Gaius Octavian

The first head of state of the Roman Empire and founder of the principate system
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synonymOctavian(founder of the Roman Empire) generally Gaius Octavian
Gaius Octavius Augustus (Latin: 23 September 63 BC - 19 August 14 AD), born Gaius Octavian Thurinus, The latter Triumvirate One of them, Roman Empire The first Princeps, Head of state The founder of the political system, who ruled Rome for 40 years, was one of the most important figures in world history.
Octavian is Cesar In 44 BC, Caesar appointed him as his first heir and took over Adopted son . [1] In 43 BC, Caesar came to the political stage after being stabbed, and Anthony , Rapida Form" The latter Triumvirate ". In 42 BC with Antony The Battle of Philippi Defeat the Republican leader Burutu And Cassie. In 36 BC, he stripped Lepidus of his military power, and later in Battle of Aktim Defeated Antony. Wiped out Ancient Egypt the The Ptolemaic Dynasty , become Roman Civil War The winner. In 30 BC, he was confirmed as "Tribune for life", and in 29 BC he was awarded "Tribune for Life". Grand marshal Imperator (also translated as "emperor"); January 16, 27 BC [19 ] be curia canonize Oh, Augustus "(meaning divine greatness) [2] . He reorganized the Roman government and brought two centuries of peace and prosperity to the Roman world.
Octavian had acquired it pretor , Tribune The title of high chief priest is really Roman emperor . In order to strengthen the rule, the army was reformed and implemented mercenary System; Set up Lifeguard , garrison Roman and Italy . Continue to expand outwards, complete west Spain And push north as far as Danube , Rhine A line. He is good at judging the situation, advancing and retreating in order, dealing with resourceful, decisive, cautious and steady. The series of internal and external policies he adopted in accordance with the situation created a relatively stable political situation and laid the foundation for the prosperity of the early empire. He died on 19 August AD 14.
Full name
Galvis Octavian Augustus
Gaius Octavian Turinus
Honorable title
Oh, Augustus [19 ]
Ethnic group
Place of Birth
Date of birth
September 23, 63 BC
Date of death
August 19, '14
Major achievement
The latter Triumvirate was formed to quell the Roman rebellion
Plus Augustus, founding the Roman Empire
The founder of the principate
Major work
Records of Merit
Foreign name
Gaius Octavius Augustus



Rise to join the ranks

Octavian has a good family background, most of his ancestors are prominent nobles, and held a variety of official positions, has a certain influence. Augustus was born Roman He was born Gaius Octavius Thurinus. His father, Gaius Octavius, came from a noble but not famous family knighthood Family, which he was before his death in 58 BC Macedonia The Governor of the Republic. More importantly, his mother, Atia, was Rome's greatest general and de facto ruler Gaius Julius Caesar The niece of Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar adopted Octavian and named him as his first heir through his will [3] .
As Caesar's adopted son, in accordance with Roman custom, Octavius therefore adopted a new name: Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (later known as "Octavian"). Octavian studied oratory and humanities seriously and diligently from a young age, and accumulated a wealth of knowledge [3] . He was also commissioned as captain of Caesar's cavalry for a year and took part in Caesar's war Pompeii After the Civil War, Caesar later sent Apollonia to receive education and military technical training and was in charge Parthia 's army [4] . These exercises sharpened his will and character, made him familiar with the army, and laid the foundation for the future military struggle.
Octavian was present when Caesar was assassinated in March 44 BC Apollonia In the army. He was only eighteen years old, and his opponents often looked down upon the young man subconsciously. Faced with a chaotic and dangerous situation, he did not shirk or act recklessly, and quickly returned to Rome. In his will, Caesar explicitly adopted Octavian as his stepson and inherited his property, but his relatives, fearing Caesar's enemies, urged him to give up all this, but he resolutely accepted Caesar's adoption. He repeatedly emphasized that he was the son of Caesar in order to arouse his favor, and changed his name to Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus [5] . This decisive decision won him the support of the Caesars and had an important impact on his victory over the Republicans. because curia With a large number of Caesar's former soldiers in his army, and many of his people having been indebted to Caesar, Octavian's support was unrelenting, which was his unique advantage [6] . More importantly, Octavian's choice was a sign of his entering politics and a prerequisite for winning the civil war.

