth Emperor, The dynasty of Julia Claudius The fifth and last emperor reigned from 13 October 54 AD to 9 June 68 AD.
54 AD, Emperor Claudius With the death of his mother, Nero Little Agrippina A lot of previous planning, smooth ascension to the throne. Nero is Ancient Rome And even European history The famous tyrant [1] . During his reign, he acted brutally, killing his mother and several wives, and executing many curia A Member of Parliament; At the same time, he was also extravagant and indulged in art, architecture and other things. However, Nero did not completely neglect government affairs, and carried out many policies to benefit the people; Successfully solve external problems Parthia with Armenia The crisis has created certain achievements. Later generations of his historical materials and creation quite a lot, the general description of his image is not good. The world called it "Nero the Bloodthirsty."
In 68 AD, Gaul The Spanish provinces have erupted in rebellion against Nero, Nero in the unknown state of the war, thinking that the end of the situation, then fled the capital in panic Roman . The Senate immediately declared Nero an "enemy of the state" and recognized the governor of the Spanish provinces who had led the rebellion Garba For the emperor. On June 9 of the same year, Nero was forced to commit suicide. Nero's death marked the beginning of the Roman Empire's first dynasty Oh, Augustus The dynasty of Giulia Claudius had come to an end.
Full name
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Lucius Domitius Achenobalbus
Ethnic group
Place of Birth
Italy Antium (modern Anzio and Nettuno, Italy)
Date of birth
December 15, '37
Date of death
June 9th, '68
Time in place
13 October '54 to 9 June' 68
Claudius the First
Major achievement
Roman emperor
Have faith in
Roman polytheism
Foreign name
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Life experience


Family origin

In '37, Nero was born Roman uptown Coastal city Antium (now Italy Anzio and Nettuno). His father was Gnaeus Domitius Achenobalbus [2] Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus. [2]
Unlike a typical royal son, Nero's father was born Noble family However, it was notorious for cruelty and debauchery, and had killed many innocent people. mother Little Agrippina And a member of the royal family.
Young Nero
When Nero was three years old, in the year 40 AD, his father died of excessive sex. The emperor Caligula, who was his uncle, ordered him stripped Right of inheritance And finally exiled his sister. This left the young Nero penniless for a time. Fortunately by aunt Leida adoption, just from the end of the street, he also lived the ordinary noble youth Decent living .
In 41 AD, the tyrannical Caligula was assassinated. New to the throne Claudius The emperor, who was Caligula's uncle, decisively ordered the return of all the inheritance he had been deprived of. Her mother Agrippina was also rehabilitated after her successful return to Rome.
Nero's mother was Little Agrippina . After Agrippina poisoned her second husband, she married her uncle Roman emperor Claudius .
After Agrippina became emperor, in order to consolidate her authoritarian position, on the one hand, Sextus Afranius Burrus, one of her close aides, was appointed to the throne Impera Brigade Guard Sir, and use it as a pillar to kill his political and romantic rivals; On the other hand, beginning in 48, and constantly giving power to Nero, she forced the Emperor Claudius to give up his legitimate claim to his own son, Breitanicus, as successor, and to grant the favor of Nero, her son from her previous marriage.
In 51, Claudius adopted Nero as his son and married Octavia, his daughter from his first marriage to Mesalina.
In 54, Claudius died. Historians have different accounts of the death of Claudius, but it was most likely caused by Agrippina.
After the death of Claudius, Agrippina continued to exert her power, directing the guards under Bruce to control the situation in Rome, and decisively executing her military Opposition faction , make Military clique Succumbing to her power. At the same time, she has forced the already powerless curia She bowed and handed over all power to her son.
And so Nero became emperor. Nero had neither war nor government skills, and he was able to become Roman emperor Just because Palace coup The result. This fully shows that Principate system Has completely deformed into an open monarchy.
Nero's paternal line came from Acheno Balbus, a branch of the Domitius family. Latin Ahenobarbus, literally "bronze beard"). Nero's father, Gnaeus Domitius Achenobarbus, died of edema shortly after the death of Emperor Tiberius. Nero's mother was Octavian (Augustus) By direct blood Little Agrippina She was once attacked by Tiberius and Caligula The exile of the two emperors, in Claudius He was recalled during the reign of the emperor.