Three-headed civil war

After Caesar was stabbed, he marched to Italy And recruited Caesar's old men to expand his army. Arriving in Rome, he finds the capital in the hands of the republicans who murdered Caesar, Marcus Junius Brutus Cassius In hands. Early in the Civil War, Octavian fought for Anthony When the support fails, it takes advantage curia The conflict with Antony turned to the Senate. By ingratiating himself with Cicero He won the support of the Senate and, together with the consuls, won the Battle of Mutina. The Battle of Mutina He then forced the Senate to elect him consul. At this time, flee to the east Burutu And Cassius passed in Syria and Macedonia He soon recruited more than 90,000 soldiers and a large number of ships and money, ready to march on Rome, and the decisive battle between the Caesars and the Republicans was tense. Anthony Quickly and Rapida And Plonka and other Caesarist generals joined forces. Octavian also realized that he had to unite with Caesar's old men, and tried to reconcile Antony through various means. It was formally founded in November 43 BC by Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus The latter Triumvirate . At the end of November, the latter three marched into Rome and issued the "Public Enemy Declaration", which purged Caesar's killers and personal political enemies, and took the opportunity to amass wealth. In 43 B.C., Octavian and Antony The Battle of Philippi In the complete defeat of the republicans, Octavian achieved the goal of revenge for Caesar [7] . Octavian's army won, and Brutus fought Cassius Suicide (42 BC). So Octavian returned Roman At the same time Antony left for Egypt.
In 42 BC, Pompeii the Younger It cut off the supply of goods to Rome from abroad, caused the price of food in Rome to rise, caused famine and chaos, and Octavian was blamed by the people. With the support of Antony and Lepidus, he finally defeated Pompey the Younger after hard work. Battle of Narojos Headland ). The restoration of peace on land and at sea, which had long been broken, won wide praise from the people. After that, he sent someone to clean it up Italy And the thieves of Rome, stabilized the order of the society, which he dutifully fulfilled pretor The obligation and proper placement of retired soldiers stabilized the society and promoted the recovery and development of the rural economy. In addition, he restored or built new temples and provided jobs for the unemployed. In border affairs, he sent for recovery Africa Aosta Valley and other places of order, and conquered Illyria . These achievements and victories greatly increased Octavian's prestige, and people even elected him to life Tribune . Gaining popular support, winning the support of all Italy, and using the unified institutions of the Roman state were both ways for Octavian to enhance his own power and a powerful means of defeating his opponents, which was epitomized in his struggle with Antony.
Battle of Aktium
Antony was Octavian's greatest rival and his most important ally. Antony had been one of Caesar's most distinguished generals, and had a great influence among the army and civilians. The alliance with Antony was an important condition for Octavian to defeat the Republicans and destroy the younger Pompey. But there were irreconcilable contradictions between them on the question of seizing the supreme power of Rome. The Battle of Philippi The conflict between them gradually intensified. After the Peace of Tarynton, Octavian ruled the west of Rome, while Antony ruled the east, and the combined power of the two was equal. Antony's waning popularity was a key reason for his defeat, and also an important condition for Octavian's gradual victory. In 35 BC, Antony destroyed and executed the remnants of the younger Pompey who had fled to the East, making him a bitter enemy of Pompey's supporters. Antony and Egypt, 37 BC The Ptolemaic Dynasty Queen Cleopatra VII (i.e. Cleopatra ) Officially married, and publicly declared to marry Libya , Phoenicia , Syria , Silesia , Armenia And the unconquered Parthia To the Queen of Egypt and Antony and her children. His actions seriously violated the customs of Rome, harmed the interests of the Roman people, and aroused the strong dissatisfaction of the Roman people. Octavian took the opportunity to play up this. In 32 BC, Octavian made Antony's will public. In his will, Antony affirmed the legitimacy of Caesarion and explicitly willed the eastern provinces of Rome to Cleopatra VII. This aroused the indignation of the Roman people, who stripped Antony of all his powers and declared him a public enemy. At the same time, the people of Rome swore allegiance to Octavian [7] .
Antony was busy fighting wars in the East and having an affair with Cleopatra; Octavian gathered support in Rome, consolidated power, and slanted against Antony: Antony was becoming more and more like a Egyptians Rather than Roman . Tensions are rising. Finally, in 32 BC, Octavian declared war on Antony. The battle soon came to an end: Octavian defeated Antony at Actyum Bay on the west coast of Greece. Antony fled to Egypt, fought Octavian again, lost again, and committed suicide. Cleopatra committed suicide. The younger Caesar was mercilessly killed by Octavian so as not to affect his status as Caesar's only heir.

Title after title

Battle of Aktim After that Octavian had cleared away all obstacles to his advance. After years of civil war, Rome was almost lawless, but it did not want to accept an absolute monarch. Octavian was clever. First, he disbanded the army and called elections. As a result Octavian was elected consul, i.e Roman Republic The highest administrator of... In 27 BC, he officially declared that he would return to power curia And withdraw their forces from Egypt. The Senate not only rejected his request, but granted him the right Spain , Gaul , Syria These were the three most powerful provinces of Rome. Then the Senate awarded him the" Oh, Augustus The title of Augustus. The name is associated with ancient religion and is said to be etymologically derived from auctoritas (authority) and related to the spiritual practice of augur. In the religious beliefs of the people of the time, this title meant that the holder had authority beyond man and that no constitution could define the nature of his status. Moreover, this particular method used to consolidate Octavian's power separated his coming monarchy from the reign of terror he had enjoyed as an individual. In addition, he was also confirmed as a lifelong Tribune, chief priest in religious affairs, and received such lofty honors as "Father of the Nation" and "Grand Marshal". He also modestly referred to himself as the first citizen of Rome, the Fuhrer [8] .
These things were unusual in the Roman political tradition. Yet at that time curia It is no longer the Senate of the nobles who assassinated Caesar. Antony and Octavian had cleansed the Senate of the dissenting powers and filled it with their followers. Octavian knows that pretor Does not guarantee his absolute power. In 23 BC, he resigned his position as governor to take up two other posts.
A surname Tribune As a tribunicia potestas, he could intervene with the Senate at will and make decisions before it. Since the tribunals usually dealt with civil affairs, this further consolidated his power.
The second is the "imperium proconsulare maius" (power above that of the governors), which gives him supreme authority over any matter of territorial administration. Augustus is believed to have donned the yellow robe in 23 BC. However, he still uses it First citizen The title of Princeps. In 13 BC, Rapida Die, Augustus Plus." pontiff Pontifex Maximus [9] .

Rule Rome

Augustus seized power with great boldness, and ruled Rome with great prudence. Rome gave him near-absolute power, and he gave Rome forty years of domestic peace and growing prosperity, according to history. Pax romana (Pax Romana). He created Rome's first standing army (including a navy) and stationed legions on the borders to prevent them from interfering in internal affairs. Separately found Lifeguard The Praetorian Guard defended Gyeonggi Province and the emperor himself. He also reformed Roman finance and taxation [10] .
Augustus did not start a major war. The Northern Spanish Mountain Campaign of 26 to 19 BC ended in a successful conquest of the region. Go through Gaul Riots repeated, and the Alpin region was conquered. The Roman empire expanded to Danube The natural territory of the province of Galatia was occupied by Rome. In A.D. 9, Ambush in the Teutoburg forest Rome lost. From Rome to the west Germanic The expansion stopped. Thereafter he accepted Rhine for empire The final boundary. In the east, Rome annexed Armenia and Caucasian And the expansion was halted The Parthian Empire The border.
The statue of Octavian
In domestic affairs, Augustus used the great wealth he had amassed from the Empire to provide favorable treatment to the army; He decorated the capital and entertained the citizens of Rome. He boasted that "a city of bricks became a city of marble in my hands." He built the new Senate House (Curia), built Temple of Apollo With the Temple of Julius. He also built a shrine near the Circus Maximus. It is reported that the Capitoline temple and the Pompeian Theatre (which was not named at the time of its construction) were both built by Augustus. He established a Ministry of Communications and completed a vast network of communications, trade and postal services in the Empire. Augustus also founded the world's first fire brigade. It has also established a regular police force in Rome. Roman rulers were generally ignorant of economics, and Augustus was no exception. Roman emperors, including Augustus, spent the heavy taxes they collected from agriculture on armies, temples, and entertainment. Once the empire was no longer expanding and there were no war spoils, the economy began to stagnate and eventually decline. The reign of Augustus is seen in this light as the high point of imperial power and prosperity. Augustus tried to revive agriculture by placing veterans into farming, but with little success. The capital is still dependent on food imports from Egypt.
Augustus strongly encouraged the worship of Roman gods, especially Apollo . It describes Rome's victory over Egypt as the victory of the Roman gods over the Egyptian gods. Its patronage Virgil The aim of Aeneid was to enhance the prestige of Rome's ancestors. Augustus also reorganized the world, praising marriage, family and procreation; Attacking extravagance, extravagant marriages, promiscuity and adultery.
Augustus was also a patron of the arts. He gained popular support by entertaining and celebrating his own and his family's festivals. When Augustus died, it was impossible for Rome to return to the republic, and the only question was who would succeed him.