Ascend the throne

Emperor Claudius By his first wife, Messalina, he had one daughter and one son: Claudia Octavia, the eldest, and Brytanicus, the younger. However, Nero was adopted into the family of Claudius at the age of 12, older than the eight-year-old Breitanicus, plus Nero's mother, the empress Little Agrippina As a result, Nero became heir to the throne.
Nero entered politics at this time and held public office several times curia In order to Latin and Greek language Gave speeches and held large ones in his name Racing club Perform with the beast to gain the attention of the people and win their support and support.
On October 13, 54, Emperor Claudius Food poisoning When Nero died (suspected of being poisoned by his mother, Empress Agrippina the Younger), he succeeded to the throne at age 17. [3] This made Nero the leader of the time Roman Empire The youngest emperor to reign until 218, Elagabalus He ascended the throne at the age of 14.
As soon as the young Nero ascended the throne, he began to fear that his fourteen-year-old half-brother Breitanicus would claim his father Claudius The emperor's throne, with the help of the poison expert Rocas, Nero obtained a potent poison. He murdered Brittanicus by slipping drugs into his drink at a court banquet.
Nero's teacher and advisor Seneca Preparing Nero as emperor curia The first speech. In this speech, Nero spoke of "eliminating the evils of the former regime" and "promised to follow the Augustus model of rule, to end all secret trials, to deal seriously with corruption of cronies and free citizens in the courts, and above all to respect the privileges of the Senate and individual senators." The move was generally welcomed by the Roman Senate.

Good governance in early life

At the beginning of Nero's reign, the state was directed by the mother Little Agrippina With Nero's teachers and advisors Seneca The former emperor's former vassal Marcus Antonius Pallas and Impera Brigade Guard Sir, Bruce. co-determination (All three were the younger Agrippina's cronies in court), they and curia Class cooperation To maintain the stable development policy of the previous dynasty, held in the capital Greece And abolished the taxman's exactions and the slave auction tax. Of this time Roman Empire The scene is prosperous and the border situation is generally peaceful.
In the early years of his reign, Nero presented himself as an enlightened monarch. Such as enthusiastic participation Public affairs Do not forget to face the people and subordinates with a very low posture. Often personally holding the big shield and Lifeguard The soldiers drill together and allow the masses to come ground Watch. When the Empire decided to dig Greece Collins of the Peninsula isthmus Nero used it himself pickaxe Start work and pick out the first basket of soil dug up. Even in the face of other classes of objects, there is no posture, but to leave a cordial image.
In terms of specific measures of government, the early Nero was more merciful, cautious and generous. As soon as he ascended the throne, he gave 400 Cessres to every citizen of the city of Rome Copper coin The reward. Since then, various gifts have been distributed to the masses at random every day, in addition to food, clothing and livestock, and even include Gold, silver and jewelry And real estate. For the Praetorian soldiers of great influence, they were also given free monthly payments Bread . They also pay annual salaries to fallen elders in recognition of their contributions.
As a sign of his generosity, Nero at one point ordered that taxes owed to the Treasury and the imperial Treasury be waived and that a 4% tax on the purchase of slaves be abolished. It also financed the construction of a huge harbor for the Old Soldier's Colony, and built baths and stadiums for the capital's residents. Finally, the cost of sitting in the court was waived, so that the masses could better participate in judicial trials.
On the judicial side, Nero did not abuse his judicial and legislative prerogatives, but improved a lot Judicial procedure . He makes Prosecution and defense Take turns in the debate, avoid the aggressive side to win by mouth Absolute advantage . In solicitation jury Opinions are also required to be submitted in writing and to avoid public discussion, so that everyone's opinions are not influenced by the views of others. In addition, Nero also invented a way to deal with forged wills, stipulating that wills should be punched and threaded three times to seal them. At the same time give the witness signature and give copyist When I copied it, I left the first two pages blank. When they have copied and signed the will, they write the donee's name again to prevent anyone from tampering with the will. Many of the policies of the previous emperor Claudius were also continued, including allowing lawyers to charge a defense fee, but the amount was limited to 10,000 coppers.
Of course, many of the details also reflect at least some kindness in the early Nero. He has ordered that the reward for whistleblowers be reduced to 25% in an effort to curb the relentless practice of whistleblowing. During a gladiatorial tournament Cannot request Dead, even if the players include some criminals who should have been ordered to die. He also granted autonomy to many Greek cities and forbade the pursuit of those who wrote poems attacking and satirizing him. The man who attacked him to his face was banished.
Nero and his mother Agrippina the younger
Nero's mother Little Agrippina With a strong desire for power, Nero became increasingly dissatisfied with his mother's interference as he became an adult. in Seneca Under the advice of Nero on one occasion Armenia On the occasion of an envoy's audience, he prevented his mother from entering the meeting hall as the emperor. [4] 55 years, the late Emperor Claudius His son, Bretanicus, died after eating a meal, poisoned by Nero to remove Bretanicus as a potential threat to the throne.
Later, Nero accused Pallas of participating in a conspiracy and exiled Pallas; Pallas was Agrippina's close friend and confidant in court, and this was a sign that the Emperor intended to antagonize his mother. Bruce retired to protect himself, and Nero promoted him Tiglinus For new Impera Brigade Guard Sir. In 59, Agrippina sent her slave to greet Nero, who accused the slave of having been ordered by his mother to assassinate the emperor and sent troops to Agrippina on 23 March annexe Killed her. By this point, Nero had completely consolidated his imperial power.
Bruce died in '62. In 65, Seneca was implicated in a plot to assassinate the emperor and was forced to commit suicide by cutting open a blood vessel.