Succession of power

Augustus' control of power, throughout the empire, was so absolute that he was allowed to appoint his own successor, and the democratic habits of Rome since the founding of the Republic were abandoned and ridiculed. At first he favoured his sister's son Marcellus, who had married Augustus' daughter Julia Caesarice. However, Marcellus died of food poisoning in 23 BC. Historians later blamed the poisoning, and his subsequent death, on Augustus's wife Livia Poison, but it doesn't prove it.
After the death of Marcellus, Augustus married his daughter to his right-hand man, Marcus Agrippa. The two had five children, three sons and two daughters: Gaius Caesar, Lucius Caesar, Vipsania Julia, Agrippina the Great, and Postumus Agrippa, so named because these children were born after the death of Marcus Agrippa. When Augustus adopted the first two children as his own sons, he clearly planned to make them his heirs. Augustus loved his adopted son very much. His children from Livia's first marriage, Nero Claudius Dulusus Germanicus and Tiberius Claudius, were also highly regarded by Augustus, who sent them to conquer a large part of Germania.
In 12 BC Agrippa After her death, Livia's son Tiberi divorced his wife and married Agrippa's widow . Tiberi shared Augustus' tribunalty, but soon retired. After the deaths of Guy and Luci in 4 BC and 2 BC respectively, and the death of his brother Dulusus in 9 BC, Tiberi was recalled to Rome and adopted by Augustus.
Augustus died on August 19, 14 AD. Bostums Agrippa and Tiberi had been designated as joint heirs. However, Bostums was banished and executed shortly thereafter. It is not known who ordered his execution, but for Tiberi it cleared the way for him to inherit power.

Administrative measures


Military affairs

Octavian fought many successful battles in the civil war, which is not unrelated to the characteristics of his rule. First, as a highly developed Slave state Rome had a high economic level, material wealth, and a thriving population, and the physical quality of the army was naturally beyond the reach of his enemies. On this basis, Octavian paid attention to the training of the army, after many years of warfare, the army has rich combat experience, superb combat strategy, high physical quality, so that the enemy is losing. In addition, Octavian attached great importance to the acquisition and improvement of military equipment, which provided the material basis for the combat effectiveness of the army. In addition, Octavian himself had an intelligent mind and was adept at military strategy. Able to provide effective solutions to different conflicts. In terms of terrain observation, Octavian was good at detecting favorable terrain and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of stationed position, so that the army could occupy the "geographical position". Finally, Octavian's military strategy is rich, can provide a variety of combat methods, not adhere to the traditional mode of combat, execution ability is strong, the goal is firm. Therefore, this is an offensive annihilation strategy characterized by aggressive, decisive action and annihilation of the enemy's effective forces. In terms of military strategy, Octavian was good at using the strategy of division and isolation. He used extraordinary strategies to make the number of the enemy large. At the same time, in order to isolate and divide the enemy, Octavian used strategies and schemes to divide and disintegrate other tribes that were numerically superior but were too timid [11] .
In 27 BC, the Senate granted him the majority of the army that was then stationed there Syria "Provincial Inspectorate of military affairs", near Spain and northern Mountain Gaul, for a period of ten years, which was later extended. Octavian, with his superior organizational skills and the introduction of a more fixed system of remuneration, gradually established strict discipline in the army. "He has made the command of the army completely subordinate to the Fuhrer himself, and all the soldiers must realize that only Augustus is in charge of the army, and that only he can decide on the promotion of every man." [12] All serving officers are his subordinates.
During the reign of David, Rome was equipped with A standing army . In addition, Octavian also created the Praetorian Guard to ensure the security of the monarchy. Finally, Octavian reformed the military system, and from then on the Roman army became famous in the world [11] .