Cruel and immoral

After Nero took power, respect for the senatorial aristocracy faded. He once forced the senators to participate in gladiatorial matches themselves, simply to satisfy his own whim. In order to better experience life, they often walk out of the palace late at night and mingle in the teahouses and restaurants. In a day drunkenness Will wantonly attack and beat passers-by and smash and rob shops. Eventually, he got into a fight with the audience and even molested the wife of a bystander.
Nero began to spend lavishly, making prodigious bets and being escorted on wild excursions by 1,000 ornate wagons.
Like all teenagers, Nero once had hobbies. But his mother would not let him read his favorite philosophy, and his teacher would not let him read the works of other speakers. He ended up indulging himself in riding, writing poetry, singing and acting, and hoping to become a crowd-pleasing celebrity. So at the beginning of his reign, he couldn't wait to summon him Harp The maestro Terpunus played and sang for him, learning his technique. After that, he spent a lot of time and energy practicing, even if the earthquake could not prevent him from singing the song.
In order to express himself as much as possible, Nero was also happy to sing everywhere. preexistence Egypt the Alexander Performed in Hong Kong, then went to the capital, Rome, to do the same. Finally, this happened in Greece: at first, even the emperor did not want to use his power to break the rules, insisted on drawing lots to determine the order of performances, and sang so seriously that he did not wipe his sweat and his voice became hoarse. Once they meet rivals who are equal or even superior, they immediately resort to backstabbing and bribery to win the competition. After winning an award in a singing contest, he was so stingy as to ignore the others winner The statue was thrown into the toilet, until he found that his performance was tired of hearing, he was furious and ordered people to close the door of the theater, and asked the audience not to leave until they heard. Some people had to play dead to be carried away from the scene, and pregnant women were forced to give birth in the theater.
Of course, Nero's most absurd performance occurs when Olympic Games Up. The emperor came to the scene and prepared to compete as an ordinary player, participating in all events, including running and racing. It did not matter how many times he reached the finish line, or whether he overturned and fell in the middle of the car, it did not affect the Greek judges to award him the highest prize. He also pocketed the entire Olympic prize money.
If these absurdities qualify only as fops, Nero's behavior is even more so in other ways Destructive power . Nero embarked on a project to build gold-plated, silver-plated palaces in the narrow surroundings of Rome. When a resident's house interfered with construction, it was ordered without hesitation to destroy it with a siege. Because of this, it is believed that the Great fire in Rome was planned and carried out by Nero himself.
Everyday life was also an important channel through which Nero squandered his money. In addition to gold-plated fishing nets and silver mule feet, guards were also required to wear gold and silver, and consume a large number of royal articles. He also feasted day and night, sometimes spending a staggering 800,000 Sesterces in a single day. When they found that the savings of the Treasury were exhausted, they overturned their past policy strategies and passed amendments inheritance The tax cuts and subsidies for the elderly and poor enacted earlier in the year were repealed. Even to confiscate the property of dignitaries through framing, had killed North Africa and Spain Dozens of landowners, plundered their property and demanded excessive contributions from various provinces outside Italy.
Nero extended his power to Private life Domain. The young emperor soon got all sorts of adultery rumors, even among men and temple officials The Vestal virgin Never let go. When they encounter each other, they do not take coercive measures, and finally develop to the point of killing other people's husbands.
In 65, the section centered on Gaius Calpurnius Piso curia The councillors and nobles hatched a plan to assassinate Nero, called "Piseau's plot", but their plans were leaked beforehand. Nero then executed all those involved, many innocents (including Nero's teachers and advisers) Seneca ) were also implicated. Nero extension Area of attack Purge all dissenters.
Nero castrated the little boy Sporus, in effect transforming him into a woman, married him with the usual ritual, dowry and torch, and brought him into his home with great care and treated him like a wife. There was an ironic joke at the time that if only Nero's father Domitius had such a wife, the world would be blessed. He dressed Porus up as a queen and took the orbiter Greece Go on tour and visit the business center, then in Roman Along the way, Nero kissed him frequently.
Nero was so lewd that he defiled almost everyone around him. Finally, he invented a game; He was dressed in the skin of an animal, released from the cage, and attacked Be tied to Men and women's pubes on stakes. When his animal appetites were satisfied, he was conquered by his freed slave, Dorophus. For this reason, he married Doryphus, just as he had married Sporus. He cried and agonized, imitating a girl who had been raped. I have heard from some people that Nero was convinced that no one was chaste Or even which parts of his body are white and unblemishes, people are just covering up their evil deeds, cunningly covering them with a FIG leaf. Therefore he forgives all those who confess to him that they are immoral, together with all their other evil deeds.

Fire mystery

Rome The fire broke out on July 17, 64, but the real cause of this fire has been a historical mystery for centuries. However, most people believe that this was a case of arson, and Emperor Nero is the most suspected of atrocities. According to the rumors of the time, the arsonist should be Emperor Nero himself, because the emperor Nero wanted to expand the palace, but the surrounding palace of the capital was full Roman plebeian It was almost impossible to start construction, so he took the dead of night to instigate a fire to get what he wanted.
This great fire in Rome was caused by the great Arena It's starting to burn. The Coliseum is located Tiber The east coast of the city, southwest of Rome, was packed with tents and other flammable materials, so the fire broke out. Plus the fire's been burning for a few days southwester And it fuels the fire. The fire destroyed the imperial government offices and other tall buildings, and the streets, shops, and homes that connected them were reduced to ashes. As a result, the whole city was almost engulfed in flames, and this time the fire burned for six days and seven nights. As a result, the whole city of Rome was in ruins, three of the fourteen districts of Rome were completely destroyed, seven were partially destroyed, and only four districts were not affected.
Nero rushed back to Rome from Antium, opened his palace to house the victims, and moved from Ostia Transporting food relief to neighboring towns. But the damage caused by the fire was so severe that it was widely suspected that it was caused by arson. Nero heard that some suspected that he himself had set the fire in secret, and in order not to spread the rumor, he declared that the disaster was a Christian conspiracy. So he ordered the Christians to be arrested and brutally tortured to death in public - crucified, clothed in animal skins to be killed by evil beasts, and nailed to poles as candles.