  • Pay attention to the people's will
Although Octavian attached great importance to military rule, he also implemented a populist policy among the people and implemented a benevolent government, which won the hearts of the people of the Roman Empire. The people have been the foundation of the state since ancient times, and Octavian's accession to the throne is not only the embodiment of his own ability, but also the hope of the people for the era of peace.
in Roman Civil War During the period, Octavian implemented the policy of benevolence and justice. The performance of the policy is mainly in the following aspects: First, Octavian gave amnesty to the whole world, cancelled all the special instructions, and the people got a comfortable living environment and no longer worried about the war. This measure of Octavian captured the hearts of many people. Second, Octavian's reign was characterized by his willingness to delegate power, and he "succeeded in regularizing provinces and armies by placing them under the control of a subservient wage class." Third, Octavian was good at making friends with other countries, and for countries such as Italy, which participated in the Egyptian war, he "helped them with gifts, beautified them with new buildings, and devised for them a method of mailing stamps." [13]
  • Principate politics
Oh, Augustus
The economic development of Rome also needed to be supported by a matching political system. In the Roman Empire at that time, the original political system had become a hindrance to economic development and limited economic progress. Octavian, mindful of what was at stake, reformed the political system. Octavian created the principate in the Roman Empire, dictating military, economic, religious and other aspects, which is also known as the "monarch in the guise of democracy" in history. Under the implementation of the principate system, the economy of the Roman Empire made rapid progress, conforming to the development of The Times, and the Roman Empire became one of the few powerful empires in the world in a certain period. This is not only the vision of a monarch, but also the wise action of a generation of heroes [11] .
Octavian's Principate system Be at republicanism On the ruins of the building of about a new type of state administration, he transformed the old institutions to use the old institutions, but also gave them a lot of new jumping power. In the central government of Rome, a power system centered on the head was formally formed, which is the fundamental difference between the head system and the republic system. An important body subordinate to the Fuehrer is the Fuehrer's Council of Advisers which is made up of fifteen senior officials and officials Grand old man It was formed to discuss draft resolutions to be submitted to the Senate and to advise the Fuhrer, but it had a lot of arbitrariness and was a temporary body, whose members changed at any time according to the needs of the Fuhrer. There is also a complex administration under the Fuehrer, which includes the Central Office subordinate to the Fuehrer and its many official posts. The Central Office was the organization that dealt with Octavian's family affairs, including the consumer agent, secretary, doctor, cook, and so on. Other scattered agencies are the food supply Committee, the Highway Committee, the supply and demand Committee, the river management committee and so on [14] .
  • Local administration
In the local organization of Rome, the function of the province was crucial. Province means to be Roman The conquered regions enjoyed a great deal of autonomy. During the principate period, the administrative institutions of the provinces were strengthened and improved. Octavian gave the Senate control over the provinces that had been conquered earlier, more stable and more Romanized, and over the provinces that had been conquered later and more unstable. The governor of a province is the chief executive of the province, whose main responsibility is to collect taxes and administer justice. Under the Governor, there is a team of part-time administrators who work with the Governor, just like amateur administrators. In addition to the Governor and his team, there is also a very important official post - Inspector of Finance, which is a permanent official post, responsible for overseeing the governor's financial and tax work. Another important administrative body in the province is the provincial council, whose functions include two aspects: one is to hold religious ceremonies and perform the task of worship of the head of state; The second is to monitor the governors of the provinces, which is probably the intention of the head of state to establish the council [15] .


Octavian also played an active role in the construction of city-states and facilities. In the Roman city, Octavian carried out repairs to the capital and set up many recreational activities to enrich the general leisure life of civil aviation. Octavian famously said, "A city of bricks has become a city of marble in my hands." [16] In addition, Octavian built a new Senate house and built the Temple of Apollo and the Temple of Julius.
In terms of urban transportation, Octavian created the Ministry of Transportation and developed a large and convenient transportation network in conjunction with urban planning. This great measure made Rome a great advance in communications. From then on, Rome was no longer a closed city-state, but a bustling metropolis with extensive connections. Finally, Octavian created a regular police force within the city to maintain social order when the city prospered [17] .