Revolts everywhere

  • First intifada
By 47, the Romans had conquered the lowlands of Britain. That year, Scarpra was governor of the British provinces, and he was attacked by the Britons, who fought back. Scarpra's counterattack was so indiscriminate that he struck even the Britons who had not fought against the Romans.
In 58, Polinus became governor of Britain, and his bloody rule of Britain provoked the British uprising. Roman rule brought a heavy burden of taxes and military service, in addition to the oppression of Roman officials. In '60, take advantage of Polinus Welsh On the occasion of King Esseny Prasutagus Queen of Boudicca There was a great revolt against the Romans. The kingdom of Essenes was originally subject to Roman rule, but when King Plassutagus died, the Roman governor of Britain, Polinus, confiscated all of its assets, flogged Queen Boudicca, and insulted the prince and princess, eventually provoking upheaval.
The Essenes and the Trinovants joined forces in an uprising, Insurrectionary army Capture at one stroke Colchester And dealt a severe blow to Roman rule.
Queen Boudicca's revolt lasted until the winter of '61. When Polinus returned from Wales, tens of thousands of Essenes were killed, and Queen Boudicca, unwilling to fall into the hands of the Romans, took poison and committed suicide. It's been that way since '43 Claudius The emperor sent troops to land in Britain, and after eighteen years, the Romans finally conquered Britain.
Boudica Uprising Although it was suppressed, it was not completely defeated, and the effect of the revolt was that the Romans changed from then on Conciliatory policy To rule in Britain. '78 to' 84, historian of Rome Tacitus father-in-law Agulicola Governor-general of Britain. He adopted a series of wise measures to reduce taxes, eliminate corrupt officials, maintain education, encourage construction, and popularize Latin And so on, the British gradually changed their way of life and accepted the Roman way of life psychologically. Since then, Roman Empire Ruled Britain for about three centuries.
  • Second intifada
Dispose of the Jews
right Roman Empire Jew The governor of the province was Gessius Florus, a man of low moral character and tyranny, and the Jews took the opportunity to make a peace in the neighboring country Syria The governor of the province, Gaius Cestius Gallus, accused Florus of various misdeeds, and Gallus promised to punish Florus before the crowd. When Gallus leaves Jerusalem After that, instead of reviewing his own actions, Florus intensified his persecution of the Jews in order to make the Jews revolt against the Roman Empire, and he was able to profit from it.
Then Florus forced money on the Jewish temple, but the Jews refused to accept it, so Florus took the opportunity to lead an army to the temple Jerusalem They tried to do what they wanted by force, which in turn triggered a full-scale Jewish revolt. In '66, Jewish war Upon hearing the news, Galus, governor of the Syrian Province, led the Army of Syria, auxiliary forces, and reinforcements from the pro-Roman King Agrippa II of Judea, totaling about 30,000 to 36,000 men, to the province of Judea. Gallus' army was the first to take it easily Galilee the Severus And other cities in the Western Galilee, such as Acre, then led the army to enter Samaria And successively conquered Caesarea, Jaffa, Lydda, Antipadis And other cities. However, on the way to Jerusalem, Gallus and his army retreated to the coast, where they were defeated by Jewish rebels at the Battle of Beth Horon, where 6,000 Roman soldiers were killed and many wounded, and Gallus abandoned his army and fled back to Syria. Although the Jews were on the front foot at the beginning of the war, it was not until Vypasian Following Nero's order to quell the rebellion, he immediately marched into Jerusalem and carried out "the work of recovering the rebellion." In 67-68, under Nero's orders, Vespasian reconquered Galilee and Samaria and prepared to attack Jerusalem. When Nero committed suicide in 68, Vespasian had to return after learning of Nero's death Roman To deal with the political chaos. In 69, Vespasian was proclaimed emperor, the so-called "Year of the Four Emperors" ended, the regime was finally stabilized, and Vespasian sent his own son Titus He led the rebellion and brought down all of Jerusalem. By the end of September 72, the northern part of the city had fallen completely into Roman hands, and all of Jerusalem had been captured. The war between the Jews and the Romans resulted in the destruction of the city of Jerusalem by the Jews Jerusalem Temple The destruction, the dispersal of the Jews.

The end of the road

  • Windix Rebellion in Gaul
Because Nero had been subjected to several assassination plots against him, he became very suspicious and frequently raised a prison against him, making the senatorial aristocracy miserable. In early '68, Lugedunu Gaul The governor of the province, Julius Windix, raised an army under the slogan "Save mankind", and many cities in Gaul responded. Nero's orders Germanic Lufors, governor of the provinces, led the Germanic army to Gaul. Luffus quickly routed Windix's main force in May 68, and Windix committed suicide.
  • Riots are everywhere.
After Windix led the rebellion, he was governor of the Spanish province of Tarago Garba He then sent troops in response to anti-Nero actions in Spain. However, after Garba heard that Windix failed to commit suicide, the momentum of the resistance was greatly weakened, and the Spanish troops were gradually unstable, and Garba also planned to commit suicide.
But now the capital Roman Rumors spread. People heard from Alexander Instead of grain, the city brought in gladiator The sand for the show, the mob rioted. Nero, not knowing that Windix had failed, thought Gaul And Spain have succeeded in defecting, Impera Brigade Guard And abandoned him. Nero, thinking that all was lost, hurriedly left the Roman court, intending to flee to the East.
Without knowing the specifics of the rebels everywhere, Nero asked the court bodyguard To help him escape, was refused. He wrote a letter asking the people to forgive him, but he dared not come out of the court and give it to the people. Finally, wearing a cloak in the middle of the night, he rode away with four servants to a house of freed domestic slaves called Fine outside Rome. He sat in the basement and asked the servants to dig a grave for him behind the house.

Commit suicide

Nero committed suicide
curia Upon learning of Nero's departure, the resolution was immediately put forward Garba He declared Nero an "enemy of the state" and gave anyone the right to hunt him down or kill him. When Nero fled Rome, he learned that the chasing soldiers had cut off his escape, and on June 9, 68, with only three or four servants left, he asked one of his servants to commit suicide as an example, but none of them obeyed him. When it was almost dawn, the distant cry of a man and a horse was heard, and his hiding place was discovered. Nero put a dagger in the hand of one of his followers, then grabbed the hand and stabbed it in his own throat. He cried out and fell in a pool of blood, ending his 14-year reign at the age of 31. When the Senate learned of Nero's death, it decreed a "memory erasure" - the destruction or erasure of Nero's statues, inscriptions, and inscriptions on buildings. [6]

Major achievement


Internal affairs

Nero's measures in domestic affairs were basically tilted towards the common people. He invented ways to deal with forgery of wills, to limit the compensation of defense in litigation cases, and to prevent the unequal exploitation of ordinary people by the powerful through the law. He lowered it a lot Indirect tax the tax And open government tax records to prevent official corruption. Nero pushed down the price of food so that even poor Roman citizens could feed themselves. Of course, scholars generally point out that Nero's good governance is due to his advisors Bruce and Seneca The administrative success achieved in recent years; Nero, in his later years, was always panicking when he had to make his own decisions in times of crisis.

Hire people

Nero also had an eye for people. In spite of the appointment of such a mediocre man as Paitus, he also promoted three great men, Corbulo, Vespasian, and Suetonius. It was they who pacified Britain for the Empire Boudica Uprising , block The Parthian Empire The pace of the western invasion and contained the Jewish resistance in the Holy Land. Especially the older ones Vespasian He was originally dismissed for sleeping while watching Nero sing, but when the empire needed talent, Nero would still hire it regardless of past grudges. Later history also proved how important this decision was for Rome.


55 years, Roman Empire The Eastern vassal states Armenia A coup d 'etat took place, and finally, Parthian forces entered Armenia [5] The Armenian king who would be recognized by Rome and the pro-Roman forces in Korea deportation . Because Rome always regarded Armenia as its own Protectorate state Armenians in exile appealed to Nero for assistance. So Nero sent Germanic Corbulo, the commander of the Legion, went east and gave him full authority over Eastern affairs.
The Parthians, for their part, considered Armenia culturally similar to Persia So it was decided that it could manage the affairs of Armenia itself, no need Deliver a note to Rome. King Vologhisis I of Parthia ( Vologasis I Rejecting Rome's request to restore the old king, he appointed his brother Tiridatus as the new King of Armenia. In 58, the Roman legions under Corbulo entered the East and fought a series of battles against the Parthian Armenian Army. In 59, Corbulo successfully conquered the Armenian capital, reexpelled the Parthian power, and Tiridatus fled. The Romans proclaimed Tigranis king of Armenia. Believing that the war was over, Nero sent Corbulo back Syria .
In 62, the deposed Tiridatus again entered Armenia under the protection of the Parthian army. Nero sent Paitus with the Roman legions to fight, but they were badly defeated, and Parthia regained control of Armenia, with Tiridatus once again on the throne. Nero was reassigned to Corbulo in Syria. Due to the prestige of Corbulo in the local has considerable influence, when Corbulo in The Euphrates River When the bunker was built, it caused great panic. The Parthians did not want a war with Corbulo and sent messengers to negotiate peace terms with Nero.
In 63, Parthia reached an agreement with Rome: it recognized Tiridatus as king of Armenia, but king of Armenia crown Have to be Roman emperor Granted. Tiridatus entered Corbulo's camp and was crowned by the acting emperor of Corbulo before the statue of Nero. Later, Tiridatus went to Rome, where Nero crowned him again and welcomed him with great celebration. As a result, Nero maintained a fairly good reputation in the region, and after Nero's suicide there were three false Neros, one of which was revered in Armenia. On the other hand, the eastern frontiers of the Roman Empire remained at peace for about seventy years.