Octavian's protection of Roman culture reached an unprecedented level, and during his reign he protected poets, artists, sculptors, and architects. With Octavian's support, this reign became the golden age of Roman culture [11] .

Character evaluation

Immediately after Octavian's death, he was included in the ranks of the gods and was deified. The god Augustus has always been an idol of the Romans. So you can still see many beautiful statues and busts of Augustus. The tomb of Augustus also originally had a bronze column inscribed with "Res Gestae Divi Augusti" (the works of the god Augustus).
The statue of Octavian
Octavian is considered by many to be the greatest emperor of Rome. His policies undoubtedly greatly extended the life of Rome and ushered in the great age of Rome, namely" Pax romana (or "The Peace of Augustus"). Augustus was graceful, dignified, alert, perceptive, capable of making big decisions, and a very cunning political genius. But he was not as radiant as his adoptive father Caesar or his rival Antony. Augustus was not as famous as these two men. Although he is more often conflated with Julius Caesar, his legacy has outlasted those of the other two.
Looking back on the reign of Augustus and his legacy to Rome, his longevity cannot be overlooked as one of the key factors in the longevity of the imperial system begun by him. Apart from the Principate, its subjects knew no other system. Had he died earlier (say, in 23 BC), things might have been very different. The years of civil war during the oligarchic period of the Roman Republic and the longevity of Augustus were decisive factors in the transformation of Rome from a republic to a monarchy. [10] Augustus's personal sophistication, patience, finesse, and his immense political popularity also played a part. His creation influenced future imperial policy in many ways: maintenance A standing army And the army in the border, the principle and way of imperial succession, the use of the emperor's funds to decorate the capital. His most important legacy was to give the institutions that would sustain the peace and prosperity of the Empire for the next two hundred years. In imperial times, his behavior was held up as a model of good governance.

Anecdotal allusion


Statue of lightning strike

There are many legends about the miracle of Augustus, one of the more common is that when Augustus was seriously ill, the statue of Augustus was struck by lightning, causing the letter "C" in the name of Caesar to be separated from aesar, which means god in some minority languages, and Augustus died 40 days later, It caters to the letter C (representing the number 40), and Augustus' dream before his death that he was carried out of the room by forty young knights also caters to this number, of course, more boring is that Augustus died, carrying him is indeed 40 knights.

All roads lead to Rome

Octavian ruled Rome for 43 years until his death in AD 14. For nearly 200 years after this, Rome was politically stable and had relatively great economic and cultural development, which was called the "Pax Romana" period. The roads connected the various parts of the Roman Empire into a whole, and Rome was the center of the Empire. " All roads lead to Rome The proverb vividly describes the prosperous traffic and commerce of the Roman Empire at that time [18] .

Family member

Biological father
Gaius Octavian
Foster father
Julius Caesar
Ben was his great-uncle and later his adoptive father
Atia, Caesar
A half-sister
Big House Big Via
Born to his father and ex-wife Ankaria
Same father and sister
Big Via the cabin
She later married Mark Antony
Claudia Puerta
Adopted daughter of Mark Antony
The aunt of Sextus Pompey's wife
Livia Drusula
Sons and daughters
Tiberius Nero
Second Emperor, adoption
Biological child
Julia Caesaris
Born of Scriponia
Gaius Caesar
Lucius Caesar

Major work

Augustus wrote the Book of Merits ( Index reruma se gestarum ), commonly known as the Narrative ( Res Gestae ).
Augustus also wrote a number of literary works, which did not survive, including an autobiography and a poem about Sicily His poems, satirical short poems and parts of a tragedy, the latter of which he destroyed. At the time of Tiberius' accession, many provinces imitated copies of the Book on stone, and much of it survived, known as the Monumentum Ancyranum.

Film and television image

Production time
Movie and television play
The year 1934
" Cleopatra "
Ian Keith
USA, UK, Switzerland
The year 1963
The year 1999
Spain, Italy
The year 2003