  • versatile
Nero loved art and was himself a poet, playwright, singer, and artist Harp The performer. From his childhood, Nero showed signs of Artistic talent . He is engaged in painting, sculpture, especially interested in music, very talented. He can speak fluently Greek language and Latin His poems were so smooth that people even thought the poet had written them for him. He hired the best singers in Rome to teach him to sing, and often in the streets, in the palace gardens amphitheater Civilians were invited to hear him sing and play. During the festival, he gave award-winning performances and participated in them himself. All this makes people feel good.
He always throws a big party tournament "And personally participated in the game. He sponsored literature, architecture, and engineering inventions, and after Octavian's time, the empire under Nero showed a Renaissance. In 64 Great Fire of Rome Later, he built the famous and ornate "Golden Palace" (Domus Aurea).
  • Nero
Nero climbed it when he was 17 Roman Empire He brought some prosperity to the Roman Empire at the beginning of his reign, but he did not take long to expose his political naivete and his record in office. After the deaths of his mother, Verus and others, his rule in the Roman Empire became more and more arbitrary, but he wanted to please the people, and finally had to carry out Reign of terror Killing innocents; According to legend, his construction of a gold palace was suspected by the public Great Fire of Rome And I was eager to blame the Christians, the fire burned for a whole week, so that Rome Several districts were destroyed in the fire; He also used various means to rob other people's property and wife, and the tyrant image of Nero became an eternal fixture in history.
According to historical records, Nero was an accomplished literary young man despite his brutal side, and he was loyal Poetry creation And other artistic activities, very fond Greek culture . Ancient Rome The art of The Times is quite prosperous, in terms of text creation, in addition to printing and publishing, an important means of spreading these works is recitation, Rome often held recitation, singing, playing the piano and other kinds of Rich and colorful The competition activity.
During the reign of Nero, the Festival of Nero was established in 60 to showcase Greek culture to the citizens of Rome. The Festival of Nero was held every five years, and he gathered the artists of the city of Rome together with him to show their talents and enjoy the people. At the second Nero Festival, he again became the winner of the singing and oratory competitions on his own talent, and successfully entered the music competition. Nero was a versatile man who won more than 1,000 prizes at four major Greek games.
Since the emperor put down his noble status to participate in the game himself, the audience gave a warm atmosphere is more natural. But later emperors Vypasian He was exiled for offending Nero by napping at one of his performances.
The grand and magnificent "Nero Festival" was held for two times, and Nero died before the third session opened. In '68, Nero was elected Impera Brigade Guard with curia Abandoned, forced to commit suicide at the age of 31.

Posterity evaluation


Historian's opinion

Because of the compilation and consolidation of Roman historical materials, most of the empire's upper class. Because Nero's reign in the middle and late period of the rule of this class was quite brutal, so the historical materials passed down to later generations are mostly negative views of all Nero's administration. As a result, most of his stories are left with negative interpretations Engraving impression MHM.
Nero himself loved luxury and was cruel to his relatives and ministers around him. But the evaluation of his administration, study early Roman Empire Historians have come to many different conclusions on the basis of various historical sources.
Claudius He was made emperor by accident. Forty-one years, Emperor Caligula After the assassination, Impera Brigade Guard Raised this middle-aged man of the family of Claudius, and received curia The recognition and succession as Roman emperor .

Christian church evaluation

The development of the early Christian Church coincided with the reign of Nero. Yet Christianity was at that time Roman Empire It is a religion that is highly discriminated against and therefore disliked and misunderstood by the authorities and the people. Nero falsely pointed to '64 Great Fire of Rome The culprits were Christians, who were openly persecuted and killed, the Apostle Paul and Peter He was also killed at his hands, which is why church accounts often refer to Nero as an anti-Christian tyrant. Nero was the first to publicly persecute Christianity on a large scale Roman emperor .

Family marriage


The first time

Nero was married three times. The first time was when I was a teenager Claudius The marriage of the emperor's daughter, Claudia Octavia, but after Nero became emperor, he fell in love with Octavia's handmaiden, Arcdea, and planned to divorce Octavia Seneca With mother Little Agrippina But the relationship between husband and wife is dead in name only.
After Agrippina's death, Octavia was exiled to the outer islands in 62. This provoked a great outcry from the citizens of Rome, who publicly paraded a statue of Octavia adorned with flowers through the streets, demanding that Nero bring her back. Nero almost agreed to the demands of the Roman citizens, but he signed the death warrant for adultery and sentenced Octavia to death.
A few days later, on June 8, Octavia was ordered tied up and suffocated after her veins were cut open in an extremely hot steam room. Octavia's head was cut off and sent to Bobiya Sabina, Nero's lover at the time. Octavia's death brought great grief to Rome. According to the Suvitonius Years later, Nero would have nightmares about his mother and his wife Octavia.

Second time

Nero and his second wife, Bobiya Sabina
In '58, Nero fell in love with his favorite Octo (He was later named Roman emperor In order to give her the title of empress, Nero exiled his wife Octavia in 62, executed her soon after, and made her his second wife.
Bobiya bore Nero a daughter who died young. Later, during a fit of temper, Nero kicked the pregnant Bobiya, causing her death in 65. [6]

The third time

Nero's third marriage was to Statia Mesalina. In order to get Messalina, who was a married woman, Nero forced her husband Vistinus to commit suicide. Messalina never bore Nero's child. [6]


Because Nero left behind a considerable number of anecdotes, suitable for rich material, so inspired a lot of creative themes. Such as Poland Hsienk Where are you going (Quo Vadis).
Much has been said about him, his early reign was benevolent, Roman Empire It's also in its heyday. But in '59, he turned murderous. There's talk of a '64 Great Fire of Rome All but four of the city's 14 boroughs were spared, and the fire burned for seven days, killing thousands. After the fire, he used various forms of torture to put to death many Christians suspected of setting the fire. Nero loved artistic performance and tried to replace tradition with various artistic and cultural performances Arena The bloody mass entertainment, he banned arena duels, caused nobles, curia And popular discontent. In August of '66, Nero went Greece Take a trip in anticipation of a year. In the first half of '67, Nero attended one after another Ancient Greek The four major athletic competitions - Corinth Games, Nemea Games, Argos Games and Olympia Sports meet. Nero won a total of 1,808 prizes. And put the winnings into the then empty Treasury. In mid-November, he announced the independence of Greece, and the expected loss of tax revenue caused a strong opposition in the Senate, which Nero's successors immediately retracted. In mid-March '67, Gaul News of the rebellion with the Spanish viceroy began to reach Rome. Nero, though still in control of most of the army, believed the consul's lie that it was almost all province The governor had all risen up, so he finally fled to the countryside. In 68, a rebellion broke out in Rome, and Nero was declared an "enemy of the state" by the Senate after committing suicide Roman emperor A generous burial.
Nero and his mother Agrippina the younger
The tyrant Nero is forever inscribed in the history of human civilization Shame pole Up. According to various documents, he left a trail of absurdity, cruelty and lewdness in almost all fields, a copy Latin the Chronicles It is summed up in very simple terms like this: "Nero inherited his mother and ate her; He raped his sister; Burned down 12 blocks of Rome; execute Seneca ; Vomiting frogs in Rutland; the Saint Peter To be crucified; cut Sao Paulo The head of; He ruled for 13 years and seven months; The Wolf finally ate them."
Ancient Rome historian Tacitus There is an astonishing account of this: "In the emperor's private arena, some Christians were covered with animal skins and let Wolf dog Others were tied tightly to crosses and burned as torches in the night. The emperor, dressed as a driver, mingled with the crowd to enjoy the magnificent spectacle." [7]